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Direct Action: An Ethnography PDF

573 Pages·2009·10.789 MB·English
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BALTIMORE DirAecctti AonEn t:h nography byD avGirda eber ISB9N7 189 04857996 Libroafr yC onNgurmebse2sr0 :0 7199389 ©200D9a vGirda eber This e©d2i0t0Ai9KoP nr ess Cover DCehsrWiirgisng :(h wtw swe.ldomwright.com) LayoKuKt : AKPress 6742-3Ar Sdt rte e OaklaCnA9d ,46 12 www.aekspsr.org [email protected] 51.020187.00 AKPreUsKs POB o1x7 266 EdniburEgHh89 YE Scotland wwwa.kuk.com [email protected] 011.355156.55 PrinitnCea dn aodn1a 0 %0 recyacclierddep-,eaf pbeyur n iloanb or. CONTENTS PeforceD:i rAeccttAi noE nt,oh gnra*p hvyi i IntrodYuocBute igWoiinntR: ha gYeou,M ovoent oS iyFl alnt*a si1e s Chap1tN:ee rwY o rk Diar2y0:0� 1 M a1r7c h Chap2tA:eT rir tpo Qu ebCeic�t y Chap3tF:e rroB mu rlointn Aogk twes�a 1s0n1e Chap4t:Se urm moiftth A em eriQcueabsCe,ic �t y1 43 Chap5t:De irr AeccttiA onna,r cDhiirsDemec,mtc o ra�c 2y0 1 Chap6tS:eo rmN eo toen"s Ac tiCvuilstt�u 2r3e9" Chap7tM:ee re t�i n2g8s7 Chap8tA:ec rt i�o 3n5s9 Chap9t:Re erp rese�n 4t3a7t ion Chap1t0Ie:mr a ginn:. a5t0i9o n Biblpiho�yg 5r3a9 Ind�e 5x5 5 PREFACE DIRECT ACTION,A N ETHNO GRAPHY t:fl bootkh siisiz usen usnuoawla .dI awtya scse rytn aoimtny il ntiipalla n. l1 W heInf idrescti tdobe edg in writmiyne gx puepr oisfdeo inmrceee csot f actfioroman ne thnogprearpshpiIea ccc ttyiuh vaaeld,l into twerniadft iaeerd l y short btohmoeok r.Iwe r Bouttthem e,o rteht eo psiece mteog dr oIwr .e alized Iw afsca ewdi tach o mmdoinl eomfem tah nogwrraiptphioinicgtn :hts aset e m .s imapnlodeb vioaunsy wothnohoe a ssp eynetai rndssea ig ivceunl tuunriavle rse reqaug irredeae ta iln tkooc f o ntvoes yo mewohnhoea sSno'mte.t shiimnigl ar hahda ppetnome ewd h eInr etutor Cnheidc faorgmmo y d isserretsaetairocnh inM adag,am sacnyayer aargsIor .e memfbrteetrio nvjgeu rhs otmw u cIhh ad tos aIyf l.eIt haabtd et swtoo rt hrreeeai lnltye rpeosittnomit anskga e b otuhte commu1n'ibdte yes nt udThyeinnt ghm.eo meIns tt awrrtietdIi r nega,l ized thtaoet x palanoiynnoe tf h opsoeit nost osm ewohnoe nwoattsh eemlsvforems ar urMaall acgoamsmyi utwnyo urledq useivrheeur naedldpr agBeyts h.te i me Iw adso nwer itIia nlrgse,oa lizmeods tt hrwaeotau pdlredor bsfa ibtnlhdye exposmiutciho inmn otreer aelislnat litlnh,gaw ,nh a tIeo vreirg itnhaolulghyt watsh "ep oint." Catlhlbi oso tkh,ea nt ,r itbcouhtceeo ntirneuleedov fae ntnchoeg raphic writBiy"n egt.h nowgrriatpIihm niegca, n"k itnhdea itmhsa t to describe the contoofus roasc a inacdlo nceupntiuvaielnarw saety h iaastto ncteh eoreti­ calilnoyfr mbeudn,to itni, t sseilmf,dp elsyi tgoand ecvdao ats ei nagrlgeu ment ort heoTrhyew.ra east iwmhee tnhd ee tadielsecdro ifpp toail oiontrc i ecra­l emonoirea xlc hsaynsgiteneA m fr iocrAa m azownaicsao nsiadv earleuda ble contritbohu utmikaonnno wlienid tlg.sfThe ei iss lnoonr geeartl hcleay As ne . anthroapcotluofoagrmliA lsrfyti o crAa m azoonrei vase,no mpea rotfEs u rope, migshtti albltl ogeb e aetw awyi twhr itsiunac bgho oPkr.e sy,te hnaetc lademic conveinAntm ieor(niw ichcaayh o usncgh wooluablreud wn itsioeg niotsrh ea)t viii DIRECTA CTION onmeu sptr etoenned' s deissrc eryaim lpeltaintotomn a kseo mlea rpgoeirn t. Thisse eumnsof rtutnoam teeF. o orn teh iInt gh,i inltki maib tosos kp 'oetntial toe nduorveet ri mCel.a sestihcn ograafpthaeilrcel as,bn, e r ienterprNeetwe d. ones-howfseacvierng a-trianrperleyse ennotu mgaht etroia alllt ohwia sn;d whatth eirtsee ntdobs e s triocrtglayna irzoeuadns dpc eifaircg umoerrn etl ated seroifte hse m. Theorrelefe,mt ew artnh ree adiemrm eidattehleyir:se pnaor tiacruglua­r menttot hbioso kn-lueistts'h sat,ht me o vemdeenstc rwiibtehidwis en wl olr th thinkaibnoguTh ti.sd oenso mte aindt o enso cto nttahieno raertgiucmaeln ts. Ovetrh ceo urofsi etIm , a kaen nyu mboeftr h ewmh:e tahbeortu htie d eological roolfel arge ohbejaetvchytpe so ,l iitmipclailc oaftt hiweoo nrs"d o pintihoen ," simriilotafwy r itnienwsgst oarniHedos m ereipcic co mposoirtt ihcoeon s,m o­ logircooalflet hpeo liinAc mee riccualnt Wuhraemt.a ketsha inse thnographic woriknt hcel assesnioscfte h tee rimts h aatsF, r aBnoza osn cpeu itt t,hg ee n­ eriaisln t hsee rvoiftc hpeea rticulapre-rahfsaoripmdst e,hf, e i nal reflections. Theoirisyn volkaerdg teoal iyid nt huel titmaastokefd escriApntairocnh.i sts andd iraecctti coanm paidgon sne oxtit soat l lsoowm aec adetmomi ack ae theorpeotiioncrpta r lo svoem rei vsta hle'owrryo n(ga nmyo rteh adnoB alinese tranceo rrA intdueiaarlnrs i gtaetcihonno laongidsit et sr)im,kea e sos b noxious . tos uggest owtohuellrdiwt kioest eh.it nhIka ats, a trheiesn utletor,fte hsits boomki gahltes nod unrooetn lfyor thmoostei vbayht iesd tocruiricitaowylsh, o wisthou nderswthaaintwtd a asc tualtlohy a vbleei ekinent hmei ddolfte h ese evenbtutstoa, s tkh sea mseo orfqt u esttihaoecn tsio nirwt se rrea isaibnogtu,ht e natuorfde e mocraauctyo,n aonmpdyo, s sibilfiortt himaeatst -tdoeirrl ,e mmas, lmiitatiosntsr-aotofeft g risaoefnrsm atpiovleia tcitciaoln . SOMEW ORDS OFH ISTORICACLO NTEXT Enoutgihmh eap sa ssseidnt chebe r eatdhalyoesf2s 0s0 a0n 2d0 0t1h aotne cabne gin, tpoes retheha ahptiso s,rt imcoamle nitna littpleer sbpietc toifv e. Thapte riioitdns ,o wd eamra,r kaec de rtwaaitne rfsorhg eldo nbeaoll iberalism. Thewseer teh yee airnws h icthh" eW ashinCgotnosne nosftu hs1e"9 9w0a5s shattIehtra epdp.ev neerqdyu icIknflc ayti.i t as t estyit moto hneeff etciveonfe ss diraeccttti hoanitt t o ookn layb otuhtr yeeeao rfls a rgep-ospcuamlloaebr zi al­i tioinnos r dteor sdoo. Iti ss omethimaersdr etmoe mbneorw,a dajyussw,ht a tth dea yosft he WashingCtoonns ewnesrulesi ke. Pmeirghbhaetbp ess ttois tt atrhtew ni tah worodfc ontteoxh te,lu pn derswthayin wtda st hatthZ ea patriesbteali lni on 199s4e ravse ds cuactha falrot y hsgetl omboavle ment naegoaliinbstethr aatl ism followaendwd,h y tmhoavte mceanmtte ot aktehf ero mi dti d. PREAFCE ix THEM OMENATRYS USPENSOIIlHO INS TORY Thyee ajrusbs etof re Ztahpea triesbteali lnCi hoina apnanso unictestdeo l f thweo rldp wreorbeat bhmleoy s dte pretsismtieon gabr ee vuotliroyn-aoerv en, dedictaott heiedd eoaftl hsLe e fti�nl ivmienmgro yI.tw asnt'hcteo llapse of thSet alriengiisimtnEe ass tern thEawutar sdo eppe resmsoisntg ;r waedriec als glatdos eteh egmo W.h awta ds eprewsaswsih naght a ppeanfetder rdwWsai.t h Stalidneiasmdmo, s Mta rxiesxtpse cttose edae r enaisosfma onrcheeu mane fromosf M arxiSsomc.di eamlo cbreavlteistde h taht ehyafi dn lalwyo nt haer gu­ ment wirtehv otlhuetL ietofa nnaedrx yp ecttose hde phtehfrerod m esru bjects oft hSevo ibelto icn ttoh efilorda ;r easoenxapbelcet saitniwcohene p,no lled, most opfo ptuhleoa ftC ieonnta rnadl EaEsutreosrpaneti hdew ya ntteomd o del thenierwe conoomniS ewdsee nI.n sttehaegdyo,s t h otchke raanpdy mtohse.t savafrgoemo fu nrestcraipcitteaIdlna i lsmmoe.sv tew rayyt ,h weo rslede med to hbeea dfiorn gna i ghtsmcaerneaT rhireoo .m anitmiacog fet hgeu eriinl­la surrecyt,w ihoincahr capturiemda gsion iamnta ino1tyn9h s6e 0sc,a swcaasd ­ ing aik nitnoodf o b�snces e-lpfadryAo.lr eaidnyt h1e9 8t0hsRe,i ghwth,i ch habde eanr gufirony ge atrhsag tu eriinlrslguae nicnip elsal cieVksiee r naomr, Zibmabwoer, S Eall vwaedronero s tp ontabnuefitoe unsds icshhe cmreesa btye d froeiigdne olobgeugetason, pthuetoi wrnt heoirnitpeors a cwtiicttehh, Ue S anSdou tAhfr iciannt ellaiggeenncccrieee ast inga rgmuileeirtskih ecle ol nat ras orR ENAMOt os iocnl etfirsetg iAmtet shs.ea mtei me, eMxairsxgtiuisent­g rimlolvae mefnortmCs o lumbAinag ottloha ah ta d bfeulgolufhn i gh-minded rhetoriincc rweearpseri ontngobel e yc opmuerb ea ndkiitno grns i,h ialrimsiteisc withaonuyt cbaeuysotenh deo iwrnr ebel(ltihwoohnsi ehc ehl tdo otlhided eal ofs octiraalon rsmfatliiotknhe,Se h inPiantighn P ersue,e mieafdn ytheivnegn wor.sL ei)bermaotvieomne envtesrh yewrwee rter saofnrmiinngtv oi cieotuhs­ niwca rTsh.e cna mteh wea voefg enocoifwd hei,cR hwan da anfdro mtehre Yugsolawveiroaen ltyhm eo sdtr amaatnvidic s ible. Ona d oziennt erlroecgkiissnitgme urlsut saltnyhee,eom ergpiantgts eerenm ed catastIrstoe pehmileciedi.k wt o uglods ometlhiitknhegi O sna: n i nternational levcealp,i twaalsti rsamon rsmfingi nitato s reelvfo lfuortciAeob.na anrdyo ning thwee alrfe-vsetrastoiefco anp ittahlahitas admc tuwaolnl yCt ohleWd ar t,h e olCdo lWdar riaonrtdsh eciorr posrpaotnews eorrdese mandapi unrge , no-holds­ barrfeerde,- market vhearndse ivaoecnrt uteahxlailtsy at newdde ,rw ei lltion g wrehaakv oonca lelx isitniisnttgu tsiooncaairlar la ngeimnoe rndtteosar c hieve it. Ailnlv otalhk viiesndo d fw e iirndv erTshiseo tna.n dard lriinsgehi,tn- cwei ng atl eatsht1e 7 90hasda,l wabyese n rtehvaotl utdiroenawamersryd e a ngerous precibseeclatyuh seweye ruet optihaeniy:g notrherede caolm pleoxfsi otcyi al leit,fr adiatuitohnoa,rn ihdtu ym,an na tuarnedd,r eaomfer de shatphwieonr gl d accortdosi onmgae b rsatictd eBaylt .h1 e9 095t,h pel ahcaedbs e en completely x DIRECT ACTION reveedrTh.se L efhta lda rgaeblayn dounteodp ia(naintsdhmm eo riedt i sdo t,h e morite s hrivelceodl laaanpndsed ev dea)ns,t hedyis do t,h e Rpiigchkiteut dp . Free-marokremteo rev"srr"ne ifbgehgtda enc latrhienmgs reelvvoelsu tionaries­ thper obwlaesmt, h edyi sdo a s wtohress otr otfSs t aliensissetnstt,ei lallilnyg thweo rlpdo'otsrh astc iehnacpder ovtehdew raeos n loynw ea yt og of orward inh iosr,tyt hatth iwass u ndersbtyao s ocdi enttirfiaciaenlleliadytn edt, h at, theorr,eet fhehya dt os huutpa nddo a st hey twoelbrdee c aeuvseetn,h ough thepirre scrmiipgtchiatou nessne o rmsouueffisrn dge,a atnhdd,i sloicnatt hieo n presaetsn otm,pe o iinntt h feut ur(et hweeyrn eo stu rqeu iwthee niw)to uladl l leatdoa p araodfip seea cep raonsdtp yThe.er f icatt hatth" es cieintcsheea"ld f shiffotrmeh di osrtical mattofee rer-ikmaealetric somn owmaiascf sia rmliyn or detaaniylyw;,ia mta keietsa stioee xrp laifnor mheSortw a lifonrmiR sotmsa nia toV ietnfauomn di sto e astyos impslwyi thcahta sn dde cltahreem sneelvoe­s liberals. asMse tarnuwcahtdiujlrueas,ltp moelnistct ireisap wpaewydh astm all socpiraolt echtaeidxo inssft oterh dpe o orienashbti toaftn htpesl anperto,p agan­ daa ndst atisticalh ambda enciopsmuoeel ff eacttiiovnem ostmtha aitn stream Ameriwchaopn asi adt tenttosi uocmnha ttercso nwveirtnehc caeotdn diftori ons thweo rlpdo'osr est were acatnuda ljnluoyst ta i rmeilpanirs Eko aevs Aitsn iga, thahtam do strleuyfs etdoa donpeto lipboelriacli es. Evepryr ogrevsiscitsvoeere ym teohd a vbee etnh reatoerrn eevde rIsne d. SouAtfhcr aig,e neraotfsi tornushg agfdl ien aelllinyma itreadc aipaalr tah eid; momeonfht a ppicneerstysa,b,i u antnl alimdoesntst yisctawelabm se icnrge ated on gal obal scoanil nec,r ebamasisil�ernidgit lzbyeo dr daenrodsn a, l abmoirg ra­ tiorne giwmhee rferot ,h otsrea pipnpe odo r coruenstirdiieenrns ic,cle ha ,r gely whictoeu ntwraidsee sp enodnep nots seosfis dieonnpt aipteayrn swd i llingness tow oriknj otbhsre e sidtehnetmssw eelrveewnsi' ltlt iodn ogF. e minwiasbsme ­ inrge trenFcohremvdei.rc toovreisrew se atlsahbocophr i,ll adb or,c heavtteenl salvewreyr,ae l l ebreoidnoegrdd o wnreirgahdti .c ated Mucohf t he problepmr esctfieorsmmetm lheryedo uotf dtrheeao mfs ocial . reovlutainotdnh ,o usteo pfinaatna siehsaa dlt whaayts n ebceeestnsoi a nrsyp ire peoptlote hp ea ssainosdne - lsfaiccrreie fqutiora ecdt uwaolrltkyot raonrsmtf he worilntd h e diorfge rcetaifetroeendr o amng dr eater Iae mqr ueeafrlrihitenyrg.e tog enuliinveui,tn ogp ianiisdmet-ahta rhtae d iaclatle rnaarpteoi sbvsleaiesn d thatcoanbnee gtiocn r eate tthhpeer me sienno tp-paosts oew hda t mbieg ht cal"lsecdi ieucnt toipfiatnhiiesd met"ah: at thr ee volutiitsoh anega ernyt of the inevitabolfhe i tsom,raw yrhcihwc ahss oe alsyai,n cda tastrlyoa,pp hpircoaplri­ atebdy tRhiegh Tthme.u rdoefdr r eams ocnolluyel atddon ightemsIa.mtr a de iatl moismtp ostsoif orbml eca e nftoremrw hicthofi ght itnhcuer osfti hoen s (noswu per-crheavrogleudt,Ri iognhSator.cyD i)ea mlor catpiacr tiEeusr oipne , fore xampwlhei,wc ehr beo rnf orma r eofrmisrstatio nfM arxifisrmss,et e med PREAFCE xi ratphleera wsietdh c otlhleo aftp hseeri erv olutcioounsairnysh -atdh efyyi nall wont haer gumenttit-lhu enrye altihzatethd e oiwrna ppealt,h weia nlngld­ i nesosfc apittaoel nigsawtgiset t hh ewma,as l moesntt ibraesleydt hoeanibr i lity top osition atsth heleme stsehslr veeasta elntienrgnB aeotfrilevo ent.gh ,se o cial democrraetgiicm eesx pheardis euncachm e odr aanlpd o lictoilclatalhp atsthe e fews tiinlp lo wewre rree dutcoeb de comtihnaegg enftrots h dei smanotfl ing thwee lfsatraett heehsya odr igicnraelalTtyhe aedc .t iLvetifi snit n dustrialized countwraibsee sc omiinncgr earseiancgtl,icy oa npaaorbfyl em obilizing passions onltyod eefntdh ings theaxtei dsa-tltrohezeao dlnyae y aeffirr,mt aiavcet ion programs, itnrcerienesga-ilsanynee dcff tiEvlesley:w hietsre ee,mi ennd e ar­ totcaoll lapse. Thenfi,n laltyh,e wraes "globalization." AsA nnTasi n(g2 00h2a)rs e cernetmliy nudset,dh eraec 'usr ihoiusst ory herTeh.en otiroenab lelgyaa snap rogreosnseIi.tv eaw s atsr ovnegresri on of internattihosene annlsoieots n mlt:yh aatlm le na rber otbhuettrh swa eta rteh e commocnu stoodfias a innsgf lrea,gp illaen eti-daeenan capsbuylp ahtoetdo ­ grapohfts he ea rttahk feornm o utsepra bcyae s troinnta hu1et9 s6 T0hse1. 9 908 rhetoofgr liocb alhiazndao tnieot nho iEfss .s eny,tih itaa tdlw llo egosnw:ea tsh at telecommunicpaatritoinlcsytu- hIlaenan trde -rnweetraen nihidliasttianngc e anmda kiinngs tcaonnttp aoscsitbb leet waenepyna ortft hpel antehotet; h wears thtahtfe la olft hIer oCnu rtaaniodnt hbearr rtiote rrasd ea wtte hsreae m,te i me, creaats iinnggu lnei,fi ed mgalrokwbehatol,sfi en ancmieaclh anciosumtlshd e n operate tthhesrsaoemui egn hs tantealneecotmuresoa nnMisac.i l nyi,wt a s just abotuhtpe o woefr fincaanpciBetu attlh .e rhweatusos ruiaaclc lcyo mpbayna i ed seroifve esrb yr oad generanloiotzn altyi omnosnp:er yot dhbuaucttt sa,n d ideas, peowpelre"e f lowaibnogau"snt e ver nbaetfioeorcneoa,nl o cmoiuenlsodl onger dreamb eoiafnu gt onuosm;o noaltdi onalisitn diedneeadot,li booognriadeles r,s , werbee comiinncgrn egalisyri relevsaono tnA,.l la tnhodwif as sp reseanst ed happeanlialnfi gto sw na ccoTredcn.ho loagdiveasn pceeodwp,el eri en creasingly in cownittoahnc aetn otthheoern :lp yo ssliabnlggeeuf roat hetmod ewailt h one anotwhaesr trade-sinwcaesa ,fc taaelprrlio ,to atilenhid us mman na ture. Foarn yownheow arse aplalyyia ntgt ention,t hroeef a lwciaotsu yr vseer,y dieffreBnotr.d weerrse bneoietnffa gc ebdu,rt e iorncfPeodo.pr o pulawteiroen s- stpielnln iendtt oh eir coofou rnit(griiiwnneh si cehx isstoicnbigea nle fits were beirnagp iwdhlhydw rna.)" Gloibzaaltmieorne"rl eeyfr rteotd h aeb iloiffit ­y nanccaep ittosa klia pr ouansd w iits haendtd a kaed vanotfta hgaefcat t M.o st of haolwle,v tehrpe,e rioof"d g lobaliznaetoiloinb"e-arosiar tcl ma iest mo, be knjouwasnbt o euvte rywehxecreAepm te rai-csatwh cer eaotfit ohfiner st genuipnlealnyeb tuarreya uscyrsatitenhim cu mahni syt.o r Inr etroIsv peercyt ,im muacght ihnateth i ihsso wt hlea yseta orfts h tew en-

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