The sequel to Capacity (2006) follows former social-care operative Judy's forced return to Earth to find out what DIANA, a defunct Earth corporation that seems to have created her, wants with her before it will let her go. The AI Watcher has spread its control over Earth, using the drug that allowed Judy and other social-care operatives to read the emotional states of their patients to control the minds of Earth's population. But Judy's fellow DIANA creation, Chris, continues fighting the Watcher to change the whole approach to human society. As that battle continues, Earth is bombarded with the seeds of the quantum plants that threaten to destroy all intelligent life. Judy's arrival, and that of some of the cargo of the ship that carries her, will change everything. Ballantyne handles an intricate future skillfully and oddly hopefully, given the terrifying threat of the dark plants, maintaining a fine balance between good characterization and a fast-paced plot. Regina Schroeder
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" Ballantyne handles an intricate future skillfully and oddly hopefully ... maintaining a fine balance between good characterization and a fast-paced plot."—_Booklist_