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2005. The Journal of Arachnology 34:254-257 SHORT COMMUNICATION DISPERSAL BY UMMIDIA SPIDERLINGS (ARANEAE, CTENIZIDAE): ANCIENT ROOTS OF AERIAL WEBS AND ORIENTATION? William G. Eberhard: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, and Escuela de Biologia, Universidad de Costa Rica, Ciudad Universitaria, Costa Rica Keywords; Mygalomorph ballooning behavior, orientation It is well known that many araneomorph spiders headband magnifier. Some individual silk lines disperse by ballooning (e.g. Decae 1987; Suter were extremely fine and difficult to see; checks for 1999), but similar dispersal abilities of mygalo- unseen lines were made by moving an objectwhere morph spiders are much less well established. Pre- a line might have been, and noting whether this vious publications are easily summarized. Themost movement produced tugs on the spider or nearby complete observations are those of Coyle (1983, silk lines. A voucher(maturefemale) specimenwill 1985) of spiderlings of Sphodros sp. (prob. S. at- be deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zo- lanticus Gertsch & Platnick 1980) (Atypidae), and ology, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. Ummidia sp. (Ctenizidae). Spiderlings ofboth spe- At about 09:00 on the cool rainy season morning cies moved along bands of silk lines, and launched of 17 Oct. 2002 with only intermittent sunshineand themselves into the air after dangling at the ends of weak, erratic wind (a very fine, weak, intermittent draglines. Other descriptions of mygalomorph bal- drizzle fell briefly at 12:30, but it did not rain until looning did not provide details on how spiders took after 15:00), I noted a small ball of spiderlings at to the air. Baerg (1928) carefully observed move- the tip of a long thin leaf growing at the edge of ments of Ummidia carabivora (Atkinson 1886) the deck of my house (Figs. 1, 2). A file of spider- (originally described in the genus Pachylomerus) lings toiled slowly up the edge of the leaf toward spiderlings from their mother’s burrow along wide the ball. Below the ball of spiders, I traced a more silk trails to elevated sites, but did not witness the or less straight trail of shiny silk downward along spiders taking off. Enock (1885) saw that Atypus the edge ofthe leaf, across an open space ofabout piceus (Sulzer 1776) spiderlings followed ascend- 10 cm to the rock wall supporting the deck, and ing silken cords to upwardly projecting objects, then across this irregular surface (Fig. 3) for about from which they were “blown off into midair . . . 70 cm to its end, the edge of the extremely well- until they became attached to other sticks” (p. 394). camouflagedctenizidburrow lidcoveredwithgreen Muma & Muma (1945) also observed silk bands moss (Fig. 5). In places the trail ran along the sur- produced by the spiderlings of Sphodros rufipes face ofthe wall as a wide band, about the width of (Latrielle 1829) (= Atypus bicolor Lucas); they a spiderling’s body. In others, where it bridged stated that the spiderlings dispersed by ballooning, cracks and spaces of up to 7 cm between rocks, it but gave no details. Cutler & Guarisco (1995) ob- narrowed to a single thick, aerial line (Fig. 3). Spi- served a group of spiderlings ofS.fitchi Gertsch & derlings were scattered along this trail. The burrow Platnick 1980 and apparent ballooning attempts at entrance was about 10 cm above the ground, in de- the top of a small tree. Main (1957) suggested that tritus in a shallow indentation in the wall. Spider- Conothelemalayana (Doleschall 1859) (Ctenizidae) lings were emerging one by one from underthe lid, spiderlings balloon, but only on the basis of ob- which was hinged at the top and slightly open, and serving large numbers of fine threads of silk pro- climbing up along the trail. Judging by their rates duced by spiderlings held in collecting tubes. This ofmovement, they must have been emerging for at note reports an observation of dispersal and bal- least 30 min previously. My tentative attemptto lift looning by spiderlings of the another ctenizid, an the lid was answered by a sharp tug that closed and undetermined species of Ummidia. held it tight, showing that the female resident was Observations were made in San Antonio de Es- evidently holding theinnerside ofthe lid (seeBond cazu, San Jose Province, Costa Rica (el. 1325 m; & Coyle 1995). approximately 9° 51' N, 84° 10' W). Observations The silk trail alsocontinued in theotherdirection with the naked eye were complemented using a 2x beyond the ball, A few flimsy lines radiated from 254 EBERHARD—BALLOONING IN UMMIDIA 255 deriings in the bail dispersed in the space of 10--15 min around 10:45. No obvious change in wind strength or intensity was noted at this time, but the wind was so light that a subtle change could have gone unnoticed. The last spiderling was seen at about 11:30, In each of five cases in which I ob- served take-off behavior from the beginning, the spiderling first descended on a dragline that was attached to a horizontal aerial line, and then glided smoothly upward and laterally, moving in the same direction as the wind. The longest glide I was able to follow took the spiderjust over 5-10 m until the line it was on became entangled in a bush. Another glide, in which I lost sight of the spider when it m v/as about 5 above the ground, probably tookthe spider at least 10 m, judging by the direction in which it was moving and the closest objects in that direction. Much of the spiderlings’ behavior near the ball was apparently tentative. Spiders moved back and forth on the more or less horizontal lines, and as- cended and descended vertical draglines. Most de- scents were followed by ascents of the same line rather than by glides. The draglines were too thin to be easily observed directly, and only occasion- — Figures 1--5. Dispersal by Ummidia sp. spider- ally, when lighting andbackgroundconditions were lings. 1. aerial lines to post ofrailing; 2. spiderling appropriate, did I succeed in seeing the silk as the (right) leaves a ball ofspiderlings to walk along an spider descended. Nevertheless, the spider’s move- aerial portion of the trail; 3. relatively straight silk ments (slow descent straight downward with the trail followed by spiderlings across uneven rock spider facing downward, with its legs more or less face; v/here the trail was aerial, the band narrowed spread and moving little ifat all; legs nevermoving to a single, thick thread (arrow); 4. horizontal por- as if walking along a line), left no doubt that they tion of the trail of silk along the top of the railing were descending at the tips oflines they were pro- (arrow indicates fork where some spiders went to ducing. The spinnerets were spread, atleastinsome the right, others to the left); 5. the trail (single ver- cases, as the spider descended. tical line, arrow) ends on an adult female’s burrow Spiders produceddrag lines as they walkedalong lid, which is camouflaged with green moss. horizontal lines. Some spiders kept their spinnerets spread as they walked, and in these cases it was clearthatthe spiderproduced atleasttwolines, and the tip of the leaf, forming aerial bridges to other probably more. When the spinnerets were directed leaves 10-20 cm away, and a longer and stronger, rearward, these lines apparently merged into a sin- approximately horizontal line about 30 cm long gle thread. Coyle (1985) reported that each spider- connected the leaf tip to the post of the railing of ling of Ummidia sp. produced a band of numerous the deck (Figs. 1,2). From here it ran horizontally fibers as it moved. In no case did I see a spider along the railing for about 6 m (Fig. 4) until it went break and reel up a line as it walked along it (as is straight up the corner of the house for about 4 m typical of araneoid spiders—Eberhard 1982, 1990; totheunderside oftheroof, where severalthinlines Griswold et al. 1998). Nor did a spiderling ever bridged to the underside ofthe eaves. Several lines slide tarsus IV along the dragline as it emerged, or that streamed downwind from the eaves waved break and reel up aerial lines as it moved along about in the light breeze as if their tips (which I them, other traits that are common in araneomorph was not sure I could see) were free; the nearest spiders as they ascend draglines and produce span- object in that direction was some 10 m away. It is ning lines (Eberhard 1986, 1987). possible that these were lines which had broken I was not able to decipher with certainty how when the spider was several m from this takeoff spiders initiated the horizontal aerial lines along site. An estimated 50-100 spiderlings were seen at which they walked, or the lines with which they different points along the trail during the next two ballooned. As in Sphodros and Ummidia (Coyle hours, nearly all moving away from the burrow. 1983, 1985), ballooning was preceded by descent The spiderlings dispersedaerially,bothfromnear on a dragline. But in no case did the spider give the ball and from under the eaves. Most ofthe spi- any sign that this dragline broke as it glided up and 256 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY away, as described in these other species (Coyle eses, as well as the dragline breaking hypothesis (F. 1983, 1985). The spider’s upward and lateral glid- Coyle pers. comm.). Resolution of this uncertainty ing movement was observed carefully: it was very will unfortunately have to await further lucky oc- smooth, and was not interrupted by any perceptible casions when ballooningbehaviorby mygalomorph jerk that wouldbe produced when alinebroke. Nor spiders can be observed again. Perhaps the most did the spider move its legs as if reeling in lines, useful technique to employ in such a situation as occurs in some araneomorphs (Eberhard 1987). would be to lightly dust the lines with cornstarch These details suggest that no lines v/ere broken. It or talcum powder, to make additional fine lines vis- was as if the spider smoothly lengthened its drag- ible. line while being pulled by another airborne length Several details of pre-ballooning dispersal by of silk. mygalomorphs merit comment. In both genera that One long (>1 m) horizontal line was established have been observed, the spiderlings migrate as a by a ballooning spider and then used by several group from their mother’s burrow to the ballooning other spiders, supporting the idea that at leastthese site, forming astrongbandofsilk(Baerg 1928, Fig. early stages of flight during ballooning did not in- 3). Spiderlings ofthe theraphosid Brachypeima va- volve breaking the drag line. The new horizontal gans (Ausserer 1875) also migrate in single file on lineran injustthe direction in whichthe firstspider the ground, perhaps also following a band of silk glided away several minutes previously. This line (Reichling 2000). Such mass movement, and the was not present before this spider glided away, be- resultingformationofcompactaerialsilkhighways, cause I had walked past this spot several minutes is very unusual in araneomorph spiders. I know of earlier and would have broken any lines there. only one other case; the highways produced when In a second case, a line was apparently formed colonies of the social theridiid Achaearanea wau by one spider during the time it hung more or less Levi 1982 migrate (Lubin & Robinson 1982). The motionless at the tip of a vertical line. The spider general pattern for dispersing araneomorphs seems was first observed dangling atthe end ofadragline. to be for each spiderling to strike out on its own. I passed my hands through the air at its sides and Spiderlings may benefit from moving as groups; between the spider and my ov/n body without hav- following lines established by nest mates may fa- ing any effect on its position, thus confirming that cilitate rapid movement to ballooning sites. there were no unseen lines running from the spider The ability (and readiness) of Ummidia sp. spi- or its dragline in these directions. Nevertheless, in derlings to walk upside down along aerial cables the following minute, during which the spider re- (Figs. 1, 2) was surprising. Such dexterity in walk- mained at the tip ofits dragline, a line was formed ing under aerial lines may thus be a very ancient that connected the spider or the dragline near it to trait, and itcouldhavebeenimportantinfacilitating mybody (perhaps 30 cmaway): eachtimeImoved, the evolution of aerial webs in other groups. the spider was displaced. A minute or so later, this How did these mygalomorph spiderlings orient? spider then glided smoothly away out of sight in a Perhaps a partial answer is related to a further re- slightly different direction. markable detail ofthe highways: the trails are quite These observations of Ummidia sp. ballooning extraordinarily straight (Figs. 3, 4), Baerg (1928), are compatible with two different hypotheses re- who observed about 30 different trails of U. cara- garding the initiation of ballooning lines: the spin- bivorus ranging from 10-68 feet long, also noted neret spreading idea ofBlackwell (fig. 1C in Eber- that trails were “a straight line to the nearest tree hard 1987); and the “second line” method (fig. 2 of considerable size. A tree less than 6 inches in in Eberhard 1987). It is not clear whether my in- diameter is usually ignored, even ifit is much near- ability to confirm the third “dragline breaking” er than some larger tree.” Coyle (pers. comm.) has technique for initiating ballooning lines, which was also seen a straight 4 m trail of Ummidia across a proposed by Coyle (1983, 1985) for other myga- grassy lawn to the base of a small holly tree. The lomorphs, was due to limitations in the resolution trail of the theraphosid B. vagans may also be rel- ofmy observations imposedbymygeneralinability atively straight; the text description says it “snaked to see the lines the spiderlings were producing, to its way” along aroad, but the accompanyingphoto my inability to follow spiders for longer distances shows a straight line of spiderlings (Reichling (perhaps they break their draglines after having 2000). If one makes the apparently reasonable as- moved several meters through the air), to differenc- sumption that the path of a trail reflects the path es between species in the process ofballooning, or followed by the first spiderlings to emerge from the to imprecisions in previous descriptions. If, as in maternal burrow, it seems likely that these animals the observations reported here, the extraballooning must have used some sort of landmark orientation lines (in addition to the dragline) were difficult to or a sun compass to maintain such straight trajec- see in the Sphodros and Ummidia species observed tories when crossing irregular terrain, an ability by Coyle, his observations are consistent with both documented in some araneomorphs (Corner 1973, the spinneret-spreading and the second line hypoth- 1986; Tongiorgi 1959). Such an ability is surprising EBERHARD—BALLOONING IN UMMIDIA 257 in spiders that probably seldom venture from their Eberhard, W.G. 1986. Trail line manipulation as a burrows once they are established, andthat are gen- character for higher level spider taxonomy. Pp, erally thought to depend largely on substrate vibra- 49-51. In Proceeding of the Ninth International tions rather than visual stimuli to orient in other Congress ofArachnology, Panama. (W. G. Eber- contexts (Coyle 1986). One possibility is that this hard, Y. D. Lubin & B. Robinson, eds.) Wash- possibly ancient orientation ability may have ington. DC, Smithsonian Institution Press. evolved to enable males to search more effectively Eberhard, W.G. 1987. How spiders initiate airborne for females, instead of simply wandering randomly lines. Journal of Arachnology 15:1-9. (Bell 1991). Male S. abboti Walckenaer search for Eberhard, W.G. 1990. Early stages oforb construc- females during the day, and may orient visually to- tion by Philoponella, Leucauge, andNephila spi- wardtree trunks (Coyle & Shear 1981). The search- ders (Araneae: Uloboridae and Araneidae). Jour- ing behavior of mature male mygalomorphs (and nal of Arachnology 18:205-234. for that matter, of mature male spiders in general) Enock, E 1885. The life-history ofAtypus piceus, seems to be little known, and would repay further Sulz. Transactions of the Entomological Society study. of London 1885:389-420. I thankJason Bond foridentifyingthe spider, and Gorner, P. 1973. Beispiele einer Orientierung ohne Fred Coyle and an anonymous reviewer for many richtende Aussenreize. Fortschritte der Zoologie helpful comments on the ms. and references. 21:20-45. LITERATURE CITED Gorner, P. 1986. Adjustment ofthe opticalreference direction in the optical orientation ofthe funnel- Baerg, W.J. 1928. Some studies ofatrapdoorspider web spider Agelena labyrinthica Clerck. Pp. (Araneae: Aviculariidae). Entomological News 109-112. In Proceedings of the Ninth Interna- 39:1-4. tional Congress of Arachnology, Panama 1983 Bell, W. 1991. Searching Behaviour. New York, (W. G. Eberhard, Y. D. Lubin & B. Robinson, Chapman and Hall, eds.) Washington, DC, Smithsonian Institution Bond, J. & EA. Coyle. 1995. Observations on the Press. natural history of an Ummidia trapdoor spider Griswold, C.E., J.A. Coddington, G. Hormiga & N. from Costa Rica (Areneae, Ctenizidae). Journal Scharf. 1998. Phylogeny ofthe orb-web building of Arachnology 23:157-164. spiders (Araneae, Orbiculariae: Deinopoidea, Ar- Coyle, EA. 1983. Aerial dispersal by mygalomorph aneoidea). Zoological Journal ofthe Linnean So- spiderlings (Araneae, Mygalomorphae). Journal ciety 123:1-99. of Arachnology 11:283-295. Lubin, YD. & M.H. Robinson. 1982. Dispersal by Coyle, EA. 1985. Ballooning behavior of Ummidia swarming in a social spider. Science 216:319- spiderlings (Araneae, Ctenizidae). Journal ofAr- 321. achnology 13:137-138. Main, B. 1957. Occurrence of the trap-door spider Coyle, EA. 1986. The role of silk in prey capture Conothele malayana (Doleschall) in Australia by nonaraneaomorph spiders. Pp. 269-305. 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Dispersal: ballooning and other rhythmofnocturnal illumination on astronomical mechanisms. Pp. 348-356 In Ecophysiology of orientation and diurnal ac—tivity in Arctosa vari- Spiders (W. Nentwig, ed.) Berlin, Springer-Ver- ana C. L. Koch (Araneae Lycosidae). Archivo lag. Italiano de Biologia 97:251-265. Eberhard, W.G. 1982. Behavioral characters for the higher classification of orb-weaving spiders. Manuscript received 9 September 2003, revised 15 Evolution 36:1067-1095. March 2004.

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