Distinct roles for laminin globular domains in laminin alpha1 chain mediated rescue of murine laminin alpha2 chain deficiency. Gawlik, Kinga; Åkerlund, Mikael; Carmignac, Virginie; Elamaa, Harri; Durbeej-Hjalt, Madeleine Published in: PLoS ONE DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0011549 Published: 2010-01-01 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Gawlik, K., Åkerlund, M., Carmignac, V., Elamaa, H., & Durbeej-Hjalt, M. (2010). Distinct roles for laminin globular domains in laminin alpha1 chain mediated rescue of murine laminin alpha2 chain deficiency. PLoS ONE, 5(7), [e11549]. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0011549 General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. LUND UNIVERSITY • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain PO Box 117 • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 Distinct Roles for Laminin Globular Domains in Laminin a1 Chain Mediated Rescue of Murine Laminin a2 Chain Deficiency Kinga I. Gawlik, Mikael A˚kerlund, Virginie Carmignac, Harri Elamaa¤, Madeleine Durbeej* DepartmentofExperimentalMedicalScience,MuscleBiologyUnit,UniversityofLund,Lund,Sweden Abstract Background:Laminina2chainmutationscausecongenitalmusculardystrophywithdysmyelinationneuropathy(MDC1A). Previously,wedemonstrated thatlaminin a1chainamelioratesthediseaseinmice.Dystroglycan andintegrins aremajor lamininreceptors.Unlikelaminina2chain,a1chainbindsthereceptorsbyseparatedomains;lamininglobular(LG)domains 4andLG1-3,respectively.Thus,thelaminina1chainisanexcellenttooltodistinguishbetweentherolesofdystroglycan and integrins inthe neuromuscularsystem. Methodology/PrincipalFindings:Here,weprovideinsightsintothefunctionsoflaminina1LGdomainsandthedivisionof theirrolesinMDC1Apathogenesisandrescue.Overexpressionoflaminina1chainthatlacksthedystroglycanbindingLG4- 5domainsina2chaindeficientmiceresultedinprolongedlifespanandimprovedhealth.Importantly,diaphragmandheart muscles were corrected, whereas limb muscles were dystrophic, indicating that different muscles have different requirementsforLG4-5domains.Furthermore,theregenerativecapacityoftheskeletalmuscledidnotdependonlaminin a1LG4-5.However,thisdomainwascrucialforpreventingapoptosisinlimbmuscles,essentialformyelinationinperipheral nerveand important forbasement membraneassembly. Conclusions/Significance:Theseresultsshowthatlaminina1LGdomainsandconsequentlytheirreceptorshavedisparate functions inthe neuromuscular system. Understanding theseinteractions could contribute to design and optimization of futuremedical treatment forMDC1Apatients. Citation:GawlikKI,A˚kerlundM,CarmignacV,ElamaaH,DurbeejM(2010)DistinctRolesforLamininGlobularDomainsinLaminina1ChainMediatedRescueof MurineLaminina2ChainDeficiency.PLoSONE5(7):e11549.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011549 Editor:AntoniL.Andreu,HospitalValld’Hebron,Spain ReceivedMay12,2010;AcceptedJune21,2010;PublishedJuly19,2010 Copyright: (cid:2)2010 Gawlik et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalauthorandsourcearecredited. Funding: Funded by Association Francaise contre les Myopathies, Muscular Dystrophy Association, Anna-Greta Crafoord Foundation for Rheumatological Research,GretaandJohanKockFoundationandAlfredO¨sterlundFoundation.Thefundershadnoroleinstudydesign,datacollectionandanalysis,decisionto publish,orpreparationofthemanuscript. CompetingInterests:Theauthorshavedeclaredthatnocompetinginterestsexist. *E-mail:[email protected] ¤Currentaddress:DepartmentofMedicalBiochemistryandMolecularBiology,BiocenterOulu,CenterforCell-MatrixResearch,UniversityofOulu,Oulu,Finland Introduction isoform expressed in muscle and peripheral nerve. Through interaction with transmembrane receptors it regulates major Congenital muscular dystrophy type 1A (MDC1A) is an functions of the neuromuscular system and provides structural autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the gene supporttomusclefibers[6].Inmuscle,atleasttwodistinctprotein encodinglaminin(LM)a2chain.Thegeneralclinicalhallmarksof complexes are known to be the key receptors for LMa2 chain; MDC1A include neonatal onset of muscle weakness, hypotonia dystroglycanandintegrina7b1.Theirimportanceisunderscored often associated with joint contractures, inability to stand and by the fact that absence of integrin a7 chain, as well as walk,elevatedlevelsofcreatinekinase,whitematterabnormalities hypoglycosylation of a-dystroglycan cause various forms of and dysmyelination neuropathy. Histological changes of muscles congenital muscular dystrophy [7,8]. Furthermore, different comprisefibersizevariability,massivedegenerationandextensive studies involving manipulation of the dystroglycan gene in mice connective tissue infiltration. Most patients die as teenagers since revealed an important role for dystroglycan in skeletal muscle there is no treatment for this devastating disease [1]. Several [9–11]. Several studies indicated that the function of integrin a7 mouse models for MDC1A exist (e.g. generated LMa2 chain subunit and dystroglycan, being a part of the dystrophin- mutants dy3K/dy3Kand dyW/dyW and the spontaneous mutant glycoprotein complex, could overlap [12–14]. However, recent mouse strain dy/dy) and they adequately mirror the human studiesshowthatwhereasbothdystroglycanandintegrina7chain condition [2–4]. contribute to force-production of muscles, only dystroglycan LMs are extracellular proteins formed by a, b and c chains. contributes tothepreservation of sarcolemmalintegrity [15]. Together with other extracellular matrix components LMs form LMa2 chain receptors present in peripheral nerve include specializedextracellularmatricescalledbasementmembranes[5]. dystroglycan, integrins a6b1, a7b1 and possibly integrin a6b4 LM-211 (composed of a2, b1 and c1 chains) is the major LM [16,17]. Dystroglycan, b1 and b4 integrin subunits have been PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 1 July2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 7 | e11549 LamininreceptorsinMDC1A shown to be important for different aspects of myelination and cDNA (dE3LMa1). An in frame deletion between nucleotides morphology of peripheral nerves, as revealed by conditional 8248–9289 (corresponding to LG4-5 domains) was accom- disruptionoftheirgenesinSchwanncells[18–20].Thus,LM-211 plished by DraIII-SmaI restriction cutting and fusion of an isacentralplayerlinkingthesereceptorsandtheirfunctionsinthe XhoI site with a BglII site. This DNA was cloned into the neuromuscular system. pCAGGS vector [25], containing a CMV enhancer and a b- LMa1 chain also binds to dystroglycan, integrin a6b1 and actin promoter. integrin a7b1 (and perhaps integrin a6b4) [17,21–24]. Yet, it is not expressed in the neuromuscular system [25]. We have Transgenic animals previously explored the possibilities of paralogous gene therapy Transgenic mice were generated by microinjections of for MDC1A and demonstrated that LMa1 chain is an excellent transgene DNA into the pronucleus of fertilized single-cell substituteforLMa2chaininmurinemuscle,peripheralnerveand C57BL/CBA embryos (Lund Transgenic Core Facility, Lund testis [25–28]. Additionally, LMa2 chain deficiency leads to University,Sweden).MicecarryingdE3LMa1chainDNAwere perturbed expression of integrin a7 subunit, and reduced identified by PCR as described previously [25]. Positive expression of the core protein of a-dystroglycan (but not a- founders overexpressing truncated LMa1 chain in the neuro- dystroglycan glycosylation), at the sarcolemma [29–31]. Notably, muscular system (lines No. 3 and 4) were further bred with LMa1chainoverexpressionrestoresintegrina7chainexpression, dy3K/+ mice [2], followed by sib breeding to generate LMa2 indicating that this receptor could be crucial for improvement of chaindeficientanimalsthatexpressdE3LMa1chain(dy3K/dE3 muscle functionindystrophicanimals [32]. mice). Dy3K/dy3K mice overexpressing full length LMa1 chain The LMa1 and a2 chains bind dystroglycan and integrins by (dy3KLMa1 mice) were previously described [25–28]. Dy/dy distinct domains. The a1 chain binds dystroglycan via its C- mice used for heart studies were obtained from Jackson terminal LG4 domain and integrin binding occurs via a1LG1-3 Laboratory. [33,34].ThisisdifferentfromLMa2chainbindingwherethereis considerable overlap in binding to dystroglycan and integrins. Exploratory locomotion and body and muscle weight Both a2LG4-5 and a2LG1-3 bind dystroglycan, whereas only analyses a2LG1-3 binds integrins [23,35]. The LMa1 chain can thus be Exploratory locomotion was examined in an open field test. A used more efficiently to distinguish between the roles of LM mousewasplacedintoanewcageandallowedtoexplorethecage binding to dystroglycan and integrins in the neuromuscular for 5 min. The time that the mouse spent moving around was system. Since LMa1 chain functions almost equally well as a2 measured. For all experiments, 10-week-old dy3K/dE3 animals chainintheneuromuscularsystem,weusedthissubunitinorder (n=16) were compared with10-week-old control mice (wild-type to dissect the roles of the aLG domains and their receptors in or dy3K/+) (n=8) and 5-week-old dy3K/dy3K mice (n=6). For MDC1A pathogenesis and rescue. Hence, we produced and weight analysis dy3K/dE3, control mice and dy3K/dy3K animals characterized animals completely deficient in LMa2 chain, but insteadoverexpressingatruncatedformofLMa1chain(dy3K/dE3 were sex- and age-matched (5-week-old) (n=14, n=3, n=11, respectively, for females; n=8, n=4, n=8, respectively, for mice) that lacks the dystroglycan binding site (LG4-5 domains at males).Quadricepsandtibialisanteriormusclesfrom2-month-old the C-terminus, also known as the E3 fragment), but retains the wild-type (n=3), dy3K/dE3 (n=3) and 4-week-old dy3K/dy3K integrin binding site(LG1-3,see Fig.1A) [33,34]. mice(n=4)wereusedtoestimatetheratioofwetmuscleweightto body weight. Muscles from both legs were weighed and average Materials and Methods musclemasswascalculated.Unpairedt-testwasusedforstatistical Ethics statement analysis. All mouse experimentation was approved by the local (Lund district)ethicscommittee(permitnumberM62-09).Allmicewere Creatine kinase activity maintainedinanimalfacilitiesaccordingtoanimalcareguidelines. Blood was collected from the tail vein of 2-month-old control mice(wild-typeordy3K/+)(n=10),dy3K/dE3(n=10)and4-week- Transgenic construct old dy3K/dy3K mice (n=3) into EDTA-tubes and spun down two Approximately1 kboftheC-terminalpartwasremovedfrom times for 5 minutes at 3500rpm. CK_P_S_cobas method was mouse full-length LMa1 chain cDNA to generate truncated used by Clinical Chemistry Laboratory at Ska˚ne University Figure1.GenerationofdE3LMa1transgenicanimals.(A)SchemepresentingLM-111structure.Full-lengthLMa1chainwithLG1-5domains andtruncatedLMa1chain(dE3LMa1)withLG1-3domainsaremarkedtogetherwiththeirtransmembranereceptors.(B)Schematicpresentationof transgenicconstructwithdenoted1kbdeletion(LG4-5).Restrictionsitesusedtoengineertheconstructareshown. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011549.g001 PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 2 July2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 7 | e11549 LamininreceptorsinMDC1A Hospital to quantify enzyme activity in plasma. Unpaired t-test Quantification of fiber size distribution, central was usedforstatistical analyses. nucleation and fiber number Diaphragmandlimbmusclesfromatleast3animalsfromeach Histology and immunofluorescence microscopy group(4–6-week-oldwild-type,dy3K/dy3Kanddy3K/dE3mice)were Skeletal muscle, heart, peripheral nerve and spinal roots analyzed.MinimalFeret’sdiameterwasmeasured[38]foratleast cryosections(7 mm)fromcontrol(wild-typeordy3K/+),dy3K/dy3K, 2600 fibers for each group. The same number of fibers was used dy/dy, dy3K/dE3 and dy3KLMa1 mice were either stained with for quantification of fibers with centrally located nuclei. An hematoxylin and eosin or subjected to immunofluorescence additionalgroupof4–6-month-olddy3K/dE3animalswasincluded analysis using following antibodies: rat monoclonal mAb200 for quantification of diaphragm fibers. Fibers from quadriceps againstLMa1LG4domain[25],rabbitpolyclonal1057+against muscle from 4–6-week-old wild-type (n=3), dy3K/dy3K (n=3) and LMa1 LN/LEadomain(N-terminus)(kindlyprovidedbyDr.T. dy3K/dE3 mice (n=3) were counted within a square of 646106 Sasaki) [36], rabbit polyclonal 1100+ against LMa4, (kindly pixels2.Unpaired t-testwas usedfor statistical analysis. provided by Dr. T. Sasaki), rabbit polyclonal 1113+ against LMa5 (kindly provided by Dr. T. Sasaki), rat monoclonal Treadmill exercise and Evans blue dye injection MTn15 against tenascin-C [25], rabbit polyclonal U31 against Dy3K/dE3mice(n=4)wereexercisedfor30minonatreadmill integrin a7B subunit (kindly provided by Dr. U. Mayer) [37], Exer 6M (Columbus Instruments) at a downhill angle of 15u. mouse monoclonal IIH6 against a-dystroglycan (Upstate Bio- During the first 2 min the speed was gradually increased from technology), mouse monoclonal F1.652 against embryonic 7 m/min up to 14–16m/min. Within 30min after completed myosin heavy chain (Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank, exercise the mice were injected i.p. with Evans blue dye (EBD) Iowa), rabbit polyclonal anti-collagen, type IV (Chemicon), (Sigma Aldrich) dissolved in sterile saline (concentration: 0.5 mg mouse monoclonal 46 against caspase-3 (BD Transduction EBD/0.05ml saline; amount: 50ml per 10g body weight). After Laboratories).Mouseonmousekit(Vector)wasusedforstaining approximately24h,muscleswerecollectedandquicklyfrozenin with embryonic myosin heavy chain according to manufacturer liquid nitrogen. Unexercised mice were injected with EBD and instructions. Tissues were fixed with 4% PFA at room usedascontrols.Musclecryosections(8 mm)werefixedinice-cold temperature (for laminin, tenascin-C, embryonic myosin heavy acetone at 220uC for 10min, washed and mounted with chain, collagen-IV and caspase-3 stainings), or with acetone at FluorSave (Calbiochem). By fluorescence microscopy analysis, 220uC(forintegrina7B) or with 8%formaldehyde,followedby EBDuptake into musclefibers was visualizedby redemission. methanol at 220uC (for a-dystroglycan). Sections were analyzed using a Zeiss Axioplan fluorescence microscope. Images were Cardiotoxin injections capturedusinganORCA1394ERdigitalcamerawithOpenlab Tibialisanteriormusclesfrom6control(wild-typeordy3K/+),6 3 software. Images were prepared for publication using Adobe dy3K/dy3K and 6 dy3K/dE3 mice were injected with cardiotoxin Photoshop software. (10 mmol/L in saline). Control and dy3K/dE3 mice were 2–3- month-old. Dy3K/dy3K mice were 3-week-old. Three mice from Immunoblotting each group were sacrificed 4 days after injection and the other 3 ForLMdetectionproteinswereisolatedfrom100mgofdy3K/ after 11 days. Both injected and contralateral uninjected tibialis dE3 and dy3KLMa1 muscles (3 mice from each group) by brief anterior muscles were collectedand analyzed. sonication in 1 mmol/L EDTA in TBS with 1:25 dilution of protease inhibitors (Complete EDTA-free, Roche Diagnostics). Electron microscopy and toluidine blue staining For integrin detection proteins were extracted from 100mg skeletalhomogenizedmusclepowderof3wild-typeanddy3K/dE3 Quadriceps femoris muscles, heart, diaphragm, sciatic nerves mice in 1% Triton X-100, 50mM Tris-HCl, pH 7,4; 1mM andspinalrootsfromwild-type,dy3K/dy3Kanddy3K/dE3micewere CaCl , 1mM MgCl and 1:25 dilution of Protease Cocktail fixed for 2 hours with 1.5% glutaraldehyde/1.5% paraformalde- 2 2 (Complete EDTA-free, Roche Diagnostics). Samples were incu- hyde, rinsed in So¨rensen’s phosphate buffer, post fixed in 1% bated for 1 hour and spun down at 4uC. The supernatants were OsO4 and then embedded in Epon. Ultra thin sections were collected and the protein concentration was determined using stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. Specimens were BCA assay (Pierce). Dystroglycan was isolated using agarose examined by transmission electron microscopy (Philips CM 10). bound wheat germ agglutinin (Vector) and N-acetyl-D-glucos- Three to4 animals fromeachgroup wereanalyzed. amine (Sigma) as described before [32]. Lysates containing LM, integrin and dystroglycan were separated on 5% or 8% Results polyacrylamide-SDS gels under reducing or non-reducing condi- Generation of dy3K/dy3K mice overexpressing dE3LMa1 tions.EHSLM(Invitrogen)wasusedasacontrolforLMblotting. Proteins were transferred to nitrocellulose membranes (Amer- chain sham). Membranes were blocked for 1 hour in 5% non-fat dry WehavegeneratedmiceoverexpressingLMa1chaindevoidof milkin1xTBSwith0.02%Tween-20andincubatedovernightat LG4-5domains(comprisingtheE3fragment)underthecontrolof 4uC with a rabbit polyclonal antibody detecting LMa1LG3 a CMV enhancer and b-actin promoter (Fig. 1A and B) (dE3 domain (kindly provided by Dr. T. Sasaki); rabbit polyclonal mice), Mice overexpressing dE3LMa1 in skeletal muscle, periph- antibodyagainstintegrina7B(kindlyprovidedbyDr.U.Mayer); eralnerveandheartweremaintained(transgeniclinesNo.3and rabbitpolyclonalantibodyagainstb-dystroglycan[25]andmouse 4)(FigureS1,seealsoFig.2).TheexpressionoftruncatedLMa1 monoclonalantibodyIIH6 againsta-dystroglycan. Detectionwas chain was detected using antibodies against the N-terminal performedwithECLkit(Amersham).ExpressionofLMa1chain, domains of LMa1 chain and the LG4 domain, respectively. integrina7Bsubunit,a-andb-dystroglycanwasnormalizedtoa- Immunofluorescence staining with the antibody directed against actininexpression(detectedwithmousemonoclonalantibodyEA- N-terminal domains of LMa1 chain demonstrated patchy 53, Sigma). Band intensity was measured using ImageJ software. expression of truncated LMa1 chain in basement membranes of Unpaired t-testwas usedfor statistical analyses. skeletalandcardiacmuscle,andinendoneuriumandperineurium PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 3 July2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 7 | e11549 LamininreceptorsinMDC1A PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 4 July2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 7 | e11549 LamininreceptorsinMDC1A Figure2.ComparisonofexpressionlevelsofLMa1chainbetweendE3transgenicmice,dy3K/dE3anddy3KLMa1mice.(A)Truncated LMa1chainisupregulatedinskeletalmuscle(SM),diaphragm(Dia),peripheralnerve(SN)andheart(He)indy3K/dE3micecomparedtodE3mice expressingLMa2chain.Itreachesthelevelsoffull-lengthLMa1chainexpressionindy3KLMa1mice.Threeanimalsfromeachgroupwereanalyzed. Bars,50mm.(B)Immunoblottingoftissueextractsfromwild-type,dy3K/dE3anddy3KLMa1skeletalmuscleandEHSextractwitharabbitpolyclonal antibodyagainstLMa1LG3domain.Quantificationofsignalsrevealedthatthereisapproximately2.5-foldmoreoftruncatedLMa1chainindy3K/dE3 musclescomparedtofull-lengthLMa1chainindy3KLMa1muscles(p=0.0194).Resultsareshownasmeans6SEM.Theshiftinmolecularweightof truncated(350kDa)vs.full-length(400kDa)LMa1chainbecameapparentafterrunningthesamplesforalongertime(datanotshown). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011549.g002 ofsciaticnerveofdE3transgenicmice(FigureS1).Nostainingwas 4.5-fold upregulation of integrin a7B in dy3K/dE3 skeletal muscle detected with the antibody directed towards LG4 domain, by immunoblottingexperiments (Fig. 3B). indicating the overexpression of truncated LMa1 chain. Staining LMa2 chain deficiency does not significantly alter a-dystrogly- withbothantibodieswasdetectedinLMa1TGmiceoverexpress- can glycosylation and b-dystroglycan expression at the sarcolem- ing full-length LMa1 chain (Figure S1) (described in 25) and it ma [32], probably because other ligands (e.g. perlecan) are still indicated a higher level and more homogeneous expression of present. By immunofluorescence analyses, expression of a- LMa1 chain in these animals. Notably, overexpression of dystroglycan also appeared normal in dy3K/dE3 limb, diaphragm truncated LMa1 chain in mice revealed no discernible patholog- and heart muscle and in sciatic nerve (Fig. 4A). In addition, we ical phenotypes. quantifiedexpressionofa-andb-dystroglycanandtheyremained Next,dE3micefromline3and4werefurthermatedwithmice thesame indy3K/dE3vs. control skeletal muscle(Fig.4B). carryingthemutationinLama2gene(dy3K/+),tocreatemicethat All in all, these results suggest that integrin a7B is increased, are devoid of LMa2 chain but instead overexpress dE3LMa1 whereas dystroglycans appear normally expressed in dy3K/dE3 chain (dy3K/dE3mice). muscles. ExpressionoftruncatedLMa1chainisupregulatedupon Dy3K/dy3K mice with dE3LMa1 transgene have improved LMa2 chain deficiency overall health We analyzed the expression of dE3LMa1 chain in dy3K/dE3 Dy3K/dy3K mice completely deficient in LMa2 chain were mice in a similar manner as in dE3 mice (only the staining with previously described [2]. Briefly, these animals suffer from severe theantibodyagainstN-terminaldomainsisshown).Interestingly, muscle wasting, growth retardation, peripheral neuropathy and upon LMa2 chain deficiency the truncated LMa1 chain was die approximately 3–5 weeks after birth. As shown in Fig. 5, the upregulated in all examined tissues (skeletal muscle, diaphragm, overallhealthofdy3K/dE3micewasimprovedcomparedtody3K/ heart, peripheral nerve) compared to dE3 mice (Fig. 2A). Also, dy3K mice. First, dy3K/dE3 mice live longer. As demonstrated by theexpressionlevelsseemedtoreachthosedetectedindy3KLMa1 the survival curve, approximately 75% of dy3K/dE3 animals mice overexpressing full-length LMa1 chain. We also noted survive up to 3 months (Fig. 5B). Further estimation of dy3K/dE3 intracellularstainingoftruncatedLMa1chaininskeletalmuscle survivalencounteredobstacles.Duetohindlegparalysis,severalof them were sacrificed according to the guidelines of the ethical (Fig. 2A). Western blot analyses with an antibody against LMa1LG3 domain revealed even higher expression (approxi- permit. Nevertheless, many dy3K/dE3 mice survive much longer mately 2.5-fold) of dE3LMa1 chain in dy3K/dE3 muscles than 3 months.Our oldest animals diedoneyearafterbirth. compared to full-length LMa1 chain in dy3KLMa1 muscles Second,dy3K/dE3animalsarebiggerthandy3K/dy3Kmice.At2 weeksofage,dy3K/dy3Kmicecanbeidentifiedduetotheirgrowth (Fig. 2B). Therefore, we can rule out the possibility that the observed phenotype of dy3K/dE3 mice described below is due to retardation whereas dy3K/dE3 mice appeared outwardly normal (datanotshown).Furthermore,themajorityofdy3K/dE3animalsat insufficient expression of truncated LMa1 chain. Also, it is clear 5 weeks of age can not be distinguished from normal littermates that the regulatory mechanisms involved in LMa1 chain (Fig. 5A). Weight gain for female and male dy3K/dy3K mice was transgene expression are complex. We also assessed the greatly delayed in 5-week-old mice whereas the weight gain for expression of LMa4 and a5 chains. We and others have female and male dy3K/dE3 mice was significantly increased previously shown that expression of these two LM chains is compared to dy3K/dy3K mice (Fig. 5C and data not shown). upregulated in LMa2 chain deficient basement membranes [25,39] (see also Figure S2). In dy3K/dE3 mice, the muscle However, dy3K/dE3 mice weigh significantly less than normal littermates(Fig.5Canddatanotshown).Beginningfrom5weeksof basementmembraneexpressionofLMa4anda5chainswasvery age,thedifferenceinoverallphenotypebetweenmostofdy3K/dE3 similar to that of dy3K/dy3K mice (Figure S2). Hence, we suggest andwild-typemicebecamemoreevident.Manydy3K/dE3animals that the compensatory increase of LMa4 and LMa5 chains has arevisiblysmallerthancontrollittermates(Fig.5A,middlepanel). no beneficial effects in dy3K/dE3 muscles (which are analyzed in However, some of the older dy3K/dE3 animals look outwardly detail in the next paragraphs). normal and are almost indistinguishable from their littermates (Fig.5A,leftpanel).Also,theratioofquadricepsandtibialisanterior Expression of integrin a7B and dystroglycan in dy3K/dE3 wet weight per body weight was similar in control and dy3K/dE3 tissues mice,whereastheratiowassignificantlyreducedindy3K/dy3Kmice We next evaluated the expression of integrin a7B and (Fig.5Danddatanotshown).Hence,musclemasswasmaintained dystroglycan in dy3K/dE3 muscles. Expression of integrin a7B is inproportiontothebodysizeindy3K/dE3mice.Nevertheless,most reducedatthesarcolemmaofdy3K/dy3Klimbandheartmusclebut ofdy3K/dE3micedisplaysevereperipheralnerveabnormalities,as to a lesser extent in dy3K/dy3K diaphragm (Fig. 3A). Notably, the demonstrated by temporary hindleg paralysis (either one or expressionofintegrina7Bsubunitwasrestoredindy3K/dE3limb, occasionally two limbs) (Fig. 5A, arrow). When lifted by the tail, diaphragm and heart muscle (Fig. 3A). Similarly, also full-length theyretracttheirhindlimbstowardthebody.Still,dy3K/dE3mice LMa1 chain reconstituted integrin a7B chain at LMa2 chain perform much better in the locomotion activity test compared to deficientsarcolemma[32].Wefurtherdetectedanapproximately dy3K/dy3Kanimals(Fig.5E),indicatingthatmusclefunctionislargely PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 5 July2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 7 | e11549 LamininreceptorsinMDC1A Figure3.Restorationandupregulationofintegrina7Bsubunitindy3K/dE3muscles.(A)Cross-sectionsoflimbmuscle(LiM),diaphragm (Dia)andheartfromwild-type,dy3K/dy3Kanddy3K/dE3micewerestainedwithantibodiesagainstintegrina7B.Bars,50mm.(B)Immunoblottingof totalproteinlysatesfromwild-typeanddy3K/dE3skeletalmuscleandquantitativemeasurementofintegrina7Bexpression.Thereisapproximately 4.5-foldmoreintegrina7Bindy3K/dE3muscle(p=0.0231).Resultsareshownasmeans6SEM. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011549.g003 preserved.Yet,dy3K/dE3micemovesignificantlylessthancontrol DE3LMa1transgenereducesthedystrophicpathologyof skeletal muscles and significantly prevents dystrophic miceandthisissupposedlyduetothetemporaryparalysis(Fig.5E). Finally, we noted that serum kinase activity was significantly changes in diaphragm and heart elevatedindy3K/dE3mice(Fig.5F),indicatingthatmusclesmaybe We next examined the morphology of dy3K/dE3 skeletal and dystrophic,despiteimprovedgeneralhealth. heartmuscle.Whenisolatingskeletalmusclesfromdy3K/dE3mice In summary, survival during the first months of life and other (5-week-old and 4-month-old and older), it could be macroscop- featuresoftheoverallphenotypeofdy3K/dE3micearenotgreatly ically seen that muscles were only modestly wasted (see also dependent on LMa1LG4-5. Fig. 5D). However, histological analyses of muscle revealed vast PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 6 July2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 7 | e11549 LamininreceptorsinMDC1A Figure4.Normalexpressionofdystroglycansindy3K/dE3muscles.(A)Cross-sectionsoflimbmuscle(LiM),diaphragm(Dia),heartandsciatic nerve(SN)fromwild-type,dy3K/dy3Kanddy3K/dE3micewerestainedwithantibodyIIH6againsta-dystroglycan.Bars,50mm.(B)Immunoblottingof glycoproteinpreparationsfromwild-typeanddy3K/dE3skeletalmuscleandquantitativemeasurementofa-andb-dystroglycanexpression.Results areshownasmeans6SEM.Nosignificantdifferenceinexpressionofa-andb-dystroglycanwasnotedbetweenwild-typeanddy3K/dE3muscle (p=0.8200andp=0.7527,respectively). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011549.g004 PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 7 July2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 7 | e11549 LamininreceptorsinMDC1A PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 8 July2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 7 | e11549 LamininreceptorsinMDC1A Figure5.Overallphenotypeofdy3K/dE3mice.(A)5-week-olddy3K/dE3miceoftenhavenormalsize,remainalertandlivelywithgoodmuscle tone.Awild-typeandady3K/dy3Klittermateareshownforcomparison.Withagethedifferencebetweenthebodysizeofnormalanddy3K/dE3mice becomes more evident (middle panel). However some dy3K/dE3 animals (right panel) remain undistinguishable from littermates at older age. Nevertheless,alldy3K/dE3micedevelopperipheralneuropathy(indicatedbyarrow).(B)Survivalcurvesofdy3K/dy3K(n=8)anddy3K/dE3mice(n=44) upto3monthsofage.Curvesremainsignificantlydifferentfromeachother(p,0.0001).Around75%ofdy3K/dE3miceliveatleastupto3monthsof age.(C)Wholebodyweightsof5-week-oldfemalecontrol,dy3K/dy3Kanddy3K/dE3mice.Bodymassispartiallyrecoveredinfemaledy3K/dE3mice. Theyweighsignificantlymorethandy3K/dy3Kmice(p,0.0001),butsignificantlylessthancontrolanimalsp,0.0003).(D)Proportion(inpercentage)of thewetweightofquadricepsmuscletothebodyweightincontrol,dy3K/dy3Kanddy3K/dE3mice.Comparedtocontrolmice,theratioisnormalin dy3K/dE3(p=0.8001)butsignificantlyreducedindy3K/dy3Kmice(p=0.0003).(E)Exploratorylocomotionof10-week-oldcontrolanddy3K/dE3mice and 5-week-old dy3K/dy3K mice. Dy3K/dE3 mice are significantly more active than dy3K/dy3K mice (p,0.0001) and less active than control mice (p=0.0099).(F)Serumcreatinekinase(CK)activityincontrol,dy3K/dy3Kanddy3K/dE3mice.ThereisnodifferenceinCKactivitybetweendy3K/dy3Kand dy3K/dE3mice,butdy3K/dE3remainsignificantlydifferentfromcontrolmice(p=0.0022)Eachbarrepresentsthemean6SEM. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011549.g005 regenerationofmusclefibersinlimbmuscles,demonstratedbythe been shown to contribute to the severe dystrophic changes in presence of small fibers with centrally located nuclei (Fig. 6A). muscles from MDC1A patients and LMa2 chain deficient mice Approximately 35% and 25% of 4–6-week-old dy3K/dE3 quadri- [2,41,42]. In both dy3K/dy3K and dy3K/dE3 muscles either single ceps and triceps muscle fibers, respectively, contained centrally caspase-3positiveapoptoticfibersweredetectedorapoptosiswas located nuclei and the numbers of centrally nucleated fibers did morerobust(Fig.7B).Incontrast,themusclesfromLMa2chain not differ significantly from dy3K/dy3K muscles (data not shown). deficientmiceoverexpressingfull-lengthLMa1chain(dy3KLMa1) The number of fibers in randomly selected areas was similar in were free of apoptotic fibers (no caspase-3 staining was observed, wild-typeanddy3K/dE3quadricepsmuscle,butwithatendencyof Fig. 7B). Interestingly, apoptosis did not take place in dy3K/dE3 more fibers in dy3K/dE3 mice (probably due to the presence of diaphragms,whereasapoptoticfiberswerepresentindiaphragms smallregeneratingfibers).Interestingly,asimilarnumberoffibers from dy3K/dy3K mice (Fig. 7B). This data strongly suggests that was also noted in dy3K/dy3K quadriceps muscle (Figure S3). LMa1LG4-5protectslimbmusclesfromapoptosis,mostprobably However, average fiber diameter is smaller (data not shown) and via dystroglycan binding, whereas truncated LMa1 chain is insteadmusclecontainsfibrotictissue(seeFigure8A).Thenumber sufficient toprevent apoptosis indiaphragm musclefibers. offiberswithcentrallylocatedwasevenhigherinlimbmusclesof Regardless of apoptotic cell death, muscle replacement with 4-month-olddy3K/dE3animals,indicatingthatpathologyworsens connective tissue,so evidentin dy3K/dy3Kmice [25],was not very overtime(Fig.6Aanddatanotshown).Nevertheless,theseresults obvious in dy3K/dE3 muscles (Fig. 6A). This tendency was also indicate that dy3K/dE3 muscles undergo damage but that the demonstratedbytenascin-Cstaining.Tenascin-Chasbeenshown constant regeneration and muscle mass is maintained with age. tobeupregulatedandextendstotheinterstitiumbetweenmuscle Moreover, the diaphragm did not undergo degeneration/regen- fibers in dy/dy and dy3K/dy3K mice [25,43]. Some muscles from eration cycles and its morphology appeared near normal in 5- different dy3K/dE3 animals showed moderate upregulation of week-old and 4-month-old animals (Fig. 6A–C). Dy3K/dy3K tenascin-C(Fig.8A,twoindividualsareshown,fouranimalswere diaphragm at 4–6-weeks of age displayed about 16% of analyzed). However, tenascin-C expression was less pronounced regenerated muscle fibers with central nuclei. A significant than indy3K/dy3Kmuscles.Also,some dy3K/dE3limbmuscles did reduction was found in dy3K/dE3 diaphragm, both in young and not display tenascin-C upregulation (Fig. 8A). Moreover, dia- older animals and the numbers did not differ significantly from phragm did not showany signsof fibrosis (Fig.8A). wild-type diaphragm (Fig. 6B). We also determined the muscle Cardiomyopathy is not a major feature of MDC1A [1]. fiber size in 4–6-week-old diaphragm muscle. The fiber size However, 2-month-old dyW/dyW hearts show infiltration of distribution was shifted towards smaller fiber sizes in dy3K/dy3K connective tissue [44]. Dy3K/dy3K mice probably die too early in animals,comparedwithwild-typemuscles.Notably,theshiftwas order to develop heart fibrosis (data not shown). Therefore, we largely prevented indy3K/dE3muscles (Fig.6C). compared 5–6-month-old dy3K/dE3 hearts with hearts from 8- To demonstrate functional benefit conferred by the truncated week-olddy/dy mice, whichshow massivefibrosis intheventricle LMa1chainindiaphragm,wesubjecteddy3K/dE3micetodownhill wall(Fig.8B).Asdemonstratedbyhematoxylinandeosinstaining, treadmill exercise and sarcolemmal integrity was evaluated by dy3K/dE3 hearts did not display any fibrotic lesions (Fig. 8). This Evansbluedye(EBD)accumulation.Ithaspreviouslybeenshown trend was further confirmed by absence of tenascin-C staining thatonlyoccasionalEBD-positivefibersarefoundindy/dymuscles (Fig.8B). [40].Inagreementwiththeseresults,wealsodetectedafewEBD- In summary, LMa1LG4-5 domains are important for securing positivefibersinunexerciseddy3K/dy3Kmuscles.Wealsoobserveda the mechanical stability of limb muscle fibers in LMa2 chain fewEBD-positivefibersinunexerciseddy3K/dE3limbmuscles,but deficiency,mostprobablybybindingtodystroglycan.Interesting- almost none in dy3K/dE3 diaphragm (Fig. 7A). While it was not ly, LMa1LG4-5 domains are not involved in improvement of possibletoexercisedy3K/dy3Kanimals,dy3K/dE3limbmuscleswere diaphragm and heart muscle morphology, indicating that other susceptibletoexercise-inducedsarcolemmalinjuryasevidencedby sites of LMa1 chain (most likely integrin a7b1 binding modules) increaseduptakeofEBD.Interestingly,downhillrunninginduced areresponsibleforfunctionalreplacementofLMa2chaininthese verylittledamageindy3K/dE3diaphragm(Fig.7A).AlthoughEBD muscles. uptake in exercised dy3K/dE3 limb muscles varied, both between animalsandopposinglimbswithinthesameanimal,thediaphragm Skeletal muscle regeneration is not impaired in dy3K/dE3 wasconsistentlyunaffected.Hence,truncatedLMa1chainprevents mice exercise-induced injury in diaphragm but not in limb muscles, Since muscle regeneration seemed to be continuously main- indicating that different muscles have different requirements for tainedindy3K/dE3limbmuscles(Fig.6A),wenextanalyzedtheir LMa1LG4-5domains. regenerativepropertiesinmoredetail.Weinjected2–3-month-old The phenomenon of progressive muscle fiber damage in the control, dy3K/dE3 mice and 3-week-old dy3K/dy3K tibialis anterior limbswasfurtherunderscoredbycaspase-3staining.Apoptosishas with cardiotoxin to induce muscle damage and trigger muscle PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 9 July2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 7 | e11549