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Preview Disability now. January 1993.

JANUARY 1993 85p ILF lightning This month MOTORING closure hits Motability v cash buy: RICA finds the best deal 9 EUROPE disabled people What’s in it for you? 10 YOU AND YOUR RIGHTS (1) Community care 11 PROFILE Thousands of severely disabled people may miss out Tony Brown, birdman of on the opportunity to live independently because Dereham applications to the Independent Living Fund (ILF) were unexpectedly closed at 24 hours’ notice. 12 COMMENT The fund, which helps vide a cash top-up to council Huge benefit income 18,000 people to live at home services. boost, Motability feedback with payments averaging £104 He said: “We are commited 13-17 a week, stopped accepting new to a fund which supports the DN HOLIDAYS SPECIAL applicants at midnight on 25 most severely disabled people.” Paradise near and far, November. But disability campaigners UK Holiday Care awards, Minister for Disabled People are concerned that the new checkout and guides Nicholas Scott said in a Com- trust is designed to help only 19-20 mons written answer the day 1,500 new applicants of work- ARTS before that the decison was ing age a year. Pensioners, now Candoco, Amanda Knapp, made to allow the _ fund’s nearly 40 per cent of the ILF _ Beyond Silence, media trustees to process all outstand- recipients, will get no new guides, TV ing claims by March 1993 and help. ensure an orderly handover of Sally Witcher of the 22 cases to the ILF’s successors. umbrella group _ Disability PERSON TO PERSON More love in 1993 Red light for Amber: Dr Julia Schofield, founder of a com- It will be replaced by two Alliance said: “Existing recipi- puter software company, with her guide dog outside Buck- new trusts in April 1993. One, ents will continue to be paid 25-27 ingham Palace. She was collecting an MBE, but Amber was allocated £117 million in and are quite safe, but it will be CLASSIFIEDS left at the gates. “How could they honour me for overcom- 1993/4, will continue payments much tougher for new appli- ing blindness, then refuse to allow my guide dog in?” _ soto to existing claimants. New cants as the criteria will be Dyslexic claimants will be able to apply stricter and wipe out all new to the other, which has been help for pensioners. There will allocated £4 million for next be many people who wanted to schoolboy year, £11 million in 1994/5 apply but will now find them- and £17 million in 1995/6. Mr selves ineligible. Scott expects the fund to pro- Continued on page 2 gets over TECs scheme ‘a farce’ £5,000 Training and_ Enterprise report. A boy has been awarded Councils (TECs) need radi- Possible extra costs of train- over £5,000 compensation cal reform and a reassess- ing are rarely appreciated and because his county council ment of the way _ they there is limited choice in and teachers refused to operate, says a new report courses, little consultation in recognise his dyslexia. from The Spastics Society. decision-making and poor Local government ombuds- Most of the 138 local train- encouragement to take up even man Frederick Laws found ing providers and advocacy existing training courses. Cambridgeshire County Coun- organisations who responded to The chairman of a council cil guilty of maladministration, a national survey said they were for disabled people in the East causing personal injustice to very disappointed with the per- Anglia region said: “Our TEC the boy and his parents. formance of the 61 TECs in has a special needs committee Mr Laws said the council’s England and Wales - private which is most dismayed and failure to identify the boy’s companies who are responsible disaffected by its own lack of needs affected his educational for delivering the Govern- performance and future development and his academic ment’s major training schemes. prospects ... the Government performamce. Most seem unwilling to scheme appears a very expen- The judgment was warmly implement effective policies for sive farce. A national deception If you would like to get out and welcomed by Martin Turner, disabled people seeking jobs or of gigantic proportion.” chief educational psychologist training and show a complete Not all was black, though. about in style, ring Gowrings free at the Dyslexia Institute. lack of understanding of dis- The survey found examples of “This is an extremely impor- ability issues. good practice in London, on 0800 220878. tant judgmert because many Disabled people of all ages, Humberside, Wales and York- local education authorities but especially aged 16-24, often shire. Chairman cars are specially made for wheelchair claim that dyslexia does not have little or no prospect of Steve Smith, author of the passengers. exit. Although an ombudsman’s getting a job once training report, said: “The discrimina- Continued on page 7 courses are completed, says the Continued on page 5 i EEE 2 NEWS ‘Poor care leaving thousands disabled’ Poor NHS care is leaving one in tals who thought they were able five accident victims injured or to providing major accident ser- disabled, says a new report. vices had enough staff and The British Orthopaedic equipment. ‘Twelve hospitals Association (BOA) study, based designated as major trauma on 266 hospitals, calls for urgent treatment centres had no inten- restructuring of accident treat- sive care or resuscitation units. ment services and a rise in the The report said: “The deliv- number of trauma specialists. ery of trauma services has not The study found that some kept pace with the remarkable 10,000 accident victims a year technical advances which have are needlessly disabled because been made in recent years so NHS trauma care is not up to that full advantage cannot be modern standards. taken of them and much unnec- It claims the lack of a coher- essary death and disability has ent strategy for trauma treat- resulted.” ment has produced a haphazard system of units, many of which The Management of Skeletal are ill-equipped and under- Trauma in the United Kingdom, Derek Aitcheson (centre) from Nottingham receives the 1992 Red Cross Care in Crisis Award staffed. Only one in five hospi- £3.50, BOA, tel: 071-405 6507. from Jean Greaves, director of Notts Red Cross. Mr Aitcheson, who is deaf, stepped in when he saw a policeman being beaten up by four youths. In another incident, he saved someone Cannabis for MS? from committing suicide. George Reynolds (right), director of Nottingham and Notts Soci- ety for the Deaf, nominated Mr Aitcheson for the award. A woman with mulitiple sclero- her Nabilone capsules, which ILF lightning closure will be no transitional fund and cautious welcome to a £26 mil- sis has become the first person contain one of the main ingredi- Continued from page 1 that no claims will be back- lion increase in the Community in Britain to be prescribed cap- ents of cannabis. Nabilone is dated. Care Transitional Grant, which sules containing cannabis. also used to help cancer patients “When you consider that more She said: “It is scandalous the Government wants local Liz MacRory, from West control vomiting. than 13,000 people have so far that there is no fund for the authorities to use to help Yorkshire, has smoked the drug Mrs MacRory wants scien- applied for the ILF this year, next five months. Severely dis- severely disabled people live for three years as it relieves tists to start clinical trials of and there were plans to make abled people may be denied the independently. But they are pain, gives her bladder control Nabilone and carry out more payments to 10,000 new appli- opportunity to live indepen- concerned it has not been ring- and stops spasms. Now a neu- research into the benefits of cants by March, it seems dently.” fenced. rologist has agreed to prescribe cannabis. ridiculous that the new trust Labour’s social __ security should be limited to so few spokesperson Keith Bradley is Disability Now Carers rise to 6.8 million people in future.” calling on the Government to The Spastics Society esti- compensate claimants pre- mates that the difference vented from applying to the Published by The number of people caring Censuses and Surveys says 3.9 between the average ILF pay- ILF because their claims for The Spastics Society, for elderly or disabled people in million carers are women. ment now and that of the new Disability Living Allowance (a 12 Park Crescent the UK in 1990 has risen from Women were also more likely fund could leave people £50 necessary prerequisite) were London WAN 4EQ. six million in 1985 to 6.8 mil- to devote more hours to caring. worse off. delayed by administrative prob- Tel: 071-636 5020. lion, says a new survey. Benefits expert Virginia Ali- lems at the Benefits Agency. Editor Mary Wilkinson The Office of Population OPCS, £1.50, 071-242 0262. son is also concerned that there *Campaigners have given a Assistant Editor WHEN YOU WANT TO GET OUT- Alison Rowat Reporter Tim Russell Editorial/Production Assistant sa eet | Catherine Frame Secretary Tracy Scollin Subscriptions Manager Karen King Assistant A Jennifer Whitehead Tel: 071-383 4575 Advertising Richard Gresham, Kingslea Press Ltd, 12 Dock Offices, Surrey Quays Road, London SE16 2XU. Tel: 071-252 1362. Typesetting bureau Swiftset Ltd, Westminster Business Square, Durham Street, London SE11 5JH. REAR ACCESS CONVERSIONS THE CARCHAIR SYSTEM Tel: 071-793 7711. Printed by Cherwell @ Easy wheelchair access @ Easy access for you and your wheelchair Valley Lithographic @ Additional seating to the front seat (passenger or driver) Printers, Banbury, Oxon (ae (fate and Challenge Print @ Wide range of vehicles Management. @ Prices start from £6,575 Tel: (0933) 460041. ISSN 0958-4676 For a free demonstration contact The views expressed in 0323 440606 Disability Now are not necessarily those of The THE MOBILITY SPECIALISTS Spastics Society. Copyright ©1993 The ABC| Car Chair Limited, Dept DN, Freepost BR1032, Hailsham, East:Sussex BN21 1BR Spastics Society "veuas Disability Now January 1993 NEWS 3 NEO Extra Motability review The Joint Committee on Mobility for Disabled Peo- cash for ple agreed in December not to call for an independent review of Motability, the students charity that helps disabled people run a car or powered wheelchair. Not enough evi- dence of problems had been Further education colleges have produced, said chairman welcomed an extra £7 million Peter Large. There was no to be spent on assessments, vote. support services and_place- Earlier, the Charity Com- ments for students with learn- mission and the Office of ing difficulties and _ physical Fair Trading decided Mota- disabilities. bility had no case to answer The new Further Education | (DN November). Funding Council (FEFC) Motability, a new mem- which made the announcement ber of the Joint Committee, in December, will allocate was represented by director funds to the colleges when they Ken Keen and_ executive become independent corpora- |c ommittee —_-v ice-chairman tions in April. | Gerald Acher. Two gover- The FEFC is also setting up | nors, wearing other hats, seaitiesee a “specialists” committee to | were also there. This turn- Disabled people from Hackney, London, designed and made a 16-feet long banner to mark carry out a fundamental three- | out signalled Motability’s World Aids Day on 1 December. year review of further educa- concern, according to some tion provision for students with UN meeting sends letter to PM committee members. Andy learning difficulties and physi- |B erry, executive council cal disabilities. Led by an inde- |member of The Spastics pendent chairman, it will have | Society, noted a “defensive- A letter has been sent to the the future. gramme, said the antagonism members drawn from colleges, Prime Minister urging him to Veteran disability cam- was because disabled people local education authorities and Acher mentioned support anti-discrimination leg- paigner Lord Jack Ashley gave were getting tired of listening specialist organisations. | plans to develop disability islation. : the keynote speech. He called to able-bodied people talking Careers officers, _ health, | training for Motability staff It came from 160 delegates at on delegates to vigorously cam- on their behalf. social services and the Depart- | which were welcomed. a conference about the United paign for civil rights legislation Nicholas Scott, Minister for ments of Education and | Morigue Cornwell, director Nations Decade of Disabled and asked for greater unity Disabled People, who said the Employment will be invited to of the Banstead Mobility People held in London in within the “fragmented” dis- Government was committed to take part. | Centre, wanted a liaison December. ability movement. raising the quality of public Principal of Lewisham Col- group drawn from Motabil- Beyond the Decade - An He said: “Internal debate is services for disabled people, lege Ruth Silver said: “The ity and major disability Agenda for the Future, was reasonable, but if it is taken too was strongly criticised for leav- extra money will be immensely organisations to meet regu- organised by Mencap, the far it degenerates into bickering ing after his speech and not helpful.” | larly. Royal Association for Disability and becomes counter-produc- taking questions from the floor. John Curtis, assistant direc- “It could assist Motability and Rehabilitation (RADAR), tive.” Tory MP John Hannam, sec- tor of SKILL: National Bureau to provide a better quality of the Royal National Institute for He also warned that activists retary of the All-Party Disable- for Students with Disabilities, service,” said Jean Ashcroft. the Blind and the Royal should not “disregard or even ment Group, said that Mr said: “We are pleased with the See also pages 8 and 12 National Institute for Deaf antagonise the able-bodied. Scott and other ministers were funding increase, but would People. They are after all the majority in a neutral position about anti- like to know how the money is Wellcome Year It reviewed the United and their help is essential.” discrimination legislation. to be distributed. The review is Nations Decade of Disabled But Kevin Mulhern, pro- “They are ready to be pushed. equally welcome. It is long Disability is the special area People and set an agenda for ducer of the BBC's Link pro- It is up to you to do it.” overdue.” for 1993 at The Wellcome Foundation Ltd, one of the - big charitable givers. Corporate donations exec- 1| DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN GLIDE UPSTAIRS ON A | utive Ron Sutton said: “We 1 | HIRE A RENAULT EXTRA WITH generally choose an area 1! STANNAH STAIRLIFT. which is not well funded - iI} ATLAS CONVERSION? I last year it was carers - and 1 1 projects where people help ! 1 | |M ake climbing stairs easy again, with themselves or others.” 1 The Spastics Society, !1 | a Stannah Stairlift, in your home. | PHAB UK, Queen Eliza- | Full details in this FREE t beth’s Foundation for Dis- | Information Pack. I abled People and the British 1 1 Sports Association for the i} 1 Disabled will get some 11 £60,000 spread over various 11 | projects like DN’s helpline, ! ! or training for local group ! ! leaders, updated literature 1 i} and a study programme i} i} Stairlifts with ethnic minority Ay aay groups, all with PHAB. 4ea)t The theme will comple- aqy Phone FREE (0800) 378386 a ment on-going projects in — and ask for EXT 724, cal employment and _ training =je)) VAN & TRUCK RENTALS or return the coupon below. = worth £40,000 a year, like =) COSC ECHSSEOSHOSHSESSEEHETOSHSESEEEEE Wellcome’s “gold card” O1o For your Colour Information Pack please complete and return to: ! Stannah Stairlifts Limited, Dept 6529, FREEPOST, Andover, Hants SP10 3BR. membership of the Employ- I 1 ers’ Forum on Disability, its | & COMMUNITY TRANSPORT DIVISION a Are you enquiring for your Household LJ A relative living elsewhere L] J support of The Spastics J 1 Name Society’s Fast Track man- 1 i} Contact Alan on agement programme and a 11 Address national pilot scheme to 11 0992 - 715544 open NVQ qualifications to 1 1 disabled people in skills 111 (North London) Postcode Tia eS eee development centres. 1 Stannah Stairlifts Limited is part of the Stannah Lifts Group. 1 L Disability Now January.1993 4 NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER DLA/DWA forecasts wrong No cash payments A Bill which would enable councils to make direct cash payments to disabled people to pay for personal assistance is Added to this problem were a A week after Mr Bichard had compared to 36 per cent of Alison Rowat reports backlog of 70,000 existing made his excuses and left, dis- those who did it alone. heading for defeat. Mid Kent Conservative MP Mobility Allowance and AA ability groups launched a And a backlog of appeals is Andrew Rowe’s Disabled Per- The Government under-esti- cases, staff inexperience, and a report which says that problems looming. 77 per cent of advisers sons (Services) Bill was down mated the numbers of disabled new computer system. with DLA/DWA look set to say claimants have been for a second reading as DN people who would immediately Although the Department of continue. wrongly refused DLA and 81 went to press, but the Govern- apply for the new Disability Social Security forecasts were Too Little Too Late by the per cent say the awards were ment was expected to block it. Living (DLA) and _ Disability now evening out, the early Disability Alliance and_ the too low. Etienne d’Aboville of the Working Allowance (DWA), surge was not predicted. “We Royal Association for Disability Regarding DWA, 62 per cent Spinal Injuries Association said: Michael Bichard, chief execu- got it wrong,” said Mr Bichard, and Rehabilitation says there of agencies said people enquir- “Cash payments give severely tive of the Benefits Agency “and the forecasters got it are “serious deficiencies” in the ing about the benefit had not disabled people the means to told MPs in November. wrong.” service provided by the Benefits made a claim. 89 per cent of choice, independence, control But as Mr Bichard sought to Mr Bichard pledged that the Agency and the design of the advisers believed this was over their personal assistance reassure MPs that the problems Agency was improving its per- benefits themselves. because claimants would be arrangements and ensure good | were being solved, disability formance. By the end of Octo- Questionnaires were com- worse off on DWA. quality services are provided groups warned that waiting ber, 290,000 out of 340,000 pleted by 379 agencies, such as Recommendations include: a with minimal bureaucracy, giv- claims could be replaced by a DLA claims received had been Citizens’ Advice Bureaux, and radical revision of the self- ing value for money. They pro- backlog of appeals. dealt with; 18,000 out of 18,500 367 claimants. assessment form in consulation vide all the Government claims Following a 6.4 million DWA claims had been cleared; Delays were reported by 98 with disability groups; compen- it wishes to see from from its advertising campaign, — the 370,000 out of 426,000 AA over per cent of agencies. Examples sation for financial losses community care proposals.” Agency received 450,000 DLA 65 claims had been dealt with; were given of people dying incurred by claimants; better Campaigners hope the Bill and Attendance Allowance and 160,000 out of 195,000 top- before an award was made. benefits staff training; and an can be re-introduced in the (AA) claims for people over 65 up claims had been cleared. Over 60 per cent of people increase in the level of DWA. Lords in the Autumn. between February and April “None of that minimises at all had difficulty filling in the self- 1992. This compared with the problems, the suffering and assessment claim form. 76 per £3.50, Disability Alhance, Uni- Rules tightened 190,000 similar claims in the the inconvenience that people cent of those who received help versal House, 88-94 Wentworth Social Security Secretary Peter same period in 1991. have been caused,” he added. with claiming were successful Street, London El 7SA. Lilley has been fleshing out Tourism Bill heading into sunset proposals to tighten up the award of Invalidity Benefit. Giving evidence to MPs in Britain should aim to be a people, such as the English December, he said people “centre of excellence” when it Tourist Board’s Tourism for invited for medical examina- comes to tourism for disabled All campaign, and the work of tions will be given more notice people, Tory MP Harold Ellet- the Holiday Care Service. to attend and asked to give rea- son told the Commons in Now “a little light interven- sons if they do not. 50,000 peo- November. tion” via a Council for Tourism ple did not turn up for medical Mr Elletson, from Blackpool for the Disabled was needed. examinations last year. If the North, was launching his “The council’s aim,” said reasons are not acceptable, peo- Development of Tourism for Mr Elletson, “would be to ple can be disqualified. the Disabled Bill which aims to develop high standards, quality Medical reports will be made “encourage” the tourist indus- and choice. It would seek to more thorough, with more try to provide better facilities ensure that the needs of every investigation done on a_ per- for disabled visitors. type of disabled person were son’s “fitness for work”. But as DN went to press, the fully taken into account in the The procedures are to come Bill looked unlikely to succeed. design of everything from into effect next April. Mr Elletson said there had accommodation and _ transport Entente cordiale: Ministers for Disabled People Michel been “worthy initiatives” to to promotion material and even Civil Rights delayed Gillibert of France and Nicholas Scott at Inform 792, the improve tourism for disabled to railway timetables.” first exhibition/conference for European information givers. The Civil Rights (Disabled Per- Held in Birmingham in November, during Britain’s EC sons) Bill will have to wait till presidency, it attracted only 600 people, a few from places 26 February for its second like Slovenia and Hungary, but most from the UK. reading in the Commons. As ‘Keep Mobile’ Guaranteed predicted, it was not read on 11 Car Insurance for December (DN, December). to save you A cross-party group of 254 People with Disabilities money MPs have now signed early day motion 330 calling for a Bill. Community care warning Provides the Health Secretary Virginia Bot- widest cover tomley has warned councils not available We can't offer you ‘the aniverse... to be too ambitious too soon in the UK over community care. but the COMPGNION She told MPs in November: Portable “Some aspects of community Environmental care will take ten years ... There Control are some local authorities who, available from — make qa epee in the first year, will have to M.J. Fish & Co. think large and act small.” FREEPOST One in six local authorities PRESTON were deemed to be lagging PR2 2BR NTERC [ CH UCH, MUCH MORE behind in their preparations for Tel. (0772) 724442 / PROVIDES SECURITY AND INDEPENDENCE WHEREVER YOU GO community care. / EASY TO PROGRAM, CAN BE SET UP IN MINUTES / OPERATES FROM RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES /&/ CONTROLS A HANDS-FREE TELEPHONE Parents lobby Parliament INSURANCE & 100 NUMBER TELEPHONE MEMORY Over 200 parents lobbied Par- / USE AT HOME AND ABROAD Please send more information on “Keep Mobile” Car Insurance TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT HOW POSSUM CAN IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE liament in November for better Please send me your leaflet explaining about insurance for eecee FOR YOURSELF OR SOMEONE YOU SM JTUESLTE PRHEOTNUER NF ORT HEF URCTOHUEPRO ND ETBAIELLS.O.W. residential care. Members of with disabilities Rescare: The National Society for Mentally Handicapped Peo- po: Controls Limited ple in Residential Care, asked Health Minister Tim Yeo to stop the closure of hospitals and POSSUM CONTROLS LTD, MIDDLEGREEN ROAD, LANGLEY, SLOUGH, BERKS. SL3 on establish a wide range of resi- TELEPHONE 0753 579234 FAX 0753 512840 DN1/93 dential care options, including Possum - providing for a better way of life. village communities. Disability Now January 1993 NEWS 5 EC mobility policy stuck in traffic Richard Armitage reports As this is not a Directive, it is party group of 112 MPs have The European Commission is not legally enforceable. signed an early day motion sup- delaying publication of a long- Instead, it is believed that porting DaRT’s call. awaited policy on accessible member states would be asked Tom Megahy, Labour MEP transport to check whether it to commit themselves voluntar- for Yorkshire South West, and would offend the principle of ily to achieve, by certain dates, a member of the European Par- subsidiarity. agreed levels of accessibility to liament’s Transport Commit- Officials are concerned that passenger transport for people tee, said: “It is scandalous that some member states consider with mobility difficulties. nothing has been done. When action in favour of disabled Despite this softly, softly John MacGregor attended the people as a national rather than approach, it now appears that EP Transport Committee at the a European matter. the Commission is anxious to start of the British presidency, The Community Action Pro- come up with a formula that he gave the impression that gramme on the Accessibility of they know will be acceptable to progress on accessible transport Transport to Persons with all transport ministers, espe- would be made. It is difficult to Reduced Mobility was requested cially the UK’s John MacGre- see how this will be achieved in 1991 and due to be published gor. with less than a month to go in September 1992. Campaigners for accessible before Britain stands down.” The delay was admitted in passenger transport are angry at Meanwhile, the British tradi- November to Derek Prag, Con- the delay. Keith Armstrong, tion of ad hoc, gradual change, servative MEP for Hertford- Chair of the Dial-a-Ride and voluntarily introduced, contin- Champion swimmers Marc Woods (left), Duncan Goodhew, shire and chair of the European Taxicard Users association ues: the UK’s first low-floor president of the BT National Swimathon 793, Sir Peter Parliament’s All Party Disable- (DaRT), said: “The British bus trials are to start in London Yarranton, chairman of the Sports Council and Tracy Jones, at the launch of this year’s event. There’s still time to put ment Group. Government has missed an in Spring 1993. Orders have your name down for Britain’s biggest sponsored swim. For Mr Prag called the delay “a ideal opportunity during its six now been placed by London an entry form, contact BT National Swimathon, 44 Earlham source of disappointment to month’s Presidency to progress Transport for 68 low-floor Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9LA. disabled people throughout the this matter and redress the buses in a package thought to Community.” transport discrimination — that be worth around £8 million. Rights not sackings It is understood that the draft many people with disabilities programme covers all the main have faced all their lives.” See Europe: what’s in it for modes of passenger transport. In the Commons, a cross- you, page 9 A campaign to inform disabled Disabled Persons (Employ- workers of their rights has been ment) Act, which forbids TECs scheme ‘a farce’ The report proposes ring- launched by the Royal Associa- employers from sacking regis- Continued from page 1 fencing TECs’ resources for tion for Disability and Rehabil- tered disabled workers without local disabled people, making a iation (RADAR). reasonable cause. tory attitudes of many employ- big increase in TEC staff and RADAR is offering advice to RADAR’s employment pol- ers and training providers, board members who are dis- workers facing dismissal and icy officer Caroline Gooding inaccessible work and training abled, and having the training has set up a network of legal said: “The current legal protec- places and an inadequate trans- and employment of local dis- advisors around the country to tion for disabled workers is port system undermine the abled people monitored by dis- help push for prosecutions. totally inadequate and anti-dis- ability of TECs to meet dis- ability organisations. It has also published Employ- crimination legislation is des- abled people’s training and The Society also wants ment Rights: A guide for disabled perately needed. In _ the employment concerns.” TECs to be more formally people. This is the first publica- meantime, disabled workers Well-intentioned TECs are accountable to the local com- tion to look at employment law have some rights and should severely constrained by lack of munity, have accessible offices, Disabled driver Ron Cot- specifically from the point of make full use of them.” money, he thinks, and the situ- and give disabled people an trell from Rochester, Kent, view of disabled workers. ation will get worse in 1993, important role in making deci- returns from a relief drive For example, it tells you how £3.50, RADAR, 25 Mortimer even with the extra £177 mil- sions. to Romania. Mr Cottrell, to take action using the 1944 Street, London WIN SAB. lion for the Employment Steve Smith said: “A radical with co-driver Mark Department announced in reform of TECs must be McCadden, drove a support November. urgently embarked on as well car following a truck load of “Taking inflation into as the implementation of legis- medical and relief supplies account, there will be a real cut lation and an effective quota sent out by The Body Shop’s Eastern European of three per cent in the TECs’ system.” Relief Drive Organisation. training budget. As there will Among the places visited also be a rise in unemployment, Wasted Opportunities, £4.95, were the Pascani Orphanage so more demand for youth Campaigns and Parliamentary and the Sculeni Hospital for training, there will be less Affairs Department, The Spastics the Terminally Ill. The money for fewer places in Society, 12 Park Crescent, Lon- truck was driven by Jim future.” don WIN 4EQ. Beech. Hor NEWTON ELAN .W ell Proven Easily Transportable Powered Wheelchair. ELJC 2054, ELSC 2055, ELWC 2056 Impressive Indoor/Outdoor Performance Side Mounted Batteries For Easy Folding and Stowage Easily Detachable Kerb Climber WITH SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR Independent Suspension Gives WHEELCHAIR USERS Comfortable Ride In our new £400,000 range of especially adapted caravan holiday homes Attractive Styling with ramp access, widened doors, bedroom and bathroom access, so the wets VALUE FOR MONEY whole family can holiday together. Why Not Have a Demonstration? Facilities include indoor heated pool, live clubroom entertainment, Cu Se’ ee er supermarket, restaurant, take away food, new childrens play area — Newton Products, Freepost, Birmingham, B33 8BR All with wheelchair access. EWFCR': 021 783 6081 Fax: 021 783 5723 wm Ask for our Super FREE Brochure and wheelchair user factsheet ‘NAME: (0493) 780229 NOW (24 hrs) or write to D. N. Marsh at: ADDRESS: Cherry dree Holiday Park |F or full information, tick box(es) required and return this coupon to the above address. Mill Rd. Burgh Castle, GT. YARMOUTH NR31 90R g MGeAnNerUaAlL PuCrHpAoIsReS SMpAeNciUaAlL A ppClHiAcIatRiSo ns MtAoNeUoAlL NCuHrAsiInRgS/ Residential GPeOnWerEaRl E&D SpCeHcAiaIlR S Home & Special Medical use Purpose DN1/93 Disability Now January 1993 6 BREAKTHROUGHS Good The ‘Eezee’ vibrations way to read books Scientists have found a new way of helping people with hearing impairments to enjoy The inventor of a new device music. which enables partially-sighted Researchers at Sunderland people to magnify written text University's Enabling _ for and make it appear on a televi- Music Project have designed a sion screen has won an award software package that is the from the BBC radio _ pro- first of its kind in the country. gramme, In Touch. It uses advanced computer Surrey engineer Pat Crane was presented with the David graphics to give visual informa- tion about pieces of music. Scott Blackhall Award for out- Notes are represented by dif- standing service to people with a visual disability by HRH the ferent colours and shapes. Princess Royal at a ceremony in It is backed up by a special October. chair, which conducts vibra- tions to different parts of the His invention, the Eezee- body in time with the music. Reader, can be connected to any tv set and enlarges print by Researcher Gordon Dalgarno up to 40 times. Gordon Dalgarno (left) shows student Karen Chambers how to use his music computer said: “We aim to help people It consists of a miniature who normally cannot play a camera and magnifier inside a The Eezee Reader, sold by AccessMaths, designed by provide a solution.” conventional musical instru- hand-held scanner. When the Force Ten, costs £280. the Aids to Communication in The package is made by ment to compose and play their scanner is placed on newspa- Education (ACE), gives dis- Northwest SEMERC and used own music. pers, books or bottles the writ- Force Ten. Tel: (0483) 762711. abled students access to rulers, with a BBC 128 computer. “It’s been hard work but I ing appears greatly magnified protractors, set-squares and It costs £30 and versions for am now ready to go out to on the screen. other tools required for key Acorn Archimedes and IBM schools and clubs for the deaf.” Mr Crane said: “I invented Software stages of the National Curricu- computers are now planned. The software package costs the device after noticing how lum. John MacFarlane, director of £25 and can be linked to most much enjoyment visually used as By operating a _ keyboard, the Computability Centre, said: electronic keyboards. It is com- impaired friends got from see- mouse or trackerball, students “This is a great idea. We wel- patible with Acorn Archimedes ing enlargements of objects maths aid can draw, erase and measure come anything that aids inte- and Acorn A3000 computers. they could not normally see.” lines, squares, circles and other gration and helps students with The chair has yet to be priced. Mark Prouse, hi tech officer geometric shapes. special needs to compete on an at the Royal National Institute A new software package has ACE deputy director equal basis with able-bodied Enabling for Music Project, for the Blind’s resource centre, been launched for students Andrew Lysley said: “Many students.” School of Advanced Technology, said: “This great device is easy with poor manual dexterity students with special needs find Sunderland University, Edin- to operate and can be used on who find it difficult to use it difficult to use maths tools. Northwest SEMERC. Tel: 061- burgh Building, Chester Road, any tv set.” mathematical tools. This new package is the first to 627 4469. Sunderland, SR2 7EE. NISSAN > RENAULT NISSAN # PETROL £9495 NISSAN «= DIESEL £9995 RENAULT # PETROL £10495 RENAULT # DIESEL £11395 5 SEATER (plus 1 wheelchair space) or 4 SEATER (plus 2 wheelchair spaces) (Fully converted including windows, ramps, clamps and carpeted) ® The VERSA is available in both petrol (unleaded) and diesel versions. « The lst Choice for Nursing Homes, Charitable Organisations, Community Transport and Families alike! # Inside, is a reliable and safe method of anchoring the Wheelchairs and seats. « A double track runs the full interior length of the vehicle. Wheelchair clamps are provided which simply hand-tighten to anchor the wheelchair firmly in any position along the track. Contact Howard Samuels or John Leach for a full information pack * Including Delivery, number plates and assumes exemption from road fund license. * All conversions subject to Appendix B of Relief From VAT and Car Tax as amended in the 1983 Acts. FULL RANGE OF NISSAN CARS - MICRAS, SUNNYS, CAR CEINMITELFTEO. PRIMERA'S, AVAILABLE 051 420 2000 ON MOTABILITY FINANCE Disability Now January 1993 NEWS 7 Americans and Irish mean business Job logo IN BRIEF sree relaunch by Joan Shannon Recession-beaters Thirteen disabled people from Northern Ireland have been to A Birmingham firm employing the USA to learn how to run a The Employment Service disabled workers has bucked business. relaunched its “two ticks” dis- the trend of the recession and They spent three days each ability symbol in November as won a £150,000 contract from week shadowing business peo- part of a £793,000 advertising Ortho-Kinetics UK. ple in Pittsburgh, learning the campaign aimed at promoting People with disabilities make ‘up half the staff at Newton business and making useful disabled people to employers. contacts for the future. Some The symbol, introduced in ‘Products, the manufacturing of the businesses were run by 1990, has been re-designed to division of The Spastics Soci- disabled Americans. include the words “Positive ety. General manager Gareth The American Experience about Disabled People”. This Thomas said the firm’s success Initiative was organised by follows criticism that no-one was down to disabled workers Mentor Business Consultants knew what the ticks stood for. making products for disabled of Newry and funded by the Firms who use the symbol people. International Fund for Ireland, will be asked to commit them- “This is a terrific boost for the European Community’s selves from June 1993 to: us. It shows that we can com- Horizon programme, the *interview disabled applicants pete in a commercial environ- Training and Employment who meet a job’s minimum cri- ment as well as anybody.” Agency in Northern Ireland teria and consider them on and the Employment and their abilities Bible on computer Training Authority in the *ask disabled employees at least The first computer program to Republic. Jackie Magee (seated) with organisers and sponsors Mar- once a year what can be done help disabled people read the Jackie Magee, from Newry in garet Armstrong, Frank Corrigan and Pat Donnelly to ensure they develop their bible was launched at St Mary Northern Ireland, has just abilities at work Magdalene Church, Torquay, returned from two months land. All have definite business was hosted by the Ireland Insti- *ensure key employees develop last month. abroad. “It was brilliant,” she ideas - including video-making, tute of Pittsburgh. The disability awareness Luke’s Story was devised by says, “a great opportunity.” printing, and photography - trainees, five in wheelchairs. *ensure employees who become Jayne Chenery, a disabled girl Ms Magee, a_ wheelchair and intend becoming self- were housed in self-catering disabled keep working who died two years ago. user, runs MR Mobility, a employed in 1993. apartments five minutes from *review these commitments Her mother Monica said: small partnership selling light- As well as work experience, the centre of Pittsburgh. yearly, plan ways to improve “Jayne devised the program weight wheelchairs, and plans the trainees spent a day in col- Jackie was amused to dis- them and let employees know because she was frustrated at to expand into other disability lege studying business plans cover that at home the pro- about future plans. not being able to read the bible equipment. and computers, and the final gramme was aimed at “people A booklet, Employing People without someone else turning Six of the trainees come day discussing what they had with disabilities”, while in with Disabilities, has also been the pages, and wanted to help from the Republic of Ireland learnt. America it was a “project for published. others in a similar position.” and seven from Northern Ire- In America, the programme the physically challenged”. The programme, produced Free, tel: (0800) 567 667. by the Bible Society, runs on a £5,000 award recognise dyslexia. because it was “unreasonable” standard BBC Master micro Continued from page 1 The boy’s parents, known in and his school was providing an computer and can be linked to court as Mr and Mrs Starkey, appropriate education. The speech synthesisers, braillers decision does not have the told the head of his primary parents had to pay for lessons and switching systems. force of precedent, the fact that school in 1986 that they sus- at the Dyslexia Institute. judgement was made is a signal pected their son had dyslexia Mr Laws ordered the £25 (exc VAT). (0793) 513713 to parents that they can win but nothing was done. authority to pay the boy £5,500 money from local authorities Officials said they refused and his parents £250. The Everyone’s a winner and a warning to councils that Mrs Starkey’s request for a for- authority is also to pay the Three disabled they can no longer refuse to mal assessment of special needs £850 cost of the year’s lessons. people _——-w ere among the win- ners of major INDEPENDENCE awards at the & end of 1992. EEZEE- RISE i, OFF Sarah Daw- son from Binmn- = ingham (above) won a Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. Ms fdipetimatic The Robinsons asked themselves Dawson won the award for Adjustable 1) Why are we moving home ? 2) Why leave surroundings we've helping the Girl Guides Asso- Bed. been happy with for years ? ciation and passing projects on 3) Why give up close friends ? embroidery and stained glass 4) Why throw away our life savings windows. when for a fraction of the cost of moving home we could fit the new Pamela Bradley from Bar- concept RECHARGABLE row-in-Furness is the national POWER PACK STAIRLIFT winner of the 1992 Whitbread HEIGHT (Hi/Lo) from BODY THERAPY. Two Year Warranty Volunteer Action Awards. Ms & UNDER BED CLEARANCE Bradley has worked for 30 SELECT COMFORT FROM A AUTOMATIC }& from years as a fundraiser, hospital THOUSAND POSITIONS GET IN AND SEAT LIFT 4 visitor and carer. HEAD-UP- OUT EASILY James Savage of Stratton, Cirencester, won a Business and Technology Education "It will carry up to 18 stone Council (BTEC) gold medal. SUPPLIERS TO DSS (kiN " It is designed to blend into most surroundings" Mr Savage achieved high & HEALTH AUTHORITIES Walk"It is battery operated so removing the fear of Power Failure with electrically operated STAIRLIFTS" enough grades in his BTEC Telephone: (0985) 213440 From Top to Bottom with EEZEE - RISE, the GRORUD CLASSIC. Higher National Diploma in Send for a FREE BROCHURE computer studies to transfer to AUTOMATIC SEAT LIFT gPayhmen t terms available. NATIONAL HELPLINE a degree course. THERAPOSTURE LIMITED SLUMBER RECLINER ritten CLAUS ON TCqUEST, gazes, FREEPOST, (NO STAMP REQUIRED) FOR COMPLETE REST For Brochure WV 0803 - 322533 WARMINSTER, WILTS. BA12 9YT OR PEACEFUL SLEEP. Correction The Greater London Associa- rt ATES psc es cca cassaston tas eascccoxsse tt ves eitcsssttbaatcartessn eves on enononatPasesieaenntiaseessess tion of Disabled People will poly MEAY Eee ee ee announce its individual mem- Lan ae Post Codei..cierrcises Telephone......ssececssseesen bership rate late next year and HEAD OFFICE: Body Therapy, 72 Babbacombe Road, not in the New Year (DN, Torquay, Devon, TQ1 3SW December). Disability Now January 1993 8 MOTORING Motability v cash buy: which is the best deal? own cash and nearly the same choice, which really gives the Lindsey Etchell of number had chosen to lease one best value? The Research through the Motability Hire We have worked it out using Institute for Scheme. (The rest used various two cars at opposite ends of the loans and hire _ purchase price spectrum, a_ three-door Consumer Affairs Ford Fiesta and a Volvo estate. schemes.) (RICA) has done the Cash buyers wanted to keep The prices are for November sums and shows their car for more than three 1992 so the findings are up-to- how you can work it years and did not want to sign date. out for yourself away their mobility benefit. A Cash v hire: the results fifth of them thought they had In February/March last year, got the best financial deal. We compared what you would RICA surveyed 1,449 disabled Those who had used Mota- have paid at three years and motorists for Which? magazine bility preferred replacing their five years. to find out, among other car every three years (which On the buying side, we took things, how they acquired a car the Motability scheme calls for) into account the likely cost of and why they chose the method and could not afford to pay insurance, regular servicing and they did. cash. A third of them thought breakdown cover, which are We found that over a third Motability gave the best finan- included in the Motability HM The Queen giving Sammy Roberts the keys to his Mota- of the motorists had bought cial deal. scheme. (Remember that Mota- bility car at Motability’s 10th birthday celebrations in 1988 their car outright with their Assuming you have the bility cars are subject to a mileage charge if driven more Do-it-yourself sums than 12,000 miles a year.) HELEN LEY HOME MANAGED BY Here is what we found: 1. Leasing a car from Motability for three years PEOPLE WHO CARE * It is cheaper to lease a Fiesta Advance payment (varies from zero for a Fiesta to over £6,000 A Respite Care Home Specially Designed for People with Multiple Sclerosis or Volvo through Motability for for a Volvo) NEED A BREAK??? COME AND ENJOY three years than to pay cash for + Higher rate mobility component of the Disability Living a new car and sell it after three Allowance at £30.30 a week): £4,728 First class personal attention years. (We took into account + Petrol Qualified nursing staff available at all times Skilled and highly experienced care staff what the money you didn’t + Lost interest on savings (compound interest at 5 per cent on 19 single rooms and 2 double rooms spend on a car would have the money above if you had put it into a savings account as you Catering for special diets earned in a savings account.) received it) Physiotherapy class Aromatherapy = Total cost Yoga class * If you ignore possible earn- Hairdressing available on site ings from savings, Motability is 2. Buying a car with cash, keeping it for three years, and Outings to places of interest in Warwickshire Active league of friends and volunteers still cheaper for a Fiesta over then selling Disabled sports facilities available nearby three years. The large advance Dealer’s price (list price, minus any discount you can negotiate) HKKKKK*exHFeFF H * H Collection service from Midlands area possible required by Motability for a + Dealer’s package (delivery charge and number plates will add Take advantage of our respite care facilities and special winter rates. Volvo makes leasing only a lit- about another £350) You've had a tough year - you and your carer - or just you deserve a break. tle less expensive than buying. + Insurance for three years (ring companies and brokers for Book now and have something to look forward to. quotes) Imagine how much better you will feel. * If you plan to keep an expen- + Breakdown cover for three years (comprehensive cover under For further information please contact:- sive car for five years, buying AA or RAC schemes for disabled motoristrs costs about £80 for The Administrator, HELEN LEY HOUSE, Bericote Road, becomes cheaper than leasing. the first year, £70 in subsequent years) Blackdown, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 6QP. But for the cheaper car, leasing + Servicing and repairs for three years (allow about £300 a year Telephone:- (0926) 313550/337672. Fax:- 888972. and even replacing after three for small cars, £450 for large cars) Helen Ley Home an Independent Registered Charity No 288362. years is still less expensive at + Lost interest on savings (take into account the compound Part of the Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Network of Respite Care. the end of five years than buy- interest at 5 per cent which your money could have earned in a ing and keeping for five years. savings account) iE + Petrol * If you need complex and - Resale value of car (cars depreciate most quickly in the early expensive adaptations, the situ- years; big cars lose more. Check car resale prices in monthly Don't You Long To Rise Above Things? tation changes. The Motability guides available from bookshops or newsagents). scheme requires adaptations to = Total cost be removed when the car is returned. It would be expensive NB. The car market and money markets change constantly. (We to replace them every three have ignored inflation rates in our sums.) years, so buying a car and A really big discount on a new car or a really low quote for keeping it longer is likely to be insurance can change the cost of different options dramatically. the better option. THE IMPROVED JAN HORACEK PUSHCHAIR FROM BOOSTER ALL THE SUPERB FEATURES OF THE ORIGINAL JAN: © Adjustable seat dimensions ensuring comfort, support and the ability to ‘GROW’ Da 7 Now With.dkitenca: with your child. © Wide range of tilt options - complete seat, backrest and footrest angles uF> individually adjustable. © Attractive appearance and wide range of accessories. Kae es ° Easily reversed seat - faces backwards or forwards. ° Folds compactly for storage and transport. a horacek a AND NOW: fort Better options for hip/trunk and thoracic support. © Lighter aluminium version available. © More automatic locking features - for ease of use and Safety. For more information about the Horacek Range, contact 4, uBso osotn ert heu sfionlgl owthien gc onuupmobne r:b elow (postage is free) or vcalel y 0 4 8 4- 6 4 3 4 a4 Please send me full details of the Horacek buggy, plus the name of my local dealer. NAME ime. MRS. MISS) ORGANISATION For further details CONTACT: ADDRESS Lt kangar aids ltd. POSTCODE TEL DN1/93 Presteigne Industrial Estate, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2UF. Tel: No. 0544 267674 Fax: 0544 260287 Sales Dept. FREEPOST this coupon to: Booster, FREEPOST HF 2238, Huddersfield HD3 3LE. Disability Now January 1993 EUROPE 9 Caroline Gooding HOW DOES IT WORK? reports The chief decision mak- ing body of the EC is the Council of Ministers. This 1 January 1993 is said to mark consists of representatives the dawn of a new era for from governments of the Europe - when trade and com- 12 member states. The petition is set free from the European Parliament has restraints of nation states, and mainly a_ consultative there can be “ever closer role. The Commission is union” between the countries the equivalent of a civil of the European Community service for the EC. When (EC). the Council makes a deci- But what has the EC ever sion, it supervises the done for disabled people? And implementation of policy what can we hope for or fear and can also make pro- from the brave new Europe? posals for action. Essentially, the EC has two When it comes to mak- faces. One is social - the provi- ing policy, there are sions of the Social Charter and three different forms of the largesse of the funding pro- pronouncements. “Regu- grammes. The other is eco- lations” are binding and nomic - the effects of union, eg are immediately applica- the financial restraints of the ble to all member states. Exchange Rate Mechanism and The Commission has the the Maastricht Treaty. Europe: what's in it for you? power to issue these on But the two faces are not in its own where _ they equal proportion. The essence involve the implementa- of the EC has always been its tion of “secondary legis- economic policy (remember lation”; otherwise they when it was known as the must be made by the a significant development. The accessible standards (see page 5). organisations must become Common Market?). And the Council. “Directives” are Charter sets out a number of informed and start to collabo- prime aims of “1992” were “social goals” for the Commu- Getting cash rate with similar groups in also binding on member removing trade barriers and states, but it is left up to nity, including for the first The goal of the European other countries to ensure that ensuring free movement of the individual country to time a mention of “non-work- funding programmes is “social disabled people’s voices are workers. decide how to achieve the ers”. It is not, however, legally cohesion”. As such, funds are heard. Disability Alliance, for Ensuring “free movement of aims. Directives can only binding and does not alter the directed at disadvantaged example, wants to form a net- workers” is not likely to benefit be issued by the Council. powers of the EC. It is funda- groups and regions. work of disability organisations disabled workers, because the “Recommendations” are mentally a statement of good In contrast to the social pol- to work with interested Mem- EC has not been working to non-binding statements intention. Even so, Britain icy field, a number of EC ini- bers of the European Parlia- remove those barriers which of guidance. They can be (alone of the member states) tiatives (such as HELIOS, ment (see below for details). restrict disabled people - lack issued by the Council or refused to endorse it. TIDE or HORIZON) have tar- of accessible transport systems the Commission. The Maastricht Treaty, if getted the needs of disabled Caroline Gooding 1s the Royal and housing, the difficulty of ratified, will strengthen the people. Despite some prob- Association for Disability and transferring social security ben- EC’s ability to make social pol- lems, these grants have benefit- Rehabilitation’s employment pol- untary Organisations, Regents efits, etc. icy. All the member states ted disability groups. icy officer. Wharf, 8 All Saints Street, Lon- In fact, the less “mobile” except Britain will be commit- But the EC funding provi- don NI ORL. members of the Community ted to an extension of the EC sions are currently under For more information on grants, To get involved in the Disability are likely to suffer “dislocation” powers on social policy, and review and it is possible that see Grants from Europe: How to Alliance network, contact them at - the Euro-term for increased will in future take decisions on the emphasis will be shifted get money and influence policy. 88-94 Wentworth Street, London unemployment - and_ leaner a majority basis. In theory at away from helping unemployed £7.50. National Council for Vol- EL 7SA. public services. One of the least, this will make progress people towards preventing main aims of the Maastricht easier. unemployment. Given the high Treaty is to commit all EC proportion of disabled people ACCESS countries to public expenditure Gains for disabled people who are presently out of work, “restraint”. The Commission Because it is weak on social this has very worrying implica- FOR ALL would be able to impose fines policy, the EC has not achieved tions. on countries which exceed the significant gains for disabled WITH THE public spending goals set by people. And even within social Anti-discrimination law the EC - rather like rate-cap- policy, disability has not been Many disabled people would NATIONAL ping on a grand scale. Disabled prioritised. There were no poli- place anti-discrimination legis- people have long since learnt cies at all on disability until lation as their number one pri- TRUST that one of the prime targets 1981, and no binding Direc- ority for European policy. But when cutting public expendi- tives have been issued address- at the moment this seems to be ture is social welfare. ing disability issues. very low on the EC’s agenda. The EC’s kinder face Whilst it is true that the Probably the nearest that the Thinking about holidays? Why not try one of our adapted holiday But what about the other, Social Charter specifically EC has got to recognising dis- cottages - in wonderful locations such as overlooking Lake mentions disabled people (“All crimination as a central prob- kinder face of the EC? Windermere; near Hadrian’s Wall; on a Cornish clifftop - and disabled persons whatever the lem for disabled people is in The Community has very many more. Or if you’re just thinking of spending days out in the origin and nature of their dis- the employment field, where a limited powers to make social countryside, or visiting beautiful gardens, you’l l find access is ablement, must be entitled to Recommendation was_ issued policy. One of the key limita- easier now. additional concrete measures encouraging countries to pro- tions is that whilst the Treaties aimed at improving their social mote equal opportunities, elim- (from which the EC derives its An increasing number of the Trust’s larger gardens and and professional integration”), inate discrimination and ensure powers) allow decisions to be landscape parks can be enjoyed independently, or with the Social Action Programmes that disabled workers could go made on economic issues by a companions, by using our four-wheeler self-drive or two seater drawn up to implement the before “competent authorities” majority, action on social goals buggies. These are provided as a free service for visitors. Charter contain only one pro- to enforce their rights. requires agreement by all the posal out of 50 specifically But a 1989 report on the Council of Ministers. This Details of where cottages and buggies are available are included addressing the needs of dis- implementation of the Recom- gives individual countries a in our free annual 48-page full colour information booklet for abled people. mendation said it had largely veto, so any country who wants The sole disability initiative been ignored. The Council of visitors with disabilities, sponsored in 1993 by Fisons plc. A to block something, can. within the Social Action Pro- Ministers. asked the Commis- copy will be sent to you on publication in early March in return Also, the social provisions in gramme was a draft Directive sion to draw up proposals for for a stamped addressed adhesive label, (minimum postage). the Treaties refer only to on accessibility of transport to tougher action, but so far noth- Please write to: improving the conditions of disabled workers. This has now ing more has happened. workers, making no reference been dropped and the Commis- From competitive tendering to non-workers, in other words Mrs Valerie Wenham, The National Trust, Dept DN, sion is considering instead a for state services to the removal many disabled people. 36 Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H YAS. Directive to ensure that all new of VAT exemptions, the impact This is why the Social Char- buses and coaches are built to of the EC is growing. Disability ter, launched in 1989, was such Disability Now January 1993 10 YOU AND YOUR RIGHTS How to get community care In the first of a new DN series, solicitor Anne Luttman-Johnson looks at how present and future legislation can be made to work for you or congenital deformity or told to look to the private sec- other such disability as may be tor to provide some services. prescribed by the minister.” The Secretary of State for (Partially sighted and hard of Health can make more direc- hearing people have now been tions about providing social Last month, a conference called added.) services at any time. She may “Community Care: A challenge Under Section 21, the local also require local authorities to to the legal profession” authority must provide residen- set up a social services com- attracted 100 solicitors plus tial accommodation for people plaints procedure. barristers and voluntary organi- aged 18 or over who for reasons sation representatives. of age, infirmity or any other What if you are dissatisfied? They wanted to find out circumstances are in need of If the local authority fails to about the new community care care and attention which is not provide the services it should legislation, coming into force in otherwise available to them. be legally providing, there are April, and about an “expand- three main routes open to you. ing” area of practice: making 2. Chronically Sick and Dis- Judicial review has proved legal challenges against local abled Persons Act 1970 the most effective method so and health authorities who fail requires local authorities to far. Described as the “neutron to provide appropriate services provide certain services to peo- bomb” threat that users can or make unreasonable charges ple who they have assessed as hold over a local authority, it for them. needing them. Section 2 lists: involves taking the authority to The number of legal chal- * practical help in the home the High Court which then lenges is rising and disabled * tv, radio, library or similar decides whether the authority people seem more ready to recreational facilities has acted unlawfully. complain. Over 200 have * lectures, games, outings or “Lack of resources” is some- responded to a call from the other recreational facilities out- times used as a defence. But if Royal Association for Disability side the home or assistance in a disabled person’s need has and Rehabilitation (RADAR) taking advantage of educational been identified, then the (see DN December). facilities authority has a duty to satisfy * travelling facilities for partici- that need. It cannot say it does What legislation is there? pating in these activities and not have enough resources. 1. National Assistance Act other activities From April, it will be up to local authorities to give disabled You could also bring an 1948 (Section 29). Local * aids and adaptations in the people the services they need - or face being sued. action for damages for breach SAM TANNER authorities have the power to home of statutory duty. But the make arrangements for people * a holiday any of them information about laundry facilities for them. courts do not like this who are “disabled”, ie if he/she * meals at home or elsewhere others that could be relevant. approach. is aged 18 or over and is * telephone and special equip- 4. Disabled Persons (Ser- The final remedy is to ask “blind, deaf or dumb, or suf- ment to use the telephone. 3. National Health Service vices, Consultation and the Health Secretary to exercise fering from mental disorder of Each local authority must Act 1977. Every local authority Representation) Act 1986. her “default powers”, which any description, or ... is sub- publish general information must provide home-help for Local authorities must consider allow her to decide if an stantially and permanently about the services provided and households where such help is a disabled person’s needs when authority has failed to carry out handicapped by illness, injury give a disabled person using required, and may also provide asked to do so by the disabled its functions. person or by his/her carer. The default powers within the new Act empower the New legislation Health Secretary to direct the The National Health and authority to carry out its EAGLE Community Care Act 1990 duties. That direction can be comes into force in April. enforced by an order of “man- Local authorities must pub- damus” from the High Court. lish a plan for providing com- MOTORHOMES UK munity care in their area and Give - and take? consult with district health The important thing to realise authorities, family health ser- about the new legislation is that TAX FREE CONVERSIONS FOR THE DISABLED vices, housing authorities, vol- these are rights not charity, and TOTAL FREEDOM OF DESIGN untary housing agencies and they can be enforced. Further- NEW OR SECOND HAND CHASSIS voluntary organisations. more, solicitors are beginning VAN AND COACHBUILT CONVERSIONS The aim is to encourage to appreciate the scope for liti- more consultation and make gation in this area. services more “user-friendly”. But the opportunities could EVERYTHING WE DO IS DESIGNED FOR YOU The disabled person or carer be lost if the Lord Chancellor’s no longer has to request ser- new proposals to cut the num- vices. It will be the responsibil- ber of people eligible for legal FOR BROCHURE: ity of the local authority to aid go ahead. EAGLE MOTORHOMES UK, COAL PARK LANE, LOWER decide what services a disabled Under the Green Form SWANWICK, SOUTHAMPTON SO3 7DL person needs as soon as it is Scheme, people on low income 0489 583 667 apparent that the person is dis- can receive free legal advice or abled. It will also be up to the pay only a small contribution local authority to inform a dis- for it. If the scheme is limited abled person of their rights. to people on income support, The services must emphasise many disabled people receiving keeping a person in the com- other benefits will find them- munity. selves having to contribute, On providing accommoda- perhaps beyond their means. tion, the new Act substitutes The Law Society, supported “ilIness, disability” for “infir- by the National Association of mity” in the 1948 Act. The Citizens Advice Bureaux and local authority may charge for others, is fighting the propos- accommodation and _ services, als. It lobbied MPs outside Par- but it should be limited to liament on 16 December. “such amount as it appears to (the local authority) reasonable Anne Luttman-Johnson is legal for (that person) to pay”. claims officer at the Spinal Local authorities have been Injuries Association. Disability Now January 1993 ~

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