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Rajendra Kumar Bhandari Disaster Education and Management A Joyride for Students, Teachers and Disaster Managers Disaster Education and Management Rajendra Kumar Bhandari Disaster Education and Management A Joyride for Students, Teachers, and Disaster Managers 123 Rajendra KumarBhandari Indian NationalAcademy ofEngineering New Delhi India ISBN 978-81-322-1565-3 ISBN 978-81-322-1566-0 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-1566-0 SpringerNewDelhiHeidelbergNewYorkDordrechtLondon LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2013945153 (cid:2)SpringerIndia2014 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartof the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation,broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionor informationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. Exempted from this legal reservation are brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis or material supplied specifically for the purposeofbeingenteredandexecutedonacomputersystem,forexclusiveusebythepurchaserofthe work. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of theCopyright Law of the Publisher’s location, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Permissions for use may be obtained through RightsLink at the CopyrightClearanceCenter.ViolationsareliabletoprosecutionundertherespectiveCopyrightLaw. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexempt fromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication,neithertheauthorsnortheeditorsnorthepublishercanacceptanylegalresponsibilityfor anyerrorsoromissionsthatmaybemade.Thepublishermakesnowarranty,expressorimplied,with respecttothematerialcontainedherein. Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) This book on Disaster Education and Management a joyride for students, teachers, and disaster managers is a humble offering of the SSS Foundation to Shyam and Sushila−my revered parents, and to Sneh−my loving sister. Even decades after they have gone, stories of their lives remain as fresh, unforgettable, and hugely inspiring. Their mission was to live for others and to bind the world around them with the glue of everlasting relationships. The author Preface What is the use of a book without pictures and conversations? AliceintheWonderland This is a typical book providing us with a pleasant mix of information about disasters with cartoons, illustrations, and quotes. The author, Dr. R. K. Bhandariexcelsinpresentingdisastereducationina captivatingmanner.Thebookisnotaburdentoread butprovidesalotoffunalongwitheducation.Iagree that it gives a joyride through the huge arena of a variety of disasters. There you find coverage of a biblical array of disasters like earthquakes, tsuna- mis, volcanoes, landslides, cyclones, tornadoes, floods, fires, and blizzards. The book guides us through lessons in disaster man- agement, public response, and disaster preparedness. Safety procedures are con- stantlyevolvingandDr.Bhandarihaspresentedthelatestprocedures. Introducing scientific and technological developments into disaster manage- mentisofvalue.Disasterscauseenormouslossestotheeconomy.Itshouldbethe global endeavor to develop and adopt new technologies to improve prediction of hazards and disasters. Above all, education is needed to create greater public awareness about the threat, the scourge of disasters pose. The book is a praise- worthy attemptinthisdirection.Ihopethatthisbookwillreachawide audience. S. K. Joshi Formerly, President, Indian National Science Academy Director General, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Secretary to the Government of India, New Delhi vii Acknowledgments The book in your hands would never have seen the light of day without the author’s direct exposure to disasters enriched by an unending feed of a whole range of information from dozens of excellent papers, reports, and books. Every efforthasbeenmadetoadequatelyacknowledgeallsourcesofinformationwhich infuse life into the book and further effort will continue to rid the book of the lapses, if and when detected or pointed out. Information and permissions can be acknowledged but I do not really know howtoadequatelyacknowledgetheinsightsandsupportthatIhavereceivedfrom a large number of my teachers, my colleagues, and my students. My most pro- found thanks go to Prof. S. K. Joshi, a former President of the Indian National Science Academy, for his insightful comments as also for writing the Preface to the book. Likewise, I have no words to thank Prof. D. V. Singh, a former Vice President of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, for his painstaking review ofthemanuscriptandexceptionalcomments.Iamparticularlythankfulto myoldfriend—Mr.SunilFernando,anacknowledgedartistwhomadeandbaked the cartoons in the heat of my thought-furnace—always with a smile on his face, and to Dr. Biman Basu for the editorial assistance. The book owes a lot to the legendary Cartoonist Ranga for his cartoon of MahatmaGandhidrawnonmyautographbookwithafewmasterlystrokesofhis pencil.Whatwasitifnotawondertomakeasimplecartoonspeakvolumesabout thegreatestman ofourtimeswithoutsayingasingleword?Itisfromthissimple but powerful cartoon that I picked the semantics of the book for which I thank Ranga. I thank Dr. Arther C. Clark, Dr. R. Rubik, and Dr. Muhammad Yunus for the giftsofthreesubject-relatedthoughtfulmessagesrecordedinmyautographbook. In fact we must all thank Dr. Clark for his message Do not panic. These three simplewordshavethepowertosaveamillionlivesamilliontimes!Dr.R.Rubik, the Inventor of the famous Rubik’s cube, wrote be curious forever and Dr. Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel Laureate wrote ‘‘keep trying.’’ When the three messages are read together, no further message may be necessary! IwouldliketomostsincerelythankPradeepNilangaDela,DiyawadanaNilame of the Sacred temple of the Tooth-Relic-Sri Dalada Maligawa of SriLanka for permissiontoreproducethefamouspaintingoftheDaladaprocessionthatincluded theparticipationoftheBritishrulers,asalsofortherelatedplaquewhichspeaksof themagicofBuddha’stoothrelic.ItwastheexpositionoftheTooth-Relic which ix x Acknowledgments created an intense flood to wash away a sticky drought. The assistance received from Nirmala, Wijewickrama, Brigadier Udayanta Wijeratne, and Major Chandr- atillake, the Administrative Secretary of Dalada Maligawa in obtaining the per- mission is thankfully acknowledged. The author thanks UNICEF for the permission to use one of their original cartoons which made it possible to highlight the ultimate joy of freedom from disasters.ThanksareduetotheEditor-in-ChiefofMediaTransasiaIndiaLimited, especiallytoMuradAliBaig,forpermissiontousethreecartoonsfromhisarticle published in January 2001 issue of the Swagat Magazine. Permissions from India Today for a cartoon published in its issue of 6 March 2006 and from Hindustan Times for their Salt Pepper Cartoon published on 2 August 1998 are thankfully acknowledged. An Arun Inamdar cartoon from his book of cartoons published by the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai has been reproduced with his kind permission. Thebookhasreceivedacclamationfromreviewersevenbeforeitispublished.I amparticularlygratefultoDr.WolfgangEderandDr.EduardodeMulderofEarth Science Matters, The Netherlands; Dr. Alexander Strom, Moscow; Prof. Renato Eugenio de Lima of Brazil; Dr. D. V. Singh, former Director, Indian Institute of Technology,Roorkee,India;Mr.J.C.Pant,formerChairmanoftheHighPowered Committee of the Government of India on Disaster Management, Prof. Robin ChowdhuryofWollongongUniversity,Australia;Dr.P.G.DharChakrabarti, the Founder Executive Director of the National Disaster Management Institute, New Delhi; Mr. N. M. S. I. Arambepola, Executive Director of Asia Disaster Pre- paredness Centre, Thailand; Prof. Vinod Sharma of Indian Institute of Public Administration; Prof. Chandan Ghosh of National Institute of Disaster Manage- ment, India and Prof. Hideaki Marui of Niigata University, Japan for very encouraging review remarks. Last but not the least, I would like to thank Prof. Mahendra Bhandari, Mr. Saurabh Bhandari, Ms. Avantina Bhandari, Master Amol Mendonca, Mr. V. K. Mathur, Ms. Anjana Singhwi, Mr. Shambhoo Kumar, and Mr. Rahul Sharma for their helpful assistance throughout the development of the book. Most of all, I thank my wife Mrs. Meena Bhandari for her understanding and endless patience. The Author’s Hello to Readers Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity, said Aristotle centuries before adversity began to hurt humankind so hard as it does now, especiallyintheworldofnaturaldisasters.HadAristotlebeenalivetoday,perhaps hewouldhaveregardeddisastereducationasourbesthopeandmightiestweapon toreign-indisasters,onthewaytosafety.Itisparadoxical,however,thatthemore we have come to know about disasters and their management since the times of Aristotle, the more our fear and curiosity of knowing about them have grown. While humankind, by its very nature, continues to strive hard to unravel the mysteries of the unknown, a lot can be achieved in the meantime by putting the known knowledge to effective use in comprehending, preventing, and managing natural disasters. Simply speaking, disaster education lies at the heart of disaster risk reduction, management, and safety. Disastereducationismeantforeverybodyandtherefore,sadlyenough,itison thedolistofnobody.Theironyisthatalthoughthesubjectishugelycriticaltothe survival of humankind as a whole, it continues to dodge the human imagination most of the time. There are numerous reasons for this. Many people do not see naturaldisastersasatoday’sproblembecausetheyareoverlybusyfightingthefire ofday-to-dayproblemsoflifewhichrobthemofthetime,urge,orenergytoeven consider what might happen or hurt tomorrow. After all, natural disasters have come and gone for centuries on end and humankind still survives; and God- willing, it will continue to do so. At the worst of the times, people do get some transient pain in their hearts which only fleetingly weeps for the victims as and whendisasteroccur.Isitnottruethatmostofusraiseourhandsupindespairand take comfort in hiding behind the age old adage that what cannot be cured has to be endured? All this is slowly but surely changing for safer times. We now see a beam of hope in the disaster-fearing but education-awakened populace and in the inherited virtue of the service-beyond-self. Additionally, the good news is that an all-out war against disasters has broken-out worldwide and the threats of disasters are no longer being taken as catcalls of local concern. National governments across the globe and disaster-related international agencies areleftwith nooptionotherthan toeducate,equip,andempowertheir respective peoples. They know that safety will continue to elude people if they are not empowered to help themselves and continuously build on their capacities and partnerships. xi

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