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Distinguishing the Cold Conveyor Belt and Sting Jet Airstreams in an Intense Extratropical Cyclone PDF

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Distinguishing the cold conveyor belt and  sting jet air streams in an intense  extratropical cyclone  Article  Published Version  Martinez­Alvarado, O., Baker, L. H., Gray, S. L., Methven, J.  and Plant, R. S. (2014) Distinguishing the cold conveyor belt  and sting jet air streams in an intense extratropical cyclone.  Monthly Weather Review, 142 (8). pp. 2571­2595. ISSN 1520­ 0493 doi: https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR­D­13­00348.1 Available  at http://centaur.reading.ac.uk/36256/  It is advisable to refer to the publisher’s version if you intend to cite from the  work.  To link to this article DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/MWR­D­13­00348.1  Publisher: American Meteorological Society  All outputs in CentAUR are protected by Intellectual Property Rights law,  including copyright law. Copyright and IPR is retained by the creators or other  copyright holders. Terms and conditions for use of this material are defined in  the End User Agreement  .  www.reading.ac.uk/centaur CentAUR  Central Archive at the University of Reading  Reading’s research outputs online AUGUST2014 MART(cid:2)INEZ-ALVARADO ET AL. 2571 Distinguishing the Cold Conveyor Belt and Sting Jet Airstreams in an Intense Extratropical Cyclone OSCARMARTI´NEZ-ALVARADO,LAURAH.BAKER,SUZANNEL.GRAY, JOHNMETHVEN,ANDROBERTS.PLANT DepartmentofMeteorology,UniversityofReading,Reading,UnitedKingdom (Manuscriptreceived1November2013,infinalform20March2014) ABSTRACT Strongwindsequatorwardandrearwardofacyclonecorehaveoftenbeenassociatedwithtwophenomena: thecoldconveyorbelt(CCB)jetandstingjets.Here,detailedobservationsofthemesoscalestructureinthis regionofanintensecycloneareanalyzed.Theinsituanddropsondeobservationswereobtainedduringtwo researchflightsthroughthecycloneduringtheDiabaticInfluencesonMesoscaleStructuresinExtratropical Storms(DIAMET)fieldcampaign.Anumericalweatherpredictionmodelisusedtolinkthestrongwind regionswiththreetypesof‘‘airstreams’’orcoherentensemblesoftrajectories:twotypesareidentifiedwith theCCB,hookingaroundthecyclonecenter,whilethethirdisidentifiedwithastingjet,descendingfromthe cloudheadtothewestofthecyclone.ChemicaltracerobservationsshowforthefirsttimethattheCCBand stingjetairstreamsaredistinctairmassesevenwhentheassociatedlow-levelwindmaximaarenotspatially distinct.Inthemodel,theCCBexperiencesslowlatentheatingthroughweak-resolvedascentandconvection, whilethestingjetexperiencesweakcoolingassociatedwithmicrophysicsduringitssubsaturateddescent. DiagnosisofmesoscaleinstabilitiesinthemodelshowsthattheCCBpassesthroughlargelystableregions, while the sting jet spends relatively long periods in locations characterized by conditional symmetric in- stability(CSI).TherelationofCSItotheobservedmesoscalestructureofthebent-backfrontanditspossible roleinthecloudbandingisdiscussed. 1. Introduction 4) warm-core seclusion. Frontal fracture describes the break of a continuous thermal front as the cyclone in- The potential to generate strong surface winds and tensifies so that the cold front is dislocated eastward gustsastheypassisoneofthemostimportantaspectsof fromthewarmfrontwithaweakergradientinbetween. extratropicalcyclonesduetothedirectimpactonsoci- This region is termed the ‘‘frontal fracture zone’’ and ety. The aim of this article is to analyze the three- is associated with air descending cyclonically from the dimensionalstructureoftheregionofstrongwindsnear northwest to the south of the frontal cyclone. The de- the center of an intense extratropical cyclone and de- scendingairgivesrisetoapronounced‘‘dryslot’’insat- terminetheoriginoftheairstreamswithinthatregion. elliteimagery.Theextensivecloudwrappingaroundthe Thestudyisfocusedonacyclonethatdevelopedaccording poleward side of the cyclone core is described as the to the Shapiro–Keyser conceptual model (Shapiro and ‘‘cloud head’’ (Bo€ttger et al. 1975), and its leading ex- Keyser1990).Thismodelischaracterizedbyfourstages tremityisdescribedasthe‘‘cloudheadtip’’(Browning of development: 1) incipient frontal cyclone, 2) frontal andRoberts1994).Figure1showsaschematicdiagram fracture, 3) frontal T bone and bent-back front, and of the structure of a Shapiro–Keyser cyclone during developmentstage3. Therearetwoseparateregionsusuallyassociatedwith Correspondingauthoraddress:OscarMart(cid:2)ınez-Alvarado,De- strong winds in Shapiro–Keyser cyclones. The first re- partmentofMeteorology,UniversityofReading,EarleyGate, gion is the low-level jet ahead of the cold front in the P.O.Box243,ReadingRG66BB,UnitedKingdom. E-mail:[email protected] warmsectorofthecyclone.Thislow-leveljetispartof DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-13-00348.1 (cid:1)2014AmericanMeteorologicalSociety 2572 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME142 FIG.1.ThestructureofaNorthernHemisphereShapiro–Keysercycloneindevelopment stage 3: surface cold front (SCF); surface warm front (SWF); bent-back front (BBF); cold conveyorbelt(CCB);stingjetairstream(SJ);dryintrusion(DI);warmconveyorbelt(WCB); WCBanticyclonicbranch(WCB1);WCBcyclonicbranch(WCB2);andthelarge3represents thecyclonecenteratthesurface,andthegrayshadingrepresentscloudtop(seealsoFig.2). thebroaderairstreamknownasthewarmconveyorbelt, GreatOctoberstormof1987fromsatellite,precipitation which transports heat and moisture northward and radar, and the surface wind network (Browning 2004). eastwardwhileascendingfromtheboundarylayertothe The air associated with the sting jet descends from the uppertroposphere(Browning1971;Harrold1973).The cloudheadtip,movingaheadofitaroundthecycloneinto secondregionofstrongwindsdevelopstothesouthwest thedryslotbehindthecoldfront.Asthecyclonedevelops and south of the cyclone center as a bent-back front into phase 3, the region of weak gradients between the wraps around the cyclone. The strong winds in this re- bent-backfrontandcoldfrontexpandsandthestingjet gionarethefocusofthiscontribution. airstreamdescendsintothisregion.Here,theboundary Two different airstreams have been associated with layer has near-neutral stability or potential instability strong winds in this region: the cold conveyor belt (Browning2004;Sinclairetal.2010);thesecharacteristics (Carlson 1980; Schultz 2001) and sting jets (Browning havebeenhypothesizedtoenhanceturbulentmixingof 2004;Clarketal.2005).Thecoldconveyorbelt(CCB)is high-momentumairdowntothesurface. a long-lived synoptic-scale airstream on the poleward Clark et al. (2005) analyzed simulations of the same (cold)sideofthewarmfrontthatflowsrearwardrelative caseusingtheMetOfficeUnifiedModel(MetUM)and to the cyclone motion in the lower troposphere. It ex- identified distinct clusters of trajectories calculated us- tends round the poleward flank of the cyclone and in ing model winds with sting jet airstreams. A key char- somematurecyclonesitwrapsaroundthewestandthen acteristicofstingjettrajectoriesisthattheydescendas equatorwardflankwhereitprovidesawindcomponent theyaccelerate.Thereareseveralinfluencesonvertical aligned with the system motion and therefore strong motioninthissectorofacyclone.Onthelargestscale, ground-relativewinds.AkeyaspectoftheCCBisthat the cyclone forms as part of a baroclinic wave. On is- thewindmaximumisnearthetopoftheboundarylayer entropic surfaces cutting through a baroclinic wave in andslopesradiallyoutwardswithheightonthecoldside the midtroposphere the generic structure of motion ofthebent-backfront,aswouldbeexpectedfromgra- givesrisetofourairmasses:airascendingpolewardand dientthermalwindbalance. splittingintoacyclonicandanticyclonicbranchandair The term ‘‘sting jet’’ was introduced by Browning descending equatorward and also splitting into a cy- (2004)(seealsoClarketal.2005)todescribestronglow- clonicandanticyclonicbranch(Thorncroftetal.1993). levelwindsinthecoldairbetweenthebent-backfront The two cyclonic branches wrap around the cyclone and the cold front on the basis of observations of the core.Onhigher-isentropicsurfacestheyaredescribedas AUGUST2014 MART(cid:2)INEZ-ALVARADO ET AL. 2573 the cyclonic branch of the warm conveyor belt (as- that evaporative cooling may also enhance the descent cending) and the dry intrusion (descending). Both the rateofstingjetairstreams,althoughBakeretal.(2014) CCB(ascendingorhorizontal)andstingjetairstreams foundlittleimpactinanidealizedcyclonesimulation. (descending) also turn cyclonically and are found on The cyclone analyzed here produced very strong lower-isentropic surfaces that can intersect the ground winds over the United Kingdom on 8 December 2011 inthewarmsector.Inadditiontotheprimarycirculation and was the focus of the intensive observing period of the baroclinic wave, cross-frontal circulations con- 8(IOP8)duringthesecondfieldcampaignoftheDiabatic tributetoverticalmotion.Forexample,frontogenesisat Influences on Mesoscale Structures in Extratropical the cold front contributes to the ascent of the warm Storms (DIAMET) project. The storm has been the conveyor belt and descent of the dry intrusion behind. subjectofextensiveinvestigationinvolvingnotonlythe Semigeostrophic theory shows that the cross-frontal presentarticle.Bakeretal.(2013)describedtheflights circulationsarenecessarytomaintainapproximatether- andsummarizedtheseveresocietalimpactsofthestorm. malwindbalanceinatime-dependentflowandtherefore Vaughan et al. (2014, manuscript submitted to Bull. depend on its rate of change (Hoskins and Bretherton Amer. Meteor. Soc.) give more details of the DIAMET 1972). Schultz and Sienkiewicz (2013) have used model experiment and present the results of research onhigh- diagnosticstoshowthatdescentcanbeenhancedinthe resolution ensemble simulations and further in situ air- regionbeyondthecloudheadtip,wherethestingjetair- craftobservations,aswellasobservationsfromautomatic streamdescends,asaresultoffrontolysis.Theairstream weather stations across the north of the United King- leavesthetightgradientofthebent-backfrontatthewest dom. The cyclone was named Friedhelm by the Free ofthecyclone,andthereforethegradientmustdecrease University of Berlin’s adopt-a-vortex scheme (http:// with time in a Lagrangian frame. Similarly, ascent is ex- www.met.fu-berlin.de/adopt-a-vortex/). pectedintheCCBwherethebent-backfrontstrengthens. With its aircraft field campaigns, DIAMET joins Several studies have investigated the mechanisms worldwide efforts to sample weather systems through leadingtostingjets.Browning(2004)proposedthatthe aircraft observations (e.g., Sch€afler et al. 2011; Sapp sting jets (local wind maxima) occur beneath the de- etal.2013).Totheauthors’knowledgetherehaveonly scendingbranchesofslantwisecirculationsgeneratedby been two previous research flights into an intense cy- thereleaseofconditionalsymmetricinstability(CSI)in cloneofthistype,crossingthestrongwindregionsnear the frontal fracture region between the cloud head tip the cyclone center. Shapiro and Keyser (1990) show and the cold front. Numerical simulations represented dropsonde sections across a similar storm observed on some form of slantwise motion in that region (Clark 16March1987duringtheAlaskanStormsProgramme. etal.2005).Analysisofmodelhumidityandequivalent Asecondcyclonethatdevelopedextremelyrapidlywas potential temperature along trajectories indicated that observedatthreestagesinitsevolutioninIOP4ofthe theairstreamoriginatedfromasaturatedregionwithin ExperimentonRapidlyIntensifyingCyclonesoverthe thecloudhead,butbecameunsaturatedondescent.This Atlantic (ERICA) experiment. Neiman et al. (1993) would be consistent with the evaporation of cloud and present dropsonde sections through this storm and bandinginthecloud.AnecessaryconditionforCSIto Wakimoto et al. (1992) present data from the aircraft give rise to slantwise convection is that the air is satu- radar in more detail. Somecommon aspects of theob- rated (at least initially). Further case studies of storms servedstructureswillbecomparedinthispaper.Friedhelm withstrongwindsinthestingjetregionclearlyidentify also passed over Scotland where there is a high-density regions meeting the CSI criterion that also exhibit automatic weather station network and radar network bandinginthecloudhead(Grayetal.2011).Mart(cid:2)ınez- estimatingprecipitationratefromreflectivity(discussedby Alvaradoetal.(2012)usedCSIdiagnosticstoconstruct Vaughanetal.2014,manuscriptsubmittedtoBull.Amer. a regional sting jet climatology. They found that up to Meteor. Soc.). Also, numerical models have improved a third of a set of 100 winter North Atlantic cyclones considerably in the last 20 years. Here, a state-of-the-art overthepasttwodecades(1989–2009)satisfiedconditions numericalweatherpredictionmodelisevaluatedagainst forstingjets(Mart(cid:2)ınez-Alvaradoetal.2012).However, in situ and dropsonde observations and then used to in other studies the importance of CSI is not as clear analyze the history of air masses passing through the (Bakeretal.2014;SmartandBrowning2014).Inaddi- regionsofstrongestlow-levelwinds.Thescientificques- tion,therehavenotbeendetailedinsituobservationsin tionsaddressedareasfollows: theappropriateregionofShapiro–Keyser-typecyclones (i) Howarethestrongwindregionssouthwestofthe that could have established the existence of slantwise cyclonecorerelatedtothecharacteristicairstreams rolls or connection to instability with respect to CSI. that have been proposed to exist there (CCB and Finally,Browning(2004)andClarketal.(2005)proposed stingjet)? 2574 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME142 TABLE1.Dropsondereleasetimes. Leg1 DropsondeNo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Releasetime(UTC) 1130 1146 1158 1203 1209 1212 1217 1223 1228 1234 Leg2 DropsondeNo. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Releasetime(UTC) 1243 1249 1255 1301 1306 1312 1318 Leg3 DropsondeNo. 18 19 20 21 Releasetime(UTC) 1754 1758 1802 1806 (ii) Where trajectory analysis identifies different air- Measurements(FAAM)BAe146researchaircraft.The streams,aretheyobservedtohavedistinctairmass instruments allowed in situ measurements of pressure, properties? wind components, temperature, specific humidity, and (iii) Whatdynamical mechanismis responsiblefor the totalwater(allphases)aswellaschemicalconstituents observed cloud banding in the cloud head and to suchascarbonmonoxide(CO)andozone.Theaircraft thesouthofthecyclone? was equipped with comprehensive cloud physics in- strumentation characterizing liquid droplet and ice Dropsondeandinsitumeasurementsareusedtolinkthe particle size and number distributions. A summary of observedsystemtothestructuresimulatedintheMetUM. the instruments, their sampling frequency, and un- Themodelisthenusedtocalculatetheairstreamsandthe certaintyonoutputparametersisgiveninVaughanetal. evolution of their properties as they move into regions (2014, manuscript submitted to Bull. Amer. Meteor. of strongest winds. Throughout the paper, the term ‘‘air- Soc.). The observations are shown here at 1Hz. In ad- stream’’ is identified with a coherent ensemble of trajec- dition 21 dropsondes (Vaisala AVAPS RD94) were tories that describes the path of a particular air mass launched from approximately 7km. The dropsondes arriving in a region of strong winds. Wind speed is not contributed measurements of temperature, pressure, aLagrangiantracerandtypicallyregionsofstrongwinds andspecifichumidityasafunctionoflatitude,longitude, movewiththecycloneandchangestructureasitdevelops. andtime(atasamplingfrequencyof2Hz).Horizontal Therefore,airflowsthroughthestrongwindregions(local wind profiles were obtained by GPS tracking of the windmaximaorjets)andeachairstreammustbeidentified dropsondes (logged at 4Hz). Two sondes could be withthetimewhenitisintheassociatedstrongwindre- loggedontheaircraftatanyonetime,andtheaverage gion. Trajectory analysis is combined with potential tem- timeforsondedescentwas10min,limitingtheaverage peratureutracerstoinvestigatetheprocessesresponsible sondespacingto5minalongtheflighttrackor30kmat for the evolution of each identified air mass. Tracer ob- the aircraft science speed of 100ms21. The vertical servationsfromtheaircraftareusedtoinvestigatewhether resolutionisabout10m.Table1liststhesonderelease theairstreamsidentifiedaredistinctincompositionornot. times along the three dropsonde curtains across the Thearticleisorganizedasfollows:Theaircraftobser- cyclone. vations,numericalmodel,andtrajectoryandtracertools aredescribedinsection2.Asynopticoverviewofthecase b. Numericalmodel study and a detailed account of the evolution of strong windregionsnearthecyclonecenteraregiveninsection3. ThecasestudyhasbeensimulatedusingtheMetUM In section 4, the air masses constituting strong wind re- version7.3.TheMetUMisafinite-differencemodelthat gions are identified and classified as CCBs or sting jets, solves the nonhydrostatic deep atmosphere dynamical according to their evolution and properties. The condi- equations with a semi-implicit, semi-Lagrangian in- tionsformesoscaleatmosphericinstabilitiesinthevicinity tegration scheme (Davies et al. 2005). It uses Arakawa oftheidentifiedairstreamsareinvestigatedinsection5. Cstaggeringinthehorizontal(ArakawaandLamb1977) Finally,discussionandconclusionsaregiveninsection6. and is terrain following with a hybrid height Charney– Phillips (Charney and Phillips 1953) vertical coordinate. 2. Methodology Parameterizationofphysicalprocessesincludeslongwave and shortwave radiation (Edwards and Slingo 1996), a. Availableaircraftobservations boundary layer mixing (Lock et al. 2000), cloud micro- Cyclone Friedhelm was observed with the instru- physics,andlarge-scaleprecipitation(WilsonandBallard mentsonboardtheFacilityforAirborneAtmospheric 1999)andconvection(GregoryandRowntree1990). AUGUST2014 MART(cid:2)INEZ-ALVARADO ET AL. 2575 Thesimulationhasbeenperformedonalimited-area model and the trajectory model used here perform domaincorresponding totheMet Office’srecently op- similarly even though there are differences in inter- erational North Atlantic–Europe (NAE) domain with polation (Mart(cid:2)ınez-Alvarado et al. 2014). Atmospheric 6003 300grid points. The horizontalgrid spacing was fields,suchasuandspecifichumidity,wereinterpolated 0.118 (;12km) in both longitude and latitude on a ro- ontotheparcelpositionstoobtaintheevolutionofthose tated grid centered around 52.58N, 2.58W. The NAE fields along trajectories. The material rate of change of domainextendsapproximatelyfrom308to708Ninlat- the fields along trajectories was computed using a cen- itudeandfrom608Wto408Einlongitude.Thevertical tered differenceformulaalong the temporalaxis. Thus, coordinate is discretized in 70 vertical levels with lid rather than being interpreted as instantaneous values, around 80km. The initial and lateral boundary condi- ratesofchangealongtrajectoriesshouldbeinterpretedas tionsweregivenbytheMetOfficeoperationalanalysis anestimateofhourlymeanvalues. validat0000UTC8December2011and3-hourlylateral d. Potentialtemperaturetracers boundary conditions (LBCs) valid from 2100 UTC 7 Theutracersusedinthisworkhavebeenpreviously December2011for72h. described elsewhere (Mart(cid:2)ınez-Alvarado and Plant Severalpreviousstudieshaveusedresolutionsofthis 2014). Theyare basedontracer methods developedto ordertostudythistypeofstorm(e.g.,Clarketal.2005; Partonetal.2009;Mart(cid:2)ınez-Alvaradoetal.2010),mo- studythecreationanddestructionofpotentialvorticity (Stoelinga 1996; Gray 2006). Potential temperature is tivated on the basis that the fastest growing mode of decomposedinaseriesoftracerssothatu5u 1(cid:1) Du . slantwise instabilityshould beresolvable atthese hori- 0 P P EachtracerDu accumulatesthechangesinuthatcanbe zontal and vertical resolutions (Persson and Warner P attributedtotheparameterizedprocessP.Theparam- 1993; Clark et al. 2005). Vaughan et al. (2014, manu- eterizedprocessesconsideredinthisworkare(i)surface scriptsubmittedtoBull.Amer.Meteor.Soc.)providean fluxes and turbulent mixing in the boundary layer, (ii) analysisofanensembleat2.2-kmgridspacing,including convection,(iii)radiation,and(iv)large-scalecloudand thelow-levelwindstructure,butthedomaininthatcase precipitation.Thetraceru matchesuattheinitialtime. isrestrictedtotheUnitedKingdom;theuseofthe12-km 0 Bydefinition,thistracerisnotmodifiedbyanyparam- grid spacing allows the simulation of a larger domain eterizationbutitis,nevertheless,subjecttoadvection. that includes the full cyclone without dominant effects Theutracersandtrajectoryanalysisprovidedifferent from the LBCs. Moreover, the trajectory analysis (see approximations to the Lagrangian description of the sections2cand2d)requiresalargedomaintoallowlong flow field. The u tracers are computed online whereas trajectories to be calculated without the majority of trajectories are computed offline from hourly velocity themleavingthedomain. dataonthemodelgrid.Traceru experiencestransport 0 c. Trajectoryanalysis only, without diabatic modification. Therefore, in the absenceofsubgridmixingornumericaladvectionerrors Twotrajectorymodelsareusedinthepaper.Thefirst (inthetracerortrajectoryschemes),itisexpectedthat model is the Reading Offline Trajectory Model u conservesthesamevaluewhensampledalongatra- (ROTRAJ) as developed by Methven (1997). Its appli- 0 jectory. To focus on results where the u tracers and cation to aircraft flights is detailed in Methven et al. trajectoriesareconsistent,thecriterion (2003). It calculates trajectories using European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) anal- ju [x(t )]2u [x(t )]j,Du ysisdata.Inthispaper,theECMWFInterimRe-Analysis 0 i arr 0 i origin 0 (ERA-Interim) dataset has been used in its native con- is applied where the tolerance on nonconservation is figuration (T255L60 in hybrid sigma-pressure vertical Du 53.5K.Here,x referstoapointalongtrajectoryi,t 0 i arr coordinates every 6 h). A fourth-order Runge–Kutta isthearrivaltimeofthetrajectoryinthestrongwindre- schemeisusedforthetrajectoryintegration(withatime gion(thereleasetimeofthebacktrajectories),andt is origin step of 15min). The boundary condition on vertical ve- acommonreferencetime(0100UTC8December2011) locityisusedduringtheinterpolationtoensurethattra- describedasthetrajectoryorigin.Approximately20%of jectoriescannotintercepttheground. trajectories are rejected by this criterion, although the Thesecondmodel,basedontheLagrangianAnalysis identificationofairstreamsisinsensitivetothisfilter. Tool(LAGRANTO)modelofWernliandDavies(1997), e. Diagnosticstoidentifyregionsofatmospheric calculated trajectories using hourly output from the instability MetUM(inthemodel’snativeverticalcoordinate).The time-steppingschemeisalsofourth-orderRunge–Kutta. Previous studies on sting jets have shown that the Previous comparison has shown the LAGRANTO necessaryconditionsforCSIaresatisfiedintheregions 2576 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME142 TABLE2.Cyclonedevelopmentbasedon6-hourlyMetOfficeanalysischartsbetween1200UTC6Decand1800UTC9Dec2011 (archivedbywww.wetter3.de).ThedevelopmentstagecolumnreferstothestagesintheShapiro–Keysermodelofcyclogenesis(Shapiro andKeyser1990).ThetermDp isthepressurechangeintheprevious6h,whereasDp isthepressurechangeintheprevious24h. 6h 24h Time Latitude Longitude Pressure Development Dp Dp Deepening 6h 24h Day (UTC) (8N) (8E) (hPa) stage (hPa) (hPa) (Bergeron) 6Dec 1200 50 256 1019 1 1800 49 255 1014 1 25 7Dec 0000 51 250 1014 1 0 0600 53 242 1008 1 26 1200 54 235 1001 2 27 218 0.824 1800 55 226 992 2 29 222 1.007 8Dec 0000 57 220 977 3 215 237 1.650 0600 58 215 964 3 213 244 1.927 1200 59 27 957 4 27 244 1.904 1800 59 0 956 4 21 236 1.549 9Dec 0000 59 2 957 4 11 220 0.851 0600 59 8 964 4 17 0 0.000 1200 59 11 966 4 12 19 20.379 1800 60 15 971 4 15 115 20.628 thatstingjetairstreamspassthrough(Grayetal.2011; All these diagnostics indicate necessary, but not suf- Mart(cid:2)ınez-Alvaradoetal.2013;Bakeretal.2014).Here, ficient,conditionsforinstability.Themostbasictheories weidentifyregionsthatsatisfynecessaryconditionsfor for each of these instabilities rely ondifferent assump- instabilityintheanalyzedcaseandtheirlocationsrela- tions regarding the background state upon which per- tivetotheairstreams. turbations grow, namely, uniform flow for CI, uniform Conditional instability (CI) with respect to upright PVforCSI,anduniformpressureinthehorizontalfor convectionisidentifiedinregionswherethemoiststatic inertialinstability.Theseconditionsarefarfrombeing stability[N2,definedasinDurranandKlemp(1982)]is met in an intense cyclone where there are strong pres- m negative. A necessary condition for inertial instability sure gradients, wind shears, and PV gradients. Shear (II)isthattheverticalcomponentofabsolutevorticity instability is also present on all scales and grows as z is negative. Inertial instability can be regarded as aresultofopposingPVgradientsinshearflows. z aspecialcaseof(dry)symmetricinstability(SI);inthe limit that u surfaces are horizontal, SI reduces to II. A 3. Synopticoverviewandidentificationofregions necessaryconditionforCSIisthatthesaturationmoist ofstrongwinds potential vorticity (MPV*) is negative (Bennetts and Hoskins1979).MPV*isgivenby a. Synopticoverview 1 On 6 December 2011, extratropical cyclone Fried- MPV*5 z(cid:2)$u*, r e helm started developing over Newfoundland (508N, 568W).Itsdevelopmentwaspartofabaroclinicwave,in wherer isdensity,z istheabsolutevorticity,andu*is tandemwithanotherstrongcyclonetothewest(named e the saturated equivalent potential temperature. Note Gu€nther) that, as Friedhelm, reached maturity on 8 thatu*isafunctionoftemperatureandpressure,butnot December 2011, but near Newfoundland. Traveling to e humidity(sincesaturation isassumed initsdefinition). the northeast, Friedhelm continued its development Following Schultz and Schumacher (1999), a point is according to the Shapiro–Keyser cyclogenesis model only defined as having CSI if inertial and conditional (Shapiro and Keyser 1990), as shown in Table 2. The instabilitiesareabsent.IfthenecessaryconditionsforCI cyclone satisfied the criterion to be classified as an at- orCSIaremetthentheycanonlybereleasediftheairis mospheric ‘‘bomb’’ by consistently deepening by more saturated,soweapplyanadditionalcriteriononrelative than1Bergeron(SandersandGyakum1980).At1200 humiditywithrespecttoice:RH .90%.AsinBaker UTC8December2011,thecyclonecenterwaslocated ice et al. (2014), we use the full winds rather than geo- around 598N, 78W, just northwest of Scotland. The strophic winds in these CSI and II diagnostics. The di- FAAM aircraft reached the cyclone center at 1234 agnosticsfortheconditionsforinstabilityareappliedat UTCwhensatelliteimagery(Fig.2a)showsaverywell- each grid point; a grid point is labeled as stable (S) if defined cloud head hooking around the cyclone center noneofthethreeinstabilitiesareidentified. (earlystage4).Thisimagealsoshowsprominentcloud AUGUST2014 MART(cid:2)INEZ-ALVARADO ET AL. 2577 FIG.2.(a)High-resolutionvisiblesatelliteimageat1215UTC8Dec2011(figurecourtesyofNERCSatellite ReceivingStation,DundeeUniversity,Scotland);(b)MetOfficeanalysisvalidat1200UTC8Dec2011(figure courtesy of Crown); and (c) model-derived mean sea level pressure (black contours) every 4-hPa, and 850-hPa equivalentpotentialtemperature(boldredcontours)every5Kat1200UTC8Dec2011(T112).The3in(c)marks thepositionofthecyclonecenterinthesimulation. banding, especially southeast of the cloud head tip, to wind field onthe 850-hPaisobaric level every3h from thesouthwestandsouthofthecyclonecenter. 0900to1800UTC.At0900UTC(Fig.3a),theregionof Thefrontalsystemandtheintensityofthecycloneare maximumwindswasabout50kmwidewithwindsupto depictedintheMetOfficeanalysisvalidat1200UTC8 49ms21spanning600–800hPa.By1200UTC(Fig.3b), December2011(Fig.2b).Figure2cshowsthesynoptic theregionofmaximumwindshadmovedoverScotland situation in the 12h forecast using the MetUM. The and orographic effects might have influenced its struc- similaritywiththeMetOfficeanalysischartatthistime ture. The first dropsonde curtain (D–C) crosses just to isremarkablygoodintermsofthedepthofthecyclone thewestofthelow-levelwindmaximum. (957hPainbothcharts)andthelocationofthesurface Bythetime(1500UTC)oftheinsituaircraftlegswest fronts.Thepositionerrorofthelowpressurecenterin of Scotland (F–G in Fig. 3c), the wind maximum had thesimulationislessthan50km. reached the eastern side of Scotland. However, it was important for the aircraft to remain upstream of the b. Developmentofregionsofstrongwinds mountains to reduce the orographic influence on the Thestructureofregionsofstrongwindstothesouthof observed winds, cloud, and precipitation. The second thecyclonecentervariedthroughouttheintervalunder flight dropped sondes across the low-level wind maxi- study.Before0500UTC,theonlyairstreamassociated mumat1800UTC(J–HinFig.3d),andthesubsequent withstrongwindswasthewarmconveyorbeltaheadof in situ legs (continuing until 2000 UTC) were at the thesurfacecoldfront(notshown).Althoughthisregion longitudeofthejetmaximumbutonitsnorthernflank. of strong winds continued to exist throughout the in- c. Identificationofregionsofstrongwinds terval under study, it was excluded from the airstream analysis to focus on the strong low-level winds behind The structure of strong wind regions, and associated thesurfacecoldfronttothesouthofthecyclonecenter. temperatureandhumidityfieldsnearthecyclonecenter, These winds first exceeded 40ms21 at 0500 UTC when weremeasuredusingdropsondeobservationsforthree a distinct jet developed at 600hPa. By 0600 UTC, the sections across the storm during the two FAAM re- maximum winds (47ms21) had descended to 700hPa. search flights (see Table 1). The dropsonde data were Figures3a–dshowthedevelopmentoftheground-relative relayedtotheGlobalTransmissionSystem(GTS)from 2578 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME142 FIG.3.Ground-relativewindspeed(ms21)onthe850-hPaisobaricsurfaceat(a)0900,(b)1200,(c)1500,and(d)1800UTC.Gray contoursshowu every5K.Panels(b)–(d)showthetrackfollowedbytheFAAMresearchaircraft,highlightingthehourcenteredatthe e timeshown(purpleline).Crossesindicatethepositionofthecyclonecenter.Endpointsofverticalsectionsdiscussedinlaterfiguresare indicatedbydotsandlabeledbyletters(exceptforA,whichcoincideswiththecyclonecenter). theaircraftandwasassimilatedbytheglobalforecasting The southern arm of the bent-back front was crossed centers.All17sondesfromthefirsttwolegsmadeitinto between 578 and 57.38N and divides two distinct air theassimilationwindowforthe1200UTCglobalanal- masses: the cyclone’s warm seclusion to the north and ysisofboththeMetOfficeandECMWFandwouldhave the frontal fracture zone to the south. The strongest influenced subsequent operational forecasts. However, winds are confined below 720hPa near the bent-back the simulation shown here starts from the global Met front with a maximum at 866hPa, just above the Office analysis for 0000 UTC 8 December 2011 and boundarylayer(51ms21).Atthislevel,thestrongwinds thereforeisindependentofthedropsondedata. extendsouthwardtoabout55.58Nintoaregionofnear The first dropsonde leg (1130–1234 UTC) was from saturation and moist neutrality (›u /›z ’ 0). At about e southtonorthtowardthelowpressurecenter(D–Cin 56.58N, the strong winds extend upward to meet the Fig.3b).Duringthislegtheaircraftflewfromjustnorth upper-leveljet.Between800and600hPa,thereissub- ofthesurfacecoldfront,crossingabovethecloudbands saturated air on the southern flank of this wind maxi- into the cyclone center. Surface pressure measured by mumandsaturatedairtothenorthofit.Insection4b,it thetenthsondewas959hPa,justabovetheminimumin will be shown that this humidity structure indicates an theanalysisat1200UTC.Figure4ashowsthestructure airmass boundary. At 600hPa, there is a second wind ofwindspeed,u ,andRH obtainedfromthesondes. speedmaximumtothesouth(558N)associatedwiththe e ice

Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom. (Manuscript the broader airstream known as the warm conveyor belt,.
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