DIVERGENCE, COMBINING ABILITY AND HETEROSIS FOR FRUIT YIELD AND ITS COMPONENTS IN BRINJAL (Solanum melongena L.) Ph.D. (Hort.) Thesis by Sasmita Priyadarsini Dash DEPARTMENT OF VEGETABLE SCIENCE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE INDIRA GANDHI KRISHI VISHWAVIDYALAYA RAIPUR (Chhattisgarh) 2017 DIVERGENCE, COMBINING ABILITY AND HETEROSIS FOR FRUIT YIELD AND ITS COMPONENTS IN BRINJAL (Solanum melongena L.) Thesis Submitted to the Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (C.G.) by Sasmita Priyadarsini Dash IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture (Vegetable Science) UE. ID. No. 20141520563 ID No. 130114060 JULY, 2017 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and above all, I praise the almighty God, for providing me this opportunity and granting me the capability to proceed successfully. A major research project like this is never the work of anyone alone. This thesis appears in its current form due to the assistance and guidance of several people. I would therefore like to offer my sincere thanks to all of them. With immense delight, I take it as my proud privilege to express my profound sense of gratitude and thanks to my esteemed major advisor and chairman of my Advisory Committee Dr. Jitendra Singh, Professor and Head, Department of Vegetable Science, College of Agriculture, IGKV Raipur, for most valuable guidance, concrete suggestions, constructive criticism, constant inspiration and encouragement during the course of investigation and in the preparation of manuscript inspite of his busy schedule. I have immense pleasure in expressing my whole hearted sense of appreciation for my Co-advisor Dr. Dhananjay Sharma, Scientist, Department of Vegetable Science, College of Agriculture, IGKV Raipur, for making available the material utilized in the present study, for his amendable, meticulous and punctual guidance. His constructive criticism, constant encouragement, creating congenial research environment and whole hearted co-operation throughout the period of investigation have made possible to bring out this research work successful. I sincerely extend my profound gratitude and appreciation to the member of my advisory committee, Dr. Nandan Meheta, Professor, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, IGKV Raipur, for his valuable suggestions and showing keen interest in my research work. With a sense of high resolve and reverence, in a deep impact of gratefulness, thanks to the members of my advisory committee, Dr. Ravi. R. Saxena, Professor and ADR, Department of Agricultural Statistics and Social Science (Language) for their kind cooperation, guidance and valuable suggestions throughout the tenure of this investigation and my heartiest thanks to Dr. S. K. Nair, Scientist, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Raipur for his scholastic guidance, inspiring suggestions, sustained support. iii I feel honoured to express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr. D. A. Sarnaik, Dr. Pravin Kumar Sharma, Dr. Amit Dixit, Dr. Jitendra Trivedi, Dr. Rajashree Gayen and other technical and non-technical staff members of the Department of Vegetable Science, IGKV, Raipur for their help, affectionate encouragement and useful suggestions during the tenure of this investigation. And the words at my command are definitely inadequate, to express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr. G.L. Sharma (Farm In-charge of Horticulture Research Farm) for his full pledged co-operation, guidance, continued inspiration, valuable suggestions throughout the Ph. D programme. I am highly obliged to Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Dr. S. K. Patil, Dr. O. P. Kashyap, Dean, College of Agriculture, Dr. S. S. Rao, Director Research Services, Dr. M. P. Thakur, Director Extension Services, Dr. S. S. Shaw, Director of Instructions and Dr. (Major) G. K. Shrivastava, Dean of Student Welfare, IGKV, Raipur for providing necessary facilities to conduct the investigation. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. M. Pandey (Librarian, Nehru Llibrary, Raipur) for giving me kind help during my present study. I gratefully acknowledge Mr. T. L. Shiware, FEO and all the field staff and labour, Vegetable Research Station (AICRP on Vegetable Crops), Raipur, who were the heart and soul of this research programme. I express my heartfelt thanks to my friends Omesh, Nanak, Okesh, Kiran, Thriveni, Kalyani, Neha, Pritansha, Lahari, Deepika, my seniors Rajshree mam, Chetna mam, Deepika mam, Archana mam, Tanvi mam, Sonam mam and my juniors Ritu, Tinku, Garima, Vivek, Nisha, Helan, Surabhi, Sashi, Sweta, Amrita, Barsha, Lav, Sunidhi, Versha Kumari and many others. My words may be not enough to give especial thanks to Padmakshi who remains always with me and support me from all possible ways. I am in dearth of words to express my unboundful gratitude and genuffect love to my beloved parents Shri Sarat Chandra Dash and Smt. Nalini Dash for their dedicated efforts to educate me to this level and I am thankful to my Father- in-law Sri Biranchi Dash and Mother-in-law Smt. Janaki Dash for their boundless affection and care. My heartiest love and gratitude for my grandfather Shri. Shrivatsa Dash and my grandmother late Shantilata Dash, for their blessings, iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Title Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii-v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi-vii LIST OF TABLES viii-ix LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF PLATES xi LIST OF NOTATIONS/SYMBOLS xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiii ABSTRACT xiv-xvii I INTRODUCTION 1-4 II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 5-33 2.1 Genetic variability 5 2.2 Characterization 12 2.3 Genetic divergence 14 2.4 Correlation coefficient analysis 17 2.5 Path coefficient analysis 21 2.6 Combining ability and gene action 24 2.7 Heterosis 29 III MATERIALS AND METHODS 34-68 3.1 General description of the experimental sites 34 3.2 Details of experimental materials 38 3.3 Recording of observations 49 3.4 Morphological characterization 51 3.5 Statistical analysis 56 3.5.1 Analysis of variance 56 3.5.2 Variability parameters 58 Range 58 Mean 58 Coefficient of variation 58 Heritability 59 Genetic advance 59 3.5.3 Correlation coefficient analysis 60 3.5.4 Path coefficient analysis 61 3.5.5 Genetic divergence 62 Cluster analysis 62 Contribution of individual 62 characters towards genetic divergence 3.5.6 Combining ability analysis 63 Analysis of variance for combining 64 ability vi Chapter Title Page Estimation of general and specific 64 combining ability effects Estimation of variance components 66 Estimation of additive variance 67 (σ2) and dominance component A (σ2) of variances D 3.5.7 Estimation of heterosis 67 IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 69-164 4.1 Analysis of variance 69 4.2 Mean performance of brinjal genotypes 70 4.3 Genetic variability 78 4.3.1 Coefficient of variation 79 4.3.2 Heritability and Genetic advance 80 4.4 Morphological characterization 83 4.5 Correlation coefficient analysis 90 4.6 Path coefficient analysis 96 4.7 Divergence analysis 101 4.7.1 Grouping of genotypes to various clusters 101 4.7.2 Average intra and inter cluster distances 103 4.7.3 Performance of characters in cluster 105 4.7.4 Relative contribution of characters towards 108 diversity 4.8 Mean performance of parents for fruit yield and its 110 components in brinjal 4.9 Mean performance of hybrids for fruit yield and its 114 components in brinjal 4.10 Combining ability and gene action 120 4.10.1 Analysis of variance for Line x Tester 120 design 4.10.2 Combining ability effects 120 4.10.3 Genetic components and gene action 133 4.11 Heterosis 135 V SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 165-172 FOR FUTURE RESEARCH WORK REFERENCES 173-188 APPENDICES 189-191 APPENDIX A 189 APPENDIX B 190 APPENDIX C 191 RESUME 192 vii LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page 3.1 Details of brinjal genotypes/varieties 39-40 3.2 Details of the parents (lines and testers) used in the study 47 4.1 Analysis of variance for fruit yield and its component in 70 brinjal during kharif , 2015 4.2 Mean performance of brinjal germplasm during kharif, 72-76 2015 4.3 Genetic parameters of variability for fruit yield and its 82 component in brinjal during kharif, 2015 4.4 Morphological descriptors, descriptor scales and 88-90 distribution of brinjal germplasm during kharif, 2015 4.5 Correlation coefficient analysis (Phenotypic and 95 genotypic) among fruit yield and its component in brinjal during kharif 2015 4.6 Genotypic path coefficient analysis for fruit yield and its 97 components in brinjal during kharif 2015 4.7 Compositions of clusters during kharif 2015 102 4.8 Intra and inter distance values in brinjal 104 4.9 Mean performance of genotypes in individual cluster for 107 fruit yield and its components in brinjal during kharif 2015 4.10 Contribution of each characters to divergence 109 4.11 Mean performance of parents (Lines and Testers) in 115 brinjal during kharif 2016-17 at Raipur 4.12 Mean performance of F hybrids in brinjal during kharif 118-119 1 2016-17 at Raipur 4.13 Analysis of variance for Line X Tester analysis for fruit 121 yield and its component in brinjal during kharif 2016-17 at Raipur 4.14 General Combining Ability (GCA) effects of lines and 130 testers for fruit yield and its component in brinjal during kharif 2016-17 viii