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Preview Discovery of X-ray Pulsations from the HMXB Source AXJ1749.1-2733

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–6(2007) Printed2February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Discovery of X-ray Pulsations from the HMXB Source AXJ1749.1-2733 D. I. Karasev1⋆, S. S. Tsygankov1, A. A. Lutovinov1 8 1Space Research Institute, Profsoyuznaya Str. 84/32, Moscow 117997, Russia 0 0 2 n Accepted ....Received.... a J 1 ABSTRACT 2 WearereportingadiscoveryofX-raypulsationsfromthesourceAXJ1749.1-2733 h] with the period of ∼132 s based on the XMM-Newton data obtained in March 2007. p The observed pulse profile has a double-peaked structure with the pulse fraction of - about25−30%inthe3-10keVenergyband.Wehavealsofoundthataperiodicitywith o practically the same period has been detected from the source by the IBIS telescope r t onboard the INTEGRAL observatory during an outburst on Sept. 9, 2003 in the 20- s 50 keV energy band. Due to the double-peaked pulse profile, there is an additional a [ peak on both periodograms of nearly ∼ 66 s, therefore we have also investigated the possibility that the last value is the true pulse period. The source spectrum obtained 1 by the XMM-Newton observatory in the soft energy band is being heavily absorbed v (NH ≃2×1023 cm−2) due to a strong intrinsic absorptionin the binary system that 7 leads to the conclusion that AX J1749.1-2733 is a new transient X-ray pulsar in the 4 high mass X-ray binary system. 2 3 Key words: X-ray:binaries – (stars:)X-ray pulsars:individual – AX J1749.1-2733 . 1 0 8 0 : 1 INTRODUCTION tory–RA=17h49m10s,Dec=-27◦.33′14′′(J2000)theuncer- v ′′ tainty of about 55 , Sakanoet al. (2002). Subsequent anal- i The source AX J1749.1-2733 was discovered on Sept. 19, X ysis showed that the source had been significantly detected 1996 by the ASCA space observatory (Sakanoet al. 2002). byINTEGRALfromtimetotimein2004-2007,butthetyp- ar The object had not been detected during previous observa- ical value of its flux was about 5−8 mCrab. Nevertheless, tionsofthisregion in1995evenwithahigherexposureand based on these data, Zurita Heras et al. (2007) suggested wassignificantlydetectedagainonlyinSeptember1997and the presence in the system of the ∼185-day orbital period. March 1998, which reflects its transient nature. Due to the faintnessofthesourceemission(1.5−6×10−12 ergcm−2s−1 Observations of AX J1749.1-2733 performed in soft X-rays bytheSWIFTobservatoryin2007, allowed Kong(2007)to in the 0.7−10 keV energy band),it was practically impos- ′′ improveitslocalizationto3.8 andrevealedastrongabsorp- sible to obtain good restrictions to its spectral parameters, tion (NH ≃1.9×1023 cm−2) in thesource spectrum. but some evidence for the strong absorption in the system In this work, we reanalyzed the INTEGRAL data ob- was mentioned (Sakanoet al. 2002). tainedduringtheoutburstinSeptember2003andanalyzed On Sept. 9, 2003 a short (with a duration of ∼ 1 day) the XMM-Newton data obtained in March 2007. In both outburst from the source was observed by the INTEGRAL datasets,strongperiodicmodulationsoftheX-rayfluxwith observatoryinhardX-rayswiththepeakfluxof∼40mCrab the period of ∼132 s were found. The preliminary results inthe20-60keVenergyband(Grebenev2004).Detailedin- were reported byKarasev et al. (2007). vestigations of the source behavior and its characteristics duringtheoutburstallowed Grebenev & Sunyaev(2007)to classify AX J1749.1-2733 as a fast X-ray transient. During the outburst, the source position in hard X-rays was re- 2 OBSERVATIONS AND DATA ANALYSIS ◦ ′ ′′ solved as RA=17h 49m 07s, Dec=-27.3238 (J2000) with the uncertainty of 1.8′ (Sguera et al. 2006), that is coinci- The source AX J1749.1-2733 was observed with the XMM- dentwiththesourcepositionrevealedbytheASCAobserva- Newton observatory on March 31, 2007. Our analysis was based in general on the data from the EPIC-PN camera, butthedatafromtheMOStelescopeswereusedalsoforthe ⋆ E-mail:[email protected] testoftheconsistencyoftheusedspectralmodels.Alldata 2 D. I. Karasev, S. S. Tsygankov, A. A. Lutovinov Figure 2. Periodograms of background subtracted emissions of AXJ1749.1-2733(a)andAXJ1749.2-2725(b)obtainedwiththe INTEGRAL/IBISdatainthe20-50keVenergyband. Table 1. ListofAXJ1749.1-2733 pulseperiods Figure 1.Periodogramsofabackgroundsubtractedemissionof AX J1749.1-2733 (a) and background region (b) obtained with Date Observatory PulsePeriods the XMM-Newton observatory (the PN instrument) in the 6-10 keVenergyband. Sept9,2003 INTEGRAL 131.54±0.02,65.77±0.01 March31,2007 XMM-Newton 131.95±0.24,66.05±0.15 3 TIMING ANALYSIS were processed with the Science Analysis System (SAS)1. Weprovidedastandardmethodforthefiltrationofthepro- Fig.1a shows a periodogram of a background subtracted ton flares produced as a result of the interaction between emission of AX J1749.1-2733 obtained from the XMM- soft protons in the Earth’s magnetosphere with the tele- Newton/PN data in the 6-10 keV energy band. The sig- scope. The source spectrum and lightcurve were extracted nificant excess (∼ 6σ) of the χ2-distribution at ∼132 s can ′′ fromthecirclewiththeradiusof14 aroundthesource;the be clearly seen. Apart from them, there are several other background spectrum and lightcurve were extracted from a peaks of a lower intensity, which are mostly prominent at nearbycircle region with thesame radius. Atotal exposure the periods of ∼66 s (the significance is ∼3σ) and ∼198 s, of XMM-Newton/PN observations was approximately 6 ks. whichcorrespondstoahalfandoneandahalfofthe∼132-s As mentioned above, the source AX J1749.1-2733 had period,respectively.Toclarifythattheseexcessesarenotar- been significantly detected by the IBIS telescope several tificial and connected with the source AX J1749.1-2733, we times during the four years of observation, but only once havealsobuiltaperiodogramforemissionsfromthenearby was its intensity enough to detect the pulsations. The to- background region. No signals with the periods of 66, 132 tal exposure of the INTEGRAL/IBIS observations during or 198 s were detected on this periodogram (Fig.1b). This this outburst on Sept 9, 2003 was about 50 ks. The INTE- fact indicates that the origin of the detected periodicity is GRAL/IBISdataforthetiminganalysiswereprocessedus- connectedwiththesourceAXJ1749.1-2733. Thepulsations ingthestandardsoftwareOSA6.0,distributedbytheINTE- inthesourceemissionwascheckedalsoinhardX-rays(>20 GRALScienceDataCenter,Versoix,Switzerland2,andthe keV) using the data of the IBIS telescope onboard the IN- softwaredesignedandsupportedbytheNationalInstituteof TEGRAL observatory. In Fig.2a, the periodogram of the Astrophysics in Palermo, Italy3 (Segreto & Ferrigno 2007). 20-50keVsourceemissionisshownneartheperiodsof∼66, Forthespectralanalysis,weusedthesoftwaredevelopedat ∼132, and ∼198 s. Similarly to the XMM-Newton results, theSpaceResearchInstituteRAS,Moscow,Russia(descrip- the signal can be clearly seen again, but the significances tion of its main features can be found in Revnivtsevet al. of the ∼66 and ∼ 132 s peaks in this case are roughly the (2004) and Krivonos et al. (2007)). The final timing and same(∼15−16σ).Thelistofpossiblepulseperiodsnear66 spectralanalysiswereprovidedwiththeFTOOLSpackage4. and 132 s measured with different instruments is presented inTable1.Errors(correspondingto1σ)weredeterminedby the bootstrap method from the analysis of a large number of simulated light curves (see e.g. Tsygankov & Lutovinov (2005) for details). It is important to note that in a near vicinity to the 1 http://xmm.esac.esa.int/sas/ 2 http://isdc.unige.ch studiedsource thereis located anothertransient X-raypul- 3 http://www.pa.iasf.cnr.it/∼ferrigno/INTEGRALsoftware.html sar AX J1749.2-2725 with the pulse period of ∼ 220 s 4 http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/lheasoft (Torii et al. 1998). Due to a small angular distance (∼8′) Discovery of X-ray Pulsations from the HMXB Source AXJ1749.1-2733 3 Figure4.(a)PulseprofilesofAXJ1749.1-2733obtainedwiththe INTEGRAL/ISGRI data and folded with two different periods: 131.54 s (thick line) and 65.77 s (thin line). The second one has beenplottedtwicetodemonstrateadiscrepancybetweenprofiles onthetimescaleof131.54s.(b)Thesame,buttheperiods131.95 s and 66.05 s have been obtained with the XMM-Newton/PN data. observatories and folded with the period of ∼132 s are pre- sented for several energy bands: 3-6, 6-10, 20-30, 30-40 and 40-60 keV; due to slightly different values of the pulse pe- riod,thedataofbothobservatorieswereconvolvedwiththe correspondingperiods(seeTable1).Thesourcepulseprofile builded in such a way has a clear double-peaked structure at all energies that account for several peaks in the peri- odograms with intervals divisible by ∼66 s. Figure3.TheAXJ1749.1-2733pulseprofilesinthe3-6,6-10,20- To clarify which of pulse periods is true, we used the 30, 30-40 and40-60 keV energy bands obtained withthe XMM- following procedure: the source pulse profile folded with Newton/PN (two upper panels) and INTEGRAL/IBIS (three the period of 131.54 s and the doubled source pulse profile bottompanels)instrumentsforthepulseperiodsof131.95sand folded with the period of 65.77 s obtained from the INTE- 131.54s,respectively. Errorscorrespondto1σ. GRAL/IBIS data in the 20-60 keV energy band were plot- ted in the same figure and compared between themselves (Fig.4a). The test clearly demonstrates that there are no significant differences between the pulse profiles obtained between these sources, there is a possibility of a “photon- for these two periods, which might be due to a relatively drifting” from one source to another in the processing of faintemissionfromthesourceandlargeuncertaintiesinthe thedatareduction oftheIBIStelescope (asitsangularres- olution is only 12′). To check a possible influence of such observed count rates. To formalize this test, weused a sim- an effect, we have done the same timing analysis for AX ple criteria in the form of χ2 = Pki=1 (Xiσ−i2µi)2, where Xi J1749.2-2725. Fig.2b shows the resulting periodogram for is the count rate in the ith bin of the 132 s folded light this source. It can be seen that significant peaks are de- curve, µi is the count rate in the ith bin of the 66 s folded tectedneitherat ∼132snorat ∼220s(notethatnopeak light curve, which is being used here as a model; and σi is near 220 s can also be seen on the AXJ1749.1-2733 peri- thecorrespondenceuncertainty.Asummationisbeingdone odogram, Fig. 2a). Most likely,thepulsarAXJ1749.2-2725 only on the half of bins (which are statistically indepen- was in the “switched-off” state during the INTEGRAL ob- dent) of the 132 s folded light curve (in our case, k = 9). servations(Grebenev & Sunyaev2007)andassuch,didnot The application of this test to the INTEGRAL/IBIS data affect our results. leads to the value of 6.8 for 9 d.o.f., which means that the Thus,thepulsationsinthesourceAXJ1749.1-2733can differenceisinsignificant.Thisresultreflectsthepractically beclearlyestablished.However,thequestionaboutthetrue equal significance of the 66-s and 132-s peaks at the corre- valueofitsperiodisstillrelevant.InFig.3,thesourcepulse spondence periodogram (Fig.2a). The same procedure was phase curves obtained by XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL used for the XMM-Newton data obtained in the 6-10 keV 4 D. I. Karasev, S. S. Tsygankov, A. A. Lutovinov Figure5.Pulsefractiondependenceontheenergyforthepulse periodof131.95and131.54sfortheXMM-Newton(circles)and INTEGRAL(squares)observatories,respectively. Figure6.BroadbandenergyspectrumofAXJ1749.1-2733inthe energy band.Wefolded them again with thecorresponding 3-100keVenergyband;XMM-Newton(crosses)andINTEGRAL periods(seeTable1)andfoundthatthedifferencebetween (circles)datawerecombinedusingtherelativenormalization. the pulse profiles in this energy band is more significant (Fig.4b). Itsvalue(22 for 9 d.o.f.) corresponds totheprob- abilityof∼0.01thatthisdifferenceiscausal.Notethatthe bined spectral analysis is possible only assuming the un- suggested procedure is formally equivalent to the compari- changed shape of the source spectrum. However, as it was son of the odd and even 66 s segments on the 132 s folded shownbyGrebenev & Sunyaev(2007),thesourcespectrum light curve.Thus, the useof theXMM-Newton data brings was changing significantly even duringtheoutburst,all the ustotheconclusionthat∼132sistheprobablepulseperiod more, it can be different in the quiescent state. Therefore, of the source AX J1749.1-2733. hereweareprovidingtheresultsofthespectralanalysissep- During the XMM-Newton observations, the pulse pe- arately for the XMM-Newton data and only for the rough riod was slightly longer than during the INTEGRAL ones. estimation of thegeneral spectral shape and its parameters Due to a relatively high uncertainty of the XMM-Newton ina wideenergy bandwheretheXMM-Newton and INTE- period measurements, this difference is not very significant GRAL data were combined using relative normalization. (∼2σ),butif wesuggest that itbeconnectedwith thereal Thesourcespectrumobtainedwith XMM-Newton/PN deceleration of the neutron star rotation, the formal P˙/P canbewelldescribedbyasimplepowerlawwiththephoton willbeabout10−3 yr−1,whichcouldbeconsistentwiththe index Γ = 1.17+−00..2036, the photoelectric absorption NH = typical rates of the pulse period change for X-ray pulsars 21.1+2.7 ×1022 cm−2 and the unabsorbed source flux of ∼ −1.3 (see e.g. Bildsten et al. (1997); Lutovinovet al. (1994)). 1.8×10−11 erg cm−2 s−1 in the 3−10 keV energy band Foralltheenergybands(Fig.3),wecalculatedthepulse (note that the use of the XMM-Newton/MOS data gives fraction, which is defined as PF = (Imax−Imin)/(Imax+ approximately the same results). Imin),whereIminandImaxarebackground-correctedcount The source spectrum in the soft X-ray band (2−10 rates at the pulse profile minimum and maximum. Fig.5 keV)hadpreviouslybeenmeasuredwiththeXRTtelescope shows the energy dependence of this value for both obser- oftheSWIFTobservatory(Romano et al.2007;Kong2007) vatories. It is clear that the pulse fraction is relatively con- andtheASCAobservatory(Sakano et al.2002).Itwasalso stant in theenergy band from ∼3 to ∼40 keVat thelevel approximatedbythepowerlawmodelwiththephotoelectric of ∼ 25−30% and slightly increases up to ∼ 50% in hard absorption.ThevaluesofNH complywiththeresultsofour X-rays (> 40 keV), which is typical for X-ray pulsars (see analysis, but thevaluesof Γ are different,which can be the e.g. Tsygankov et al. (2007)). result of the spectral shape variations similarly as it was found by Grebenev & Sunyaev (2007) for the outburst. On the other hand, it is necessary to note that uncertainties 4 SPECTRAL ANALYSIS of the photon index measurements with the SWIFT and ASCAobservatoriesareverylargeand,nominallyspeaking, It is important to note that the INTEGRAL and XMM- ourresults fall within thecorresponding error boxes. Newton data were obtained not only in different epochs A rough estimation of the interstellar absorption but also in different source states — INTEGRAL had ob- in the direction to the source using the NH map served the source during the outburst in September 2003 (Dickey& Lockman 1990) gives the value of NH ≃ 1.63× and XMM-Newton had observed the source in March 2007 1022 cm−2,whichismorethanoneorderofmagnitudelower most likely in a quiescentstate (seebelow). Thus, thecom- thanthevalueobtainedfromourspectralanalysis.Basedon Discovery of X-ray Pulsations from the HMXB Source AXJ1749.1-2733 5 these measurements and previous results of the ASCA and tions were performed ∼3.8 later. As the 2003 outburst du- SWIFT observatories, we can undoubtedly claim that AX ration was about 1 day (Grebenev & Sunyaev 2007), it is J1749.1-2733 is a heavily absorbed source, which is proba- veryunlikely,forthesuggestedorbitalparameters,thatthe bly connected with the massive counterpart in the binary XMM-Newton observations were performed also during an system (likely a supergiant or a giant). outburst.TakingintoaccountthemeasuredratiooftheIN- The formal approximation of the XMM-Newton and TEGRAL and XMM-Newton fluxes(6 times), it is possible INTEGRAL data simultaneously with the ”standard” pul- to combine theobtained results to suppose that theorbital sars model (Whiteet al. 1983) modified by the photoelec- periodisslightlylonger,∼185.5days.However,thissuppo- tric absorption gives the photon index of Γ = 1.03+0.18, sition requires an additional study. −0.24 the cutoff energy Ecut = 7.1+−00..69 keV, the folding en- Thisquestionaswellastheoneaboutthenatureofthe ergy Ecut = 19.8+−12..96 keV, the absorption column NH = system will be addressed in detail in a separate paper with (20.2+1.0) × 1022 cm−2 with the corresponding value of dataoftheAXJ1749.2-2733specialobservationsperformed −1.9 the reduced χ2=0.94 (Fig.6). Note, that the obtained val- with the Russian-Turkish Telescope (RTT-150) in August ues and the spectrum shape are typical for X-ray pulsars 2007 (Karasev at al., 2008, in preparation). (see e.g. Filippova et al. (2005)) despite the roughness and a certain randomness of such a combination of the XMM- NewtonandINTEGRALdata.Thebroadband3−100keV 6 ANKNOWLEGEMENTS X-ray fluxes corresponding to the XMM-Newton and IN- TEGRAL epochs of observations differ approximately by We would like to thank E.M.Churazov for developing the six times: ∼4.9×10−11 ergscm−2s−1 versus∼2.8×10−10 IBIS data analysis algorithms, providing the software and ergs cm−2s−1, respectively. The last value corresponds to the discussion of the timing analysis results. We extend the results of Grebenev & Sunyaev (2007) obtained from a our gratitude to S.A.Grebenev and R.A.Sunyaev for the combined analysis of the INTEGRAL/JEM-X and INTE- discussion of the results and for the useful remarks. We GRAL/IBIS data. would also like to pay tribute to the very useful comments of an anonymous referee, which allowed us to significantly improve the paper. We used data from the archive of the GoddardSpaceFlight Center(NASA),theIntegralScience 5 SUMMARY Data Centre (Versois, Switzerland), and the Russian Sci- We are reporting a discovery of X-ray pulsations from AX ence Data Center for INTEGRAL (Moscow, Russia). This J1749.1-2733 bytheINTEGRALand XMM-Newton obser- work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic vatorieswiththeperiodsof131.54sinSeptember2003and Research (Project No. 07-02-01051), the Presidium of the 131.95 s in March 2007, respectively. The pulse profile has Russian Academyof Sciences(TheOrigin andEvolution of a double-peaked shape in a wide energy band (3−60 keV) StarsandGalaxiesProgram),andtheProgramofthePres- andthepulsefractionslightlyincreaseswiththeenergyfrom ident of the Russian Federation for the Support of Scien- ∼25−30%to∼50%.Thesourcespectrumcanbedescribed tifcSchools(Project No.NSh-1100.2006.2). A.A.Lutovinov by the powerlaw model with the photoelectric absorption, would like to thank the Russian Science Support Founda- the value of which is much higher than the interstellar one tion as well. AL and ST thank International Space Science in the direction to the source. Thus, we can conclude that Institute (ISSI, Bern, Swiss) for the hospitality and partial AX J1749.1-2733 must be a new transient X-ray pulsar in support. the high-mass X-ray binary system with a strong intrinsic absorption likeIGR J16465-4507 (Lutovinovet al. 2005) or AX J1841.0-0536/IGR J18410-0535) (Halpern et al. 2004). REFERENCES It is interesting to compare the AX J1749.1-2733 posi- tion with the position of different classes of binary sources Bildsten, L., Chakrabarty D., Chiu J., 1997, Astrophys on theCorbet Porb−Ps diagram (Corbet 1986).According Journal, 113, 367 to the relation between the orbital period of ∼ 185 days Corbet R., 1986, MNRAS,220, 1047 suggest by Zurita Heras et al. 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