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Discrete Mathematics 1997: Vol 165-166 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Discrete Mathematics 1997: Vol 165-166 Table of Contents

Discrete Mathematics Volumes 165/166, 15 March 1997 Contents Preface J.L. Fouquet and P. Rosenstiehl Contributions V. Chvatal In praise of Claude Berge M.E.K. Abderrezzak, E. Flandrin, A. Harkat-Benhamdine and #H. Li D,-cycles in A-claw-free graphs D. Achlioptas The complexity of G-free colourability N. Alon, Zs. Tuza and M. Voigt Choosability and fractional chromatic numbers J. Bang-Jensen and G. Gutin Alternating cycles and paths in edge-coloured multigraphs: A survey C. Berge Motivations and history of some of my conjectures J.A. Bondy Counting subgraphs: A new approach to the Caccetta—Haggkvist conjecture E. Boros and O. Cepek On perfect 0, + 1 matrices M. Bouchakour and A.R. Mahjoub One-node cutsets and the dominating set polytope 101 J.M. Brunat, M. Maureso and M. Mora Characterization of c-circulant digraphs of degree two which are circulant 125 |. Charon, A. Guénoche, O. Hudry and F. Woirgard New results on the computation of median orders 139 R. Cordovil Coloring matroids 155 D. de Werra Restricted coloring models for timetabling 161 C. Delorme and J.P. Tillich Eigenvalues, eigenspaces and disiances to subsets 171 W.A. Deuber and X. Zhu The chromatic numbers of distance graphs 195 M. Deza and V. Grishukhin The skeleton of the 120-cell is not 5-gonal 205 G. Ding and P.L. Hammer Matroids arisen from matrogenic graphs J. Edmonds, M. Laurent and A. Schrijver A minor-monotone graph parameter based on oriented matroids 219 P. Erdés Some old and new problems in various branches of combinatorics 227 H. Everett, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, C. Linhares-Sales, F. Maffray, O. Porto and B.A. Reed Path parity and perfection 233 O. Favaron and Y. Redouane Minimum independent generalized t-degree and independence number in K, -.1-free graphs 253 H. Fleischner A numbering of the vertices of special networks 263 J.-L. Fouquet and V. Giakoumakis On semi-P,-sparse graphs 277 J.-L. Fouquet, F. Maire, |. Rusu and H. Thuillier On transversals in minimal imperfect graphs 301 J.C. Fournier Tiling pictures of the plane with dominoes 313 V. Giakoumakis, F. Roussel and H. Thuillier Scattering number and modular decomposition 321 J. Gimbel, M. Mahéo and C. Virlouvet Double total domination of graphs 343 S. Gravier and F. Maffray Choice number of 3-colorable elementary graphs 353 H. Gropp Blocking set free configurations and their relations to digraphs and hypergraphs 359 E. Gyori C,-free bipartite graphs and product representation of squares 371 M. Hadjiat and J.F. Maurras A strongly polynomial algorithm for the minimum cost tension problem 377 Y.0. Hamidoune and M.L. Vergnas Directed switching games II: The Arborescence Game 395 P. Hansen, A. Hertz and N. Quinodoz Splitting trees 403 S. Hougardy Perfect graphs with unique P,-structure 421 M. Klazar Combinatorial aspects of Davenport-Schinzel sequences 431 J.M. Laborde and R.M. Madani Generalized hypercubes and (0, 2)-graphs 447 B. Leclerc Families of chains of a poset and Sperner properties 461 H. Li, M. Lu, F. Tian and B. Wei Hamiltonicity of 2-connected claw-center independent graphs 469 J.-F. Maurras and Y. Vaxés Multicommodity network flow with jump constraints 481 L. Milazzo The monochromatic block number 487 B. Monjardel On a dependence relation in finite lattices 497 H. Muller and J.-X. Rampon Partial orders and their convex subsets 507 J. Nesetril, A.R aspaud and E. Sopena Colorings and girth of oriented planar graphs 519 M. Padberg and T.-Y. Sung An analytic symmetrization of max flow—min cut 531 R. Palisse Subsets of a finite set that almost always intersect each other in A elements 547 C. Payan Empilement de cercles égaux dans un triangle équilatéral: A propos d’une conjecture d’Erdés—Oler 555 L. Perkovic and B. Reed Edge coloring regular graphs of high degree 567 P. Préa About weak connectivity 579 G. Ringel, A.S. Lladé and O. Serra On the tree number of regular graphs 587 H. Sachs Graph Theory in Organic Chemistry: Problems and Methods in the Chemistry of Carbon Footballs and Tubes (Fullerenes) 597 J.-F. Saclé and M. Wozniak On graphs which contain each tree of given size 599 C. Thomassen Dirac’s conjecture on K;-subdivisions 607 O. Togni Irregularity strength of the toroidal grid 609 A.P. Wojda and I.A. Zioto Embedding digraphs of small size 621 Y. Yamasaki The arithmetic of reversed positional games 639 Author index to volumes 165/166

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