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Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics: Ams Special Session Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics January 11, 2013 San Diego, Ca PDF

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Preview Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics: Ams Special Session Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics January 11, 2013 San Diego, Ca

625 Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics AMS Special Session Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics January 11, 2013 San Diego, CA Alexander Barg Oleg R. Musin Editors AmericanMathematicalSociety Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics AMS Special Session Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics January 11, 2013 San Diego, CA Alexander Barg Oleg R. Musin Editors 625 Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics AMS Special Session Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics January 11, 2013 San Diego, CA Alexander Barg Oleg R. Musin Editors AmericanMathematicalSociety Providence,RhodeIsland EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Dennis DeTurck, Managing Editor Michael Loss Kailash C. Misra Martin J. Strauss 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 52C35, 52C17, 05B40, 52C10, 05C10, 37F20, 94B40, 58E17. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Discretegeometryandalgebraiccombinatorics/AlexanderBarg,OlegR.Musin,editors. pagescm. –(Contemporarymathematics;volume625) “AMSSpecialSessiononDiscreteGeometryandAlgebraicCombinatorics,January11,2013.” Includesbibliographicalreferences. ISBN978-1-4704-0905-0(alk. paper) 1. Discretegeometry–Congresses. 2. Combinatorialanalysis–Congresses. I. Barg,Alexan- der,1960-editorofcompilation. II. Musin,O.R.(OlegRustamovich)editorofcompilation. QA640.7.D5752014 516(cid:2).116–dc23 2014007424 ContemporaryMathematicsISSN:0271-4132(print);ISSN:1098-3627(online) DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/conm/625 Copying and reprinting. Materialinthisbookmaybereproducedbyanymeansfor edu- cationaland scientific purposes without fee or permissionwith the exception ofreproduction by servicesthatcollectfeesfordeliveryofdocumentsandprovidedthatthecustomaryacknowledg- ment of the source is given. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, or for resale. Requests for permission for commercialuseofmaterialshouldbeaddressedtotheAcquisitionsDepartment,AmericanMath- ematical Society, 201 Charles Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02904-2294, USA. Requests can [email protected]. Excludedfromtheseprovisionsismaterialinarticlesforwhichtheauthorholdscopyright. In suchcases,requestsforpermissiontouseorreprintshouldbeaddresseddirectlytotheauthor(s). (Copyrightownershipisindicatedinthenoticeinthelowerright-handcornerofthefirstpageof eacharticle.) (cid:2)c 2014bytheAmericanMathematicalSociety. Allrightsreserved. TheAmericanMathematicalSocietyretainsallrights exceptthosegrantedtotheUnitedStatesGovernment. Copyrightofindividualarticlesmayreverttothepublicdomain28years afterpublication. ContacttheAMSforcopyrightstatusofindividualarticles. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. (cid:2)∞ Thepaperusedinthisbookisacid-freeandfallswithintheguidelines establishedtoensurepermanenceanddurability. VisittheAMShomepageathttp://www.ams.org/ 10987654321 191817161514 Contents Preface vii Plank theorems via successive inradii K. Bezdek 1 Minimal fillings of finite metric spaces: The state of the art A. Ivanov and A. Tuzhilin 9 Combinatorics and geometry of transportation polytopes: An update J. A. de Loera and E. D. Kim 37 A Tree Sperner Lemma A. Niedermaier, D. Rizzolo, and F. E. Su 77 Cliques and cycles in distance graphs and graphs of diameters A. M. Raigorodskii 93 New bounds for equiangular lines A. Barg and W.-H. Yu 111 Formal duality and generalizations of the Poisson summation formula H. Cohn, A. Kumar, C. Reiher, and A. Schu¨rmann 123 On constructions of semi-bent functions from bent functions G. Cohen and S. Mesnager 141 Some remarks on multiplicity codes S. Kopparty 155 Multivariate positive definite functions on spheres O. R. Musin 177 v Preface This volume contains a collection of papers presented at, or closely related to the topics of, the Special Session on “Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combina- torics” (January 11, 2013) held as a part of 2013 Joint Mathematics Meetings in SanDiego, CA.Thepapersinthevolume belongtooneofthetworelatedsubjects in the session’s title, and can be divided into two groups: distance geometry with applications in combinatorial optimization, and algebraic combinatorics, including applications in coding theory. In the first area, the paper by K. Bezdek discusses the affine plank conjecture of T. Bang. Bezdek gives a short survey on the status of this problem and proves some partial results for the successive inradii of the convex bodies involved. The underlying geometric structures are successive hyperplane cuts introduced several years ago by J. Conway and inductive tilings introduced recently by A. Akopyan and R. Karasev. Transportation polytopes arise in optimization and statistics, and also are of interestfordiscretemathematicsbecausepermutationmatrices,Latinsquares,and magic squares appear naturally as lattice points of these polytopes. The survey by J.A. De Loera and E.D. Kim is devoted to combinatorial and geometric properties of transportation polytopes. This paper also includes some recent unpublished results on the diameter of graphs of these polytopes and discusses the status of several open questions in this field. ThepaperbyA.IvanovandA.Tuzhilinpresentsanoverviewofanewbranchof the one-dimensional geometric optimization problem, the minimal fillings theory. This theory is closely related to the generalized Steiner problem and offers an opportunity to look at many classical questions appearing in optimal connection theory from a new point of view. The paper is essentially a survey, which serves as a useful introduction to a new theory that so far has been scattered in multiple papers mostly appearing in the Russian literature. A.M. Raigorodskii presents a survey of recent advances in many classical open problems related to the notion of a geometric graph. He discuss some properties ofdistance graphs and graphs of diameters. The study of such graphs is motivated by famous problems of combinatorial geometry going back to Erd´os, Hadwiger, Nelson, and Borsuk. The paper by A. Niedermaier, D. Rizzolo and F.E. Su extends the famous Sperner lemma to finite labellings of trees. In this paper the authors prove 15 theorems around a tree Sperner lemma. In particular they show that any proper labelling of a tree contains a fully-labelled edge and prove that this theorem is equivalenttoatheoremforfinitecoversofmetrictreesandafixedpointtheoremon vii viii PREFACE metric trees. They also exhibit connections to Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz- type theorems and discuss interesting applications to voting theory. In the second area (algebraic combinatorics), A. Barg and W.-H. Yu use semi- definiteprogrammingtoobtainnewboundsonthemaximumcardinalityofequian- gularlinesetsinRn.Theyobtainsomenewexactanswers, resolvinginparta1972 conjecture made by Lemmens and Seidel. The Poisson summation formula underlies a number of fundamental results of the theory of codes, lattices, and sphere packings. In their paper, H. Cohn, A. Kumar, C. Reiher, and A. Schu¨rmann address the notion of formal duality introducedearlierintheworkonenergy-minimizingconfigurations. Formalduality is well known in coding theory where several classes of nonlinear codes are formal duals of each other. The authors attempt to formalize this notion for the case of packings relying on the Poisson summation formula. The paper by G. Cohen and S. Mesnager is devoted to the classical problem of constructing bent and semi-bent functions. This problem has been the focus of attention in computer science in particular because of aplications in cryptography including correlation attacks and linear cryptanalysis. The authors construct new families of semi-bent functions and reveal new links between such functions and bent functions. In his paper, S. Kopparty studies so-called multiplicity codes; i.e., codes ob- tained by evaluating polynomials at the points of a finite field whereby at each point one computes not just the value of the polynomial but also values of the first fewderivatives. Suchcodeswereknownforabout15yearsinthecaseofunivariate polynomials, while recently these ideas were extended to the multivariate case. It turns out that these constructions are well suited for local decoding including list decoding procedures. O.R. Musin presents a new approach to the well-known semidefinite program- ming bounds on spherical codes. Previously these bounds were derived using posi- tivedefinitematrices,whilethispaperdefinesanewclassofmultivariateorthogonal polynomials that can be used to give a direct proof of the bounds. These polyno- mials satisfy the addition formula as well as positivity conditions generalizing the conditions given the classical Schoenberg theorem for univariate Gegenbauer poly- nomials. A part of the special session was dedicated to the 60th birthday of our friend and colleague Professor Ilya Dumer (UC Riverside). Several authors, including the present editors, also dedicate their papers to Ilya with affection and admiration. Alexander Barg University of Maryland Oleg R. Musin University of Texas at Brownsville ContemporaryMathematics Volume625,2014 http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/conm/625/12489 Plank theorems via successive inradii K´aroly Bezdek Abstract. Inthe1930’s,Tarskiintroducedhisplankproblematatimewhen the field discrete geometry was about to born. It is quite remarkable that Tarski’squestionanditsvariantscontinuetogenerateinterestinthegeometric aswellas analytic aspectsofcoveringsby planks in the present timeaswell. Besides giving a short survey on the status of the affine plank conjecture of Bang(1950)weprovesomenewpartialresultsforthesuccessiveinradiiofthe convex bodies involved. The underlying geometric structures are successive hyperplanecutsintroducedseveralyearsagobyConwayandinductivetilings introducedrecentlybyAkopyanandKarasev. 1. Introduction Asusual, aconvex bodyoftheEuclideanspaceEd isacompactconvexsetwith non-emptyinterior. LetC⊂Ed beaconvexbody,andletH ⊂Edbeahyperplane. Then the distance w(C,H) between the two supporting hyperplanes of C parallel to H is called the width of C parallel to H. Moreover, the smallest width of C parallel to hyperplanes of Ed is called the minimal width of C and is denoted by w(C). Recall that in the 1930’s, Tarski posed what came to be known as the plank problem. Aplank PinEd is the(closed)setof pointsbetweentwodistinct parallel hyperplanes. Thewidthw(P)ofPissimplythedistancebetweenthetwoboundary hyperplanes of P. Tarski conjectured that if a convex body of minimal width w is covered by a collection of planks in Ed, then the sum of the widths of these planks is at least w. This conjecture was proved by Bang in his memorable paper [5]. (In fact, the proof presented in that paper is a simplification and generalization of the proof published by Bang somewhat earlier in [4].) Thus, we call the following statement Bang’s plank theorem. Theorem 1.1. If the convex body C is covered by(cid:2)the planks P1,P2,...,Pn in Ed,d≥2 (i.e., C⊂P ∪P ∪···∪P ⊂Ed), then n w(P )≥w(C). 1 2 n i=1 i In [5], Bang raised the following stronger version of Tarski’s plank problem called the affine plank problem. We phrase it via the following definition. Let C be a convex body and let P be a plank with boundary hyperplanes parallel to the 2010 MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary52C17,05B40,11H31,and52C45. Partially supported by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada DiscoveryGrant. (cid:3)c2014 American Mathematical Society 1

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