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Directory of the County of Peel, for 1873-4 [microform] PDF

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by  LynchJohn
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Preview Directory of the County of Peel, for 1873-4 [microform]

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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. by errata 1 ned to ent une pelure, fapon k S i tf-l n. & STS I)BU03ISTS dn^^mii {,'tlrn)/j<rs- of inc Pharm.dceuiii-ai t-'oc.if-tu .oi' MEDICAL; HALL,- 4 Are propai'fil to <\\[yw lo t'i(- |;ul>lii; al tli'! linvc-L roumncrative prices, consistciit witn Kr-fi-las-i <|ii!i!itv v !''il! Hs-'~*r"<-.rif- rf Drugs, Patent Medicines^ Dye Stu'ffs, Spongas,' ^Pairife eind Paitit Oil, ^. ; vj. ..-.Coai Oil and LaBaps't DIRECTORY FOR PEEL. tlno a i^fnal oiirlnln <»/' Firhcr/ (ri>->h;, ih-ii,0:iifits' Sti.n- drirs, rH(:/n(l/n<j lltr tnf)f:f popnlar Ffem'Ji unci Kn'::l("fih Pirj'niHcrtj, ToUct Soaps, Haii\ Xail find 'Inufh VtnhPhas. Cora^'i. M' Tn^ihr. ' , U HI b- luunu ;ill thf fsLllOOU UOV'tvCs in goiiora,! Uber' liooiw fi>v Sunday Hcli>>ols. l>c?.idt\s » ^tml assoHment of (ieneral Liter- ature, DA)' nnoK^, J.Q.URMA'LS AM) LEDGER^, fliiit-ablo for intitvjhnnts. «iv im'diral incii. Music Books, (iSheef Music supj^ilitd to oidrr with despatch), Tiiiliiis, (V>ii«-.i:rfaii;t^. tV<', ' *> \, '•WU. V\\'\'\\. nOnDERINGS; WINDOW l^fVil^^j ' ' • • * ,V. />'. Phiii^i.cn•t(ritts}'x('unpspi}Jnf(r,idb'!cirnn(fi(ihis /Dbrru^Ca^^hn.u-.l. .')Ii.iU'-'^'''"'"'.i M]?T)ICAL HALL, -Mpfurn'n Block, n*xt door tp T. Mz^n. Grocery. •" , ^1 (^65^iOo Library "[] of the B*jp lerers. many University of Toronto ad ex- I irches, -ipirlt- uarw"e«are>his eitTrpsn^ and pariBhioners. In the nine (aai too iiIdmo$ ^. \y) sSiSlS^Shsoo^iho8vrduretmthw)e)tethrooeao3yhnebaealsdarieactsrheknwodafaaeasncahndtridassedenssvooitfehcarikryymo"scaIei»pddnl*alfr»tti•nhos«ibohos«yinolipJnogahe"nhrir/-gts Dr. Treacy. He was also very paotpeudlcbsrretahnrden,wealls lhiekehdaslymahnisyswe»p^aO"rn^- frotestant friends in his Parish.' Jan 22nd the people of the parish ^eilfeheTraenddatprestehnetedpaRreavc.hiaOlr. Throquasce.y «tth an address and a purseutf-^MJ ROSEWOOD, OAE & WALNUT COFFINS Of all sizoj, constantly on hand. MOUNTINGS, LININGS and SHROUDS of every description. A New Style School D6sk Made to order. Picture Frame Mouldings, Pioturey, Mirrors, Wiiido'w Cornices Ac I*oles?, &:c Frames made to order. Repairing neatly executed. PHILLIPS & BRYANT. '' JEu» '•". .<"-*• .l|^w.^«ir-MVA .M /\ /l:^ ( hJ V 6. \n H^ ^ OPINIONS OF THE PRESS From n<' -V(n7 olL'ud ofApril, 1874. — Directory for Pkel. Mr. John Lynch, ofBrampton, hasju.-it issued a Directory ofthe County of Pccl. It i'oim^ ii iifat vohnnc uf130 pages, and contain agreat variety oflocal iii!'oi;uation, besiili!^< lists ofthe inhabitants ofthe townships, towns, villages. &c., clearly printed and well arranged. The book is calculated to be ofgreat ser- vice in the County, and to those having relations therewith, and vf- very creditable to Mr. Lynch. From The Fed Bannerofthe 2nd April, 1874. — County op Pkf.l Dirkctory. For some time past it has been announced through these columns that a Directory ofthe County of Peel, by Mr. John Lynch, was in the Press. We are pleaded to state it is now for sale, and will be found a very convenient book for thoso in business, and a very interesting book for those in any way cnriou^ to become acquaintedwith the earlyhistoryoftheCounty. Letthose who have notyet got a copy sec after getting one at once. The day will probably yet be when a copywill sell for as manydollars as cents will now purchase it. From Thelirampton Thms ofthe 3rd ofApril, IS74. Directory op Peel.-—We have looked through the Directory for Peel for the year 1873, edited and compiled by our respected towns- man, John Lynch, Esq., and so far aa we can judge, find it correct and reliablein its details. It is well got up typographically, neatly bound, and will be found a useful work ofreference to every business man in the County. It contains also someveryinterestinginformation concerning theearly history ofPeel, from which the reader can form / an intelligent estimate ofthe progress ofthe County made from 1820 up to the present date. The price is moderate, $1 50. / . From The Globe ofthe fith ofApril, 1874. \ — County of Peel Directouv. Tliis Ixjok is a compilation ofMr. John Ljiioh, Brampton, and contains the names ofall persons on tho assessment rollsfor 187i>, in the townships and villagesin the County. It contains, besides, some execedini^lyinteresting historicalnotesofthe early settlement ofthe district ofwhich the present County of I^cei was a jwi-tion. We read that Yongc street was surveyed in 179G, by AugustusJones, and a number ofextracts from hisfield-bookdiscover that at that time the population was sparse in that beautiful route. Indeed itseems that in 1799 there xrerc, in the Home District, only two hundred and twenty-four inhabitants. There are also a number nfinteresting exemplifications from the " Court Book " ofthe County of York. We find parties fined for assault and battery daring 1799 in accounts varying from £20 to 5 shillings. Here also is recorded (ISOO) the estreat ofJc'sn Babtistc D'Alegre, Yonge street, gentle- man, for assaulting a negro woman, named Bet, and hisfine set atone shilling. It is scarcely possible that Mrs. Stowe could have seen this entry in the " Court Book,'' but there is a suspicious similarity be- tween this name and'thatofthe ruffian whokilled Uncle Tom. Poor old Bet had a lard road to travel, for thenext entry is thatuf another assault on her by Ileno Augustin Countc I)e Cliabus, also a gentle- man, and who was also find one shilling. They would have worse luck ifthey appe—ared before our Polic—e Court at present. Here is a startling entry: "March 1st, 1811. Wm. Jarvis, of the town of York, Ksouire, informed the Court that a negro boy and gi 1, his slaves, had been committed to prison for having stolen gold and silvtT out ofhis desk." And two days after it is ordered " that a carpenter be employed to make moveable stocks that will confine two prisoners at once." On the 80th December, 1815, Allan McNabb, Jr., had to » apologize lo the Bench for riding his horse on thefoot path, andbeing pert and insolent to Wm. Chewitt. Another entry would have some interest for Mr. Coatsworth a numberofresidentsofYork werefined ; 20 shillings for each pig allowed by them to run on the street. The early settlement ofthetownshipsinthecountyisalsobrieflydescribed. % The book will be doubtless interesting to the "old families" in the Countv ofPeel. — . .^».*((iia»^«rtww« From riir Sum (Orangeville) 9th April, 1874. Fkki. DiKKC'TtmY.—We have received from the author, J. Lynch, .ion of3Ir. l*]s(|,, ofBrampton, a copy ofhis Directory for the County ofPeel for oris on till' the years1873-4. It contains an interesting history ofthe county — le County, and, in fact, of a large portion of Ontario with official documents otesoftlie from 'he earliest settlement down to the present time; also sketches ,y of P.'d nfthe different villages and townships in the county, with the namey I 179G, by iifthe present inhabitants taken from the assessment roll of1873, and niucdi other valuable information. In'the preparation of the work ikdiscover -Mr. Lynch has shown much careful research, and besides being a ful routf. valuable book ofreference to business men, its pages will be perused ;n"ct, oiilv with ])leasiire by those wlio take an interest in the history ofthe early a number >iettlenicut and subsequent progress of Peel and the Old Home Dis- lie County trict. The work is sold at $1 50 a copy. . ring 1799 From r/ic /.ea(Zer of9th April, 1874. — i recorded Book Notice County of Peel Directory, byJohn Lynch, — et, gentle- Brampton, 1874. This is a directory to every town and village in setatonti this county, and will prove valuable for counting houses and other ! seen this iiffioes. The collection appears tb have been made with the greatc^;t ;larity bo- eare and regard for accuracy. In addition to the directory the book m. Poor also contains an interestinghistory ofthe county. fanother a gentle- xvc worse Here is a town of gi 1, hit and silver carpenter prisoners r., had to *-, andbeing ave some, I verefined let. The [escribed. " in the ¥ fc^r'V'7r-'^-iV^* 1 T ', <}t 'atw-^ifflSi?

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