typeset using JPSJ.sty <ver.1.0b> Dimer Expansion Study of the Bilayer Square Lattice Frustrated Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnet Kazuo Hida ∗ 8 9 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, 9 Saitama University,Urawa, Saitama 338 1 (Received February7,2008) n a Thegroundstateofthesquarelatticebilayerquantumantiferromagnet withnearest (J1)and J next-nearest (J2) neighbour intralayer interaction is studied by means of the dimer expansion 6 methoduptothe6-thorderintheinterlayerexchangecouplingJ3. Thephaseboundarybetween 1 thespin-gapphaseandthemagneticallyorderedphaseisdeterminedfromthepolesofthebiased Pad´e approximants for the susceptibility and the inverse energy gap assuming the universality ] classofthe3-dimensionalclassicalHeisenbergmodel. Forweakfrustration,thecriticalinterlayer l e couplingdecreaseslinearlywithα(=J2/J1). Thespin-gapphasepersistsdowntoJ3 =0(single - layerlimit)for0.45∼<α∼<0.65. Thecrossoveroftheshortrangeorderwithinthedisorderedphase r is also discussed. t s . t KEYWORDS: bilayerHeisenberg antiferromagnet, frustration, Pad´eapproximant, dimer expansionmethod, spin- a gapstate m - d n o regime. §1. Introduction c In order to apply the dimer expansion method to the [ The spin-1/2 square lattice Heisenberg model is singlelayerJ -J model,itisinevitabletostartwiththe 1 2 2 now widely believed to have an antiferromagnetic long dimer configurationswhich break the translationalsym- v range order in the ground state.1,2,3,4) It is, how- metryasanunperturbedgroundstate.3,4) Inthe bilayer 3 ever, expected that the strong quantum fluctuation in J -J model,theunperturbedgroundstatecanbetaken 1 2 9 this system may lead to the destruction of the long as the interlayer dimers and the translational symmetry 2 range order with the help of some additional mech- of the original Hamiltonian is preserved throughout the 2 1 anism. In this context, the square lattice antifer- calculation. Therefore the bilayer model is more suit- 7 romagnetic Heisenberg model with nearest and next- able for the dimer expansion study than the single layer 9 nearest exchange interaction (hereafter called J -J model. It is also possible to get insight into the phase 1 2 t/ model)5,6,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) and the bi- transitions in the single layer model by investigating of a layer Heisenberg model19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28) have the asymptotic behavior in the limit of vanishing inter- m been studied extensively. Considering the difference of layer interaction. - the nature of the mechanism leading to the spin-gap This paper is organized as follows: The bilayer J -J d 1 2 n phase in these two models, it must be most interesting model Hamiltonian is introduced in the next section. In o to study their interplay in the bilayer J -J model.30,29) §3, the dimer expansion method3,4,31,32) is applied to 1 2 c In the bilayer model, if the interlayer antiferromag- this model and the phase diagram is determined using : v netic coupling is strongenough,the spins onboth layers the biased Pad´e analysis. The last section is devoted to i form interlayer singlet pairs and the quantum fluctua- summary and discussion. X tionisenhancedleadingtothequantumdisorderedstate. r §2. Bilayer J -J Model a The dimer expansionstudy of this modelhas been quite 1 2 successful21,24,25,26,27) and it is shown that the transi- The Hamiltonian of the bilayer J -J model is given 1 2 tion between the N´eel phase and the spin-gap phase be- as follows, longs to the universality class of 3-dimensional classical Heisenbergmodel. Thisresultisalsoconfirmedbyquan- H =J (SASA+SBSB) tum Monte Carlo simulation.23) 1 X i j i j On the other hand, in the J -J model, the com- <i,j>nn 1 2 petition between the nearest neighbour interaction J1 +J2 X (SAi SAj +SBi SBj ) and the nearest neighbour interaction J introduces the 2 <i,j>nnn frustration in the spin configurationwhich enhances the +J SASB, (2.1) quantum fluctuation. The conclusion about the pres- 3X i i ence of the quantum disordered state in this model is, i however, still controversial even in the most frustrated whereSA andSB arethespinoperatorswithmagnitude i i 1/2 on the i-th site of the layer A and B, respectively. ∗e-mail: [email protected] 2 KazuoHida The expression and denote the summa- Theratioseriesoftheseseriesare,however,ill-behaved X X <i,j>nn <i,j>nnn exceptforthe closeneighbourhoodofα=0. In orderto tionovertheintralayernearestneighbourpairsandnext locate the phase boundary as precisely as possible from nearestneighbourpairs,respectively. The lasttermrep- the limited data, we assume that the phase transition resents the interlayer coupling. All exchange couplings of the present model belongs to the universality class are assumed to be antiferromagnetic. In the following, of 3-dimensional classical Heisenberg model for which we denote the ratios J2/J1 = α and J3/J1 = β. In the χ ∼ (β −βc)−γ and ∆ ∼ (β −βc)ν with γ ≃ 1.4 and classical limit, the ground state is the N´eel state or the ν ≃ 0.7133) even in the presence of frustration. This is collinear state according as α < αc or α > αc where expectedtobevalidbecausetheBerryphasetermalways αc =0.5.5,30) cancelbetweenthetwolayersevenifitexistsinthesingle layer model and the remaining long wave length action §3. Dimer Expansion Method isgivenbythe3-dimensionalO(3)nonlinearσ model,14) In the absence of the intralayer coupling, the ground Thusweobtainthebiased[L,M]Pad´eapproximantsfor state is the assembly of independent interlayer dimers. each value of α as, Treating the intralayer coupling pOzl O1/λ[L,M]= Pl=0,L l , (3.6) Hintra =J1 X nSAi SAj +SBi SBj o Pi=0,mqmOzm <i,j>nn with qO = 1 and L+M ≤ 6 where λ stands for γ and 0 −ν. From the poles zc of the approximants for χN and + α SASA+SBSB , (3.1) ∆N (χC and ∆C), we determine the critical values βc = <i,Xj>nnnn i j i j o 1/zc of the phase transition between the N´eel(collinear) phase and the spin-gapphase for eachvalue of α. These as a perturbation, we apply the expansion with respect approximants behave as to z = β−1 using the method of Gelfand, Singh and Huse3,4,31) and Gelfand32) for various values of α. In O1/λ[L,M]∼ AOc = BcO , (3.7) order to calculate the staggered susceptibility χ and zc−z β−βc N collinear susceptibility χC, we also add the following in the neighbourhood of poles z = zc. Depending on magnetic field terms with wave number Q = (π,π) and L and M, we find many poles which are rather scat- (π,0), respectively. tered. Among them, we only accept the positive poles with smallest zc (largest βc) and positive amplitudes. N ThepoleswithamplitudesAOc lessthanthecut-offvalue HQ =Xh(cid:2)SizA−SizB(cid:3)(−1)Qri, (3.2) ǫA =0.01∼0.1 are discarded as spurious. Figures 1(a), i (b) and(c)show theα-dependence ofthe poles ofthe 6- th,5-thand4-thorderapproximantswithL=M,M±1. and calculate the ground state energy E(h) up to the secondorderin h. Here r is the positionofthe i-th site For small α, the critical value of β decreases linearly i with α. This behavior is common for all poles shown in and N is the number of the lattice sites in a layer. The Fig.1 and consistent with other calculations.29,30) For susceptibility is given by, general values of α, it is physically reasonable to as- ∂2E(h) χ=− (cid:12) , (3.3) sume that the critical value of β decreases (increases) ∂h2 (cid:12)(cid:12)h→0 with the increase of α for N´eel(collinear)-spin-gap tran- (cid:12) sition. Some poles,however,showthe opposite behavior where χ stands for χ or χ according as Q=(π,π) or N C (π,0). UsingthemethodofGelfand,32) wealsocalculate asshowninFig. 1. Weassumethesepolesarephysically meaningless. If these poles are omitted, the qualitative the expansionseries for the single particle excitationen- features of the phase diagramis common for all approx- ergies ∆ and ∆ at the wave vector (π,π) and (π,0), N C imants. Namely, no acceptable real positive poles are respectively. These quantities are expanded as a power series in z found in the interval 0.45∼<α∼<0.65 indicating that the spin-gapphaseisstableforthe singlelayermodelinthis and αz as intervalofα. The N´eel(collinear)orderedstate appears ∞ ∞ ∞ for α∼<0.45 (α∼>0.65). This is consistent with the exact O = c zp(αz)q = c (α)zk, (3.4) diagonalizationresults12,13) and some approximate esti- XX p,q X k mations,3,4,5,6,14,15,16,17,18) although the precise value p=0q=0 k=0 of the critical α depends on the method used. On the and other hand, the corresponding amplitude B∆ does not c ck(α)=Xk ck−q,qαq. (3.5) ashsoswhoawnny isninFguigla.r2befhoravtihoer a[3s,3β]ca→ppr0oxoinmatnhtesseofpo∆leNs q=0 and ∆ . This suggests that the universality class of the C Here O stands for χN, χC, ∆N and ∆C. Actually, the transition in the single layer model belongs to the same coefficients c (α) are calculated up to the 6-th order in universality class as the bilayer model. This is consis- k β−1 ≡ J /J for 7 different values of α and c ’s are tent with the prediction that the Berry phase term is 1 3 p,q calculated by inverting the relation (3.5). dangerously irrelevant even if it exists in the single layer DimerExpansionStudyoftheBilayerJ1-J2 Model 3 model,34) more computational time. Using the [3,3] approximant, the β-dependence of the The numerical simulation is performed using the FA- energygapisshowninFig. 3forvariousvaluesofα. Itis COM VPP500 at the Supercomputer Center, Institute clearthatthe energygap∆ at(π,π) increasesand∆ for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo and the N C at(π,0)decreaseswithα. Thecrossoverpointαcr(β),at HITAC S820/80 at the Information Processing Center which the position of the smallest gap shifts from (π,π) of Saitama University. This work is supported by the to (π,0),varieswithβ asshowninFig. 4. 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The β-dependence of the energy gaps ∆N and ∆C for various values of α based on the [3,3] Pad´e approximant. The symbolsaredefined inthefigure. Fig. 4. The crossover point αcr at which the minimum energy gap shiftsfrom(π,π)to(π,0)basedonthe [3,3]Pad´e approxi- mant. 3 β −1/ν (a) ∆ [3,3] c 1/γ χ [3,3] ε =0.01 A 2 1 0 0 0.5 1 α Fig. 1(a) K. Hida 3 β −1/ν −1/ν (b) ∆ ∆ [2,3] [3,2] c 1/γ 1/γ χ χ [2,3] [3,2] ε =0.1 A 2 1 0 0 0.5 1 α Fig. 1(b) K. Hida 3 −1/ν β ∆ (c) [2,2] c 1/γ χ [2,2] ε =0.1 A 2 1 0 0 0.5 1 α Fig. 1(c) K. Hida 4 B c 2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 α Fig. 2 K. Hida ∆ α ∆ ∆ N,C N C 0.3 2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1 0 0 2 4 6 β Fig. 3 K. Hida 0.6 α cr 0.55 0.5 0 5 10 β Fig. 4 K. Hida