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DISTRIBUTED HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING Water Science and Technology Library VOLUME 22 Editor-in-Chie! V. P. Singh, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, U.S.A. Editorial Advisory Board M. Anderson, Bristol, U.K. L. Bengtsson, Lund, Sweden A. G. Bobba, Burlington, Ontario, Canada S. Chandra, New Delhi, India. M. Fiorentino, Potenza, Italy W. H. Hager, Zurich, Switzerland N. Harmancioglu, Ivnir, Turkey A. R. Rao, West La!ayette, Indiana, U.S.A. M. M. Sherif, Giza, Egypt Shan Xu Wang, Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China D. Stephenson, Johannesburg, South Africa The titles published in this series are listed at the end of this volume. DISTRIBUTED HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING edited by MICHAEL B. ABBOTT International Institute/or InJrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands and JENS CHRISTIAN REFSGAARD Danish Hydraulic Institute, Hf/Jrsholm, Denmark KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS DORDRECHT / BOSTON / LONDON Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Distributed hydrological modelling I edited by Michael B. Abbott and ~ens Christian Refsgaard. p. cm. -- (Water science and technology library; v. 22) Inc 1u des index. ISBN-13: 978-94-010-6599-3 (hb : ac i d-free paper) 1. Hydrology--Mathematical models. I. Abbott. Michael B. II. Refsgaard. ~ens Christian. III. Series. GB656.2.M33D57 1996 551.48·01·5118--dc20 96-14534 ISBN-13: 978-94-010-6599-3 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-009-0257-2 DOl: 10.1007/978-94-009-0257-2 Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Kluwer Academic Publishers incorporates the publishing programmes of D. Reidel, Martinus Nijhoff, Dr W. Junk and MTP Press. Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, U.S.A. In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O. Box 322,3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1996 Table of Contents Foreword vii Chapter 1. The Role of Distributed Hydrological Modelling in Water Resources Management / J.C. REFSGAARD and M.B. ABBOTI Chapter 2. Terminology, Modelling Protocol and Classification of Hydrolog-ical Model Codes / J.C. REFSGAARD 17 Chapter 3. Construction, Calibration and Validation of Hydrological Models/ J.e. REFSGAARD and B. STORM 41 Chapter 4. Distributed Physically-based Modelling of the Entire Land Phase of the Hydrological Cycle / B. STORM and A. REFSGAARD 55 Chapter 5. Multi-species Reactive Transport Modelling / PETER ENGES6AARD 71 Chapter 6. Soil Erosion Modelling / J.K. L0RUP and M. STYCZEN 93 Chapter 7. Agrochemical Modelling / M. THORSEN, 1. FEYEN and M. STYCZEN 121 Chapter 8. Weather Radar Precipitation Data and Their Use in Hydrological Modelling / C.G. COLLIER 143 Chapter 9. Application of Remote Sensing for Hydrological Modelling / F.P. DE TROCR, P.A. TROCR, Z. SU and D.S. LIN 165 Chapter 10. Geological Modelling / M. HANSEN and P. GRAVESEN 193 Chapter 11. Use of GIS and Database with Distributed Modelling / F. DECKERS and e.B.M. TE STROET 215 Chapter 12. An Engineering Case Study - Modelling the Influences of Gab cikovo Hydropower Plant on the Hydrology and Ecology in the Slovakian Part of the River Branch System of Zitny Ostrov / R.R. S0RENSEN, J. KLUCOVSKA, J. TOPOLSKA, T. CLAUSEN and J.e. REFSGAARD 233 Chapter 13a. A Discussion of Distributed Hydrological Modelling / K. J. BEVEN 255 Chapter 13b. Comment on 'A Discussion of Distributed Hydrological Modelling' by K. Beven / J.C. REFSGAARD, B. STORM and M.B. ABBOTT 279 Chapter 13c. Response to Comments on 'A Discussion of Distributed Hydrolog- ical Modelling' by J.e. Refsgaard et al. / K. J. BEVEN 289 Chapter 14. Hydrological Modelling in a Hydroinformatics Context! A.W. MINNS and V. BABOVIC 297 Index 313 DISTRIBUTED HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING Foreword It is the task of the engineer, as of any other professional person, to do everything that is reasonably possible to analyse the difficulties with which his or her client is confronted, and on this basis to design solutions and implement these in practice. The distributed hydrological model is, correspondingly, the means for doing everything that is reasonably possible - of mobilising as much data and testing it with as much knowledge as is economically feasible - for the purpose of analysing problems and of designing and implementing remedial measures in the case of difficulties arising within the hydrological cycle. Thus the aim of distributed hydrologic modelling is to make the fullest use of cartographic data, of geological data, of satellite data, of stream discharge measurements, of borehole data, of observations of crops and other vegetation, of historical records of floods and droughts, and indeed of everything else that has ever been recorded or remembered, and then to apply to this everything that is known about meteorology, plant physiology, soil physics, hydrogeology, sediment transport and everything else that is relevant within this context. Of course, no matter how much data we have and no matter how much we know, it will never be enough to treat some problems and some situations, but still we can aim in this way to do the best that we possibly can. Now why should we need a model for this purpose; why, in particular, should we need a distributed model? The answer lies in our proviso of 'what we possibly can'. For we experience our outer world as being itself distributed in space and proceeding in time and we collect our data accordingly, while a large part of our knowledge is about how the quantities which enter our data change in space and time, both of themselves and in relation to one another. Thus, in order to comprehend this outer world we need a representation that is distributed, if only conceptually, in space, and which proceeds in time, with processes described correspondingly. Correspondingly again, our analyses, designs and remedial measures must also be described in a spatially-distributed and time-dependept way, and the need for economy of means and of thought then neces sitate that this representation must be one that is expressed in terms of signs, and then, in our present time, of signs that are acceptable to a digital machine. Since these sign representations must then provide us with other, higher-order signs, which point the way to our analyses, our designs and our remedial measures, these must constitute vii viii models. Thus the spatially-distributed and time-dependent model becomes the conditio sine qua non for investigations in this area. Given this position of distributed hydrological models, the question naturally arises of why they are so rarely applied to anything like their full potential to the multifarious problems of the hydrologic environment. The number and depth of applications appears to be quite out of proportion to the manifest needs for the results that these systems alone can provide. Of course, any number of reasons are adduced by organisations and individuals for this situation - 'insufficient data', 'insufficient knowledge of processes', 'unnecessary complication' , and any number of others -but these have long since been exposed as being, for the most part, only surrogates for quite other kinds of difficulties. Some two decades of experience in the application of such systems has shown that the 'scientific' and 'technical' reasons that are presented are in fact surrogates for difficulties which have an institutional-political, administrative and, in a word, social origin. Modelling, as all integral part of hydro informatics generally, is a sociotechnical activity, and the difficulties that confront distributed hydrological modelling arise primarily from the social (institutional and administrative) side. They are primarily functions of institutional and administrative structures, organisations and modes of collaboration. An analysis of the many institutional setbacks experienced in the application of distributed models has shown a clear pattern in this direction and has allowed us to understand more clearly the origins of these reverses. Expressed in a nutshell: the distributed model puts demands upon the availability of data and of knowledge in hydrology that singularly few organisations alone are currently capable of supplying. Alongside this, and compounding its negative influences, there are few institutional arrangements in place for correcting this situation through a cooperation between organisations for the supply of hydrological data and knowledge. Thus, when seen by an individual or a group of persons situated within these organisations, it really does appear as though 'there is not enough data' and 'there is insufficient knowledge of processes'. Similarly, the application of a deterministic model must appear as an 'unnecessary inconvenience' when it appears to necessitate changes, both within the organisation itself and in its collaborative arrangements. But, of course, in a world of increasing commercial pressures on most organisations, few of these like to admit that it is they that do not have enough data or it is their organisations that cannot mobilise enough knowledge, so that they raise the spectre of insufficient data or insufficient knowledge or whatever else of this kind as a scientific or technical problem in its own right. The fact is then conveniently ignored that if anything is to be done at all - a reservoir to be extended, soil to restored after a chemical spill, a waste dump to be removed, a new water extraction policy to be introduced, etc, etc, - the distributed ix model will nearly always narrow down the range of uncertainty in the outcome of the intervention, and that, whatever the data and knowledge that is available, this represents the best that we can do for a given level of investment in data and knowledge. If we add to this the common observation that such studies point towards the most cost effective means to reduce the range of uncertainty for a given extra investment in data and knowledge, the utility of such models is further emphasised. Given this situation, the solution to the problem of encouraging the wider application of distributed hydrologic models must be sought in the experience of sociotechilology. This shows clearly that most problems that appear as 'social' can be overcome by the proper production and social employment of technical means. Thus the question concerning the future of this class of models devolves upon the question of elaborating an appropriate strategy of technological development, proceeding both on the side of the technology itself and on the si.de of its application in society. This, in its tum, directs attention to the encapsulation of distributed hydrologic models into such productions of hydro informatics as real-time control, diagnostic and other model-based systems and decision-support environments. On one side (the 'input' side) this leads to means to encapsulate other data and knowledge than the hydrological and to combine and merge this in the (adaptive) objects of the systems and environments, and on the other side (the 'output' side) it leads to the further integration of the associated models with geographical information systems and other such standard tools of control and management practice. As this technology has now been rather thoroughly researched and applied in surrounding areas, such as for the real-time control of urban drainage systems and for the management of coastal-aquatic environments, the task of carrying it over to hydrologic applications is proving less onerous than would otherwise be the case. As the first such systems come to maturity, it is expected that distributed hydrologic modelling will emerge from the institutional-social impasse that has so long constrained it, so that it will finally come to attain to its full stature. M.B. Abbott J.e. Refsgaard CHAPTER 1 THE ROLE OF DISTRIBUTED HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING IN WATER RESOURCES~AGEMENT J.C. REFSGAARD1 AND M.B. ABBOTT2 Danish Hydraulic Institute, Hnrsholm, Denmark 1 International Institute for Injrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental 2 Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands 1. Problems in Water Resources Management "Scarcity and misuse of fresh water pose a serious and growing threat to sustainable development and protection of the environment. Human health and welfare, food security, industrial development and the ecosystems on which they depend, are all at risk, unless water and land resources are managed more effectively in the present decade and beyond than they have been in the past". (lCWE, 1992) The present status and the future challenges facing hydrologists and water resources managers are summarized in this way in the introductory paragraph of the Dublin Statement on Water and Sustainable Development (lCWE, 1992). The Dublin Statement was adopted by government-designated experts from 114 countries and representatives of 80 international, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations at the International Conference on Water and the Environment (a preparatory conference for the UNCED conference held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992). Since the ancient civilizations of Persia, Egypt and Babylon some 4000 years ago, water resources and water supply technology have played foundational roles in the development and organisation of many societies. However, rapid population growth and the industrial development during the past few decades have caused an increasing pressure on land and water resources in almost all regions of the world. Due to increasing demands for water for domestic, agricultural, industrial, recreational and other uses and due to an increasing pollution of surface and groundwater, water resources have become scarce natural resources. The availability of good-quality water is critical for human survival, economic development and the environment. Yet, water resources are not being managed in an efficient and sustainable manner. At the ICWE and UNCED conferences focus was put on past experiences of water resources management and new principles outlining improved future approaches were agreed upon. The World Bank in a follow-up policy paper (World Bank, 1993) emphasizes three problems which in particular need to be addressed: * Fragmented public investment programming and sector management, that have failed to take account of the interdependencies among agencies, jurisdictions, and sectors * Excessive reliance on overextended government agencies that have neglected the M. B. Abbott and J. C. Refsgaard (eds.). Distributed Hydrological Modelling, 1-16. © 1996 Kluwer Aeademic Publishers. 2 J. C. REFSGAARD AND M. B. ABBOTI need for economic pricing, financial accountability, and user participation and have not provided services effectively to the poor * Public investments and regulations that have neglected water quality, health and environmental concerns. Central elements in the World Bank's new policy are adoption of a comprehensive policy framework and the treatment of water as an economic good, combined with decentralized management and delivery structures, greater reliance on pricing, and fuller participation of stakeholders. Such new approach to water resources management requires, first of all, combined efforts of professionals from a large range of disciplines such as economists, administrators, engineers, hydrologists and ecologists, as well as a cross-sectoral integration in the planning and management process. As the traditions for cooperation and integration among these various disciplines and sectors have generally not been very strong, this challenge is very large and crucial. Additionally, the increased water resources problems and the new managetp.ent approach require improved water resources management tools based on sound scientific principles and efficient technologies. Key characteristics of such improved technologies are that they to a larger extent than the existing tools must facilitate a holistic view of water resources as well as cooperation among different disciplines and sectors involved in water resources management. This involves, amongst others, an integrated description of the entire land phase of the hydrological cycle, an integrated description of water quantity, quality and ecology, and integration of hydrological, ecological, economical and administrative information in information systems specifically designed for decisions makers at different levels. The role of distributed hydrological models should be seen in this context. As will be described later in this chapter and in other chapters of this book distributed hydrological models are essential elements comprising some of these required capabilities. Hence, distributed hydrological models are important and necessary, but far from sufficient, tools in improving the future water resources management. In Section 2 of this chapter a brief review is made of important present problems and trends related to water resources. Section 3 provides a review of the state-of-the-art in hydrological modelling aiming to assist in the analysis and management of these problems. Section 4 contains a discussion on which factors limit the practical use of distributed hydrological modelling in water resources management. 2. Key Issues and Trends in Water Resources 2.1. EFFECTS OF EXPLOITATION OF WATER RESOURCES In 1940 the total global water use was about 1,000 km3 per year. It had doubled by 1960 and doubled again by 1990 (Clarke, 1991). In most countries of the world there is not enough readily available water of sufficient quality for another such doubling. Developments in some countries, such as China and India, suggest that this may be

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