DISCOVERING Your Personality Type The Essential Introduction to the Enneagram dand panded Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson a Houghton Mifflin Company Toston + New Merle 3008 DISCOVERING Your Personality Type Books ey Hon Kevan Figo ano Ruse Huse PERBOMALITY TWEE Uareg tie Enmeageam for Set Tiecevery ‘eos tio) LUSIDERATANTING THE ENNEAGTAMA ‘The Practeal Curd ta Tesaoestty Types DISCOVERING sOWa PERSONALITE THE: ‘The Essential Introduction co the Emnzageam, ENNZAGRAN, TRAMEFORMATIONS TRelzasea ana 2faraanone fo eating Yur Pesaoralty Type ‘THE WIANGRA CF THE ENTEZCRAM, ‘The Complete Guise to Payehclogtes. sd Spcttaal Grow for she Hime Perecnality™ypee Por a New Worip Basen ov “HE REALiaavion EAT WEARZ OME Allg reernd . Paomsion, ogy Min Crop. Pek sone eh Tralee pray eared ran Contents ‘eked fa ths Revised and Rrpanded Fitna Part Ore ‘The Meh Dimersienal Raneagram 3 Tnscrass sngtossbeRAPTT 6 A. The Rise. Musoon Fongayim Tye a £. Sraming Insees ons 56 eaier 20 Part "wo 5. How the Syato Works $3 & TypeOnerTheRetormrer 88 7. Type Twa: The Helper 87 A. TypeThice. The Ae ricres 106 8. Type Four: The tndividwalia. 1°6 In, Type Rive: T ve heen sao 128 M1. Typesinc Te Laya i185 12. TypeSeven. The Fnuhnsiant “as 1A, TypeEight:The Challesger 155 Je Type Nines The Peacsmazer 18 Part “hres 15, Tone piston Gots ng Mus amt ashe RFT 77 18, The Univeral Rnnegvan. Aaplicat ens ie toe Real Wield $a Anon: "18 Validation af -e RHETT 266 Resimeoss 311 Acknowledgments tor the Revised and Expanded Edition Flin we nga sorting alent Poe Revenge amie of as nase eve Fit raslsh ng Inks ism thie penta sihises weal Iie gie ate sont vie ennle mM pony. Tha he Irae, and 66 wave bos asc not nly with ies Poe + al rs ua es tn Besse daing bau with exvaandivarypeap ew wham ae dais, We Too, Hee or all, thank tho wh hava sore tt tae Fhnengeamn Warkshrpe cd Faneagtan Protas sal Training Fe toma tor show anpanis dnd sea ssizem, They a -eaptoas gM lube Fancageam,ct te ilerlly, atourd besenrd, We asa saat ro than chese wha are enernraged cx ua delay 2 an naire [was na. someth 7a 22 were panion ally interested © ing, til wr Legg 49 spypmecite the asliees oF el i emer. “hms, waders and sensenes alike san parva tale saci facinn an'eoesring eae they hav hada ir poltane ele un hring ing his pene boa Tenth “apgoad, eeniat edito’ a. Hoga Minis, wa a se anc steady plesonce dieing uhe years n which we vente. to feet in Lalirg the wri ats te yee ory aka hk ina pin. Wess dae a3" fo her nnFlagng spp nF ark, Sea Sanaven, one en-en sfemy, hae oe a MeL an lent ms astiesnpanttersoLanty4t ats Werk hot al the Rareaglen. Wee arate lun be searking with aot are leak torsant 19 a1 ve Paige the ‘ara Special Prtks ofr icc ton atures arb ane lei oheingion, Quentin inges, Ph.., and Wwreey Vasliegmaie, THAT, Zn thon suiigne a ths Ease worn s¥ questiaavaier Arlen Raven and Chics Talia wete siete elpial wily eam iments, evitiguss, 22 many uscfal sugaestinns. “wa ater su ents, Willism Calp, PhD, and aed Reswies, meds ve mab e rece" mendations eanesrning Ls ina. rastiaas lee uhe RHRTT 1a westecarcimaing tsemplay in hi rvised reign, We we ste flea everyone vas has helped mprowe she te, eck ng she mang sinents sts a eho cod Teaniege wha a9 9 angle serves a6 "guinea pige” cMe MAINE YEAE 1.8 original eonecptien fie ere ned ev sn, a tel Ce can, a yillie LFoneag-ar thares cian ae sends cf ens, has hoch exe mely erccuraging ard helpfal sith his scone sues he RHPTI with she MIT Wer has ala lel the revi ineenciesg the Raneageaee the Miyors Riggs esonnm nity. May aise teenntinue a beat he Ins! ern feu lizatin, TRshecea Kiang, wehecn of alco. aasi.: 819 BRANE 1 UALR ye RET” hy eae agit i the Tnisrnersn tau we eal add ua sar Wes Le. The ail. Io take she REETH ard to have Lasived “icy eal ae hae esha ie net he alll teary mine reap’, ehoteby aks inerade ng Ahom wr Fre Fhneagvamn eel 3 wok TRshecea Newrgert, PhAD. han hee exiremchy celal rhesssh herwatk invalidating ne BET ion. Nelly. D~. Newgent vali: sated 1 RHET" ex per. al her dectvel wrk, and ver Tndings ave greatly hocsted she convene nh that wh neta aoe Kind a statissioal een imation thar Pas Fansagei wrk cand wis worterle, OL emnese, we and vakdess 41 sounds reacers have alys flv cval inutirey, ha. i sae gra 7 40 le fave om Flim rome hy ablcstive cata, We lonk orwaed le working sth Ts Newgen —and a.her calif reses-ehe-s fi cnethee val Satin chee tthe RTT and akeaheesepects rthe Pensageam, Is, as we hive thanked amr suctenus, we wml ke a agai tank amt isachsrn in ths Diamond Aapisach, amesd Ali, Ala Tnvarnn, Resaie Moran, Monian Tetelaky, Hammed Gabizerd, Teanne Hey, and Rrisu na Rear i ther i agptalian, ge cance, and runveevering detisatian an Tene Nee Tne: hanks Catherine Cre nies, ad ames, ea Maik Dental tnr enectag ng me to lok mare sep inua “he uhece in sires and hei” alenuetiae with he Raneageas -ypen, They gen il Achrmedgcats trons sheved thei’ ever enrinsity i+ his tops wich ex me ua smd i mere eleselp mgsel. Tem «alan fs un thane my fara fox thsi engping suppart and cnzsuragsmen Tina, Pavel “ike to citer near askesulecgment my mache, overly Marean Pumilia, and mp ieee. Too Bigs. Teer yom loeal Haar they have given ua me. The elder Thasems, the mate" “eu aslo ay best quaiies aes tally uheits Bvally, my pevsonal advisars, ran Taw ence ~aploand 7aez,efeinvs Nabe in more wave than f can $a. Their comur tment ts my Werle hes Teen dee) ars ahiclng, al withaat Prete seen. sry. and gnidanes, dig awa hams hss" iors Tas, we g 8 thenks Ine the Cn cane we have vecewed a 32 feonk me an wore a7 the Phncagram and cucinps uo live 18 let sang. Ag rae a this wark isthe prone of ome nten so-ts, e fam alee aly say ea. iL eer Ln some Femi a6 Ling hepend tie. Thats i conscisceness than sighas en nanitees fvalh mints Sleaely inthe weld ani we flees thar she Faneageam sor Tinpencet experi of ab row eceasions yess. May al 986 wha scck we awaken and secur aheaactyss Fa help with thi re marae a Dorn Rechaes Rego an Res Henloon Srome Reg, Neve re Fane 2002 PART ONE