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Distinguishing the opponents in the prisoner dilemma in well-mixed populations Lucas Wardil†∗ and Jafferson K. L. da Silva† †Departamento de F´ısica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Caixa Postal 702, CEP 30161-970, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil (Dated: January 12, 2010) Here we study the effects of adopting different strategies against different opponent instead of adopting the same strategy against all of them in the prisoner dilemma structured in well-mixed 0 populations. We consider an evolutionary process in which strategies that provide reproductive 1 success are imitated and players replace one of their worst interactions by the new one. We set 0 individualsinawell-mixedpopulationsothatnetworkreciprocityeffectisexcludedandweanalyze 2 both synchronous and asynchronous updates. As a consequence of the replacement rule, we show n that mutual cooperation is never destroyed and the initial fraction of mutual cooperation is a a lower bound for the level of cooperation. We show by simulation and mean-field analysis that J for synchronous update cooperation dominates while for asynchronous update only cooperations 9 associatedtotheinitialmutualcooperationsaremaintained. Asasideeffectofthereplacementrule, an “implicit punishment” mechanism comes up in a way that exploitations are always neutralized ] providingevolutionary stability for cooperation. h p PACSnumbers: 87.23.-n,89.65.-s,02.50.Le - Keywords: c o s . 1. Introduction wayof reciprocityis networkreciprocity. Individuals are s c set on the vertices of a network and interact only with i their neighbors. In this context, cooperators form clus- s y Cooperative dilemma was initially studied in the ters of mutual cooperationand this mutualism is viewed h as reciprocity [9–14]. But human behavior is not so sim- framework of classical game theory. Usually individu- p ple: individualscanadoptreciprocalstrategiesbut,moti- als have two strategies: cooperation and defection. A [ vatedbyinternalemotion,likeangeragainstexploitation cooperator provides a benefit to the opponent and pays 1 a cost for that. A defector receives the benefits if the [15], they can punish defectors [15–17]. This would not v opponent is a cooperator. This defines a material pay- be so intriguing, as it is just another way of reciprocal 7 motives. But the important feature is that individuals off. If individuals maximize their material payoff, it is 9 usually input costs to defectors at their own expenses. well know that defection will dominate [1]. Departing 3 Thisbehavioriscalledaltruisticpunishment,becausein- 1 from these initial ideas, evolutionary game theory has dividualspayacostto punishevenifthey nevermetthe . emergedandstrategyevolutioninpopulations wasstud- 1 punished opponent again and because the punishment ied. In this approachit is implicit assumed the principle 0 acts weakenthe defectors and the entire population gets of natural selection, where the payoff is equated to fit- 0 better off [15]. Reputation, rewards or repeated inter- 1 ness and the fittest strategy survives [2]. In this context action, as internal motives, they all interact with pun- : it was shownthat the classicaltheory is recoveredin the v ishment motives [5, 6]. Punishment involvessome subtle replicatorequation,wherepopulationisconsideredtobe i X well-mixed, that is, a population where everybody inter- questions and gives rise to another evolutionary puzzle: altruisticpunishment, althoughseeminglyusual, maybe r acts with everybody [2]. a amaladaptivetraitasthepunishersgetworstpayoffs[8]. Cooperationcannotbesupportedwithoutextramech- anisms[3]. Essentiallytwoactionstakeplacefor cooper- Recently it was introduced the possibility of an “im- ation survival: maintenance of mutual cooperation and plicitpunishment”withoutturntoextraindividualpref- preventionfromexploitation[4]. Cooperatorscanbebet- erencesexceptthedesiretomaximizetheowngain. This ter off only if they meet each other so that their profits was accomplished by the adoption of different strategies exceed defectors’ profits. If the individuals perceive that againstdifferentopponentsinthecontextofnetworkreci- it is important what the opponents are doing in order to procitywithsynchronousupdate [18]. Insteadofplaying attend these two essential actions, reciprocalpreferences the same strategy against all of the neighbors, individu- cancomeup[5–8]. Reciprocitymeansthatwhatanindi- als can choose one different strategy against each oppo- vidualdodepends onwhatothersdotohim/herdirectly nent. If eachplayerstrategicallyupdates their strategies orindirectly. DirectreciprocitymeansthatIchoosewhat possibly imitating a successful random neighbor and re- to do against you depending on what you do to me. In- places the interaction that gives the worst payoff by the direct reciprocity means that my behavior toward you imitated strategy, it was shown for square lattices that also depends on what you do to others. Another subtle cooperationwasstronglysupported,evenforhugedefec- 2 tion tendency, and was robust against misjudgments of 3. Evolutionary analysis the worstinteraction. The possibility of opponentdiffer- We made our simulations using networks of size N = entiation introduces a mechanism of punishing without 40 and N = 100 and evaluate the fraction of cooper- costsandwithoutanykindofinternalpreferencesexcept ation (f ) adopted by all of the players in all of their the desire of maximize own payoff. We call this punish- c interactions. If n is the quantity of C strategies used ment “implicit punishment”. But in that work [18], the c in all of the interactions by all of the players, we have possibility of adoption of different strategies was intro- 0 ≤ n ≤ N(N −1) and f = n /N(N −1). The ran- duced in the context of network reciprocity. What hap- c c c dom initial configuration consists of 50% of cooperation pens if networkreciprocityis excluded? Here we analyze and the averagesare made over 100 different initial con- this model in well mixed populations, what means that ditions. We use ǫ = 0.001 and we show here only the we are excluding network reciprocity effects. The other case b = 2, although we simulated the model also for important feature of the model is the synchronous up- other values of b. In fact, the b value has no effect in the date assumption. It is well known that results may be simulations and in the mean-field results. striking different if asynchronousupdate is used[19, 20]. Before going on, let us state one fundamental feature Here we analyze the model with both synchronous and of the model that is independent if the update is syn- asynchronousupdates. Weshowthatcooperationstillre- chronousornot. Supposea focalplayerimitatesadefec- mainsalive,althoughforasynchronousupdateitachieves tionstrategy. Westatethatanyinteractionoftype(C,C) its lower bound level. We analyze the model using com- willneverbereplacedby(D,C).Ifsomeopponentadopts puter simulations and a mean-field technique. defection, the focal player must have at least one (C,D) 2. The model or (D,D) interaction. But these interactions give payoffs worst than (C,C). So (C,C) will never be replaced. This Let us state the model formally. We study the pris- proves the existence of a lower bound for the fraction of oner dilemma in a population of size N as the scenario cooperationgiven by the initial fraction of mutual coop- for the cooperation problem. We consider a well-mixed eration. Onthe otherhand,if the focalplayerimitates a population, what means that each player can interact D strategy, he/she will first seek for (C,D) interactions. with everybody. The strategy vector of an individual is Iftheyarepresent,(C,D)willbereplacedby(D,D).One S~ = (S1,...,Sj,...,SN−1), where Sj can be C (coop- can see that mutual cooperation is never destroyed and eration) or D (defection). So individuals are merged in every exploitation is punished. N − 1 interactions. If in one of these interactions an For the usual game, where each player adopts a sin- individual plays C against an opponent who is playing glestrategyagainstallofitsopponents,asingledefector D, we denote this interaction as (C,D) (the first entry can invade a population of cooperators in infinity well- is the strategy of the focal player and the second en- mixed population [2]. The first remarkable feature of try is the opponent strategy). The payoff of a D strat- “implicitpunishment”isthatcooperationisevolutionary egy against a C strategy is P(D,C) = b, where b > 1 stableinwell-mixedpopulationforbothsynchronousand is the defection tendency. Using the same notation, we asynchronous update. If a mutant that adopts defection have that P(D,D) = ǫ, with ǫ << 1, P(C,C) = 1 and against everybody appears in a population where every- P(C,D) = 0. For synchronous update, each player in- body is cooperating, the mutant initially earns a huge teracts with the other N −1 players, plays a round of payoff. But as soon as others imitate it, the exploited onegameagainsteachopponent,andearnsacumulative (C,D)interactionswillbereplacedby(D,D),neutralizing payoff. After that, each player chooses randomly one theexploitations. Whatissimple,butremarkable,isthat neighbor and compare their cumulative payoffs. If the theinteractionsthatarechangingarejustthoseinwhich opponent cumulative payoff is bigger than its own one, theexploiterisinvolvedandalloftheothermutualcoop- it imitates the strategy the opponent is using against erationsaremaintained. The “implicitpunishment” will him/her with probability proportional to the difference takeplace untilthe mutantcumulative payoffis equalto of cumulative payoffs, Π=|∆P |/((N −1)b) [21]. On cooperator cumulative payoff. If we call n the quan- cum exp theotherhand,iftheopponentcumulativepayoffislower tity of defection adopted by the mutant exploiter, the thanits ownone,the focalplayerremainswith the same payoff of the mutant exploiter and the payoff of the co- strategy. If imitation takes place, the new strategy re- operators are P = n (b + ǫ) and P = N − 2, exp exp coop places the strategy used in the interaction that gives the respectively. By equating both expression we have the worstpayoff. Theworstpayoffofthefocalplayerisgiven equilibrium fraction by the interaction (C,D), followed by (D,D), (C,C) and N −2 (D,C). For asynchronous update, a random individual is n = . exp b+ǫ chosen so that it can imitate and possibly replace one of its strategies like in the synchronous case. After this Let us now discuss the results obtained by numerical individual update, the entire population play a round of simulationswithbothsynchronousandasynchronousup- the game,andeachplayerearnsnew cumulative payoffs, dates. In the initial conditions, we set the players to co- and another random individual is chosen to update its operatewithprobability0.5againsteachoneofitsoppo- strategies. A time step consists of N of such processes. nents. This gives an initial cooperation fraction of 50%. 3 For asynchronous update, cooperation cannot dominate a o populationbutitcancoexistwithdefectionandassumes 2(cid:13)(cid:14)(cid:15)(cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:19)(cid:14)(cid:20)(cid:21) valuesnearthelower-bound(25%fortheinitialcondition 2(cid:22)(cid:8)(cid:18)(cid:21)u(cid:24)(cid:14)(cid:8)(cid:17)(cid:25) assumed here). Fig. 1 shows simulation and mean-field tm(cid:6) attfihiperelepdrspoyaoxnppicpmuhrlaroaotxtiniioomonnua.rsteiFuosuinpgldt.rsae2tsfeous,rlhtcostohwofeospraetsrhtyahenteiscoishmnyrnoudncloahomtruiooisnnnuaotpauendssdauttphem.deeaFaetonner--. (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8)a(cid:7)(cid:1)a(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:7)(cid:10)(cid:11)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8)tmd a One can see in Fig. 3 that, for short times, the syn- tm- chronous update behaves like the asynchronous update. At the beginning, all of the exploitations are neutralized tmn and only the initial mutual cooperation survives. After t o(cid:8)it(cid:6) n(cid:8)it(cid:6) M(cid:8)it(cid:6) -(cid:8)it(cid:6) f(cid:8)it(cid:6) (cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:12)(cid:11) that, cooperation starts to increase very slowly until it dominatesthe population. So wecandefine ashort-time FIG.2: Fraction of cooperation forsynchronousupdatewith regime and a long-time regime for synchronous dynam- N =40 and b=2.0. ics. The same qualitative result holds for large popula- tions, but simulation time gets extremely huge for syn- a chronous update. Fig. 4 shows a finite size analysis for ai-- the time spent to reach the minimum value of the co- ai- 2(cid:14)(cid:15)(cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:21)(cid:22) 2(cid:23)(cid:11)(cid:19)(cid:22)m(cid:25)(cid:15)(cid:11)(cid:18)(cid:26) operation fraction before cooperation dominates in the sr1lrayee/rggnTgiicmmehgereboo,uefnwotsorhufitiNosnchiutzep→ei,srdotac∞,hhteeai..mrlaoNpOcnlotnygeti-renttiizhgtmehedteahotbrtaeyahtgsedirtmaholhmeeoarnieinngsdaiat,sthsiioenfNnowaoseilyfnomnhccrgoape-voattepoismeteNrisec-, (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8)a(cid:7)(cid:10)a(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:7)(cid:11)(cid:12)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8)aaaaiinMiinM-- a ation. aio- aio a ouaaa Muaaa fuaaa (cid:9)uaaa t(cid:11)SaM (cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:13)(cid:12) FIG.3: Short-timeregimeofthecooperationfractionforsyn- chronousupdate with N =40 and b=2.0. a proximation gives not only the stationary solutions, but tmff fits reasonably the in silico time evolution, although for tmf 2(cid:13)(cid:14)(cid:15)(cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:19)(cid:14)(cid:20)(cid:21) thesynchronousupdateitfitswellonlyintheshort-time 2(cid:22)(cid:7)(cid:18)(cid:21)u(cid:24)(cid:14)(cid:7)(cid:17)(cid:25) regime. Let us now derive the mean-field solution. We (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8)a(cid:7)(cid:10)a(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:7)(cid:11)(cid:12)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8)ttmmttM-mmffM- a fisyrnstcharnoanloyuzseotnhee. asynchronouTs update followed by the (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:4) tmnf (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:7) tmn t n(cid:7)it- -(cid:7)it- d(cid:7)it- (cid:10)(cid:7)it- o(cid:7)itf (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:4) (cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:13)(cid:12) (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:6) FIG.1: Fractionofcooperationforasynchronousupdatewith (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3) (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:5)(cid:4) T N =100 and b=2.0. (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:5) (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:4) mean-field solution provides a good equilibrium anal- (cid:2) ysis in well-mixed population if the usual game is con- sidered [22]. But in structured population, it is not a (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:4) (cid:2) (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:6) (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:8) (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:9) (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:10) (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:5) (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:5)(cid:6) good approximation [23]. Although in the present work (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:5) we deal with well-mixed population, the nature of the “implicit punishment” model is not so simple. It is not FIG. 4: The plot shows the relation 1/T ×1/N, where N is obvious that a mean-field approach would work. So it the population size and T is the time to reach the minimum is a remarkable result the fact that our mean-field ap- valueof cooperation for synchronous update. 4 mean-field approximation for the asynchronous We first consider a typical player, that we call focal update player. We are going to study the dynamics of the local concentrationof(C,D),(D,D),(C,C),and(D,C)interac- Let us firstdefine a localand a globalinteractioncon- tions around the focal player. Let k1, k2, k3, and k4 be centrations for a population of size N +1. If in an in- thequantityofsuchinteractionsaroundthefocalplayer. teraction a player i adopts strategy A and its opponent Note that k1 +k2 +k3 +k4 = N. Let us assume that adopts B, where A,B ∈{C,D}, we say that playeri has the probability of having k1, k2, k3, and k4 interactions a (A,B) interaction. Player i can have NAB(i) (A,B) in- are given by the respective global concentrations. The teractions. We define the localconcentrationof(A,B) as probability of a focal player configuration (k1,k2,k3) is thefractionof(A,B)interactionsaroundplayeri,namely given by x (i) = N (i)/N. For the global concentration of AB AB (A,B) we define x = N (i)/((N +1)N). AB Pi AB N! P = xk1 xk2 xk3 xN−k1−k2−k3 k1,k2,k3 k1!k2!k3!(N −k1−k2−k3)! CD DD CC DC We considerthe other nodes as mean-fieldnodes. So the the focal player can imitate the D strategy from (C,D) thelocalconcentrationof(C,D),(D,D),and(C,C)inter- or (D,D) interactions. Let us focus on the first alterna- actions around those nodes is given by the configuration tive,thathappenswithprobabilityk1/N. Theopponent vector N(x ,x ,x ). Now we are going to derive associated with the (C,D) interaction has a payoff of CD DD CC the rate of variation of the local concentration around the focal player. PF =b+(N −1)(x b+x +x ǫ). CD DC CC DD Let us derive the rate of increasing of the (D,D) lo- cal concentration. Suppose that the focal player is on The probability of imitating the D strategy from (C,D) a (k1,k2,k3) configuration. Note that the payoff of this is given by configuration of the focal player is [PF −PF]Θ(PF −PF ) PF =(N −k1−k2−k3)b+k3+k2ǫ. CD CD k , bN There is just one transition that increases this quantity: (C,D) to (D,D). In this replacement, the focal player where Θ(x) = 1 if x > 0, and Θ(x) = 0 otherwise. The adoptsCandimitatesanopponentthatadoptsaD.Soat mean rate of increasing of (D,D) by one unit due to the leastone interactionof type (C,D) must be present. But imitation from (C,D) is WC+D = XN NX−k1N−Xk1−k2 kN1[PFCD−PF]bΘN(PFCD−PF)Pk1,k2,k3 k1=1 k2=0 k3=0 Following the same lines we obtain the possibility of imitating from (D,D), that is given by WD+D = XN NX−k1N−Xk1−k2 kN2[PFDD−PF]bΘN(PFDD−PF)Pk1,k2,k3. k1=1 k2=0 k3=0 The same analysis can be done to calculate the rate of change the quantity of (D,D). Following the previous decreasing of (D,D). There is just one transition in- steps, we can define volved,namely,(D,D)to(C,D).Atleastone(D,D)must bepresent. TheCstrategycanbeimitatedfrom(C,C)or P = N! xk2 xk3 xN−k2−k3, (D,C).Butnotethatthefocalplayercannotbecurrently k2,k3 k2!k3!(N −k2−k3)! DD CC DC adopting a (C,D), because in that case (C,D) wouldgive the worst payoff. So imitating a C strategy would not and we obtain that 5 WC−C = XN NX−k1 kN3[PFCC −PF]bΘN(PFCC −PF)Pk2,k3(1−δk3,0δk2,N), and k2=1 k3=0 WD−C = XN NX−k1 N −kN2−k3[PFDC −PF]bΘN(PFDC −PF)Pk2,k3(1−δk3,0δk2,N). k2=1 k3=0 Asallofthenodeshavethesametypicalbehavior,be- x =x0 , CC CC cause the population is well-mixed, we can approximate the global concentrations by the local ones. The above where the index 0 refers to the initial conditions. If we expressionsdetermine the rate of(D,D) variationby one set ǫ = 0, just for simplicity, the solution reaches the unit. If we want the time derivative of x , we need do fixed point DD divide the expressions by N and multiply by a factor of x∞ =x0 +2x0 , x∞ =x0 , two, because there is the contribution of the opponents DD DD CD CC CC update . So we have and x∞ =x∞ =0. dxDD =2 1 (W+ +W+ −W− −W− ). CD DC dt N CD DD CC DC Onecanseethatonly the initialmutualcooperationcan Followingthesamereasoning,onecanseethatx does bemaintainedandalloftheotherinteractionsaremutual CC not changein time. Finally, as allof the mean-fieldvari- defections. Notethatallofthe exploitationsareneutral- ables are normalized to one, we obtain that ized. Note that this approximation gives good results if compared to simulation data. dx 1 dx dx CD DD CC =− ( + ). dt 2 dt dt mean-field approximation for the synchronous update We cansimplify furthertheseexpressionsifwereplace k1, k2 and k3 inside the payoff expressions of the focal Let us treat the synchronous case. Now (C,C) can in- player by the expected value of such quantities given crease, because it is possible to have a (D,D) to (C,C) by the configuration probability: NxCD, NxDD, and transition whenever two players make a (D,D) to (C,D) NxCC, respectively. With this extra approximation the transition in their shared (D,D) interaction. This is an Θ function can be easily evaluated in the limit of large essential feature of the synchronous model. This kind N and we have the following equation: oftransitiondoes nottake place inasynchronousupdate andthatisthereasonwhycooperationassumesthelower dx 1 ǫ DD = 2 {x +x [1−(1−x )N−1] bound value in the asynchronous case. We can approxi- dt N2 CD DDb CD mate the rate of this transition by x − CC[(1−x )N−1−(x +x )N−1]} CD CC DC b dx 1 CC = (W− +W− )2. dt Nx CC DC This equation can be solved numerically. Fig.1 shows DD the numerical solution and the simulation results. Note Let us explain the term in the denominator. If the focal thatthisapproximationfurnishesgoodresultswhencom- player makes a (D,D) to (C,D) transition on an specific pared with in silico evolution. For the initial condition interaction, the mean-field player associated to this spe- used here, we have that the terms inside the parentheses cific interaction should choose exactly this interaction, are 0.75 powered to N −1 and 0.5 powered to N −1. what happens with probability 1/Nx . If we perform DD If N is large, the terms that are powered to N are very the same simplifications that was already done for the smallandthey canbe neglected,atleastforshorttimes. asynchronous case, we have This gives the following simplified equations, dx 1 x dx 1 ǫ dx CC =2 { CC[(1−x )N−1−(x +x )N−1]}2, DD =2 (x + x ), and CC =0. dt N4 b CD CC DC dt N2 CD b DD dt The solution of these equation are straightforward, dx 1 ǫ DD = 2 {x +x [1−(1−x )N−1] ǫx0 +x0 2 1 ǫ dt N2 CD DDb CD xDD =x0DD+b D1D+ ǫ CD[1−exp(−N2(2+b)t)], and − xCC[(1−xCD)N−1−(xCC +xDC)N−1]} 2 b b 6 Fig. 2 andFig. 3show the numericalsolutionofthese Conclusion equations. One can see from the above equations that x increasesmuchslowerthanx . Fortheinitialcon- CC DD dition assumed here, x time derivative at the begin- Here we analyzed the model that allows the individ- CC ningisalmostzero,becausethevaluesinsidethebrackets uals to choose different strategies against different op- areequalto0.5poweredtoN. Butwhenevolutionstarts, ponents in well-mixed populations for both synchronous greatpartof(C,D)interactionsarechangedto(D,D)and and asynchronous update. First we showed that coop- x is reduced to some value near to zero making x eration is evolutionary stable for both synchronous and CD CC to increase faster. So we have two regimes: short-time asynchronous update, what means that a defector mu- regime,whenx iskeptalmostconstantarounditsini- tant cannot invade a population of cooperators. We also CC tial values, and long-time regime, when x starts to showed,forainitialconditionof50%ofcooperation,that CC increase faster. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show both coopera- for synchronous update cooperation always dominates tionevolutionregimes. Forshorttimes,ifwediscardthe while for asynchronous update the cooperation fraction termsthatarepoweredtoN−1,wehavethe samesolu- assumes the lower bound given by the initial mutual co- tion as the asynchronous case. This means that cooper- operation. For the synchronous update, population dy- ation assumes a value near its lower bound value, given namics exhibits a short-time behavior that is similar to by the initial mutual cooperations. But for long-time theasynchronousupdate,butforsuficientlongtimes,co- regime, x is near zero and x˙ cannot be neglected. operationspreads for largeN but finite. The crucialdif- CD CC So x starts to increase until it become equal to one. ferencebetweensynchronousandasynchronousisthatin CC So for sufficient long times, the stationary solution is synchronousupdate it is possible to havea simultaneous updatethatallowsa(D,D)to(C,C)transition. Thisdoes x∞ =1 and x∞ =x∞ =x∞ =0. not happen in asynchronous update. In a preview work, CC CD DC DD the samemodelwasanalyseinasquarelattice withsyn- Note that for the short-time regime, shown in Fig. 3, chronous update. Here we showed that the synchronous themean-fieldapproximationfitswellwhencomparedto update is crucial for cooperation dominance while net- in silico evolution. For the long-time regime, the time work reciprocity effects are not so important. Although evolution of the mean-field solution does not fit well, al- the asynchronous update does not provide cooperation though it gives the right stationary solution. dominace, it allows cooperation to survive at its lower From the above expressions and simulation data, we bound value. Note that this result in asynchronous up- see that the lower value of cooperation is reached very date is still better than those of the usual game. fast in the synchronous update. But as long as popu- lation size gets bigger, this value is reached very slowly (see Fig. 4). Besides that, if N is large, x increases CC very slowly. By these reasons, for large N, in the syn- Acknowledgments chronous update the population seems to be wrapped in the lower value of cooperation, although what is actu- ally happening is that cooperation is slowly increasing, TheauthorsthanktoCNPqandFAPEMIG,Brazilian spreading until dominates the entire population. agencies. [1] J.Weibull Evolutionarygametheory,MITPress,Cam- Moreno Physical Review Letters 98 , 108103-1 (2007). bridge, USA(1995). [11] Z. Rong, X. Li, and X. Wang Physical Review E 76 , [2] M. A. Nowak, Evolutionary Dynamics: Exploring the 027101-1 (2007). Equations of Life , 1rd ed., Harvard University Press [12] J. Poncela, J. Gomez-Gardenes, L. M. Floria, and Y. (2007). Moreno New Journal of Physics 9 ,184 (2007). [3] M. A.Nowak Science 314 1560-1563 2006. [13] M.Nakamaru,H.Matsuda,andY.IwasaJ.Theor.Biol. [4] J. 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