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Diplomacy in a Globalizing World ~ • • 1 I n a • • 0 a I Z i n o r Theories and Practices Second Edition Edited by PAULINE KERR The Australian National University GEOFFREY WISEMAN The Australian National University New York Oxford OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and certain other countries. Published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, United States of America. Copyright© 2018, 2013 Oxford University Press For titles covered by Section 112 of the US Higher Education Opportunity Act, please visit www.oup.com/us/he for the latest information about pricing and alternate formats. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by license, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reproduction rights organization. Inquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above. You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data I Names: Kerr, Pauline, 1945- editor. Wiseman, Geoffrey, editor. Title: Diplomacy in a globalizing world: theories and practices I edited by Pauline Kerr, The Australian National University, Geoffrey Wiseman, The Australian National University. I Description: Second Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, [2018] I Identifiers: LCCN 20170251791 ISBN 9780190647988 ISBN 9780190861612 (Ebook) I Subjects: LCSH: Diplomacy. Diplomats--Effect of technological innovations I on. Globalization. Classification: LCC JZ1305 .D5442 20181 DDC 327.2-dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/ 2017025179 Printed by Sheridan Books, Inc., United States of America With love to: Jimi, Daisy, and Charlie (PK) Brady and Dylan (GW) BRIEF CONTENTS PREFACE xv •• ABBREVIATIONS XVll • ABOUT THE EDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORS XXI ••• WORLD MAP XXlll Introduction 1 Pauline Kerr and Geoffrey Wiseman THE HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF DIPLOMACY PART I 19 Diplomacy through the Ages CHAPTER 1 21 Raymond Cohen Past Diplomacy in East Asia: From Tributary Relations CHAPTER 2 to Cold War Rivalry 37 Suisheng Zhao CONCEPTS AND THEORIES OF CONTEMPORARY PART II DIPLOMACY 55 Diplomacy in International Relations Theory and Other CHAPTER 3 Disciplinary Perspectives 57 Paul Sharp Debates about Contemporary and Future Diplomacy 4 CHAPTER 72 Geoffrey Allen Pigman Transnationalizing Diplomacy in a Post-Westphalian CHAPTER 5 World 90 Bertrand Badie Diplomacy as Negotiation and Mediation CHAPTER 6 110 I. William Zartman •• Vll viii BRIEF CONTENTS STRUCTURES, PROCESSES, AND INSTRUMENTS PART III OF CONTEMPORARY DIPLOMACY 127 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National 7 CHAPTER Diplomatic System 129 Brian Hocking The Impact of the Internet on Diplomacy CHAPTER 8 151 fovan Kurbalija Consular Diplomacy 9 CHAPTER 170 Halvard Leira and Iver B. Neumann Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomatic Practices 10 CHAPTER 185 Vincent Pouliot and Jeremie Cornut Public Diplomacy 11 CHAPTER 199 fan Melissen Economic Diplomacy 12 CHAPTER 219 Stephen Woolcock Diplomacy: A Gendered Institution CHAPTER 13 237 Karin Aggestam and Ann E. Towns Diplomacy and the Use of Force 14 CHAPTER 251 Michael I:Estrange NATIONAL, REGIONAL, AND INTERNATIONAL PART IV DIPLOMATIC PRACTICES 267 United States Contemporary Diplomacy: Implementing 15 CHAPTER a Foreign Policy of "Engagement" 269 Alan K. Henrikson China's Contemporary Diplomacy CHAPTER 16 289 Zhang Qingmin Regional Institutional Diplomacies: Europe, Asia, Africa, 17 CHAPTER South America, and Other Regions 308 Jozef Batora The United Nations CHAPTER 18 328 Geoffrey Wiseman and Soumita Basu Conclusion 346 Geoffrey Wiseman and Pauline Kerr GLOSSARY 357 REFERENCES 373 INDEX 412 CONTENTS r PREFACE xv ABBREVIATIONS xv•n• • ABOUT THE EDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORS XXI ••• WORLD MAP XXlll Introduction 1 Pauline Kerr and Geoffrey Wiseman Complex diplomacy 1 Historical background, contemporary trends, and challenges for diplomacy 6 The book's structure, chapter summaries, and pedagogical features 12 THE HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF DIPLOMACY PART 1 19 Diplomacy through the Ages 1 CHAPTER 21 Raymond Cohen Introduction 21 Ancient Near Eastern diplomacy 22 Classical diplomacy 25 European diplomacy 30 Conclusion 35 Past Diplomacy in East Asia: From Tributary Relations CHAPTER 2 to Cold War Rivalry 37 Suisheng Zhao Introduction 38 Collapse of the traditional East Asian order and the tributary system 38 • 1X

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