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Directory of Polish officials;personnel in the political parties, government, and mass organizations of the Polish Peoples Republic PDF

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Preview Directory of Polish officials;personnel in the political parties, government, and mass organizations of the Polish Peoples Republic

Biographic Directory 274 No. Directory of Polish Officials PERSONNEL IN THE POLITICAL PARTIES , GOVERNMENT AND MASS ORGANIZATIONS , OF THE POLISH PEOPLES REPUBLIC NOVEMBER 1960 BIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION DIVISION . mm TABLE OF CONTENTS A. INTRODUCTION B. FUNCTIONAL INDEX TO ORGANEATIONS C. ABBREVIATION OF WORDS AND TERMS D. DIRECTORY I. Central Government II. Local Government III. Political Parties IV. Major Mass Organizations V. Polish Academy of Sciences VI. Educational, Cultural, Scientific, Professional, Sociological Organizations and Institutions VII. Economic Organizations and Enterprises VIII. Representation in International Organizations E. INDEX OF NAMES . A. INTRODUCTION This directory, intended as a general reference work, outlines the administrative structures and gives the incumbents of positions of major political, governmental, and socio-cultural organizations and institutions in Poland. Although gaps and discrepancies are inevitable in a study of this type, every effort has been made to incorporate all information on personnel and organizations from published sources available in the Biographic Information Division through August 31, I960. Earliest and latest dates of identification are expressed in month-year. Precise dates are given whenever the earliest date is the date of appointment or election. Section E (index of Names) is an alphabetic register of all names cited in the directory and lists for each individual appropriate page references. In seme cases an individual may be listed one or more times on a given page; in the index, however, only a single reference to that page will appear under the individual's name. The user should therefore scan the page thoroughly for all possible references All corrections and suggestions as well as requests for additional information on any of the individual's herein should be addressed to the Biographic Information Division, Department of State. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries https://archive.org/details/directoryofpolisOOunit V B. FUNCTIONAL INDEX TO ORGANIZATIONS Page I. CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Council of State 3- 41--2 Council of Ministers 3-38 Officers Members 3 Offices attached to the Council of Ministers 4 C“ohe°^Sr’ C0UnCllS and 3°ardS °f the Co“‘!il of 6-385 Planning Commission 6-7 Committee for Technical Matters S-10 Motorization Council 11-12 State Council for_the Peaceful E>qDloitation of Nuclear Energy 13-14 Committee for^Radio and Television Affairs "Polskie Radio" 15-16 SJ®! °f ldin Municipal Planning, and Architecture 17-23 Committee ofr Labor and l/ages 24 Committee for Light Production 24 State Commission for Prices 25 Central Geology Office 26 Polish Press Agency 27 Polish Normalization Committee 28 Higher Office of Mining 29-30 Main Committee of Physical Culture and Tourism 31 Main Office of Standards 32 Main Statistical Office 33 Committee for Tourist Affairs 34-35 “ CflSeTi0’ Soi tifi=-^chnologioal Cooperation with 36 Economic Committee for the Council of Ministers 37 Main Social Anti—Alcohol Committee 37 otate Commission for Western^Territories 37 °T™of mSdtenUai7 th° nehaMlltati°n °f Southed 37 Office for Religious Affairs 37 Patent Office of the Polish People's Republic 37 Office of National Reserves 38 Social Insurance Court 38 ^ C!?hfilenff.A^Tebclhnictail°nOcrg°a™nniizsastiioonn(see also pages 103-104) 3388 Ca™jiodicalsr thS Pr°blemS °f Press-Publications and the Sale of 38 38 Ministries Agriculture 39-96 Building and Building Materials Industry 39-40 Chemical Industry 41-42 Communication 43-44 Communal Economy 45-46 Culture and Art 47-48 Main Cinematographic Board 48-52 Council of Culture and Art 51 Education 51-52 Finance 53-54 Polish National Bank 55-57 Agriculture Bank 56-57 Commerce Bank 57 Investment Bank 57 Polish Security Bank 57 General Savings Bank 57 57 vi B. FUNCTIONAL INDEX TO ORGANEATIONS (continued) Pa^e I. CENTRAL GOVERNMENT (continued) Ministries (continued) Food Industry and Purchases 58 Foreign Affairs 59-62 Office of Diplomatic Protocol 59 Department of Political and Economic International Organizations 59 Press and Information Department 59 Legal and Treaty Department 60 Consular Department 60 Cultural and Scientific Cooperation Department 60 Polish Institute of International Affairs 61 Department I (Soviet Bloc and Greece) 61 Department II (Western Europe excluding Great Britain, Germany, and Austria) 61 Department III (Great Britain and the Americas) 62 Department IV (Germany and Austria) 62 Department V (Near, Middle, and Far East) 62 Foreign Trade 63-68 Foreign Trade Enterprises 65-68 Forestry and Timber Industry 69-70 Bialowieza National Park 70 Health and Social Welfare 71-72 Heavy Industry 73-74 Higher Education 75-77 Internal Affairs 78-81 Citizen's Militia 78-80 Internal Security Forces 80 Internal Security Corps 80 Frontier Guard Forces 81 Volunteers Reserve of Citizen's Militia 81 Fire Brigades 81 Volunteer Fire Brigade 81 Internal Trade 32-84 Justice 85 Light Industry 86 Mining and Power 87-88 National Defense 39-91 Ministry of National Defense Publishing House 89 Warsaw Military District 89 Pomeranian Military District 89 Silesian Military District 89 Air Force and Air Defense Command 90 Amy 90-91 Main Political Administration 90 Inspectorate of Training 90 Surgeon General 90 Quarterrnaster 90 Artillery 90 Military Academies 90-91 Navy 91 Shipping 92-93 Transportation 94-96 Civil Aviation Department 95 Judicial Organs 97-106 Supreme Court 97-93 Province Courts 98-99 Prosecutor General of the Polish People's Republic 100-101 Province Prosecutor's Offices 100-101 vii B. FUNCTIONAL INDEX TO ORGANEATIONS (continued) Page I. CENTRAL GOVERNMENT (continued) Judicial Organs (continued) Social Security Court 102 Province Social Security Courts 102 Main Arbitration Commission (see also page 38) 103-104 Chief Lawyers Council 105-106 Sejm (Legislature) 107-138 Officers 107 Deputies 106-111 Committees and Commissions 112-138 Administration of Justice 112 Agriculture and Food Industry 113-114 Art and Culture 115 Building Industry and Communal Economy 116 Credentials and Rules 117 Economic Plan, Budget, and Finance 118-119 Foreign Affairs 170-121 Foreign Trade 122 Forestry and Timber Industry 123 Health and Physical Culture 124 Heavy, Chemical, and Mining Industries 125-126 Internal Affairs 127 Internal Trade 128 Labor and Social Welfare 129 Light Industry, Handicrafts, and Work Cooperatives 130-131 Maritime Economy and Shipping 132 National Defense ' I33 Science and Education 134-135 Transport and Communication 136 Mandate-Regulations I37 Extraordinary Commission for Western Lands 138 Sejm Deputies Clubs PZPR Sejm Deputies Club 139 ZSL Sejm Deputies Club 140 3D Sejm Deputies Club 1/,1 "Znak" (Catholic) Sejm Deputies Circle 142 Inter-Parliamentary Groups 143-148 Polish Group of the Interparliamentary Union 143 Polish-Belgian Parliamentary Group 144 Polish-British Parliamentary Group 145 Polish-French Parliamentary Group 146 Polish-Indian Parliamentary Group 147 Polish-Italian Parliamentary Group 1/,6 Supreme Chamber of Control 1/9 Diplomatic and Consular Representatives Abroad 150-170 Albania I50 Afghanistan 150 Argentina 150 Algeria 150 Australia 151 viii B. FUNCTIONAL INDEX TO ORGANIZATIONS (continued) Page I. CENTRAL GOVERNMENT (continued) Diplomatic and Consular Representatives Abroad (continued) Austria 151 Belgium 151-152 Brazil 152 Bulgaria 153 Burma 153 Cambodia 153 Canada 153 Ceylon 154 China 154 Costa Rica 154 Cuba 154 Czechoslovakia 155 Denmark 155 Ecuador 156 Ethiopia 156 Finland 156 France 157 Germany, ’’Democratic People's Republic of” 158 Ghana 158 Greece 159 Guinea 159 Haiti 159 Honduras 159 Hungary 159 Iceland 160 India 160 Indonesia 160 I Iran 160 Iraq 160 Israel 161 Italy 161 Japan 161 Korea, "Democratic People's Republic of” 161 Lebanon 162 Luxembourg 162 Mexico 162 Mongolia 162 Morocco 163 Netherlands 163 Nepal 163 Nicaragua 163 Norway 163 Pakistan 164 Rumania 164 Scotland I64 Sudan 164 .Sweden 165 Switzerland I65 i Tunisia 165 Turkey 165-166 United Arab Republic 166 U.3.S.R. 167 United Kingdom 168 United States 169 Uruguay 170 Venezuela 170 Vietnam, "Democratic People's Republic of” 170 Yemen 170 Yugoslavia 170

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