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Distribution and Phenology of Cirsium spp. (Asteraceae) in the Oshima Peninsula, Southern Hokkaido, Northern Japan PDF

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Preview Distribution and Phenology of Cirsium spp. (Asteraceae) in the Oshima Peninsula, Southern Hokkaido, Northern Japan

植物研究雑誌 J. Jpn. Bot. Originals 72: 1-8 (1997) Distribution and Phenology of C.かi.r 凹叫. , , in the Oshima PeninsulaSouthern HokkaidoNorthern Japan Tatsuya KOIZUMla,N aoyuki FUJIYAMAa,Y uichi KADOTAba nd Haruo KATAKURAa aDivision of Biological Sciences,Gr aduate School of Science,H okk副社oUniversity,Sa pporo,06 0 JAPAN; bDepartment of Botany,N a tional Science Museum,4- 1-1 Amakubo,Ts ukuba,Ib araki305JAPAN 略 (Received on August 22,1 996) The occuenceof seven species of thistles (genus Cirsium,A steraceae) in the 町 Oshima Peninsula,s outhem Hokkaido was confirmed. Cirsium kamtschaticum,C . grayanum and C.αlpicola were dominant in the area studied. Cirsium kamtschaticum was abundant in the northemmost part of the peninsula. This species was replaced by the southerly distributed C. grayanum around the southem slopes of the Kariba Mountains. Between the distribution ranges of the two species,w as az one occupied by populations ofthistles with unique conditions in the leafbase and stem pubescence,an d conditions in floral characters intermediate between C. kamtschaticum and C. grayanum. In the southemmost part of the Oshima Peninsula,C. alpicola occurred sympatrically with C. grayanum. Four other species (c. pendulum,C. aomorense,C. pectinellum,C. yezoense) were not abundant,th ough not rare in the peninsula. They were often sympatric with either of the three dominant species. The phenology of the three dominant species and two common species (C. aomorense and C. yezoense) was investigated with experimental transplantation at Hokkaido Un i ver- sity,S apporo. There was ac onsiderable degree of phenological difference among these thistles. Thistles of the genus Cirsium are herba- still fragmentary (but see Kitamura 1981 and ceous annuals,bi ennials or perennials of the Kadota 1995). family Asteraceae,oc curring abundantly from In the present paper,w e describe the de- the sea shore to high mountains in the northem tailed distribution of Cirsium species in the hemisphere. This genus is notorious for its Oshima Peninsula,so uthem HOkkaido,wh ich taxonomical difficulty owing both to the com- was investigated during af ield survey of the monoccuπence of interspeci白chybridization host plants of thistle feeding ladybird beetles (e.g.,K itamura 1937,H owelll960,D avidson (genus Epilachna,Co ccinellidae,cf. Katakura 1963,W emer 1967) and the wide ranges of 1981,1 988,19 93). Wea lso describe the phe- geographical and ecological variation nology of five Cirsium species common in the (Kitamura 1934,1937). InJapan,64 species of Oshima Peninsula on the basis of periodic Cirsium are thus far known (Kadota 1995),of observations of plants transplanted to the cam- which ten are known to occur in Hokkaido,th e pus of Hokkaido University,Sa pporo. Distri- northemmost large island ofthe Japanese Ar- bution of the thistle feeding Epilachna beetles chipelago. However,o ur knowledge of the in the peninsula,an d its correspondence to the distribution of each Cirsium species in Jap an is distribution of various thistle species,wi ll be 2 植物研究雑誌第72巻第1号 平成9年2月 reported elsewhere. 2) Phenology of Cirsium species In 1993,w et ransplanted five Cirsium spe- Materials and Methods cies found in the Oshima Peninsula to an 1) Distribution of Cirsium species experimental field of the Centre for Experi- Field surveys were intermittently carried mental Plants and Animals,Ho kkaido Univer- out from spring to alltumn in 1994 and 1995. sity,at the campus in Sapporo (Fig. 1,U C). The research area covered the whole range of Species and sources of transplanted thistles the Oshima Peninsula (Fig. 1). At each site and were as follows (see Fig. 1): on each occasion of field observation,w e Cirsium kamtschaticum Ledeb.: five stocks recorded the species of thistles,a nd their phe- collected at Hoshioki in the western suburbs nological conditions. Thistles were identified of Sapporo; C.αlpicola Nakai: three stocks according to Kadota (1995). collected near Junsai-numa,O shima District; KaribaMoun ぴ 50km Fig. 1. Map of the southwestern part of Hokkaido,s howing areas surveyed for thistle distribution (hatched). Collection'sites ofthistles transplanted to the campus ofHokkaido University (UC,o pen circle) are shown by solid circles: A,C. kamtschaticum; B,C. grayanum; C,C. yezoense; D,C. αlpicola; E,C. αθmorense. February 1997 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 72 No. 1 3 C. grayanum (Maxim.) Nakai: one stock col- Fisch. which is biennial (Kadota 1995). The lected near Junsai-numa and five stocks at distributions of the seven species and one Yakumo-onsen, Oshima District; C. aomorense Nakai: two stocks coUected at Table 1. The thistle species confirmed in the Minami-Kayabe,Os himaDistrict; C.yezoense Oshima Peninsula,so uthern Hokkaido,du ring (Maxim.) Makino: three stocks collected at 1994-1995 survey Na nae,O shima District. Thistle species Number of sites where the Wer ecorded the stem height,f lowering thistle species or the form period,a nd time of withering of each stock, was confirmed every two weeks from April to October in 1994. Cirsium kαmtschαticum 18 Cirsium pectinellum 2 a Results Intermediate form 19 1) Distribution of Cirsium species Cirsium grαyαれum 102 Cirsium pendulum 3 Wer ecorded Cirsium species at at otal of Cirsiumαomorense 8 137 sites (Fig. 2),a nd confirmed the occur- Cirsium yezoense 12 rence of seven species in the area surveyed Cirsium alpicola 24 (Table 1). Wea lso found another form of indeterminate taxonomic status. All the spe- aMorphologically intermediate between C. cies are perennial except for C. pendulum kamtschaticum and C. grayaηum (see Table 2) .C.kαmtschαticum 口C.pectinellum @ Intennediate fonn X C. yezoense OC.grαyαnum ムC.αomore 九四 AC.αlpicolα @ C. pendulum Fig. 2. Distribution of thistle species in the Oshima Peninsula. Left,d ominant speties. Right,ot her species. 4 植物研究雑誌第72巻第1号 平成9年2月 intermediate form are summarized below,to - in the present paper. The flowering season of gether with some additional comments. An the intermediate form is early July to early approximate flowering season in the low to September. moderate altitudes (ca. 0-500 m)o f the Oshima Cirsium alpicola: In Hokkaido,th is spe- Peninsula is given for each species and form. cies is also known to occur only in the southem Cirsium kamtschaticum: This is the most part(Kitamura 1981,Ka dota 1995). Thepresent abundant and prevailing species of thistle in study revealed that the distribution range of Hokkaido (Kitamura 1981,K adota 1995), this species is narrow,be ipg restricted to the growing nearly everywhere along the forest Ohno Plain (Fig. 1) and its adjacent areas in the margins and stream sides and in grassy fields, southemmost part of the peninsula. This spe- as an assemblage of af ew to more than fifteen cies was often sympatric with C. grayanum, clonal shoots. In the Oshima Peninsula,h ow- but it seemed to prefer more mesic habitats ever,th e abundant occurrence of this species is than the latter species,su ch as stream sides and virtually restricted to the northemmost part, marshes,w here it often occurred as dense i.e. the northem slopes of the Kariba Moun- aggregations ofindividuals. This species flow- tains situated near the neck of the peninsula, ers in mid August to late September. and areas furthernorth. Cirsium kamtschaticum Cirsium pendulum,C. aomorense,C. was recorded in the southern part of the penin- pectinellum,C. yezoense: These four species sula (Hase et aL 1994). However,o ur field were not abundant,th ough not quite rare,in the examination indicates that this species is very Oshima Peninsula,a nd their records were rare. In the southem part,w e only found a fragmentary in the present investigation. Their small,is olated population of C. kαmtschaticum distributions are summarized below,s upple- at Nodaoi (indicated by an aowin Fig. 2). mented by previous information (Katakura 汀 This species flowers in late June to late July. 1988) and our unpublished data. Cirsium grayαnum: In Hokkaidothisspe- Cirsium pendulum is weedy and was spo- ラ cies is known to occur only in the Oshima radically found in sunny secondary grasslands, Peninsula (Kitamura 1981,Ka dota 1995). We often near human habitation and in rural areas. confirmed that the occurrence ofthis species is This species is known to occur over the whole restricted to the peninsula south of the Kariba of Hokkaido (Kitamura 1981,K adota 1995). Mountains. Like C. kamtschaticum,C . Cirsium aomorense is also found near crop grαyanum is abundant in various habitats cov- fields,h uman habitation and along logging ering forest margins to grassy fields. This roads running through forests. The distribu- species flowers from mid Jun e to mid August. tion range of this species is also wide,co vering Intermediate form: In ar elatively narrow at least the southem half of Hokkaido (e.g. range in and around the Kariba Mountains and Sapporo and Obihiro). Cirsium pectinellum A. also east of these mountains,i ncluding the Gray,a s pecies often treated as as ubspecies of distribution limits of C. kamtschαticumandC. C. kamtschaticum (see Kitamura 1981),gr ows grayanum,th e dominant thistles showed inter in marshes in diverse localities of Hokkaido 回 mediate conditions in floral characters be- In the present study,w ec onfirmed this species tween typical C. kamtschaticum and C. in marshes at two localities near the neck of the grayanum,a nd showed somewhat different Oshima Peninsula (Fig. 2). Cirsium yezoense conditions in the leaf base and stem pubes- seems to be confined to shaded habitats,pa r- cence from the latter two (c.f. Fig. 3,Ta ble 2). ticularly along stream sides. This species is Wet reat these thistles as an intermediate form more numerous in the Oshima Peninsula,bu t Pebruary 1997 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 72 No. 1 5 Fig. 3. Typical conditions of capitula (a-c) and leaf base (d-f) of C. grayanum (a,d) ,C. kamtschaticum (c,f), and the intermediate form (b,e) . Scale bar,1. 0c m. Table 2. Morphological characters of Cirsium grayanum,C . kamtschaticum and intermediate forms found in the transitional zone of the two species Characters C. grayanum Interrnediates C. kamtschaticum Stem pubescence arachnoid in upper part, completely glabrous arachnoid in upper part, lower part with sparse hairs throughout glabrous in lower part Leafbase decurrent with wings and auriculate amplexicaul or decurrent spmes with spines (but not wings) Capitula in compact corymb or in compact corymb or in al oose corymb or solitary, aggregated,er ect to oblique, aggregated,er ect to oblique, nodding,wi th long peduncle with short (or no) penduncle with short (or no) penduncle and pale pu叩lecorollae, and red pu中lecorollae, and pale pu叩lecorollae, width 34.79:t1.66 mm* width 25.31:tl.65 mm* width 32.05:tO.83 mm* (n=ll) (n=12) (n=14) Involcres campanulate campanulate bowl-shaped to broadly campanulate *mean:tSE 6 植物研究雑誌第72巻第1号 平成9年2月 its distribution range extends to the northem and the stems withered by mid August. Ont he region,i.e . Iburi and Hidaka Districts (unpubl. other hand,th ree thistle species (C.αlpicola, data). The flowering seasons of these species C. aomorense,C . yezoense) flowered in late in lowlands,b ased on our field observations, summer to autumn. They grew gradually until are as follows: Cirsium pendulum flowers in August,f lowered from early August to late mid August to mid September; Cirsium September,a nd the stems did not wither until aomorense and C. yezoense flower in late early October,w hen they were damaged by August to late September; Cirsium pectinellum frost. The phenology of C. grayanum was flowers in early July to early August. intermediate between the above two types, 2) Phenology of Cirsium species with al onger flowering period (from late June The seasonal changes of stem heights,fl ow- to late August) than other Cirsium species. ering periods and times of withering are shown This was because of longer flowering periods in Fig. 4. Ont he university campus in Sapporo, of individual plants rather than asynchronous all the thistle species sprouted in late April, flowering of different plant clones. soon after the disappearance of snow cover. But the subsequent phenology differed con- Discussion siderably according to the thistle species. As mentioned above,th e dominant thistle Cirsium kαmtschαticum was of an early to species successively change from the north to mid-summer flowering type. It had rapidly the south in the Oshima Peninsula: C. grown by June,f lowered from June to July, kamtschaticum (north of the Kariba Moun- 250 200 自 υ 150 ~ ...c: bJl ω 国 100 g G ∞~ 50 。 ∞ ロ パ 宇 吋 パ 宇 ∞ 円 ? 伺 吋 円 円 同 Fig. 4. Seasonal changes of stem heights and the periods off1owering and withering offive thistle species transplanted on the Campus of Hokkaido University,S apporo. KAM,C. kamtschaticum; GRA,C. glayanum;ALP,C. alpicola; YEZ,C. yezoense; AOM,C. ・ aomorense. February 1997 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vo .l72 No. 1 7 tains),th e intermediate from (southem slopes whok indly improved the English. The phenol- of the Kariba Mountainsandjts adjacent ar- ogy of Cirsium spp. was monitored at the 、 eas),C. grayanum (main body of the Oshima experimental field of the Centre for Experi- Peninsula) and C. grayanum plus C.αlpicola mental Plants and Animals,Ho kkaido Univer- (Ohno plain and its neighboring areas) (cf. Fig. sity. This work was partly supported by Grant- 2). in-Aids for Scientific Research No. 04640600 The transition of the northerly distributed and 06640805 to H. K. and aG rant-in-Aid for Cirsium kamtschaticum and the southerly dis- JSPS Research Fellows to T. K. from the tributed C. grayanum around the Kariba Moun- Ministry of Education,S cience and Culture, tains is of particular interest (Fig. 2). Between Japan. the 'ranges of the two dominant thistle species, there occurs av ariety with partly intermediate References Aishima T. 1934. Chromosome numbers in the genus Cirsium and partly unique morphology. The flowering 1. Bot.恥1ag.Tokyo 48: 150-151. period of this intermediate form was interme- Davidson R. E. 1963. Initial biometric survey of morphological diate between those of C. kamtschaticum and variation ii1 the Cirsiumαltissinum -C. discolor complex. Brittonia 15: 221-241. C. grayαnum. Judging from the morphology, Harrison R. G. (ed.) 1993. Hybrid Zones and the Evolutionary phenology,a nd geographic position of distri- Process. 364 pp. Oxford University Press,N ew York. bution,it is very likely that the intermediate Hase A,Sa to T. and Takahashi H. 1994. Al ist of vascular plants collected in Kamiiso-cho,s outh-westem Hokkaido -A forms are hybrid derivatives of C. preliminary report. Seibutsu Kyozai 29: 1-21 (In Japanese). kamtschaticum and C. grayanum,a nd hence Howell 1. T. 1960. Cirsium. In: Abrams L. R. and Ferris R. S. the zone occupied by them is ah ybrid zone (cf. (eds.),A nI llustrated Floraofthe Pacific States IV (pp. 514- 538). Stanford University Press,St anford. Harrison 1993). Further anal yses of the change Iwashina T., Kadota Y.,U eno T and Ootani S. 1995. Foliar of various traits of thistles,in cluding extemal flavonoid composition in Japanese Cirsium species morphology,ka ryotypes,a nd chemical com- (Compositae),a nd their chemotaxonomic significance. J. Jpn. Bot. 70: 280-290. ponents (e.g. flavonoid composition,1w a shina Kadota Y. 1995. Subtribe II1. Carduinae. In: Iwatsuki K. et a .l et a .l1995),a cross the putative hybrid zone (eds.),Fl oraof Japan Vo .lIIIb Angiospermae Dicotyledoneae will be fruitful. It is important to know the Sympetalae (b) (pp. 118-151). Kodansha,To kyo. Katakura H. 1981. Classification and evolution ofthe phytopha- chromosome number of the intermediate gous ladybirds belonging to Henosepilachna clones,s ince chromosome numbers of C. vigintioctomaculata complex (Coleoptera,C occinellidae). kamtschaticum and C. grayanum are known to J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. VI (Zool.) 22: 301-378. 一一一一一一1988.The Epilachna vigintioctomαculata Complex. be different: 2n=68 in the former species Bun-ichi Sogo Press,T okyo (in Japanese). (Aishima 1934,N ishikawa 1982,1 988, 一一一一一1993.Factors determining monophagy and oligophagy in the phytophagous ladybird beetles. In: Higashi S. et a .l Masukawa et a .l1990) and 2n=34 in the latter (eds.)“,Seitaigaku kara mita Hokkaido". Hokkaido Univer- (Matsuura & Suto 1935). sity Press,S apporo (InJ apanese). Kitamura S. 1934. Les Cirses de l' Asie Orientale; leur classifi- Wet hank Dr. Shu吋iNatsume and the staff cation et leur distribution. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. (Kyoto), 3: 1-14 (In Japanese with Latin description). of the Hiyama Experimental Forest,Ho kkaido 一一一一1937.Cirsium. Compositae Japonicae,p ars prima. University,Pr of. A. Hara and the staff of the Memoirs ofthe College of Science,Ky oto Imperial Univer- sity,S er. B1 3: 1-14,33-134,pl s. I-XVII1. Nanae Fish Culture Experimental Station, 一一一一一1981.Cirsium. In: Satake Y. et a .l(Eds.),Wi ld flowers Hokkaido University, Messrs. Hideki of Japan (pp. 259). Tokyo: Heibonsha (In Japanese). Hashimoto,Ko sei Okada,To moaki Kuwahara, Masukawa K,K onta F. and Kadota Y. 1990. Some information on chromosomes of Japanese Cirsium species. Proc. Ann. and Tsukasa Miy akaw af or their kind coopera- Meet. Jap. Soc. P .lTaxon 21: 7. tion and hearty support on field surveys. We Matsuura H. and Suto T. 1935. Contribution to the idiogram extend our thanks to Dr. Michael J. Weedon study in phanerogamous plants 1. J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido 8 植物研究雑誌第72巻第l号 平成9年2月 Univ. Ser. V,B ot. 5: 33-75. Hokkaido (11). J. Hokkaido Univ.,E duc. Sect. IIB 35: 33- Nishikawa T. 1982. Chromosome counts off1owering plants of 40 (In Japanese with English summary). Hokkaido (6). Rep. Taisetsuzan Inst. Sci. 15: 9-16 (In Wemer K. 1967. Cirsium. In: Tutin T. G. et al. Flora Europaea Japanese with English summary). IV (pp. 232-242). Cambridge University Press,Ca mbridge. 一一一一一1988.Chromosome counts of f10wering plants of -1 小泉達也 ,藤山直之\門田裕 片倉晴雄 ザミが優占していた.渡島半島の南端部には,ミ a a. 渡島半島におけるアザミ属植物(キク科)の分布 ネアザミがマルパヒレアザミと同所的に分布して と季節消長 いた.ほかの4種のアザミ(タカアザミ,オオノ 北海道南部の渡島半島において,アザミ食テン アザミ,エゾノサワアザミ,サワアザミ)は渡島 トウムシ (Epilachna属)の食草分布調査として, 半島に普通に見られるが,いずれの地域でも優占 7種のアザミ属植物の分布を確認した.この地域 種とはなっていない.これらはしばしば上記の3 にはチシマアザミ,マルバヒレアザミ,ミネアザ 優占種のいずれかと共存していた.上記の3優占 ミが優占する.チシマアザミは渡島半島北端部に 種とオオノアザミ サワアザミを北海道大学構内 豊富に自生しており,狩場山塊周辺で南完』こ分布 (札幌)に移植し,季節消長を定期的に観察した するマルパヒレアザミと置き換わっていた.この ところ,開花期と枯死期に種間で著しい違いが認 2種のアザミの分布境界近辺には,頭花,総壱, められた. 葉柄,茎部表面の形状が両種の中間であるか.そ (a北海道大学大学院理学研究科生物科学専攻, のいずれとも異なっているために同定の困難なア 国立科学博物館植物研究部) b

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