\y r«»%^ v^ <* ^^v t/^^ -.;!',,., Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/directorytonoble1852dire ('.Wrath 3Jntrer ti)t Patronage ofJTrancts aijbott, €^ci., SECRETARYTOTHEGENERAL POST-OFFICE FOR SCOTLAND. DIRECTORY NOBLEMEN AND GENTLEMEN'S SEATS, VILLAGES, ETC. IN SCOTLAND: GIVING THE COUNTIES IN WHICH THEY AEE SITUATED, THE POST-TOWNS TO WHICH EACH IS ATTACHED, AND THE NAME OF THE RESIDENT. TOWHICH AKBADDED, TABLES, SHEWING THE DESPATCH AND ARKIVAL OF THE MAILS AT THE HEAD AND SUB-OFEICES IHEOUGHOUT SCOTLAND, AND TKANSMSSION OP LETTEES TO ALL FOREIGN PARTS. M,it\) €;opt0us ^isccllaneoas ILigta. EDINBUEGH: SUTHERLAND AND KNOX. LONDON: SIMPKTN, MARSHALL, & CO. EDINBURGH : PRIIJTBDBYJ.A.BALLANTYKS, PAUL'S WORK, PREFACE. The County Directoey has been unavoidably delayed, in con- sequence ofthe death of Mr Findlay, the originalprojector ofthe work. The information collected by him has been revised, with a view to correction, up to the latest possible period, by Mr Thomsok", ofthe General Post-Office, Edinburgh; andit istrusted that the different lists will be found as accurate as the extensive plan of such an undertaking would permit. Seven years have elapsed since the last County Directory was issued; and a comparison of the two volumes will shew that the interval of publication has already exceeded its due limits, and that a new work was imperatively necessary. In addition to the usual Directory Lists, much useful intelligence relative to Post- Office arrangements, County and Poor-Law Statistics, Local Courts, &c., has been inserted; while the Population Returns for each town and county have been given, according to the Census of 1851. To the numerous parties who have aided in the compilation of the work, the Publishers have to return their best thanks; and to them and to others they beg to intimate that any suggestions for its improvement v^dll be carefully and gratefully attended to.