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DINOSAURS THE ENCYCLOPEDIA by DonGalludt F. • F11rnt.NJrtl by M!Cf.IAI!L K. BR.P.'II..SURMAN. P'H.O.V,£ R'I'£BRA�1'11. PALEON"I"OLOCY McFarland & CompanyI,nc ., Publish en ]4fir1on,N orth CanliM. and Lond11n I'Or Ned Colben. whot n�p!IiI)re md�n y 801iUJ.l ,c-•(;a1•1'1c-s:u l�&-ii•..IJ .. bllt1011Q4t11!l.1Ufl l•¥•ll•bk l;bnoufyCo ngreu(' AtiiJOjl.llln«�l,.,0.11l1••• •bllciiiiOn Glu•Oo.o �ldJl, Oi..n..u . s:1 hem cydoptJ<Ii.l byl �tuld( :!F1.:1 fOfewof� 1t-1 by Mkhul K. B!'fn-llo\•rm.t.n.. p. .:m. lnd..X. bibl�f,U""RUIf ert�• •wllft<ln. buJiiu' pipet)9 ISDN� 9?50-917 .. 7( tiburr 1 SOl .n,.dlflc 0 -E�JC�ot)cudl ITi tk L � QU6l.01C'Sl am cum o-w 1 GloM. AI ..,.. _..... �, .,..., ,.,,.,_.,...J � -,J--_..,..,-- �14k,., .,ywJa. ..J.-.... � ,. .,_..., � ��* . N1J1"'�·.c. ,. ,,. ,"".'­ 101 �-' mrinvJ,... ..d.wl I'"- ,. llftU."f/r-Jht ,.lt/iJtc. Mmuhc::lwtd i.n tlw Vnt�td S1•1n J AIIN'ria McFttr/D,.J cf C."'l""}. 1\t.IhfiJMn M Pffn'ltl,, &x 61/, N�rth Croluttt 28610 Acknowlemdents g Iam i ndebtteotd h ef ollowpianlge ontolfoogtrih setisr M aryR .D awsont,h eC arnegMiues eumo fN atural critirceavli ewoifns ge lecptoerdt ioonfts h em anu­ HistoDroyu;g aDli xonG;o rdoEnd mundf,o rmeorflty h e scriapntd,f ort heiirn valuacbrliet iciospmisn,i onsR,o yaOln tarMiuos eumA;n drzEeljz anowMsakxi-,P lanck evaluaticoonrsr,e ctniootnast,i oandsd,i tiodnesl,e tionIsn stiftUurBt i ochemie; CaAt.hF eorrisntEeeu rg;e nSe. ands uggesti(oFnoshr:a drosauirqiudasn,o dontthied sG,a ffne,Ay mericMauns eumo fN atural HiMsatrocRr .y ; introducatnodsr yys temasteicctsi oannsdf, o rs erviansg GalluWpi;l liaBm.G allagNheerwJ, e rsey MSutsaetuem ; chiesfc ientaidfviicsi onrc riticraelvliye wtihnegm ajor DaviDd. G illeDtitvei,s ioofSn t atHei stoarnydA ntiqui­ portiooftn h efi nadlr afMti)c haKe.lB rett-Suorfmt ahne tiesU,t ahW;i lliaRm. Hamme,A ugustaCnoal lege; SmithsonIinasnt ituatnidoG ne,o rgWea shingtUonni ­ ThomasR .H oltz,B rJarn.co,hf P aleontoalnodSg tyr atig­ vers,i WtayshingtoDn.,C .;( ankylosaWuarltse)rP . raph,U yniteSdt atGeeso logiScuarlv eJya;m eAs. H opson Coombs, oJfWr e.s,t erNne w EnglCaonldl egSep,r ing.:.a ndP aulC . SerenUon,i versoiftC yh icagJoo;h nR . fieldMa,s sachus(eptatcsh;y cephalnoosna-uhrasd,r osauHroirdn er, Muosfet uhmeR ockieNsi;c holHaast teInI,I , ornithopsotdesg,o saiunrtsr,o ducatnodsr yys temasteicc­sN ationMauls eumo fN atural HiSstteoprhyeH;nu tt, tionHsa)n s-DieStueeros f t heR oyaOln tarMiuos eum; Museumo fG eolgoyI, sloefW ightJ;a meAs. J ensefno,r ­ (ceratopsPieatneDsro) d soonf t heS chooolfV eterinamreyr lyo f BrighaYmo ungU niversEiatryt Sh ciences MediciPnhei,l adelapnhdTi hae,A cademoyfN aturSacli ­Museum;Z ofia KielaJna-woroskPaa,l eonrologisk enceosfP hiladel(pdhiinao;sf aouort priJnatmse0)s. F ar­ MuseumU,n iversoifOt syl oJ;a meIs.K irkla(nwdh oa lso lowJ,r .o,fE artahn dS pacSec ienIcned,i ana-PuUrndiu­ep rovideeddi torrieavli eawn)d M ichaLe.lP erroyf t he � versaittF yo rWta yneI,n diaannad, MarGt.i no ckloefy DinamatIionnt ernatSioocniaelDt .yP. ; L anea ndR .M . theg eolodgeyp artmeUnnti,v ersoifCt oyl oraadtoD en­ Owenso ft heP alaeontolAosgsioccaila tRioobne;rA t. ver(;p rosauroPpeotdeMsr). G altoonft heU niversityL oonfgM ,u seumo fP aleolnotg,oUy niversoifCt ayl ifornia, BridgepCoorntn,e cti(csuatu;r opJoodhsnS) .M cintoshB erkelJeaym;eH s. M adseJnr,.D ,i nolWaabd;e E .M iller ofW esleyUanni versMiitdyd,l etoCwonn,n ectiacnudt ;a ndK enneStht adtmEaanr,t Shc ienMcues eumB,r igham (theropaonddms i scellagneenoeuarsna d s peciReasl)pE h. YounUgn iversDiatvyi;Bd . N ormanS,e dgwiMcuks eum, Molnaorft heQ ueenslMaunsde umQ,u eenslaAnuds,t ra­UniverosfiC taym bridMgaer;yJ .O danoV,a llAenya tom­ lia. icaPlr eparatEivoenrseC;t. Ot l soUn,n iverosfiC tayl ifor­ AlsoIw, o uleds pecilailktleoyt hanski ncetrheefl oyl ­niaL,o sA ngelJeosh;nH .O stroYma,l Pee aboMduys eum lowinwgo rkefrossr o g enerouaslllyo wimneg t oe xamineo fN aturHails toJr.yM ;i chaPealr riNsohr,t heIrlnl inois andp hotogrsappehc imaenndsf oprr ovidairntgi cflreosm UniversGirteyg;o Sr.yP aulB,a ltimoHr.Pe h;i lPiopw ell, paleontoljooguircnaalal nsda, l sfoo rt heiorv erahlell p,U niversMiutsye umO,x forRdo;b iEn. H .R eidQ,u een's support, guaiddvainaccneed ,e ncourageomvenettrh e UniversoiftB ye lfaTshto;m asH . V.R ichN,a tional yearHsa:r lJe.yA rmstroMnugs,e um ofWesCtoelronr adoM;u seumo fV ictorDiaal;Ae . R usseNlalt,i onMauls eum DonalBda irfdo,r meroflP yr inceUtnoinv ersRiotbye;r tT.o fC anadaF;r ederRi.cS kc hram, ZoolMougsiesucmh, Bakl(TeartM,eu seumC,a speWry,o mingM;i chaJe.Bl e n­ Amsterdam; MasahiroO sTaaknaJi,am poatnPo;h, i lipe tonU,n iverosfiB tryi sWtoilll;i aT.mB lowIss,l oef Wight TaqueMtu,s eumN ationda'lH istNoairruer eDlalnei;We l DinosaPurro jeJcoth;nR .B olJto,h Jn. F lynann dW illiamV arneRru;p erWti ldS,t aat!iMcuhseesu mf liNra tur, F.S impsoTnh,e Field MusJeousmF.e; B onaparatned PalaontoloAgbitsecihleuP negt;We erl lnhofBeary,e rische FernanNdoov asM,u seAor gentdienC oi encNiaatsu raleSst;a atssammlfuUnrgP eanl a&o .H istG.e ol.M;i chael GeorgCea llisCoanl,i foSrtnaitUaen iver,sL iotnygB each,W illiamCsl,e veland MuosfNe autmu rHails torayn;d andD inamatiIonnt ernatCioornpa.Kl;e nnetCha rpen­RaineZran gefro!r,m erolfty h e FiMeulsdeu m. terD,e nveMru seumo fN aturHails toArlya;nG .C harig Finaltlhya,n ktsoB obA lleCnh;r iasn dP aulAan ­ andA ngelMai lneTrh,e NaturHails toMruys eumL',o n­ dresasn,dL .E dwarGda stellaulmfl,o rmerolfPy e trified donS;a nkaCrh atterTjeexeaT,se chU niversDiatnyi;eJ l. ForeNsatt ionPaalr kC;h arlEidea ,n dS tephCehni odoof ChureD,i nosaNuart ional MonEudmweinHnt. ;C olbertC hiodBor others ProducCtoinoinC so,n stIannct.ai;nn e, andM ichaeMlo raleMsu,s eumo fN ortheArrni zonai;n spiraNtiinoaNn .;C ummingMso,n ica Mikulski, Ron PhilJi.Cp u rriReo,y aTly rrell MuosfPe aulme ontoloTgeys;ta an dJ ohWne insteoifTn h eF ield MusSetuemp;h an • v • .. ' ' I ' " o� • I - - ; - - �,. ,.,= • • Acknowledgments A.a ndS ylvJi.Ca z erkJaism;D anforotfPh t erodaPcrtoy­lR aymond oRfyt eh eN atioMnuals eumo fN atural History; ductioAnlsl;eA n.D ebuosf t heU .SE.n vironmePnrtoa­l thel atEed warSdc hneidDearv;Ter ibblteh;eP eteVrosn tectiAogne ncRyo;g eDri cken; ThRo.mD aisc keTnhse; ShollWyi;l liaGm. StoutD;a viTdh omas;G ordon DinosaCulru obf S outheCranl ifoTrrnaicayF; o r(d" Dino­Thomasa;n d GeoTurrgnee r. sauHru nterB"r)i;a Fnr anczmaykm ;o theJru,l Gilau (tf or Ia pologtioaz ney onIem ayh avmei ssed. notd ivertmienf gr oman o bsesstihoabnte gaanl mohsatl f Ih avdeo nem y besttoc redailtil l lustruasteiidon n s a centuargyo )M;a eH aia ndP etePra n( fotrr anslattihnigps r ojetcott h eiorr igisnoaulr caensdt oo btaipner ­ intEon glipsahs safgreosmC hinejsoeu rnaAlnsi,aB ober missifoonrs tuhseewi hre ns ucphe rmissairorene sq uired. forR ussiaMna)r;kH alleDteta;nH annottRea;yH arry­Int hec asoef s cientific Ijh oauvmrea ndaela stl, e atswto hauseDno;u glHaesn dersGorne;gH olmeJsa;c Jka nzen;w rittaetnt empttoas c quipreer misstioro enp riinltl ustra­ HollisKtneorw ltofno,r merolfyT hAec ademoyfN aturalt ioonrsi ginaaplpleya rtihnegr ePihno.t ograopfmh uss eum SciencoefPs h iladelpJhoieKa u;b erWti;l liaRmo ddy specimaenndse xhib(ietxsc etphto stea kebny t hea uthor LozowsCkhir;i s MaanydMs i chaCeoln verosfDe i nama­oro theprr ivaptheo tograpahreears ss)u mteodb eo wned tioInn ternatCioornpa.Ml;e lindMac NaughtoefTr h e byt her especitnisvtei tuhtoiuosni tnhga mta teriaanld, CarnegMiues eumo fN aturHails toRriyc;h aMridr issiasr;te h ucsr editetdh eci anp tiTohnsec. o pyrifgohret a ch GeorgOel shevosfkM ye sozoMieca nderianngdAs r cho­privattealkyep nh otograipsp hr esumahbellydb y its sauriAarnt icula(tfioorn sc ousnetrlveisicsne csl,u dtihneg respective photograopthheerr.w sitsUaentl eetdsh,se translaitnitEoonn g liosfRh u ssipaanp erDsa)v;i Pde tersc;o pyrifgohortr igianratlw oirshk e lbdy t hea rtist. • vi• Foreword W henS irR ichaOrwde nc oinetdh ew ordd ino­ Thicsu rrent ibsDo oonkG lutt'hsi radn,dm ostc om­ sauirn1 842h,e h adn ow ayo fa nticiptahtei npgr ehensciovnet ributIitoi nso. n eo ft hef ewb ooks chairne actoifo"nd inomatnhiaawt"o ulcdo n­ reviewbeydt hem anyi nternatpiroonfaels sieoxnpaelr ts tinuteoc aptutrheew orlfdo orv er.y1e5a0r Dsi.n osasucri ­int hes cienocfde i nosapuarl eontoIltco ognyt.a iawn esa lth enchea sc ompletely cwhiatnhgioenud ro wng eneratioonf.i nformatfioorbn o tht hel aymaann dt hep rofessional Newd inosahuarvsbe e enna meda ts ucahn e xpandirnagt e andi so neo fa h andfouflb ooktsh aatl sion clutdheesh is­ thabty,t hey ea2r0 00a,b ouhta loff a lkln ownd inosaurtso royf d inosanuorm enclatIutcr oen.t aitnhseb escto m­ wilhla vbee enn amedi nt her eadelri'fse time. pilatoifoi nl lustraatnidd oantsaa v ailaabnlyew hearbeo ut Dinosauarrset hem ostp opulaanri maolfsa lrli me theo rigisnpaelc imetnhsa pta leontolhoagviesu tsse dt o becautshee rye preseevnetr ythhiunmga nsl ove-advenn­ames pecioefds i nosauOrnseo. f t hem oste xtensbiivbe­ turpeo,w erl,o swto rldmsy,s terayn,ds cienScien.c 1e9 79, liograpohfit ehseo rigilniatle raotnu drien osaiusrc so n­ Ih avper eachtehdew ordt hawti,t dhi nosauprrso,f essotrasi nheedr eaisnw ell. andt eachhearvsie n t heigrr astph eb espto ssimbelteh od Althoutghhe raer mea nyn ewp iecoefsd inosasuorf t­ toi ntrodtuhcees cientcoeb so tha dulatnsd t hey oung. waroen t hec omputmearr kebto,t h CoDn- ROMa ndo nt he Wheree lscea no nef inadt opitch aptr acticgaulalrya nteeWso rldW ideW eb,t hiesn cyclopiesdf iaaar n da wayt he perfeacttt entiinoe nv erayg eg roup? besitn formatsioounrf coera n ys choouln,i versoirpt uyb,­ Moreb ookhsa vbee enw rittaebno udti nosatuhrasn lilci braarnydf, o trh ed edicaltaeiydn dividTuhaelm .e dia any otghreoru opf f ossiIltws a.sn otu nt1i9l72h,o wever,( becaudsien osaaurreas l wayisnt hen ews)s,t udenatnsd thaat n ewk indo fb ookw asw ritten-fitrhseDt i nosaurs cholatresa,c haenrdsp rofeswsiolrslsa vheo urosfr esearch DictionIatwry a.sw rittbeynD onalF.d G lutT.h isf ormat timwei tthh iosn ev olume. hass ubsequebnetelcnyo piebydo thewrr itemrasn yt imes. Unfortunattheelscyeo, p iaersel escsr itiicnca oln tenatr,e writtfeonry ounagd ultasn,dl actkh ed eptohf r esearch MICHAEKL. B RETT-SURMAN,P H.D. thahta sg onei nttoh ep resewnotr kP.r eviboouso kisn t his GeorWgaes hingUtnoinv ersity veicna na lble r eplabcyet dh ivso lume. • vii• Tyrmmosaruertxuh sec las"sKiicn Tgy ranLti zardr,e"c onstrumcotuendt esdk elet(oAnM NH 5627P)h.o tboy A ndersocno,u rteDseyp art­ mento fL ibraSreyr vicAemse,r icMauns eumo fN aturHails to(rnye g#.3 15110). TabloefC ontents Acknowledgments v j ForewobrydM ,i chaKe lB rett-SurPmha.nD,. Vll 1 Preface XI I I AB ackground 1 !. I TheM esozEoriac 6 DinosaOurri giannsdR elationships 18 Birdasn dD inosaurs 20 DinosaSuurc cess 22 "Warm-Bloovdeerds""u Cso ld-BloDoidneods"a ur2s3 DinosaEuxrt inctions 29 � II DinosaurSiyasnt emcast 35 ExplanatoifHo ingsh eTra xoaf t hDei nosauria IIIT heD inosaurGieanne ra 75 IV NominNau da 995 V ExcludGeedn era 1003 A LisotfA bbreviations. 1011 Glossary .1015 Bibliography 1023 Index 1059 • ix • Preface T hicso mpendioufdm i nosaiunrf ormaitsia onon u t­ fohri storical hraevabese oenpnsr )e parbeyad r tirsetcso g­ growtohfm y earlbioeork sT,h eD inosaDuirc tion­izeidn t hef ieolfdv ertebrpaatlee oonltogwyh, oh ave (1972) nary andT heC ompleDtien osaDuirc tionabrays etdh eirre storatoinot nhseo rigifnoasls mialt erial. (1992, 1982 originpaulbllyi sihne d witthh et itTlheeN ew Missifnrgo mt hibso oka re" lirfees toratoifon nusm"e r­ DinosaDuirc tionTaorr ye)a.d efrasm ilwiiatrth h osbeo oks,o usd inosaguern erbaa seodn scrapfpoys srielm ains thed ifferenbceetsw etehni esn cyclopweodrikac n dt hose (depictmeyd o iwnn booaksws e lalsi np opulbaoro kbsy othesrhso ulbdeo bvioTuhse.t exotft hiwso rki sf amro re other autshuocrhas s)A ,c anthopahnodlP iasl aeoscincus, detailceodm,p leatnedt echnitchaalen i thoeftr h osper evi­bothk nownf romv eryi ncomplete mfaotsesriila l ousb ookesv eart temptteobd e . (Palaeosfcoiernx caumsp,lf eo,u nduepd ona s ingtloeo th). Thev irtuaslilmyu ltaniedoeuaasn dd ecisitoodn o Manym isconceptaiboonudsti nosahuarvsbe e epne rpet­ thipsr ojeicnit t psr esefnotr mawt� rsep awnewdh ilIew as uatevdi tah ed istriboufts iuocnmh o stlhyy pothetaincda l attendtianlgak tst he" DinosaPuarssat n dP resesnytm"p o­oftefna nciiflullu straRtaitohnetsrh. a cno ntribfuutret her 1986, I sium hienFl edb ruary,a tt hMeu seumo fN aturHails ­ tos uchm isinformathiaovnei,n cludreeds toratoifo ns I toroyf L osA ngelCeosu nt(yF.o trh er ecord",o fficialloyn"l tyh osdei nosaugreinaenkr nao wnf romf ossil remains announctehdpe rojewchti laen umbeorfs ymposisupme ak­sufficietnotm akea reasonaabclcyu rate picture of how ersa nda ttendweeerseo rderidnign neartst heE lC holo thaatn imal lowohkeenad l ive. Mexicarne stauirnaLn otsA ngeles. Atmhoevn egr tebrate Vertebrpaatlee ontoilsao p geyr petueavlollyv isncgi ­ paleontologistastt hpigrsae tsheenrtii fnm gy, m emoryi s enceN.e wd inosafuors sairlceso nstanbteliynd gi scovered, accurawteer,Pe h iClu rrie,H oJrancekRr o,b L ong aDnadl e andn ewt axan,e wo rr evisdeeds criptoifgo ennse raan d RusseTllh.ep) r ojehcatsb eeno ngoisnign cteh en. specireesv,i siiondn isn osausryisatne maatnidco st,h eirn for­ Thep urpoosfet hibso oki st wofolTod :p roviad e mation regardeixngt intachntei smeau lnsc easianpgpleya r handrye feretnocoefl o ru seb yp aleontolosgtiusdtesn,t si,nt hel iteraWthuartei .sg eneraalclcye ptaescd o rrect today andl ibrarainedts o,o fferi nformatoifao l ne stse chnicamla yb er egardaesid n accurate toSmionrctreho iwbs.o ok natutroet hea matepuarl eontolcoagsiudsaitln, o saeunrt hu­wentt op ressso,m eo ft hem ateriitac lo ntaiwnisla ll most siaosrti nteregsetneedr al reader. certaihnalvyge o neo uto fd are. Regardtihnegf irst itnhtibeson otkd, o enso tp resume Revisianb go oko ft hissi zeev erfye wy eartsok eeipt tob ep arotft havta sbto dyo fw ritiknngosw na st he" pale­"upt od arew"o ulbde a m onstro(uasn qdu ireex pensive, ontologliictaelr atwuhriec,ih"s b aseudp ont heo riginablo ttho t hep ublisahswe erl alst hep urchasuenrd)e rtaking. reseaorfcp ha leontolporgeissetnsit,npe ede r-revairetwie­dT herefoirtie st, h ei nteonftt hea uthonro tn ecessatroi ly clepsu blisihnea dc credited sjcoiuernntanilofisric; si ta n revitsheib so okp esre f ofru tuerdei tioinnss;t enaedw,g en­ orgafno fro rmatla xonompiucr posReast.h eirti, sa c om­ eraan ds pecireesv,i scelda ssificactoirornesc,td ieolnest,i ons pendiupmr ovidbiansgii ncf ormaatnidoa ns yntheosfti hse ando thesru chi nformatmiaoynb ed ealwti ths upple­ writionfgp sa leontolboagsiesudtp so nt heiwro rkI.h ave mentavroyl umeIsfs. u cahp lainsc arried( aonuddto nes o throughtohuett e xcti teadu thoarnsdd aterse ferrtiotn hge successftuhliplsry o)j,es chto urledm aicnu rreanntdo pen­ original awrhtiicachrl lee iss,t ientd h eb ibliogrTahpeh y.e nded. I approaIch ha vtea keinnt hipsr ojecfta iircslo yn servative. askt her eadteoru ndersttahnadit n,a p rojeocftt h is My own opinionbse t sahkoeaunslp de rsonal obsermvaagtniiotnusid nev olvsiuncgah m asosf n amesd,a teasn df acts, andn ota sa ny" officiaplr"o nouncements. errors-espetchioasoleflt yh et ypographsipceacli es-are Ast ot hse econd inIht aevnet ,t troii endc luedneo ugh liketloyc reeipn ttoh et exIra .s kt hatth er eadkeirn dly lestse chniicnaflor mattois oant itshfyme o rec asuraela d(etrh e poinotu ts ucehr rotroms e b yl ettiencr a roeft hep ublisher, glosshaerlyp itnhge sree adetrosu ndersttahnedm ore sot hatth ecya nb ec orrecitnes do me fuetduirtei on. advancseedc tioofnt sh eb ook)P.e rhatphsi s booakl swoi ll servteoi nducteh osdei nosaeunrt husitaoss teseo ku tt he professjioounranlaa nldsr eatdh eo riginal papers. DONALDF. GLUT One oft he' morvei sibwlaey st hibso okd iffers BurbanCka,l ifornia fromt het woe arl"ideirc tioniasir nit ehsea" p proatcolh i fe restoratAilolsn usc.ih l lustrationtsh o(sieenx ccleupdte d xi • • I:A Background A Background D inosauirnts h,"e c lassica(li". esexec.nl,su ed ­ ingt heiarp parent desctehnebd iarndtss),, compriosneeo ft hem osts uccessful terres­ trivaelr tebgrraotueep vse tror ulteh ipsl anehta,v ing occupimeadn yt erresntircihfaeolsar p proxim1a5t0el y milliyoena rTsh.e sfaes cinatainnigm arlasn giends ize Hypothetimcoadle lo f fromt hed iminuttiovt eh eg igantaincdo, f teans ­ Megalosaursucsu,l ptbeyd sumesdp ectacauplpaera raTnhceeysa .rk en ownt oday BenjamiWna terhouse Hawkinusn deRri chard onlfyr om tfhoesirsr ielm aiannsd t racaensd f rom Owen'dsi rectfioortn h e what inforcmaanbt eie oxnt rapoflraottmeh de fsoes ­ groundosft heC rystPaall ace sils. ExhibitiaotSn y,d enham, LondonL.a tetrh,i gse nuwsa s Evesri ncteh e_ibro nweesr fier sdti scovearnedd foundt ob ea biped. recogniazsse udc hd,i nosahuarvsbe e en objects of Phmob yt hea uthor fascinaftoirbo ont hs cientainsdlt asy meDni.n o­ saurian rmeamyab ienr se gardaesc dl ueisna "who countwreyr ree fertroae sd" dragboonn est,h"e dragon donei t?m"y stergyl,o bianls copaen ds pannianng beinagC hinessyem boflo bro tjhu staincdep ower. entigreeo logeircaar,le quirtihneeg ff ortisn,t erpre­ In1 676t,h eR evereRnodb erPtlo fitg urewdh at tatioannsds peculaotfia os ncsi entist-d(eit.eeca.tp,ipv eea trohs a vbee etnh ed isteanldo fa f emuorf t he a vertebrpaatlee ontoltoogs iosltva)et l easpta rt theropdoidn osaMuerg, alos(asueMreeu gsa losaurus oft hamty ste.rT yhes tudayn dc lassificoaft ieonnt rPyl)o.ht o,w evebre,l ietvheadtt h es pecimheand dinosacuornst ritboup tiee cing ttohgece otmhpelre teh umano rigiNnost.u ntitlh efi rshta loff t hen ine­ andp uzzlihnigs toorfoy u rE artThh.e i nterpretteae­nctehn tuwreyr e dinosraeumraiiiandnse ntiafise d tioonft hep reserrveemda ionfsd inosaaunrdos t her thosoefa ne ntirneelwyg rouopf r eptiles. extinocrtg aniaslmssso t imultahtepe usb liicm'asg i­ Simpso(n1 942i)na, r evideewt ailtihenb ge gin­ natioansp aleontolaotgtiesmttpsotd eciphwehra t ningosfv ertebpraalteeo ntoilnNo ogryt Ahm erica, thescer eatumriegsh hta veb eenl ikaes l ivianngi ­citead p assafgreo ma nu npublismhaendu script mals. intendfeodrt heP roceeodfti hnAegm se riPchainl o­ Dinosaurbioanneh sa vper obabbleye kn nown sophSioccailTe htiyps.i e cdea,t eOdc tob5e,r1 787, form anyc enturailetsh,o utghhe iorr igihnasdg en­ repor"teAld a rtghe igbho nef ounnde aWro odbury eralbleye ant tribtuotd erda gohnusm,a ng ianatnsd, creek in Gl[oscieccso]tuen rtNy .,J .w"h icwha s othefra ncimfounls teIrnsd.e ehdu,m anb einpgrso b­descri"bbeyMd r .M atlaacnkd D r.W isatr.T"h ere ablye ncounteurneidd entidfiiendo safuors silwse rpel anastt het imfeo rMa tlaacnkd W istawri,t h throughhoiustt oarnydp rehistDoornyg(. 1 987i)n, a Dr.R odgertsos, e arfcohrm oreo ft hes keleton. hibso okD inosfraoumrC sh incai,tae p dr obable dTihsi­ssp ecimceonu lhda vbee longteoHd adrosaurus coverofyd inosaubroinaenis n t hep reseanrte oaf (nonta meudn tli8l58s;e He adrosaenutnrtyIsf)s .o , SantaaitW, u chenign,t hev icinittyh es oofu thertnh iwso ulhda vec onstittuhteefi dr sdti nosaurian QinliMnogu ntaiinnts h,eP rovionfcS ei chudaunr,­ remaidniss covienrN eodr th AmeUrnifcoar.t unately, ingt hWee sternDJyinna s(tAy .2D6.5 -31r7e)c,o rdeads S impspono intoeudt t,h ep apedre scritbhiefn ogs ­Comparatiavnea tomiSsit.r RicharOdw en( 1802-94j, ina boboykC hanQgu .D ongn otetdh aitn,e arliesri wla sn eveprr intaendd t her esuolfta sn ys ubse­whoc oinetdh ew ord centurfioesss,i lviezretde brreamtaei fnosu nidn t hat quenste arncehv erre corded. Dinosauria. CounesTyh e FiMeulsde um( neg.# 66187}. Traditiodneapli ctioofn Apatosauerxucse lsus asa pon­ derouasm phibioaunsi mal, witht aidlr agginhge,a db ased on thaotf C amm·asaurus, &om a mural( circ1a9. 26-31) byC harleR.sK night. • 3 •

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