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Divisia Monetary Aggregates This page intentionally left blank Divisia Monetary Aggregates Theory and Practice Edited by Michael T. Belongia Hearin-Hess Professor of Economics and Finance University of Mississippi, USA and Jane M. Binner Senior Lecturer in Finance Department of Finance and Business Information Systems Nottingham Business School, UK Selection and editorial matter © Michael T. Belongia and Jane M. Binner 2000 Introduction and Chapter 13 © Michael T. Belongia 2000 Chapter 3 © Leigh Drake, K. Alec Chrystal and Jane M. Binner 2000 Chapters 1, 2, 4–12 © Palgrave Publishers Ltd 2000 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2000 978-0-333-64744-8 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 0LP. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. The authors have asserted their rights to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published 2000 by PALGRAVE Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS and 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10010 Companies and representatives throughout the world PALGRAVE is the new global academic imprint of St. Martin’s Press LLC Scholarly and Reference Division and Palgrave Publishers Ltd (formerly Macmillan Press Ltd). ISBN 978-1-349-39614-6 ISBN 978-0-230-28823-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1057/9780230 288232 This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Divisia monetary aggregates : theory and practice / edited by Michael T. Belongia and Jane M. Binner. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Money supply—Mathematical models—Congresses. I. Belongia, Michael T. II. Binner, Jane M., 1961– HG226.3 .D58 2000 332.4'6—dc21 99–054660 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Contents List of Figures vii List of Tables ix Notes on the Contributors xii Introductory Comments, De®nitions, and Research on Indexes of Monetary Services Michael T. Belongia 1 Part I New Results in Theory and Practice 1 Beyond the Risk-neutral Utility Function William A. Barnett and Yi Liu 11 2 Neural Networks with Divisia Money: Better Forecasts of Future In¯ation? Robert E. Dorsey 28 Part II Evidence from European Economies and the Planned EMU Area 3 Weighted Monetary Aggregates for the UK Leigh Drake, K. Alec Chrystal and Jane M. Binner 47 4 Weighted Monetary Aggregates for Germany Heinz Herrmann, Hans-Eggert Reimers and Karl-Heinz Toedter 79 5 Simple-sum versus Divisia Money in Switzerland: Some Empirical Results Robert Fluri and Erich Spoerndli 102 6 Weighted Dutch and German Monetary Aggregates: How Do They Perform as Monetary Indicators for the Netherlands? Norbert G. J. Janssen and Clemens J. M. Kool 120 7 Divisia Aggregates and the Demand for Money in Core EMU Martin M. G. Fase 138 Part III Evidence from the Paci®c Basin 8 Broad and Narrow Divisia Monetary Aggregates for Japan Kazuhiko Ishida and Koji Nakamura 173 v vi Contents 9 The Signals from Divisia Money in a Rapidly Growing Economy Jeong Ho Hahm and Jun Tae Kim 200 10 Divisia Monetary Aggregates for Taiwan Yen Chrystal Shih 227 11 Weighted Monetary Aggregates: Empirical Evidence for Australia G. C. Lim and Vance L. Martin 249 Part IV Evidence from North America 263 12 The Canadian Experience with Weighted Monetary Aggregates David Longworth and Joseph Atta-Mensah 265 13 Consequences of Money Stock Mismeasurement: Evidence from Three Countries Michael T. Belongia 292 Index 313 List of Figures 2.1 Arti®cial neural network used for model 1 35 2.2 M1 AR model forecast (92Q1 to 94Q1 out-of sample) 39 2.3 M2 AR model forecast (92Q1 to 94Q1 out-of sample) 40 2.4 Divisia M1 AR model forecast (92Q1 to 93Q4 out-of sample) 40 2.5 Divisia M2 AR model forecast (92Q1 to 93Q4 out-of sample) 41 3.1 Divisia M4 and Bank of England Divisia M4 51 3.2 Divisia M4 and simple-sum M4 aggregates 52 3.3 Annual growth rates of Divisia M4 and simple-sum M4 (quarterly data) 53 3.4 Velocity of circulation indices for Divisia and simple-sum M4 53 3.5 Sixteen-quarter ECM forecasts of Divisia M4 and actual Divisia M4 62 3.6 Sixteen-quarter ECM forecasts of simple-sum M4 and actual simple-sum M4 62 3.7 CUSUMSQ test statistic for Divisia M4 ECM 63 3.8 CUSUMSQ test statistic for simple-sum M4 ECM 63 3.9 Annual growth rates of Divisia and simple-sum M4 (lagged 2 years) and the annual rate of price in¯ation 68 3.10 Divisia M4 growth (lagged 2 years), base rate and in¯ation 69 3.11 LRGDP responses to money shocks 74 3.12 LGDPDEF responses to money shocks 74 3.13 TBR responses to money shocks 75 4.1 Shares of the components of M3 86 4.2 Interest rates 88 4.3 Share values around mean 89 4.4 Monetary aggregates 90 5.1 Divisia M2 versus simple-sum M2 104 5.2 Simple-sum M1 versus Divisia M2 (old) 105 7.1 In¯ation in Germany plus Benelux, using DM and US$ exchange rates 148 8.1 Simple-sum and Divisia M1 indices 176 8.2 Growth rate of simple-sum and Divisia M1 (year-to-year) 176 8.3 Velocity of simple-sum and Divisia M1 (trend: I Q/69±I Q/94) 178 8.4 Simple-sum and Divisia M2‡CDs Indices 179 8.5 Growth rate of simple-sum and Divisia M2‡CDs (year-to-year) 179 8.6 Velocity of simple-sum and Divisia M2‡CDs (trend: I Q/69±I Q/94) 180 8.7 Vellcity gap and holding cost of Divisia M2‡CDs 181 8.8 Simple-sum and Divisia L indices 182 vii viii List of Figures 8.9 Growth rate of simple-sum and Divisia L (year-to-year) 183 8.10 Velocity of simple-sum and Divisia L (trend: IQ80±IVQ93) 184 8.11 Simple-sum and Divisia A1 indices 185 8.12 Velocity of simple-sum and Divisia A1 (trend: IQ80±IVQ93) 185 8.13 Simple-sum and Divisia A2 indices 186 8.14 Velocity of simple-sum and Divisia A2 (trend: IQ80±IVQ93) 187 8.15 Results of stepwise Chow test (F-value) simple-sum M1 189 8.16 Results of stepwise Chow test (F-value) Divisia M1 189 8.17 Results of stepwise Chow Test (F-value) simple-sum M2‡CDs 192 8.18 Results of stepwise Chow Test (F-value) Divisia M2‡CDs 192 8.19 Extrapolation test for money demand function of simple-sum M2‡CDs 193 8.20 Extrapolation test for money demand function of Divisia M2‡CDs 194 8.21 Extrapolation test for money demand function of simple-sum M2‡CDs with wealth variable 195 9.1 Levels and growth rates of SM2A and DM2A 213 9.2 Levels and growth rates of SM2 and DM2 213 9.3 Levels and growth rates of SM2B and DM2B 214 9.4 Levels and growth rates of SM3 and DM3 214 9.5 Velocities of SM2A and DM2A 215 9.6 Velocities of SM2 and DM2 215 9.7 Velocities of SM2B and DM2B 216 9.8 Velocities of SM3 and DM3 216 10.1 The representative rates of return on monetary assets 233 10.2 Movements in money growth 235 10.3 Velocities of monetary aggregates 237 10.4 Recursive estimated coef®cients of real GNP 243 11.1 Subordinate monetary aggregates 251 11.2 Monetary aggregates: unweighted and weighted 252 11.3 Velocity: unweighted and weighted 253 11.4 A test for bimodality 257 11.5 Density snapshots of log (D6/P): 1984:7±1993:12 258 12.1 The four-quarter growth rates of the monetary aggregates 273 12.2 Rolling Chow tests for simple-sum monetary aggregates 285 12.3 Rolling Chow tests for Fisher Ideal monetary aggregates 286 13.1 Growth of simple-sum and Divisia CE, and Divisia M2 plus (USA: 1980Q1±1992Q4) 302 13.2 Growth of simple-sum and Divisia M3, and Divisia WS3 (Germany: 1980Q1±1990Q1) 303 13.3 Simple-sum and Divisia M2‡CDs, and Divisia WS2 (Japan: 1980Q1±1991Q2) 304 List of Tables 2.1 Forecast errors, 1970±1982 32 2.2 Mean absolute CPI forecast errors, 1986Q1±1991Q3 32 2.3 Root mean squared errors of in-sample forecasts 37 2.4 Out-of-sample forecast errors 38 3.1 Order of integration tests 55 3.2 Summary of Johansen cointegration results for Divisia M4 normalised coef®cients 56 3.3 Johansen cointegration results for simple-sum M4 normalised coef®cients 57 3.4 Johansen cointegration results for Divisia M4 incorporating both real GDP and real TFE 59 3.5 St Louis equation: non-nested tests 65 3.6 Cointegration results for the `causality vector' based on the maximal eigenvalue of the stochastic matrix 67 3.7 Granger causality tests 69 3.8 Vector autoregressive models: Simple-sum M4 71 3.9 Vector autoregressive models: Divisia M4 72 4.1 Aggregation and weighting schemes of monetary assets 83 4.2 Expenditure on monetary services, 1989 (DM bn) 84 4.3 Weighted monetary aggregates 85 4.4 Long-run money demand equations (m ± p) 92 4.5 Dynamic money demand equations (4(m ± p)) 92 4.6 Dynamic price equations in four-period differences (4p) 95 4.7 Forecast errors of the in¯ation rate (1987:1 to 1993:4) 97 5.1 Test results of equation pt ˆ c ‡  pt�1 ‡ 11  mt�11 ‡ " t 108 Ph Pj 5.2 Test results of equation yt ˆ c ‡ i  yt�i ‡ i  pt�i Pk Pl iˆ1 iˆ1 ‡ i  rb;t�i ‡ i  mt�i ‡ " t 109 iˆ1 iˆ1 5.3 VECM with lags 1 to 4 plus lag 11 for s of m, p, y, rb plus rta for M1a and error correction term (coingegrating equation), including a constant term but no deterministic trend 111 5.4 Keynesian model 113 5.5 ADF-cointegration tests for velocity and bond yield (1977:2±1994:1) 114 6.1 Summary statistics for quarterly growth rates of monetary aggregates (1979:4±1993:4) 125 6.2 Trace and max statistics (1979:4±1993:4) 126 6.3 Exclusion tests in VAR causality regressions (1979:4±1993:4) 128 ix

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