Directed transport with real-time steering and drifts along pre-designed paths using a Brownian motor H. Hagman,1,∗ M. Zelan,1 C. M. Dion,1 and A. Kastberg2 1Department of Physics, Ume˚a University, SE-901 87 Ume˚a, Sweden. 2Laboratoire de Physique de la Mati`ere Condens´ee, CNRS UMR 6622, Universit´e de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Parc Valrose, F-06108 Nice Cedex 2, France (Dated: January 27, 2011) We have realized real-time steering of the directed transport in a Brownian motor based on cold atomsinopticallattices,anddemonstratedriftsalongpre-designedpaths. Thetransportisinduced by spatiotemporal asymmetries in the system, where we can control the spatial part, and we show 1 that the response to changes in asymmetry is very fast. In addition to the directional steering, 1 a real-time control of the magnitude of the average drift velocity and an on/off switching of the 0 motor are also demonstrated. We use a non-invasive real-time detection of the transport, enabling 2 a feedback control of the system. n a PACSnumbers: 05.40.-a,05.60.-k,37.10.Jk J 6 INTRODUCTION of the underlying mechanisms in play [4], and they can 2 be utilized as proof of principle experiments, or as ex- ] Many microscopic systems have a noisy dynamic gov- perimental demonstrations of the feasibility of Brownian h motors. p erned by thermal fluctuations, making their control and - theoretical treatment complicated. However, Brownian We here demonstrate a Brownian motor, realized with m motors and Brownian ratchets take advantage of this cold atoms interacting with two optical lattices, where o noise as they convert random fluctuations into directed theasymmetry,andhencetheaveragedriftoftheatoms, at motion in the absence of bias forces [1–4]. This makes is controllable in real time in 3D. The optical lattices . them an interesting subject of statistical physics, and are individually symmetric, and the required asymme- s c theyarethedrivingmechanismsofavarietyofbiological try originates instead from a combination of a relative si motors [1, 5], ranging from inter-cell transport and virus translation of, and unequal transfer rates between, the y translocation to muscle contraction [6–9]. Inspired by opticallattices. Thisgivesaflexiblesetupwheretherec- h these biological machines, several proposals exist to uti- tification can be controlled via the relative translation of p lizetheprinciplesofBrownianmotorstopowerupfuture thelatticepotentials[13]. Wehereintroduceanexternal [ nano-technology [10, 11]. Many actual Brownian motors real-timecontrolofthetranslationofthelattices, byuse 3 are relatively large and complex systems, therefore mod- of electro-optical modulators, along with real-time, non- v elswithmorecomprehensiveandcontrollabledesignsare destructive measurement by fluorescence imaging. This 3 needed [1, 4, 5]. Beside the naturally occurring biolog- allows us to investigate the response of the system to a 4 7 ical motors a number of artificial Brownian motors and changing asymmetry, as well as the possibility to utilize 0 ratchets have been realized, such as cold atom Brownian these asymmetry changes for external real-time steering 1. motors and ratchets [12–15] and quantum ratchets [16– of the induced drift, and for inducing of drifts along pre- 0 18]. designed paths. 1 For a directed motion to be induced in any of these 1 systemstworequirementshavetobefulfilled: thespatial : v and/ortemporalsymmetrieshavetobebroken,inaccor- WORKING PRINCIPLE Xi dance with the Curie principle [19], and the system has to be brought out of thermal equilibrium, in agreement To qualitatively understand the induced drift depen- r a with the second law of thermodynamics [20]. Fulfilling dence on the translation between the potentials, a sim- these requirements is sufficient to induce drifts, which is ple1Dmodelisused[24],seeFig.1. Consideraclassical well established, and a number of different types of sys- Brownian particle situated in either of two symmetric tems have been demonstrated [4, 21]. Reversals of the and periodic potentials (S and L). Both potentials have induceddrifthavealsobeendemonstrated,e.g.,[22],but aninherentfrictionandBrowniandiffusion,andarecou- theresponsetoanasymmetrychanginginrealtime,and pled with unequal transfer rates. The particle randomly in three dimensions, hasn’t been fully investigated. All switches potential, spending a longer time in potential these aspects can be addressed by Brownian motor sys- L. When the potentials are in phase, the particle will tems realized with laser cooled atoms interacting with mostlybelocatednearthebottomofawell,undisturbed three-dimensional (3D) dissipative optical lattices [23]. by the inter-potential transfer, see Fig. 1b. The system These make a promising testbed for fundamental studies is symmetric and no drift is induced. However, if one 2 potential is translated with respect to the other (a rel- optical lattices are 3D light-shift potentials, created in ative phase shift ϕ), the spatio-temporal symmetry is the interference pattern of laser beams, and are dissipa- broken, and the passage from one potential to the other, tive [23], that is, they are constructed from light fields on average, adds energy to the particle [25]. This gain whicharetunedsufficientlyclosetoanatomicresonance in energy, together with the relative translation, leads forlightscatteringtobeimportant,providingasourceof to an increased diffusion, which due to the total asym- noise as well as an inherent friction due to laser cooling metry is biased (Fig. 1c), with maximum drift occurring [23, 27]. Moreover, the two optical lattices are spatially around ϕ = ±2π/3. A translation of half a period only overlapped, have the same periodicity, and an atom in- increases the unbiased diffusion since the symmetry is teractswitheitherdependingonitshyperfinestate. The restored, see Fig. 1d. Although it contains all the essen- incoherent light scattering provides a route between the tial ingredients of the Brownian motor, this model is an two optical lattices, via a manifold of short-lived excited simplification of the experimental system [13, 26]. For states. The transfer rates are highly unequal, which re- cesium atoms, each of the two potentials is a manifold sults in one short-lived and one long-lived optical lattice of potentials of different amplitudes [23], of which one (denoted S and L, respectively). The potential depths dominates the dynamics. Moreover, the damping force correspond to around 100 µK in lattice S and 200 µK in applied to an atom, and the transfer rates between the lattice L, while the kinetic temperature of the atoms is potentials, are position and velocity dependent [23, 27]. around10µK.Thekinetictemperaturehasadependence on the relative translation of the potentials [27], and can (a) (b) therefore be used as a measurement of this translation, or for monitoring the relaxation to steady state after a change in the system. Incontrasttopreviouswork,therelativetranslationof (c) the optical lattices is now controlled with electro-optical phase modulators (EOMs). That is, the optical lattice configuration consists of four arms, each with two laser beamswithorthogonalpolarizations. AnEOMisplaced Control System (d) in each arm to control the relative phase of the two beams. The crystals inside the EOMs have one electro- opticalactiveaxisandonepassiveaxis. Alongtheactive axis,theindexofrefractionisdependentonanexternally applied voltage allowing the external control of the opti- FIG. 1: (Color online) (a) Schematic representation of the keyelementsoftheexperimentalset-up. Thetwoopticallat- cal path length, while along the passive axis it remains ticesareconstructedfromtheinterferencepatternsfromtwo unchanged. By controlling the relative optical phase of superposed, four-laser-beam configurations. In each arm a each arm, the relative spatial phase of the resulting po- computer controlled EOM is located, changing the relative tentials can be controlled as well. After the EOMs, but phase ϕ. The fluorescence of the atoms is monitored by the before the arms start to interfere, the polarization of the control system through a CCD camera. (b,c,d): 1D repre- two beams in each arm are turned to the same direction. sentationoftheatomsinthelong-lived(lower,blue)andthe The setup is also modified to image the atoms through short-lived (upper, red) optical lattices. In each potential an inherentfrictionanddiffusionispresent. Theverticalarrows the inherent fluorescence in the optical lattices (due to indicatethetransferbetweenthepotentials,andthehorizon- light scattering), such that the detection doesn’t inter- tal the total diffusion. (b) ϕ = 0, the system is symmetric fere with the system. The current experimental setup is and the particles are mostly located near the bottom of the illustrated schematically in Fig. 1a. wells, undisturbed by the inter-potential transfer. No drift is induced. (c) ϕ = 2/3π, the transfer adds energy to the system, the symmetry is broken, and a drift to the left is in- RESULTS duced. (d) ϕ=π, the overall symmetry is restored, and the added energy only gives an increased, unbiased diffusion. To experimentally investigate the real-time response oftheBrownianmotortochangesintherelativetransla- tion of the optical potentials, (ϕ ,ϕ ,ϕ ), we start with x y z EXPERIMENTAL SETUP translations in 1D. This is done in five steps: (0,0,0) → (2π/3,0,0)→(−2π/3,0,0)→(2π/3,0,0)→(0,0,0),see Detailed descriptions of the experimental setup are Fig. 2a where a selection of images, representing the ex- given in [13, 27]. In short, about 108 cesium atoms are treme points of the trajectory, are presented. The whole accumulated and cooled to around 5 µK in a magneto- trajectory is available online as movie S1 [29] The cloud opticaltrap[28]. Thelatteristhenswitchedoff,andtwo isimagedinthexz-plane,withz beingverticalintheex- optical lattices [23] are superposed on the atoms. These periment,buthorizontalintheimages. Inthefigure,the 3 expected back and forth trajectory in x is evident. Be- 0.1 (a) 0.04 (b) side the back and forth motion, a small downwards drift 0.0 is also present, since the optical lattices can’t fully sup- m) m)0.00 m m port the atomic cloud against gravity [30]. In principle >y (-0.1 >y (-0.04 this effect could be canceled by an imbalanced radiation <-0.2 < -0.08 pressure, or by an appropriate choice of ϕ . In Fig. 2b, z -0.3 the time evolution of the atomic cloud’s center of mass 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 -0.10 0.00 0.10 0.20 along x is presented. The drift velocities are constant <x> (mm) <x> (mm) for a fixed translation, and the change in direction when the potentials are translated appears to be very fast. To FIG.3: (Coloronline)Driftsalongpre-designedclosedpaths: further investigate this, we have repeated the same set (a) square; (b) triangle. The trajectory of the center of mass is marked with filled circles, starting from the green (light of relative potential translations, but on a shorter time gray) one, with the anticipated path indicated by a dashed scale, and measured the temperature using a (destruc- line. The time interval between each marker is roughly 75 tive) time-of-flight technique [31]. Figure 2c shows that ms. the reaction time for the atoms to reach the new steady state is less than 1 ms, i.e., is not resolvable, given the timeresolutionanduncertaintyofourcontrolanddetec- ative phase settings of (2π/3,0,0) → (−π/3,−π/3,0) → tion systems. (−π/3,π/3,0). Note that the phase settings for off-axis drifts become non-trivial due a coupling between the di- (a) Z mensions of the lattice topography [26]. X All data where taken for relative translations of the potentials that optimize the magnitude of the drift. It can however be made arbitrary small [13, 26], giving us notonlyreal-timecontrolofthedirection,butalsoofthe 1000 ms 1400 ms 1800 ms 2200 ms 2600 ms speed of the atoms. In addition, the directional shifts do notneedtobediscrete,astheelectro-opticalmodulators (b) 10 (c) 0.6 can be controlled continuously. Smooth velocity changes mm)00..24 K)9 are thus achievable, allowing for curved paths. >x (0.0 μT (8 WiththeexceptionofFig.2c,alltheresultspresented <−−00..42 −22ππ//033 ϕ 67 −22ππ//033 ϕ aartoemreiccocrldoeuddbinytimheaogpintgicathlelaitnthiceerse.nTthfleuroerfeosrceenthceedoefttehce- 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 20 40 60 80 100 120 tion does not interfere with the system, enabling a real- t (ms) t (ms) time analysis of the position of the atomic cloud. This FIG.2: (Coloronline)Externalsteeringoftheinduceddriftin opensupthepossibilityofimplementingafeedbackloop, 1D. The translation between the potentials, (ϕ ,ϕ ,ϕ ), are thatis,anautonomoussystemcanbecreated,wherethe x y z changed according to the sequence (0,0,0) → (2π/3,0,0) → atomic cloud’s current position and velocity determines (−2π/3,0,0) → (2π/3,0,0) → (0,0,0). (a) Selected images the system’s coming actions. of the atomic cloud in the xz-plane, with z directed upwards in the experiment. (b) Time evolution of the center-of-mass position along x. (c) Time evolution of the temperature for CONCLUSION thesamesequenceoftranslationalshifts,butonashortertime scale. In the lower part of (b) and (c) the phase sequences are plotted. In summary, we have realized a Brownian motor with a real-time external steering in 3D, and demonstrated The relative translation of the potentials can also be drifts along pre-designed paths. The directional shifts altered in other directions, making it possible to move of the average velocity was shown to be fast (< 1 ms), the atoms along arbitrary pre-designed paths, includ- with induced average velocities are up to a few mm/s, ing closed figures. We first make the atoms move along while the lifetime of the atoms in the optical lattice is paths with straight angles, as the relative phases of of the order of seconds. This gives ample time to in- the potentials are changed in four steps: (2π/3,0,0) → duce drifts with several resolvable directional shifts, see (0,−2π/3,0) → (−2π/3,0,0) → (0,2π/3,0). The inter- movie S4 [29]. On a more general scale, a typical veloc- val between each shift is around 300 ms. Figure 3a (and ity of 1 mm/s means that each atom, on average, moves movie S2 [29]) show the expected square path. over 1600 potential wells per second. 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