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Preview Diversity of Odonata in district Poonch and Sudhnoti of Kashmir valley - Pakistan, with a new record for the country

Halteres.Vol.1.No.1.2009 Diversity of Odonata in District Poonch and Sudhnoti of Kashmir Valley - Pakistan, with a new record for the country Muhammad Ather Rafi\ Muhammad Rafique Khan^ Ahmed Zia^ and Anjum Shehzad^ 1. NationalInsectMuseum, NationalAgriculture Research Centre, Islamabad-Pakistan. (email: [email protected]) 2. UniversityCollegeofAgriculture, Rawalakot-Kashmir (email: [email protected]) 3. National InsectMuseum, NationalAgriculture Research Centre, Islamabad- Pakistan. (email: [email protected]) 4. National InsectMuseum, NationalAgriculture Research Centre, Islamabad-Pakistan. (email: [email protected]) Abstract Detailed surveys were carried out from two districts viz. Poonch and Sudhnoti of Kashmir Valley during summer seasons of 2007 and 2008 to make an updated record of inhabiting Odonata. Ten localities were selected on the basis of variables keeping in view the habitat requirements of Odonata. The present study provides a record of 16 Anisopterous species spreading to 9 genera and 29 Zygopterous species spreading to 14 genera. Among these Lestes patricia is a new record for the country. The distribution, synonymy, richness and abundance of the species are discussed in this paper. The Kashmir Valley is rich in insect biodiversity, the odonate fauna of this valley needs to be further explored. Keywords: Odonata, Poonch, Sudhnoti, Kashmir Valley. Introduction The Kashmirvalleyisthe liberated part Km^, howeverSudhnoti isspreadover569 Km^ ofStateofJammuand Kashmir. Itliesbetween (IPAK. 2008). longitude 73° - 75° and latitude of 33° - 36° Odonates are important predator of and isspread overan areaof 13,297 Km^. The serious pests in terrestrial and aquatic topography is mostly hilly and mountainous ecosystem. They consume noxious flies, alongwithvalleysand plains. Climateishighland mosquitoes, aphids,jassids, bollworms(Fraser, subtropical. Districts Poonch & Sudhnoti are 1933) and black flies (Subramanian, 2005). mostly mountainous and lie at the foot hills of They are good indicator of the condition of Himalayas. District Poonch hasan areaof855 aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (Brown DiversityofOdonatainDistrict Poonchand Sudhnotiof KashmirValley-Pakistan,withanewrecordforthecountry 29 1991). Odonata themselves may also be Museum, Islamabad - Pakistan. The significantprey itemsofbirds, fishesand some preservation methodologywas basedon Borror other invertebrates such as spiders and & White (1970). All the collected specimens predatorycoleopterans (Kapoor, 1985). were identified by running them through Previously, Laidlaw (1915) and Fraser taxonomic keys. The taxonomic literature by (1933-34) reportedodonatafrom subcontinent, Fraser (1933 - 1934), Khaliq (1990) and Kanth(1985), Khaliq (1990). Khaliqetal. (1994), Subramanian (2005) were followed. Voucher Ali(1995), Yousufefa/. (2000)studied Odonata specimens have been deposited in National of different districts of Kashmir valley. Khaliq InsectMuseum NARC-Islamabad. , and Siddique (1995), Khaliq etal. (1990) and Khaliq et al. (1995) studied the odonates of Results Poonch district of Kashmir Valley. However, The study provides a record of 45 species of during theyear 1995, Poonch wasdivided into Odonata including, 16 Anisopterous species two individual parts i.e Poonch and Sudhnoti. identified under9 generaand 3families(Table No significant work has been done on the 1)and29Zygopterousspecies identified under odonate fauna of the area after partition. It is 14 genera and 8 families (Table 2). Among important to know the existing fauna of both Anisoptera, (Trithemispallidinervis) isfirsttime the districts individually. The area has greater recorded from Poonch district. However in biodiversity and is rich in water resources. In Zygoptera (LestespatriciaandL. viridulus) are viewtothis, itwasplannedtoextensivelyexplore firsttimereportedfrom boththedistricts.Among the Odonata ofPoonch and Sudhnoti to make these, Lestes patricia (Zygoptera) is a new an updatedand authentic record. record for country's Zygopterous fauna. Richness of species (Fig. 2) was observed, Materials and Methods which showsthat 45speciesofOdonatawere Five sites (Fig.1.) were selected each recorded from district Poonch. However from from the district Poonch and Sudhnoti of Sudhnoti, 37 species were collected. KashmirValley. Thesiteswereselected on the Abundance ofspecies (Fig. 3) was also taken basis of variables which may be important into consideration, showing Orthetrum according to Clark and Samway (1996) in triangularetriangulare(Anisoptera),Agriocnemis influencing the distribution of adult Odonata. pygmaea (Zygoptera) as one of the most Among Poonch [Datot (L1), Hajira (L2), common, abundant and widely distributed Rawalakot (L3), Banjosa (L4), Abbaspur (L5)] species ofthe area, recorded from seven and andSudhnoti[Tattapani(L6), Palandri(L7),Azad ninelocalitiesrespectively.AmongstAnisoptera Pattan (L8), Goraha (L9) and Tararkhal (L10)] {Anaxnigrolineatus)andZygoptera(Ceriagrion were surveyed during the summer season of cerinorubellum) appearto be less common or twoconsecutiveyears (2006 &2007). even rareandwererecordedfromsinglelocality Methods of sampling were based on only. Due to lot of topographic diversity and Wahizatul-Afzan et. al. (2006) with minor aquatic habitats, further surveys can unhide additions. The collected specimens were more speciesofOdonatafrom theseareas. broughtto Odonata section at National Insect Halteres,Vol.1,No.1,2009 30 Table 1: Valid names, Synonyms and distributional details for the collected Anisopterous species. Family Species Synonyms LI L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 Orthetrum LLiibbeelllluullaadterliaensgsuelratriiSseS\eylsy,s,18178878 ttrriiaarn)gguullaarree LPisbeelulduolathmeemlainsinc/agrSieflryosn,sM1a8t8s3umura,1898 - + + - + + + - + + Selys,1878 OrthetrumganeshiiMeUroira,1961 OrthetrumchandrabaliMehroira,1961 0.pruinosum LibellulapruinosaBurmeister,1839 neglectum LibellulaneglectaRambur,1842 Burmeister,1839 LLiibbeellllualdaeplettaalSuelryasB,ra1u8e7r8,1865 + + + + _ + OrthetrumschneideriForsier,1903 LibellulasabinaDrury,1770 RL1i8ab4me2blluurl,idae D0r.ursya,bi1n7a70 LLLiiibbbeeelllllluuulllaaaalgmeippbtubularlaFaaBcbuerraimceSiicushstn,eer1i,7de91r88,319845 + + - - - - + - - - LepthemisdivisaSe\ys,1878 OrthetrumnigrescensBartenev1929 OrthetrumviduatumLieftinck,1942 0B.ragulear,uc1u8m65 LOirbtehlleutlraugmlgaauncguimSaBhrravu,er1,9168565 + + + + Sympetrum m1e8r4i1dionaleSelys, LTirbaelmleualabbuarsmieliasrtiesrPiaKliirsboyt,d1e88B9eauvois,1805 - + + - + - - - - - PTarlaismoetadbeasilaris AAcciissoommaaiansfclaatlaaSpehlyosi,de1s8R8a2mbur,1842 _ + + + + + _ _ - Beauvois,1805 AcisomavariegatumKirby,1898 Palpopleura sexmaculata Libellulasexmaculata - + + sexmaculata Fabricius,1787 Fabricius,1787 RTraimtbhuerm,is1f8e4st2iva LLiibbeelllluullaaifnefsetrinvaalRisamBbrauure,r,18148265 + - - - + - - TrithemisproserpinaSe\ys,1878 K*iT.rbpya,l1li8d8i9nervis TSryimtpheemtirsudmrypaalsliSdeilnyesr,vis18K9tr1by,1889 - + + - Crocothemis LibellulaserviliaDrury,1773 serviliaDrury, LibellulaferrugineaFabricius,1793 + + + + 1773 L/be/Zu/asorarRambur,1842 Cracof/?e/D/sreticulataKirby1886 C.erythraea LibellulaerythraeaBrulle,1832 Brulle,1832 LibellularubradeVillers,1789(necMuller, 1764) LibellulaferrugineaVanderLinden,1825 + + + (necFabricius,1775) /jfce//t//acocc/neaCharpentier,1840 LibellulainquinataRambur,1842 CrocothemischaldaeoraMonon,1920 Pantalaflavescens LibellulaflavescensFabhcius,1798 Fabricius,1798 LibellulaviridulaPalisotdeBeauvois,1805 + + + + L/'be//ty/aana//sBurmeister,1839 LibellulaterminalisBurmeister,1839 SympetrumtandicolaSingh,1955 Gomphidae Mesogomphus GomphuslineatusSe\ys,1850 Rambur, lineatus OnychogomphuslineatusSe\ys,1854 + 1842 Viswanathan& LindenialineataKirby1890 Varadaraj,1985 Mesogomphuslineatusfraser,1924 DiversityofOdonatainDistrict Poonchand SudhnotiofKashmirValley-Pakistan,withanewrecordforthecountry 31 Table-1: Continued Family Species Synonyms LI 12 L3 LA L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 Anaximmaculifrons + + Rambur,1842 AnaxbacchusMartin1908 Aeshmidae A.nigrolineatus Anaxguttatus^92^ + + Rambur, Fraser,1935 Anaxfumosus^923 1842 Anaxnigrolineatus1935 AeschnaparthenopeSelys,1839 AnaxJuliusBrauer,1865 Apaiihenope AnaxbacchusHagen,1867 + + Selys,1839 AnaxmajorGotz,1923 AnaxparisinusRambur,1842 AnaxgeyriBuchholz,1955 AnaxjordansiBuchholz,1955 *NewRecordforthedistrict Table-2: Vaild names, Synonyms and distributional details for the collected Zygopterous species. Family Species Synonyms LI L2 L3 U L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 testesthoradcus LvihdulusRambur,1842 + + + + Lestidae Laidiaw,1920 Calvert,1901 Lumbrinus OrolestesmotisBaijalandAgarwal, + + Selys,1891 1955 + + + °L.patrida *L.vihdulus LestesvihdulusKirby1890 + + Rambur,1842 Synlestidae Megalestesmajor + + + + Tillyard, Selys,1962 Rhinocypha Paracyphaunimaculata,Fraser1949 + + + + unimaculataSelys,1853 Ubellagounimaculata\Na\Wer,1853 Chlorocyphidae R.quadrimaculata AhstocyphaquadhmacultaLaidiaw,1950 + + + + Cowley,1937 Selys,1853 Ubellagoquadhmaculata\Na\ker,1853 R.trifasciata Ubellagotrifasdata\Na\ker,1853 + + + + Selys,1853 AhstocyphathfasciataLaidiaw,1950 R.hilaryae + + + Fraser,1927 R.immaculata + + + Selys,1871 Coenagrionidae rPusberuidcaegprsiSoen\ys,1876 APrscehuidbaagsriisocneyfllaovniifcraonKsiNrebyed1h89a1mand + + + + + + Kiiby,1890 Gyger,1939 P.laidlawi + + + Fraser,1922 3 1 Halteres.Vol.1.No.1,2009 Table-2: Continued Family Species Synonyms LI L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 P.decorum AgriondecorumRambur,1842 - + + - - - _ + _ _ Rambur,1842 P.hypermelas + + + + - - - + + Selys,1876 P.spencei + Fraser,1922 4. cCeerriinaogrhuobenllum APgyrrirohnoscoerniancoerruibneolrluubmeBlrlauumeBrr,au1e8r6,51865 - - + - _ - - Brauer 1865 C.coromandelianum AgrioncoromandelianumFabricius,1798 + + + - + + + + + Fabricius,1798 AgrioncerinumRambur,1842 Aciagrionhisopa PseudagrionhisopaSe\ys,1876 + + + Selys.1876 AciagrionaciculareLieftink,1929 Ischnuraforcipata IschnuramusaBartenev,1913 IschnuragangeticaLaidlaw,191 + + + + + + + Morton,1907 AgriocnemisnainitalensisSahru,1965 CoenagrionneedhamiNayas,1933 /.elegansVander AgnonelegansVenderLinden,1820 - - + - + + - - + - Linden,1820 IschnuralamellateKo\be,1885 /.auroraBrauer, AAggnnoonndaeulriocraatBurmaHuaerg,en1,8615876 1865 lMoiL'ctrUioUniiyAmup^hiiaia^iuaronrcaiyKciirib,y,lo1/8o90 + + + - + + + - + Nar)osuraaurorakenned^,1920 IshnurabhimtalensisSaY\n\,1965 /R.asmebnuerg,al1e8n4s2is AEnganlolnagsemnaebgraelveinsspiinsaRSmebluysr,,11887462 - + - - + - - - + + Agriocnemis AgrionpygmaeumRambur,1842 pyQfPQQQRsmbur AgriocnemisaustralisSe\ys,1877 1842 >Agoocne/n/sve/ansSelys,1882 + + + + + + + + + AgnonkagiensisMatsumura,1911 AgriocnemishyadnthusWyard,1913 RMohrotdoins,c1hn9u0r7anursei IschnuranurseiMorton,1907 + + + Calicnemseximia CalicnemisatkinsoniSe\ys,1886 + + Selys,1863 Platycnemidae Coperamarginipes fifa<ycnem/smarg/n/pesRambur,1842 Tillyard.1917 Rambur,1842 PPslialtoyccnneemmiissmlaardgeionliapSees\Syes\,ys1,8613863 + + PsilocnemisstriatipesSelys,1863 CoperaacutmargoKrug,1898 DisparoneurabhatnagriSa\nn\,1965 Protoneuridae Elattoneuranigerrima DisparoneuranigerrimaLaidlaw,1917 + + + Tillyard.1917 Laidlaw,1935 1 DiversityofOdonatainDistrict Poonchand SudhnotiofKashmirValley-Pakistan,withanewrecordforthecountry 33 Table-2: Continued Family Species Synonyms L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 LibellulachinensisLinnaeus.1758 AgrionnobilitataFabnaus.1776 Calopterygidae Neurobasischinensis AgrionchinensisGuerin,1829 Selys.1850 Linnaeus,1758 CalopteryxdispanlisRambur,1842 + + + + CalopteryxchinensisRambur.1842 Calopteryxsinensis\Na\}^^e^,1853 Neurobasisc.chinensisFraser,1934 SEeulpyhsa,e1i8d53ae BayderaindicaSelys,1853 EpallageindicaSelys,1853 + + + + * New record for districts " New record for the country Fig.1: Map of District Poonch and Sudhnoti, Kashmir Valley. 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