IDisruption of the Group Health Insurance in light of the Affordable Care Act - System Approach By Shweta Shefali B.Tech JMI New Delhi (Electrical Engineering) Submitted to the Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering and Management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology [May, 2014] OF TECHNOLOGY JUN 2 6 2014 © [2014] [S wit ] AD Rights Reserved. LIBRARIES The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature redacted Author: [SHWETA SHEFALI] System Design and Management Program Signature redacted Certified and Accepted by: ................................. Patrick Hale Senior Lecturer, Engineering Systems Division Director, System Design and Management Program Page intentionally left blank. 2 Shweta Shefali MIT SDM Thesis MIT SDM Thesis 2 Disruption of the Group Health Insurance in light of the Affordable Care Act - System Approach By Shweta Shefali Submitted to the System Design and Management Program on [MONTH, DAY, YEAR] in Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering and Management. Abstract Our current Healthcare system has multiple problems and it is widely perceived that it is not able to provide quality affordable healthcare to all Americans; millions of Americans are without Health Insurance. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law to achieve goal of 'quality affordable care for all American'. The ACA has focus on Individual Health Insurance and the provision of Health Exchange Marketplaces to find and purchase Health Insurance. Disruptive Innovation is a phenomenon in which a new entrant company disrupts the existing established company. As ACA and Health Exchanges have provided level playing field for all companies - new entrants and established - will this lead to disruption of Healthcare? Disruptive Innovations is analyzed from System Approach point of view. Disruption is not limited to two companies; Disruptor System disrupts the existing system including incumbent company. Disruption will be spearheaded by new entrant Disruptor Company and disruption will take place at system level. The existing Healthcare System and Possible Disruptor Systems are defined and investigated. Relative advantage and disadvantages to these two systems with regard to ACA regulations are analyzed. Elements of the healthcare disruptor system are analyzed and information present in the public domain about Health Exchange enrolment after the end of first enrollment seasons is studied to find out who could be possible disruptor and whether disruptor system formation has started. Thesis Supervisor: Patrick Hale Title: Director, System Design and Management Program Senior Lecturer, Engineering Systems Division Shweta Shefali MIT SDM Thesis 3 Page intentionally left blank. Shweta Shefali MIT SDM Thesis 4 Acknowledgments It was a privilege to work on this thesis for the past three semesters. It enriched my understanding of the healthcare industry tremendously. While pursuing my graduate studies at MIT, I realized the importance of being able to visualize a task or situation at the macro level. For example, viewing a three dimensional pictorial representation always provides greater results as compared to two dimensional objects, as you are able to see it from different angles. Similarly, being able to view the healthcare system from different perspectives by the systems thinking developed at SDM, provided me greater clarity and enabled me to take a sure-footed holistic approach in my analysis. The systems learnings in the SDM program with its unique analytical pedagogy approach with lots of knowledge, discussions and analysis helped me to take an in depth structured approach to the thesis. I am thankful to all my batch mates, staff and professors at MIT for making the journey at SDM so enriching and giving me an opportunity to explore and strengthen my knowledge and capabilities. The resources and guest lectures offered by the 15.767 course on Healthcare Delivery in the U.S: Market & System Challenges with industry leaders and pioneers such as Richard Baum helped me tremendously in analyzing such a complex industry with different perspectives. The wonderful lectures and discussions of Dr Vivek Farias were enriching and stimulating. I want to thank my thesis advisor; Pat hale for being an incredible mentor and it was a pleasure to work with him. I enjoyed and enriched my knowledge deeply with our wonderful conversations and discussions on the healthcare system. I appreciate his patience, excellent guidance and providing me with a stress free nurturing atmosphere. I express my heartfelt gratitude to my husband Himanshu for his tremendous support, understanding and being my rock at all times, while single handedly managing his demanding job and being a wonderful dad to our little son Suraj. I would have never been able to complete my thesis without his support and blessings of my loving family, who have done numerous sacrifices for me. Last but not the least I want to thank almighty for leading me to such an opportunity in life, which helped me grow tremendously professionally and personally and blessing me with strength and perseverance to deliver under pressure meeting several deadlines simultaneously. Shweta Shefali MIT SDM Thesis 5 Page intentionally left blank. Shweta Shefali MIT SDM Thesis 6 Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction.......................................................................................................11 Chapter 2: Current Health Insurance................................................................................ 13 2.1. Elem ents of Health Insurance ............................................................................ 13 2.2. Functions of Healthcare .................................................................................... 14 2.3. Types of publicly financed insurance ................................................................ 15 2.4. Types of private financed insurance................................................................... 16 2.5. Types of health insurance plans.......................................................................... 16 2.6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 18 Chapter 3: System s Thinking ........................................................................................... 19 3.1. Elem ents of System ........................................................................................... 20 3.2. System Boundary ............................................................................................. 20 3.3. Relationship between Entities ........................................................................... 21 3.4. Health Insurance - As a System ....................................................................... 21 3.5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 24 Chapter 4: Affordable Care Act ........................................................................................ 25 4.1. The Affordable Care Act, Section by Section ..................................................... 26 4.2. O bjectives of ACA ............................................................................................. 29 4.3. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 32 Chapter 5: Affordable Care Act - System Perspective ................................................... 33 5.1. ACA System s Perspective ................................................................................ 33 5.2. ACA objectives and their effect on Healthcare System Elements....................... 34 5.3. Conclusion............................................................................................................ 36 Chapter 6: Disruptive Innovation - System Perspective ................................................. 37 6.1. Disruptive innovation......................................................................................... 37 6.2. Disruption - System Approach.......................................................................... 37 Shweta Shefali MIT SDM Thesis 7 6.3. Disruption in Healthcare..................................................................................... 40 6.4. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 42 Chapter 7: (Ecosystem ) Factors leading to Disruption.................................................... 43 7.1. Health Insurance - A Big Gap............................................................................ 43 7.2. ACA - The new Beginning ................................................................................ 45 7.3. The Penalty........................................................................................................... 46 7.4. Health Exchange M arketplace ......................................................................... 47 7.5. G roup Health Insurance - Health Insurance of Today....................................... 47 7.6. Individual Health Insurance under ACA - Health Insurance of the Future ......... 50 7.7. O ld W orld Vs New W orld .................................................................................. 55 7.8. Dilem m a of Incum bents .................................................................................... 55 7.9. Advantage to New Entrants .............................................................................. 58 7.10. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 58 Chapter 8: Health Exchange - Sustainability ................................................................... 59 8.1. Insurance M arketplace....................................................................................... 59 8.2. Sustainability of Health Exchange (HE)............................................................. 60 8.3. How the M odel W orks....................................................................................... 65 8.4. Sim ulated Cases................................................................................................ 66 8.5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 71 Chapter 9 Disruption of Health Insurance........................................................................ 73 9.1. Disruption - Disruptor System Elem ents............................................................. 73 9.2. Disputed System Issues - Opportunities for Disruptor System ......................... 80 9.3. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 85 Chapter 10: W ho Could be Possible Disruptor ................................................................. 87 10.1. Desired Q ualities needed in New Disruptor Com pany....................................... 87 10.2. Possible Suitors ................................................................................................. 89 Shweta Shefali MIT SDM Thesis 8 1 0 .3 . C o n c lu s io n ............................................................................................................ 9 2 Chapter 11: Early Trends .................................................................................................. 93 11.1. Provider - CVS Minute Clinic and W algreen Health Clinic ................................ 93 11.2. Health Exchange Marketplace ............................................................................ 95 11.3. Federal Health Exchange Data (March, 2014 Release).................................... 97 11.4. Existing com panies........................................................................................ 109 11.5. Independent New Entity by Existing Insurance Provider ..................................... 109 11.6. CO-OP Com panies ............................................................................................. 111 11.7. Other Com panies on Exchange .......................................................................... 115 11.8. Disruptor System ................................................................................................ 115 1 1 .9 . C o n c lu s io n .......................................................................................................... 1 16 Chapter 12: Challenges for Disruptor ................................................................................ 117 12.1. Challenge for Disruptor System .......................................................................... 117 12.2. Challenge for Disruptor System Elements........................................................... 117 12 .3 . C o n c lu s io n ......................................................................................................... 12 0 Chapter 13: Conclusion..................................................................................................... 121 A p p e n d ix ........................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 1. Maxim us Cost Breakdown of MNSure................................................................. 123 2. Heath Exchange Sustainability Vensim Model .................................................... 126 R e fe re n c e s ....................................................................................................................... 1 2 7 T a b le o f F ig u re s ................................................................................................................ 12 8 T a b le o f T a b le s ............. ................................................................................................... 129 Table of Abbreviation ........................................................................................................ 130 In d e x ................................................................................................................................. 1 3 1 Shweta Shefali MIT SDM Thesis 9 Page intentionally left blank. 10 Shweta Shefali MIT SDM Thesis MIT SDM Thesis 10