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17 mm Wiley-Blackwell - 170mm + 4mm for Back Cover spine: 29.5mm Wiley-Blackwell - 170mm + 4mm for Front Cover 17 mm m 1 m 7 m 17 m “As Discourse Analysis expands and diversifies, we need scholarship that maintains the coherence Edited by The Handbook of of the field, centered on socially aware linguistic theorizing. We also need scholarship which is able to Tannen, shape new issues, emphases, and applications. The second edition of this Handbook is a landmark achievement in both these regards. Two volumes of updated and original chapters by leading Hamilton, contributors provide an outstanding, up-to-date resource, including several real gems by founding Discourse and figures in Discourse Analysis that should be consulted by researchers and students alike.” Nikolas Coupland, University of Copenhagen and Cardiff University Schiffrin “There are several handbooks of Discourse Analysis available today – this two-volume collection is the most comprehensive and intellectually stimulating of them all. Updated throughout to reflect the Analysis very latest research across a wide range of theoretical and analytic approaches, The Handbook of Discourse Analysis is accessible to undergraduates and yet represents a state-of-the-art resource for graduate students and academics alike. Highly recommended.” John E. Richardson, Loughborough University DT “Anyone wanting to explore the world of Discourse Analysis should engage with this essential, ih Second Edition s Volume I accessible, and forward-looking guide.” e Tim Rapley, Newcastle University c m oH m 6 The second edition of the highly successful Handbook of Discourse Analysis has been thoroughly ua + H) updated to reflect the very latest research to have developed since the publication of the first edition rn m ( i–n f2or0 e0x1a.m Uppldea, ttehse ienxcplulodrea tnioenw oref sreecaercnht tchoenodruectitceadl pina raalld aigrmeass – c aosve wreedll bays tehxep oarnigdienda la 4n1d cehnaripctheerds sd m existing frameworks. Moreover, new types of discourse have appeared with the invention and adoption e 4 b 4 of new technologies. ell - 2 In addition to updating chapters that appeared in the original edition, the second edition includes 20 Aoo w k entirely new chapters that highlight emerging trends and areas of research. The result is a cutting- nk c edge resource, written and edited by leading researchers in their respective fields, which provides an a Bl elegant and state-of-the-art overview of the field. The two-volume handbook delivers a vital resource a o - ey for scholars and students in discourse studies and related fields. lf Wil y h : DSheeb ohraash p Tuabnlinsehend i so vUenri v2e0r sbitoyo Pkrso, fienscsluodr ianng dY oPuro Wfeesrseo Ar lwofa Lysin Mguoimst’isc sF aavto Grieteo!r g(2e0to0w9n), UTanlikvienrgs iVtyo.i ces s t Clo (Second edition, 2007), Conversational Style (2005), and You Just Don’t Understand (1990). She is has been McGraw Distinguished Lecturer at Princeton University as well as a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. Heidi E. Hamilton is Professor and Chair in the Department of Linguistics at Georgetown University. Her publications include the Routledge Handbook of Language and Health Communication (co-edited with Sylvia Chou, 2014), Linguistics, Language, and the Professions (co-edited with James E. Alatis and Ai-hui Tan, 2002), and Conversations with an Alzheimer’s Patient: An Interactional Sociolinguistic Study (1994, 2005). Volume Deborah Schiffrin is Professor of Linguistics at Georgetown University. Her publications include I In other Words: Variation in Reference and Narrative (2006), Approaches to Discourse (1994), and Discourse Markers (1987). She is also the co-editor of Telling Stories (with Anna De Fina and Anastasia Nylund, 2010) and Discourse and Identity (with Anna De Fina and Michael Bamberg, 2006). Second Edited by Edition Deborah Tannen, Heidi E. Hamilton, and Deborah Schiffrin www.wiley.com/go/linguistics Also available as an e-book m 1 m 7 m 17 m mm 71 mm 71 17 mm Wiley-Blackwell - 170mm + 4mm for Back Cover spine: 24.5mm Wiley-Blackwell - 170mm + 4mm for Front Cover 17 mm m 1 m 7 m 17 m “As Discourse Analysis expands and diversifies, we need scholarship that maintains the coherence Edited by The Handbook of of the field, centered on socially aware linguistic theorizing. We also need scholarship which is able to Tannen, shape new issues, emphases, and applications. The second edition of this Handbook is a landmark achievement in both these regards. Two volumes of updated and original chapters by leading Hamilton, contributors provide an outstanding, up-to-date resource, including several real gems by founding Discourse and figures in Discourse Analysis that should be consulted by researchers and students alike.” Nikolas Coupland, University of Copenhagen and Cardiff University Schiffrin “There are several handbooks of Discourse Analysis available today – this two-volume collection is the most comprehensive and intellectually stimulating of them all. Updated throughout to reflect the Analysis very latest research across a wide range of theoretical and analytic approaches, The Handbook of Discourse Analysis is accessible to undergraduates and yet represents a state-of-the-art resource for graduate students and academics alike. Highly recommended.” John E. Richardson, Loughborough University DT “Anyone wanting to explore the world of Discourse Analysis should engage with this essential, ih Second Edition s Volume II accessible, and forward-looking guide.” e m Tim Rapley, Newcastle University c m H o 6 + H) The second edition of the highly successful Handbook of Discourse Analysis has been thoroughly ua m ( uinp 2da0t0e1d. tUo prdeaflteecst tinhcel uvdeery n leawte sret sreeasercahr ccho ntod uhcatveed dine vaelllo apreeda ss icnocvee trheed pbuy bthlicea otiroigni noafl t4h1e ficrhsatp etedritsio n rn m s – for example, the exploration of recent theoretical paradigms – as well as expanded and enriched d 4 4 existing frameworks. Moreover, new types of discourse have appeared with the invention and adoption e 2 b - of new technologies. well Ao In addition to updating chapters that appeared in the original edition, the second edition includes 20 o k ac entirely new chapters that highlight emerging trends and areas of research. The result is a cutting- nk Bl edge resource, written and edited by leading researchers in their respective fields, which provides an ey- elegant and state-of-the-art overview of the field. The two-volume handbook delivers a vital resource a o Wil for scholars and students in discourse studies and related fields. lf h : Deborah Tannen is University Professor and Professor of Linguistics at Georgetown University. y ot s Cl She has published over 20 books, including You Were Always Mom’s Favorite! (2009), Talking Voices (Second edition, 2007), Conversational Style (2005), and You Just Don’t Understand (1990). She i s has been McGraw Distinguished Lecturer at Princeton University as well as a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. Heidi E. Hamilton is Professor and Chair in the Department of Linguistics at Georgetown University. Her publications include the Routledge Handbook of Language and Health Communication (co-edited with Sylvia Chou, 2014), Linguistics, Language, and the Professions (co-edited with James E. Alatis and Ai-hui Tan, 2002), and Conversations with an Alzheimer’s Patient: An Interactional Sociolinguistic Study (1994, 2005). Volume Deborah Schiffrin is Professor of Linguistics at Georgetown University. Her publications include II In other Words: Variation in Reference and Narrative (2006), Approaches to Discourse (1994), and Discourse Markers (1987). She is also the co-editor of Telling Stories (with Anna De Fina and Anastasia Nylund, 2010) and Discourse and Identity (with Anna De Fina and Michael Bamberg, 2006). Second Edited by Edition Deborah Tannen, Heidi E. Hamilton, and Deborah Schiffrin www.wiley.com/go/linguistics Also available as an e-book m 1 m 7 m 17 m mm 71 mm 71 JWST555-FM-VOLI JWST555-Tannen March12,2015 11:51 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:244mm×170mm The Handbook of Discourse Analysis JWST555-FM-VOLI JWST555-Tannen March12,2015 11:51 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:244mm×170mm BlackwellHandbooksinLinguistics Thisoutstandingmultivolumeseriescoversallthemajorsubdisciplineswithinlinguistics todayand,whencomplete,willofferacomprehensivesurveyoflinguisticsasawhole. RecentTitles Include: TheHandbookofComputationalLinguisticsandNaturalLanguageProcessing EditedbyALEXANDERCLARK,CHRISFOX,ANDSHALOMLAPPIN TheHandbookofLanguageandGlobalization EditedbyNIKOLASCOUPLAND TheHandbookofHispanicSociolinguistics EditedbyMANUELD´IAZ-CAMPOS TheHandbookofLanguageSocialization EditedbyALESSANDRODURANTI,ELINOROCHS,ANDBAMBIB.SCHIEFFELIN TheHandbookofInterculturalDiscourseandCommunication EditedbyCHRISTINABRATTPAULSTON,SCOTTF.KIESLING,ANDELIZABETHS.RANGEL TheHandbookofHistoricalSociolinguistics EditedbyJUANMANUELHERNA´NDEZ-CAMPOYANDJUANCAMILOCONDE-SILVESTRE TheHandbookofHispanicLinguistics EditedbyJOSE´IGNACIOHUALDE,ANTXONOLARREA,ANDERINO’ROURKE TheHandbookofConversationAnalysis EditedbyJACKSIDNELLANDTANYASTIVERS TheHandbookofEnglishforSpecificPurposes EditedbyBRIANPALTRIDGEANDSUESTARFIELD TheHandbookofSpanishSecondLanguageAcquisition EditedbyKIMBERLYL.GEESLIN TheHandbookofChineseLinguistics EditedbyC.-T.JAMESHUANG,Y.-H.AUDREYLI,ANDANDREWSIMPSON TheHandbookofLanguageEmergence EditedbyBRIANMACWHINNEYANDWILLIAMO’GRADY TheHandbookofKoreanLinguistics EditedbyLUCIENBROWNANDJAEHOONYEON TheHandbookofSpeechProduction EditedbyMELISSAA.REDFORD TheHandbookofContemporarySemanticTheory,SecondEdition EditedbySHALOMLAPPINANDCHRISFOX TheHandbookofClassroomDiscourseandInteraction EditedbyNUMAMARKEE TheHandbookofNarrativeAnalysis EditedbyANNADEFINAANDALEXANDRAGEORGAKOPOULOU TheHandbookofEnglishPronounciation EditedbyMARNIEREEDANDJOHNM.LEVIS TheHandbookofDiscourseAnalysis,SecondEdition EditedbyDEBORAHTANNEN,HEIDIE.HAMILTON,ANDDEBORAHSCHIFFRIN TheHandbookofBilingualandMultilingualEducation EditedbyWAYNEE.WRIGHT,SOVICHETHBOUN,ANDOFELIAGARC´I Fullseriestitlelistavailableatwww.blackwellreference.com JWST555-FM-VOLI JWST555-Tannen March12,2015 11:51 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:244mm×170mm The Handbook of Discourse Analysis Second Edition Edited by Deborah Tannen, Heidi E. Hamilton, and Deborah Schiffrin VOLUME I JWST555-FM-VOLI JWST555-Tannen March12,2015 11:51 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:244mm×170mm Thissecondeditionfirstpublished2015 ©2015JohnWiley&Sons,Inc.exceptforChapter16©BloomsburyPublishingPlc. EditionHistory:BlackwellPublishersLtd(1e,2001) RegisteredOffice JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd,TheAtrium,SouthernGate,Chichester, WestSussex,PO198SQ,UK EditorialOffices 350MainStreet,Malden,MA02148-5020,USA 9600GarsingtonRoad,Oxford,OX42DQ,UK TheAtrium,SouthernGate,Chichester,WestSussex,PO198SQ,UK Fordetailsofourglobaleditorialoffices,forcustomerservices,andforinformationabouthowtoapplyfor permissiontoreusethecopyrightmaterialinthisbookpleaseseeourwebsiteatwww.wiley.com/wiley-blackwell. TherightofDeborahTannen,HeidiE.Hamilton,andDeborahSchiffrintobeidentifiedastheauthorsoftheeditorial materialinthisworkhasbeenassertedinaccordancewiththeUKCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,in anyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,exceptaspermittedbythe UKCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988,withoutthepriorpermissionofthepublisher. Wileyalsopublishesitsbooksinavarietyofelectronicformats.Somecontentthatappearsinprintmaynotbe availableinelectronicbooks. Designationsusedbycompaniestodistinguishtheirproductsareoftenclaimedastrademarks.Allbrandnamesand productnamesusedinthisbookaretradenames,servicemarks,trademarksorregisteredtrademarksoftheir respectiveowners.Thepublisherisnotassociatedwithanyproductorvendormentionedinthisbook. LimitofLiability/DisclaimerofWarranty:Whilethepublisherandauthorshaveusedtheirbesteffortsinpreparing thisbook,theymakenorepresentationsorwarrantieswithrespecttotheaccuracyorcompletenessofthecontentsof thisbookandspecificallydisclaimanyimpliedwarrantiesofmerchantabilityorfitnessforaparticularpurpose.Itis soldontheunderstandingthatthepublisherisnotengagedinrenderingprofessionalservicesandneitherthe publishernortheauthorshallbeliablefordamagesarisingherefrom.Ifprofessionaladviceorotherexpert assistanceisrequired,theservicesofacompetentprofessionalshouldbesought. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Thehandbookofdiscourseanalysis/editedbyDeborahTannen,HeidiE.Hamilton&DeborahSchiffrin.–Second edition. volumescm Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-0-470-67074-3(cloth) 1.Discourseanalysis–Handbooks,manuals,etc. I.Tannen,Deborah,editor. II.Hamilton,HeidiEhernberger, editor. III.Schiffrin,Deborah,editor. P302.H3442015 401′.41–dc23 2014048413 AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. Coverimage:Paintingoncanvas©petekarici/iStock Setin9.5/12ptPalatinobyAptaraInc.,NewDelhi,India 1 2015 JWST555-FM-VOLI JWST555-Tannen March12,2015 11:51 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:244mm×170mm ForMichael,Dan,andLouis withlove JWST555-FM-VOLI JWST555-Tannen March12,2015 11:51 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:244mm×170mm JWST555-FM-VOLI JWST555-Tannen March12,2015 11:51 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:244mm×170mm Contents NotesonContributors xi PrefacetotheSecondEdition xix IntroductiontotheFirstEdition 1 VOLUMEI I LinguisticAnalysisofDiscourse 9 1 DiscourseandGrammar 11 MARIANNEMITHUN 2 IntertextualityinDiscourse 42 ADAMHODGES 3 CohesionandTexture 61 J.R.MARTIN 4 IntonationandDiscourse 82 ELIZABETHCOUPER-KUHLEN 5 VoiceRegisters 105 MARKA.SICOLI 6 Computer-MediatedDiscourse2.0 127 SUSANC.HERRINGANDJANNISANDROUTSOPOULOS 7 DiscourseAnalysisandNarrative 152 ANNADEFINAANDBARBARAJOHNSTONE 8 HumorandLaughter 168 SALVATOREATTARDO 9 DiscourseMarkers:Language,Meaning,andContext 189 YAELMASCHLERANDDEBORAHSCHIFFRIN JWST555-FM-VOLI JWST555-Tannen March12,2015 11:51 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:244mm×170mm viii Contents 10 HistoricalDiscourseAnalysis 222 LAURELJ.BRINTON 11 Discourse,Space,andPlace 244 ELIZABETHKEATING 12 GestureinDiscourse 262 DAVIDMCNEILL,ELENAT.LEVY,ANDSUSAND.DUNCAN II ApproachesandMethodologies 291 13 NineWaysofLookingatApologies:TheNecessityfor InterdisciplinaryTheoryandMethodinDiscourseAnalysis 293 ROBINTOLMACHLAKOFF 14 InteractionalSociolinguistics:APersonalPerspective 309 JOHNJ.GUMPERZ 15 FramingandPositioning 324 CYNTHIAGORDON 16 ConversationalInteraction:TheEmbodimentofHumanSociality 346 EMANUELA.SCHEGLOFF 17 TranscribingEmbodiedAction 367 PAULLUFFANDCHRISTIANHEATH 18 ConstrainingandGuidingtheFlowofDiscourse 391 WALLACECHAFE 19 ImaginationinNarratives 406 HERBERTH.CLARKANDMIJAM.VANDERWEGE 20 OralDiscourseasaSemioticEcology:TheCo-constructionand MutualInfluenceofSpeaking,Listening,andLooking 422 FREDERICKERICKSON 21 Multimodality 447 THEOVANLEEUWEN 22 CriticalDiscourseAnalysis 466 TEUNA.VANDIJK 23 Computer-AssistedMethodsofAnalyzingTextualand IntertextualCompetence 486 MICHAELSTUBBS 24 RegisterVariation:ACorpusApproach 505 SHELLEYSTAPLES,JESSEEGBERT,DOUGLASBIBER,ANDSUSANCONRAD VOLUMEII III TheIndividual,Society,andCulture 527 25 VoicesoftheSpeechCommunity:SixPeopleIHaveLearnedFrom 529 WILLIAMLABOV

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