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Discrepancies in Olympiad Dating and Chronological Problems of Archaic Peloponnesian History PDF

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Pamela-JSahnaew Discpraencies inO lyinpiaDda ting andC hronological Archaic Probinlseo f PelopnonesiHains tory @ FranSzt einVeerr lag DieD eutscBhieb lio-tChIePk-Einheitsaufnahme BibliograpIhnifosrcmhaet dieorDn e utschBeinb liothek DieD eutscBhieb liovtehrzeeki chdnieetsP eu blikation ind erD eutscNhaetni onalbiblidoegtraaiplhliiee;r te bibliograpDhaitsescnih neid m I nteriinbeetr <htto://dnb.ddabb.rudfbea>r . ISB3N -515-08174-7 § 1$09706 JedVee rwertudnegsW erkeasu BerhdaelrbG renzen desU rheberrechtsigseutsn eztuzleassu snidsg t rafbar. Diegsi ilnts besonfidireOb reer setzNuancgh,d ruck, Mikroverfilomduenvrge rgleicVhebrafarher seonw ie fiird iSep eicheirunnDg a tenverarbeitungsanlagen. © 2003by F ranSzt einVeerr glW aiesbadGemnb H, Si'stzt uttgart. Gedruckatu fs aurefreiaelmt,e rungsbestandigem PapieDrr.u cRhke:i nhessiDsrcuhcek werksAltzaetyt e, PrintienGd e rmany CONTENTS Abbreviat...i...o.n...s... .......................... ...... .............................................. 7 Acknowledgemen.t.s............................................................... ..9.. ............. Proloeg. .u.............. .... ........................ .................................. .......... ........ ... 13 ChaptIe:rT heC hronologMiecnatla li.t.y............................................1. 9. ChaptIeIr:I nterpretaotfOi loynmsp iaRde ckonnig.............................4.7 Append1:iT xh eA nolymp...i...a...d.....s... ......... ................................................... 91 ChaptIeIrI O:l ympiadC hronogrya apnhdt heM esseniWaanr s. ...1 00 . .... ... ChaptIeVr.A theniCahnr onoloagnydR omanC hronograp.h..y . 146 .. ... ... ... ChaptVe.rT heB attolfeH ysiae. ................. ...... ...1.5.8. ..... . . . . . ....... .... .... . ..... . Appnedxi2 :T her uµvona.to.i..a.t. .......................................1 76 ...... .. ... ..... ... . .. . .... ... Appen3d:iN xoe tso nP ausanOilaypsmi'da N oteis.c ......................183 . .. .... . .. ... ..... ChaptVeIr: T heD ateo fA leman. ...................................189 ... . . .. . .. ... . .... . . . ... . ChaptVeIrI :O lympiadR eckonianngdt hCe hronolyo ogft he OrthagoroifSd isc oyn. .................................................2.1 .0. ................... ChaptVeIrI IC:o nclusi.ons. ........ ......................239 .. ...... .. . . .. . .. ... .... .. . .. ...... . ... Bibliogra.p.h.y. ... . .. ......... ...................25 4 . ... . .. . .... .. ... .. ....... .. .. .. .. . ......... .. . . .. . . . .. ABBREVIATIONS AAA AthenAsn nalosfA rchaeology ABSA Annuaolft heB ritiSschh ooolfA rchaeolaotgA yt hens AJA AmericJaonu rnaolf A rchaeology AJPh AmericJaonu rnoaflP hilology Ant.Cl. L 'amiquciltaes sique 'ApzL1.t: A.r. 'ApzaioA.oyL1ieA.Krciivo v 'Apz.' £�. 'ApzawA.oKyij'1 E �l]µt:pqi BCH Bulledteic 1o1r respondhaenlctee nique BollF.i lC.l ass.B ollettdiifin loo logcilaa ssica CAH CambridAgnec ieHnits tory CJ ClassiJcoaulr nal Cl.A nt. ClassiAcnatli quity CP ClassiPchaill ology CQ ClassiQcuaalr terly CR ClassiRceavli ew CSAC CalifornSitau diienCs l assiAcraclh aeology cw ClassiWcoarll d DAA RaubitscAh.eEk.1,,9 49D,e dicatifornosmt hAet heniAac1r1o polis D.Gr.Ep.Pt.S chwyzeEr.(, e )d.,1 923D,i alectoGrruame coreuxme mpleap igra­ phicpao tiora FGE PageD,. ( ed.1)9,8 1F,u rthGerre eEkp igrams FGrHist Jacob, yF.( ed.1)9,2 3-5a8n,d S chepenGs.(, e d.1)9,9 8-19D9i9e, Fragmemdee rg riechins Hcihsetoriker FHG MillieCr.,( ed,.1 )841-7F0r,a gmenHtias toricGorrauem corum G&R Greecaen dR ome GRBS GreekR,o mana,n dB yzantSitnued ies GSAW PritchWe.t Kt.,1, 9 71-8T5h,eG reeSkt ataetW ar HE 1,2 Gow,A .,P ageD,. ( eds.1)9,6 5T,h eG reeAkn tholoHgeyl:l enistic Epigrams2, v ols. IEG2 WestM,. L.( ed.1)9,9 2/2a,m beit E legGir aec2i , JG lnscriptGiroaneecsa e JAS Journaolf A rcheaologiSccaile nce JRvA JamesoMn., H.,R unnelCs.,N .v,a nA ndelT,j .1,9 94A, Greek Countryside JHS Journaolf H ellenSitcu dies LCM LiverpColoals siMcoanlt hly LGPN /,JA FrasePr.,M, a tthewEs.(, e ds.1)9,8 79/7 ,A LexicoofnG reePke rso­ nalN amesI,,3 A LGPN2 OsbornMe.,, B yrneS,.( eds1.9)9,4 A, L exicoofnG reekP ersonal Names,2A LSAG JefferyL,. H.1,9 6,1L ocaSlc ripotfAs r chaGirce ece LSAG2 JefferyL,. H(.r eJvo.h nsto1n9)9,0 2Lo,c alS cripotfAs r chaGirce ece MDAl(A) MitteiludnegsDe enu tcshen Archiioilsocghlenns ti(tAutthsA. b t.) 8 Abbreviast ion MH MuseumH elveticum Ml MeiggRs.,, L ewisD,.( eds1.9)6,9 A, S electoifoG nr eeHki storical Inscriptions NM NationAarlc haeoloMguisceaulm o fA then(sC atalongouse. ) OpuscA.th . OpuscuAltah eniensia PAAH Praktitkeaes n A thenaAirsc haioloHgeitkaeisr eias PCPS Proceedionftg hseC ambridPghei lologSioccaile ty PLF LobelE,.P ,a geD,. ( eds1.9)5,5 P,o etarluems biorFurma gmenta PMG PageD,. ( ed.1)9,6 2P,o etaMee liGcria eci P.O xy. TheO xyrhynchPuasp yri RA Revuaer cheologique RE Pauly-WissowaR-eKarloelnlc,y clodpeiirkd liaes sisAclheetrnt ums­ wissenschaft REG Revudee se rudgerse cques Rh.M us. RheiniscMhuesseu mf urP hilologie RSA Rivissttao ridceal la'n tichitiz SymbO.s lo. SymbolOasel oenses SAGT PritchWe.tK t.,,1 965-9S2t,u diienAs n cieGnrte eTko pograpIh-y8, SEG SupplemenEtpuimg raphiGcruame cum1,9 23- SlG3 DittenbeWr.g (eerd,.1 )9,1 5-24S3y,l lolgnes criptiGornauemc arum TAPA Transactoifot nhseA mericPahni lologAiscsaolc iation Tod2 TodM,. N.( ed.19)4,6 2,SAe lectoifGo rne eHki storiIcnaslc riptions, volI. ZPE ZeitschfriiPifartp yrolougnideE pigraphik ' ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thisw orkw oulnde vehra ver eachceodm pletwiiotnh otuhtec ontributions ofm anyp eoplIec .a nnomte ntieoanc bhy n amefo,r t heayr et oon umerous -af actth aitsi tsehlufm blitnogm e-,b utIa m deeplgyr atetfuolt hema ll, ande specyi atlotl hefo llowing: membersb,o tahc ademaincd a dministroaftt ihveSe c,h ooolf H istory andA rchaeolCoagryd,i Ufnfi versmietmyb;e rosft heD epartmoefnC tl as­ sicasn dA ncieHnits toartyt heU niversoifWt ayl esS,wa nsetah,e D epart­ mento fC lassiUcnsi,v ersoiftW ya lesL,a mpetearn,d t heU niversoift y WaleIsn stitoufCt lea ssicasn dA ncieHnits tortyh;es taofff t heA rtasn d SociaSlt udiLeisb raCrayr,d iUffn iversaintdyo ,fG enerTaelc hniScearl­ viceMso,n moutht;h eD irectooftr h eB ritiSschh ooaltA thenMsr,. D avid Blackmana,n dt heB SA staffP;r ofessWo.r K endriPcrki tchDert.Ht e,c tor CatliPnrgo,f esPsaourCl a rtledMgre.E, w enB owieD,r .H ansv anW ees; fort heicro nstrucctriivtei ceinscmo,u ragemaenndtfr ,i endshDirp.: AntoPno welanld D r.S tephHeond kinstohnr,o uwghho mt hesied eawse re firpsuttb eforaew idearu dience; fort heiurn prejudriecaeddi nsgc,h olacrrliyt iciasnmdgs e,n erosuusp ­ portm:y examinePrrso,fe ssAolra nL loyadn dP rofessPoert eRrh odeasl;s o toP rofessRohro defosr h isc ontinuiinntge rest; forfr eshr,i goroaunsds ometimcehsa stencionmgm enatn dc orrection, andfo r manyh elpfuslu ggestiPornosfe:s sMoorr timCehra mberasn,dt he twoa nonymocursi tics. To severfraile ndasn dm emberosf m y familyw ho,t hougnho td irectly involvienmd y workg,a vem e indispensparbalcet ihceallapn dt hes ustai­ ninwga rmtohf t heaiffre ctiIoo nw,e a ni ncalculdaebblte: Petearn dI renDee nniJso neEsl,i sabaentdPh r ofessAolra sdaWihri ttle, Eleanoarn dF r.P aulB rophyJ;o annaan dD r.J ohnT uckeDra,n iealn d GeorgMieea dowsS,t ewaarntdC aroHlu xleKyo,s D.i mitarnid( especially) Ka.M ariaDna ssiMsr,. a nd Mrs.J ohnL eathaKmo,s .a ndK a.G ianni LambrouM,r .a ndM rs.P atriLceki gFhe rmorK,o s.N auarcha.n dK a. DimitriAotsha nassimoyu l;a tfaet herC,o mmandeJra mesF errimeyr ; fathe-rl-aiwnD,r .P eteSrh aw; for focusinmgy gazoe nt hee lusinvaet uroefsF acatn dT rutahn,d fo r turnianngu nexpecctaesdu bse llit hed atoef t heb attolfeL euct-rian to - casuasm icitiFaree:d erRaipch ael; 10 Acknowledgements fohre rs ensitainvdie n tellicgoemnpta nionsmhyi dpa:u ghtAenrn,a bel- le; for illuminactoinnvge rsaatnidoc nr iticainsdmfe ,r venetn courage­ mentm:y sonB,e nedict. Forh ise xtraordifnoarrbye arasnhcaer,cp r itiecyea,la ndi ntellectual generosaintdfoy ,r hisfr iendshIic pa,nn eveard equattehlayn Pkr ofessor NickF ishehrea; n dh isw ife,S arahha,v ea lswoe lcomemde tot heihro use on severoaclc asiownhsi chI shalall wayrse membewri tha ffectionate gratitude. My husbda,nS tephehna,sl istecneodm,m enteandd,a nalysperdo blems withe conomayn d eleganTcoe t. opographwiaclaklis n G reechee h as devoterde sourceenesr,g ya,n dh isfo rmidabalbei litaisoe rsi entaenedr photograpHhee hra.sb eenc ookc,o mfortecrh,a uffeucrh,a mpiohne;h as endurelodn eleyv eninpgass cto untianngd- mirabidliec t-ul earnteod lovPeh legoofnT rallHeesh .a sa lssoa vetdh lei feo ft hiwso rko nm oret han oneo ccasiwohne ni tw asa bouttob ec onsigtnoet dh efl amesm;o ralhleyi ,s itasu thoarn,dt oh imi ti sd edicawtietdmh y love. ' "'Writthea dto wn,t"h eK ings aitdo t hjeu ry,a ndt hjeu rye agerwlryo te downa ltlh redea teosn t heislra taensd,t heand detdh emu p, andr eductehdea nswetros hillianngdps e nc'e . LewisC arrolAll,i ceA'ds\' entuirneW so nderlaCnhd.1. 1 .

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