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Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect: Pulsed measurement of the quantum time of arrival PDF

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Preview Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect: Pulsed measurement of the quantum time of arrival

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect: Pulsed measurement of the quantum time of arrival J. Echanobe,1,∗ A. del Campo,2,† and J. G. Muga2,‡ 1Departamento de Electricidad y Electr´onica, UPV-EHU, Apartado 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain 2 Departamento de Qu´ımica-F´ısica, UPV-EHU, Apartado 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain Repeated measurements of a quantum particle to check its presence in a region of space was proposed long ago (G. R. Allcock, Ann. Phys. 53, 286 (1969)) as a natural way to determine the distributionoftimesofarrivalattheorthogonalsubspace,butthemethodwasdiscardedbecauseof thequantum Zeno effect: in the limit of very frequent measurements thewave function is reflected and remains in the original subspace. We show that by normalizing the small bits of arriving (removed)norm,anidealtimedistributionemergesincorrespondencewithaclassical local-kinetic- 8 energy distribution. 0 0 PACSnumbers: 03.65.Xp,03.65.Ta,06.30.Ft 2 n a I. INTRODUCTION (a) J t=t j− 4 2 The theoretical treatment of time observables is one of the important loose ends of quantum theory. Among ] themthetimeofarrival(TOA)hasreceivedmuchatten- h k tion lately [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0 p - 16], for earlier reviews see [17, 18]. A major challenge is 0 x nt to find the connection between ideal TOA distributions, (b) t=t a defined for the particle in isolation, formally indepen- j+ u dent of the measurement method, and operational ones, q explicitlydependentonspecificmeasurementmodelsand [ procedures. It is important to know, for example, what 2 exactly a given operational procedure is measuring, or v if and how a given ideal quantity may or may not be x 0 obtained with a particular experiment. 0 7 6 Modern research on the quantum TOA owes much to FIG. 1: Schematic representation of the time of arrival mea- 0 the seminal work by Allcock [19]. Looking for an ideal surementbyperiodicprojectionofthewavefunctionontothe . quantumarrival-timeconcept,heconsideredthatarrival- subspace x<0 at times t , j =..,−1,0,1,.. separated by δt. 2 j timemeasuringdevicesshouldrapidlytransferanyprob- Figures(a)and(b)representtwoinstantsimmediatelybefore 1 7 ability that appears at x > 0 (x = 0 being the “arrival and after theelimination of norm at x>0. 0 position”)fromtheincidentchannelintovariousorthogo- : nalandtime-labeledmeasurementchannels. Asasimple v model to realize this basic feature he proposed a pulsed, model. He then solved the Schr¨odinger equation with i X periodic removal, at time intervals δt, of the wave func- the complexpotentialandnoticedthatforV0 ≫|E|max, r tion for x > 0, while the x < 0 region would not be where Emax is a maximum relevant energy in the wave a affected, see Fig. 1. A similar particle removal would packet, the apparatus response vanishes, −δN/δt → 0, provide the distribution of first arrivals for an ensemble with N = hψ|ψi, because of quantum mechanical reflec- of classical, freely-moving particles as δt→0. tion. This is one of the first discussions of the quantum Zeno effect, although it was not known by this name at The difficulties to solve the corresponding mathemat- that time. Eight years later Misra and Sudarshan [20] ical problem lead Allcock to study instead a different, generalized this result studying the passage of a system continuousmodelwithanabsorbingimaginarypotential from one predetermined subspace to its orthogonal sub- in the right half-line, −iV Θ(x), V > 0, to simulate the 0 0 space: theperiodicprojectionmethodinthelimitδt→0 detection. He arguedthat the two models shouldleadto was presented as a natural way to model a continuous similar conclusionswith atime resolutionof the orderδt measurement, however it did not lead to a time distri- inthe choppingmodelorh¯/2V inthe complexpotential 0 bution of the passage but to its suppression [20]. This lack of a “trustworthy algorithm” to compute TOA and relateddistributions prompted them to put in doubt the completeness of quantum theory and has been much de- ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] †Electronicaddress: [email protected] bated since then, see [21, 22, 23] for review. For the ‡Electronicaddress: [email protected] specific case of a projection onto a region of space, as in 2 the TOA procedure proposed by Allcock, several works cannotcome back to the left. The wavefunctions imme- have later emphasized that, in the limit of infinitely fre- diately after and before the projection at the instant t , j quent measurements, the resulting “Zeno dynamics” in are related by ψ(x,t )=ψ(x,t )Θ(−x). j+ j− theoriginalsubspacecorrespondstohardwall(Dirichlet) The wave at x > 0 may also be canceled with a boundary conditions [24, 25, 26]. “kicked” imaginary potential V = VδtF (t), where k δt Allcock discarded the short δt (or high V0) limit as the subscript “k” stands for b“kickedb” and Fδt(t) = useless, and examined the other limit where the mea- ∞ δ(t−jδt), surement may be expected to be V -independent, V ≪ Pj=−∞ 0 0 |E |, later on. We shall not treat this limit hereafter V =−iV =−iV Θ(x), (4) min I 0 but,forcompleteness,letusbrieflyrecallthathegotthe b b b provided current density J(t) by deconvolution of the absorbed norm with the apparatus response function, V δt≫¯h. (5) 0 ¯h The general (and exact) evolution operator is obtained J(t)= hψ (t)|(kδ(x)+δ(x)k)|ψ (t)i, (1) 2m f f by repetition of the basic unit b b b b b b U (0,δt)=e−iH0δt/h¯e−iVδt/h¯, (6) where k and x are the wavenumber and position opera- k tors, mbis thebmass, and the average is computed with where H =−b(h¯2/2m)∂2/∂x2. the freely moving wave function ψ . This result makes 0 f For tbhe continuous model, the evolution under the sense classically, but in quantum mechanics J(t) is not imaginary potential (4) is given by positive semidefinite even for states composed only by positive momenta [17, 19]. He also got, within some ap- U(0,δt) = e−i(Hb0+Vb)δt/h¯ =e−iHb0δt/h¯e−iVbδt/h¯ proximation, a positive distribution, Π (t), which has K b + O(δt2[V,H ]/¯h2). (7) beenlaterknownas“Kijowski’sdistribution” [4, 17,27], 0 b b Comparingwith Eq. (6) we see that the kickedand con- ¯h Π (t)= hψ (t)|k1/2δ(x)k1/2|ψ (t)i. (2) tinuous models agree when K f f m b b b δt2|h[V,H ]i|/¯h2 ≪1. (8) 0 In this paper, instead of disregarding the Zeno limit be- b b cause of reflection, as it is customary, we shall look at At first sight a large V δt/¯h, see Eq. (5), seems to be 0 the small amount of norm δN detected, i.e., eliminated incompatible with this condition so that the three mod- in the projection process, and normalize, els would not agree [28]. In fact the numerical calcula- tions givea differentresultandshowa better andbetter −δN/δt agreementbetween the continuous and pulsed models as Π = lim . (3) Zeno δt→01−N(∞) V0 → ∞ when δt and V0 are linked by some predeter- mined (large) constant α, δt = α¯h/V . Figures 2 and 3 0 In this manner, a rather simple ideal quantity will illustrate this agreement: in Fig. 2 (inset) the average emerge: there is, in other words, interesting physical in- absorption time, hti = ∞(−dN/dt)tdt/[1−N(∞)], is formation hidden behind the Zeno effect, which can be shown versus δt and 10h¯R/0V for a Gaussian wave packet 0 disclosed by normalization. To fulfill this program we sent from the left towards the origin. The main figure shall put the parallelism hinted by Allcock between the shows the time averagesversus δt (chopping) and h¯/2V 0 pulsedmeasurementandthecontinuousmeasurementon (continuous). The lines bend at high coupling because a firmer, more quantitative basis. of reflection. The normalized absorption distribution as V →∞wasderivedin[34]bymakingexplicituseofthe 0 known stationary scattering wave-functions, II. ZENO TIME DISTRIBUTION ¯h Π (t)= hψ (t)|kδ(x)k|ψ (t)i, (9) N f f mk Weshallnowdefineformallythepulsedandcontinuous 0 b b b measurementmodelsmentionedaboveandalsoaninter- wherek0¯histheinitialaveragemomentum. Fig. 3shows mediate auxiliary model [3] that will be a useful bridge foramorechallengingstate,a combinationoftwoGaus- between the two. Ref. [28] is followed initially although sians,thatthis idealdistributionbecomesindistinguable the analysis and conclusions will be quite different. from the normalized chopping distribution when δt is The “chopping process”amounts to a periodic projec- small enough. Even the minor details are reproduced, tionofthewavefunctionontothex<0regionatinstants and differ from J and Πk, also shown. separatedbyatimeintervalδt. Thereisnothingherebe- To understand the compatibility “miracle” of the yond standard measurement theory [29]. Each chopping inequalities (5) and (8), we apply the Robertson- stepeliminatesinterferencetermsinthedensityoperator Schr¨odinger (generalized uncertainty principle) relation, betweenrightandleftcomponents,andtherightcompo- nentisseparatedfromtheensamble(detected)sothatit (cid:12)h[V,H0]i(cid:12)≤2|∆VI|∆H0, (10) (cid:12)(cid:12) b b (cid:12)(cid:12) 3 5 V /E =0.1 73 0 0 V /E =0.5 72.8 0 0 4 V /E =1.0 73.4 72.6 0 0 V /E =5.0 s) 72.4 V0 0 0 > (m73.0 0 δ0t,. 510 _h/V10(ms)1.5 H/0 3 < t ∆ 2 72.6 chopping 1 complex pot. 72.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 t (ms) δt, _h/2V (ms) 0 FIG. 4: Diminishing ratio ∆H0/V0 with increasing V0 versus FIG. 2: Average absorption times evaluated from −dN/dt time for the same initial wave function as in Fig. 2 (23Na (normalized) for the projection method and the continuous atoms.) E0 is theinitial kinetic energy. (complex potential) model. The initial state is a minimum uncertainty product Gaussian for 23Na atoms centered at x0 =−500µm with ∆x=23.5µm and average velocity 0.365 cm. In all numerical examples negative momentum compo- will be satisfied during the whole propagation. Fig. 4 nentsof theinitial state are negligible. shows the ratio ∆H0/V0 for three values of V0 as a func- tion of time. This implies in summary that Π = Π , Eq. (9), Zeno N averyremarkableresult,whichillustrates thatanactive intervention on the system dynamics may after all pro- videanidealquantitydefinedforthesysteminisolation. III. AN APPROXIMATE RELATION BETWEEN PULSED AND CONTINUOUS MEASUREMENTS So far we have discussed the limits δt,¯h/V →0 in or- 0 dertofindthe correspondingtime distribution. Infacta very simple argument relates the pulsed and continuous measurementsapproximatelyforfinite,non-zerovaluesof δt andh¯/V , when they are sufficiently large to make re- 0 flection negligible: the average detection time is delayed withrespecttotheideallimitcorrespondingto Π as Zeno FIG. 3: Time-of-arrival distributions: Flux J (dashed line), ¯h ΠK (solid line), ΠZeno (big sparse dots), and Πchopping (for hti≈htiZeno+δt/2≈htiZeno+ , (12) pulses separated by δt = 0.266 ns, dotted line). The ini- 2V0 tial wave packet is a combination ψ = 2−1/2(ψ1 + ψ2) of twoGaussian states for thecenter-of-mass motion of asingle see Fig. 2, since, once a particle is in x > 0, h¯ and 2V0 Caesium atom that become separately minimal uncertainty δt/2arepreciselytheaveragelifetimesinthecontinuous packets (with ∆x1 =∆x2=0.021µm, and average velocities and discrete measuring models, respectively [39]. This hvi1 =18.96 cm/s, hvi2=5.42 cm/s) at x=0andt=0 µs. suggests an approximate agreement between projection andcontinuousdynamicsprovidedthattherelationδt≈ ¯h/V is satisfied. For large V , this is asymptotically not where ∆ denotes the standard deviation. Since |∆V | is 0 0 I in contradiction with the requirement of a large α since rigorously bounded at all times by V /2 [38], imposing 0 V−1 −(αV )−1 → 0 as V → ∞; in any case quantum δtV =α¯h with α≫1, a sufficient condition for dynam- 0 0 0 0 reflectionbreaksdownthe linear dependence, see Fig. 2. ical agreement among the models is Asimilarrelationbetweenpulsedandcontinuousmea- V ≫∆H . (11) surements was described by Schulman [30] and has been 0 0 tested experimentally [31]. The simplest model in [30] For large V the packet is basically reflected by the wall may be reinterpreted as a two-level atom in a resonant 0 sothat∆H tendstoretainitsinitialvalueandEq. (11) laser field, with the excited state decaying away from 0 4 the 2-level subspace at a rate γ [28], H = h¯ 0 Ω . effect,suchasreductionofdecoherenceinquantumcom- 2 (cid:16)Ω−iγ(cid:17) The relation between pulsed and contibnuous measure- puting, see e.g. [32, 33].) In the case of the projection measurementstodeterminetheTOA,thisdistributionis ments follows by comparing the exponential decay for given by Eq. (9). This result is fundamentally different the effective 2-level Hamiltonian with Rabi frequency Ω from the current density or from Kijowski’s TOA dis- and excited state lifetime 1/γ, with the decay dynamics tribution, (operational approaches to measure them by whenγ =0andthe systemisprojectedeveryδtintothe ground state. It takes the form [30] δt = 4 for γ/Ω≪1 fluorescenceare describedin [1, 4]) andcorrespondsto a γ classicaltime-distribution of local kinetic energy density (weak driving). In our TOA model we have a different [34, 35], rather than a classical TOA distribution [40]. set of parameters but a comparison is possible by tak- Experimental realizations of repeated measurements ing into account that the imaginary potential (4) may will rely on projections with a finite frequency and pulse be physically interpreted as the effective interaction for duration that provide approximations to the ideal re- the ground state in the weak driving regime, for a lo- sult. Feasible schemes may be based on pulsed localized calized resonant laser excitation with subsequent decay, H = H + h¯ 0 ΩΘ(xb) . This gives [4, 6] V = h¯Ω2, resonant-laserexcitation[31],orsweepingwithadetuned 0 2 (cid:16)ΩΘ(xb) −iγ (cid:17) 0 2γ laser [36]. A challenging open question for further re- sbo thabt δt≈¯h/V0 becomes search is the possibility to devise alternative (non peri- odic) pulse sequences to enhance the robustness of the γ δt≈2 , (13) Zeno effect in a TOA measurement, similar in spirit to ¯hΩ2 theonesproposedinthecontextofquantuminformation differentfromSchulman’srelation,asitmaybeexpected processing [37]. Nevertheless, the ordinary (periodic) se- since the pulsed evolution depends on Ω in Schulman’s quence has successfully been applied in quantum optical model but not in our case, where it is only driven by the realizations of the quantum Zeno effect [31]. kinetic energy Hamiltonian H . The proposed normalization method may be applied 0 b to other measurements as well, i.e. not only for a TOA offreelymovingparticles,butingeneraltofirstpassages IV. DISCUSSION between orthogonal subspaces, and it will be interest- ing to find out in each case the ideal time distribution brought out by normalization. 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