Dislocation Reactions and Stacking-Fault Energies Edited by D.J. Fisher Dislocation Reactions and Stacking-Fault Energies Edited by D.J. Fisher Copyright 2012 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher. Trans Tech Publications Ltd Kreuzstrasse 10 CH-8635 Durnten-Zurich Switzerland http://www.ttp.net Volumes 329 of Defect and Diffusion Forum ISSN print 1012-0386 ISSN cd 1662-9515 ISSN web 1662-9507 (Pt. A of Diffusion and Defect Data – Solid State Data ISSN 0377-6883) Full text available online at http://www.scientific.net Distributed worldwide by and in the Americas by Trans Tech Publications Ltd Trans Tech Publications Inc. Kreuzstrasse 10 PO Box 699, May Street CH-8635 Durnten-Zurich Enfield, NH 03748 Switzerland USA Phone: +1 (603) 632-7377 Fax: +41 (44) 922 10 33 Fax: +1 (603) 632-5611 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Table of Contents Parameters of Interaction with Vacancies in Tungsten of Homovalent Atomic Probes from the VIB and VIIB Groups of the Periodic Table S.M. Klotsman, G.N. Tatarinova and A.N. Timofeev 1 Study of Production Defects in Pure Aluminum and 3003 Aluminum Alloy by Electrical Measurements N.A. Kamel 11 Study of Nanocrystalline NiAl Alloys Prepared by Mechanical Alloying M. Gherib, A. Otmani, A. Djekoun, A. Bouasla, M. Poulain and M. Legouira 19 Estimating the Activation Enthalpy for Defect Formation in 5754 Alloys by Using Nuclear, Electrical and Mechanical Methods A.M. Ibrahim, E.M. Hassen, M.A. Abdel-Rahman and E.A. Badawi 29 Defect Analysis of 316LSS during the Powder Injection Moulding Process M.R. Raza, F. Ahmad, M.A. Omar, R.M. German and A.S. Muhsan 35 Effect of Hydrogen on the Microhardness of Tin Brass Heat Exchanger Tube A.S. El-Amoush 45 Correlation between Nuclear and Electrical Methods for Estimating the Activation Enthalpy of Defect Formation in 2024 Alloys A.A. Refaey, M. El-Sayed, M.A. Abdel-Rahman, N.A. Kamel, Y.A. Lotfy and E.A. Badawi 55 Artificial Ageing Effect on Mechanical, Electrical Properties and Positron Lifetime of Aircraft 2024 Alloy A.A. Refaey, M.A. Abdel-Rahman and E.A. Badawi 63 Natural Convection Flow Simulation of Nanofluid in a Square Cavity Using an Incompressible Generalized Lattice Boltzmann Method A.R. Rahmati, S. Niazi and M.N. Beni 69 A Review of some Theoretical Models for Point Defect Calculations A. Ghorai 81 The Diffusion Problem of New Phase Inclusion Growth in Bounded Regions of Oversaturated Solid Solution S.I. Sidorenko, A.A. Berezovsky, S.M. Voloshko, S.O. Zamulko and S.I. Konorev 99 Pressureless Sintering and Characterization of Al O -SiO -ZrO Composite 2 3 2 2 G. Mebrahitom Asmelash and O. Mamat 113 Electrical Properties of Zr-Doped La O Nanocrystallites as a Good Gate Dielectric 2 3 A. Bahari, R. Gholipur and Z. Khorshidi 129 Effect of Post-Deposition Annealing on some Optical Properties of Thermally-Evaporated V O Thin Film 2 5 S.A. Aly 139 Electrical Conductivity and Phase Transition Studies in the ZrO -CdO System 2 S. Beg and S. Haneefaa 147 Growth of ZnO Thin Films on Silicon Substrates by Atomic Layer Deposition R. Hussin, X.H. Hou and K.L. Choy 159 Observation of Dielectric Peaks in Glassy Se Te Sn Alloy 70 20 10 A. Sharma and N. Mehta 165 Theoretical Investigation of the Spin Hamiltonian Parameters for the Tetragonal [Fe(CN) Cl ]5– Complex in NaCI 4 2 B.T. Song, S.Y. Wu, M.Q. Kuang and Y.X. Hu 177 Abstracts 185 © (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.329.1 [1] Parameters of Interaction with Vacancies in Tungsten of Homovalent Atomic Probes from the VIB and VIIB Groups of the Periodic Table S.M. Klotsmana, G.N. Tatarinova, A.N. Timofeev Laboratory of Diffusion, Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Division RAS 620990 Ekaterinburg, Russia [email protected] Keywords: Diffusion, Exchange Energies, Homovalent Atomic Probes, Vacancies Abstract The volume diffusion of homovalent atomic probes (APs) from the VIB group of the periodic table of elements (PTE): Сr, Mo, W and from the VIIB group of the PTE: Mn, Tc, Re in W single crys- tals has been studied by using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and radiometric layer-by- layer analysis. The enthalpies Q of the bulk diffusion of homovalent APS from the VIB group (Сr, Mo, W) and from the VIIB group (Mn, Tc, Re) of PTA increase with the growth of n numbers of their periods in each group whereas the relaxation volumes of the complexes “vacancies- VIB, VIIB APs” in the W lattice do not differ practically. The detected change of enthalpies Q is condi- tioned by the difference in magnetic moments of homovalent APs from the VIB and VIIB groups of PTA in complexes with vacancies in the W lattice. Introduction The interactions of point defects determine the characteristics of different phenomena in solid bod- ies, such as diffusion, phase transformations, plastic deformation which arise and develop during the material service. As it was shown in [1-3], the difference Q = QAP - QSD of enthalpies QAP of bulk diffusion of APs and enthalpy QSD of self-diffusion in metals is equal to the energy ЕvacAP of interaction of point defects in complexes “vacancy-AP”. Energy ЕvacAP of interaction of point defects in com- plexes “vacancy-AP” can be written as the sum: Е = (E + E + E ) (1) vacAP electr exch vacAP Here (Eelectr)vacAP is the electron contribution to the energy ЕvacAP caused by the difference in numbers of valence electrons of impurity APs and matrix atoms, (E)vacAP is the contribution from the energy of elastic relaxation of the environment of complex “vacancy-AP” and Eexch is the contribution from the exchange energy of impurity AP. In 5d – transition metal W the electron contributions (Eelectr)vacAP to the energies Еva- cAP of interaction of nonmagnetic {Eexch)WVIBAPs = 0} homovalent APs from the IVB group of PTE with the vacancies are equal to (Eelectr)WvacVIBAPs = - (482)kJ/mole and for nonmag- netic {(Eexch)WVBAPs = 0} homovalent APs from the VB group of PTE are equal to (Eelectr)WvacVBAP = -(202) kJ/mole [4,5]. The present paper describes the results of investigation of the bulk diffusion in W of homovalent APs from the VIВ and VIIB groups of PTE. The detected dependencies of differences (Q- E)WVIB.VIIBAPs for the bulk diffusion of homovalent APs from the VIB group of PTE: Cr [6], Mo [6], W [7] and VIIB group of PTE: Mn, Tc, Re [8], interacting with vacancies in d lattice of transition metal W, on n numbers of the periods of APs from the VIB and VIIB groups of PTE are conditioned by the contributions of the exchange energies (Eexch)WVIB.VIIBAPs of APs: Cr, Mo, W and Mn, Tc, Re in W lattice. 2 Dislocation Reactions and Stacking-Fault Energies 1. Materials and Methods The methods of diffusion experiments used in this work for the investigation of the bulk diffusion of Cr [6], Mo [6], W [7] and Re [8] were described in [6-8]. To create the “instantaneous” sources of bulk diffusion of Mn and Tc on the W samples were sputtered thin layers of Mn and Tc AP’s. The welded with electron beam W containers with single crystal W samples with diffusion sources were placed to the massive W-cylinder which was positioned in the shaft-furnace with resistive heating [6-8]. A small hole on the removable cover of the massive W cylinder was used for extrac- tion of “equilibrium” radiation from the cavity of this “black body” model for the optical determina- tion of annealing temperatures. Diffusion zones of W [7] and Re [8] APs were tested by the radio- metric layer-by layer analysis. The diffusion zones of Cr [6], Mo [6], Mn and Tc APs in W samples were analyzed by the secondary ion mass spectroscopy method on the SIMS spectrometer IMS-3f, CAMECA, France. 2. Results and Discussion Examples of the initial profiles lgI(x) (х – the measured depth in diffusion zone) of currents I of АР the secondary positive ions 55Mn+ and 99Tc+, obtained at SIMS analysis of diffusion zones of Mn and Tc APs are exemplified in Fig.1. It is seen from the fig.1 that during the homogenizing the Mn and Tc APs evaporated from the diffusion zone in mono-W (fig.1). That is why the corrections [9] for evaporations of material from the diffusion zone were made during the analysis of results of bulk diffusion investigation. During the processing of initial profiles lgI (x) the contributions of АР currents of APs in the ways of accelerated diffusion [4] and the values of “background” of the ana- lyzed APs were subtracted. 106 105 ) 104 55Mn+x2 s /p 2300 K m i( tn 99Tc+ err 103 2273 K u c n o I 102 101 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 Depth in diffusion zone (mkm) Figure 1 Profiles lgI (x) of currents I of secondary ions of APs 55Mn+ and 99Tc+ formed AP AP by annealing at temperatures 2300 К and 2273 K, correspondingly. For profile 55Mn+ the indicated depth Х was increased by the factor indicated on the figure margin According to the linear parts of dependencies lgI (x2) (fig.2) the coefficients D Mn,Tc of the bulk АР W diffusion of Mn and Tc APs in W single crystals were calculated (table1). D.J. Fisher 3 2,5 5 7,5 107 106 ) Tc s / p m 105 2273 K i ( + c T 9 104 9 + , n M 5 103 Mn 5 tn 2300 K e r ru 102 c n Mn o I 101 Mn x20 2170 K 1969 K 100 0 1 2 3 Depth in diffusion zone (mkm)2 Figure 2 Linear sections of profiles lg (x2) of the secondary ions of APs 55Mn+ and 99Tc+ in AP mono-W annealed at temperatures indicated on the figure margin. The profiles are displaced along the ordinate axis to exclude superposition. For profile 55Mn+ (1969 K) the depths Х2 was increased by the factor indicated on the figure margin Table 1 Temperatures T(K) of annealing, coefficients D Mn,Tc (m2s-1) W of the bulk diffusion of Mn and Tc APs in W T, K D Mn D Tc W W 2300 5.9∙10-17 2273 2.12∙10-17 2170 1.36∙10-17 1969 7.75∙10-19 Temperature dependence of coefficients D Mn of Mn diffusion in W single crystals is shown in W fig.3. And the temperature dependences of diffusion coefficients of Cr, Mo, Re and W APs in W single crystals are shown in fig.4. The values of parameters (D ,Q) Cr,Mn,Mo,Re,W of the bulk diffusion in W of APs of Cr [6], Mo [6], 0 W Mn, W [7] and Re [8] are given in table 2. It is obvious that for the each group of PTE the relation- ships are fulfilled: for the VIB group of PTE: 4 Dislocation Reactions and Stacking-Fault Energies 10-16 ) s 2m/ ( n M D 10-17 s tn e ic if f e o c n o is u f f iD 10-18 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,8 4,9 5,0 5,1 Inverse temperature 104/T (K-1) Figure 3 Temperature dependence of the measured coefficients D Mn W of the bulk diffusion of Mn APs in W 10-14 ) с / 10-15 2 m ( P A D s 10-16 t n e i c i f f e o 10-17 c n o i s u ff 10-18 i D Cr Re Mo 10-19 W 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,6 4,8 5,0 5,2 4 -1 Inverse temperature 10 /T(K ) Figure 4 Temperature dependences of coefficients D Cr,Mo,Re,W of the W bulk diffusion of APs Cr [6], Mo [6], W [7] and Re [8] in W D.J. Fisher 5 Table 2 Parameters (D ,Q) of the bulk diffusion of Cr, Mo, W, Mn and Re APs in W, dif- 0 ferences ∆Q = Q -Q of enthalpies: of APs of diffusion (Q ) and self-diffusion AP SD AP (Q ). Coefficients D are in m2s-1. Enthalpies Q and differences ∆Q of enthalpies SD 0 are in kJ/mole APs Cr [6] Mo [6] W [7] Mn Re [8] 104D 0.89 1.45 15.2 0.10 4.0 0 Q 547±2 567±1 626±6 494 10 597 ± 9 ∆Q=Q -Q -(79 ± 6) -(59± 6 ) 0 -(132 ± 12) -(29 ± 11) AP SD Q Cr Q Mo Q W 0 (2) W W W and for the VIIB group of PTE: Q Mn Q Re (3) W W Table 3 Atomic radius r (Å), volumes of V (Å3) APs and relaxation volumes (relative units), energies Е (kJ/mole) of elastic relaxation of environment of complexes “va- cancies VIB, VIIB APs” [4] АP Cr Mo W Mn Tc Re r (Å) 1.28 1.40 1.37 1.37 1.36 1.38 VvacAP 15.78 18.49 17.77 17.77 17.53 18.00 W -0.11 +0.04 0 0 -0.01 +0.01 vacAP (E ) -0.2 +2.3 0 0 -1.3 +0.5 υ vacAP The values of relaxation volumes of complexes “vacancies-VIB, VIIB APs” in W lattice [4] were used for discussion: = (V - V )/V (4) vacAP vacAP vacW vacW Here V is the volume of complex “vacancy- AP W” [4]: vacW V = 0.65V + V = 1.65V (5) vacW W W W and V – is the volume of complex “vacancy-AP”: vacAP V = V + 0.65V (6) vacAP AP W Estimations of the values from relationship (4) are presented in table.3. Estimations of the ener- AP gies Е of elastic relaxation of environment of complexes “vacancies-VIB, VIIB APs” were ob- tained from the dependencies of energies {Е ( )} 3d,4dAPs of elastic relaxation [4] on the relax- vacAP Cu ation volumes ( ) 3d,4dAPs of complexes of vacancies with 3d and 4d APs in Cu [10]. It is seen vacAP Cu (table 3) that the values (E ) 3d,4dAPs are rather small. Therefore, the determined relationships υ vacAP W (2,3) are conditioned by the contributions of exchange energies (E ) VIB,VIIBAPs to the energies exch W E vacVIB,VIIBAPs of interaction of APs from the VIB and VIIB groups of PTE with W