TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan gebec 7}'ans.JepidS.oc.Japan 59(])4:244, January2008 Discovery of Eana incanan a(Stephe n(sLe)pidopt e[rIbar,tricida e[,[brtricinae) from Hokkaido, Japan Ybshitsug uNAsui* and Hiroyuk iKoGi2 i]153-2,Nakado, Hashimoto,Wakayamtt,648-O023Japan 2) 15-2-4, Shinkoton 7i-jou, Kita-ku ,Sapporo, OOI-0907 Japan Abstract Etzna incanana (Stephen swh)ic,h ranges witlely in the Palaearcti cregion (Engla ntdo Russia nFar East) w,as discovercd in Hokhaido, Japan. The adult a]]d genital airae illustrated. Key words Tortricid aEean,a incanana (Stephen gse)n,ital ineaw, record, Japan, One of us, Kogi, has surveyed the moth fauna of Holckaido J,apan, and collected many tort- ricid sR.ecently he discovere dan unfamiliar tortrici fdrom Hokl[aido .As a result of exam- inin gthe specimens, we concluded that it is Eana incanana (Stephen s18,52) hithert uon- recorded from Japan ,In the followin gline swe record the species as new to the moth fauna of Japan, with illustrati oofn sadult and genitalia. Eana incanana(Stephen(sF)igs1-3) Cnephasia incanana Stephens, ] 852, Lis t5Pecime Bnr.s Anim. Coiln Br. Mus. 1Oi 1O1. Eart aincanana: Hannemann, 1961: 44, fig ,72 ( o"' genitali ap)l ,.4, fig 2.3 (adul tBr)a;dley et al., 1973 :166, pl. 37, fig s14, 15 (adult spl). ,16, fig s2, 3 (larv asplinning in fiowerhead s)K;uznetzov, 1973: 94; Kuznetzov, 1978: 331, fig .304-4 (g 'genitalia )R;azowski, 1991: 138; Kuznetzov. 1994: 88; Razowski, 1996: 137; Kuznetzov ,2001: 121 ,fig .71-2 (X 'genitalia )R;azowgki, 2002: 81, pl. 10, fig s236, 236a (adult sp)l,, 24, fig .236 ( g' genitalia )p,l. 59, fig .236 ( ? genitalia )B;rown, 2005: 265. Materia lexamined. JAPAN. Hokkaido: Shikaoi-ch oK,itaurimaku, 1 8 1 9, 23. vii. 2005. 1 g'1?, 28. vii. 2006 (H. Kogi leg, )S;himukappu-mura ,Tbmamu, 1 ,g' ,1. viii. 2003 (H. Kogi leg, )H;orokanai-cho M,oshiri ,1 S, 20. viii, 2003 (H. Kogi leg. ),All the specimens are preserve din the co]lection of Nasu. Distributi oEnu.rope, Russia (includ Siinbegria and Far East) ,Japan (Hoklstaido). Host-plant . Liliacea eO:rnithogatt tmnutans L., Scilla ;Compositae : Cho,santhemum (Hanneman n,1961). Liliacea e:Ehdymion non-scriptus Garcke ; Compositae: Chn},santhemu mleetcanthem"m L. (Bradl eeyt al., 1973) .Enicacea el:tZiccin uSma;licaceae: Salix(Razowski2,002). Biology ,Adults attracted to ligh thave been collected in lat eJuly and early August in Holtk to Bradley et al. (1973 t)h,e larvae feed on the fiowers and deve]op- ing ovanes of Enclymion non-scriptus and Chr)・'santhem tt{emucanthem"m ,spinning a silken web over the blossom in April and May, Pupatio ntakes place in a cocoon spun up in debri son the ground. Diagnosis. Sexual dimorphism is not pronounced .This moth is a medium-sized tortricid with whitish gray ground color on the forewin g(win gexpanse 16-18 rmn) and character- ized by the dark brownish gray band running from the middle of the costa to befor ethe tor- *Corrcsponding author: [email protected], NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan EanaincananafromJapan 43 Fig, 1. Adult of Eana incanana (Stephen sr), nus and the short oblique dark brownish gray band from basal 114 of costa to middle of wing (Fi g1.). The male genital iarae characterized by a slender uncus with spinulose basal ]obes, Iarge socij, blade-shape vdalvae, and a sacculus with a pointe dapex (Fi g2.). The fe- male genjtal iarae characterized by enlarged papilla aenales (fiorico movoipuossitor) and a dentat eband-shaped signum (Fi g3.) .Japanes especimens are smaller than European (wing expanse 17-23 mm, of d1escriptio nofRazowski (2002)), The species is distinguisha bflreom it scongeners of Japan by the median dark brownish gray band and short band on basal 114 of costa of the forevving ,the blade-shape vdalva, and the sacculus with a pointe dapex, Remarks, The genus Eana Billberg ,1820 (tri Cbneepahsiin ii)s widely disnibuted in the Holoarcti rcegion and North Africa ,with 38 described species (Brow n2,005) .In Japan two species, E. argentana (Cler c1k7,59) and E. vetulana (Christ o1p8h8,1) ,have hithert boeen recerded (Kawab e1,982; Jinbo ,2004-2007) .Both species were recorded from Japan by Wtilsingham (1900 )for the firs ttime; however no specimen regarded as E, vetulana has since been collected from Japan .Yasuda (1975 )recorded a specimen of E. sp, similar to E atgentana from Hokkaido, but it is now recognized to be E, angentana, E ttt"-t" tt(ttt , .. t{. /st - ' s.t i . dii"i:.t, ili' taffSl ・ t・ ",; 'g Figs 2, 3. Genital ioaf Eana incanan a(Stephen s2,) .r, YN1294. 3, xs,')""・ii ' },',/.t・ 3 \, YN 1295, Sca]e ]ines :Fig. 2: O.5 mm; Fig. 3: 1 mm. 3, .." NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical SSoooiceityety ooff JJaapapnan 44 Yoshitsugu NAsu and Hiroyuki K 〔.,Gl Acknowledgment . We express our cordial thanks to Dr U. Jinbo, T()kyoUniversit, yTokyo, for providing info−r mation about Eαna yet41 αna , Re飴rences Bradlcy, J・. D , Trem’じwall , W . G .& A , Smith, 1973. Britis htortricoid Moths. Tortrieidae:Cθc)’lidc tctend Tortfi〔/idae:7ortricinae , viii,251pp .,47 pls. Thc Ray Society, London . Br ownAJp .l Wl oB.,・2。0k0s5, ,S tTeonrsしぼrUiPc.idae(Lcpidoptera), ln Landry, B.(Ed.,, World Caialogefe(コf lnsects 5二1−741. Ha mleアmie三rmレnレ・el, tlHJ)tl..4,81:961−12. 33K,l pe置isn slc−2h2me.tterling eoder Microlcpidopter a1. Die Wickler(s. stt:)(Tom ・icidac). Jlnbo, U ,,2004−2〔〕07.ノ.is−ttlfJ:AChec〃1∫’q广ノctpanese ,ldとoths. http:〃1istm.mjDthprog 、com Ka wab2e79, −A29、31.98K2od. aTnosrytar. iTcQidkay,eo肋,(l1n1 J1a0pua,e nHes. eet) ,at., Mothsげノapan 1;62−151,2;158−181、pls l4−30,227, Ku zn t45Ceh1o te(−iu1z2r)n,,o 3:stv114, e1r9Va9.9s7i9o.3.sN8ne4」−aa1,.l:.6u,4TT8k14oo a09−cr.r7 ytt1PN3crr6lua.ii 1cbuc耐cs.L likc, Nadiaaeaa sflu.P. c h−・fkt しrIJelaoKbinlr, h ll1sKSMse’Pyhutreeus,乙rz dbshPnvl(eeaeLittnd,cs ezeophLrovieevsvdrnsb,osi, , kupJGnVri.,tgeg.i ..enr 0iSLran(,a g.dl,r( L〔.naETE ddoRd(rIu(.tE.)n)sr .,d, RisIκc(,βh〔mn’♪e王s a「尹c〕iR.eLs’i. ’tuet)assop )noas if.nt‘idih a‘et)pnh )lfet,ti (sotio’sioしlet1.It−ceSh t se.mFesP?faet stptthnas acrEe ゾ ttQotfcf”l otg1prheiheacenu Sα〃( ∬,P“vairReut〃l a FiPoπJlad’ar t nノEaτdt8ajssa cσ3te m∬a(n1dR): Fct「r Ea20∬015.(3T〕o:r冂tr一i4c7i2d,a eD(OalrcntharLelukt,a iVdlaae, dCiovcohsytloik.da(eI)n, R∬uns sLiearn, ),P. A .(Ed.), Ke)’t‘冫the Insects of Russian Ra zoCwhs】kiid, aJn.o,ti1n9a9 e1an. d TThoer tcratiacloigune:aCeo coyf Hnthj, e Tosrpetcriiecsi n,o ifC eTaorrctirin, ciCindeapeh( t IoP〔)a1.r tC rlα:‘・oPレa.l3a4ea:r9c9t−ic 162. tio nct, t 1C9h9e6c.klTiosrt:t1f3じ0ii−d1a5e. 7. J}1A pKoalrlsoh Boolしok0s,, &StJe.n Rsatzrou,wpski 〔Eds), Ti’te Lepidoptera of Eur‘〜ρ召, a di∬rihtt− ,2002.Tortricinae alld Chlidanotinae. Toi’tricida.e (Lepidopterの qズE“rot’)e l. 247 pp.,87 pls. Frant童sck Slamka, Bratislav,a Walsingham , M , A.,1900. Asiatic Tortricida.c Ann. Mag .翩 . Hist.〔7)5:451−469. Y as udOas,‘ rTka. 、Pt1’9e7f5(.B )T2h7e: 7T9or−2t5r1ic.ina cand Sparganothin aofe 」apan (Lepjd〔,p且era :Tortricida)e2. Bt{〃. Univ. 摘 要 . キタハ イイロハ マ キ (新称)(鱗翅巳 ハ マ キガ科 ハ マ キガ亜科)の Li本か らの発見 (那須義 ・ , 次 小木広行) 最近 著者の小木が北海道で採集した見慣れない ハ マ キガを検討したところ、日本新記録の キタハ イイ ロハ マ A: Eandt incanana(Stcphens,1852)であるこ とが判1月した.本種は,旧北区(イギ リスからロ シア極 東)に広 く分布 してい るが,中国と韓国か らは未記録である,本種は,前翅開張が 1〔F18mm の中ぐらい . の 大きさのハ マ キガで,前翅の 地色が臼灰色,前縁中央から肛角手前に暗褐灰色の帯が走 り,前縁の 基部1/4 に短い 斜めの 暗褐灰色の 帯をもつ こ とが特徴的で,近縁種 と識別で きる.本種の 幼虫は広食 ー 性で,ヨ ロ ッパ や ロ シアでは,ユ リ科,キ ク科,ッッジ科とヤナギ科か ら記録されて おり,寄主植物 .・ の芽.花,種了や葉を綴っ て摂食する,本種は,北海道の 内陸部か ら採集され.て お り,採集地はい ずれ も冬期の寒さが厳しい 所 (−30℃ 以下になる)で,寒冷地を好むと思われる. (Accepted July 28,2007) Published by the Lepidoptero!ogical Societ yofJapan , 5−2〔},Motoyokoyama 2, Hachi〔’j,i Tokyo ,192−〔〕063 Japun 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic LLiibrbarryary Service