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PACIFLIINCG UISTICS C Series- 1 14 DnNANGA ND DJINBA - AG RAMMATICALA ND mSTORICAPLE RSPECTIVE BrucEe. W aters DepartmeonftL inguistics ResearScchh ooolfP acifSitcu dies THE AUSTRALIANN ATIONALU NIVERSITY Waters, B.E. Djinang and Djinba A Grammatical and Historical Perspective. C-114, xvi + 421 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1989. DOI:10.15144/PL-C114.cover ©1989 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A sealang.net/CRCL initiative. PACIFILCI NGUISTIiCsiS s sutehdr outghheL inguiCsitriccol feC anberarnadc onsiosft s fousre ries: SERIEAS: OccasiPoanpaelr s SERIECS: B ooks SERIEBS: M onographs SERIESD :S pecPiualb lications FOUNDINEGD ITORS:. AW.u nn EDITORIBAOLA RD:T .ED.u ttoMn.,DR .o ss, TDr.yTo.n EDITORIAADLV ISERS: B.WB.ender H.MPc.K aughan UniveorfHs aiwtayi i UniveorfHs aiwtayi i DavBirdad ley P.M iihlhl1usler LaT roUben iversity BonUdn iversity MichaCelly nGe. G.NO'.G rady MonaUsnhi versity UniveorfVs iicttyBo .rCi.a , S.EHl.b ert A.KP.aw ley UniveorfHs aiwtayi i UniveorfAs uictkyl and KJF.r alnikn K.LPi.k e SummIenrs toifLt iuntgeu istics SummIenrs tiotfLu itneg uistics W.WG.l over E.CPo.l ome SummIenrs toifLt iuntgeu istics UniveorfTs eixtays G.WG.race GilSlainakno ff UniveorfHs aiwtayi i Univeorfs niPntesyy lvania M.A.HKa.l liday W.A.SLt.o khof UniveorfSs yidtnye y UniveorfLs eiitdye n E.H augen B.KT'.s ou HarvUarndi versity CiPtoyl ytoecfHh onniKgco ng A.H ealey E.MU.h Ienbeck Summer IonfLs itnigtuuitset ics UniveorfLs eiitdye n L.AH.e rcus J.w.VMe.rh aar AustrNaaltiiaUonnn iavle rsity DivWionreId n stMiatduatneg, JohLny nch ClV.oo rhoeve UniveorPfsa iptNuyea wG uinea UniveorfLs eiitdye n K.AM.c Elhanon SummIenrs toifLt iuntgeu istics Allc orresponcdoenncceern iPnAgC IFILCI NGUISTIiCnSc,l udoirndgea rnsds ubscriptions, shoubel add dressed to: PACIFILCI NGUISTICS DepartomfeL nitn guistics ReseaSrcchho oofPl a ciSfitcu dies TheA ustralian UNnaitvieornsailt y .C anberAr.aC,.2 T6.10 Australia Copyri©g ThhteA uthor FirPsutb lis1h89e9d TypesbeyAt n ne Rees Mapdsr awbnyT heBoa umann PrinbtyeA d. N.PUr.i ntSienrgv ice Bounbdy A driaBtoiock binPdteLyrt sd Thee ditaorreis n debttoet dh Aeu straNlaitaino Unnailv erfsoiarts ys istiantn hcpeer oduction oft hisse ries Thipsu blicwaatismo and peo ssibbyal nei nitgiraaflnr to tmh Heu ntDeoru glFausn d ISS0N0 787-558 ISBN0 858833921 TABLEO FC ONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vi ABBREVIATIONS vii MAPS MAP 1: Locatioonft hDej inapnego polfte h Neo rthern Territory, Australiixa MAP 2:N eighboulrainnggub aoguen daries x MAP 3:D jinacnlgat ne rritories xi MAP 4:D jinasnmgoo tahn dd isjundcitiavlee cts xii MAPS: Djinadnegi cftiocr ms xii MAP 6: Djinanmgo ieties xiii INTRODUCTION xiv CHAPTER1 :P HONOLOGY 1 1.1 Phonemaensdf eatures 1 12. Phonefrmeeq uencies 4 13. Djinadnigal ects 11 1.4 Consoncalnuts ters 13 CHAPTE2R: W ORD CLASSEASN DC ASE 18 21. Descrimpodteilv e 18 2.2 Wordc lasses 21 2.3 Casmea rkers 25 2.4 Pronoaunndsc ase 30 2.5 Deictiacnsdc ase 37 2.6 Interrogativper/oinnodauennftdcsn a istee 43 2.7 Ergatmiavreki ng 48 2.8 Transiatinvdis teym anrtiocl e 54 2.9 AccusaatinvdDe a tivcea ses 61 21.0 Allaticvaes e 67 21.1 Ablaticvaes e 68 21.2 Locaticvaes e 72 21.3 Originactiavsee 76 2.14 Perlactiavsee 79 2.15 Genitciavsee 80 111 IV CHAPTE3R :N ON-CASMEO RPHOLOGAYN DM INORW ORD CLASSES 83 3.1 ProprieAtliiveen,aa bnldPe ri,v ataifvfiex es 83 3.2 PlurPaalu,c Eaxlc,e ssainvdDe y,a daifcf ixes 86 3.3 ArchetyIpnahla,b iatnadTn hte,m aPtirco mineanfficxee s 89 3.4 ¥i..n.shPirpo prieKtiinGv reo,ua pf fiaxnedps a rtgicujlduew 95 3.5 DeicatincdE mphasaifsfi xes 97 3.6 Definiatfefi Ixn,d efianfifitaxen, dF rampea rticlet/iecl i 99 3.7 Contrasctliivatienc dC, o mpletafafix/ptivea rticle 130 3.8 Word-fvmoawle al;D u ratiavnedV ocative 121 3.9 OwnerB,e yon-dm,i naynd - pnigi()a ffixes 171 3.10 Derived avnedDr ibsstri butriedvuep lication 181 3.11 Derivneodu nasn dn ominaliser 127 3.12 Adverbs 192 31.3 Auxilviearrbys 131 3.14 Reducperdo nouns 136 3.15D irectiboiHn iatlhsae nrdm injyiTd hither 104 3.16N egatives 146 3.17 ReciprocaVreflexive/mutpuartiaclliiesn /jyiidn transitiviser 174 3.18C ollecntiovuemn a la 125 3.19 Particlaensdl inks 145 3.02 TemporFaolc ucsl i-tibca 'nn ow''t,h en' 106 CHAPTE4R :V ERBM ORPHOLOGYA NDT IIEF UNCTIONOSF VERBALI NFLECTIONS 166 41. Vercbo njugactliaosns es 176 4.2 Djinvbear mbo rphology 171 4.3 Functioofvn esri bn flections 177 4.4 Future 181 4.5 Presceonntt inaunodyu ess terday past 158 4.6 Pasitn flectiroenmso:pt aes tto,d ay pastp,a scrtoe nmtiontueao nudts o dapya st continuous 188 4.7 Imperaatinvdpe r esenpta sairtnreali ds inflections 191 CHAPTER5 :S YNTAX 159 5.1 Nounp hrases 159 5.2 Thev ercbo mplex 200 5.3 Thec lause 202 5.4 Verblcelsasu ses 209 5.5 Senteanncdhe i ghleerv els 212 TEXTS 218 Tex2t2 (l\1aarnrarrba) 219 Tex2t4 (Malan.gi) 222 Tex3t2 (l\1urrurirl) 231 Tex3t4 (Gigarri) 241 v APPENDIX 1: Dialevcarita tiobentsw eenD jinacnlga ns 248 APPENDIX 2: Diffusiiontn h wee steYrno lngaure a 275 APPENDIX 3: Djinang-Djinba (Ganalbingu) comparative diction2a9ry0 APPENDIX 4: Djinba-Djrienvaenrgcs oemdp aratidviec tionary 353 APPENDIX 5: SomeD jinsbean tednacteaa n dt ext 381 BmLIOORAPHY 404 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thek inadn dg enerhoeulsop ft hAeb origpienoaplal tRe a mingiannidan dgj acent oiust stations gratefauclklnyo wledIgnpe artidc.u lIaw ro ulmde ntimoynp rinctiepaaclh Mearnsb:a rrGairgraar,r i, Merritji, Malana.ngdMi i,l pMuirlrIuhu rarrvraue.l r sbroe nefictoends idefrraobtmlh ywe o rdko ne onD japbuy F rancMeosr phy. Prsetvuidoiiunets sh aer ebay L oweS,c hebeAclkp,h eHre,a th, BuchanMacnK,a ya ndC apehlalv ael scoo ntribumtaendyh elpifnusli gahntdus s efdualt aM.y thangkost oD rH .JK.o cahn dP roRf..M .WD.i xofno ern couragaenmdhe enltp cfoumlm enMtys . thanaklsst oom yw ifGel enaynsdt om yd aughtfeobrres a ringa h wuistbhaa nnddf athwehrow asa virtrueacll fuossree vemroanlt hIsw .o uladl sloi kteot haJnak nEezta rfdoh re hre lpcfoumlm enotns thed ramfatn uscrainpdft o,hr e rw orikn r ewritanidni gm provtihneig n telliogfip bairlotifst y Chapt1e.r vi ABBREVIATIONS A agen(ts yntactic context)D jn Djinang ABL ablat(icvaes e) du duanlu mber ABS absolu(ticvaes e) DUR durati(vfem avlo wel ACC accusative (case) lengthening, biyn. d.)i. c ated ALIEN alienable proprietive (DaYfAfiDx ) kin dyadi(ca ffix) ALL allati(vcea se) EMPH emphas(iasf fix) ARCHE archety(paaflfi x.) ERG ergative (case) ASSOC associati(vcea se) n(odtoo cecsu r ESS ('essiivnee ar'l ipeurb lications, inD jinaonrgD jinba) reanalynsoewda sK INPROP) AUX auxili(avreyr b) exc exclus(iovafed dressee) BEY 'beyon(da'ff ix) EXCE excess(iafvfixe ) Bro brother EXCL exclus(iavfef (iaxc)t ually, reduplicOaRt ceads e) C consonant EXIST existeanstipael(c atu xiliary) CAU causiti(vcea se) CAUS causitive (verbal affixF)a father Ch child FACT factit(ivveer baalf fIX) COL collec(tinvoem inpaartilc le) FRAME constituent-frpaartimcilneg/ clitic (affix) COMIT' comitative FUT futu(rien flection) COMPL completa(tipvartiec le/affIX) GEN geniti(vcea se) CONTR contrasti(vaef fIX) G-DIR goal-directed CRE complerxe fereenxtiparels sion G-TERM goal-terminative (seroifej su xtapoNsPesd) HABIT habitausaple (catu xiliary) DAT dativ(ec ase) HAST hastitaisvpee (catu xiliary) Da daughter HITH 'hithdeirr'e ctiopnaarlt icle DEF anaphodreifcm ite (affIX) (affix) HU human DEIC deictic DELIM delimitfautinvceti (oonTf HPRO IMP imperati(vien flection) clitic) inc inclus(iovafed dressee) DIRECT directio(npaartilc le) INCHO inchoati(vaef fIX) DIS distribu(tirveed uplication)I NCOM incomplet(aptiartivcel e) dj Djadiwictjliabni INDEF indefin(iaftfixe ) Dj Djuwin(gm oiety) INHAB inhabi(taanftfi x) Djb Djinba INSTR instrumen(tcaals e) vii viii INTENS inten(saifvflex /particle)R PI remoptaesi tr re(ailnifsl ection) INTER] interjection S subj(escytn tcaocnttiecx t) INTERM intermaistptee(cnattu xiliarys)g singunluamrb er INTERR interrogativep/irnodneoflunni Stie sister 10 indiorbejcet(c sty ntcaocnttiecx tS)o son Irreg irreg(uvlearrb ) SPEC speci(fIoscrp ecinfalmce d) KINGRP kignr oup (afflx) loca(laiftfIyx ) KINPROP kinsphriopp ri(eatfiflvxe) TEMP tempofruanlc titoenm;p oral LOC locati(vcea se) mark(eordn e icsttiecmc )a;si en othYeo rl nglua nguages Mo mother TF temporal( cfloic(tuwishc a)t NEG negati(vpearti cle) Morphcya l'lIsM mediate') NF non-fl(naainlv oweclh anges THEMSR themati(sveerr abfafllx ) toa ) TmTH 'thither' directpiarotniacll e NMLSR nominaliser THPRO themaptriocm ine(ncclei tic) NOM nomina(ticvaes e) TPA todapays (ti nflection) NP noupnh rase TPC todpaays cto ntinu(oiunsfl ection) TPI todpaays itrr ea(liinsfl ection) 0 obje(csty cnttciaco ntext) TRVSR transitiviser OBL oblique (afflx) OR origin(actaisvee) UNM unmark(euds teodi ndicfaotrem s OWN owne(ra ffIx) inc itaftioornm ) PAUC paucnaulm be(ra ffii.x'e)a.f e w' V vowel PERF perfec(tipvaer ticle) VC vercbo mplex PERL perlative (case) VOC vocativ(ew ord-vflonwaell pI plurnaulm ber( semantic change) category) Y Yirrmiotjiae ty PL plurnaulm be(ra fflx) YPA yesterda(yi npflaesctt ion) POT poten(tDijailvn ebraib n flection)Y PC yestepradsactyo ntinuous PRES presceonntt in(uionuflse ction) (inflec)ti on PRI presiernrte (ailnifsl ection) YPI yestepradsaityr re(ailnifsl ection) PRIV priva(tiavfefl x) as eparianct hoarr ascetqeure nces PROG progreassspiev(ceat u xiliary) whetnh ecyo ulodt herwbies e PROM promine(nacfefl x) interpreted ambiguously PROP propri(eatifvflex ) PURP purpos(imvoerp hological + morphemboeu ndary construction) (portmanotrue nacul eoartr h)e; positivvael oufea f eature RAMBL rambliatisvpee( catu xiliary) RECIP reciprocaVreflexive/mutualis/m orphebomuen dary intransiti(vpiasretri cle) (unambigourot uhsne)e ;g ative REDUP reduplication valoufea f eature RED-PRO reducperdo noun 1 firspte rson RPA remoptaes (ti nflection) RPC remoptaesc to ntinuous 2 secopnedr son (inflection) 3 thipredr son ARAFURA SEA . - GULF OF CARPENTARIA o 100 , ' . Kilometres, MAP 1:L OCAn ONO FT HE DJINANG PEOOPFTL HEE NORTHERTNE RRIYTO,AR USTRALIA IX x o 10 20 , , , ARAFURA SEA Kilometres .......... RITHARRNGU � MAP 2:N EIGHBOULRINAGN GUABGOEU NDARIES

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