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Discrete diffraction and shape-invariant beams in optical waveguide arrays Stefano Longhi Dipartimento di Fisica and Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie del CNR, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza L. da Vinci 32, I-20133 Milano, Italy General properties of linear propagation of discretized light in homogeneous and curved waveguide arraysarecomprehensivelyinvestigatedandcomparedtothoseofparaxialdiffractionincontinuous media. In particular, general laws describing beam spreading, beam decay and discrete far-field patternsinhomogeneousarraysarederivedusingthemethodofmomentsandthesteepestdescend method. Incurvedarrays,themethodofmomentsisextendedtodescribeevolutionofglobalbeam parameters. Afamilyofbeamswhichpropagateincurvedarraysmaintainingtheirfunctionalshape 0 -referred to as discrete Bessel beams- is also introduced. Propagation of discrete Bessel beams in 1 waveguide arrays is simply described by the evolution of a complex q parameter similar to the 0 complexqparameterusedforGaussianbeamsincontinuouslensguidemedia. Afewapplicationsof 2 the q parameter formalism are discussed, including beam collimation and polygonal optical Bloch oscillations. n a PACSnumbers: 42.82.Et,42.79.Gn J 6 I. INTRODUCTION to predict light evolution for any assigned initial exci- ] s tation condition (see, for instance, [13, 17]), some gen- c eral issues of discrete diffraction, which are well known i Linear and nonlinear propagationof ’discretized’ light t for paraxial propagation of beams in continuous media, p in arrays of evanescently-coupledoptical waveguides has have not been comprehensively addressed, including: (i) o receivedagreatandincreasinginterestinthepastrecent a description of global beam parameter evolution in a . s years (see, for instance, [1, 2] and references therein). closedanalyticalform;(ii)far-fielddiscretediffractionin c As compared to diffraction or refraction in continuous i homogeneous array (the analogue of Fraunhofer diffrac- s (non-structured) media, discrete diffraction and refrac- tion in homogeneous continuous media); (iii) the gen- y tion in waveguide arrays show rather uncommon effects h eral scaling law of beam broadening and beam decay, which result from the evanescent coupling among ad- p especially close to the self-collimation condition (also re- jacent waveguides forming a one-dimensional or a two- [ ferredtoassub-diffraction)whichiscommonplacetothe dimensional lattice. For instance, linear propagation of more general class of photonic crystal structures (see, 1 light waves in homogeneous arrays may show diffrac- for instance, [20]); (iv) the existence of shape-invariant v tionreversalandself-collimationeffects[3,4],anomalous 7 discretized beams, i.e. special families of field distribu- refraction [4], the discrete Talbot effect [5], and quasi- 9 tionswhich-likeGaussianbeamsincontinuouslensguide incoherent propagation [6] to name a few. Remarkably, 9 media- do propagate in straight or curved waveguide ar- 0 discrete diffraction canbe tailoredby properly introduc- rays maintaining their functional shape. It is the aim of . inginhomogeneitiesinthelatticeorbyvaryingitstopol- 1 this work to shed some light into such issues. In par- ogy. In particular, since the first proposals and demon- 0 ticular, it is shown rather generally that: (i) the scaling strations of optical Bloch oscillations [7–9] and ’diffrac- 0 law describing broadening of discretized light in homo- 1 tionmanagement’inzig-zagarrays[3], the useofwaveg- geneous arrays is the same as that of standard parax- : uide arrayswithcurvedopticalaxishasbeenextensively v ial diffraction theory of homogeneous continuous media investigated both theoretically and experimentally, with i (beam size asymptotically grows linearly with propaga- X the demonstration of diffraction suppression via Bloch tiondistance),independently ofthe precisearraydisper- r oscillations [1, 7–10] or dynamic localization [12, 13], sioncurve and evenalong self-collimationdirections; (ii) a polychromatic diffraction management [14], astigmatic in a homogenous array, the discrete far-field pattern is diffraction control[15], multicolor Talbot effect [14], and notthe (discrete)Fouriertransformof the near-fielddis- discrete soliton management [16]. Linear and nonlinear tribution,andthescalinglawofbeamdecaymaydepend light propagation at the surface or at the interface of on the observation angle; (iii) special field distributions, two waveguide lattices also exhibits a variety of inter- which propagate in straight or curved waveguide arrays esting properties whichhavebeen investigatedin several maintainingtheirfunctionalshapeandreferredtoas’dis- recent works (see, for instance, [2, 17–19] and references crete Bessel beams’, can be introduced for simple tight- therein). In spite of such a great amount of works,some binding waveguidemodels; (iv) a discrete Besselbeamis facets of discrete diffraction, even in the simplest linear defined by a complex q parameter, analogous to the one propagation regime, have been overlooked. Though in used for Gaussian beams in continuous lensguide media, the linear regime the impulse response (Green function) and propagation of the q parameter along the array ad- of the array may be rather generally calculated analyti- mits of a simple geometric interpretation. cally-eitherinstraightorcurvedgeometriesandinpres- Thepaperisorganizedasfollows. InSec.IIgeneralprop- ence or not of boundaries- and its knowledge is enough 2 erties of discrete diffraction in homogeneous waveguide solid-state physics [21] which enable the use of certain arraysarepresented,including the derivationofthe gen- analytical techniques, such as the method of moments, eralscalinglawsofbeambroadeningandbeamdecay,far- developedforthe continuousSchr¨odingerequationorfor fielddiscretediffraction,withaanoteonself-collimation theparaxialwaveequation(see,forinstance,[22,23]). In regimes. In Sec.III, some general rules of beam prop- addition, the continuous model includes, as a particular agation in curved waveguide arrays are derived within case, the problem of paraxial diffraction in a homoge- the nearest-neighbor coupling approximation, whereas neous medium (e.g. in the vacuum), which is attained in Sec.IV the family of shape-invariant discrete Bessel by simply assuming for the Hamiltonian H (p), in place 0 beamsisintroduced,togetherwiththecomplexqparam- of Eq.(3), the (normalized) parabolic form eter formalism. Applications to beam collimation and polygonal optical Bloch oscillations are also presented. p2 H (p)= . (4) Finally, in Sec.V the main conclusions are outlined. 0 2 The normalization conditions drψ(r,z)2 = 1 for II. DISCRETE DIFFRACTION IN A Eq.(2), and c (z)2 = 1 for| the di|screte prob- HOMOGENEOUS WAVEGUIDE ARRAY lem (1), will bena,mss|umn,med in|the fRollowing analysis. P A. Continuous model of discrete diffraction B. General law for beam spreading: moment The starting point of our analysis is provided by a analysis rather standard model describing linear propagation of monochromatic light waves along the z direction of a Two global parameters describing beam propagation one-dimensional or two-dimensional array of waveguides arethe beamcenterofmass r = x u + y u andthe x y inthesinglebandandtight-bindingapproximations. For h i h i h i transverse beam spot sizes w (z) and w (z) defined by x y instance, in a one-dimensional array such conditions are satisfiedwhenthetiltofbeamsandwaveguidesatthein- putfacetislessthantheBraggangle,sothatthelowest- r = drrψ(r,z)2, (5) h i | | orderbandofthe arrayis excitedandbeam propagation Z isprimarilycharacterizedbycouplingbetweenthefunda- mental modes of the waveguides. For a two-dimensional w (z) = x2 x 2 (6) array, the relevant equations describing discrete diffrac- x h i−h i tion in a single band approximation read wy(z) = p y2 y 2 (7) h i−h i p ic˙ = ∆ c (1) where n,m n−l,m−r l,r − l,r X x2 (z)= drx2 ψ(r,z)2 , y2 (z)= dry2 ψ(r,z)2. wherec (z)isthecomplexamplitudeofthefundamen- h i | | h i | | n,m Z Z tal waveguide mode at the lattice site r = na+mb (8) n,m identified by the indices (n,m), a and b are the lattice Note that the above definitions hold for both continu- vectors of the unit cell, the dot denotes the derivative ous and discrete diffraction models. In the latter case, with respect to z, and ∆ = ∆∗ are the coupling assuming ψ(r,z) to be a piecewise constant function in n,m m,n rates. In orderto derivea generalrule ofbeam broaden- eachcellofthelatticeandtaking a b =1forthe area | × | ing due to discrete diffraction, it is worth introducing a of the unit cell, the integral over r may be replaced by continuous field envelope ψ(x,y,z) satisfying the scalar a double sum over the cell indices n and m, i.e. in the Schr¨odinger-like equation discrete model one has dr→ m,n. The evolution equations for r and w can be readily x,y R P i∂ ψ(r,z)=H (p)ψ(r,z), (2) obtained in a closed form by writing a set of Eherenfest z 0 equations for the expectation values of r, x2, y2, and of where r=(x,y), p= i r, commutator operators that arise in the calculation. The − ∇ expectationvalue A drψ∗(r,z)A(r,p)ψ(r,z)ofany h i≡ H (p) ∆ exp( ir p), (3) operatorA(r,p) (notnecessarilyself-adjoint)evolvesac- 0 n,m n,m ≡− − · R n,m cording to X and rn,m = na + mb. Taking into account that d A exp( iR p)ψ(r,z) = ψ(r+R,z), it follows that the h i = i [A,H0] (9) − · dz − h i solutionc (z)tothediscreteequation(1)canbeiden- n,m tified with ψ(r = na+mb,z). The formulation of the and the following commutation relations discrete light propagation problem [Eq.(1)] as a contin- uous problem [Eq.(3)] is a well-established procedure in [r,f(p)]=i f , [g(r),p]=i g (10) p r ∇ ∇ 3 hold for any functions f(p) and g(r). For A = r, one strictly positive and does not vanish. This can be gen- obtains erally proven by observing that β2 is the variance of the x operator (∂H /∂p ), which is always positive and van- d r d H 0 x h i = pH0 , h∇p 0i =0, (11) ishessolelywhentheinitialfielddistributionψ(x,y,0)is dz h∇ i dz an eigenfunction of (∂H /∂p ), i.e. of p = i∂ . Since 0 x x x − i.e. such eigenfunctions are delocalized plane waves, it then followsthatthevarianceof(∂H /∂p )isstrictlypositive 0 x r (z)= r (0)+ H z (12) for any initial beam distribution carrying a finite power, p 0 h i h i h∇ i regardless of the specific form of H . 0 which is the evolution equation of the beam center of mass. Note that the path followed by any beam is al- ways straight, regardless of the specific form of H or 0 initial field distribution which just determine the trans- verse drift velocity H of the beam. To determine h∇p 0i C. Self-collimation regime theevolutionequationofthebeamspotsizew ,letusas- x sumeA=x2,sothatthefollowingcascadeofEherenfest equations [Eq.(9)] is obtained Beam self-collimation (also referred to as beam sub- diffraction) is a well known phenomenon occuring in d x2 ∂H ∂H h i = x 0 + 0x (13) homogeneous arrays and, more generally, in photonic dz h ∂px ∂px i crystal structures with engineered band structure H0(p) d ∂H ∂H ∂H 2 showing points of local flatness (see, for instance, [20]). 0 0 0 x + x = 2 (14) The simplest example of sub diffraction is the ’arrest’ of dzh ∂p ∂p i h ∂p i x x (cid:18) x (cid:19) beam spreading in a one-dimensional tight-binding lat- 2 d ∂H0 tice with nearest-neighboring couplings, which was ob- = 0. (15) dzh ∂p i served in Ref.[4] using relatively broad Gaussian beams (cid:18) x(cid:19) at an incidence angle set in correspondence of an inflex- After integration, one obtains ionpoint ofthe band dispersioncurve. Thoughit is well understood that in such a regime diffraction is cancelled ∂H ∂H ∂H 2 x2 (z)= x2 (0)+ x 0 + 0x z+ 0 z2, solely at low orders, it was perhaps overlooked the fact h i h i h ∂px ∂px i h(cid:18)∂px (cid:19) i that self-collimation does not modify the beam broaden- (16) ingscalinglaw[Eq.(17)]. Inotherwords,self-collimation where the expectation values on the right hand side of will correspond to a reduction of the coefficient β2 for x Eq.(16) are calculated at z = 0, i.e. for the initial beam special initial field distributions, but not to a change of distribution. From Eqs.(6), (12) and (16) the following the scaling law describing beam broadening. If we con- evolution equation for the beam spot size wx is then ob- sider, for the sake of simplicity, a one-dimensional lat- tained tice and assume that the spectrum F(k) of the exciting beam, defined as F(k) = 1/(2π) dxψ(x,0)exp( ikx), wx2(z)=wx2(0)+αxz+βx2z2, (17) is narrow at around its mean k , the value of −β2, as 0R x given by Eq.(19), can be expanded in series of moments where we have set I = dk(k k )l F(k)2 (l =2,3,4,...) as l 0 ∂H ∂H − | | 0 0 αx = (x x ) + (x x ) , (18) R h −h i ∂p ∂p −h i i x x 1 b2 β2 =b2I +b b I + 4b b +3b2 I 3I2+... (20) x 2 2 2 3 3 12 2 4 3 4− 4 2 2 2 ∂H ∂H β2 = 0 0 (19) (cid:0) (cid:1) x h ∂p i− h∂p i (cid:18) x (cid:19) (cid:18) x (cid:19) where b is the value of the derivative (∂lH /∂kl) evalu- l 0 and the expectation values are calculated at z = 0. A ated at k =k . As I rapidly goes to zero as the order l 0 l similar expression for w (z) can be obtained by replac- increases,Eq.(20)shows that at the points k of the dis- y 0 ing x with y in Eqs.(17), (18) and (19). A major re- persion curve where b (and possibly b , b , ...) vanishes 2 3 4 sult expressed by Eq.(17) is that, regardless of the par- beambroadeningisreduced. Wewillrefertosuchpoints, ticular form of H , w (z) (and similarly w (z)) asymp- wherethedispersioncurveH (k)islocallyflat,toasself- 0 x y 0 totically grows with z linearly, with a diffraction length collimationpoints [note thatthe conditionH′(k )=0is 0 0 given by 1/β . Therefore -and this one of the ma- not requested]. x ∼ jor result of this section- the broadening law of a spatial As an example, let us consider the simplest one- beam due to diffraction does not differ for discrete or dimensional waveguide array in the nearest-neighboring continuous diffraction. In addition, for a beam carry- approximation,consideredinRef.[4]todemonstrateself- ing a finite power and admitting of finite moments x2 collimation effects. The Hamiltonian H has the form 0 and y2 , the coefficient β2 given by Eq.(19) is alwhayis H = 2∆cos(p), and the self-collimation points are lo- h i x 0 − 4 cated at p= π/2. From Eq.(19) one obtains D. Discrete far-field pattern and anomalous beam ± decay β2 = 2∆2 1 Re c∗c + x " − n n+2!# In spite of the fact that the asymptotic law describing Xn beam broadening due to diffraction is the same for dis- 2 crete and continuous media, a deep difference is found + ∆2 c∗(c c ) . (21) " n n+1− n−1 # when analyzing the decay behavior of the field intensity Xn versus propagation distance and the far-field diffraction patterns. For the sake of simplicity, we will consider the For a bell-shaped (e.g. Gaussian-shaped) and flat beam diffraction problem in one dimension, though the results incident onto the array at a given tilting angle θ (nor- may be generalized to the two-dimensional diffraction malized to the Bragg angle), we may write c = n problem. We then rewrite Eq.(2) as c exp( iπθn), and one obtains n | | − i∂ ψ(x,z)=H (p)ψ(x,z), (26) β2(θ)=2∆2 1 κ2+(κ2 κ )cos(2πθ) (22) z 0 x − 1 1− 2 where p = p = i∂ . For the usual paraxial one- where κ1 and κ2 a(cid:2)re defined by (cid:3) dimensional dxiffract−ionxproblem in a homogeneous con- tinuous medium, one has H (p)=p2/2, whereas for dis- 0 κ1 = cncn+1 , κ2 = cncn+2 . (23) crete diffraction in a one-dimensional waveguide array | | | | Xn Xn one has H0(−p) = H0(p) (−π ≤ p < π) and H0′(p) = 0 at p = 0 and at the band edges p = π. The most Generally,itturnsoutthatκ2 >κ ,sothattheminimum ± 1 2 general solution to Eq.(26) can be written as of β is attained at θ = 1/2,i.e. at the self-collimation x ± points as expected from Eq.(20). Conversely, the max- ψ(x,z)= dkF(k)exp[ikx iH (k)z] (27) imal diffraction (maximum value of βx) is attained at − 0 normal incidence ( θ = 0). The ratio between the mini- Z mum and maximum values of β , given by wherethespectrumF(k)isdeterminedbythebeamdis- x tribution at the input plane ψ(x,0) Γ= βx(θ =1/2) = 1+κ2−2κ21, (24) F(k)= 1 dxψ(x,0)exp( ikx) (28) βx(θ =0) s 1 κ2 2π − − Z maygetverysmallforabroadinputbeam. Toillustrate ( dx → n, x → n and ψ(x = n) → cn in the discrete this point, let us consider as an example the following diffraction problem). Our aim is to calculate the decay beam distribution at the input plane : c = α|n|, bRehaviorPof the field amplitude ψ(x,z) as the propaga- n | | N where the parameter α (0< α<1) determines the spot tion distance z increases, at either a constant x position size of the input beam (α 0 for single waveguide ex- (for instance at x = 0) or along a line x = αz, where α → citation, and α 1 for a plane wave excitation), and is a constant parameter defining the ’observation angle’ =[(1 α2)/(1→+α2)]1/2 isa normalizationfactor. For of the diffracted pattern. Note that, as the observation N − sucha fielddistribution, the valuesofcoefficients κ1 and angle α is varied, the function ψ0(α;z) = ψ(x = αz,z) κ can be evaluated in a closed form, and read corresponds,for large values of z, to the far field diffrac- 2 tion pattern. We need thus to calculate the asymptotic 2α α2(3 α2) behavior of the integral κ = , κ = − . (25) 1 1+α2 2 1+α2 ψ (α;z)= dkF(k)exp[izg(k)] (29) 0 The ratio Γ between the diffraction parameters at subd- Z iffractive(θ =1/2)andnormalincidence(θ =0)regimes for z , where we have set takes then the form [see Eq.(24)] Γ = [(1 α2)/(1 + →∞ − α2)]1/2. Note that, for a very broad beam excitation g(k)=αk H (k). (30) 0 (α 1), both κ and κ gets close to 1, β tends to − 1 2 x → vanish [see Eq.(22)], and the diffraction length 1/βx For this purpose, we may use the methods of station- ∼ diverges independently of beam tilting angle θ, as ex- ary phase or steepest descend (see, for instance, [24]), pected for a very broad input beam. However, in this which predict that the asymptotic behavior of ψ (α;z) 0 casetheratioofdiffractionlengthsinthe normal(θ =0) as z depends on the existence and of the order of → ∞ and subdiffractive (θ = 1/2) regimes, which scales as stationarypointsofthe phaseg(k)inside the integration Γ, tends to vanishas Γ (1 α)1/2. Conversely,for a domain. ∼ ∼ − very narrowinput beam (α 0), both κ1 and κ2 vanish Let us first consider the continuous diffraction problem, → and the diffraction length ∼ 1/βx turns out to be inde- H0(p) = p2/2, and re-derive the well-known result that pendent of tilting angle and given by 1/(√2∆) [see the amplitude ψ (α;z) decays as 1√z for any obser- 0 ∼ ∼ Eq.(22)] as expected for single waveguide excitation. vation angle α and the far-field pattern is proportional 5 (a) units) 1 Iin∝cre|aψs|e2sdaescyamysptaosti∼ca1ll/yzawsherze[asseethEeqb.(e1a7m)],stphoetpsriozeduwcxt um (arb. diffraction cone Ilawwx. being constant accordi∼ng to the power conservation nits) 2 Spectr 0-p k0 p Fthoer tdheecadyislcarweteisdgiffernaecrtailolyn pslroowbelermt,hawne pro1v/e√nzowatththaet b. u observationanglescorrespondingtoself-c∼ollimation,and y (ar 1 25 that the far-field pattern is peaked at such angles and nsit 0 20 does not reproduce the spectrum F of the near-field dis- e tribution. To this aim, let us observe that, according nt -100 15 I -50 to the steepest descend method, the slowest decay term 10 zD 0 in the integral of Eq.(29) comes from the saddle points x 50 5 g′(k )=0oflargestorder. Inparticular,ifk isasaddle 0 0 1000 pointofordern 2,i.e. g(k) g(k )+[g(n)(k )/n!](k 0 0 ≥ ≃ − k )n for k close to k (g(n)(k )=0), the contribution of 0 0 0 (b) (c) thesaddlepointtotheintegrali6nEq.(29)forlargevalues 1 s) zD=500 of z is given by [24] nit 0.15 u y (arb. 0.1 ψ0(α;z)∼ zg(nF)((kk0))1/n(n!)n1Γ n1 exp izg(k0)±i2πn . nsit 0.05 zD=20 | 0 | (cid:18) (cid:19) h (32)i e nt Therefore, the decay law for ψ (α;z) scales as z−1/n, I -060 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 -20000 0 2000 where n is the highestorder of0the saddle points∼of g(k), x x provided that F(k ) = 0. In the case of diffraction in 0 6 a homogeneous continuous medium, the order of saddle FIG.1: (coloronline)Beampropagationinaone-dimensional point is always n = 2. To determine n for the discrete tightbindinglatticewithnearestneighboringcouplingterms, diffractionproblem,letus note thatthe dispersioncurve showing far-field properties of discrete diffraction. In (a) H (k)admitsofatleastacoupleofinflectionpoints,say the intensity distributions ψ(x,z)2 are plotted, in arbitrary 0 | | at k = k , at which H′′(k ) = 0. These points cor- units, for propagation distances z = 0, z = 5/∆, z = 10/∆, ± 0 0 0 respond to the self-collimation directions introduced in z=15/∆, z=20/∆, andz=25/∆, where∆isthecoupling ratebetweenadjacentwaveguides. Theinsetin(a)showsthe Sec.II.C. Since g′(k) = α−H0′(k), the inflection points Gaussian spectrum F(k) of the beam (wk = 1.5). In (c) the k = k0 turn out to be also saddle points when the ob- intensity distribution ψ(x,z)2 is depicted for a propagation serva±tionangleαischosenequaltoH′( k ). Therefore, | | 0 ± 0 distancez =20/∆asnumericallycalculatedbyEq.(27)(solid for the discrete diffraction problem the largest order n curve)andbytheapproximaterelation(33)(dottedcurve,al- of saddle points is at least n = 3, and the decay law mostoverlappedwiththesolidone). In(c)thebeamintensity of ψ (α;z), at the two observation angles α = H′(k ) isplottedatapropagationdistancez =500/∆,clearlyshow- 0 ± 0 0 corresponding to the self-collimation directions k , is 0 ing the dominance of two peaks at thediffraction cone edges ± slowed down -as compared to continuous diffraction- to (self-collimation directions) and the onset of three different (at least) z−1/3. More generally, if the dispersion decay laws at α >2∆, α= 2∆, and α <2∆. ∼ | | ± | | curveH (k) ofthe lattice is engineeredto achievea very 0 flat behavior near a self-collimation point k = k , with 0 g′′(k )=g′′′(k )=... =g(n−1)(k )=0 and g(n)(k )=0 to the Fourier spectrum of the input (near-field) distri- 0 0 0 0 bution. In this case, g(k) = αk k2/2 has a unique (n 3), the decay law of ψ0(α;z) scales as z−61/n saddle point at k = k = α, with−g′′(k ) = 1 = 0; at t≥he observation angle α = H′(k0). This sca∼ling law 0 0 − 6 of beam decaying in the discrete diffraction problem is therefore,providedthat the spectrum F(k) hasa nonva- therefore anomalous, in the sense that along the self- nishingcomponentatk =k andF(k )doesnotdiverge 0 0 collimation directions the intensity decays slower that [25],accordingtothemethodofsteepestdescendonehas 1/z, i.e. of the characteristic decay law that one might expect from power conservation arguments. This seem- 2π ψ0(α;z) F(α) exp[izα2/2 iπ/4] (31) inglyparadoxicalcircumstancemaybe solvedbyobserv- ∼ z − r ing that, for an observation angle α different than any as z . From Eq.(31) we obtain the well-known of the self-collimation directions, the decay of ψ0(α;z) result o→f pa∞raxial diffraction theory that the amplitude maybe eithernormal(i.e. 1/√z)orevenfaster. More ∼ ψ (α;z)ofthebeamdecaysas 1√zforanyobservation precisely, for a fixed value of α in modulus larger than 0 ∼ ′ angle α [25], and that the far-field diffraction pattern is αmax =maxk|H0(k)|, thefunctiong(k)givenbyEq.(30) shaped as the Fourier spectrum F(α) of the near-field doesnothavesaddlepointsontherealaxis,andψ0(α;z) distribution. This scaling law may be referred to as the decaysas 1/z. Conversely,for α <αmax theequation normal scaling law, in the sense that the beam intensity g′(k) = α∼ H′(k) = 0 admits o|f|at least one solution, − 0 6 with g′′(k) = 0 for a second-order saddle point. In this nearest-neighbor approximation considered in Sec.II.C, 6 case, according to the method of stationary phase the for which H (k) = 2∆cosk. In this lattice model one 0 − asymptotic behavior of ψ (α;z) for large values of z fol- has g′(k)=α 2∆sink, g′′(k)= 2∆cosk, so that the 0 − − lows the normal law 1/√z. To summarize, ψ (α;z) angle of diffraction cone is given by α = 2∆. Two 0 max ∼ scales: as F(k )z−1/n at a self collimation direction saddlepointsofsecond-orderarefoundatk=k = π/2 0 0 α, where H∼0′(k0) = α and k0 is a saddle point of order for the observation angles α=±αmax, i.e at the ed±ge of n 3; as F(k )z−1 for an observationangle α outside thediffractioncone,atwhichthefar-fielddiscretediffrac- 0 th≥e ’diffra∼ction cone’ α > α ; as F(k )z−1/2 in- tion pattern is thus expected to show two peaks. For an max 0 side the diffraction con|e|region α < α∼ but far from observation angle α strictly inside the diffraction cone max a self collimation direction. The| f|ar-field pattern of dis- (α < 2∆), the equation g′(k) = 0 has two solutions | | crete diffraction tends therefore to confine light inside which are saddle points of first order since g′′(k) = 0. 6 the diffraction cone α α with asymptotic peaks The main contribution to the integral on the right hand max | | ≤ atthepropagationdirectionscorrespondingtotheangles side of Eq.(29) comes from these two saddle points, and of self-collimation. can be calculated by the method of stationary phase, This very general behavior may be illustrated more in yielding explicitly details for the case of a tight-binding lattice in the iπ ψ(α;z) iF(k )exp[iαk z+2i∆zcosk ]+F(π k )exp[iαz(π k ) 2i∆zcosk ] 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∼ sz ∆2 (α/2)2 {− − − − } − (α>p0) iπ ψ(α;z) iF( k )exp[ iαk z+2i∆zcosk ]+F( π+k )exp[iαz( π+k ) 2i∆zcosk ] 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∼ sz ∆2 (α/2)2 {− − − − − − } − (α<p0) (33) where k is the solution to the equation sink = α/2∆ dominant, and the appearance of three different scaling 0 0 | | in the interval 0 k < π/2. It should be noted that laws of beam decay (fast decay outside the diffraction 0 ≤ the far-field discrete diffractionpattern given by Eq.(33) cone x >2∆z; normal decay inside the diffraction cone | | holds for α < 2∆. As α approaches 2∆ from below, x <2∆z;slowerdecayatthe self-collimationdirections | | | | | | the twosaddle points ofsecondordercoalesceinto a sin- x= 2∆z) is very clearly visible, as shown in Fig.1(c). ± gle saddle point of third order, and this explain the di- vergence of Eq.(33) as α 2∆, i.e at the self colli- | | → mation directions, where the decay is slower and scales III. BEAM PROPAGATION IN CURVED as z−1/3. For α > 2∆, i.e. outside the diffraction ∼ | | WAVEGUIDE ARRAYS cone, there are not saddle points on the real axis and the decay is faster and scales as 1/z. An example ∼ Discrete diffraction of light waves in linear optical of far-field discrete diffraction for a beam with a Gaus- sian spectrum F(k) exp[ (k/w )2] ( π k < π) waveguidearrayscanbe controlledbyintroducingtrans- k ∼ − − ≤ verse index gradients or local phase slips, which may is shown in Fig.1. In Fig.1(a) the intensity distribution ψ(x,z)2, as obtained by accurate numerical computa- produce a kind of refocusing or re-imaging of beam dis- | | tributions along the propagation distances (see, for in- tion of the integral entering in Eq.(27), is plotted for a stance, [3, 9, 12, 13, 26]) similarly to what happens to few propagation distances z. For the sake of readabil- lightpropagatingin continuous lensguide media. In par- ity,ateachpropagationdistance z the fieldintensity has ticular, waveguide arrays with a curved axis provide a been normalized to its peak value. The diffraction cone particularlyinterestingsetuptomanagediscretediffrac- and the emergence of two intensity peaks at the self- tion for both monochromatic and polychromatic light collimationdirections α= α are clearly visible just max ± [9, 12–15]. It is therefore of major interest to have gen- afterapropagationdistancez of 10 20timesthecou- ∼ − eral laws describing the global behavior of beam prop- pling length 1/∆ [Fig.1(a)]. Inside the diffraction cone, agation in curved waveguide arrays. In addition, it is the intensity distribution at such propagation distances well known that for the problem of paraxial diffraction is very well fitted by the analytical far-field distribution in homogeneous continuous media or, more generally, of given by Eq.(33), as shown in Fig.1(b). At much longer paraxial propagation in elementary optical systems and propagationdistances,the self-collimationpeaksbecome lensguides,onecanintroducespecialfamiliesoffielddis- 7 tributions (such as the Gaussian beams) that propagate verse index gradient entering in Eq.(34) may be also re- maintaining unchanged their functional shape (shape- alized by applying a thermal gradient, or may describe invariantbeams),andthatfieldpropagationmaybesim- lumped phase gradients [26] or an abrupt tilt of waveg- ply described by means of algebraic equations ruling out uideaxisdirection[3],inwhichcases (z)showsadelta- E the evolution of some complex-valued beam parameters likebehavior. Afterintroductionofacontinuousfunction (such as the complex q-parameter for Gaussian beams; ψ(r,z) such that ψ(r ,z) = c (z), one can read- n,m n,m see,forinstance,[27]). Anaturalquestioniswhetherone ily check that the discrete diffraction equations (34) are can similarly introduce shape-invariant discrete beams, equivalenttothefollowingcontinuousHamiltonianprob- i.e. fielddistributionsthatdonotchangetheirfunctional lem shape when propagating along curved waveguide arrays. Astheproblemofdiscretediffractioninwaveguidearrays i∂ ψ(r,z)=H(r,p)ψ(r,z) (35) z with curved axis or transverselly-imposed index gradi- ents is analogous to the problem of one-dimensional or (p= i ) with Hamiltonian r two-dimensional Bloch oscillations of electrons in peri- − ∇ odic potentials with an applied electric field or of cold H =H (p) (z) r, (36) atoms in optical lattices, some results are already avail- 0 −E · able in the literature. In particular, in recent works [28– where H is the Hamiltonian of the homogeneous ar- 30]analgebraicapproachhasbeendeveloped,capableof 0 ray defined by Eq.(3). The laws governing the evolution providingrathergeneralresultsforwavepacketcenterof of beam center of mass and beam variance can be ob- mass evolutionandwavepacketspreadingincertainlat- tained by extending the method of moments described tice models. Inthis approach,after the introductionofa in Sec.II.B for the free diffraction problem. In general, dynamical Lie algebra, an explicit form of the evolution the cascade of equations that one obtains by applying operator is first derived, and then the expectation val- theEherenfestequation(9)to r , x2 , y2 -andtothe uesofoperatorsarecalculatedintheHeisenbergpicture. h i h i h i commutators found throughout the calculations- turns However,thequestionofexistenceofshape-invariantdis- out to be unlimited for a general form of H , and a crete beams and of their propagation in curved waveg- 0 closed set of equations are found solely for special forms uidearraysdoesnotseemtohavebeenaddressedyet. In of H . Such a special circumstance is encountered in this section, we present a generalization of Eqs.(12) and 0 caseofaone-dimensionalwaveguidearrayinthenearest- (17)describingthe evolutionofbeamcenterofmassand neighboringapproximation,andincaseofarectangular- beamwidthincurvedwaveguidearraysusingthemethod lattice waveguide array neglecting diagonal interactions. of moments. Though similar results have been previ- The first model corresponds to the Hamiltonian ously published in Refs.[28–30] using an algebraic oper- ator approach, they are here re-derived for the sake of completeness using the method of moments, which does H(x,p)= 2∆cosp x(z)x, (37) − −E not require the explicit calculation of the evolution op- erator and the formulation of the problem in terms of a where ∆ is the coupling rate between adjacent waveg- Lie algebra. In the subsequentsectiona family ofshape- uides, and p = px = i∂x. The second model, which − invariantdiscretebeamswillbeintroduced,provingthat has been for instance considered in the experiment of their propagation in a generally-curved waveguide array Ref.[32], is described by the Hamiltonian issimplydescribedbytheevolutionofacomplex-qbeam parameter, which plays an analogous role of e.g. the H(r,p)= 2∆ cos(p ) 2∆ cos(p ) (t)x (z)y, x x y y x y − − −E −E complex-q parameter of Gaussian beams propagating in (38) paraxial continuous optical systems. where ∆ (∆ ) is the coupling rate between adjacent x y Let us consider monochromatic light propagation in a horizontal (vertical) waveguides of the lattice [31]. two-dimensional waveguide array with a curved axis de- scribed by the parametric equations x = x (z) and 0 y = y (z); the coupled mode equations describing light 0 transfer among coupled waveguides in the single-band A. One-dimensional array and tight-binding approximations are an extension of Eq.(1)to include fictitious transverseindex gradientsin- Application of the moment method to the one- duced by waveguide curvature and read explicitly dimensionalHamiltonianmodel(37)yieldsasetofclosed coupledequationsfortheexpectationvaluesofoperators ic˙n,m = ∆n−l,m−rcl,r (z) rn,m (34) x, θ, and of x2, ρ and σ, where − −E · l,r X θ = exp(ip) (39) where (t) = (t)u + (t)u , (z) = (n /λ)x¨ (z), x x y y x s 0 (z) =E (n /Eλ)y¨ (z), nE is theErefractiv−e index of the 1 Ey − s 0 s ρ = 1 exp( 2ip) (40) waveguide substrate, and λ = λ/(2π) is the reduced 2{ − − } wavelength of light. It should be noticed that the trans- σ = i xexp( ip)+exp( ip)x . (41) { − − } 8 Successive application of the Ehrenfest equation (9) sizew (z)arethusruledbyEqs.(47),(53)and(56). Note x yields the following equations for x and θ that beam evolution depend on the input beam parame- h i h i tersq , q andq -definedbyEqs.(50),(54)and(55)-and 1 2 3 d x by the complex amplitude Ω(z), defined by Eqs.(48-49) h i = 2∆Im( θ ) (42) dz h i and accounting for bending of waveguide axis. Note also d θ thatforstraightarraysΩ(z)=∆z,andonethusretrieves h i = i (z) θ , (43) dz Ex h i the results of discrete diffraction derived in Sec.II.B, in particular the linear asymptotic increase of w with z. x andthe followingcoupledequationsfor x2 , ρ and σ The condition for diffraction suppression, i.e. a non- h i h i h i secular growth of w (z) with z, is that Ω(z) remains a d x2 x h i = 2∆Re( σ ) (44) limited function of z as z increases. This condition is dz h i always satisfied for a constant value of , which corre- x d ρ sponds to circularly-curved waveguides aEnd to the onset h i = 2i (z) ρ +i (z) (45) x x dz − E h i E oftheopticalanalogueofBlochoscillations[9]. Similarly, d σ for periodic axis bending with spatial period Λ, (z) is dhzi = 4∆hρi−iEx(z)hσi. (46) a periodic function of z, and the condition of bouEnxdness of Ω(z) is given by Equation(43)canbe readilyintegrated,yieldingthe fol- lowing evolution equation for the beam center of mass Λ dξexp[ iφ(ξ)]=0, (57) x(z) = x(0) +2Im q0Ω∗(z) (47) Z0 − h i h i { } whichis precisely the conditionof ’dynamic localization’ where we have set previously investigated in Refs.[12, 13]. z Ω(z) dξ∆exp[ iφ(ξ)], (48) ≡ − Z0 B. Two-dimensional array z φ(z) dξ (ξ), (49) x ≡ E Z0 For the two-dimensional waveguide array model (38), q c∗(0)c (0). (50) themomentequationsturnouttodecoupleintotwosetof 0 ≡ n n+1 n equations, similar to Eqs.(42-46), separately acting onto X the x and y directions. The evolution equations for the Similarly, integration of Eqs.(45) and (46) yields beam center of mass x , y are then given by h i h i ρ(z) =exp[ 2iφ(z)] x(z) = x(0) +2Im q Ω∗(z) (58) h i − × h i h i { 0x x } × hρ(0)i+ 12exp[2iφ(z)]− 12 (51) hy(z)i = hy(0)i+2Im q0yΩ∗y(z) (59) (cid:26) (cid:27) σ(z) =exp[ iφ(z)] where we have set (cid:8) (cid:9) h i − × 1 z σ(0) +4Ω(z) ρ(0) +2Ω∗(z) (52) Ω (z) = dξ∆ exp[ iφ (ξ)] (60) × h i h i− 2 x,y x,y − x,y (cid:26) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:27) Z0 z Taking into account that ∆exp[ iφ(z)] = dΩ/dz and φ (z) = dξ (ξ) (61) that2Re zdξΩ∗(ξ)(dΩ/dξ) =−Ω(z)2,substitutionof x,y Z0 Ex,y 0 | | Eq.(52) into Eq.(44) yields and (cid:8)R (cid:9) x2(z) = x2(0) +2Ω(z)2+2Re q1Ω(z) q2Ω2(z) , q = c∗ (0)c (0) (62) h i h i | | − 0x n,m n+1,m (53) where we have set (cid:8) (cid:9) Xn,m q = c∗ (0)c (0). (63) 0y n,m n,m+1 q1 ≡ i (2n−1)c∗n(0)cn−1(0) (54) Xn,m n X Similarly, the beam sizes w and w , defined as q c∗(0)c (0). (55) x y 2 ≡ n n−2 Xn wx(z) = x2(z) x(z) 2 (64) h i−h i The beam size wx is then given by wy(z) = p y2(z) y(z) 2, (65) h i−h i w (z)= x2(z) x(z) 2. (56) arecalculatedusingEqsp.(58-59)andthe followingevolu- x h i−h i tion equations for x2(z) and y2(z) For a given field distripbution c (0) at the input plane, h i h i n theevolutionofthebeamcenterofmass x(z) andbeam x2(z) = x2(0) +2Ω 2+2Re q Ω q Ω2 (66) h i h i h i | x| 1x x− 2x x (cid:8) (cid:9) 9 y2(z) = y2(0) +2Ω 2+2Re q Ω q Ω2 (67) fore, apart from an unimportant phase change, shape- h i h i | y| 1y y− 2y y invariant beams remain invariant for an arbitrary trans- where we have set (cid:8) (cid:9) verse translation on the lattice. Let us tentatively search for a solution to Eq.(72) of the q = i (2n 1)c∗ (0)c (0) (68) 1x − n,m n−1,m form n,m X q = c∗ (0)c (0) (69) cn(z)=Jn(α)exp( iσn) (74) 2x n,m n−2,m − n,m X where J is the Bessel function of first kind of order n, n q = i (2m 1)c∗ (0)c (0) (70) andα=α(z),σ =σ(z)areunknownfunctionswhichde- 1y − n,m n,m−1 n,m pendonpropagationdistancez,butnotonlatticesiten. X Note that, as nJ (α)2 = 0 and [ J (α)2n2] = q2y = c∗n,m(0)cn,m−2(0). (71) α2/2, the paramnete|rnα is|related to thenb|enam s|ize w x n,m P P X [Eq.(6)] by the simple relation w = α/√2, whereas σ x defines a transverse tilt of the beam ’phase front’. Sub- IV. SHAPE-INVARIANT DISCRETE BEAMS stitutionof Eq.(74)into Eq.(72)andtakinginto account the identities of Bessel functions J (α)+J (α) = n+1 n−1 (2n/α)J (α) and J (α) J (α) = 2J′(α), one ob- Theexistenceofshape-invariantbeams,i.e. familiesof n n−1 − n+1 n tains that Eq.(74) is indeed a solution to Eq.(72) pro- fielddistributionsthatpropagatewithoutchangingtheir vided that α and σ satisfy the coupled equations functional shape, is well-known for paraxial propagation inGaussianopticsorincontinuouslensguidemedia(see, α˙ = 2∆sinσ (75) for instance, [27]). Here we address the related problem − 2∆ of investigating the existence of shape-invariant discrete σ˙ = cosσ f. (76) beams, i.e. field distributions that do not change their − α − functional shape when propagating along waveguide ar- Owing to the functional form of c , we will refer such n rayswitharbitrarilycurvedopticalaxis. Thisis arather shape-invariant beams to as discrete Bessel beams. Let challenging problem because no general method capable us define a complex-q parameter for the discrete Bessel of constructing shape-invariantbeams seems to be avail- beam (74) according to able. However, for the simple waveguide array models considered in the previous section, a family of shape- q(z)=α(z)exp[iσ(z)] (77) invariant discrete beams can be introduced in a simple manner. Owingto their functional form,suchbeams are so that the modulus of the complex q parameter gives referred to as discrete Bessel beams. the beam spot size at propagation distance z, whereas its phase corresponds to the phase front gradient. From Eqs.(75) and (76) one readily obtains for the complex q A. Discrete Bessel beams in one-dimensional parameter the following simple evolution equation arrays dq = 2i∆ if(z)q. (78) Let us consider a one-dimensional waveguide array dz − − with an arbitrarily curved optical axis. In the tight- The general solution to Eq.(78), for a given initial value binding and nearest neighboring coupling approxima- q(0) at the z =0 input plane, is given by tions, light propagation is described by the following set of coupled-mode equations z q(z)=exp[ iφ(z)] q(0) 2i dξ∆exp[iφ(ξ)] (79) − − ic˙ = ∆(c +c ) nf(z)c (72) (cid:26) Z0 (cid:27) n n+1 n−1 n − − where where f(z) describes the rate of transverse index gradi- z ent induced by waveguide bending [13], lumped waveg- φ(z)= dξf(ξ). (80) uide tilting [3] or locally imposed phase changes among Z0 adjacent waveguides [26] as discussed previously. Let us fist observe that, if c (z) is a solution to Eq.(72) corre- The propagation of a discrete Bessel beam along a n sponding to a given initial field distribution c (0), then curved waveguide array is thus reduced to the prop- n for an arbitrary integer n agation of its complex q parameter, which plays an 0 analogous role of the complex-q parameter for Gaussian z beams in lensguide media. The propagationlaw of the q g (z)=c (z)exp in dξf(ξ) (73) n n−n0 0 parameter admits of a simple geometrical interpretation (cid:26) Z0 (cid:27) in the complex q plane. According to Eq.(78), for an is the solution to Eq.(72) corresponding to the trans- infinitesimal propagation distance δz the change of q(z) lated initial field distribution g (0) = c (0). There- is given by the superposition of the two paths AB and n n−n0 10 (a) (b) (a) z q(z0-) (b) z Im()q m()q A q(z) m()q Im()q g q(z+0) O Re(q) I B I O Re(q) q q(z+dz) z C O Re(q) 0 dg q d O a Re(q) 0 x FIG. 2: (a) Geometric construction of the evolution of the complexqparameterforaninfinitesimalpropagationdistance FIG. 3: (color online) (a) Schematic of a one-dimensional δz. The length of the segment AB is 2∆δz, whereas the ro- waveguide array with a tilt of waveguide axis at z =z0, and tation angle is δγ =f(z)δz. The points A and C correspond the transformation induced on the complex q parameter by toq(z)andq(z+δz),respectively. (b)Geometricrepresenta- the tilt (inset). (b) Principle of beam collimation via waveg- tionofaself-imagingarray: thepathfollowedbythecomplex uide axis tilt [tilt angle θ = λ/(4ans)], and path followed by parameter q(z), starting from theorigin O, is closed. thecomplexqparameterforsinglewaveguideinputexcitation from z =0 toz =d+ (inset). BC shown in Fig.2(a). The path AB, of length 2δz∆, accounts for discrete diffraction and corresponds to a It should be noted that, as opposed to the case of change of q(z) along the imaginary q axis; the path BC Gaussian beams in free space -for which the Rayleigh is due to the transverseindex gradientwhich produces a range zR is proportional to the square of the spot size clockwise rotation by the angle δγ = f(z)δz around the α0 at the beam waist and the diffraction angle θd is origin O of the complex plane. It is interesting to note inversely proportional to α0- for discrete Bessel beams that, since Jn(0)= δn,0, for q(0) = 0 the discrete Bessel the Rayleigh range zR is proportional to the spot size beam (74) reduces to the well-known impulse response α0 at the beam waist whereas the divergence angle is of a tight-binding array with nearest neighbor couplings independent of the beam spot size and always equal to (see, for instance, [33]). the diffraction cone angle introduced in Sec.II.D. This To appreciate the usefulness of the q-parameter descrip- peculiar property is closely related to the very general tion and some properties of discrete Besselbeams, let us result, proven in Sec.II.D, that the far field of discrete now discuss a few examples and applications. diffraction in a homogenous waveguide array is peaked at the observation angles corresponding to the flattest Propagation of discrete Bessel beams in homoge- points (self-collimation points) of the band dispersion neous arrays. curve. For a homogeneous array (f = 0), the propagation law of the complex-q parameter is simply given by Transformation of a discrete Bessel beam through a q(z)=q(0) 2i∆z. (81) waveguide axis tilt. Atiltofthewaveguideaxisatz =z 0 − by a (small) angle θ corresponds to impressing a phase If we assume, for the sake of definiteness, that at the shift input plane z =0 the phase frontof the beam is flat, i.e. 2π q(0) = α(0) = α real valued, the following propagation 0 γ = aθn (86) s laws for beam size α and beam phase tilt σ are derived λ between adjacent waveguides, where a is the waveguide 2 2∆z spacing and n the effective index of propagating modes α(z) = α 1+ (82) s 0 s (cid:18) α0 (cid:19) [see Fig.3(a)]. Light propagation across the tilt can be thus modelledby assumingf(z)=γδ(z z )inEq.(72), 2∆z 0 − σ(z) = arctan . (83) and its effect on the complex q parameter is to produce − α (cid:18) 0 (cid:19) a rotation around the origin of the complex plane by an From Eq.(82) we may introduce, as for Gaussian beams angle γ [see the inset of Fig.3(a)]. propagatinginfreespace[27],theRayleighrangez and A tilt of the waveguide axis may be used to ’collimate’ R divergence angle θ such that α(z ) = √2α and θ = a discrete beam, as schematically shown in Fig.3(b). d R 0 d Here a single waveguide is initially excited at the input lim α(z)/z, i.e. z→∞ plane, and after a propagation distance d the axis of z = α0 (84) the array is tilted by an angle θ = λ/(4ans) such that R 2∆ γ = π/2. The 90o rotation of the q parameter in the θ = 2∆. (85) complex plane due to axis bending [see the inset in d

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