미SCOVER DEBATE Basic Skills for Supporting and Refuting Opinions Michael Lubetsky / Charles LeBeau / David Harrington Produced and published by: Language Solutions Incorporated ⑧ 2000 by Michael Lubetsky, Charles LeBeau, and David Harrington All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The persons, entities and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarities to actual persons or entities, past or present, are purely coincidental. Book Design: Language S이utions/David Harrington /Chikako Koyama Produdion: Language Solutions Layout: Chikako Koyama Cover/Interior Design: Ty Semaka This edition reprinted and distributed in Korea by Compass Publishing http://www.compasspub.com email: [email protected] ISBN 978-89-8446-5 1 7-6 1 O 0 래we This book is dedicated to: 」 Brian effrey Moss 」 anuary 6, 1958 . June 21, 1999 He was our colleague, and our friend. ∥ Hewi always be in our hearts. T。 Stude"ts 吟 따 Hey, what is this book "Discover Debate" about? makes debate as simple as building a house! 줍 In Unit 1, we prepare the roof of the house. 醜 In unit 2, we support the roof with strong pillars and walls. 擲 D」 눋」, e븍e廬「 斛 Then, in Unit 3, we build ee찮洲r닙 se 이 Care a strong foundation to s e support the house. / After building your 櫓 house, we learn how to explain it in Unit 4. Cats Make Better Pets Than Dogs ) 0 。O「O 。 O 오 Cost Care 木 25% cheaper Can walk themselves 乙 In Units 5, 6, 7, we learn how to attack the other team's house. ―∼ 沁 鉀 3Cats Make Better Pets Than Dogs 튼 `9 0 。 ○ e 。 ④ 吐ㅈ상 Finally, in Units 8 and 9, Cost 纛 we are ready to discover and enjoy debate! 25% cheaper Can walk themselves 轍 。. To eTe he, y This book is an answer to a much debated question: "Is debate possible for low level learners?" We have tried to answer strongly in the affirmative. However, we feel stron이y that it is necessary to take a somewhat different approach to debate for low level learners. New concepts and methodologies are required. These are the concepts that have proven successful for us. We hope they, in turn, will be successful for you. Stepping Stones Toward Debate First, this book recognizes that debate is a very sophisticated form of immediate, interactive communication. Debate assumes a high level of discourse skill. Thus, although the goal of the book is debate, Unit 1 begins not with debate but with exchanging opinions. We assume nothing and start from zero. From there, we have paved the way to debate with 9 small, but necessary, steps (units) that can be taken in stride by beginners. This journey is a road of discovery, hence the title of the book. Along the way, we learn how to support opinions with reasons, how to support reasons with evidence, and how to organize information into a coherent message. Continuing down the road, we learn how to refute explanations, how to challenge evidence, and how to organize refutations into a coherent message. Finally, we learn how to make rebuttal arguments, and then, at the end of the journey, we are ready to discover and enjoy debate. Metaphorically Speaking Secondly, debate is, by its very nature, abstract. But abstractions are very difficult to teach. So, we have had to find a way of making debate concrete, a way of making the reasoning of debate visible to the students. To this end, we have found comparing debate with constructing a house, attacking a house, and rebuilding a house to be a very powerful metaphor. Thus, throughout the book, the first page of each unit cements the unit's contents to the house concept. Metaphorically speaking, the roof of the house is the topic, or resolution, of the debate. This roof is supported by pillars, or reasons, and the entire house rests on a foundation of evidence. Only careful construction allows a house to withstand the attack of storm and gale, snow and rain, wind and hail. Likewise, only strong reasons and firm evidence allow a debate case to withstand well-aimed refutations. We also learn how to turn the case around and see it from the opposite point of view. In this way, the house metaphor teaches us that debate is about attacking the building, not the builder. User Friendly Format Third, knowing that beginners function best in a clearly structured environment, we have endeavored to make each lesson learner friendly. Learners walk through 6 steps. First, they experience the unit's debate target skill in the Discovery section. Second, learners see the target skill systematically presented in the Model section. Third, in the Language Focus section, learners practice the language needed for implementing the target skill. Next, the learners experiment with both the language and the unit's target skill in a carefully Controlled Practice. Now that learners have had adequate practice in both the language and the target skill, they are ready to place the target skill within the context of debate in the Debate Application. Each unit ends with an assignment, the Project, that asks students to dig into their lives and the mass media to uncover the target skill in action. The Project takes debate beyond the classroom and invites learners to challenge what they see and hear in the world around them. Topics: From the Silly to the Sublime A final note 沁out the debate topics in this book. We have included a full spectrum of topics from the silly to the sublime. But there is a method in our madness. We have used simple topics (For example: cats vs. dogs, country vs. city) to introduce the new debate skills. Our experience has shown that focusing on both the content (the issues) and the form (debate skills) overwhelms learners. Rather than discovering the debate skill, students just get lost in the issues. However, this is not to say that there are no challenging topics in this book! We have included tough issues such as capital punishment, gun control, nuclear energy, national service, and economic development in the third world. But we have carefully selected these topics and placed them to review and consolidate the target skills, not to introduce them. In the final analysis, Discover Debate is not about issues, it is about how we talk about issues. This book is not about global issues, human rights, or the environment. It is about how we think about, how we talk about, and what we want to do about global issues, human rights, or the environment. To misquote Confucius: Give your students an issue and you feed them for a day. Teach them debate skills, and you feed them for life. (cid:9) J'"' r:TrT n I「 」 I ■ 너 I ■ r 」 L,l‘ Unit ` Have An Opinion 샛쇽『 Your Opinion Opinions of Value, Policy, & Fact CUS Agree or Disagree ·cictice 臘歡 Opinion Survey 샌 ication Debate Terms Debate in the News Opinions in the News Un;퓰 2 Explaining Your Opinion 17 Explaining your Opinion 쎄 Strong Reasons 稽age : (cid:9) Compare & Contrast Giving Reasons oIIed h fice (cid:9) Gimme one reason... 계 te A pp nion Brainstorming Reasons Ct Creating a Questionnaire Unit 3 Supporting Your Opinion 31 Supporting your Opinion 纏 Types of Support 螂 ’熱麒,$ Giving Supports ke (cid:9) One, Two, Three Pli, ion(cid:9) Case Study (》 ct (cid:9) Researching Supports Unit 4 Organizing Your Opinion (cid:9) 47 Organizing your Opinion Signposts Macro and Micro Organization for the 1AC →· cus Debate Introductions and Conclusions ;궁締누」 Contr& L cictice Strip Speech 「 Debate 7 piicaton (cid:9) Present your House Project (cid:9) Letter to the Editor Unit 5 Refuting Explanations 61 over Refuting Opinions lel Refuting an Opinion L: ’衍》軋奉뼜 re Focus Types of Refutations Stating a Refutation C轍 irol d Practice Point → Refutation Making Refutations Debate Application Tennis Debate Project Critiquing an Editorial Unit 6 Chal-enging Supports 75 · 」scov戰 Challenging Supports eI 繃 젭 Testing Supports 孃鱗輸饌了 Asking Questions Refuting a Source trolled P, Question Supports Challenge Supports 駭 cite Apphcation Question & Refute 卜 罹ect Critiquing an Advertisement Uni즙 ' Organizing Your Refutation 89 ㅇ Organ`IZing your Refutati n 鍈驢《裁 毒'0de Macr0 0rganizatiㅇn for the 1 NC ㅇ `」 Micr Organization for the 1 1 C 獵uage Focus The 1 NC trolled Practice Refutation Format cite Application M ini.Debate 劤《츙 Responding to an Editorial (cid:9) Unit 8 Debating An Opinion 103 』scove Debating an Opinion del Debate Formats 釜 穫 鸞 鑽엣 欒 4囊 Responding to Attacks The Rebuttal ractice 「 Rebuttal Speeches " ition Flowing a Debate Debate Chain (cid:9) Unit 9 DISCOVer Debate 】 】 7 Flow a Complete Debate ions Topics Advanced Topics Append ices 】 25 Transcripts 】 35 [ B D D uuuu ㄷ 做 rt\ 0 D ㅁ . 니 l 【. □n D 디 q 다 o g n O ㅁ □ 0 겹U o n건니7 n =。뻑.- . J ―J □ 「 랙 「0 尸「 「「 0000 다0尸0r1 (므 q 디 紗 緻 O Oc ㅇㅇ괘 ㅁ。 D ㅁ ㄷ 0 驪’ㅍ ㅡ 닐 n길 -ㅁ n \-U O O O . 兩壅즈 ㅁㅁ O 딥 i Jb 0 0 00 / LI) H f . 惻紐呵 ■ 0 . 「猫 0 鐄 獅珊 斑 一 心 0 轍`白 。 1 0 d ~ 勵으 이 비멩〃구吟 鵬D,7岬 本 Everyone has opinions! This New Yorker thinks that the city is better than the country. What do you think? Do you agree with his opinion? Do you disagree? What is your opinion? Read the following opinions. What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with the statements under the pictures. Check (V) the box next to either ㅣ AGREE or - DISAGREE. 눼-讐 스 £ ’蜜 나엣。芯 「싸媤 瑕, :: r 令 2 f 1. Math is the most important subject! 2. The government should lower taxes! □ □ □ □ I AGREE. (cid:9) I DISAGREE. I AGREE. I DISAGREE. ㄷ . 【 * . = 。 빽. 。 . OP ·■ . ·■ 0 . 3. Cats are better pets than dogs! 4. Eating fast food is not healthy! □ □ □ □ I AGREE. I DISAGREE. I AGREE. I DISAGREE. z 27 ZZ f녹 큅22 21 2 Zz 고2 2 1 ,小윌 u꿴Z 5. Soccer is more exciting than baseball! 6. U.F.O.'s have already visited Earth! □ □ □ □ I AGREE. I DISAGREE. (cid:9) I AGREE. I DISAGREE. 밀石 k ir k1' '1F-{1'k. Compare your opinions in this exercise with the opinions of your classmates. Did you and your classmates all a or disagree with the same opinions? Did you sometimes have different opinions? Do you always agree with everyone else's opinion? Do you sometimes disagree? Debate starts when two people have different opinions about the same idea. 3