DISPERSION IN HETEROGENEOUS GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS Edited by BRIAN BERKOWITZ Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Reprinted from Transport in Porous Media Volume 42, Nos. 1-2 (2001) ~. " SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V. A C.I.P. catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-90-481-5638-2 ISBN 978-94-017-1278-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-1278-1 Printed on acid-free paper. 2-0602-I 50 ts All Rights Reserved © 2001, 2002 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2002 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2002 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. Table of Contents BRIAN BERKOWITZ / Dispersion in Heterogeneous Geological Formations: Preface (Transport in Porous Media - Special Issue) 1-2 F. ALEJANDRO BONILLA and JOHN H. CUSHMAN / On Perturbative Expansions to the Stochastic Flow Problem 3-35 ALBERTO GUADAGNINI and SHLOMO P. NEUMAN / Recursive Con ditional Moment Equations for Advective Transport in Randomly Heterogeneous Velocity Fields 37-67 ALDO FIORI/The Relative Dispersion and Mixing of Passive Solutes in Transport in Geologic Media 69-83 S. E. SILLIMAN and L. ZHENG / Comparison of Observations from a Lab oratory Model with Stochastic Theory: Initial Analysis of Hydraulic and Tracer Experiments 85-107 MARILENA PANNONE and PETER K. KITANIDIS / Large-Time Spatial Covariance of Concentration of Conservative Solute and Application to the Cape Cod Tracer Test 109-132 DENNIS McLAUGHLIN and FENG RUAN / Macrodispersivity and Large- scale Hydrogeologic Variability 133-154 ERIC M. LABOLLE and GRAHAM E. FOGG / Role of Molecular Diffusion in Contaminant Migration and Recovery in an Alluvial Aquifer System 155-179 GARRISON SPOSITO / Methods of Quantum Field Theory in the Physics of Subsurface Solute Transport 181-198 JOEL KOPLIK / The Tracer Transit-Time Tail in Multipole Reservoir Flows 199-209 DAVID A. BENSON, RINA SCHUMER, MARK M. MEERSCHAERT and STEPHEN W. WHEATCRAFT / Fractional Dispersion, Levy Motion, and the MADE Tracer Tests 211-240 BRIAN BERKOWITZ and HARVEY SCHER / The Role of Probabilistic Approaches to Transport Theory in Heterogeneous Media 241-263 Transport in Porous Media 42: 1-2,2001. 1 © 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dispersion in Heterogeneous Geological Formations: Preface (Transport in Porous Media - Special Issue) BRIAN BERKOWITZ Department of Environmental Sciences and Energy Research, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel, e-mail: [email protected] In spite of many years of intensive study, our current abilities to actually quantify and predict contaminant migration in natural geological formations remain severely limited. While transport theories that treat 'homogeneous' porous media are math ematically convenient, such homogeneity rarely, if ever, exists in the field. The het erogeneity of natural geological formations at a wide range of scales necessitates consideration of more sophisticated transport theories. Over the last two decades, deterministic frameworks have given way to a variety of stochastic approaches, involving, for example, Monte Carlo simulations, random walks, spectral analysis, stochastic partial differential equations and fractal theory, to name only several. The evolution of theories for dispersion in heterogeneous porous media has thus escalated to the point that a review of this subject seems timely. While conceptual and mathematical developments were crucial with the in troduction of these new approaches, there are now too many publications appearing which might be classified as 'more of the same'. These papers contain theoretical abstractions without regard to real systems, or incremental improvements to ex isting theories which are known not to be applicable - with the result being that the literature is expanding without concurrent improvements in actual predictive tools. A case in point (at the risk of engendering the wrath of colleagues) might be the persistent search for 'macrodispersion' parameters in the context of the advection-dispersion equation. .. while it is now generally accepted that the length scale necessary to reach this asymptotic limit is impractical in real geological systems. Considering the mixture of conceptual advances and the pressing need for crit ical assessment of them, the scope of this project was to bring together, in a single volume, a series of articles representing a broad spectrum of approaches for char acterization and quantification of contaminant dispersion in heterogeneous porous media. The authors were asked for contributions that would be as accessible as possible to a wide readership with diverse backgrounds. Thus, the authors were requested to keep the display of mathematics to a minimum, in order to emphasize 2 BRIAN BERKOWITZ the explanation of methods and discussion of their application. Each of the contrib uting authors has a different expertise and point of view; some of these viewpoints are complementary, while others are a source of controversy. Thoughtful consid eration of these articles will, hopefully, allow the reader to discern the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of each of the methods or approaches. It is the hope of the editor that this issue will stimulate further research in this area. Innovation and a willingness to depart from 'conventional wisdom' are desperately needed. Nature is not always accommodating, and the hunt for a 'com prehensive' dispersion theory may be daunting, yet such a theory - one which would permit genuine prediction of contaminant migration in natural geological formations - is of critical importance. Transport in Porous Media 42: 3-35, 2001. 3 © 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. On Perturbative Expansions to the Stochastic Flow Problem F. ALEJANDRO BONILLA 1 and JOHN H. CUSHMAN2 1 Center for Applied Math and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2 Departments of Mathematics and Agronomy, Center for Applied Mathematics, Math Sciences Building, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. 47907, U.S.A. (Received: 31 July 1999; in final form: 30 December 1999) Abstract. When analyzing stochastic steady flow, the hydraulic conductivity naturally appears log arithmically. Often the log conductivity is represented as the sum of an average plus a stochastic fluctuation. To make the problem tractable, the log conductivity fluctuation, f, about the mean log conductivity, InKG, is assumed to have finite variance, a]. Historically, perturbation schemes have a] a involved the assumption that < 1. Here it is shown that f may not be the most judicious choice of perturbation parameters for steady flow. Instead, we posit that the variance of the gradient of the conductivity fluctuation, a~ f' is a more appropriate choice. By solving the problem with this parameter and studying the solution, this conjecture can be refined and an even more appropriate per turbation parameter, B, defined. Since the processes f and V f can often be considered independent, further assumptions on V f are necessary. In particular, when the two point correlation function for the conductivity is assumed to be exponential or Gaussian, it is possible to estimate the magnitude of av f in terms of a f and various length scales. The ratio of the integral scale in the main direction of pi flow (Ax) to the total domain length (L *), = Ax / L *, plays an important role in the convergence of the perturbation scheme. For Px smaller than a critical value Pc, Px < Pc, the scheme's perturbation parameter is B = a f / Px for one- dimensional flow, and B = a f / pi for two-dimensional flow = p; with mean flow in the x direction. For Px > Pc, the parameter B a f / may be thought as the perturbation parameter for two-dimensional flow. The shape of the log conductivity fluctuation two point correlation function, and boundary conditions influence the convergence of the perturbation scheme. Key words: Flow, stochastic, perturbation, velocity, head gradient 1. Introduction In choosing a perturbation parameter to use when approximating the solution to a POE, it is advantageous to nondimensionalize the equation. But even after nondi mensionalizing a problem, it still may remain unclear what is the allowable mag nitude of the perturbation parameter. In some cases the perturbation process may be valid even for unexpectedly large values of the coefficient in question (Carrier and Pearson, 1988). A case in point is the steady flow in nondeformable porous media where a f (the fluctuating log-conductivity standard deviation) is often used as the perturbation parameter, yet the schemes work for a f > 1 (e.g., Dagan, 1989; 4 F. ALEJANDRO BONILLA AND JOHN H. CUSHMAN Cushman, 1990; Serrano, 1992; Gelhar, 1993; Neuman and Orr, 1993; Hsu et at., 1996; Cushman, 1997; Hassan et aI., 1998}. In this case, disparate length scales (domain size, anisotropic integral scales, etc.) can explain the robust character of the perturbation scheme. In subsequent analysis rather than working with (Jf alone, we study and p = JAIL, with A the integral scale and L the domain size. (JVt There exists extensive research on perturbation solutions to the stochastic flow problem (e.g., Dagan, 1989; Gelhar, 1993; Cushman, 1997). But it is not known how large (Jf can be and yet have a convergent expansion. For example, Hassan et al. (1998) have reported that small integral scales generate very slow convergence and sometimes instability in the solution to stochastic flow via Monte Carlo simulations, even using small values for (Jf . Other researchers (e.g. Hsu et at., 1996; Zhang and Winter, 1999) have shown that values of (Jf > 1 pro duce agreement between perturbation and the Monte Carlo simulations. Zhang and Winter (1999) found this to hold for = 4.38. The work presented here (J] addresses convergence, and clarifies a commonly misunderstood issue. Further, the parameter bounds provided here offer a quick way to assess the magnitude of terms of higher order, an issue associated directly with the accuracy of truncated perturbation solutions. We first examine a one-dimensional (lD) bounded domain, and the solution to the Dirichlet problem. This solution is used to provide a hint as to what are the appropriate scalings. The dependence on length scale parameters is then stud ied and two distinct yet similar scalings are applied. Constraints on the validity of the perturbation scheme are developed and then expounded upon. A second set of Neuman-Dirichlet boundary conditions is considered and analyzed. Two dimensional (2D) flow is subsequently analyzed. Based on the consistency of the expansion for the ID problem, attention is placed on the head variance to develop a convergence criterion and the adequate expansion parameter. The 1D case can be viewed as a limit of the 2D case, and the results are consistent. 2. Head Moments for a Heterogeneous Bounded Domain Let x* = (xf, ... ,x!) represent an m-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system (m = 1,2, 3). Define the dimensionless coordinate system x = (xt lAs, ... ,x!/As) where As is a representative length scale involved in the problem. Consider the hydraulic head h* and define the dimensionless head as h = h* I L * with L * cor responding to the domain's length in the main direction of flow. The steady flow of incompressible fluid through a locally isotropic medium is assumed to satisfy the continuity equation ah) -a ( K(x}- =0, XE n, (1) ax; ax; where K (x) is the hydraulic conductivity and n represents the domain. Suitable boundary conditions need to be specified to fully define the problem and they will CONVERGENCE AND SCALING OF STOCHASTIC FLOW 5 be elucidated upon below. At larger scales the medium may possess anisotropic structure which is consistent with the above equation, provided one indexes K. By differentiating by parts and simplifying (1) reduces to (2) which is a Poisson equation; the solution of which may be approximated as h = + ... ho+hl +h2 with hn = O(E'n) where E' is some, as yetto be determined, small parameter. This small parameter is related to the 'magnitude' of 8In(K(x))/8xi which is a random function of space. We need to define better what we mean by magnitude or norm of this random function, and the concept of norm is also + + + .... instrumental in defining a dominating series forh = ho hI h2 The following subsection is dedicated to set out this concept. 2.1. Lq NORMS To study convergence of h we rely on a dominating series given in terms of max L q norms. The head h is a random function and so we simplify the analysis by studying its moments. For the analysis of convergence, we will concentrate on the head mean, (h), and the head variance, (T~. Associated with these moments are the U norms (q is an integer), (3) where q is an integer, S is the sample space and P is the probability measure. The head mean, (h) = ho+(h2)+(h4)+··· istheLI normofh; (h) = IIhlll according to Equation (3). The head standard deviation is a centered moment, that is, the L 2 norm of h - (h); (Th = Ilh - (h)112 = IIh -lIhIlII12. An LI convergent perturbation + + + ... expansion of h, h = ho hI h2 is defined as one producing finite mean head, and an L 2 convergent perturbation expansion is defined as one producing finite head variance. No general proof of L I or L 2 convergence for h exist or can be presented here. However, the perturbation methods literature suggests, as a test for convergence, to compute as many terms in the expansion as possible and to verify they are decreasing faster than those of a convergent series (Hinch, 1990). Convergence is studied here following this approach. An additional refinement is needed to avoid the complexities posed by non stationarity of the head field. In bounded domains, the head mean and variance = = are functions of space (non-stationary), that is, (h) (h(x)) and ((T~) ((T~(x)). It is therefore, cumbersome to seek for a dominating convergent expansion for h at every location x. This complexity can be circumvented by redefining the norm 6 F. ALEJANDRO BONILLA AND JOHN H. CUSHMAN presented in Equation (3) as (Eckhaus, 1973) (1 IIgllq = max I g(x, w) q P(dW))llq (4) I XEQ WES This definition ensures that L q convergence will be attained at every point x if a dominating U convergent series hM is obtained such that IIhllq ~ IIhMllq. We use the following inequality for the mean head, IIhlll = IIho+hl +h2+"'111 ~ IIholll + IlhIlIt + IIh211t + IIh3111 + IIh411t + .... (5) If a convergent series hM in the expansion parameter e is found (hM is a determ inistic series) such that IIh,,111 ~ IIh~111 for all n = 1,2,3, ... , then IIhll is LI convergent or equivalently, it has finite mean. Now turn the attention to L 2 conver gence, which is a more restrictive condition than L 1 convergence. In general, L k convergence implies convergence of inferior orders than k (result from HOlder's inequality IIhlli ~ IIhllq with q ~ 1), but the contrary is not true (Ash (1972), Lemma 5.10.5). If the mean is finite, the head variance a; will be finite if IIh 112 is finite. The condition for L 2 convergence can be written as L IIhl12 ~ IIhol12 + IIhll12 + IIh2112 + IIh3112 + IIh4112 + ... ~ Ilh:Y1I2. (6) ,,=0, ... The above equation defines the convergence criterion that will be used through the analysis presented here. Note that ho is a deterministic function and therefore IIholli = IIhol12 = ... Ilholiq. If we are therefore, satisfied looking at the first two terms of the expansion, ho and hI, then the condition from the above equation provides an L2 convergence criterion. The consistency in the higher orders we will observe when computing the mean head gives confidence the expansion for the head variance is consistent. Higher order computations are necessary to develop more confidence in the 0(82) result presented here. 2.2. MEAN HEAD AND VARIANCE Having defined the norm of non stationary random variable moments, we look for an appropriate parameter, E, for the head expansion. Consider again Equation (2). A first reasonable choice of expansion parameter is E' = lIaln(K(x))/aXj 112 (the prime, " does not denote spatial differentiation, but it is used because we redefine the parameter below). It is convenient at this point to characterize the field K (x) as random and fluc + tuating around its mean: Y = In K(x) = (y) f(x). With this decomposition, and assuming (Y) is constant, (2) becomes af ah a2h --+--=0, XEQ. (7) aXj aXj aXjaXj