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Hindawi Publishing Corporation Archaea Volume 2014, Article ID 240817, 11 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/240817 Research Article Diversity and Distribution of Archaea Community along a Stratigraphic Permafrost Profile from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China ShipingWei,1HongpengCui,1HaoHe,1FeiHu,1XinSu,1andYouhaiZhu2 1SchoolofMarineSciences,ChinaUniversityofGeosciences,Beijing100083,China 2OilandGasSurvey,ChinaGeologicalSurvey,Beijing100029,China CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoShipingWei;[email protected];[email protected] Received25August2014;Revised22October2014;Accepted3November2014;Published25November2014 AcademicEditor:ChuanlunZhang Copyright©2014ShipingWeietal.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Accompanying the thawing permafrost expected to result from the climate change, microbial decomposition of the massive amountsoffrozenorganiccarbonstoredinpermafrostisapotentialemissionsourceofgreenhousegases,possiblyleadingto positivefeedbackstothegreenhouseeffect.Inthisstudy,thecommunitycompositionofarchaeainstratigraphicsoilsfromanalpine permafrostofQinghai-TibetanPlateauwasinvestigated.Phylogenicanalysisof16SrRNAsequencesrevealedthatthecommunity waspredominantlyconstitutedbyCrenarchaeotaandEuryarchaeota.TheactivelayercontainedaproportionofCrenarchaeota at 51.2%, with the proportion of Euryarchaeota at 48.8%, whereas the permafrost contained 41.2% Crenarchaeota and 58.8% Euryarchaeota,basedon16SrRNAgenesequenceanalysis.OTU1andOTU11,affiliatedtoGroup1.3b/MCG-AwithinCrenarchaeota and the unclassified group within Euryarchaeota, respectively, were widely distributed in all sediment layers. However, OTU5 affiliatedtoGroup1.3b/MCG-Awasprimarilydistributedintheactivelayers.SequenceanalysisoftheDGGEbandsfromthe16S rRNAsofmethanogenicarchaeashowedthatthemajorityofmethanogensbelongedtoMethanosarcinalesandMethanomicrobiales affiliatedtoEuryarchaeotaandtheunculturedZC-IclusteraffiliatedtoMethanosarcinalesdistributedinallthedepthsalongthe permafrostprofile,whichindicatedadominantgroupofmethanogensoccurringinthecoldecosystems. 1.Introduction releaseofcarbonfrompermafrosttotheatmosphereoccurs primarily through accelerated microbial decomposition of Permafrostoccupiesapproximately25%ofEarth’sterrestrial organic matter [3]. Previous studies showed that a large surface,occurringmostfrequentlyinhighlatitudesregions, varietyofmicroorganismsinhabitpermafrostenvironments especiallythoseoftheNorthernHemisphere[1,2].However, [8, 9]. During the thawing, the organic matter becomes alpine permafrost usually exists at low-temperature, high- more accessible to microbial degradation and results in elevation sites in temperate latitudes. It is well known that greenhousegasemissions[4],whichisthoughttobeoneof permafrost stores massive amounts of carbon; a recent themostsignificantfeedbacksfromterrestrialecosystemsto estimateindicatesthat1672Pgoforganiccarbon,anamount theatmosphere,thuspotentiallyexacerbatingthegreenhouse roughlyequivalenttothetotalcarboncontainedwithinland effectandfurtherriskingsignificantclimatechange[3]. plantsandtheatmosphere[3–5],mayexist inthenorthern Earlierstudiesshowedthatpermafrostharborsadiverse permafrost region, which accounts for approximately 50% microbialcommunityincludingbacteriaandarchaea[10–12]. of the estimated global belowground organic carbon pool Most studies addressing permafrost microbial community [6]. With global warming, the permafrost is starting to were limited to the sites in Siberian permafrost [13, 14]. A thaw, with estimates of as much as 90% of the permafrost researchofSiberiantundrarevealedthatthetotalnumberof being lost by 2100 [7], which raises the question about the bacterialcellsfromthetoptothebottomoftheactivelayer fate of carbon in thawing permafrost. It is inferred that (thetoplayerofsoilthatthawsinthesummerandrefreezes 2 Archaea in the winter) range from 2.3 × 109 − 1.2 × 108 cells per spring. The study area belongs to the natural ecosystem of gramdrysoil[15].Archaeamayconstitutebetween1%and alpineswampmeadowswithalargequantityofsoilorganic 12%ofthetotalcellsinSiberianactivelayersoils[15,16].The carbonstorage.Theactivelayerofthepermafrostthawsevery communityofarchaeawascomposedofEuryarchaeota(61%) summer,withthethicknessvaryingfrom20to60cm,while andCrenarchaeota(39%)intheperenniallyfrozensediments thepermafrostlayeroccursthroughouttheareatoadepthof [11].Methanogens,affiliatedtothephylumofEuryarchaeota, 600–700m. areagroupofarchaeathatproducemethaneunderanaerobic SampleswerecollectedinJune,2013,andwereobtained conditions, which are ubiquitous in the biosphere and are bydiggingtoadepthof65cm.Sampleswerethencollected particularly found in a variety of ecosystems such as rice asepticallyfromtheuppermost3–5cmoftheactivelayerto paddies,lakes,hydrothermalvents,andpermafrostsoiland 63–65cmofthepermafrostlayerat10cmintervals.Thesoil sediments [17]. Some of them were proven to be viable wasplacedintosterilizedplasticbagsforchemicalanalyses inhabitantsinthehighlatitudepermafrost[18,19].However, and50mLcentrifugetubesformicrobiologicalanalyses.All the uncultured methanogen cluster, Zoige cluster I (ZC- the samples were kept frozen in insulated containers and I),affiliatedtoMethanosarcinaleswithinEuryarchaeota,was transportedimmediatelytolaboratoryforfurtheranalyses. found to be the dominant group in the alpine permafrost wetland of Tibet plateau [20]. Phylogenetic analyses of the 2.2. Characteristics of the Permafrost Soil. The soil temper- methanogenicArchaeacommunityrevealedagreatdiversity ature was measured using the in situ method by inserting of methanogens in the permafrost including families of thepHprobeintoeachlayerofthesoil.ThepHofsoilwas Methanobacteriaceae, Methanomicrobiaceae, Methanosarci- determinedseparatelyoneachofthesoilsamplesforeachsite naceae,Methanosaetaceae[16,17,19,20],methanogengroup using a fresh soilto water ratio of1:5 (pH meter, Sartorius Rice cluster I (RC-I) and uncultured Rice cluster II (RC- PB-10). The water content was determined as the weight II) within the phylogenetic radiation of Methanosarcinales ∘ loss of fresh soil dried at 105 C for 24h. Total soil carbon and Methanomicrobiales [19, 21–23] and ZC-I affiliated to contentforeachsoilsamplewasdeterminedbycombustion Methanosarcinales [20], permafrost cluster I affiliated to ∘ for 16h at 375 C. For analysis of methane concentrations Methanosarcinaceae [19], and permafrost cluster II and III in the soil, 5g of each sample was taken with a cut-off affiliated to Methanosarcinales [19]. The nonmethanogenic syringeandinjectedintoa25mLbottlecontaining10mLof archaea Group 1.1b/MCG affiliated to the uncultured Cre- saturated NaCl solution. The bottles were sealed by a solid narchaeota was mostly found in the High Arctic wetland butylrubberseptumandshakenfor1hbeforetheywereused. permafrost[24].Eventhoughwehavealreadyaccumulated Theheadspacemethaneconcentrationwasdeterminedbygas a modest amount of knowledge about the permafrost’s chromatography using a Packard Model 438A fitted with a methanogenicarchaea,theycontinuetoattracttheattention flameionizationdetector. of researchers due to their production of methane and the implicationsfortheglobalwarming. 2.3. DNA Isolation. The DNA of the soil samples was The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is the largest alpine per- extracted using the Soil DNA Isolation Kit (MP) following mafrost area on Earth. Earlier studies estimated the annual themanufacturer’sinstruction.TheextractedDNAwasvisu- methane emissions from cold wetlands in the Qinghai- alizedona1%agarosegelusingethidiumbromidestaining TibetanPlateauatabout0.7–0.9Tg[25].Withthepermafrost andquantifiedbyNanodrop(ThermoScientiific,NanoDrop thawing due to the greenhouse effect, the organic carbon ND-2000). stored in permafrost would become more accessible for microbes, whose activities will dictate whether permafrost environmentswillbeanetsourceorsinkofgreenhousegas 2.4. Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE). A [1].However,currentknowledgeofthemicrobialcommunity nested-PCR approach was used to amplify V3 region of inthehigh-altitudepermafrostispoorlyunderstood.Inthis archaeal 16S rRNA. The full-length archaeal 16S rDNA study, we described the diversity and vertical distribution gene was amplified from genomic DNA using the primer 󸀠 󸀠 󸀠 ofarchaealcommunityinthepermafrostprofile,attempting set 8f (5 -CGGTTGATCCTGCCGGA-3 ) and 1492r (5 - 󸀠 to elucidate the composition of archaeacolonizing both the GGCTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3 )[26].ThefirstroundPCR active layer and permafrost and to further characterize the amplification was performed in 50𝜇L of reaction mixture methanogencommunityinQinghai-TibetanPlateau. containing 0.25𝜇M of each primer, 0.2mM dNTP, 1.5mM MgCl2,5𝜇LofTaqbuffer,5UTaqDNApolymerase(Invit- 2.MaterialandMethods rogen,USA),and10ngtemplateDNA.ThePCRconditions ∘ ∘ wereasfollows:95 Cfor5min,35cyclesof50sat95 C,50s ∘ ∘ 2.1. Site Description and Sampling. The sampling site is at 45 C, and 1.5min at 72 C, followed by a final extension ∘ 󸀠 󸀠󸀠 ∘ locatedinQinghai-TibetanPlateau(QTP,N38 05 38.10 and for10minat72 C.ThePCRproductsweregel-purifiedand ∘ 󸀠 󸀠󸀠 E99 10 05.13 )withanelevationof4300mabovesealevel, used as a template to amplify the V3 region by using the 󸀠 wheresummersaremildandwintersarequitecold.Themean primer set 340f-GC (5 -CCCTACGGGGYGCASCAG) and annual temperature is approximately −5.8∘C, with January 519r(TTACCGCGGCKGCTG)[26].ThesecondroundPCR temperaturesrangingfrom−18to−7∘CandJulytemperatures conditionswereusedasfollows:95∘Cfor5min,35cyclesof ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ranging from 15 to 21 C. Significant rainfall occurs mainly 50sat95 C,50sat45 C,and1.5minat72 C,followedbya ∘ in summer, while precipitation is very low in winter and finalextensionfor10minat72 C. Archaea 3 Table1:Physiochemicalpropertiesofsoilsamplesatdifferentdepths. Soildepth Temperature Sand Silt Clay Averagegrain Standard Watercontent TOC CH (cm) (∘C) pH (%) (%) (%) size(𝜇m) deviation(𝜎) (%) (%) (nmol4/g) 3–5 18.34 6.79 16.33 72.40 11.26 5.68 1.80 46.52 9.01 4.1 13–15 3.68 6.70 7.99 75.56 16.45 6.25 1.73 25.56 3.02 19.9 23–25 1.85 6.74 13.19 69.81 17.00 6.18 1.91 21.35 2.43 188.3 33–35 0.44 6.60 8.06 71.45 20.49 6.46 1.82 17.18 2.43 79.3 43–45 −0.12 6.44 10.85 69.79 19.36 6.30 1.90 19.23 1.76 6.7 53–55 −0.24 6.57 18.73 66.84 14.43 5.84 1.99 20.91 1.61 22.5 63–65 −0.45 6.43 15.00 68.96 16.05 6.06 1.94 25.54 1.96 16.1 DGGE was performed as described by Lazar et al. 2.7.StatisticalAnalysis. Clonelibrarycoveragewascalculated [26] with modifications. PCR products were applied onto accordingtoGood[28].AcomputerprogramDOTURwas 8% (wt/vol) polyacrylamide gels in 1 × TAE buffer with usedtoassignsequencestoOTUs,andthentherarefaction denaturantgradientfrom20to40%(100%denaturantcon- curveswereconstructedbyusingthepartial16SrRNAgene sists of7M ureaand40%formamide).Electrophoresiswas sequences[29].AnothercomputerprogramMOTHURwas ∘ performedat60 Cand200Vfor6h.Afterelectrophoresis, usedtocalculatetheShannonandSimpsondiversityindices, thegelswerestainedwithethidiumbromidefor30minand theabundance-basedcoverageestimator(ACE),andthebias- photographedwithaUVimager(AlphaImagerMiniSystem). correctedChao1[30]. DGGEbandsweregelpurifiedandreamplifiedwithprimer set 340f and 519r. The purified PCR products were cloned 3.Results intovectorandtransformedintoEscherichiacoliTOP10for sequencing. 3.1.PhysicalandChemicalCharacterizationofthePermafrost Soil. The samples were collected at the end of June, 2013. 2.5. Clone Library Construction. Archaeal 16S rRNA genes The temperature along the soil profile showed a distinct ∘ were amplified from soil community DNA using the decreasing gradient from the top at 18.34 C to the bottom primers 21f (5󸀠 TTCCGGTTGATCCYGCCGGA) and 958r at −0.45∘C. The pH was slightly acidic, ranging from 6.43 󸀠 (5 YCCGGCGTTGAMTCCAATT);PCRreactionsvolume to 6.79. Granulometric analysis revealed that the soils in was the same with amplification of full length 16S rDNA the stratigraphic profile were composed of sand (7.99%– of archaea, and PCR reactions were carried out according 18.73%), silt (66.84%–75.56%), and clay (11.26%–20.49%) to DeLong [27] with modifications as follows: 1 cycle of with the average grain size ranging from 5.68 to 6.46𝜇m. ∘ ∘ ∘ 95 C for 1min, 30 cycles of 94 C for 1min, 50 C for 1min, Sorting coefficients of the sample varied from 1.73 to 1.99, ∘ ∘ 72 Cfor2min,andafinalextensionat72 Cfor10min.The which indicated that the sediments in the studied sites are PCR products were purified as described above and cloned well-sorted (Table1). The water content was highest in the followingthemanufacturer’sinstructionsusingthepMD18- uppermostlayerofthesoilbecauseofthefrequentrainfallin T vector system (TaKaRa) together with competent E. coli thisareaduringsummermonthsandwaterloggingwasoften JM109cells.Randomlyselectedclonesweresequenced. observedintheswamp.Theorganiccarbon(TOC)indried sedimentdecreasedwithdepthfrom9.01%to1.76%,ofwhich TOCinthetopmostlayersoilwassignificantlyhigherthan 2.6. Sequencing and Phylogenetic Analyses. The sequences thatofothersamples,suggestinganabundantorganicmatter weredeterminedonanABI3730automatedDNAsequencer accumulationinthenearsurfacesoil.Themethanecontent (AppliedBiosystems)usingtheuniversalprimerM13-47or waslowinthetopmostfewcentimetersbutrapidlyincreased archaeal 21f primer. Sequences of 16S rDNA from DGGE to the maximum value at 188.3nmol/g in the other deeper bands and clone libraries were analyzed by using NCBI samples(Table1). BLASTN search program to identify their putative closest phylogenetic relatives. The sequences were aligned with their relatives using Clustal W, and phylogenetic trees 3.2. Diversity of Archaeal 16S rRNA Gene Sequences in the were constructed by the neighbor-joining method using Clone Libraries. The diversity and composition of archaea the maximum-parsimony algorithm in MEG 4 software communitywas investigated by constructingclone libraries with 1000 bootstrap replicates. Phylotypes or operational of archaeal 16S rRNA gene fragments. Seven clone libraries taxonomicunits(OTUs)weredefinedassequencesshowing wereconstructedfromtheuppermostactivesoillayertothe ≥97% homology to each other. Nucleotide sequences have lowermostpermafrostlayerat10cmintervals.Ineachlibrary, been deposited in the GenBank database and the accession thecoveragerangedfrom95.2%to97.7%(Table2).Thirtyto numbersareasfollows:DGGEbands,KM251579-KM251601; fifty-fivesequencesineachlibrarywereretrieved,andatotal archaealclones,KM251602-KM251632. of282sequenceswerecombinedforanalysisoftheirdiversity 4 Archaea Table2:Sequencinginformationandstatisticalanalysesofarchaeal16SrRNAgeneclonelibraries. Soildepth NC NO Coverage(%) ACE Chao1 Shannon Simpson 3–5cm 50 7 96.0 9.24(7.3–24.6) 7.5(7.0–15.3) 1.42(1.2–1.7) 0.30(0.21–0.40) 13–15cm 42 5 95.2 6.94(5.2–24.2) 6(5.1–18.5) 1.07(0.8–1.3) 0.43(0.29–0.56) 23–25cm 33 7 97.0 7.38(7.0–12.2) 7(0–7) 1.74(1.5–2.0) 0.18(0.11–0.25) 33–35cm 43 4 97.7 4.78(4.1–14.0) 4(0–4) 0.79(0.5–1.1) 0.58(0.41–0.74) 43–45cm 45 5 95.6 8(5.6–20.8) 5.5(5.0–13.3) 0.94(0.7–1.2) 0.48(0.35–0.60) 53–55cm 39 5 97.4 0(0-0) 8(5.4–29.4) 0.99(0.7–1.3) 0.42(0.33–0.51) 63–65cm 30 7 96.7 17(8.1–98.3) 10(7.4–30.0) 1.35(1.0–1.7) 0.31(0.21–0.41) Notes:NCisthenumberofclonesineachlibrary.NOisthenumberofOperationalTaxonomicUnit(OTU)basedon97%nucleotideidentity. and composition in the community. Fifteen operational the occurrence of OTU5 was reduced sharply with depths, ∘ taxonomicunits(OTUs) were identifiedat the species level especially when the temperature dropped below 0.4 C; we (≥97% sequence similarity) through all the depths. Twelve inferred that OTU5 was probably controlled by the low and ten of them were detected in the active layer and the temperatures.ThreeOTUs(OTU2,OTU3,andOTU4)were permafrost layer, respectively, and 7OTUs were presented onlydetectedinthepermafrostlayerandwerenotfoundin in both layers. Relatively more OTUs were observed in the the active layer. Conversely, distributions of OTU7, OTU8, depths of 3–5cm (7OTUs), 23–25cm (7OTUs), and 63– OTU9,OTU12,andOTU14wereonlydetectedintheactive 65cm (OTUs). The Shannon and Simpson diversity indices layers, which suggested that the communities of archaea varied from 0.79 to 1.74 and from 0.18 to 0.58, respectively, variedoverthedifferentdepths. and the species richness estimators ACE and Chao 1 varied from0to17andfrom4to10,respectively.TheShannonand 3.4. Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis Analysis of Simpson diversity indices showed no significant difference, 16S rRNA of Methanogenic Archaea. Denaturing gradient suggesting that diversity of the archaeal 16S rRNA gene gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting was used to librarieswassimilaramongthelayers(Table2). characterize the community composition of methanogenic archaea. DGGE band patterns indicated that most DNA 3.3. Composition of Archaeal Communities. Phylogenetic bands were observed in the topmost layer of the profile compositionofarchaeal16SrRNAgenesequencesrevealed (3–5cm), and similar band patterns were observed at all that they were mainly affiliated to two phyla, Crenar- thedepthsbelow,whichindicatedtheoccurrenceofsimilar chaeota and Euryarchaeota, which comprise 47.2%% and methanogenicarchaeacommunitiesinthelowerlayersofthe 52.8% of the total sequences, respectively. The retrieved profile. Major bands with strong intensity were commonly crenarchaealsequenceswereclassifiedintoonlyonelineage, observedinalldepths,whichsuggestedthatdominantDGGE Group 1.3b/MCG-A [31, 32], which accounted for 47.2% bands represented the abundant methanogenic archaea in of archaeal clone sequences. The retrieved euryarchaeal the community. However, several DGGE bands detected sequences could be classified into four lineages, Metha- in the different layers of soil were not present in other nomicrobiales, Methanosarcinaceae, Methanosaetaceae, and layers, indicating depth-specific methanogenic populations. unclassifiedEuryarchaeota,whichaccountedfor0.3%,1.1%, A total of 23 bands were excised and sequenced. Phylo- 1.4%, and 50.0% of archaeal clone sequences, respectively genetic analysis showed that twelve sequences fell within (Figure1). the euryarchaeotal lineage, comprising three groups of ZC- The relative abundance and distribution of different Icluster(12sequences),Methanosarcinales(1sequence),and archaeal phylogenetic lineages with the depth were shown Methanomicrobiales(8sequences).Onlytwosequenceswere in Figure2. Both active layer and permafrost consisted retrieved in the Miscellaneous Crenarchaeal Group (MCG) predominantly of Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota. The under crenarchaeotal lineage. Sequences affiliated to ZC- activelayercontainedaproportionofCrenarchaeotaat51.2% I cluster were distributed in all depths, whereas sequences compared to 48.8% Euryarchaeota, whereas the permafrost associatedwithMethanomicrobialesweremainlydistributed hadahigherproportionofEuryarchaeota(58.8%)thanCre- in the top and middle of the permafrost sediments, but narchaeota(41.2%).VerticaldistributionofOTUsalongthe the sequences affiliated to MCG were only observed in the sediment profile showed that OTU1 and OTU11, belonging topmost active layer of permafrost. It was very interesting to Group 1.3b/MCG-A and the unclassified group within thatonlytwobandsaffiliatedtoZC-Iclusterwereobservedat Euryarchaeota, respectively, were widely distributed in all thedepthof23–25cm,whichshowedthemaximummethane sediment layers. The abundance of OTU1 was gradually concentration(Figures3and4andTable1). increased with depths, whereas OTU11 gradually decreased withdepthsexceptforthetopmostthreesoillayers.OTU5, 4.Discussion another lineage belonging to Group 1.3b/MCG-A within Crenarchaeota, was predominantly distributed only in the Permafrost is well-known for storing massive amounts of top parts of the active layers. It was very interesting that organic carbon and is thought to be the most important Archaea 5 DT5-60A-30-OTU2 50 Acidic fen soil clone A P2K30f (GU127872) 0.05 DT5-A-26-OTU8 Tidal freshwater wetland soil clone EP091-2.29 (JF789748) Rich minerotrophic fen clone MH149212C (EU155994) Sediment of Lake Monounclone MOAR9575m (JQ079952) DT5-45A-31-OTU6 90 DT5-25A-2-OTU6 82 DT5-A-21-OTU6 DT5-35A-15-OTU6 88 DT5-50A-1-OTU4 Field soil clone UP1cl45 (KC784741) DT5-50A-11-OTU1 54 Tidal freshwater wetland soil clone EC083-41 (JF789806) a ot Coal-rich sediment from freshly mined heaps of brown coal clone N07 (KJ424514) ae 7528 DDDTTT555---6A405-AA1---O1103T--UOO1TTUU11 Group 1.3b/MCG-A Crenarch Fen soil microcosm clone 1813K140a (FR745081) 99 DT5-35A-12-OTU1 DT5-25A-10-OUT1 90 Peat soil clone 5AED11 (HG325678) DT5-25A-1-OTU5 99 Permafrost soil samples from Kunlun Mountains Pass, Mt. Kunlun clone HWGA-11 (JQ684418) DT5-15A-1-OTU5 62Glacier foreland clone GFS5-9500iii (AY601296) Soil from Ruoergai plateau wetland clone 2PZ28.1 (FJ957963) 60 DT5-A-66-OUT9 Petroleum contaminated soil clone ASC27 (AB161330) 99 Kutch desert soil clone HKT-KArS2 (HE802749) DT5-15A-13-OTU11 Anaerobic methane oxidation/denitrification reactor clone D-ARCH(DQ369741) Petroleum contaminated soil clone ASN30 (AB161352) Freshwater iron-rich microbial mat clone oytA083A (B722181) DT5-35A-1-OTU11 DT5-50A-10-OTU11 Submarine permafrost clone PASLSS0.5m1(FJ982666) Spring pit clone SSA0103-10 (JN397868) 61 DT5-60A-11-OTU11 85DT5-45A-10-OTU11 Unclassified 100 DT5-25A-16-OTU11 DT5-A-3-OUT10 Sediments containing oil near Cape Gorevoy Utes clone z3 (GU911421) 67 Iron-rich microbial mat clone hfmA004 (AB600438) 93 Groundwater clone arcFlank1063(KC604439) ota DT5-A-13-OTU10 hae Mixture of activated sludge and methanogenic sludge clone EAr23 (KC539785) arc y 72 DT5-15A-35-OUT12 Eur DT5-25A-12-OTU13 100 Antarctic sediment clone LH25 (AY177808) Methanosaetaceae 77 DT5-60A-24-OUT13 67 Chlorinated ethene-degrading culture clone KB-12 (AY780569) 74 59Neotropical forest clone Amr34G1(JN810750) Richminerotrophic fen clone MHLsu4713B (EU155898) 100 61 DT5-50A-9-OTU15 Methanosarcinaceae 100 60 DT5-45A-24-OTU15 54 DT5-15A-8-OTU15 Deep subsurface groundwater from sedimentary rock milieu clone HDBW-WA05 (AB237738) DT5-25A-11-OTU14 100 Athabasca oil sands formation water clone TS1A142 (JF789589) Methanomicrobiales 77 Richminerotrophic fen clone MH1100B1F (EU155974) M83548 Figure1:Phylogenetictreeofarchaeal16SrRNAgenesequencesfromthestratigraphicsoilprofile.Thetreewasconstructedusingthe neighbor-joiningmethodfromasimilaritymatrixbasedonthedistancedeterminedbyKimura’stwo-parametermodel.Bootstrapvalues(100 replications)generatedusingthemaximumparsimonymethod.Thephylotypeswerenamedaccordingtothesoildepthorigin.Numbersin bracketswereGenBankaccessionnumbers.Thescalebarrepresents5%estimateddistance. 6 Archaea OTU1 OTU11 14% OT2U%10 24% 3–5cm OTU9 OTU5 2% 48% OTU8 6% OTU6 4% OTU14 OTU15 OTU15 OTU13 0.6% 0.6% OTU12 2.4% 1.2% 2.4% OTU2 OTU1 OTU12 0.0% 16.7% 0.6% OTU1 O0T.0U%3 OTU11 O16T.7U%5 13–15cm 16.1% 61.9% OTU4 0.0% OTU11 45.2% OTU5 OTU13 OTU14 26.8% 6.1% 3.0% OTU1 18.2% OTU11 18.2% 23–25cm OTU5 OTU6 OTU7 33.3% OTU10 OTU7 4.2% 9.1% 0.6% OTU9 OTU8 1.8% OTU6 12.1% 0.6% 1.8% OTU1 OTU5 16.3% 7.0% OTU6 33–35cm OTU11 2.3% 74.4% Active layer OTU15 2.2% OTU1 26.7% OTU13 O0T.0U%14 O1T.8U%15 O64T.U4%11 O4T.4U%5 43–45cm 1.8% OTU6 2.2% OTU12 0.0% OTU15 2.6% OTU1 34.2% OTU1 OTU11 39.5% 53–55cm OTU11 52.6% 54.4% OTU2 0.9% OTU3 OTU5 0.9% OTU6 2.6% OTU4 2.6% 0.9% OTU13 OTU5 6.5% OTU6 2.6% OTU10 1.8% OTU1 0.9% O0T.0U%9 O0T.0U%8 O0T.0U%7 O4T1.U9%11 38.7% 63–65cm OTU2 Permafrost 3.2% O3T.2U%10 OTU4 OTU3 3.2% 3.2% Figure2:Frequencyofindividualtypes(OTU)andrelativedepth-dependentdistributionofgroupsofthearchaeafromthestratigraphic permafrostprofilebasedonthegeneclonelibraries.GreensegmentsindicateOTUsbelongingtounclassifiedEuryarchaeota,bluesegments indicateOTUsbelongingtoGroup1.3b/MCG-A,yellowsegmentsindicateOTUsbelongingtoMethanosaetaceae,redsegmentsindicateOTUs belongingtoMethanosarcinaceae,andpinksegmentsindicateOTUsbelongingtoMethanomicrobiales. Archaea 7 m m m m m m a lower archaeal diversity when compared with other envi- m c c c c c c 5 5 5 5 5 5 ronments. Steven et al. [9] revealed 43OTUs of archaea c 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 – – – – – – – 3 3 3 3 3 3 in a permafrost/ground ice core from the Canadian High 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Arctic. The lower diversity of archaea in QTP permafrost soil may be related to the habitat environments, which did notvarygreatlyasevidencedbythesimilarphysiochemical 1 variables shown in Table1. Frank-Fahle et al. [37] reported 2 thatmicrobialdiversitywashighestinthesurfacelayersand 3 4 decreased towards the permafrost layers. Our data showed 5 6 7 thatthediversityofthearchaeawassimilaramongthelayers 8 10 9 andloweroverallOTUnumbersineachlayerwereobserved. 11 13 12 Existence of overlapping OTUs of archaeal communities 14 from different depths suggested that the dominant archaeal 15 communitywassimilaroverthesamplingrange. 17 16 Thecommuntiycompositionrevealedby16SrRNAgene 18 19 clonelibrariesshowedthatCrenarchaeotaandEuryarchaeota 20 were the dominant phyla in both active layer and per- mafrost.AsimilarabundanceofCrenarchaeota(51.2%)and 21 22 23 Euryarchaeota (48.8%) was observed in the active layer. In contrast,alittlehigherabundanceofEuryarchaeota(58.8%) and a little lower abundance of Crenarchaeota (41.2%) were observed in the permafrost layer (Figure2). This result is Figure3:DGGEofPCR-amplifiedarchaeal16SrRNAgenefrag- mentsfromtotalcommunityDNAfromdifferentdepths(indicated quite similar with the report by Steven et al. [9] from the above the lanes) in the soil profile. Marked DGGE bands were CanadianHighArctic,inwhichthe16SrRNAgenesequences excisedandsequenced.ThenumbersofDGGEbandscorrespond belonging to the Crenarchaeota dominated the active layer totheonesonthephylogenetictreeinFigure4. and permafrost table horizons, while Euryarchaeota were predominantinthepermafrost.However,Wilhelmetal.[24] reportedthatbothactivelayerandpermafrostconsistedpre- natural methane emission source [3, 33]. Previous studies dominantly of Crenarchaeota at 71% and 95%, respectively; estimated that a total of 33.52Pg of organic carbon and the active layer had a greater proportion of Euryarchaeota 0.7–0.9Tg of methane emission were emitted from the (22%) compared with permafrost (4%). The abundance of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau grassland soils [25, 34]. Recent Crenarchaeota was inferred to be an increasing trend with studies indicated a continuous increase in air temperatures adecreasingtemperature,whichsuggestedthatmembersof ontheQTPoverthelast40years,makingthemapotential Crenarchaeotamaybeparticularlyadaptedtocoldconditions source of considerable greenhouse gas emissions [35]. Our [16].Nevertheless,ourdataindicatedthateventhoughboth data showed that the organic carbon content ranged from OTU1 and OTU5 belong to Group 1.3b/MCG-A within 1.61% to 3.02% at depths of 13–65cm, which is comparable Crenarchaeota; 16.2% of OTU1 and 26.8% of OTU5 were with1.6%inahighArcticpermafrostsoilfromSpitsbergen distributed in the active layer; in comparison, 34.2% of reported by Hansen et al. [8] and 1.2–3.0% in a permafrost OTU1and3.5%ofOTU5weredistributedinthepermafrost active layer soil from Lena Delta reported by Liebner and (Figure2), suggesting that OTU1 may be more adapted to Wagner [13]. However, the organic carbon content reached the cold environment whereas OTU5 appears more cold 9.01% in the topmost soil (3–5cm) layers of our QTP sites. sensitive. Thehigherorganiccarbonwasinferredtoberelatedtothe Basedon16SrRNAgenesequenceanalysis,bothCrenar- decayedgrassrootsinthewetland.Themethanecontentwas chaeota and Euryarchaeota showed a limited diversity with much lower in both the top and bottom sediments along only one group (Group 1.3b/MCG-A) underlying Crenar- thepermafrostprofileexceptthesubsurfaceatdepthof23– chaeotaandfourgroups(Methanomicrobiales,Methanosarci- 25cm,wherethemethanecontentcouldreachamaximum naceae,Methanosaetaceae,andanunclassifiedgroup)under- value at 188.3nmol/g. Patterns of methane content did not lying Euryarchaeota. A total of 97.2% sequences belonged exhibit any trends with depth nor correlate noticeably with to both Group 1.3b/MCG-A (47.2%) and unclassified Eur- thephysicalandchemicalpropertiesofthesediments,such yarchaeota(50.0%),whichwerepredominantlycomprisedof asorganiccarbonconcentration,sedimentaryproperties,or OTU11 (48.9%) and OTU1 (23.4%), respectively (Figure2). water content. This observation was consistent with that Rivkina et al. [36] reported in the north-eastern Arctic Ochsenreiter et al. [31] reported that Group 1.3b, an non- tundra. The higher methane content at depth of 23–25cm cultured group of Crenarchaeota, was widely distributed in wasinferredtoberelatedwiththelowerredoxpotentialand different environments such as freshwater, wastewater, and suitable substrates in this layer, which needs to be further soil.Sequencesofthe16SrRNAgeneaffiliatedtounclassified proved. group within noncultured Euryarchaeota were frequently A total of 15OTUs of archaea were observed from the present in freshwater environments. Our data showed that Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau permafrost soil, which presented Group 1.3b/MCG-A and unclassified Euryarchaeota were 8 Archaea DGGE-Band 12 Jing-Mei River clone SSA0101-9 (HM159365) 0.05 DGGE-Band 14 Freshwater iron-rich microbial mat clone oytA083 (AB722181) Submarine permafrost clone SMPUFLSS70m1(FJ982704) DGGE-Band 1 DGGE-Band 13 Sediments containing oil near Cape Gorevoy Utes clone 4.67 (HQ891194) Iron-rich microbial mat clone hfmA004 (AB600438) ZC-I cluster DGGE-Band 11 DGGE-Band 20 DGGE-Band 4 DGGE-Band 11 DGGE-Band 13 Cold wetland soil clone SD47 (EU283032) DGGE-Band 5 63 55 Paddy soil clone FS-19 (KJ493699) 98 Sediments containing oil near Cape Gorevoy Utes clone 4.97 (HQ891149) DGGE-Band 7 DGGE-Band 8 DGGE-Band 6 Anaerobic bioreactor clone AHPDArc1H03(KJ206655) 99 Methanogenic propionate-degradation clone SMS-T-Pro-5 (AB479409) Methanosarcinales 64 Sludge from full-scale anaerobic digester clone DH09 (KC676307) Anaerobic granules clone 0A12 (KC502890) DGGE-Band 10 72 Submarine permafrost clone PASLSS0.5m26(FJ982771) DGGE-Band 16 94 DGGE-Band 9 99 Terrestrial permafrost clone PAS (FJ999541) Cold wetland soil clone SD63 (EU283037) DGGE-Band 21 Contaminated aquifer clone WCHA2-08 (AF050615) Methanomicrobiales 88 76 DGGE-Band 2 DGGE-Band 23 Mesophilic anaerobic wastewater sludge clone 105ZC05 (KF198716) DGGE-Band 3 100 DGGE-Band 22 Anaerobic sludge clone ARC26 (AY693814) Zoige wetland, Tibetan Plateau clone ZW-M-13 (KF360019) DGGE-Band 18 Arctic peatland clone TCren8 (Dq188819) MCG 100 DGGE-Band 19 Zoige wetland, Tibetan Plateau clone ZW-M-1 (KF360007) M83548 Figure4:Phylogeneticrelationshipsofarchaeal16SrRNAgenesequencesobtainedfromDGGEbandsinthesoilprofile.Thescalebar represents5%estimateddistance. Archaea 9 predominant archaea distributed over all the depths. It was constitutedbyCrenarchaeotaandEuryarchaeota.Eachgroup very interesting that OTU5 affiliated to Group 1.3b/MCG- ofthosetwophylahasauniquedistributionpatternbetween A was overwhelmingly distributed in the active layers, and the active layers and the permafrost layers. The majority sequences belonging to OTU1 tended to increase gradually of methanogens belonged to Methanosarcinales and Metha- with depth, while sequences belonging to OTU11, affiliated nomicrobialesunderthephylaofEuryarchaeota.Thepresent to unclassified Euryarchaeota, were primarily distributed studywillhelpimproveourunderstandingofthecommunity in the layers with much lower tempertures (Figure2). To structureofarchaeainthepermafrostenvironment. our knowledge, those findings have never been reported previously. ConflictofInterests Methanogenicarchaea,alsoknownasmethanogens,are animportantgroupofEuryarchaeotathatproducemethane The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests under anaerobic conditions and have proven to be viable regardingthepublicationofthispaper. inhabitants of permafrost [36, 38]. Our DGGE sequences analyses revealed that members of Methanosarcinales and Acknowledgments Methanomicrobialesconstitutedthemajorityofmethanogens inthesoils,andtheunculturedmethanogenofZC-Icluster The authors acknowledge James Hurley for making a crit- affiliatedtoMethanosarcinalesshowedthestrongestintensity ical reading and revision of this paper. 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Euryarchaeota, based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. OTU1 and .. sequences were determined on an ABI 3730 automated DNA sequencer.
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