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Discovery of a Probable SX Phoenicis Star in M107 (NGC 6171) PDF

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Preview Discovery of a Probable SX Phoenicis Star in M107 (NGC 6171)

Journalof the Southeastern Association forResearch in Astronomy,7,51-55,December1 (cid:13)c 2012. SoutheasternAssociationforResearchinAstronomy. Allrightsreserved. DISCOVERY OF A PROBABLE SX PHOENICIS STAR IN M107 (NGC 6171)1 Thayne A. McCombs2 DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,BrighamYoungUniversity,Provo,Utah,84602 Erik D. Reinhart2 DepartmentofPhysics,WillametteUniversity,Salem,Oregon,97301 and 3 1 Andrew N. Darragh, Elliott W. Johnson, and Brian W. Murphy 0 DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,ButlerUniversity,Indianapolis,IN,46208 2 ABSTRACT n a Using V images taken in May and June 2012 with the SARA Consortium’s 0.9-meter telescope J located at Kitt Peak National Observatory, we searched for variable stars in the globular cluster 4 M107(NGC 6171). The searchwasaccomplishedusing the ISISv2.2imagesubtractionsoftware. We 2 refinedthe positionsofthe previouslyknownvariablesandconfirmedthe 21RRLyraevariablesfrom Clement’s Catalog of Variable Stars in Globular Clusters (Clement et al. 2001). We also discovered ] a previously unknown variable which is likely an SX Phoenicis star. For this SX Phoenicis star we R measuredafundamentalpulsationfrequency19.0122day−1(P =0.05257days)andameanamplitude S of 0.046 magnitudes in the V band. This variable had an averageV-band magnitude of 17.72,nearly . h 2 magnitudes dimmer than the horizontal branch of M107, typical of SX Phoenicis stars and blue p stragglers lying just beyond the main sequence turn-off in globular clusters. - Subject headings: stars: variables: general–Galaxy: globular clusters: individual: NGC 6171 o r t s 1. INTRODUCTION with 108 of them being newly discovered (Conroy et al. a 2012; Toddy et al. 2012; Darragh & Murphy 2012). Of [ Given the similar age, distance, and composition of the total we identified we classified 111 RR0, 79 RR1, 3 theirstars,globularclustersprovideanaturallaboratory 1 RRd/e, 8 SX Phoenicis, 7 eclipsing, and 22 long period for studying stellar evolution. Since globular clusters v variables. SX Phoenicis stars are of particular interest. are an older population of stars they have a large num- 0 They arestarssimilarto aδ-scuticlass variablestarbut 0 ber of post-main sequence stars, including many that lie withlowermetallicity(PopulationII),anomalouslylarge 8 in the instability strip, particularly RR Lyrae variables. masses and younger ages (Rodr´ıguez & Lo´pez-Gonza´lez 5 These unstable pulsating variable stars give us insights 2000). Compared to RR Lyrae stars they have a much . into the ways that stars evolve after leaving the main 1 higherpulsationfrequencyduetotheirpositionnearthe sequence. In addition by studying pulsating variables 0 mainsequence. Asmentionedby Mateoetal.(1990)SX starsandFourierdecompositionoftheirlightcurvesitis 3 Phe stars are blue stragglers, likely the results of stellar also possible to determine their composition, mass, and 1 mergerslyingjustabovethemain-sequenceturnoff,thus : absolute luminosities (Simon & Clement 1993). v M107 (NGC 6171) is one such globular cluster con- givingpast clues to the dynamicalhistory ofthe cluster. i Using an image subtraction method developed by X taining a number of variablestars. Clement’s Catalogof Alard(2000)wesearchedthecentral13′×13′ofM107for Variable Stars in Globular Clusters lists 22 RR Lyrae r variable stars using observations during May and June a stars (15 RR0,7 RR1), a Mira variable, an LB vari- 2012. Usingthis method weconfirmedallthe previously able, and an unclassified variable in M107 (Clement et known variables in our field, as well as discovered the al. 2001). Clement & Shelton (1997) found the periods existence of an SX Phe star in M107. andlight-curveFouriercoefficientsofsixteenoftheseRR Lyrae stars. Given the relatively small number of vari- 2. OBSERVATIONSANDREDUCTION ables previouslyfoundin M107andits locationnear the Imageswere obtained using the SoutheasternAssocia- celestialequatorwhereitisobservableinboththenorth- tionforResearchinAstronomy(SARA)North0.9mtele- ern and southern hemisphere, we chose M107 to search scope located at Kitt Peak National Observatory. The for undiscovered pulsating variable stars. system uses an Apogee Alta U42 CCD detector with In previous studies by this groupwe have searchedfor 2048×2048Kodake2VCC42-40with a gainof1.2elec- variables in 3 other globular clusters; identifying, classi- trons per count and a read noise of 6.3 electrons cooled fying,andproducingdetailedlightcurvesof229variables to approximately -30◦C. Using 2×2 binning this gave a 1Based on observations obtained with the SARA Observatory plate scale of 0.82′′/px and a 13.6′×13.6′ field of view. 0.9mtelescopeatKittPeaknationalObservatory,whichisowned Thesetupisidealforfindingvariablesinglobularclusters andoperatedbytheSoutheastern AssociationforResearchinAs- because the aperture is large enough to find faint vari- tronomy(http://www.saraobservatory.org). 2Southeastern Associationfor Research in Astronomy(SARA) ablesbutsmallenoughtousereasonableexposuretimes. In addition we had regular access to the telescope, and NSF-REUSummerIntern Electronicaddress: [email protected], [email protected] could therefore obtain enough data to analyze the light 52 McCombs et al. does not produce accurate results. In this equation F ref 17.85 is the reference flux, ∆F is the differential flux, and C 0 isaconstant. Toremedythisweuseamethoddescribed by Baldacci et al (2005) to calibrate the differential flux 17.80 from ISIS with instrumental magnitudes from DAOPHOT. The calibration was performed using PSF fitting pho- e d17.75 tometry on the night of 20 June 2012 using the stan- nitu 1d9a8lo7n,e19D9A4O)P.HIOnTtahnedDAALOLPFHROATMpEapckaacgkeagwese(Sutseetdsotnh,ePF.INBD. g a17.70 procedure to find stars above a threshold of 3.5σ where M σ is the standard deviation of the sky background. We 17.65 then used the PHOT procedure which performed initial aperture photometry on the stars found. However since the field is crowded the results of aperture photometry 17.600.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 arenotacceptable,thereforeweusedPSFfittingformore JD +2.4560986×106 accurate photometry. This was done using PICK to se- lect the 25 brightest stars which were not overexposed Fig. 1.— For the night of June 20, 2012, our longest night, we and did not overlap with any brighter stars, followed plotthemeasuredmagnitudesoftheSXPhestaragainsttheJD. curves and determine periods of the variables. by PSF to construct a semi-empirical model of the PSF Observations were made using a Bessel V filter on 23 for each frame. DAOMATCH was then used to produce a May 2012 and 7, 8, 9, and 20 June 2012. Typical seeing rough transformation between the frames, followed by was 2.5′′ and generally between 2′′ and 3.5′′. Exposures DAOMASTER to increase the accuracy of the transforma- on 23 May were 120 seconds long, and all exposures in tion. After obtaining transformations we created a me- Junewere90seconds. Figure1showstheunphasedlight dian image using MONTAGE2. Following this step we ran curve of a low amplitude SX Phoenicis star on 20 June, FIND,PHOT,PICK,andPSFonthemedianimageandthen our longest night. ALLSTAR to perform PSF fitting photometry on the me- We performed standard image reduction using Maxim dianimage. FollowingthesubtractionofthePSFsforall DL to apply bias, dark, and flat frames. In order to found stars from the original image we again ran FIND reduce the number of false positives in ISIS we ran the andPHOTonthesubtractedimage,andaddthenewstars frames through Maxim DLs hot and bad pixel removal to the star list, andperformALLSTARonthe originalim- kernels,andusedthecraveragecosmicrayremovaltask age with the revised star list. This process is repeated inIRAF.Wealsorejectedimageframescontainingsatel- until all stars have been added. We then ran ALLSTAR lite trails, star trails from poor guiding, or seeing worse on all of the individual frames. Finally ALLFRAME was than 3.5′′. applied to the transformation list to improve the PSF fits for each frame by looking at all of the frames simul- 3. ANALYSIS taneously. DAOPHOT does not take into account the JD, 3.1. Image Subtraction airmass,or exposure time, so scripts were written to ex- tract this information from the headers. Image subtraction was done using the ISIS v2.2 soft- After obtaining the instrumental magnitudes for the ware package (Alard & Lupton 1998; Alard 2000) using night of 20 June 2012we found the instrumental magni- the same procedure used by Conroy et al. (2012). This tude for the SX Phe star from the reference frame used packageusesanumberofprogramsandc-shellscriptsto in ISIS. This was accomplishedusing the procedure out- align many frames together, perform image subtraction, lined above, however since we only had a single frame findobjectswithvariability,andproducelightcurvesfor we did not perform the steps for DAOMATCH, DAOMASTER, those objects. MONTAGE2, or ALLFRAME, and instead used only ALLSTAR ISIScompensatesforvariableseeingconditionsbycon- to perform the photometry. However multiple runs were volvinga highqualityreferenceframe witheachindivid- usedtofindallstars,aswasdonewiththemedianimage. ual frame, and then performing the subtraction. The Next we attempted to fit the differential flux to the SIGTHRESH parameter controls the threshold for find- instrumental magnitude for this night as described by ing variable objects. We modified this parameter until Baldacci et al (2005). Since DAOPHOT uses a zero point roughly a thousand objects were found, then manually of 25 for its photometry we calculated the reference flux examined the light curves to extract true variables from for the SX Phe star from the reference frame using the more numerous false positives. Our reference frame was produced by combining the 7 F =10(25−minst)/2.5 (2) best images from the night of 6 June 2012,because that was the night with the best seeing. where m is the instrumental magnitude from the ref- inst erence frame. After extracting the instrumental magni- 3.2. Magnitude Calibration tudes from the output of ALLFRAME, we used a program ISIS outputs its photometry in the form of differential writteninC++whichattemptedseveralfitsofthediffer- flux (the difference in flux between the reference frame entialfluxtoinstrumentalmagnitudeusingthe equation and the image frame). Unfortunately, as Baldacci et al given by Baldacci et al (2005): (2005) pointed out, a simple conversion from the differ- ential flux to magnitude by mi =−2.5log[Fi,ref −A∆Fi]+C (3) m=−2.5log[F −∆F]+C (1) varying A between 0.5 and 2, and C between 24 and 26. ref 0 SX Phe in M107 53 TABLE 1 Amplitude variationsforthe SXPhe star NightofObservation(JD) Amplitude(VMagnitude) 2456070 0.054 2456085 0.052 2456086 0.053 2456087 0.032 2456098 0.046 We optimized A and C to minimize the test statistic (m −m )2 i,ALLF i,ISIS X n (4) i where n is the number of acceptable data points. Data points are acceptable if the residual for the current fit (m −m )islessthan0.1magnitudes. Further- i,ALLF i,ISIS moreanyfitwheremorethan25%ofthedatapointsare not acceptable is rejected. Once the values of A and C were obtained, we con- verted all of the ISIS data from fluxes to magnitudes using equation 3. Although this method worked well for the previously discovered variables, the SX Phe was Fig. 2.—PositionsofvariablesinM107 two faint for DAOPHOT to find on the individual frames, 0.00176 day−1. Two outliers were removed that obvi- although we could perform photometry for it on the ref- ously were spurious points in the light curve. The av- erence frame. Therefore we used the median values of A erage magnitude of the SX Phe star was also obtained and C from the values for the other variables. This is fromPeriod04. Theresultsforotherharmonicswereun- not a bad estimate since the values for A and C do not reliableduetothefaintnessoftheobjectandthequality vary significantly in the field of view, and in this case at of the data. least,themedian,modeandmeanareidenticaltowithin 0.01. We obtained the values A = 1.09 and C = 25.19, 3.4. Astrometry both of which are close to the expected values of 1 and AfteridentifyingvariablestarsusingISIStheircoordi- 25 respectively. nates were in units of pixels. To convertto conventional Finally to transform from instrumental magnitude to celestial coordinates we used the ccmap and ccsetwcs apparent magnitude we use tasks in IRAF to apply a world coordinate system to V =V −25+2.512log(t )+22.633 (5) our alignment image. We used a set of nine stars from inst exp the NOMAD catalog to match the physical coordinates where V is the apparent magnitude, Vinst is the instru- of our frame with the fk5 celestial coordinate system. mentalmagnitude,texpistheexposuretimeoftheframes We then used the center task to ensure that the pixel usedforthe calibrationwith DAOPHOT,whichwas90sec- coordinates for the variable stars were centered on the onds. The 22.633 term is the zeropoint of 25 used by centroid. Finally we converted the pixel coordinate sys- DAOPHOT minus a measured offset for our system. This tem to celestial coordinates. Figures 2, 3, and 4 show givesusanapproximateapparentmagnitudeof17.72for our field of view and subsets of our field of view, along the SX Phe star. with the positions of known variables. The SX Phe star For the RR Lyrae variables that were in our field we is indicated as number 26. appliedthesameprocedure. WefoundamedianV mag- nitude for these variables of 15.72, two full magnitudes 4. RESULTS brighter than our suspected SX Phe star. Given that Usingthe imagesubtractionpackageISISwefoundall RR Lyrae stars are horizontal branch stars this would of the variables documented by Clement et al. (2001) also be the typical magnitude of the horizontal branch in our field and verified their classifications. We also for M107. Typically the main-sequence turnoffwouldbe discovered an SX Phe star located at 16h32m32.69s, 3.5 magnitudes dimmer than the horizontal branch, or −13◦02′58.92′′. It was measuredto have a pulsationfre- roughly 19.2. quency of 19.0122 day−1 (0.05257 days) with an ampli- tude of 0.046 magnitudes, roughly 0.1 magnitudes from 3.3. Frequency Analysis minimum to maximum. The average V magnitude was Once our differential fluxes were converted into mag- 17.72. Using Period04’s Monte Carlo simulation we es- nitudes via the procedure described in section 3.2 they timated the errors for the frequency and magnitude as wereanalyzedusingthesoftwarepackagePeriod04(Lenz 0.0011 and 0.0031, respectively. The Monte Carlo er- &Breger2005). Period04wasusedtodeterminethefre- rorfor frequency is less than our exposure time, and the quency and amplitude of the fundamental frequency of error for magnitude is less than our error for the trans- the SX Phe star. We searched for the fundamental fre- formation,whichsuggestsourresultsarelimitedprimar- quency in the range 0 to 50 day−1 with a step size of ily by observational error. The frequency, V magnitude, 54 McCombs et al. TABLE 2 Astrometry andclassification of variablesin M107 Variablea RA(2000)b Dec(2000) Type V1c 16h 32m 24.340s -13◦ 11′ 55.60′′ M V2c 16h 32m 41.780s -13◦ 09′ 42.40′′ RR0 V3 16h 32m 16.656s -13◦ 06′ 23.60′′ RR0 V4 16h 32m 25.237s -13◦ 05′ 55.52′′ RR1 V5 16h 32m 47.887s -13◦ 05′ 57.10′′ RR0 V6 16h 32m 31.290s -13◦ 04′ 25.60′′ RR1 V7 16h 32m 34.906s -13◦ 04′ 18.67′′ RR0 V8 16h 32m 32.800s -13◦ 03′ 59.93′′ RR0 V9 16h 32m 30.181s -13◦ 03′ 37.84′′ RR1 V10 16h 32m 28.054s -13◦ 03′ 10.32′′ RR0 V11 16h 32m 32.574s -13◦ 02′ 44.98′′ RR0 Fig. 3.— Positions of variables in the core of M107, star 26 is V12 16h 32m 35.984s -13◦ 02′ 16.57′′ RR0 thenewSXPhestar V13 16h 32m 30.095s -13◦ 02′ 06.09′′ RR0 V14 16h 32m 33.118s -13◦ 01′ 55.53′′ RR0 V15 16h 32m 33.182s -13◦ 01′ 17.45′′ RR1 V16 16h 32m 27.326s -13◦ 01′ 24.86′′ RR0 V17 16h 32m 25.146s -13◦ 02′ 07.07′′ RR0 V18 16h 32m 37.163s -12◦ 59′ 41.75′′ RR0 V19 16h 32m 47.839s -13◦ 00′ 32.52′′ RR1 V20 16h 32m 34.060s -13◦ 02′ 26.23′′ RR0 V21 16h 32m 37.579s -13◦ 05′ 42.22′′ RR1 V23 16h 32m 13.917s -13◦ 03′ 01.46′′ RR1 V24 16h 32m 31.958s -13◦ 03′ 09.73′′ RR0 V25d ··· ··· Lb V26e 16h 32m 32.660s -13◦ 03′ 00.38′′ SXPhe a We usedthe same variablenumbersas Clementet al. (2001), with Fig. 4.—AfinderchartzoomedinonthenewSXPhestar(26) theexceptionofV26whichwasnotinClement’scatalog. b Our coordinates differed by a few arcseconds from Clement et al. (2001),likelyduetotheirusingphotographicplates. c V1 and V2 are outside of our field of view, the coordinates and variabletypearetakenfromClementetal.(2001),andthecoordinates maybeinaccurate. d V25wasdiscoveredbyLloydEvans&Menzies(1973),butnocoor- dinateswereavailable,andwedidnotdetectthisstar,possiblydueto 17.60 aelongperiod. V26wasdiscoveredinthisstudy. stragglers are found. 17.65 Figure 1 shows our observations for June 20 (our longest night) and Figure 5 shows all of the data com- binedandphased. As canbeseenfromtheFigure1and e d17.70 Figure5, althoughthe frequency appearsconsistent, the u nit amplitude may be modulating. Using Period04 we de- g termined amplitudes for each night separately, with the a M17.75 results listed in Table 1. When performing astrometry we discovered that the coordinates given by Clement et al. (2001), which orig- 17.80 inated from Oosterhoff (1938) were inaccurate by a few arcseconds. Given that these coordinates were obtained in 1938 with photographic plates this inaccuracy is not 17.85 surprising. Here we present revised coordinates in Table 2. Two of the variables, V1 and V2, were outside of our 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 field of view. Their coordinates are taken from Clement Phase et al. (2001). Fig. 5.— The data from all nights was phased using Period04 5. CONCLUSION with the estimated period of 0.05257 days and plotted together. We have verified and refined the positions of 21 Differentnightsarerepresenteddifferentbycolors. previously known variables in M107 as documented and amplitude are consistent with the variable being an by Clement et al. (2001). We have also dis- SX Phe star in a globular clusters. It is 2 magnitudes covered a probable new SX Phe star located at dimmerthanthehorizontalbranchofM107. Thiswould 16h32m32.69s, −13◦02′58.92′′ with fundamental fre- placeitroughly1.5magnitudesabovethemainsequence quency of 19.01221 day−1 (0.05257 days) with a mean turn-off which is typically where SX Phe stars and blue V magnitude and amplitude of 17.72 and 0.046 magni- SX Phe in M107 55 tudes, respectively. The discovery of this faint variable ableandPStetsonforusefuladviseinusingDAOPHOT shows the power of using ISIS to look for variable stars. and ALLFRAME. This project was funded in part by Inadditionwehaveimprovedtheastrometryforthepre- the National Science Foundation Research Experiences viously discoveredvariables in M107. for Undergraduates (REU) program through grant NSF Unfortunately the SX Phe star was too faint for us to AST-1004872. AdditionallyA.Darragh,E.Johnson,and obtain a high signal-to-noise with our observations, and B.Murphy werepartially funded by the Butler Institute therefore we were limited in the amount of frequency forResearchandScholarship. TheauthorsalsothankF. analysis we could perform. Levinsonfora generousgiftenablingButler University’s membership in the SARA consortium. We thank C. Alard for making ISIS 2.2 publicly avail- REFERENCES Alard,C.,&Lupton,R.H.1998,ApJ,503,325 Mateo,M.,Harris,H.C.,Nemec,J.,&Olszewski,E.W.1990,AJ, Alard,C.2000,A&AS,144,363 100,469 Baldacci,L.,Rizzi,L.,Clementini,G.,&Held,E.V.2005, A&A, Oosterhoff,P.T.1938,Bull.Astron.Inst.Netherlands,8,273 431,1189 Rodr´ıguez,E.,&L´opez-Gonza´lez, M.J.2000, A&A,359,597 Clement,C.M.,Muzzin,A.,Dufton,Q.,etal.2001,AJ,122,2587 Simon,N.R.,&Clement,C.M.1993,ApJ,410,526 Clement,C.M.,&Shelton,I.1997,AJ,113,1711 Stetson,P.B.1987,PASP,99,191 Conroy,K.E.,Darragh,A.N.,Liu,Z.J.,&Murphy,B.W.2012, Stetson,P.B.1994,PASP,106,250 JSARA,5,34 Toddy, J. M.,Johnson, E. W.,Darragh, A.N.,& Murphy, B. W. Darragh,A.N.,&Murphy,B.W.2012,JSARA,6,72 2012,JSARA,6,63 LenzP.,BregerM.2005, CoAst,146,53 LloydEvans,T.,&Menzies,J.W.1973,IAUColloq.21:Variable StarsinGlobularClustersandinRelatedSystems,36,151

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