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MARCH 1991 85p Disability Now |T hismonth |S OCial = fund verdict Letter from America 8 COMMENT While the Social Fund is Double discrimination achieving its main aim of sav- ing money, refusals are up, 9 debt is rising, and millions of MOTORING pounds are remaining uns- Conversion table pent, according to a new sur- vey. 11 The Fund has been criticised RELATIONSHIPS by elderly and disabled people in Me and my mum the past for failing to meet their needs, as DN readers will know. 12-13 But this survey, published in GARDENING February by the National Audit Office (NAO), an independent 16 Government watchdog, is the PERSON TO PERSON biggest and most official ever Profile: John Wall done. aCe ak we Essiad The Social Fund was brought Big Mac pack: Dawn Whitelaw, her children Gavin, 13, Kayleigh, 4, and Dale, 10, with step-dad 18 in in 1988 to save money. It re- Simon Smith. The children have each won McDonald’s Child of Achievement awards. TOM BUIST CHECKOUT placed one-off payments as of Tools for gardening right for items such as beds and Clothing workshops crisis cookers with discretionary loans 19-23 and grants. CLASSIFIEDS The old system cost an average £330m a year. In contrast, the Clothing workshops, which The workshops did not fit easily Says executive director Vicky Social Fund had a budget of only supply severely disabled into the new scheme and lost Andrew, home visits will cease £206m for 1989-90. Yet despite Douglas Shapland, ex- people with specially made their funding. and staff will be reduced from 12 a rise in the number of applica- chairman of The Spastics clothes, are in crisis. Two Forced to rely on raising to about seven. “We cannot tions and refusals, £6.2m re- Society, has died. mained unspent. years ago there were 24 of money from local authorities, afford to do bespoke clothing,” Obituary page 2. charities and businesses, they she said. Continued on page 2 them. Now there are found it an uphill struggle. For The Clothing Workshops eleven. By the end of example, Spinning Jenny in Bel- Association supported by MPs March three more could go fast, found funding from the Bel- led by Alan Meale, Labour MP Every Original is or see their services fast Action Team, but from April for Mansfield, has been cam- seriously curtailed. last year it has survived on small paigning for statutory funding “Everybody’s desperate for grants of £100 or so from local from the Department of Health. signed. money and many workshops are businesses. Now down from 5 At a meeting on 29 January, living hand to mouth,” said Phil full time staff to one full-time and they were encouraged to hear the Lairm2? Porter, who runs Disability Clo- one part-time, it faces closure at parliamentary under secretary thing Designs in Gloucester and the end of March. Stephen Dorrell acknowledge is chairman of the Association of In Cleveland, CEDEMP that there was a national need to Clothing Workshops. Fashion Service, heavily subsi- make provision for severely dis- The problem became acute in dised by the charity CEDEMP abled people, who cannot buy 1988 when the Government re- Cleveland, is being reorganised clothes in high street shops. placed the Community Program- into more of a business. While “For the minority of disabled me with Employment Training. the fashion service will continue, Continued on page 3 Parents take council to court There is only one company who have mm = been building accessible cars for Parents of pupils whose spe- should be used to rebuild Eli- needs regular speech and phy- cial school was burnt down zabeth Fry now and claim siotherapy. Mr Charlton says a z disabled people for are taking the fight to have it Labour-controlled Newham is speech therapist has visited the twenty five years. rebuilt all the way to the High making a political point at the ex- temporary school twice since last Court. pense of their children’s special June but not to see David. The Elizabeth Fry school in needs. A spokesman for Newham Dial 100 for Newham, London, was des- Now they are taking the coun- confirmed most of the insurance Freephone troyed last February. Since then, cil to court. money would be used to pay for its 65-70 pupils have been .Diane Stretch, whose daugh- the new North Beckton school, Gowrings for your free housed on a temporary site. ter Michelle, 11, has oral, spatial, which will take up to two years to colour information pack. Newham Council wants to use digital syndrome, says the coun- complete. It will have space for the estimated £1.8m insurance cil have only spent £322,000 on 35 disabled pupils and have a money to help build a new £5m the temporary site. “They’re hydrotherapy pool and extra wide mainstream primary school for trying to close the school down by corridors for wheelchairs. Places the younger pupils to go to, and the back door. We’re saying they will be found in schools in neig- [RINGS MOBILITY adapt secondary schools for the can’t do that.” bouring boroughs for other chil- older ones. It will take two years William Charlton’s son David, dren if necessary. post RG490, Newbury, Berks. to build the new school. 9, has speech and mobility prob- Parents fear the new school . Tel:0635 71502. But parents say the money lems and learning difficulties and Continued on page 3 2 NEWS Death of chairman Cold get £1 Douglas Shapland, chairman of Royal Navy he went in 1951 to The Spastics Society until last South Molton, working for De- January, has died after a short ill- von County Council in a home rise ness. He was 61. for elderly people. Then, with Valerie Lang writes: During Middlesex County Council, he his four years as Chairman, had 10 years practical experience Douglas Shapland guided The providing residential care for As temperatures plummeted to Spastics Society through a period elderly and disabled people. below zero across the country last of profound change. His responsibilities grew. He month, the Government’s atti- tude to cold weather payments An early task was the appoint- became chief welfare officer at melted. ment of a new senior manage- the London Borough of Haring- Prime Minister John Major ment team, and the Society ey, and then director of social announced the payment would embarked upon the regionalisa- rise from £5 to £6, and the nor- tion of its services, a process that mal seven day qualifying period has now been almost completed. would be waived. Crossroads Care chairman Norman Banner (left) at the No. 10 He worked tirelessly to coor- The rise is expected to be prizegiving of the charity’s literary contest with Norma Major, dinate the work of volunteers and permanent, but the scrapping of Heather Strudwick, sister of poetry prize winner Patricia Crit- professional employees and the seven day rule, whereby tenden, and Simon Rae, of BBC radio’s Poetry Please. travelled extensively to encour- temperatures must be freezing age individuals and groups to for seven consecutive days before Social Fund verdict The NAO recommends that work in partnership. payment is made, has not been Continued from page I the DSS should: The contribution for which he made official yet. e achieve greater consistency in will be particularly remembered At the height of the big freeze In 1989-90 there were 2.3m the treatment of priority groups is his work for the education of the Government-funded Winter applications, up from 1.7m the e monitor the quality of decision children with cerebral palsy. He Warmth Line, operated by previous year. An _ estimated making by local officers was committed to the principles Neighbourhood Energy Action, 780,000 people were refused e make people more aware of of early intervention and worked services (1970-84) — the first so- Help the Aged and Age Concern, help, compared to 521,000 in their right to an independent re- closely with parents and profes- cial services director in London was handling up to 750 calls a 1988-89. view by Social Fund inspectors. sionals to ensure that the Socie- (pre-Seebohm). He was re- week. The NAO also noted the Sally Witcher, a campaign ty’s schools and colleges moved sponsible for the tremendous de- Advertisements telling people growing number of people with worker with Disability Alliance, towards the use of Conductive velopment of residential and field to apply for the payments were multiple loans, and how difficult commented:“It’s what we’ve Education for those children for work services. He was also a placed in local newspapers when it was to recover debts. In 1989- been saying since it began. But whom it was appropriate. He president of the Guild of Direc- temperatures dropped to freez- 90, officers were trying to recover it’s more difficult for “the Gov- travelled frequently to Budapest tors of Social Services. ing and below. an average {5m a month. ernment” to ignore this kind of to negotiate with the Peto Insti- He came to influence a num- To qualify you must be dis- The survey confirmed earlier report than anything the volun- tute and the Hungarian Govern- ber of charitable organisations abled, a pensioner, or a family reports of widespread inconsis- tary sector might produce. ment, and in May 1990 he con- through appointments in his pro- with children under five, and be tencies in who gets help, for “That’s not to say the Govern- cluded a four-year agreement for fessional capacity. Habinteg on income support. what, and when (DN, Nov 1990). ment is going to take one bit of 12 trainees from the Society to Housing Association, formed to You must have less than Out of 42 local offices, only three notice. This Government is train at the Institute. integrate people with disabilities £1,000 savings if you are a pen- could pay all applications, while notoriously difficult to embar- Other innovations during his into housing developments, had sioner, or £500 if you fall within 18 could meet only the highest rass.”” period as chairman were a major its first project in Haringey and the other groups. priorities. Around 195,000 re- Lesley Brown, senior policy Care in the Community prog- Doug retained his place on its The deadline for claims is fusals were due to local security officer at RADAR, was similarly ramme offering some 500 people board for the rest of his life. He three months after the first offices not having any money unimpressed: “It bears out what the choice of alternative living also became honorary secretary temperature drop. left. we’ve all been saying about the styles, a national Cerebral Palsy of Age Concern, Greater Lon- Nearly one third of the budget basic injustice of it.” Helpline and a scheme to “fast- don, and later vice-chairman, To claim, contact your local social goes on administering the fund, track” management trainees with resigning only in his last weeks. security office for more details. making it the most expensive be- The Social Fund, £6.80, National disabilities. Joyce Smith, a former chair- Winter Warmth Line, tel: 0800 nefit the Department of Social Audit Office, House of Commons Almost his entire career was man of The Spastics Society, in- 289404. Security has. Paper 190, HMSO. given over to caring. From the vited him to join the Society’s re- sources committee. He was — elected to the Council in 1982, becoming honorary treasurer and ultimately chairman. Douglas Shapland was always ALPLA.S TM OBILITY age the most approachable of men, — with time and sympathy for all members of the Society. He was tireless in his efforts to coordin- SIMPLE! ate the work of volunteers and professional employees. ILF age limit goes Technological advancement ensures improvement in care and comfort, well, we at Universal have considered your needs and From 1 March the Independent ensured that our experience and knowledge Living Fund (ILF) will again based on personal disability have advanced to consider applications from sev- provide you with quality workmanship and value for money ... So before you decide on your vehicle erely disabled people over 74. talk to us. The announcement reverses a previous decision which limited ©Top Quality at Competitive e@Hand Controls, Swivel Seats & awards to people between 16 and Prices Rear Hoists supplied & fitted 74 (DN, July 1990), and follows a e|mproved Vision from your e@S econd hand vehicle conversions doubling of the ILF’s budget to Wheelchair available (price on request) £62m (DN, Dec 1990). e Your requirements catered for To qualify you must be: e over 16 and severely disabled @ Reliability of service @ getting attendance allowance U UNIVERSAL | PRICES FROM at the higher rate a “ = £7595 e unable to pay for all the per- sonal care you need nn Mobility e living alone or with someone Head Office: Jordans, Sele Lane, Rusper, Sussex RH12 4RW who is unable to provide all the Tel. No: 0293 871019 -F ax No: 0293 871007 care you need, or hoping to move Works & Northern Office: 7 Henry Street, Batley Carr, Batley, West Yorkshire WF17 6Ju \ out of hospital or residential care. Tel. No: 0924 451971 - Fax No: 0924 452031 The Independent Living Fund, PO Box 183, Nottingham NG8& 3RD. Disability Now March 1991 NEWS 3 Council pulls out Children with special needs are wards integration is “‘too slow”. being increasingly segregated A similar verdict was given in a into special schools in at least 15 report by the Association of Edu- of centre \ local education authorities, the cational Psychologists, which Centre for Studies on Integra- said the 1981 Education Act had tion revealed at its national “done little to change the pattern conference in Leeds on 22 of segregated provision.” Manchester Social Services has } February. The AEP fears local manage- provoked angry protests from 13 In three of the authorities — ment of schools may obstruct disabled people by deciding to |\Doncaster, Rotherham and St further integration. It is also wor- stop funding their places at The Helens — segregation increased ried that some local authorities Spastics Society’s Skills De- )by more than 25 per cent be- see putting children on the same velopment Centre at Blackley. tween 1982 and 1990. site without fully integrating “We weren’t informed about CSIE founder Mark Vaughan them as a cheap option. it, nobody consulted us, and called the figures “most disturb- that’s unbelievable,” said Steve ing” given the trend towards in- Segregation Statistics 1982-1990, Cummings, one oft he users. tegration found in the other 44 £1.50 from CSIE, 415 Edgware The council has since adopted LEAs. “These figures make a Road, London NW2 6NB, tel 081 an equal opportunities statement mockery of every child’s fun- 452 8642. on disability aimed at “increasing damental right to belong to their Integration: Problems and Possibi- disabled people’s input into jlocal, ordinary school,” said Mr lities for Change, £3 from AEP, 3 decision-making”, and enabling Vaughan. Sunderland Road, Durham DH1 them “to gain power and control He said current progress to- 2LH, tel 091 386 9512. over their own lives.” “The choice we have is either the council’s own Frank Taylor Centre, which is staffed by volunteers, or nothing,” said Mr Cummings. “I want to stay here, At the controls: Minister for Disabled People Nicholas Scott and so do the rest of us. The staff tries out the Permobil at Keep Able’s new “ability workroom” are great, we’re all settled, and where disabled customers can try a unique range of aids and we've got things rolling.” equipment. Current assessments cost £100 an hour. The centre’s users have lob- DAVID MORRISON bied meetings of the social ser- Parents sue council complete integration.” vices committee, and invited Continued from page 1 A Newham spokesman said: councillors and officers to visit “We have a policy of integration the centre. But, Mr Cummings will not be able to meet their chil- and this is one way of doing claimed, “nobody turned up.” dren’s special needs. Ms Stretch it. It seems pointless to rebuild Local MP Keith Bradley be- said: “Michelle couldn’t inte- (Elizabeth Fry) when we have a lieves there is little hope of the grate into an ordinary class. She’s brand new school being built. council reversing the decision. just beginning to read and write. We’re making sure everyone He wants “absolute assurances” “We're not against integra- gets the best we can offer and that adequate transport and the Tea for two: The Duke of Westminster, President of The Spas- tion. We're fighting the way that theyre not deprived in same quality of service will be tics Society, met tenant Alan Blaylock in Blakes Court in they're doing it. If any child is any way.” provided at the new centre. Croydon last month. Four of the building’s 18 flats are occupied capable of integrating we like to The case is being fought by Manchester is the biggest pur- || by disabled people and their partners. The project is part of the do it by a gradual process that Mrs Mary Doherty on behalf of chaser of services from the Society’s Care in the Community programme. MICHELLE SMITH suits everyone concerned.” her daughter Kelly, 12, who has Blackley centre. The withdrawal Newham say the new school epilepsy and perceptual learning of its £50,000 contribution has Clothing workshop crisis second thoughts about treating will have a “unit” that severely difficulties, and the other pa- cast a shadow over the future of | Continued from page 1 clothing for disabled people as a disabled children can use, but the rents, with the help of solicitor the other 23 people who attend. health matter and may try to shift policy will be to integrate where- Jack Rabinowicz. It was ad- The social services did not re- | people with figure problems, ab- responsibility on to the Depart- ver possible. Ms Stretch hit journed in February and could be spond despite five requests for a out 62,000 or one per cent oft he ment of Social Security. “Once back:““That’s only a show. It’s not heard again this month. comment. disability population, it was a ma- we get into the argument ‘it’s not jor commitment,” said Ginny us, it’s them,’ no one will accept INDEPENDENCE A UNIQUE SERVICE! Jenkins, clothing adviser at the responsibility and we lose all im- | Disabled Living Foundation. petus,” said Phil Porter. Lin Berwick, DN’s tele- = “Until now their needs had never Along with core funding from phone counseller, herself at the touch of a buttnon e, been recognised. The Depart- central government, the Social disabled, can give other with the THERAPOSTURE ment had only recognised the Fund discretionary grant for clo- disabled people and their needs of people with inconti- thing might be extended to cover carers advice and support Fully Automatic nence, behavioural problems or people with severe clothing on personal and spiritual Adjustable gross weight loss or gain.” problems, and made mandatory, problems. Talk to her on Bed. The minister promised action, suggests Ginny Jenkins. Monday afternoons, lpm- but not until a Government- “Nobody is suggesting that 5pm and Thursdays 6pm- commissioned report on the clo- clothes should be free,” she said, 10pm. Her telephone num- Demonstration thing workshops, due early April, “but this group should have ber is (04024) 77582. Kirton had been considered. equal opportunities to have Healthcare Group spon- VARIABLE But in view of the immediate clothes at prices anyone could sors the service. HEIGHT (Hi/Lo) , crisis facing some clothing work- afford.” & UNDER BED CLEARANCE shops, he agreed to write a letter expressing his concern that any SELECT COMFORT FROM A - AUTOMATIC workshop should be forced to MOBILITY CAR RENTAL THOUSAND POSITIONS SEAT LIFT GET IN AND close before the results of the re- HEAD-UP- OUT EASILY search were known, which could Specialists in self drive READ-TV 7 FEET-UP be used by the workshops to help raise temporary funds. car rental for the disabled That letter was not sent to SUPPLIERS TO DHSS Alan Meale until 20 February, © Adapted saloons, MR & HEALTH AUTHORITIES over three weeks later. hatchbacks and Telephone: (0985) 213440 The delay has upset the Asso- ciation. “We were assured it estates e : Send for a FREE BROCHURE ALSO THE would get off quickly,” said © Very Competitiwatev e hea | te THERAPOSTURE LIMITED ASULTUOMBMEART ICR ECSLEIANT ERL IFT secretary Hazel Howard. rates FREEPOST, (NO STAMP REQUIRED) FOR COMPLETE REST “Weeks mean disaster,” said @ Unlimited mileage @ Full R.A.C. cover Agnes Junk of Spinning Jenny. SUEZ EB BSBBSBBBZHBTBZBTD “If we could have got that letter © Delivery and Collection Service Please tick [BEDS [)CHAIRS DN3 &y quickly and gone back to the Bel- & fast Action Team they might T0e8le1ph-on2e:0 7-4696 We accept Access & Visa ADDRESS have been swayed.” The Association fears the De- Tel: partment of Health could have 42g BSB BSS SRS SSE TS FS SF BD Disability Now March 1991 edged that he was trying to Government had rested its case the OPCS had shown that AA Meacher (Lab) asked if repeat find a way to extend mobility on the report of the Office of and MA were targeting effec- claimants have to pass a func- allowance to the 8,000-9,000 Population Censuses and Sur- tively those who had extra tional test of disability after sis people with a mental handicap. veys (OPCS) whose estimates costs, . ‘so... he erected ) the months, why don’t applicant: He also agreed to try and of extra costs were not correct. amendment which was lost. who do not have the correct devise a test to cover the diffi- He said more research and an Dafydd Wigley moved passporting benefits. culties of unfamiliar terrain in extra cost of disabled living amendments at committee Nicholas Scott replied that IN PARLIAMENT the mobility part of the test. index was needed. stage to remove the controver- that would undermine the sim- The DLA was heavily criti- Nicholas Scott acknowl- sial “disadvantage” test. (To plicity of the benefit. Mz cised in committee for failing edged: "We will need to flesh qualify for DWA a person must Meacher suspected the rea Disability allowances to be a real living allowance out in due course the findings declare ‘a physical or mental problem was cost. questioned because it does not cover the of OPCS and not rest exclu- disability which puts him at a Pauline Rona Graham The Disability Living extra costs of disabled living. sively on them or treat them as disadvantage in getting a job.”) Allowance and Disability Alf Morris (Lab) introduced an Bible. There will be more “The qualification is likely to House points Working Allowance Bill intro- be psychologically negative and ¢ An NHS (Compensation) duces two new benefits for dis- stigmatising, focusing on weak- abled people: the DLA nesses rather than strengths,” Bill introduced by~ Rosie combines attendance allowance he said. Alf Morris saw the Barnes (SDP) would have and mobility allowance with disadvantage statement as an set up a medical injuries new lower rates and the DWA “implicit admission” of dis- compensation board, but it is a top-up benefit to encourage crimination, and he called for was criticised as unwork- disabled people to come off anti-discrimination legislation. able. Defeated 193:81] invalidity benefits and take up Nicholas Scott defended the ¢ Following Dudley Fish- low paid work. test, saying it ensured that burn's (Con) Bill to give Few concrete changes were Dafydd Wigley: against test Dudley Fishburn: for nurses DWA went to those with sig- nurses limited authority to made to the Bill at committee nificant disabilities or recover- write prescriptions, — the stage. The forward test for amendment allowing DLA to research and an on-going sur- ing from long-term illness or Government promised legis- DLA, dealing with the dura- cover extra heating, special vey on whether the benefits are injury. The amendment was lation “as soon as an oppor- tion of a disability, was reduced diet, help with shopping, extra meeting the needs of people lost 10:5. tunity arises.” : from hine to six months, and laundry and baths, help with who have them.” The subject surfaced again at ¢ The Statutory Sick Pay although an amendment allow- communication and heavy wear But he was convinced that report stage, when Michael Act comes into operation in ing claims for DLA to be back- and tear on clothing. April. It requires employers dated was defeated, Minister Dafydd Wigley (Plaid Quotes of the month to pay 20 per cent of an for Disabled ‘People Nicholas Cymru) and Peter Thurnham employee’s sick pay. (Previ- “Disabled people are rejected for jobs because the managing director’s Scott said he was considering (Con) supported the amend- ously the DSS paid it all.) dog does not like wheelchairs.” John Hughes (Lab) introducing his sympathetically “a short-circuit ment, speaking from personal The Lords feared that this anti-discrimination bill. process." experience. But it was lost by would lead to more discrim- An amendment to the Local the casting vote of the Chair. ination by employers against “Tf a concentration of negligence claims came to a health authority, Government Finance Act, Undaunted, Alf Morris disabled people, but the it could cause financial difficulties. No one but a blind man could allowing people with severe raised the subject at report amendment was lost fail to recognise that.” Health Under-Secretary Stephen Dorrell. mental impairment to carry stage. He was supported by Sir ¢ John Hughes (Lab) has over their exemption from poll David Price (Con), who introduced a_ bill making it “The very title (DLA) 1s a cruel misnomer...it leaves a huge area of tax if they move from SDA to pointed out that the Commons unlawful to discriminate unmet need by recognising only the extra costs that arise from atten- DWA, was accepted in princi- Social Services Select Commit- against a person on grounds dance or immobility.” Alf Morris arguing for extra costs. ple. Nicholas Scott acknowl- tee report had found that the of their disability. IF YOU EVER FEEL LIKE SCREAMING AT HIM GIVE US A SHOUT INSTEAD. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Goodness with the special difficulties of cerebral palsy. seven days a week for information, CEREBRAL PALSY HELPLINE 0800 knows, sometimes it’s hard enough looking It might help to have someone to talk advice or perhaps just a sympathetic ear. 626 2106 after any young child, let alone one to. Ring us free between lpm and 10pm THERE’S ALWAYS AN ANSWER. THE SPASTICS SOCIETY The Cerebral Palsy Helpline is supported by BP Disability Now March 1991 NEWS 5 Get to work - but IN BRIEF not until 1992 Peto payout The British Government has Disabled people should be pro- own transport services to be confirmed it is to pay {5m vided with accessible transport made safe for all "workers with towards the building of an to help them get to work, reduced mobility.” international centre for disabled according to a new European The Commission stops short children at the Peto Institute in Commission proposal. It gives of demanding that all means of Hungary (DN, Jan 1990). the Government until the end transport should be made The money, announced last of 1992 to come up with an accessible. month, is to be spread over action plan. It asks only that disabled four years, leading up to the However, the Government workers should be able to travel opening of the centre in 1994. may obstruct the proposal safely, through any combina- The new centre will take 31 because it forms part of the tion of adaptations to vehicles, British children a year and 22 Social Charter. external aids, and personal help trainees for four-year courses. Britain has refused to recog- from trained staff. Red noses run riot nise this, arguing that such As an extension to health arrangements should be left to and safety legislation, the pro- This year's Red Nose Day is on national governments. posal’s aims therefore differ 15 March. “There is no point in giving widely from the civil rights The fund-raisers will be tar- the disabled access to normal approach of the Americans geting “empowering” projects jobs unless they can actually with Disabilities Act, which for 16-25 year old disabled peo- get to their place of work,” the says all new public vehicles in ple, such as advocacy and skills Commission says. It requires the USA should be made training. Some money may go both public and and employers’ accessible. to disabled casualties of the Gulf war. First key of the door Wheelchair turf-cutter Mrs Sue Cheater launches an £80,000 Cambridge student hall garden project for disabled and visually impaired people in Wheelchair users and disabled Horsham, Sussex, funded by the Sun Alliance Group and Hundreds of people with cere- fully accessible bungalows later people who want to study at Horsham District Council. WEST SUSSEX COUNTY TIMES bral palsy can look forward to “this year and the programme Cambridge Upniversity now Black people humiliated their first door key thanks to a will take five years to complete. have an adapted hall of resi- new £25m partnership between North Housing, who will pay dence, Bridget's, with eight The Spastics Society and the £25m cost of the develop- ground floor rooms and four Black people face humiliation criticised for having written North Housing. ment, will own and maintain rooms for carers. and discrimination when claim- material in English only. As part of the “Ist Key” care the buildings. The hall, paid for by the ing social security benefits, NACAB says the new Social in the community programme, The Society will provide and Shaftesbury Society, will be according to a new report from Security Benefits Agency 500 people currently living in pay for specialist care and sup- shared with the Anglia College the National Association of Cit- should have a_ systematic 14 residential centres run by port for residents and manage of Higher Education. izens Advice Bureaux. ablpapcrko acclha imtaon tsse.r vice delivery for The Spastics Society will be the staff. Bridget's, Tennis Court Road, "leTnhgethyy are delliakyesl,y to exwpreornigefnucle to Berneemfoivtes sdhiosuclrdi minbaet iroenv, iewaendd ambulnei ttyo. move out into the com- of KTehne YSooucniegt,y , chsiaiedf: e“xTehciusti vei s Cambridge, tel: (0223) 354312. refusals, incorrect payments more leaflets and interpreters Up to 240 homes are to be an exciting scheme which will "Minority" media guide and poor communication." provided. built on 40 sites in places as far drastically alter how we have The Social Fund is particularly Employers who want to recruit apart as Derbyshire and operated in the past and it will disabled people can now get a Do it for DN! Barriers to Benefit, aDA T Dorset. certainly enhance the quality of guide to disability newspapers NACAB, tel: 071-833 2181 Work will begin on the first life for people in our care.” Are you competing in and magazines that take adver- tisements. The Minority Media the London Marathon Guide - 1990 includes prices, this year? If so, why circulation and deadlines. not tell the rest of the world about YOUR £75, Media Dept, Austin Knight Advertising, tel: 071 437 9261 newspaper by wearing a DN tee-shirt to flash Benefits correction in front of the TV cam- In "Backdated benefits The Alvema Series 10 is stable and eras? And if you want bonanza” (DN February), it to raise money for DN reliable and is the ideal solution for those was not made clear that the disabled people eligible for too, so much the bet- who wish to combine a correct sitting backdated benefits are those ter! Interested? Ring posture with manageable daily transport. with a mental handicap. Our Tracy Scollin on O71 One frame with three interchangeable apologies to people whose 636 5020 ext 245. seat units allows the pushchair to grow hopes were raised in vain. together with the child from the DDO) CPW CL) age of 1 to 10 years. EB PT 7p eeF a Ifyou would like to try The Floronde Garden... designed to an Alvema Series 10 for your o REY special child, please call us encourage a degree of occupational therapy for elderly, today to arrange a disabled and handicapped people demonstration. fi (( Over 2.3°m of growing area surrounded by a high rolled edge Supported by a sturdy column with a base which can be bolted down for added security Optional self watering system and fountain Please send details of Alvema Series 10 DN3/91 | Suitable for feature displays inside and out ¢4¢ e¢ Choice of colours available Name Address | Plants, shrubs, flowers etc with ‘shallow roots to perifry and deep Telephone No. roots to centre Further information from: Rainbow Rehab, P.O. Box 546, Bournemouth BH8 8YD.%@ 0202-32651 Inva-Dex, Byron Street, Tolled edge - no sharp points Buxton SK17 6LY | Sole distributor for @ALVEMA products | Tel: 0298-22365 bed Re Siwadyb ase Fax: 0298-25250 Disability Now March 1991 6 BREAKTHROUGHS Hopes But one British doctor claims Now the US Food and Alzheimer’s disease needless in a very selected group of important discoveries have Drugs Administration says the anguish, leading them _ to patients, in the very early overdose been made which can be built study’s findings were seriously bbeeliinegv e detnhieeidr la ovderdu g onoefs eswtearbe- sttioangse,s iwti tlhoooukst aost hetrh oucgohm pltihcear-e upon. Twenty per cent of people lished efficacy and value.” may be something in it.” on “wonder over 80 have Alzheimer’s. But one British researcher Another team of researchers claims all is not lost. in the US are also doing a There is no cure. drug” Professor Raymond Levy, study of the drug. Four years ago the New Eng- land Journal of Medicine carried chair of old age psychiatry at People with Alzheimer’s dis- the results of a study into a the Institute of Psychiatry, is New lungs ease and their relatives had drug called THA, known as PATRICK BAGLEE doing another survey which is their hopes of a breakthrough Cognex in Britain. Suggestions misleading. It concluded: “Set- showing promising results. He give old dashed last month after reports that THA could tackle the ting in motion premature told The Guardian: “We don’t of a new drug were criticised as dementia symptoms of requests for wide distribution know if it can help people who ones a “seriously misleading” by the Alzheimer’s led to a flood of of the drug, it caused those are severely affected. There are US Government. demands for it. who care for the victims of lots of ifs and buts. However, breather USE YOUR MOBILITY A new type of artificial lung was used in Britain for the first time in January. The device is only designed ALLOWANCE for short term use and cannot be used to help people with chronic lung disorders. But the breakthrough will help doctors searching for such devices. It is already used in America TO CLAIM SOME to give patients’ lungs time to recover after lung damage. The longest anyone has used it for is 19 days. EXTRA BENEFITS Known as Ivox, the “lung” was used by doctors at St George’s Hospital in London on a 70 year old man who became seriously ill from adult respiratory distress syndrome following surgery. The Ivox, which costs In 1991 stake your claim for one of the next Exceptional reliability. Low-cost subsidised insur- around £9,000, is made up of a generation of Proton Cars. ance available through Protonsurance. catheter and a control unit. Power steering is now standard on all 1.5 models! Easy fitment of readily available hand controls and The control unit fills the and that’s unique in a car of this price. swivelling travel seats without vehicle modification. catheter with oxygen. This is Simple easy-to-reach controls and overall award- Outstanding warranties if you opt to buy: threaded into the vena cava, the winning ergonomics. Excellent access via four wide- @ 6 YEAR/60,000 MILE STAR © COVER POWER- vein that brings de-oxygenated opening doors. Smooth 5-speed gearbox or, on the TRAIN WARRANTY @ 6 YEAR STAR © COVER BODY- blood to the heart. Oxygen is SE saloon, automatic transmission. Good all-round WORK WARRANTY @ 2 YEAR/50,000 MILE WAR- sent into the blood and carbon- visibility. Remote boot lid and fuel flap openers. RANTY @ 2 YEARS RAC MEMBERSHIP. dioxide exchanged. Blaupunkt digital stereo radio cassette system. FOR JUST A LITTLE EXTRA YOU CAN ALSO ENJOY Dr David Bennett, intensive Thanks to a partnership with Mitsubishi of Japan all THE ADDED BENEFITS OF A PROTON 1.5SE SALOON OR care physician at St George’s Protons are equipped with the latest very refined AEROBACK. Hospital in Tooting, empha- 1.3 or 1.5 litre multi-valve engine. Efficiency and Driver's seat height adjuster and fully reclining sised that the device can only performance from either lead-free or leaded fuel front seats. Electric windows, Electric Door Mirrors, be used short term. without adjustment. Central Locking. And although doctors on the Choice of 4 door saloons (with a huge 20 cu.ft. Why settle for a basic box on wheels when you trail of a more permanent arti- boot) or 5 door Aerobacks (with low-loading sill and could pamper yourself with a Proton at a surprisingly ficial lung could learn from it, 60/40 split fold-down rear seats swallowing up to 49 such a device could be at least cu.ft. of luggage). three years away. Long-life galvannealed steel protection for all key body panels. Corrections Luxurious and comfortable interior complete with In "Rights to a Roof" (DN Jan- seat head restraints. uary), it was reported that Ann Macfarlane was dismayed that only the Spinal Injuries Associ- ation had paid for disabled peo- ple to attend the housing low cost? Discover for yourself conference. In _ fact, other the luxury touches (and the organisations did pay, such as commonsense practicality) that the King's Fund Centre, Esso . won Proton Motability approval and IBM (UK) Ltd. We apolo- with flying colours. gise for any embarrassment Visit your local Proton dealer and caused. ask for the Motability Specialist. For the Belvair infra-red Alternatively, phone the Proton Hotline environment control system 81 205 7077. supplied by Bickerstaff Elec- tronics (see Microtech, Feb) tel: (0942) 216747. Motability Approved to For more information on H.P. and Contract Hire British Telecom's Everyday video for disabled people tel: 0345 581456. Praton Lena Rozova, not Lena Olin, helped launch the Lena Appeal for food and medicine for MU TRIPLE-VALVE ///f Soviet hospitals in December. JAPANESE TECHNOLOGY © MALAYSIAN STYLE The charity which needs £100,000 to supply dogs to do household tasks is called Assis- tance Dogs for Disabled People PROTON CARS (UK) LIMITED, WESTERN HOUSE, MIDDLE LANE, WYTHALL, BIRMINGHAM B47 6LA. TELEPHONE: 0564 826167. and not Partners in Action. Disability Now March 1991 INTERNATIONAL 7 ction day in Atlanta Diane Coleman reports on ADA, a new Act, civil rights action and The Mouth PATRICK BAGLEE Dear Friends and Activists, the Fair Housing Amendments these tests to see what I should some offer nothing at all. acceptable than a “state’s [hank you to the people who Act, which generally requires be. It wasn’t in the script to In contrast, the federal rights” policy on slavery. This wrote to me after my August access to newly constructed either ask me or look at the government requires that each was ADAPT’s first personal etter. I hope each of you apartment buildings. But history of my life.” (From state finance “care” in nursing encounter with an official who 1ave received my replies. some of the more detailed Billy Golfus, "Brian Damaged homes and other institutions, has the power to change Jnfortunately, I discovered guidelines under the law have Blues, Part IV".) which have powerful and well- policy. not been determined by the I would be very interested oo late that $0.45 will carry funded lobbyists to influence These efforts have drawn US Department of Housing & in hearing how disabled nly one-half ounce! legislators and government attention to the need for Urban Development, although people, families and other non- I must congratulate you on officials. I would like to know attendant services in many he “three and a half thousand they were due to be published disabled supporters and much more about the situation groups. [ve recently heard lisabled people [who] took to last autumn at the latest. professionals in the UK relate elsewhere. that two large conferences are Several disability rights to each other and see their he streets last month to Since most people are planned in Nashville, lemand a proper income” (DN groups, especially Concrete roles in the advancement of completely unaware that there Tennessee, alone, and was Yecember.) Change, have been pushing for disability rights. is a problem and that a encouraged when a strong guidelines, but weaker One reason for the delay The organisers expressed solution is possible which professional said that ADAPT lisappointment in the turnout, supports the freedom and is now “leading the charge” on aying they had hoped for dignity of older and disabled an issue that so many have 5,000, but we had fewer than people, our first job is to get worked for for so long. He ,000 in our Wheels of Justice publicity on the issue. said that consumers can have aarch on Washington, DC in In Atlanta, Georgia we (a) much more credibility than upport of the Americans With sat in at the administration parents and professionals, some Jisabilities Act (ADA) last building of the college of whom still support pring. The march was attended and later headed by institutional alternatives. He ormally endorsed by 30 US Secretary of Health & said he feels certain that we isability-related organisations, Human Services Louis will win. iany of them with huge Sullivan, (b) shut down the . IT only wish it were as easy ational memberships, and state arm of the nursing home to convince and empower more aere was two month’s advance lobbyists, and (c) surrounded of our fellow consumers to act and closed down the Federal for positive change as well. otice. Of course, we have reater distance and Building. Sixty-four of us Until next time, yours for a were arrested in the last action. more just society, ‘ansportation barriers, but I ras still disappointed at our Then, on Martin Luther Cine bno— King’s birthday, 15 January, irnout. ADAPT declared “Freedom One example of progress Day”, and activists in 24 cities ras achieved last October on demonstrated simultaneously at Concrete Change (organiser ehalf of our estimated 24 government and lobbyist Eleanor Smith), 1371 ullion citizens who are deaf offices for a national Metropolitan Avenue SE, r hearing-impaired: a new law alled the Television Decoder October march to the Federal Building in Atlanta. TOM OLIN consumer-controlled attendant Atlanta, Georgia 30316. services policy. The Mouth (Editor is Ed the ircuitry Act of 1990. versions have been supported since my last letter for DN Then, a week later, ten of us Hothead), 61 Brighton Street, As of 1 July 1993, new by a coalition of the building has been the start of ADAPT’s in Tennessee managed to meet Rochester, New York 14607. slevision sets with 13in or industry and the Paralyzed campaign for attendant services Secretary Sullivan. I spoke for Diane Coleman has a new ger screens sold in the US Veterans of America (PVA). (“carers”). My strongest the group, saying that a address: 1478 Stayton Road, 1ust contain the circuitry Concrete Change is also commitment is my work as an “state’s rights” policy on Cumberland Furnace, TN ecessary to display closed- working to achieve basic access organiser with the American attendant services is no more 37051. She welcomes letters. uptioning of the sound in new houses. They say this Disabled for Attendant ortion of programmes. “basic access” means that Programmes Today, which I possum. urrently, people must buy a every new house will have at described in my last letter. -parate decoder to display least one no-step entrance and Last October ADAPT osed-captions, which is too all doors will be at least 32in members came to Atlanta from xpensive for many. It was wide. There is no federal 22 states, representing groups yund that the costs would be (Central Government) law in 35 US cities, to commence I AM ABLE nominal” ($3 to $10: per covering access to single-family our national effort. levision) if the circuitry was dwellings, but Concrete While many groups have EQUIPMENT FOR THE DISABLED ided at the point of Change is making headway at won more government- anufacture. the local level. supported attendant services POSSUM 2000 Ironically, I was not able to Over the last few months, locally, this was the first time ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL btain the details of this bill many disabled people (we that a national “civil rights” FREE from Dept of Health subject to meeting om my local League for the often refer to ourselves as activist group had taken on the their criteria [earing-Impaired, whose staff “consumers”, as opposed to issue. ADAPT engages in ought the new requirement “patients” or “clients”) have non-violent civil disobedience Increases independence and security, helps just be part of the ADA. In education and communication, inputs available been heartened by a new to dramatize and bring to 1e US, our entire movement to suit most disabilities publication from the public attention the moral Wide range of equipment can be attached iffers from this lack of Including household appilances and community of people with conflicts inherent in our Jequate communication and head injuries: The Mouth (This system. etworking. How do British & RAGE TURNERS roups manage?? : Brain Has a Mouth). Any page An estimated 7.7 million Many of you have read will reveal the gritty and people in the US need yout the ADA’s provisions profound truth it tells: assistance in one or more garding access to new or “T turned to Jerry Waldman, activities of daily living, but designed public buildings. a therapist I'd known for a most can only obtain this he US Government has now couple of decades, for help. assistance by remaining roposed rules to take effect He was, after all, a dependent on the charity of om January 1992. For “professional”. Even after family and friends or going BASIC SKILLS LEARNING SYSTEM cample, wheelchair users knowing me so long, he was into an institution. ust have access to all amazingly insensitive... He The federal government has sent me to the ... Vocational left it up to each state to reckout aisles in supermarkets id at least 5 per cent of tables Service. Let me tell you how decide whether and to what HELD REGULARLY . a restaurant or library must they helped. They gave me degree it will fund attendant *Hands N-oAnT’ IoOpNpoWrItuDnEit y on all "PLAYTIME, dry alternatve to > accessible.. tests. They love them tests. services. While some states hydrotherapy, various sizes available They probably give each other have developed widely Unfortunately, the law does tests to figure out what they available attendant service FOR DETAILED INFORMATION ON EQUIPMENT OR SEMINARS, ot address access to CONTACT: POSSUM CONTROLS LTD, MIDDLEGREEN ROAD, LANGLEY, yartments and houses. want for lunch. And it’s like programmes, others have only SLOUGH, BERKSHIRE, SL3 we’re waiting for the results of tiny pilot programmes and In 1988, Congress passed Disability Now March 1991 8 COMMENT Double discrimination must be faced now says Peter McDonald schools, where only a few enough research projects given pupils were from ethnic the number of issues, but it is I came to England in the early minorities. But my classmates growing all the time. 1970s, during the Love Thy and I were just as likely to To say there are common Neighbour era of British swap Love Thy Neighbour type links between racial prejudice, television, when calling people jokes as anyone else, and to sexism and prejudice against “sambo”, “nig-nog” or “white think of it as nothing more disabled people is to open a honkey” was considered a good than a good laugh. Pandora’s Box that many thing for a hit comedy show, Whenever the subject of people still wish had never because things done in bad race came up at home, been found. It’s too late to taste could be radical, someone would remind me close the box and it’s time we interesting and funny. that as a black person who was had the courage to look inside. As a child with cerebral also disabled, my chances of The King’s Fund Centre, palsy, I was pre-occupied with achieving anything in life were which produced the report surviving in a special school. probably less than zero. It was Double Discrimination in Jamaica often seemed a very my “destiny” to suffer twice as December last year, and long way from my classroom much discrimination and to GLAD (Greater London and from my experience of miss twice as many Association for Disabled disability. Day by day my opportunities as the person People) are involved in reseach awareness of race came second who is “only” black, or “only” and practical initiatives on race to my awareness of disability, disabled. When I asked for and disability. Some self-help because it seemed the most advice, what I generally got groups exist. But I suspect practical way to deal with life. was: “Work hard, keep your they run on sheer guts and I was struggling to find my head low, and don’t argue with enthusiasm, probably lacking own identity. Or at least a anyone.” both money and publicity. positive image of myself, This is not, I suggest, the A handful of organisations instead of the many negative most useful advice to someone have told me they are either self-images that I was being who is struggling to work out “looking into” race and asked to choose from. what kind of person they are disability, or “reviewing The attitude of my teachers, and what kind of person they policy”, or already have a family and friends could be really want to be. Peter McDonald: “Respect each other, and ourselves.” long-term commitment to summed up as “disabled, first I can understand the CATHERINE HOLLOWAY “equal opportunities” - and foremost.” reaction of my school friends, whatever that is. Almost all my teachers and because it was partly a disabled people, something They come from a society that When I spoke to the tutors were white. Some of reflection of society at large. I else. There is not enough time is reluctant to acknowledge Commission for Racial them did not want to risk can understand the reaction of and energy to fight two almost any kind of prejudice. Equality in December, I was offending anyone, or they did my family: to fight for the different wars. I can Cultures, religions and races not think of race as the most rights of black people is one understand these attitudes, but all have much to contribute to “Whenever the subject important issue in special thing; to fight for the rights of I cannot agree with them. any society and much to learn from each other. The same of race came up at applies to people with home, someone would disabilities. It has been said Independence for the remind me that as a many times and should be black person who was obvious to many people. But 1990’s with Electric Mobility sometimes I wonder if also disabled, my anything is really obvious. chances of achieving It is 1991 already, and there anything in life were is no specific legislation to Try this for Unique The safeguard the rights of people probably less than Climbing Power and (CYCLE S) CHAIR with disabilities in Britain. zero.” . Traction America has it (Americans The 1991 Ra Make easy work for 41:4 BUSHLINE with Disabilities Act 1990) and With TAKE APART FRAME gradients, gravel, sand GENTLE LIFT CHAIR most of Europe will have it (in or rough ground with told that they would love to do theory) after 1992. this rugged performer. something on race and Meanwhile, the British disability, but they can’t, > Lights front/rear, Government has done little to directional indicators. because they have neither the acknowledge the links between > Unique rear wheel money nor the staff. differrential drive. racial prejudice and prejudice Disabled people from ethnic > Will climb 5” kerbs. against disabled people, let [> Padded ‘180 swivel minorities will have to compete a} Ge) seat. alone take action. (Mind you, as hard for time and money as > Sealed-beam headlight most governments seem to anyone else. Probably harder. —s & rear stop/tail lights. have a hard time taking any The High Quality [> Heavy duty front drum But I think it’s largely up to Affordable Electric brake. kind of prejudice seriously. disabled people in ethnic > Recharge from Do we need a civil rights Three Wheeler minorities to make the move. standard wall socket. movement every time we need > Drives through standard > Dual speed 4mph and They must decide where to doorway. 8mph. some civil rights?) compete, how to compete, and > Automatic braking > Raise, lower and If the interests of people system. recline at the touch of where to go from here. Spring-mounted a button. with disabilities are generally I don’t know what the suspension. >> Sturdy steel lift ignored or devalued by wider solutions are. But if we don’t > Virtually maintenance mechanism for safety society, how much harder do free, and stability. take these issues seriously now, > Sealed rear wheel {> Cord mounted hand disabled people from ethnic the next generation will accuse direct drive transaxle. control. minorities have to work to (> Rechargeable from [> Hand control may be us of ignorance and hypocrisy. have their own particular standard wall socket. easily reversed to left My hope is that we do not Dismantles for easy car side. needs taken seriously? create more barriers between stowage. > Fabrics to complement But it’s more than “wants > dias Se electric seat any decor. people, but instead create and needs.” People from IT, channels for open and honest ethnic minorities, like people communication, so that we with disabilities, have talents learn to respect each other, and achievements that should and ourselves. be recognised and promoted. As an Asian researcher told me: “We're being asked to Peter McDonald 1s a research prove things that we’ve known associate at The Spastics for a long time.” Society. He will chair a seminar Rascal © CycleChair © Gentle Lift Chair ©} I know five people who are on race and disability at Bristol Electric Mobility Euro Ltd., Dept pnz2 FREEPOST, doing research on the Polytechnic on 30 April. Report Sea King Road, Lynx Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 2YS experiences of disabled people available later. Meanwhile, your from ethnic minorities - few comments are welcome. Disability Now March 1991 MOTORING 9 Car Chair's Statesman: "nice air of spaciousness" Brotherwood Prairie: "most socially acceptable" Universal Mobility's Discovery: "a quality ride" Which is best for wheelchair passengers? David Griffiths, DN's motoring correspondent, takes an unaccustomed back seat to compare three conversions Choosing a car is very much driver and further back makes lars intrude at eye-level unless The Prairie offers a very preferably with their family like buying a coat or a pair of conversation except at low you are tall enough to see over quiet, refined ride, taking pot- and in similar conditions. shoes. You need to try it first. speeds very difficult. them through the upper win- holes in its stride. But its soft None of the vehicles is suit- But passengers rarely get the Universal Mobility has made dows. Vision ahead is very rear suspension could be the able for two wheelchair users, chance, even when the vehicle a brave attempt to overcome good, however, and the internal undoing of those prone to car- but the automatic transmission is specially modified to suit a this by fitting a small, side-fac- detailing and trim is of a high sickness. options lend themselves to a wheelchair passenger. ing seat at rear-passenger level quality, with a small storage family where the driver has a Mistakes are often costly if behind the driver, and a seat on area in the rear for oddments. Summary walking disability or lower limb not impossible to rectify, so it the other side, facing forward, All the passenger seats face All three vehicles are near the deficiency. is vital to have some idea of the on a level with the standard forwards, the rear pair nar- upper end of the rear access potential of different vehicles. front passenger seat. It works rower to allow for wheelchair vehicle market. Both Vauxhall Options Last month I selected three well enough, although on a footplates, but they are more and the Nissan Prairie are very Discovery: 1.4 or 1.6 litre of the most promising conver- longer journey it could prove a than adequate for most people reliable. petrol engines, 1.7 diesel. sions on the market and put little tiring. and with each having its own Discovery has the edge Automatic transmission on 1.6 them through their paces over Noise level in the Astramax door access is excellent. where ride is concerned, but petrol only. From £12,841 (no an identical course. It included was lower than expected. The I felt too near the rear doors the Brotherwood Prairie is the VAT included in prices). Uni- versal Mobility Ltd, tel: (0293) a steep ascent and descent, an quality of finish was excellent for comfort, and rather isolated most socially acceptable. The 871019. or (0924) 451971. undulating class B road with (except for small side pockets as well, although rear-seat pas- Statesman is a very nice com- Statesman: As above, plus accompanying sharp depres- which did not seem to match sengers would obviously help. promise offering a wide range power steering, tilting steering sions and bends, some very up with the rest of the vehicle). Externally, the extra roofline of options and good accommo- column, powered front win- rough potholed lanes, several The big tinted side windows is taken up from the front dation within the confines of an dows, metallic paint. From adverse cambers and a stretch offered excellent vision. A good screen in a smooth curve. that affordable base vehicle. £14,918. Car Chair Ltd, tel: of smooth trunk road. space between the rear doors enhances overall appearance. None of the vehicles can be (0323) 840283. I purposely chose the most and the back of the passenger’s said to be bad, nor is the qual- Brotherwood Prairie: 1.8 or uncomfortable wheelchair I head made me feel more secure Brotherwood Prairie ity of their workmanship. But 2.0 litre petrol engines. Power steering, automatic transmis- could find and dispensed with should someone attempt to With its superb finish and good each has its plus and minus sion, metallic paint. From a cushion, putting the needs of hang on the rear bumper. looks, the Brotherwood Prairie points, highlighting just how £17,993. Brotherwood Auto- research before my "nethers", Forward vision may not be has earned a reputation for important it is for disabled peo- mobility Ltd, tel: (0935) so to speak. so good for some _ people, being the Rolls Royce of con- ple to try different machines, 872603. Here are my findings. depending on your height, and versions. Prairie users are in I would have liked a wiper as the main convinced that noth- The Discovery standard on the upper screen.. ing else will do and, despite the MOBILITY VEHICLE SEARCH Universal Mobility’s Discov- Externally, Discovery shows high cost, the Prairie has con- ery, based on a Vauxhall/Bed- its parentage strongly and there tinued to sell steadily. ford Astramax van, has large is no getting away from the In the second generation sliding windows, a ramp and “ice-cream van” impression. Nissan Prairie, a central door Dunlop air suspension. The pillar appeared and although “The Best Way to Buy or Sell Your Vehicle” many car-like attributes and Statesman the new vehicle is better look- quality conversion belie its The Statesman from Car Chair ing it has lost much of its ver- From a Mini Bus to a Metro, a Batricar to a Wheelchair, specially adapted or otherwise. Mobility Vehicle Search can help you to buy humble origins. Ltd also has a Vauxhall parent- satility - hence the continued or sell your vehicle at the right price. Access is via a fold-down, age, the Astra Estate, which demand for new conversions of Jf savEssses one-piece ramp, with some offers four side doors with second-hand models. inclination of the floor and the greater versatility and a wider Rod Brotherwood’s approach Sell privately through us, eliminate vehicle dealer profits and obtain the best possible price for your vehicle. air suspension acting as a low- range of options. to the access problem was to ering unit when loading. The Suspension can be lowered carve out the rear end and JY ONCE ONLY PRYMENT system operates so smoothly for access which is via a short lower the centre floor section, a For a single inexpensive fee we will advertise your vehicle nationwide until sold! Once registered your and silently that it is virtually ramp with a top-hinged, single- not inconsiderable engineering vehicle details are retained for 30 Days, and can be undetectable when sitting in piece door, rising gently on gas job which contributes to the extended free of charge. the vehicle. struts and giving some weather cost, but it does put the The original double doors protection for the helper. wheelchair user level with his FREE HELP AND ADVICE Mobility Vehicle Search is run exclusively for disabled are used, but the stays on the Once inside, you notice the fellows while minimising roof- people, by disabled people who are always pleased to doors can prove inadequate in additional length, which gives a extension. offer help and advice. We can help value your vehicle, really strong winds. nice air of spaciousness. But Externally, then, the Broth- and assist with the wording of your advertisement to obtain the best results. On the road, the immediate sitting further away from the erwood Prairie appears little impression was of a quality driver makes conversation more changed, with the streamlined FREE BUYERS SEVICE ride. A smooth, bump-free pas- difficult and at over 40mph we Nissan bodywork largely unal- Call us on 081-207 0405 and tell us what you are looking sage plus automatic transmis- had to shout. tered, blending into the general for and we will match your requirements on our computer free of charge. sion offered superb comfort. The Statesman retains the traffic. Only really large potholes made normal Vauxhall suspension, Internally, you feel part of Wf 7 DAY SERVICE themselves known, producing a giving a firm, comfortable ride everything, including the con- Whether buying or selling, Mobility Vehicle Search is at your service 7 days a week: noticeable thud from below, on all but the worst surfaces, versation, and vision is as good Mon-Fri 10am-8pm. Sat & Sun 10am-6pm but I never felt the shocks. but on these the shocks were as for your fellow passengers. One of the main problems felt and the vehicle rolled and Two rear passenger seats set CALL US NOW: 081 - 207 0405 - with this type of conversion is pitched somewhat. alongside the wheelchair user that a wheelchair-passenger Side vision is not so good: are of necessity narrow, best FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE TO: travelling in the rear can feel the original Astra windows lack described as “occasional” or for Mobility Vehicle Search, Freepost 474 isolated: sitting higher than the depth, and the horizontal pil- children. Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 2FP Disability Now March 1991 10 COMMENT Fett Letters to the Editor with the renewal problem. Motability was created to attempt to discredit a whole The availability of help from help disabled people in receipt campaign is totally illegitimate. Motability’s charitable fund is of mobility allowance use their I do not need to watch every publicised in the leaflets issued allowance to achieve mobility. single pornographic film to Disability Now, 12 Park Crescent, London W1N 4EQ by Motability about the Motability brings together, know that pornography is scheme. Additional perhaps uniquely, oppressive to women. I do not information about the funds contributions from need to watch every second of Gulf war casualties retain their mobility. That is that will be available from next Government, industry, Children in Need (or other such why the value of the 10th April is being prepared and commerce and private televisual garbage) to know We were interested to read Anniversary Trust Fund is will be included. individuals for the benefit of that such programmes are your recent report (DN February) on the likely effect being safeguarded and a The trustees of the disabled people. Our success oppressive to disabled people. reserve being created so that Anniversary Trust believe in can be measured by the fact If Disability Now is to live of the Gulf War and the this known future demand can taking a responsible attitude that we have helped provide up to its claims to be "Britain's potential demand on services for people with disabilities be met. towards this Trust’s funds over 200,000 vehicles, leading disability newspaper", which may result. When the monies were thus ensuring that as many including 45,000 in the past it should stop using snide and pledged to the 10th disabled people as possible can year. inaccurate comments to We certainly share the concern of others and agree Anniversary Trust in 1988, it be helped to achieve and retain We are rightfully proud of attempt to discredit legitimate that we should be making was announced in Parliament mobility. our achievements in meeting campaigns organised by plans sooner rather than later. that this would enable I would like to comment on the needs of so many disabled disabled people. The Disabled Living Motability to increase its grant .Mr Irwin-Brown’s letter. people and intend to continue Mike Oliver Foundation believes that good giving capacity five fold and Motability’s annual report to expand and improve our Chatham, Kent information will be crucial to this it will have achieved in and accounts for the year service in the future. ensuring that disabled people the past year. ended 31 March 1990 have Lord Sterling of Plaistow Charging for services take up the services. which will In 1988 the number of first to be approved by our Vice-chairman The Spastics Society’s assist them. renewals was averaging 300 per Annual General Meting which Motability, campaigns department has Many of your readers will month; with the abolition of took place in December 1990. London SW1 received a number of enquiries be aware of DLF’s information car tax in 1989 on vehicles The report would not about the legality of Kent resources about equipment and leased to disabled people, the therefore be available until My disability concern social services department other daily living resources and scheme has grown early in 1991. I am sorry that there was a charging for services (see DN services. We hope that tremendously with the number Motability has by far the misunderstanding in an February). disabled people will be of renewals anticipated in largest contract hire fleet in otherwise excellent article (DN Unfortunately social services encouraged to make full use of 1992-3 at 3,000 per month - a the UK and it was wholly January). departments do have the right our services and especially that tenfold increase in under five appropriate that Motability My statement, “I don’t to charge for services under the service hospitals will years. should take the lead in consider disability to be the Chronically Sick and ensure that casualties of the Motability has a moral persuading organisations and anything to do with me at all” Disabled Persons Act 1970 and war receive the proper advice commitment to keep all individual motorists to switch was not related to other people the more recent Disabled and information. disabled people who are to lead-free petrol. but to myself. I was hampered Persons Act. They do not, Paul Brearley presently mobile on the road The Motability fleet by hearing loss in my early however, have the right to Director when their leases come up for accounts for over 2 per cent of years. The excellence of my refuse to provide a service they Disabled Living Foundation renewal. new UK registrations and in hearing aids now make agree is necessary simply on 380-384 Harrow Road Notwithstanding this converting its own fleet, disability no part of me. the grounds that the disabled London W9 2HU commitment which Motability wherever possible, to leadfree My work for the disabled is person cannot afford it. It is has to its existing customers, operation Motability was not for myself but for others. difficult to see how Kent Motability achievements no new customer who is saving the disabled motorist Emma Nicholson MP imagines that a disabled person I am writing with regard to eligible to use the scheme and car running costs. House of Commons on income support is in a the article which appeared in needs financial assistance is The campaign had all position to afford an extra the January 1991 edition of turned away. In the current political party support and at Children in Need £3.50 a week for services that Disability Now (“Motor charity year all but a few cases (three its conclusion sales of unleaded On Same Difference (Channel until now have been provided slammed”) and the letter from or four per month) have been petrol had risen from 5 per 4) I asserted that I did not free of charge. Mr Irwin-Brown in your last offered sufficient help to cent to 25 per cent of total watch the current Children in What is most controversial edition. obtain a suitable vehicle. This sales with unleaded petrol Need as a "deliberate political about the Kent arrangement is Dealing with the first article, has included some cases which available on the majority of act." It was not dragged out of the imposition of a tariff across I would like to respond as require expensive adapted petrol station forecourts. me as your column implies. the board without reference to follows. vehicles. The cost of the campaign Further, the programme an individual’s financial There are currently nearly The £1 million per annum was met fully from donations was a discussion of charity circumstances. 100,000 disabled people with for the next three years which made specifically for that fund raising programmes in Brian Lamb vehicles obtained through Government has generously purpose by various large general and not just one Campaigns and parliamentary Motability’s contract hire and agreed to provide from April corporations. None of particular Children in Need.. officer hire purchase schems. Most 1991 will enable Motability to Motability’s charitable or other Hence, to take one remark The Spastics Society will require replacement extend this help to many more funds were involved. out of context and to use it to London W1 vehicles over the next three severely disabled people. The Motability’s charitable fund years and it is essential that provision of the £1 million per raising is completely separate ees §8§ Gift rapping Motability has sufficient annum is a recognition that the from the administration = Kylie Minogue fans all over charitable funds to help them 10th Anniversary Trust is expenses which are met from a sic the country may soon be obtain these vehicles and so needed in the main to cope grant from DSS. es §=— trading in their record Ue collections for a new foot- Quids in CHEST PROBLEMS, BACK PROBLEMS, OCCASIONALLY ILL, OR BEDRIDDEN. tapper from the Action “What would happen in your DO YOU SUFFER FROM ASTHMA, BAD BACK OR CHEST PROBLEMS? home if you or your partner Asthma campaign. The Oxygen Molecule Rap LET US HELP YOU FIND RELIEF AND COMFORT. were ill or became disabled comes on a tape giving advice and you could not do the to teenagers with asthma. PATENTED MEDILUX BED domestic chores?” Watch out for it on Top of The Medilux Bed, the hospital support system in a domestic bed, This was the anxious plea the Pops! the top of the bed rises to any angle, perfect back support, legs put by the Daily Mail in an extend to improve height, incontinent proof, non electric simple article on insurance at the end Troubleshooters ratchet arm movement, as used by some DHSS. of January. Apparently, it costs As you watch khaki-clad at least £500 a week to hire a correspondents reporting from PATENTED RECLINER HEADBOARD housekeeper, chauffeur, nanny, the Gulf War, spare a thought The revolutionary recliner headboard, lifts and draws forward cleaning lady and gardener to for the DN team. creating a luxuriously angled, firm back rest support. Two arms look after a home. turn the headboard into an armchair in bed. Or pillow retainer while Where do they get these One member was asked by a sleeping, lift and push returns to normal headboard. Fits single figures from? life insurance salesman if her beds, twin-units for double beds. According to Disability DN journalism took her into the world’s “trouble spots” on Alliance, a single man aged 30- P. LEASE SEND ME AFREE BROCHURE L] | WOULD LIKE A FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION L] 40 who became disabled could a regular basis. ame ee expect an income of around Not wanting to be refused Address a ee ees Ee £130 a week tops. cover, she didn’t admit she Post Code Telephone No. Invoices please for the £370 was a veteran of the Naidex For further information contact: Medibed Interiors, 20 Church Road difference to Mr John Major, coffee queues and the Oxford Warboys, Huntingdon, Cambs PE17 2RJ or Telephone: 0487 823410 10 Downing Street, London Street transport demos. They SWl. wouldn’t understand ... Spg e--nsaene ment D isability Now March 1991

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