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Diving Behavior and Foraging Areas of the Neotropic Cormorant at a Marine Colony in Patagonia, Argentina PDF

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Preview Diving Behavior and Foraging Areas of the Neotropic Cormorant at a Marine Colony in Patagonia, Argentina

Wilson Bulletin, 116(1), 2004, pp. 83—88 DIVING BEHAVIOR AND FORAGING AREAS OF THE NEOTROPIC CORMORANT AT A MARINE COLONY IN PATAGONIA, ARGENTINA FLAVIO QUINTANA,!5 pabLO YORIO,' NORA LISNIZER,^ ALEJANDRO GATTO,^ AND CASPAR SORIA^ — ABSTRACT. The Neotropic Cormorant {Phalacrocorax brasilianus) is a widespread and abundant species distributed throughout the Neotropics. We reporton diving behaviorand foraging areasofNeotropicCormorants in inshore marine waters of Patagonia, Argentina. Mean dive duration was 18.9 ± 5.3 sec and differed signifi- cantly among birds. Maximum dive duration was 43 sec. Birds spent 58-79% of their time at sea underwater. Mean recovery time at the surface between successive dives was 6.7 ± 1.5 sec, and was also significantly different among individuals. Mean diving efficiency (mean dive duration time/mean recovery time) was 2.6 ± 0.5 (range; 0.5-4.6). We were able to locate birds while feeding on 112 of 215 occasions. Almost 90% of mapped locations (68 feeding trips) were within 2.5 km ofthe colony. However, we did not receive a signal on 103 occasions, suggesting that foraging may also occur in waters outside the inlet where the colony was located. High variability in dive duration and recovery time is congruent with flexible foraging techniques and diet, as Neotropic Cormorants feedon both bottom and pelagic schooling fish. Received8July2003, accepted26March 2004. The Neotropic Cormorant {Phalacrocorax Argentina (De la Pena 1980, Navas 1993). On brasilianus), is widely distributed in the Neo- the marine coasts of Patagonia, it breeds at tropics. The species ranges from the southern twelve sites with a total breeding population ' United States to Cape Horn at the southern estimated at 1,200 pairs (Yorio et al. 1999). I extreme of South America (Orta 1992, Telfair Despite its abundance and broad distribution, and Morrison 1995). Neotropic Cormorants the Neotropic Cormorant has been little stud- I are one of the few cormorant species that oc- ied throughout its range (Telfair and Morrison 1 cupy both freshwater and marine environ- 1995). In Argentina, general aspects of its ments, breeding in inland wetlands, fast-flow- breeding biology and behavior have been de- ing rivers, high-altitude lakes, and on marine scribed for freshwater populations (Bo 1956, I ' shores and islands (Orta 1992). Like other Daneri 1960, Aramburu and Bo 1961, De la i cormorants and shags (see Johnsgard 1993 for Pena 1980, Mosqueira et al. 1987) but rela- a review), they are foot-propelled pursuit-di- tively little has been published on marine pop- ; vers, although they can feed by plunge-diving ulations (Yorio et al. 1994, Quintana et al. under special sea conditions (Duffy et al. 2002b). To date, there is little information on ! 1986, Humphrey and Rasmussen 1988). the feeding ecology of the Neotropic Cormo- In Argentina, the Neotropic Cormorant is a rant, and no available data on diving param- I widespread and abundant species, with colo- eters of birds feeding in freshwater or marine nies reaching up to several thousand individ- environments. Here, we report on the di\ing Lials at some wetlands in northern and central behavior and use of I'oraging areas of this spe- I cies in inshore marine waters of Patagonia, Argentina. ' ' Centro Nacional Patagonico (CONICP7f) and Wildlife Conservation Society, Blvd. Brown 3500, MITHODS (9120) Puerto Madryn, Chubut. Argentina. ^ F^'acultad deCiencias Naturalesy Museo. Univ. Na- During the 2001 breeding .season, we stutl- , cional de I.a Plata (1900), La Plata, Buenos Aires, Ar- ietl the diving behavit)r and determined the gentina. feeding areas of the Neotrojiic C'ormorant at I I ' Lacultad de C'iencias Lxactas y Naturales. Univ. tie a colony of 120 breeding pairs at Isla Vernaci 3B7u0e*0nU.onis(v9.A1i2r0Ne)ascPi(uoCen1rat4lo28MdLaeHdArl)ya,n.PBa(utdeaungioobnsuita,A.iArerBsgI,evntAIt.rigneaBn.tmiwnan. .WS)u,doe(sftleui,bu(t',aleAtragMeantliansapindai(g.451).1 1T'h,iS,s66i°sla3i0u'l 'C'orrespontling author; e-mail; comi^lex is located at the mouth of an inlet quintana^Aenpat.etlu.ar (35 km'; Herrera 1997) where 9 of 16 seabirtl 83 1 84 THE WILSON BULLETIN • Vol. 116, No. I, March 2004 LIG. 1. Loraging locations and density contours (resulting from kernel estimation oflocations) forNeotropic Cormorants breeding at Isla Vernaci Sudoeste (Caleta Malaspina, Argentina), 2001. Contoursencompass 50, 75, and 95% oflocations. species that breed along the Argentine Pata- Receivers were single channel (R161A model. gonian coast have colonies (Yorio et al. 1998). Advanced Telemetry Systems, MN) connected A VHP radio transmitter (Standard model. to hand held 3-element Yagi aerials (Ad- Advanced Telemetry Systems, Bethel, MN) vanced Telemetry Systems). Radio signals was attached to eight adult birds during the disappeared when birds were underwater and late incubation period (29 November). Radios resumed when cormorants resurfaced. It was were fixed to the two central tail feathers us- therefore possible to identify a sequence of ing waterprooftape (Wanless et al. 1998). The dives as a series ofregular breaks in the signal procedure was completed in less than 5 min (see Wanless et al. 1991). Dive duration cor- and the released birds flew directly to sea be- responded to the time interval over which the fore returning to their nests. Mean weight of signal was interrupted and recovery times (the radios was 18.4 g (SD = 0.2, n = 6), approx- interval at the surface between successive imately 1% of adult body mass (mean = 1.65 dives) to the time during which a signal was kg, SD = 0.2, /? = 8 birds). Transmitters did audible. Dive efficiency was defined as the ra- not appear to affect cormorant breeding and tio between mean dive duration and mean re- feeding activities. covery time (Dewar 1924). Birds were radio- Radio signals were monitored from 1 tracked throughout daylight hours between 29 tracking stations separated by 0.7-9.3 km, lo- November and 3 December 2001. cated on shore at 10-50 m above sea-level. Birds were treated individually because dif- Quintana et al. • DIVING BEHAVIOR OF NEOTROPIC CORMORANT 85 TABLE 1. Dive parameters ofNeotropic CormorantsatCaletaMalaspina, Argentina, duringthe 2001 breed- ing season. Meandive Meanrecovery Numberof Trips duration(sec) Maximumdive time^(sec) %time Bird dives recorded ± SD duration(sec) ± SD underwater± SD 14 213 4 15.2 ± 6.9 33 5.0 ± 2.3 69.2 ± 9.2 54 113 2 16.9 ± 4.1 28 6.2 ± 2.2 72.6 ± 3.6 104 6 1 22.8 ± 7.0 30 9.8 ± 1.2 69.9 133 251 5 15.9 ± 8.5 35 6.5 ± 4.0 58.4 ± 17.7 143 95 2 13.4 ± 8.2 30 5.5 ± 3.5 70.2 ± 3.7 153 176 5 28.6 ± 8.9 43 7.1 ± 2.4 79.4 ± 4.4 163 65 1 19.3 ± 6.1 32 6.8 ± 2.5 71.5 Total 919 20 Mean ± SD 18.9 ± 5.3 6.7 ± 1.5 70.2 ± 6.2 “Excludesrecoverytimes>20sec. ferences between birds were significant (one- characterize the spatial distribution of feeding way ANOVA, P < 0.05). Means of diving locations following Wood et al. (2000). We parameters were determined for each individ- defined three categories of activity ranges as ual and then pooled to calculate overall mean the areas encompassing 95, 75, and 50% of values. The use of non-independent observa- locations at sea. tions is valid if the replicates are pooled to estimate a mean value (Hurlbert 1984). RESULTS — Feeding areas were dehned as the locations Diving behavior We recorded 919 dives . where birds dived repeatedly; these were es- from seven incubating birds during 20 feeding timated by triangulation from the direction of trips (Table 1). We were unable to obtain data the radio signals. During feeding trips, and from one of the eight instrumented birds due while birds were at the surface between con- to radio failure. Mean dive duration was 18.9 secutive dives, at least two stations simulta- sec (SD = 5.3, n = 1 birds; Table 1) and mod- neously recorded the direction ofthe most sta- al dive duration was 15-20 sec. Only 3% of ble and strongest signal. Observers at the two the dives {n = 919) were longer than 35 sec tracking stations were in radio contact. To (Fig. 2). Maximum dive duration was 43 sec control for errors, an observer with binoculars and birds spent between 58 and 79% of their aponsditiaonhsa.ndW-eheulsdedaekreiarlnelchdeecnkseidtyaesstaimmaptlees otof ttiiomnedaitffseeraeduanmdeornwgatienrdiv(iTdauballes 1()K.ruDsikvael-dWuarla-- lis H = 252.5, n = 887, P < 0.001 ). Recovery time, excluding prolonged surface intervals (PSI) longer than 20 sec, was 6.7 sec (SD = 1.5, /? = 7 birds; Table 1). PSls ranged from 21 to 199 sec and were infrecpient (3% oftotal surface intervals). Recovery time differed among individuals (Kruskal-Wallis // = 72.3, n = 871, P < O.OOl). Mean diving efficiency was 2.6 ± 0.5 (// = 6 birds). The correlation between dive duration and sub.sequent recov- ery time was low (H = 0.00()3, n = 892. > 0.05). Recovery time increased linearly 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 with duration of the previous dive (Recovery Diveduration(sec) time = 7.0 + 0.02 X Dive duration) but the = Jy'iICni.d2i.ves)Frteocr|uNeenoctyrodpiistcriCb’uotrimoonroafntdsivaet dCuarlaettiaonMsal(/-; sPlo>pe0.w0a5s).low and non-signilicant (/^.m = 0.5, aspina, Argentina. 2001. (.luring the late incubation pe- Both ilive duration and recovery time dif- riod. fered among trips for three birds, while only 86 THE WILSON BULLETIN • Vol. H6, No. I, March 2004 one (either dive duration or recovery time) dives, followed by short intervals at the sur- differed for two other birds (Kruskal-Wallis face. Morrison et al. (1978) reported a similar and Mann-Whitney L/-tests, // > 14 and Z > diving pattern for adult Neotropic Cormorants 3.5, n = 94-236 dives per bird, all P < 0.05). foraging in a freshwater pond in Texas, USA. We excluded two birds (nos. 104 and 163) Diving durations and recovery times of the from the analysis, as only one trip was re- Neotropic Cormorant were markedly shorter corded for each of these birds. than those ofRock Shags (Phalacrocoraxma- In a diving sequence, the birds performed gellaniciis) and Imperial Cormorants {Phala- a general pattern of immersions longer than crocorax atriceps) breeding in the same study the intervals on the surface, except forone trip area. Neotropic Cormorants performed shorter of bird no. 133. Time underwater during for- dives (18.9 sec compared to 47.2 and 94.8 sec aging trips varied from 31 to 84% o—f the time for Rock Shags and Imperial Cormorants, re- at sea, but in 60% of the trips {n 20) the spectively) and spent shorter intervals at the birds foraged underwater more than 70% of surface (6.7 sec compared to 15.5 and 163.6 the time. Within a feeding trip, dive duration sec for the Rock Shag and Imperial Cormo- and recovery time were variable, with CV rant, respectively) (Quintana 1999, Quintana ranging from 13 to 54% and 20 to 252% for et al. 2002a, Sapoznikow and Quintana 2003; dive duration and recovery time, respectively. FQ unpubl. data). — Foraging areas. Both telemetry and ob- While Rock Shags and Imperial Cormo- servational data indicated that Neotropic Cor- rants show a diving pattern that is character- morants from Isla Vernaci Sudoeste fed in in- istic of bottom feeders (Quintana 1999, Quin- shore and shallow waters (<1.3 km from the tana et al. 2002a, Sapoznikow and Quintana coast and <10 m depth) both inside and out- 2003; FQ unpubl. data), the Neotropic Cor- side the inlet. We were able to locate birds morant shows a more flexible diving strategy. while feeding inside the inlet on 112 occa- Wilson and Wilson (1988) suggested that be- sions (52%, 11 = 215). However, we did not sides physiological constraints related to body receive a signal on 103 occasions (48%, n = mass, differences in diving behavior could re- 215) while the birds were absent from the col- flect variation in features of foraging areas ony. Both tagged and untagged individuals such as bathymetry, bottom topography, water were observed outside the inlet diving in in- turbidity, and type and/or availability of prey. shore waters in small bays located at both Because our data from Rock Shags and Im- sides of its mouth. perial Cormorants also come from adult birds Inside the inlet, 71 feeding areas were iden- feeding within Caleta Malaspina during the tified by means of radio telemetry for 68 for- same part of the season, differences in envi- aging trips (three foraging trips included two ronmental characteristics of foraging areas do locations; Fig. 1). We also observed four of not seem to be a plausible explanation for dif- the eight instrumented birds feeding inside the ferences in diving behavior. Rather, differenc- inlet on a total of six occasions (Fig. 1). es in diving depths, foraging techniques, and Eighty seven percent of mapped locations {n diet may best explain dissimilar diving pat- = 71) were within 2.5 km of the colony, near terns found among these three sympatric spe- the mouth ofthe inlet (Fig. 1). During a single cies. trip, cormorants almost invariably used the In our study area. Neotropic Cormorants same foraging area; on only 2 of the 68 trips have been observed foraging individually as did the birds change foraging sites. well as in flocks (FQ pers. obs.); Imperial Cor- morants seldom engage in group foraging and DISCUSSION Rock Shags always forage alone (Quintana et — Diving behavior. Our study presents the al. 2002a, Punta et al. 2003). In addition, even first description of the diving behavior of the when pursuit diving appears to be the usual Neotropic Cormorant in marine waters. Our feeding behavior. Neotropic Cormorants have results show that Neotropic Cormorants dive been observed foraging in flocks by plunge- near the coast in shallow waters. The diving diving in very shallow and coastal waters pattern consisted of extremely short dives not (Duffy et al. 1986, Humphrey and Rasmussen exceeding 20 sec in 97% of the recorded 1988; FQ pers. obs). Similar foraging tech- Quintana et al. • DIVING BEHAVIOR OF NEOTROPIC CORMORANT 87 niques for Neotropic Cormorants also have birds (H. Hernandez pers. comm.). This and been observed in Puerto Deseado, Santa Cruz, other activities, such as mariculture and oc- Argentina (R A. Gandini and E. Frere pers. casional guano harvesting from Imperial Cor- comm.). In accordance with the more flexible morant colonies, also likely affect the foraging foraging strategy shown by Neotropic Cor- behavior and spatial distribution of Neotropic morants in our study area, preliminary data Cormorants. Our study on foraging patterns suggest that their diet includes a higher pro- and locations should help in the definition of portion of surface-schooling fish than that of spatial and temporal harvest zoning schemes the other two cormorant species (Malacalza et and help prevent modification of key feeding al. 1994, 1997; Gosztonyi and Kuba 1998; habitats. Punta et al. 2003; FQ and PY unpubl. data). ACKNOWFEDGMENTS The high within-trip variability in dive dura- tion and recovery time found in Neotropic Research was funded by grants from the Wildlife Cormorants in this study is congruent with Conservation Society, Consejo Nacional de Investi- their flexible foraging techniques and diet. In gaciones CientificasyTecnicas, and Agenciade Prom- Caleta Malaspina, Neotropic Cormorants ap- ocion Cientifica y Tecnologica. We thank R. Vera and M. A. Diaz for field assistance and P. Dell’Arciprete pear to spend time searching for sheltered, but for spatial analysis ofdata. We thank R. C. Telfair, II, predictable, bottom-dwelling prey as well as and two anonymous reviewers for comments that im- pelagic schooling fish when they occur in the proved the manuscript. We also thankCentro Nacional area. This probably results in the variability in Patagonico (CONICET) for institutional support and their diving parameters. A theoretical model Soriano S.A. for logistical support. developed by Gremillet and Wilson (1999) for FITERATURE CITED the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) predicts that cormorant diving parameters are Aramburu, R. H. and N. A. Bo. 1961. 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