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disillusioned d i s i l l u s i o n e d Victorian Photography and the Discerning Subject jordan bear The Pennsylvania State University Press University Park, Pennsylvania This book is made possible by a collaborative grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Library of Congress Cataloging-in- Publication Data TK Copyright © 2015 The Pennsylvania State University All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Published by The Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, PA 16802-1003 The Pennsylvania State University Press is a member of the Association of American University Presses. It is the policy of The Pennsylvania State University Press to use acid-f ree paper. Publications on uncoated stock satisfy the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences. Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Material, ansi z39.48–1992. For my parents, with love c o n t e n t s List of Illustrations ix Acknowledgments xiii Introduction: The History of Photography and the Problem of Knowledge 1 one See for Yourself: Visual Discernment and Photography’s Appearance 11 two Shadowy Organization: Combination Photography, Illusion, and Conspiracy 32 three Same Time Tomorrow: Serial Photographs and the Structure of Industrial Vision 53 four Hand in Hand: Gender and Collaboration in Victorian Photography 80 five Signature Style: Francis Frith and the Rise of Corporate Photographic Authorship 104 six Indistinct Relics: Discerning the Origins of Photography 119 seven The Limits of Looking: The Tiny, Distant, and Rapid Subjects of Photography 131 Conclusion: “Normal” Photography: The Legacy of a History 150 Notes 163 Bibliography 179 Index 191 i l l u s t r a t i o n s Fig. 1 “Caleidoscope-M ania; or, the Fig. 7 Great Hall of the Royal Polytechnic Natives Astonished.” © The Trust- Institution, c. 1840s. Lithograph. ees of the British Museum. 13 © Science Museum / Science & Fig. 2 Thaumatrope depicting Napo- Society Picture Library. All rights leon Bonaparte, recto and verso reserved. 26 views, c. 1820s. Photo: Stéphane Fig. 8 Poster listing the offerings of the Dabrowski © La Cinémathèque Polytechnic Institution, c. 1840. Française (Paris). 17 Reproduced with the permission Fig. 3 The Habit Makes the Man. of the University of Westminster The Ranks and Dignities of Brit- Archive. 28 ish Society, c. 1820s. Twenty- five Fig. 9 Richard Beard’s trade card for faceless costume cards that fit over his photographic studio at the card with figure of beggar, trans- Royal Polytechnic Institution, forming him into various British London, c. 1840. © National dignitaries. Cards hand-d rawn and Media Museum / Science & colored in pen and ink, pencil, and Society Picture Library. All rights watercolor. Yale Center for British reserved. 29 Art. 19 Fig. 10 Oscar Gustave Rejlander, The Two Fig. 4 Theodore Lane, Automaton Ways of Life, 1857. Albumen Exhibition, Gothic Hall, Haymar- print. Credit: Princeton Univer- ket, 1826. Etching and aquatint. sity Art Museum / Art Resource, © The Trustees of the British New York. 34 Museum. 22 Fig. 11 Detail of Figure 10. 35 Fig. 5 That Exquisite Little Automaton Fig. 12 Detail of Figure 10. 35 Artist. Called the Corinthian Maid, Fig. 13 William Spooner, The Cottage of c. 1830. Handbill. National Content; or, Right Roads and Wrong Fairground Archive, University of Ways, 1848. Lithograph, colored Sheffield. 23 by hand, mounted on linen. Fig. 6 William Chester Walker, after © Victoria and Albert Museum, Sir Humphry Davy, London London. 38 Mechanics’ Institute, Southampton Fig. 14 Cover, [James Taylor Staton], Buildings, Holborn: the Interior of Bobby Shuttle and his Woife the Laboratory, in a Cellar, 1828. Sayroh’s Visit to Manchester un-th Wood engraving. Wellcome Library, Greight Hert Treasures Palace, London. 25 Owd-Traffort. Written for Bobby x list of illustrations Hissel by th’ Hedditur oth’ “Bowton Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Luminary,” 1857. Avery Architec- University of Toronto. 64 tural and Fine Arts Library, Colum- Fig. 23 Oscar Gustave Rejlander, A Young bia University. 40 Naturalist, c. 1860. Albumen print. Fig. 15 Oscar Gustave Rejlander, Study for © NMPFT / Royal Photographic The Two Ways of Life, 1857. Albu- Society / Science & Society Picture men print. Gernsheim Collection, Library. All rights reserved. 65 Harry Ransom Center, University Fig. 24 Oscar Gustave Rejlander, The Fly- of Texas at Austin. 43 catcher, c. 1860. Albumen print. Fig. 16 Oscar Gustave Rejlander, Study for © NMPFT / Royal Photographic The Two Ways of Life, 1857. Albu- Society / Science & Society Picture men print. Gernsheim Collection, Library. All rights reserved. 66 Harry Ransom Center, University Fig. 25 Oscar Gustave Rejlander, Man of Texas at Austin. 44 Aiming Rifle, c. 1860. Albumen Fig. 17 Oscar Gustave Rejlander, Did She? print. Courtesy of George Eastman c. 1860. Albumen print. Gern- House, International Museum of sheim Collection, Harry Ransom Photography and Film, Rochester, Center, University of Texas at New York. 67 Austin. 45 Fig. 26 Étienne- Jules Marey’s photo- Fig. 18 “Second Sight” trick of Jean- graphic gun. Engraving. The World Eugène Robert- Houdin, c. 1852. of Wonders (London: Cassell & Engraving. Courtesy of Toronto Company, Limited, 1883). Courtesy Public Library. 46 of Toronto Public Library. 68 Fig. 19 Henry Peach Robinson, Red Fig. 27 Page from the index books of the Riding Hood, 1858. Albumen print. Nadar Atelier, Hélène Petit dans © Royal Photographic Society / “L’Assommoir,” c. 1879. 70 National Media Museum / Sci- Fig. 28 Oscar Gustave Rejlander, The Jug- ence & Society Picture Library. gler, c. 1860. Albumen print. All rights reserved. 60 © NMPFT / Royal Photographic Fig. 20 Henry Peach Robinson, Red Society / Science & Society Picture Riding Hood, 1858. Albumen print. Library. All rights reserved. 72 © Royal Photographic Society / Fig. 29 Oscar Gustave Rejlander, Two National Media Museum / Sci- Urchins Playing a Game, c. 1860. ence & Society Picture Library. Albumen print. Courtesy of All rights reserved. 61 George Eastman House, Interna- Fig. 21 Henry Peach Robinson, Red tional Museum of Photography and Riding Hood, 1858. Albumen print. Film, Rochester, New York. 74 © Royal Photographic Society / Fig. 30 Henri Cartier- Bresson, Valen- National Media Museum / Sci- cia, 1933. Courtesy Magnum ence & Society Picture Library. Photos. 75 All rights reserved. 62 Fig. 31 Julia Margaret Cameron, possibly Fig. 22 W. Forrest, Taxidermy specimen of a with Oscar Gustave Rejlander, wolf. From Captain Thomas Brown, The Butcher’s Visit, c. 1863. The Taxidermist’s Manual; or, the Art “Mia Album.” Hochberg-Mattis of Collecting, Preparing, and Preserv- Collection. 82 ing Objects of Natural History (Lon- Fig. 32 Julia Margaret Cameron, don: A. Fullarton, 1853). Courtesy of Receiving the Post, c. 1863. “Mia

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