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PI-PARTPHYS-297,CETUP*-12/014 Direct constraints on charged excitations of dark matter Haipeng An,1 Maxim Pospelov,1,2 and Josef Pradler1 1Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2Y5, Canada 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, V8P 5C2 Canada If the neutral component of weak-scale dark matter is accompanied by a charged excitation separated by a mass gap of less than ∼20 MeV, WIMPs can form stable bound states with nuclei. We show that the recent progress in experiments searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay sets the first direct constraint on the exoergic reaction of WIMP-nucleus bound state formation. We calculate the rate for such process in representative models and show that the double-beta decay experimentsprovideuniquesensitivity toalarge fraction ofparameter spaceoftheWIMPdoublet model, complementary to constraints imposed bycosmology and direct collider searches. 2 1 0 Introduction Weakly interacting massive particles similar detection principles and background rates, 0νββ 2 (WIMPs) are well-motivated candidates for dark matter experiments are more readily scaleable in mass, and the p (DM), that offer a variety of potential non-gravitational next decade is bound to produce progress not only in e signatures, including the possibility for a laboratory de- limiting/detecting the Majoranamass for neutrinos (the S tection. Model realizations of WIMP DM often entail primary goal of 0νββ programs), but also in constrain- 7 multiple states. Frequently encountered are scenarios in ing the charged excitations of WIMPs. In what follows 2 which DM (X0) is part of a multiplet with an electri- weconsiderrepresentativemodelsforbothcasesanduse cally charged excited state (X±) that enables to natu- them to set constraints from new data released this year ] h rally regulate its abundance throughco-annihilation. As by EXO-200 [2] and Kamland-Zen [3] 0νββ collabora- p hasbeennotedin[1],ifthemassgapbetweentheneutral tions. - andchargedstate is sufficiently small, MeV-scale energy Representative Models Case A demands that the p e depositions become possible via the process of WIMP- spins in the DM multiplet differ. With an eye on SUSY h nucleus bound state formation. Such models are of spe- we take the DM particle to be a Majorana fermion [ cial interest because they also lead to an enhancement X0 = χ (like the neutralino) and the charged excited 1 of WIMP annihilation to mono-energetic γ-rays [1], and statetobeacomplexscalarX− =τ˜− τ˜(likethestau.) ≡ v well-definedcollidersignaturesthroughtheproductionof The effective Lagrangianwhich governs the bound state 8 the charged WIMP states. formation is of Yukawa type 5 Denoteby(NX−)theboundstateofDMwithatarget 3 = χ¯(g P +g P )eτ˜†+h.c., (3) 6 nucleus N. Depending on the relation between spins of LA eL L eR R . X0 and X− two generic scenarios can be envisaged, 9 with in general complex couplings geL,R for the chirality 0 Case A: N +X0 (N X−)+e+, (1) projections PL,R. 2 Z → Z InCaseBtheDMstatessharethesamespin. Forsim- 1 Case B: N +X0 (N X−) , (2) : Z → Z+1 plicity,wetakebothasscalarsintheelectroweakdoublet, v a real scalar X0 = ν˜0 (like a sneutrino) and a complex where Z denotes the chargeof N. If (NX−) is not in its Xi ground state, it will de-excite by emitting γ-rays. Thus, scalar X− = τ˜− as before. The relevant effective La- grangiancan be written as r the observables for these processes are the positron and a γ-rays (and a residual anomalously heavy nucleus.) The = geffW−µ(∂ τ˜†ν˜0 τ˜†∂ ν˜0)+h.c.+ (4) recombinationis guaranteedto happen once the (NX−) LB 2 µ − µ Lcont. Coulomb binding energy E allows to bridge the mass b where contains contact interactions; in SUSY gtianpgs∆omf ≡20mMX−eV−omrXle0ssincathnebDeMprmobueldtipthlerto.uMghas(s1)spalnitd- geff = gL2cocnots.θτ˜cosθν˜0, where g2 is the gauge coupling ∼ (2). Both scenarios are readily realized in supersymmet- ric (SUSY) scenarios. e+ recTehnteapdrvimanacreyspinurnpeousterionfoltehsissdleotutbelre-isbettoas(h0oνwββth)adtecthaye X0 X− X0 X− experiments allow for a direct probe the neutral-charged W WIMP doublet models. The O(1-10 MeV) scale energy NZ NZ+1 deposition in (1) and (2) give 0νββ searches a clear ad- N N Z Z vantage over direct DM detection experiments. The lat- (a) (b) ter are optimized to detect keV-scale energy depositions fromthe elastic scattering ofWIMPs andthe MeV-scale FIG. 1: Illustrations of case A (a) and case B (b). energy range is usually not reported. Moreover, albeit 2 case we expect σ to flow towards a semi-classical (SC) A TABLE I: Relevant nuclei, binding energies, and expo- limit: when χ approaches the nucleus, a critical radius sures MT for different experimentsconsidered in this work. r in the electromagnetic potential V(r) will be reached b when the transition χ τ˜−+e+ becomes energetically EXO-200/ → DAMA SNO Bore- possible,V(rb)+∆m+me 0. Theintegrationoverthe Exps. Kaml.-Zen/ fly-by time whenr <r the≤n gives the rate for this tran- NaI(Tl) NaCl xino b Xe100 sition to happen. In this SC limit we find for B , n,l n,l Nucleus Xe I Cl C E(0) (MeV) 18.4 18.2 6.3 2.7 d3~r (V(~r )+∆m)2 m2(V(~r )+∆Pm+m ). b | | − e | | e MT (kgyr) 40/30/0.9 7.5 1274 1.3×105 Z|~r|<rb p (8) Whenever, say, n > 10 is accessible in the capture, we find a perfect agreement between SC and the explicit of the weak interaction, θτ˜ is the mixing angle between quantum mechanical calculation. For lighter nuclei with the left andrighthanded stau, andθν˜0 is the mixing an- shallow binding the latter is the preferred choice as typ- gle between the sneutrino and any-sterile sneutrinos in ically only few states contribute to the signal above the the theory. detector threshold. As expected, being an inelastic pro- Bound state properties and formation In Tab. I, we cess, σ v is largely independent on v, and to very good A list the ground state energies E(0) for the X− bound approximation σ v σ v. b h A i≃ A states with relevant nuclei, using the homogeneous nu- Once ∆m and DM mass m are chosen, the induced χ clear charge distribution within sphere of radius R = signal in the neutrino searches can be translated into 0 5/3R , and R values are taken from Ref. [4]. Ki- a constraint on the combination of Yukawa couplings rms rms netic energies O(100keV) of the incoming DM and that (g 2+ g 2). We choose to trade the latter againsta p | eL| | eR| oftherecoilingboundstatecanbeneglected,andtheex- constraint on the τ˜ lifetime instead, or, alternatively on pected total visible energy E injected in the detector its decaywidth Γ =τ−1. Inthe sameapproximationas tot τ˜ τ˜ is given by above, Etot ≈(EEbb((00))−−∆∆mm++mmZe −mZ+1 CCaassee BA., (5) Γτ˜ ≃ p∆4mπm2−χ m2e(∆m+me)(|geL|2+|geR|2). (9) Let us now consider case B. During the capture an in- InCaseAthepositronisemittedwithanenergyE(n,l) = terconversion from a neutron (n) to a proton (p) takes e E(n,l) ∆m m ,wherem istheelectronmassandn,l place inside the nucleus. Without detailed knowledge of b − − e e the nuclear wave functions, an exact QM calculation is denote the usual initial principal and orbital quantum notpossible,althoughitisexpectedthatthecrosssection numbersofthecapture. Afterthepositronisstopped,its can be dominated by a series of narrow resonancesespe- annihilationwith anelectronyields anadditionalenergy of 2m whereas the excited (Nτ˜)∗ relaxes by emissionof ciallywhen ∆m is large[1,5]. Whenmany bound states e are available for capture, one expects the SC method to gamma-rays. IncaseBnopositronisemittedbutthedif- give a statisfactory description, which we employ below. ference in nuclear mass upon the nuclear transmutation We use the Fermi gas model for the density and mo- N N becomes accessible. Z Z+1 → mentum distributions of n and p inside the nucleus N . For case A, the product of recombination cross sec- Z The calculation of σ proceeds in two steps. First, we tion σ with the incoming DM velocity v reads, B A compute the fundamental process of n p in the pres- → σ v (g 2+ g 2)/(8πm ) B , (6) enceofν˜0. BecauseofPauliblocking,partofthebinding A ≃ | eL| | eR| χ × n,l n,l energy is invested in elevating p above the Fermi surface where Bn,l is the contribution from capPture into state ofNZ+1. Inasecondstepweagainobtainthetotalcross (n,l). In the limit ∆m me and pχ pe+, sectionbyconsiderationofthe fly-bytime ofν˜0 inwhich ≫ ≫ the transition is possible. The result reads, Bn,l ≃(cid:16)Eb(n,l)−∆m−me(cid:17)q(Eb(n,l)−∆m)2−m2e σ v = ge4ffm2p d3rρ (~r) mn+2pm2nFn dp0 1 d3r d3r φ∗ (~r )φ (~r )eiµ~v·(~r1−~r2). (7) B 8M4 n n4πp3 × 1 2 n,l 1 n,l 2 W Z Zmn 3 pf Z ( V(r) ∆m+p0)2 m2 p02 m2 Here, φn,l is the wave function of the relative motion of − − n − p n − n (Nτ˜)with reducedmass µ. Forn 50we calculateBn,l q q p2 (N ) explicitly by numericalsolutionof≤the Schr¨odingerequa- θ V(r) ∆m+p0 m pF Z+1 , tion. Whenever∆missmall,captureintoamultitudeof × − − n− p− 2mp ! states(alsowithn>50)ispossible. Importantly,inthis (10) 3 where ρ is the number density of neutron inside the Once ∆m becomes largeenoughto approachthe thresh- n target nucleus and p (N ) is the Fermi momentum old,thelimitsbecomecorrespondinglyweakerbecauseof pF Z+1 oftheN nucleus. Thelatterisdeterminedfromm + limited phase space and higher count rates. Z+1 p p2pF2(mNZp+1) = mn + p2n2Fm(NnZ). For the capture on xenon, enTerugrynidnegpotositsimonasllbveayluoensd∆10mM.eV4MweitVhwheeaeviytheelrempreonbtes N =Xe and N =Cs. Z Z+1 like with Xe or, alternatively,we can probe smaller (and Neutrino experiments We now come to the central hence reported) energy depositions using lighter nuclei. part of our study—demonstrating the potential of neu- Forthelatter,theneutrinoexperimentsofchoicearecur- trino experiments and in particular of 0νββ searches in rentlythe saltphase ofthe SNO waterCherenkovdetec- probing DM. As we have argued, the total energy in (5) torwitha2tonloadingofNaClandtheBorexinodetec- is monochromatic with all its energy injected almost in- torwith its carbon-basedscintillator. We setconstraints stantaneously. The signal shape is hence determined by usingtherespectiveeventspectrareportedin[9]and[10] the energyresolutionσ ofthe experiment. Givenanex- e where in the former case we subtract the solar neutrino posure MT the total number of events in an energy bin signal;see [6]. Finally, wenote that∆m.4MeV is also ∆E =E E then reads, max− min challenged by severe limits [11] of anomalously heavy C, MTN ρ σv N, O nuclei among others. From Fig. 2 it can be seen T DM N = h i tot 2m that the limit from Borexino is in the same ballpark. X0 Direct detection experiments Oneofthecurrentmost E E E E max tot min tot Erf − Erf − , sensitive direct detection experiments is XENON100. × √2σ − √2σ (cid:20) (cid:18) e (cid:19) (cid:18) e (cid:19)(cid:21) Since it is a LX detector, we can directly compare it (11) to EXO-200 and Kamland-Zen. Using the electromag- where ρ 0.3 GeV/cm3 is the local DM energy den- netic backgroundspectrum up to 3 MeV published from DM ≈ sity, N is the number of target nuclei per kg of active a commissioning run [12], we find that constraint is at T detector mass. leastone orderof magnitude weaker. This can be traced We start by considering the EXO-200 experiment [2] back to higher levels of radioactive background present whichhas110kgfiducialmassenrichedin136Xe,whereas in XENON100. for our purpose the entire mass of Xe in the fiducial vol- A competitive experiment in sensitivity can be ume becomes active, and the exposure as a DM target DAMA/LIBRA with its 250 kg of NaI scintillating crys- is listed in Tab. I. The TPC-type setup of EXO-200 al- tals. A high-energy “single-hit” spectrum from 9 out of lows to distinguish between events occurring at a single 25crystalsofa24dayrunwasreportedin[13]. Noevents sites(SS)oratmultiplesites(MS).Thecapturetypically above 10 MeV were observed. A conservative constraint qualifies as an MS event, given the macroscopic range of in case A is obtained by considering only recombination produced γ-rays ( 6 cm at 1 MeV in LX.) We use the into the 1S ground state of I. No γ-rays are produced ≈ lastbincontaining24eventsabove3.5MeVtosetacon- which may well escape one crystal challenging a “single- straint which thereby probes the region ∆m . 15 MeV. hit”observation. Forthisreasonwerefrainfromstudying Two complications arise: 1) part of E can be taken caseBwhichcertainlyrequiresMCmodeling. ForcaseA tot out of the fiducial volume by γ-rays and 2) events at SS we find that the constraint is superseded by the one of with depositions greater than 10 MeV are automatically EXO-200. We stress that if DAMA were to present us discarded. We have studied both effects in a dedicated witha high-energyspectrumofa largerexposure,avery MonteCarlo(MC)analysisandfindthatthiscanweaken strong result could be obtained. thelimitsbyuptoafactoroftwoandwhichistakeninto Constraints from Colliders For heavy charged sta- accountinpresentedconstraints;detailswillbepresented ble particles, the CMS group placed a very stringent in [6]. The results for cases A and B are shown in Fig. 2 bound based on the data with an integrated luminos- The next experiment we consider is Kamland-Zen [3] ity of 5 fb−1 and a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV [14]. whichconsists ofa LXballoonsubmersedinto the Kam- Eventswerecollectedbasedontwotriggers. Forthefirst land neutrino detector. To obtain a conservative con- one, the heavy stable candidate events were defined as straint,weusethereportedspectrumfromwhichweonly tracks reconstructed in the inner tracker detector with subtractthebackgroundfromthe2βdecayof136Xe. The largedE/dxandhighpT,wheredE/dx isthe rateofen- energyresolutionisexcellentsothatweonlyneedtocon- ergy loss due to the ionization. For the second one, the siderthe bininwhichE lies including the neighboring tracks had to be additionally identified as muons by the tot ones(withappropriatestatisticalpenalty)inderivingthe outermuondetectors,thusputtingalowerboundonthe constraint. Unfortunately,Kamland-Zendoesnotreport time-of-flight. a cumulative last bin like EXO-200 does. Therefore, we ForcaseAweobtainalimitonΓτ˜ fromtheconstraint canonlyprobeenergydepositionsbelowthelastreported on the LHC τ˜ production cross section σproduction, bin at 3.8 MeV. This, in turn, restricts the considered mass splittings to ∆m & 14MeV as shown in Fig. 2. σproductione−Γτ˜RγvT <σconstraint , (12) 4 1100−−1100 90%C.L. 90%C.L. Borexino Xe100 Xe100 11 1100−−1122 DAMA/LIBRA Kaml. geff=g2 SNO (24days,1TeV) Kaml. -Zen EXO-200 1100−−1144 -Zen EXO-200 1s )) VV Γ(GeΓ(Geeeττ 1100−−1166 CMS ggeffeff 00..11 102s 1100−−1188 104s 100GeV 1100−−2200 150GeV CBBN 200GeV 106s anomalouslyheavyC 1100−−2222 00..0011 00 22 44 66 88 1100 1122 1144 1166 1188 00 22 44 66 88 1100 1122 1144 1166 1188 ∆∆mm((MMeeVV)) ∆∆mm((MMeeVV)) FIG. 2: Left: Constraints for “Case A” from underground rare event searches as labeled. Darker (lighter) shadings are for mχ = 1TeV (100GeV). Also shown are lower limits from CMS searches on long-lived charged states. Right: Corresponding constraints for “Case B”. The dotted lines are contours of constant τ˜ lifetime; lighter shadings are for mχ =200GeV. where R is the transversedistance, v the transverseve- natelynotpublished. Forexample,Kamland-Zenhasnot T locityandγtheboostfactor;σ wetakefrom[14]. reported its count rate above 3.8 MeV. Presumably, the constraint The lower limits on Γ for m = 100 GeV (and above) associated constraint can be the dominant one through- τ˜ χ are shown in the left Fig. 2. The combined constraints outtheentireconsideredregionin∆m. Likewise,DAMA rule out the entire region ∆m < 5 MeV as long as hasshownafractionofitshighenergyspectrumwithan m < 210 GeV; larger values of m are currently not exposureof24days—whereasmorethan100timesofthis χ χ constraint by CMS. In the case that the excited state is is available. We urge these collaborationsto presentthis a spinor,the constraintwillbecome strongerdue to that data. A lot of progress can be expected in the coming the dominantproductionchannelis s-wave,insteadofp- years. wave in the scalar case. ATLAS also conducted searches Acknowledgements We thank Dr. M. Marino for his for the quasi-stable charged particles. Though similar explanationsoftheEXO-200resultsandapparatus. H.A. sensitivity canbe expected, the reportedresults are spe- would like to thank Drs. N. Toro and J. Chen for useful cialized to a particular SUSY-breaking framework, and discussions,andtheCenterforTheoreticalUnderground we do not use it here. In case B, τ˜ escapes the detector Physics and Related Areas (CETUP* 2012) in South because Γ is suppressed by ∆m5/m4 . The CMS con- τ˜ W Dakota for its hospitality and for partial support during straint is hence trivial: m > 210 GeV. Finally, for life- ν˜ the completion of this work. Research at the Perime- times τ &103 s a primordialabundance of τ˜− (which is τ˜ ter Institute is supported in part by the Government of expectedtobesimilartothatofν˜0 since∆m/m 1%) ν˜ CanadathroughNSERC andbythe ProvinceofOntario ≪ will have a large effect on the primordial light elements; through MEDT. see [15] and references therein. The approximate con- straint is labeled “CBBN”. Outlook We haveshownthatrareundergroundevent searches can be used to obtain strong limits on charged [1] M.PospelovandA.Ritz,Phys.Rev.D78,055003(2008) excitedstatesofDMwithmasssplittings∆m.20MeV. [arXiv:0803.2251 [hep-ph]]. Significant improvements on these bounds can be ex- [2] M. Auger et al. [EXO Collaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. pected from nearly all upcoming 0νββ searches such 109, 032505 (2012) [arXiv:1205.5608 [hep-ex]]. as EXO, GERDA, CUORE, MAJORANA, NEXT, Su- [3] [KamLAND-Zen Collaboration], Phys. Rev. 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