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Dipole-Field Contributions to Geometric-Phase-Induced False Electric-Dipole Moment Signals for Particles in Traps PDF

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Preview Dipole-Field Contributions to Geometric-Phase-Induced False Electric-Dipole Moment Signals for Particles in Traps

Dipole-field contributions to geometric-phase-induced false electric-dipole moment signals for particles in traps P.G. Harris1 and J.M. Pendlebury1 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK (Dated: February 2, 2008) Ithasbeenshowninanearlierpublication[? ] thatmagneticfieldgradientsappliedtoparticlesin 6 trapscaninduceLarmorfrequencyshifts thatmay falsely be interpretedaselectric-dipole moment 0 (EDM) signals. This study has now been extended to include nonuniform magnetic field gradients 0 duetothepresenceof alocal magnetic dipole. It isfound that,in thehigh orbit-frequencyregime, 2 the magnitude of the shifts can be enhanced beyond the simple expectation of proportionality to n thevolume-averaged magnetic-field gradient h∂Bz/∂zi. a J PACSnumbers: 11.30.Er,13.40.Em,14.20.Dh,14.60.Cd 7 2 I. INTRODUCTION ] h J~ h∂B /∂zi v2 ω∗2 −1 p Measurements of particle intrinsic electric-dipole mo- d =− z V xy 1− r , (2) m- ments (EDMs) are important because of the tight con- af 2 (cid:18) Bz2 (cid:19) c2 (cid:20) ω02 (cid:21) straints that they impose upon theories that attempt to o wherevxyisthevelocityoftheparticleinthexy(horizon- t explain the origin of CP violation. Such measurements tal) plane, ω∗ is the value of ω weighted appropriately a are generally made by applying to the particles of inter- r r to account for the populations of the various orbits, and . s est uniform static electric and magnetic fields that are, the magnetic field gradient h∂B /∂zi is averaged over c in turn, parallel and antiparallel to one another. The z V i the storage volume V. s Larmor precession frequency is measured, and any shift The corresponding expression for the non-adiabatic hy in frequency observed upon reversal of the electric field caseof|ωr|>|ω0|(Eq.37of[? ]),forauniformgradient may ideally be attributed to an electric dipole moment. p ∂Bz/∂z and a cylindricalstoragevolume of radiusR, is However, when making such measurements, great care [ must be taken to avoid systematic errors from a variety −1 3 of sources. One of the most important sources is the so- d = J~ ∂Bz γ2R2 1− ω02 , (3) 4v called~v×E~ effect, arising from the Lorentz transforma- af 4 (cid:18) ∂z (cid:19) c2 " ω†2r# tionintotheparticle’srestframeofthelaboratory-frame 3 1 electric field: where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio and ω†r is, as before, 0 an appropriately weighted value of ωr. It remained an 1 ~v×E~ openquestionin[? ] astowhetherthefalseEDMsignal /05 B~⊥′ =γL B~ − c2 !⊥. (1) dfiaefldwgorualddieanlwtahy∂sBbze/p∂rzoipVorintiotnhaelrteogtihmeevo|ωlurm| >e-a|vωe0r|a.geInd s this study we show, by counter-example, that it is not. c i We consider here the case of particles stored in a trap s y with vertical (z) applied magnetic and electric fields B~ II. GEOMETRIC PHASE ENHANCEMENT h and E~. The particles are moving slowly enough that the p Lorentzfactorγ inEq.1maybetakentobeunity. The L In the non-adiabatic case, the rate of addition of geo- : v radialmagneticfieldcomponentsassociatedwithaverti- metric phase is proportionalto the radialcomponentB r i calgradient∂B /∂z actinconjunctionwith the motion- X z ofthemagneticfield. Forauniformgradientthisisgiven inducedfieldofEq.1toproduceanetrotatingmagnetic by r field of frequency ω , which then shifts the Larmor fre- a r quency (initially ω0) of the trapped particles. The in- r∂Bz B =− . (4) duced shift is proportional to the applied electric field, r 2 ∂z and thus mimics the signal of an EDM. Earlier publica- tions [? ? ] have analysed this geometric-phase effect in The averageBr overa circular regionof radius R in this some detail. case is therefore related to the gradient ∂Bz/∂z by Therearetwoseparatesituationstoconsider: first,the hB i R r nearlyadiabatic caseof a slowlyorbiting particle,|ω |< =− . (5) r ∂B /∂z 3 |ω0|; and second, the non-adiabatic case of |ωr|>|ω0|. z Eq. 34 of [? ] shows that, for any shape of magnetic We now consider the effect of a point magnetic dipole field,inthenearlyadiabaticcasethe falseEDMsignalis aligned along the z axis. The average radial magnetic 2 field component hB i over a circular region of radius R z1 (cm) Enhancement Expected Ratio r at a height z above the dipole is [1] (simulation) enhancement 5 4.25 7.50 0.57 p 2R 10 2.56 3.51 0.73 hB i= , (6) r 4π z(z2+R2)3/2 20 1.76 1.86 0.95 (cid:16) (cid:17) 30 1.42 1.44 0.99 where p is the dipole moment. The average gradient TABLE I: Comparison of the geometric-phase enhancement h∂B /∂zi over the same region is z factors due to a point magnetic dipole at various distances below the floor of a cylindrical storage volume of height 12 p −6z h∂B /∂zi= . (7) cmandradius23.5cm,obtainedfromanumericalsimulation, z 4π (z2+R2)5/2 with thefactors expected from Eq.8 (cid:16) (cid:17) It follows that hB i is now related to h∂B /∂zi by The adiabatic case was also simulated with the same r z magnetic-dipole field environment. No departure from hB i R R2 Eq. 2 was observed. r =− 1+ . (8) h∂B /∂zi 3 z2 z (cid:18) (cid:19) This is clearly enhanced by a factor (1+R2/z2) beyond therelationofEq.5,andtheexpression(3)aboveforthe III. CONCLUSION geometric-phase-induced false EDM signal would there- forebeexpectedtobeenhancedbythesamefactor,with At current and future anticipated levels of sensitiv- appropriate averagingover the range of z. ity, geometric-phase-induced false EDM signals are an This effect has been studied with a numerical simu- important potential source of systematic errors in EDM lation, using a storage volume of height 12 cm and ra- measurements. It has been shown in this Report that dius 23.5 cm (corresponding to the configuration of the non-uniform magnetic field gradients can, in the non- neutronEDMexperimentattheInstitutLaue-Langevin, Grenoble). The results for several values of the distance adiabatic case |ωr| > |ω0|, result in an enhancement of the false EDM signalaboveandbeyond that anticipated z1 ofthe dipole belowthe floorofthestoragevolumeare by a simple dependence upon the volume-averaged gra- shown in Table I. dient. A simple formula has been derived for the situ- Up to an enhancement factor of about two, the the ation of a dipole aligned with the symmetry axis of the simulation and the z-averaged prediction of Eq. 8 agree storage volume; however, this formula overestimates the to within a few percent. However, when the dipole is enhancementwhenthedipoleisincloseproximitytothe in close proximity, the enhancement factor is seen to be bottle, and at the current level of understanding it ap- suppressed relative to the analytic prediction. We do pearsto be necessaryto relyuponnumericalsimulations not have a quantitative explanation of the underlying to obtain accurate predictions of this effect. mechanism for this reduction; however, we believe that it may be due to the increasing rapidity of the changes ofmagnitudeofthe radialmagneticfieldcomponent. As the dipole approaches the storage volume, B becomes r Acknowledgments muchmorelocalizedcomparedtothesizeoftheradiusR of the cell. Under these conditions the moving particles see more of the amplitude B being assigned to higher Theauthorsaremostgratefultotheircolleaguesonthe r harmonics of the particle orbit frequency. As these are neutron EDM experiment for valuable discussions. This further awayfrom the (relatively low) Larmor frequency work was supported in part by grantno. PP/B500615/1 ω0, they are less effective in producing a frequency shift, from the UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research and the enhancement is thereby suppressed. Council. [1] Eq. 6 is based on the standard dipole field at distances by symmetry,Br =0 everywherein theplane z=0. muchlargerthanthescaleofthedipoleitself, andcannot be used in regions too close to thedipole. For anydipole,

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