Description:3. Enchantment (2002)Ever since Darius toyed with him using magic, scientist Dr. Jack Montgomery has worked to find away to disrupt the flow. Now just over two years has lapsed since Jack first tasted magic and hated his lack of control due to it. He feels her has found the means to void spells. Her first choice would have been a man with magical abilities, but being a lightweight genie, Leila settles on intelligence and chooses Jack from a picture she saw of him in her homeland. Leila spins an attraction spell that makes her an alluring 10+, but that does not work as much as the passion Jack feels from looking at her. Jack and Leila kiss, but when the sparks settle and the lips reluctantly separate, a whirlpool spins them into the land of the Djinn. Jack must use other means besides his logical earth physics-based mind if they are to survive until he finds his powerful brother-in-law. As he falls in love with his companion, Jack wonders if his feelings are real or part of a spell cast by Leila.