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Dissipative Mechanics Using 7 0 0 Complex-Valued Hamiltonians 2 n a J S. G. Rajeev 9 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy 1 v University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627 1 4 1 February 1, 2008 1 0 7 0 / h Abstract p - t n We show that a large class of dissipative systems can be brought to a a u canonical form by introducing complex co-ordinates in phase space and a q : complex-valued hamiltonian. A naive canonical quantization of these sys- v i X tems lead to non-hermitean hamiltonian operators. The excited states are r a unstable and decay to the ground state . We also compute the tunneling amplitudeacrossapotential barrier. 1 1 Introduction In many physical situations, loss of energy of the system under study to the out- side environment cannot be ignored. Often, the long time behavior of the system is determined by this loss of energy, leading to interesting phenomena such as attractors. Thereisanextensiveliteratureondissipativesystemsatboththeclassicaland quantumlevels(Seeforexamplethetextbooks[1,2,3]). Oftenthetheoryisbased on an evolution equation of the density matrix of a ‘small system’ coupled to a ‘reservoir’withalargenumberofdegreesoffreedom,afterthereservoirhasbeen averaged out. In such approaches the system is described by a mixed state rather than a pure state: in quantum mechanics by a density instead of a wavefunction and in classical mechanics by a density function rather than a point in the phase space. Thereareotherapproachesthatdodealwiththeevolutionequationsofapure state. Thecanonicalformulationofclassicalmechanicsdoes notapplyinadirect way to dissipative systems because the hamiltonian usually has the meaning of energy and would be conserved. By redefining the Poisson brackets [4] , or by usingtimedependenthamiltonians[5],itispossibletobringsuchsystemswithin acanonicalframework. Also,therearegeneralizationsofthePoissonbracketthat maynotbeanti-symmetricand/ormaynotsatisfytheJacobiidentity[6,7]which givedissipativeequations. Wewillfollowanotherroute,whichturnsoutinmanycasestobesimplerthan the above. It is suggested by the simplest example, that of the damped simple harmonic oscillator. As is well known, the effect of damping is to replace the naturalfrequencyofoscillationbyacomplexnumber,theimaginarypartofwhich 2 determinestherateofexponentialdecay ofenergy. Anyinitialstatewilldecay to the ground state (of zero energy) as time tends to infinity. The corresponding co- ordinates in phase space (normal modes) are complex as well. This suggests that theequationsare ofhamiltonianform,butwithacomplex-valuedhamiltonian. It is not difficult to verify that this is true directly. The real part of the hamil- tonian is a harmonic oscillator, although with a shifted frequency; the imaginary part is its constant multiple. If we pass to the quantum theory in the usual way, wegetanon-hermiteanhamiltonianoperator. Itseigenvaluesarecomplexvalued, except for the ground state which can be chosen to have a real eigenvalue. Thus allstatesexceptthegroundstateareunstable. Anystatedecaystoitsprojectionto the ground state as time tends to infinity. This is a reasonable quantum analogue oftheclassical decay ofenergy. We will show that a wide class of dissipativesystems can be brought to such a canonical form using a complex-valued hamiltonian. The usual equations of motiondeterminedby ahamiltonianand Poissonbracket are d p H,p = { } . (1) dt x  H,x  { }     Atfirst acomplex-valuedfunction = H +iH (2) 1 2 H doesnot seemto makesensewhen putintotheaboveformula: d p H1,p H2,p = { } +i { } (3) dt x  H ,x   H ,x  1 2 { } { }       sincethel.h.s. hasrealcomponents. Howcanwemakesenseofmultiplicationby iand stillget avectorwithonlyreal components? 3 Let us consider a complex number z = x + iy as an ordered pair of real numbers(x,y). Theeffect ofmultiplyingz by iisthelineartransformation x y − (4) y 7→  x      on its components. That is, multiplication by i is equivalent to the action by the matrix 0 1 J = − . (5) 1 0    Note that J2 = 1. Geometrically, this corresponds to a rotation by ninety de- − grees. Generalizingthis,wecaninterpretmultiplicationbyiofavectorfieldinphase spacetomean theactionby somematrixJ satisfying J2 = 1. (6) − Givensuchamatrix,wecandefinetheequationsofmotiongeneratedbyacomplex- valuedfunction = H +iH tobe 1 2 H d p H1,p H2,p = { } +J { } (7) dt x  H ,x   H ,x  1 2 { } { }       Our point is that the infinitesimal time evolution of a wide class of mechanical systemsis ofthistypeforan appropriatechoiceof , ,J,H and H . 1 2 { } In most cases there is a complex-cordinate system in which J reduces to a simple multiplication by i; for example on the plane this is just z = x +iy. For suchaco-ordinatesystemtoexistthetensorfieldhastosatisfycertainintegrability conditionsinadditionto(6)above. Theseconditionsareautomaticallysatisfiedif thematrixelements ofJ are constants. 4 What would be the advantage of fitting dissipative systems into such a com- plex canonical formalism? A practical advantage is that they can lead to better numerical approximations, generalizing the symplectic integrators widely used in hamiltonian systems: these integrators preserve the geometric structure of the underlying physical system. Another is that it allows us to use ideas from hamil- tonianmechanicstostudystructuresuniquetodissipativesystemssuchasstrange attractors. Wewillnot pursuetheseideasin thispaper. Instead we will look into the canonical quantization of dissipative systems. The usual correspondence principle leads to a non-hermitean hamiltonian. As in theelementaryexampleofthedampedsimpleharmonicoscillator,theeigenvalues arecomplex-valued. Theexcitedstatesareunstableanddecaytothegroundstate. Non-hermitean hamiltonianshavearised already in several dissipativesystemsin condensedmatterphysics[9]andinparticlephysics[10]. TheWigner-Weisskopf approximation provides a physical justification for using a non-hermitean hamil- tonian. A dissipative system is modelled by coupling it to some other ‘external’ degreesoffreedomsothatthetotalhamiltonianishermiteanandisconserved. In secondorderperturbationtheorywecaneliminatetheexternaldegreesoffreedom toget an effectivehamiltonianthatisnon-hermitean. It is interesting to compare our approach with the tradition of Caldeira and Leggett[8]. Dissipation is modelled by coupling the original (‘small’) system to a thermal bath of harmonicoscillators. After integratingout the oscillators in the path integral formalism an effective action for the small system is obtained. A complicationis that this effectiveaction is non-local: its extremum ( which dom- inates tunneling) is the solution of an integro-differential equation. We will see that the integral operator appearing here is also a complex structure (the Hilbert 5 transform), although one non-local in time and hence different from our use of complexstructures. We calculate the tunneling amplitude of a simple one dimensional quantum system withinour framework. Dissipationcan increase the tunnelingprobability, whichis notallowedintheCaldeira-Leggettmodel. Webeginwith abriefreviewofthemostelementarycase, thedamped simple harmonicoscillator. Then we generalize to thecase of a generic one dimensional system with a dissipativeforce proportional to velocity. Further generalization to systemswithseveraldegreesoffreedomisshowntobepossibleprovidedthatthe dissipativeforceis oftheform dxb ∂ ∂ W (8) a b − dt for some function W. In simple cases this function is just the square of the dis- tance from the stable equilibriumpoint. Finally, we show how to bring a dissipa- tivesystem whose configuration space is a Riemannian manifold into this frame- work. This is important to include interesting systems such as the rigid body or a particle moving on a curved surface. We hope to return to these examples in a laterpaper. 2 Dissipative Simple Harmonic Oscillator We start by recalling the most elementary example of a classical dissipative sys- tem,described thedifferentialequation x¨+2γx˙ +ω2x = 0,γ > 0. (9) 6 We will consider the under-damped case γ < ω so that the system is still oscilla- tory. Wecan writetheseequationsinphasespace x˙ = p (10) p˙ = 2γp ω2x (11) − − Theenergy H = 1[p2 +ω2x2] (12) 2 decreases monotonicallyalongthetrajectory: dH = pp˙+ω2xx˙ = 2γp2 0. (13) dt − ≤ The only trajectory which conserves energy is the one with p = 0, which must havex = 0 as welltosatisfytheequationsofmotion. Theseequationscan bebroughttodiagonalform byalineartransformation: dz z = A[ i(p+γx)+ω x], = [ γ +iω ]z (14) − 1 dt − 1 where ω = ω2 γ2. (15) 1 − q The constant A that can be chosen later for convenience. These complex co- ordinatesarethenatural variables(normalmodes)ofthesystem. 2.1 Complex Hamiltonian We can think of the DSHO as a generalized hamiltonian system with a complex- valuedhamiltonian. 7 ThePoissonbracket p,x = 1 becomes,interms ofthevariablez, { } z ,z = 2iω A 2 (16) ∗ 1 { } | | So ifwechooseA = 1 √2ω1 z ,z = i (17) ∗ { } So thecomplex-valuedfunction = (ω +iγ)zz . (18) 1 ∗ H satisfies dz dz ∗ = ,z , = ,z (19) ∗ ∗ dt {H } dt {H } Of course, the limit γ 0 this tends to the usual hamiltonian H = ωzz . ∗ → H Thus,onany analyticfunctionψ, wewillhave dψ ∂ψ = ,ψ = [ω +iγ]z (20) dt {H } 1 ∂z 2.2 Quantization Bytheusualrulesofcanonicalquantization,thequantumtheoryisgivenbyturn- ing intoanon-hermiteanoperatorbyreplacing z a , z h¯aand † ∗ H 7→ 7→ ∂ [a,a ] = 1, a = z, a = , = h¯(ω +iγ)a a. (21) † † 1 † ∂z H The effective hamiltonian = H +iH is normal ( i.e., its hermitean and anti- 1 2 H hermitean parts commute, [H ,H ] = 0 ) so it is still meaningful to speak of 1 2 eigenvectorsof . Theeigenvaluesare complex H (ω +iγ)n,n = 0,1,2, . (22) 1 ··· 8 The higher excited states are more and more unstable. But the ground state is stable,as itseigenvalueiszero. Thusageneric state ∞ ψ = ψ n > (23) n | n=0 X willevolvein timeas ψ(t) = ∞ ψ ei¯h[ω+iγ]nt n > . (24) n | n=0 X Unlessψ happenstobeorthogonaltothegroundstate 0 >,thewavefunctionwill | tend to the ground state as time tends to infinity; final state will be the projection oftheinitialstatetothegroundstate. Thisisthequantumanalogueoftheclassical factthatthesystemwilldecaytotheminimumenergystateastimegoestoinfinity. Allthissoundsphysicallyreasonable. 2.3 The Schro¨dinger Representation In theSchro¨dingerrepresentation,thisamountsto 1 ∂ 1 ∂ a = ω x+h¯ , a = ω x h¯ (25) 1 † 1 √2h¯ω1 " ∂x# √2h¯ω1 " − ∂x# γ h¯2 ∂2 ˆ = 1+i + 1ω2x2 1h¯ω (26) H (cid:18) ω1(cid:19)"− 2 ∂x2 2 1 − 2 1# Thustheoperatorrepresenting momentumpis ∂ pˆ= ih¯ γx (27) − ∂x − whichincludesasubtlecorrection dependenton thefriction. Thetimeevolutionoperatorcan bechosento be ˆ = Hˆ +Hˆ (28) Schr diss H 9 where h¯2 ∂2 Hˆ = + 1ω2x2 (29) − 2 ∂x2 2 istheusualharmonicoscillatorhamiltonianand γ h¯2 ∂2 Hˆ = 1γ2x2 +i + 1ω2x2 1h¯ω (30) diss −2 ω1 "− 2 ∂x2 2 1 − 2 1# This is slightly different from the operator ˆ above, because the ground state H energy is not fixed to be zero. The constant in H has been chosen so that this diss statehas zero imaginarypart foritseigenvalue. 3 Dissipative System of One Degree of Freedom Wewillnowgeneralizeto anon-linearone-dimensionaloscillatorwithfriction: dp ∂V dx = 2γp, = p, γ > 0. (31) dt −∂x − dt The DSHO is the special case V(x) = 1ω2x2. The idea is that we lose energy 2 whenever the system is moving, at a rate proportional to its velocity. It again followsthat dH = 2γp2 0 (32) dt − ≤ whereH = 1p2 +V. Theseequationscan bewrittenas 2 dξi = H,ξi γij∂ H (33) j dt { }− 2γ 0 whereγ = isapositivebutdegeneratematrix.  0 0   10

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