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Dissipative chaotic scattering Adilson E. Motter1,∗ and Ying-Cheng Lai1,2 1. Department of Mathematics, Center for Systems Science and Engineering Research, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287 2. Departments of Electrical Engineering and Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287 (Phys. Rev. E 65(1) (2002), 015205 (Rapid Communication)) particlevelocitiescanberelatedtoflow’sstreamfunction We show that weak dissipation, typical in realistic situa- in a way that is completely analogous to the Hamilton’s tions,canhaveametamorphicconsequenceonnonhyperbolic equations in classical mechanics. Real hydrodynamical 2 chaotic scattering in the sense that the physically important flows cannot be perfectly incompressible, and the effects 0 particle-decaylawisaltered,nomatterhowsmalltheamount 0 ofinertiaandfinitemassoftheparticlesadvectedbythe ofdissipation. Asaresult, thepreviousconclusion about the 2 flow are effectively those due to friction, or dissipation unityofthefractaldimensionofthesetofsingularitiesinscat- [9]. n tering functions, a major claim about nonhyperbolic chaotic a scattering, may not be observable. The aim of this paper is to study the effect of dissi- J pation on chaotic scattering dynamics. We first consider 4 05.45.-a,05.45.Df hyperbolic chaotic scattering and argue that weak dissi- 1 pations have a negligible effect on the physical observ- ables of chaotic scattering, such as scattering functions. ] Chaotic scattering [1–3] is a physical manifestation of We then focus on nonhyperbolic chaotic scattering and D transientchaos[4],whichisduetotheexistenceofnonat- find that, in contrast to the hyperbolic case, the scat- C tractingchaoticinvariantsets,i.e.,chaoticsaddles,inthe tering dynamics can be altered by weak dissipation in a n. phase space. As a result, a Cantor set of singularities fundamental way. The major consequence of dissipation i arises in physically measurable scattering functions re- is that it typically converts KAM tori into periodic at- l n latinganoutputvariableafter the scatteringto aninput tractors. As a result, the underlying chaotic saddle can [ variable before the scattering [2]. Generally, the dynam- undergoa metamorphic bifurcation to a structurally dif- ics of chaotic scattering may be characterized as either ferent chaotic set, playing the role of chaotic invariant 1 v hyperbolic or nonhyperbolic. In hyperbolic chaotic scat- setthatgeneratesfractalbasinboundaries[10]. Thereis 2 tering, all the periodic orbits are unstable and there are animmediatetransformationofthe decaylawofscatter- 2 no Kol’mogorov-Arnol’d-Moser(KAM) tori in the phase ingparticlefrombeingalgebraicintheHamiltoniancase 0 spaceand,assuch,thesurvivalprobabilityofaparticlein to being exponential in the dissipative case, no matter 1 the scattering regiontypically decaysexponentially with how small the amount of dissipation. As a result, the 0 time. Innonhyperbolicchaoticscattering[5,6],thereare fractal dimension of the chaotic saddle decreases from 2 both KAMtoriandchaotic sets in the phasespace. Due the integer value in the Hamiltonian case. These find- 0 / to the stickiness effect ofKAM tori, a particle initialized ings have striking implications to the study of chaotic n inthechaoticregioncanspendalongtimeinthevicinity scattering: theysuggestthatthealgebraic-decaylaw,re- i l ofKAMtori,leadingtoanalgebraicdecay[7]ofthesur- gardedtoholduniversallyinnonhyperbolicchaoticscat- n vival probability of the particle in the scattering region. tering, is apparently structurally unstable against weak : v Asurprisingresultinnonhyperbolicchaoticscatteringis dissipations. More importantly, the previously believed i that, because of the algebraic decay, the fractal dimen- integerdimensionsofthechaoticsaddles[6]innonhyper- X sion of the set of singularities in a scattering function is bolicchaoticscatteringmaynotbeobservableinrealistic r a unity [6]. physical situations where dissipation is present. A physically important issue in the study of nonlinear We begin by presenting a picture for the formation of dynamics is to understand how robust a phenomenon is the fractalsets in chaotic scattering. Consider the ideal- against perturbations or deviations between the under- izedmodelofthehierarchicalconstructionofCantorsets lying mathematical model and physical reality. In the in the unit interval. For hyperbolic scattering, an open case of chaotic scattering, most of the theoretical inves- subinterval in the middle of the unit interval is removed tigations so far have been restricted to Hamiltonian or first. From each one of the two remaining subintervals, conservative systems. In a realistic situation, a small the same fraction from their middle is removed, and so amount of dissipation can be expected. Take, for exam- on. Each step of this construction can be thought of as ple, chaotic scattering arising in the context of particle aniterationofthe hyperbolic tent map with slope larger advection in hydrodynamical flows [8]. In most exist- then two. The total length that remains decays expo- ingstudies,the conditionofincompressibilityisassumed nentially with the number of iterationsand the resulting of the underlying flow [8], which allows the problem to Cantor set has a fractal dimension (e.g., box-counting be casted in the contextof Hamiltonian dynamics as the dimension) smaller than one. For nonhyperbolic chaotic 1 scattering, the same construction applies but the frac- dimension, a particularly convenient model for studying tion removed at each step decreases with time, say, is nonhyperbolic chaotic scattering. The map reads inversely proportional to time. This simple reduction of the fractionremovedcapturesthe essenceofthe effectof x λ[x−(x+y)2/4−ν(x+y)] KAM tori: their “stickiness” to particle trajectories in M(cid:18)y (cid:19)=(cid:26)λ−1[y+(x+y)2/4] , (1) the phase space [6]. The remaining length decays alge- braically with time and, even though the measure of the where λ > 1 and ν ≥ 0 are parameters. The map is remaining set asymptotes to zero, the resulting Cantor conservative for ν = 0 and dissipative for ν > 0. For set has dimension one [6]. ν = 0, almost all orbits started from negative values of How does dissipation change the above construction? y are scattered to infinity. In this case, the dynamics The skeleton of the underlying chaotic saddle is formed is nonhyperbolic for λ<∼ 6.5 and hyperbolic for λ>∼ 6.5. by periodic orbits. When the system is hyperbolic, its Thecomputationoftheparticledecayandfractaldimen- structural stability guarantees the survival of all peri- sionin nonhyperbolicscatteringrequiresexaminingvery odic orbits under small changes of the system param- small scales, which makes the numerical computation a eters. Accordingly, the structure of the Cantor set in highly nontrivial task [5]. The advantage of using map the presenceofasmallamountofdissipationisexpected (1) instead of a continuous flow is that it makes high- to be the same as before. When the dynamics is non- precision computation possible. Our results are, how- hyperbolic, however, qualitatively different behavior can ever, expected to hold in typical nonhyperbolic systems take place. Marginally stable periodic orbits in KAM with KAM tori. islands can become stable, turning their nearby phase- We study map (1) in the nonhyperbolic regime, with- space regions into the correspondingbasins of attraction out and with dissipation. We set λ = 4.0. When there [11]. This means that, part of the previous chaotic sad- is no dissipation (ν = 0), there is a major KAM island dle now becomes part of the basins of the attractors. in the phase space, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The frac- Most importantly for the scattering dynamics, the con- tal boundaries of the basins of scattering trajectories to vertedsubset supports orbits in the neighborhoodof the infinity are also shown, which correspond to the stable KAM islands that otherwise would be scattered after a manifold of the chaotic saddle in the scattering region. long, algebraic time. These orbits are solely responsible Whendissipationispresent(ν >0),thefixedpointinthe for the nonhyperbolic character of the scattering in the center of the island becomes an attractor. Dynamically, conservative case. Due to the existence of dense orbits it happens because the magnitudes of the eigenvalues of in the original chaotic saddle, the noncaptured part of periodicorbitsassociatedwithislandsareone,whichare the invariant set remains in the boundaries of basins of reduced by dissipation in general. The basin of attrac- theperiodicattractors. Therefore,theinvariantsetisthe tion of this attractor “captures” the island itself and or- asymptoticlimitoftheboundariesbetweenscatteredand bits close to the stable manifold of the previously exist- captured orbits,rather than those between scatteredand ing invariant set, as shown in Fig. 1(b). The intricate scattered orbits as in the conservative case. Chaos thus characterofthebasinofattractionwithapparentfractal occurs on the nonattracting invariant set whose stable boundariescomesfrompointsoftheinvariantsetthatare manifold becomes the boundary separatingthe basins of arbitrarily close to the island for ν = 0. The newly cre- theattractorsandofthescatteringtrajectories. Through atedbasinof attractioncontains these points andhence, this simple reasoning we can see that the structure and all their preimages as well. These preimages extend in the meaning of the Cantor set is fundamentally altered: the phase space along the originalstable manifold of the in successive steps we remove a constant instead of a de- chaotic saddle, which is the reason that the boundaries creasing fraction in the middle of each interval. As a mimic those of the original basins of scattering trajecto- result, the scattering dynamics becomes hyperbolic with ries [Figs. 1(a) versus 1(b)]. Because of this similarity, exponential decay. The dimension of the Cantor set im- the scattering functions and time-delay functions, which mediately decreases from unity as a dissipation param- are physically measurable, resemble each other in both eter is turned on. There is now more than one possi- the conservative and weakly dissipative case, as shown, ble outcome: some of the removed intervals correspond respectively, in Figs. 1(c) and 1(d), where the time de- to scattered orbits and the others correspond to orbits lay of particles launchedfrom the horizontalline y =−2 captured by the attractors. We stress that the appear- toward the scattering region is plotted against their x- ance of attractors accompanied by a metamorphosis of coordinates on the line. thechaoticsaddlecanoccurforarbitrarilysmalldissipa- To examine the decay laws of the scattering particles, tion. we approximate the survival probability of a particle in We now present numerical support for the effect of thescatteringregionbyR(n),thefractionofalargenum- weak dissipation on chaotic scattering, particularly the ber of particles still remaining in the scattering region metamorphictransformationofparticledecayandfractal (definedby x2+y2 <r) attime n, whichareinitiated dimensioninthenonhyperboliccase. Ourmodelisadis- in subregionps close to the boundaries of the scattering sipative version of the two-dimensional area-preserving basins. For convenience, we choose r = 100 and choose maputilizedinRef.[6]toestablishtheunityofthefractal initial conditions from the horizontal line at y0 = −2. 2 When the dynamics is nonhyperbolic and conservative, [12]. thedecayofR(n)withtimeisexponentialforsmallnand In summary, our qualitative and quantitative exami- algebraic for large n, as shown in Fig. 2(a) for λ = 4.0: nations indicate that weak dissipation, no matter how R ∼ e−αn for n <∼ 250 and R ∼ n−β for n >∼ 250, where small, can fundamentally alter the nature and dynam- ∼ ∼ α = 0.08 and β = 1.0. In the presence of a small dissi- ics of nonhyperbolic chaotic scattering. The algebraic- pation, the time decay becomes strictly exponential and decay law, commonly believed to hold in such a case, is with the same decay rate of the exponential regime of typically converted into an exponential-decay law in the ∼ the conservative case, α = 0.08, as shown in Fig. 2(b) metamorphicsensethattheconversioncanbeinducedby forν =0.001. Theoriginalalgebraicdecayintheconser- arbitrarilysmallamountofdissipation. Aconsequenceof vative caseis destroyedby the dissipationbecauseorbits such a metamorphosis is that the previously claimed [6] withpointsclosetothe island,andthatotherwisewould unity of the fractal dimension of the set of singularities be stuck, are captured by the periodic attractor. The inscatteringfunctionsmaynotbephysicallymeaningful. decay rate in general changes under further increases of Toourknowledge,therehasbeennopreviousattemptto the dissipation. For ν = 0.01, for instance, we obtain addresstheeffectofdissipationinopenHamiltoniansys- ∼ α = 0.06. In the hyperbolic region the time decay is al- tems,butthisisaphysicallyimportantissueofnonlinear ways exponential. For λ = 8.0, for example, the decay dynamics that deserves further attention. rate α remains essentially constant and equal to 0.9 in This workwas supportedby AFOSRunder GrantNo. the range 0≤ν ≤0.01. F49620-98-1-0400. AEM acknowledges financial support The uncertainty algorithm [10] can be used to com- from FAPESP. pute the fractal dimension D of the set of intersection points between the stable manifold of the chaotic saddle and a line from which scattering particles are initiated. As above, we choose the line y0 = −2. In the absence of attractors, D is the dimension of the set of singulari- ties in scattering functions. In Ref. [6], it is argued that ∗ Permanent address: DepartamentodeMatem´atica Apli- D =1 when map (1) is nonhyperbolic and conservative. cada, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 13083-970 A technical point about the numerical evaluation of the Campinas, SP,Brazil. dimension in this case is that the result convergesslowly [1] Some representative early papers on chaotic scattering to unity, and the convergence rate is determined by the are C. Jung, J. Phys. A 19, 1345 (1986); M. H´enon, reduction of length scales in the computation [6]. When Physica D 33 132 (1988); P. Gaspard and S. A. Rice, J. a small amount of dissipation is present, D+1 becomes Chem.Phys.90,2225(1989);G.TrollandU.Smilansky, the dimension of the boundaries between scattered and Physica D 35, 34 (1989). captured basins. The numerical convergence of D is in [2] For a relatively early review of chaotic scattering, see this case faster and essentially independent of the size Chaos Focus Issue 3(4) (1993). of the interval under consideration. For λ = 4.0 and [3] P.Gaspard,Chaos,Scattering, andStatistical Mechanics ∼ ν = 0.01, we obtain D = 0.8, a well-convergent value as (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998). the length scale is reduced over six orders of magnitude. [4] C. Grebogi, E. Ott, and J. A. Yorke, Physica D 7, 181 The dimension is much less sensitive to the presence of (1983). dissipation if the dynamics is hyperbolic. For λ = 8.0, [5] M.Ding,C.Grebogi,E.Ott,andJ.A.Yorke,Phys.Rev. forinstance,weobtainD ∼=0.44forbothν =0and0.01. A 42,7025 (1990); Y.-C.Lai, R.Blu¨mel, E.Ott,andC. Dissipation can also lead to several coexisting attrac- Grebogi, Phys.Rev.Lett. 68, 3491 (1992). tors for some values of λ in the originally nonhyperbolic [6] Y. T. Lau, J. M. Finn,and E. Ott, Phys.Rev.Lett. 66, region. Periodic attractors are created through saddle- 978 (1991). node bifurcations as λ is varied. These attractors then [7] C.F.F.Karney,PhysicaD8,360(1983);B.V.Chirikov undergoperioddoublingcascadesuntiltheaccumulation and D. L. Shepelyansky, Physica D 13, 394 (1984); J. point where chaos appears. For small dissipation, how- Meiss and E. Ott, Physica D 20, 387 (1986); Y.-C. Lai, ever, the chaotic interval in the parameter space can be M. Ding, C. Grebogi, and R. Blu¨mel, Phys. Rev. A 46, 4661 (1992). sosmallthatitisdifficulttodetectchaoticattractorsnu- [8] See,forexample,B.EckhardtandH.Aref,Philos.Trans. merically. In fact, for ν on the order of 0.01 or smaller, R. Soc. London, Ser. A 326, 655 (1988); A´. P´entek, Z. thedynamicsofmap(1)isdominatedbylow-periodperi- Toroczkai, T. T´el, C. Grebogi, and J. A. Yorke, Phys. odicattractors. Periodicattractorsofhighperiodseither Rev.E51,4076(1995);G.Stolovitzky,T.J.Kaper,and have smallbasins of attractionor exist in smallintervals L. Sirovich, Chaos 5, 671 (1995). in the parameter space. Since periodic attractors result [9] M.R.MaxeyandJ.J.Riley,Phys.Fluids26,883(1983). from the stabilizationof periodic orbits in KAM islands, [10] See, for example, S. W. McDonald, C. Grebogi, E. Ott the parameterregionsin whichthese attractorsexistare and J. A. Yorke,Physica D 17, 125 (1985). approximatelythesameasthoseofthecorrespondingis- [11] The phenomenon of stabilization of periodic orbits in- lands. Inaddition,thesizesofthebasinsareofthesame ducedbydissipation waspreviouslyreportedinthecon- orderofthesizesoftheoriginalislandsinthephasespace 3 text of multistability and complexity of closed systems, U.Feudeland C. Grebogi, Chaos 7, 597 (1997). [12] Small additive noise, another perturbation likely to ap- pear in physical processes, does not destroy the attrac- tors,atleast fortimescales achievableinnumericalsim- ulations. In the presence of uniform noise, periodic at- tractors become extended stochastic attractors and the fine structures of the basin boundary become smeared. Increases in the noise amplitude eventually lead to the escape of the attracted orbits after a transient period of time nearthe destroyed attractors. 60 (c) T 30 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 x 60 (d) T 30 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 x FIG.1. Phase-space structure and time-delay function for map (1) with λ = 4.0. (a) ν = 0: KAM island (in grey), scattered orbits (in blank), and the fractal boundaries of the scattered orbits (in black). (b) ν =0.01: captured orbits (in black) and scattered orbits (in blank). The plus sign is the fixed point attractor. (c),(d) Time delay in the conservative and dissipative cases of (a) and (b), respectively. T is the time taken byparticles to reach x2+y2≥100. p 4 100 100 (a) 10−2 10−2 R ∼ e−0.08 n R R 10−4 10−4 10−6 100 150 n 200 10−6 R ∼ n−1 102 103 n 104 100 (b) 10−2 R R ∼ e−0.08 n 10−4 10−6 10−8 50 100 150 n 200 FIG. 2. Time decay for map (1) with λ = 4.0, in the in- terval [x0,x0+10−7]. (a) ν = 0, x0 = 0.5770050. The inlet correspondstotheinitially exponentialdecay. (b)ν =0.001, x0=0.5760006. 5

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