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BB aa bb ee ll anul 2 / nr. 3 apare semestrial BABEL Revista multiculturală a Catedrei de limbi moderne a Colegiului Tehnic ”D. Leonida” din Petroșani. DIN CUPRINS: • TEACHING SKILLS - AN OUTLINE • rEUNIUNE PrOIECT ErASmUS+ • SĂ SĂrbĂTOrIm CU STIL... • ,,COmOrI ASCUNSE”ALE JIULUI DE EST • DESPrE bULLYING • WILLIAm WALLACE, ErOUL SCOŢIEI • URBAN LEGEND... • CE ESTE vLOGGINGUL? ODD PARALLELs BEtwEEN twO GREAt • LOS rEYES mAGOS PREsiDENts Of thE UNitED stAtEs: ABRAhAm LiNcOLN AND JOhN f. KENNEDy • È NATO IL rE DEL mONDO “GESÙ” • ENGLISH JOKES • mEDIUL CONTEAZĂ... LA ,,LEONIDA” ISSN 2392 – 9871 ISSN-L 2392 – 9871 cuprins EDITOrIAL / p.3 ,,COmOrI ASCUNSE” TEACHING SKILLS - AN OUTLINE / p.3 ALE JIULUI DE EST / p.14 SĂ SĂrbĂTOrIm CU STIL... / p.6 WILLIAm WALLACE, ErOUL SCOŢIEI/ p.16 DESPrE bULLYING/ p.7 CE ESTE vLOGGINGUL? / p.18 p.8 p.20 UrbAN LEGEND... ODD PArALLELS bETWEEN TWO GrEAT PrESIDENTS Of THE UNITED STATES: LOS rEYES mAGOS AbrAHAm LINCOLN AND JOHN f. KENNEDY ENGLISH JOKES / p.11 È NATO IL rE DEL mONDO “GESÙ” / p.21 rEUNIUNE PrOIECT ErASmUS+ / p.12 mEDIUL CONTEAZĂ... LA ,,LEONIDA” / p.22 bAbEL anul 3 nr. 5 / APArE SEmESTrIAL Revista multiculturală a Catedrei de limbi moderne a Colegiului Tehnic ”Dimitrie Leonida” din petroșani. cOORDONAtOR REVistĂ / REDActOR ȘEf: prof. Esther Andraș AUtORi ARticOLE EDiŢiA cURENtĂ: prof. Esther Andraș, prof. Gabriela Avram, prof. Gabriela Corina Câmpean, prof. Anamaria Cercel, prof. Carmen Damian, prof. Răzvan Danciu, prof. Luminiţa Lăpugean, prof. pamela Mareș, prof. Gabriela Rodica Rus, prof. Valentin Stoica, și elevii Larisa Hebedean (XI A) și Dănuţ Zabacinski, clasa a XI-a B. DtP: ing. Andrei Andraș REDAcŢiA: str. 22 Decembrie nr. 6 - 332020, petroșani, jud. Hunedoara / [email protected] revISta îN format pdf poate fI acceSată La adreSa: http://estherandras.blogspot.com ISSN 2392 – 9871 ISSN-L 2392 – 9871 Editura Universitas, petroșani © 2016. 2 BABEL EDIT OR IA L versiune a propriei persoane. Nerealizările , eșecurile nu există în domeniul public online. Astfel Facebook devine o colecţie de dovezi incontestabile care garantează că nu ești la fel de bun ca ceilalţi. Alte studii aduc la lumină prof. Esther Andraș Colegiul Tehnic ”D. Leonida” Petroșani un fenomen de amploare derivat din stress-ul sau frica de a rata ce se întâmplă pe reţelele În acest număr al revistei voi aborda un de socializare. Tinerii își verifică din minut în subiect delicat dar de actualitate și voi scrie minut telefoanele mobile pentru a fi la curent despre falsa asumpţie a omului modern că este cu ultimele postări, chiar dacă sunt în mijlocul un individ social în mediul online. Suntem în unei activităţi sau conversaţii interesante. anul 2016 și a da ,,Like” pe Facebook a devenit Acest gen de comportament este unul adictiv în mod oficial una dintre cele mai intrigante și destructiv. Aceste site-uri de socializare modalităţi de divertisment și socializare. Este sunt menite să încurajeze comunicarea, nu adevărat că Facebook-ul a luat naștere ca un să o înlocuiască. Din nefericire utilizatorii se mijloc de a menţine legătura cu rudele de peste consideră fiinţe sociale și nu conștientizează hotare sau foștii colegi de facultate însă în faptul că iau parte la o falsă socializare care câţiva ani s-a transformat într-o dependenţă îi va îndepărta din ce în ce mai mult de lumea greu de controlat. Un studiu efectuat de reală. Devine tot mai dificil să comunice direct și Universitatea din Michigan relevă un raport nu prin intermediul lumii cibernetice. psihologii între timpul petrecut pe reţelele de socializare ne oferă și soluţia: decuplarea de la mediul și gradul de insatisfacţie legat de propria virtual și conectarea la activităţi din lumea viaţă. Cum este posibil așa ceva? Simplu: înconjurătoare. Dacă ne îndepărtăm puţin de utilizatorii postează cele mai reușite secvenţe ecranul computerului, vom realiza că lumea din experienţa de viaţă și prezintă cea mai bună este mult mai frumoasă fara pixeli. T e a c h i n g S k i l l s – A n O u t l i n e prof. Gabriela Corina Câmpean to speaking and writing and, in this case, the Colegiul Tehnic ”D. Leonida” Petrosani learner is the one who produces a message and When teaching English skills, a teacher transmits it to the receiver. These four types should take into consideration the way how of skills are brought to lessons separately, they are divided most often, i.e. receptive and combined or integrated, depending on several productive skills. Receptive skills imply reading factors which can be the student’s needs, and listening, which means that the message the syllabus, the textbook, the lesson’s aims, is received and the learner perceives and the available resources, or even the 4 understands it, whilst productive ones refer teacher’s style of teaching. In addition, BABEL 3 the fact that the language is not divided into way to prepare students for being effective separate skills in real life, but it occurs as a members of our society. This process is whole determines teachers to think twice supported by a continuous communication before they choose an approach or another between students and teacher using the when they teach skills. Moreover, the tradition available materials to archive success. and new tendencies in teaching may place Teaching integrated skills gives high teachers in a dilemma and make their job motivation to students as it suggests that difficult. It is widely known that not all new people learn a foreign language in order to methods are better convey a message, than the not to solve previous ones, different exercises and the latest methods are usually applying a grammar rule, and thus the aim of against their precedents, but on the other teaching a foreign language is really achieved. hand, the world is in a continuous change and Integrated skills means not to separate the teachers should keep the rhythm and pace four skills necessary for a learner to convey with it. Thus, the choice is difficult to be made, and receive a message, but to use them in the possibilities are numerous and a question same way how in real life are used to transmit of utmost importance occurs: What is best and get a message. Reading and listening, for students? Thus, the integrated skills speaking and writing are complementary and approach emphasizes the fact that English is consequently being separated adds a sense a useful tool in communication among people of falsity and uselessness to the activity of in a multicultural world where globalization learning a foreign language. becomes increasingly important. Task-based “The continual separation of the four skills approaches, content-based ones, Content lies at the core of research and testing in language integrated learning and top-down or speaking, listening, reading, and writing” bottom-up methods ease both learning and (Hinkel) and this is the Audio-lingual method teaching English underlining the importance characteristic. Integrating the four skills has of viewing the entire process of learning as a its roots in the Audio-lingual method and with 4 BABEL outgrowths in communicative teaching, but they grammar and translation. Attributable to the have become separated due to the fact that foreigners who came to the United Kingdom testing usually requires separate approaches. in the 1960s, the focus shifted and a split took There is a connection between integrating place. There were now “two novel directions: and separating the four skills and the history English for specific purposes for technical and of the United States of America and the United professional learners and English for academic Kingdom (Hinkel). The rise of behaviourism and purposes for university students.” (Hinkel). The structural linguistics developed by Leonard change occurred especially in the emphasis Bloomfield in the United States of America of the situational language rather than the led to a method of teaching English based on structural one and A. S. Hornby developed these, which was designed for the U.S. Armed the situational-structural method focusing Forces in the early 1940s with small classes and on listening and speaking, teaching language specially selected students whose motivation ‘chunks’ in real-world situational contexts. This was usually very high. Native speakers were led to another sequencing of activities known as tutors and linguists were also involved and they presentation, practice, production (ppp) where had the task to interpret linguistic patterns in the model serves as a guide line for the student order to teach English. Thus, drilling developed to acquire information. a language habit based on these patterns and The next decade brought another approach targeted speaking and listening skills. Thus in teaching English was born, influenced by the structural linguistic and behaviourism led to humanistic current in both the United States a form of teaching which did not concentrate of America and the United Kingdom, with on listening or reading primarily, but on some difference considering the pragmatic internalising spoken patterns. Later, Charles goal-orientation in the United Kingdom. Fries and then Robert Lado developed an Communication was the key word which analogous programme where the sound system, guided teaching both inside and outside the grammatical structures and lexical patterns classroom. The models were taken from the were introduced, considering the primacy of authentic language spoken in order to use it in speaking. real situations to communicate meaningfully. The audio-lingual method occurred in the The emphasis was now on functions and the United States of America a method based separation of the four skills became needless. mostly on speaking, use of English, but this Negotiating meaning, using authentic materials, method was not too popular in Europe or in the the focus of language functions brought the United Kingdom even if some influences may change in approaching English teaching. Thus be found in methodology. On the other hand, the Communicative Language Teaching and changes arose in the way of teaching in the all other methods which preceded it and were United Kingdom considering the separation of influenced by it placed in their core teaching the four skills quite in the same epoch, after English using integrated skills. World War II. Due to the fact that the British pedagogues focused on teaching English to pupils in colonies, the focus was also on speaking and listening, but with an accent on BABEL 5 - - - SA sarbatorim cu stil... prof. Esther Andraș Colegiul Tehnic ”D. Leonida” Petroșani petrecerea de Halloween din acest an a fost cu totul specială. Elevii adoră să se implice în activităţi care încurajează spiritul de competiţie și creativitatea. Cabinetul de limba engleză a fost amenajat şi decorat pentru găzduirea participanţilor la eveniment. Activitatea a debutat cu un concurs de desene pe tema „Halloween”, elevii dând dovadă de talent, simţ artistic şi originalitate. A fost recreată o atmosferă autentică cu ajutorul posterelor înfăţișând case bântuite, lilieci, vrăjitoare cu pisici negre . Juriul format din elevii claselor terminale a avut o misiune dificilă întrucât toate desenele înscrise în competiţie au fost înfricoșătoare. Al doilea moment al acţiunii a constat în etalarea celor mai înfricoşătoare costume de Halloween în cadrul unei parade acompaniate de muzică specifică sărbătorii. Cele mai multe costume au fost create de înșiși elevii participanţi. Au fost nominalizate şi premiate de către juriu cele mai inedite costume. Felicitări tuturor concurenţilor! De asemenea, elevii şcolii s-au întrecut în decorarea uşilor sălilor de clasă şi confecţionarea unor felinare din dovleci („Jack o’lantern”). Cine ar fi crezut că există atâtea modalităţi de sculptare a unui dovleac? Simboluri ale sărbătorilor de toamnă, felinarele confecţionate din dovleci au făcut deliciul publicului. Din nou elevii noștri au fost la înălţime. Şi aceste concursuri s-au finalizat cu aplauze şi diplome din partea juriului. Concursurile-surpriză au inclus „Jocul merelor plutitoare” şi „mumificarea” Două echipe de elevi s-au transformat în participanţilor voluntari. Concurenţii au mumii într-o cursă contra cronomentru. fost nevoiţi să “pescuiască” mere dintr-o Iar după toate acestea nu poţi să nu aștepţi cu galeată cu apă, fără să-și folosească mâinile. nerăbdare următoarea petrecere de Halloween! 6 Despre bullying... Fenomenul de „bullying” profesorii, elevii hărţuiţi nu Am citit despre efectele (hărţuire) este întâlnit chiar știu cum să procedeze sau acestui „virus contagios” din primele zile de școală și, pur și simplu nu au idee ce li dar și despre modalităţile de din nefericire, elevii retrași se îmtâmplă. combatere ale fenomenului. și necomunicativi sunt Fiecare dintre noi a fost Specialiștii sunt de părere victimele cele mai frecvente măcar o dată victima acestui că trebuie să ceri ajutorul ale agresiunii fizice sau fenomen și pot afirma cu dacă ești victima acestui verbale. certitudine că nu există gen de agresiune. Sunt Din punctul meu de vedere situaţie mai neplăcută decât ușor sceptică în faţa acestei elevii care își agresează aceasta. Există un proverb soluţii, deoarece eu și mulţi colegii au probleme de pe care il auzim aproape alţi adolescenţi evităm să ne comportament tocmai din zilnic și cred că se potrivește ascundem după fusta mamei cauza mediului familial din de minune în acest context: din vină, rușine și gândul că care provin, iar la școală „Ce ţie nu-ţi place, nici altuia nu suntem în stare să ne găsesc un teren favorabil nu-i face!” Îi provoc astfel pe apărăm singuri. în care ei deţin controlul, toţi cei care recurg la astfel Toţi ne vom maturiza într- exagerează, iau decizii greșite de practici la școală sau în un moment al vieţii sau altul și astfel apare renumitul mediul online să facă un și vom fi pregătiţi să dăm fenomen de bullying. Cei exerciţiu de imaginaţie și să piept cu frica pe care o avem agresaţi pot prezenta în se plaseze în locul colegului sau cu persoana de care ne timp schimbări grave de hărţuit, umilit și batjocorit. este frică dar până atunci să comportament, cum ar fi poate în acest fel vor înţelege evităm să practicăm bullying- pierderea încrederii de sine ce impact negativ au asupra ul la școlă sau oriunde, să și chiar depresia. De cele celor din jur. reţinem că din răutate nu mai multe ori, din înflorește o lume mai bună. cauza lipsei de Hebedean Larisa, XIA comunicare cu prof. coord. Esther părinţii sau Andraș BABEL 7 URBAN LEGEND... Odd Parallels between two great prof. Gabriela Avram Colegiul Tehnic ”D. Leonida” Petroșani presidents of the United States: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy lived came from a wealthy family, he was able in different times and had very different to attend expensive private schools. He family and educational backgrounds. Lincoln graduated from Harvard University. Lincoln, lived in the 19th century; Kennedy lived in on the other hand, had only one year of the 20th century. As for their backgrounds, formal schooling. In spite of his lack of formal Kennedy came from a rich family, but Lincoln’s schooling, he became a well-known lawyer. family was not wealthy. Because Kennedy He taught himself law by reading law books. Abraham Lincoln (Sunday, 12 February 1809 - Saturday, 5 April 1865) Born in Sinking Spring Farm, Southeast Hardin John fitzgerald “Jack” Kennedy (Tuesday, 29 County, Kentucky. Religion: None (he joined May 1917 - Friday, 22 November 1963) and was a member of no church) - However his Born in Brookline, Massachusetts. Religion: parents were Baptists. 16th president of the Roman Catholic. Often referred to by his initials United States - 1861 to 1865 (56 Years old at “JFK” . 35th president of the United States - 1961 death) to 1963 (46 Years old at death) Lincoln was, in other words, a self-educated actually hated by those who opposed their man. American presidents Abraham Lincoln political views. Shortly after Kennedy was and John F. Kennedy were both tragically assassinated, a comparison between their assassinated during their terms in office. lives and deaths surfaced. That comparison Both men were admired by many people but pointed out some amazing coincidences. 8 BABEL The following chart compares the amazing coincidences in the deaths of Lincoln and Kennedy. LincoLn Kennedy Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846 Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946 He was elected president in 1860 He was elected president in 1960 His wife lost a child while living in the White His wife lost a child while living in the White House House He was directly concerned with civil rights He was directly concerned with civil rights Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy who Kennedy had a secretary named lincoln who told him not to go to the theater1 told him not to go to Dallas2 Lincoln was shot in the back of the head in Kennedy was shot in the back of the head in the presence of his wife the presence of his wife Lincoln was shot in the Ford Theatre Kennedy was shot in a Lincoln, made by Ford He was shot on a Friday He was shot on a Friday BABEL 99 The assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was known The assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was known by three names, comprised of fifteen letters by three names, comprised of fifteen letters Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and fled to a Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and warehouse3 fled to a theater Booth was killed before being brought to trial Oswald was killed before being brought to trial There were theories that Booth was part of a There were theories that Oswald was part of greater conspiracy a greater conspiracy Lincoln's successor was Andrew Johnson, Kennedy's successor was Lyndon Johnson, born in 1808 born in 1908 Andrew Johnson died 10 years after Lincoln's Lyndon johnson died 10 years after death Kennedy's death 1 Note: It is an urban myth that Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy. There is no record of that. 2 Note: There is no record whether or not Kennedy’s secretary warned him. 3 Note: Booth actually fled to a farm and was killed in a tobacco barn. It might be a stretch to call it a warehouse. But two years after his death, Booth’s body was temporarily moved to a warehouse. Also, after the assassination, the government closed the Ford Theatre and turned it into a warehouse. Some other interesting facts include: Pet turkey name is Jack Lincoln’s dream Also, Lincoln’s son Tad had a pet turkey Apparently Lincoln had a dream several named Jack. Tad asked his father not to kill days before the assassination that he had the turkey for Thanksgiving. Although Harry S been killed. He told his wife that he had seen Truman started the official tradition, Lincoln himself in a casket. was the first to “pardon” a Thanksgiving turkey. A Kennedy uncovers plot In February 1861, there was a plot called skeptics disagree the “Baltimore plot” to assassinate Lincoln Some skeptics say that you could take any as he passed through the city. A NYpD officer, two famous people and find a number of John Kennedy, claimed to have uncovered similar-type coincidences between them. the plot. In 1951, a movie The Tall Target was The only problem with that theory is that made about the plot, staring Dick powell as there really haven’t been any listings of such Kennedy. comparisons. And certainly none has been as extensive as the Lincoln-Kennedy similarities. “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” — Albert Einstein (1879–1955) German born theoretical physicist 10 BABEL

separate skills in real life, but it occurs as a different exercises applying a grammar rule, . a greater conspiracy. Lincoln's . aproximativ 1000 m2, la o adâncime a apei ce a variat între îl socoteau un veritabil Antichrist al epocii,.
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