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Dimension formula for induced maximal faces of separable states and genuine entanglement Lin Chen 1,2, Dragomir Zˇ Dokovi´c3,4 ¯ 1 School of Mathematics and Systems Science, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 5 2 International Research Institute for Multidisciplinary Science, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 1 0 3 Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 2 4 Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada n u J June 16, 2015 5 1 ] Abstract h p - The normalized separable states of a finite-dimensional multipartite quantum system, repre- t n sented by its Hilbert space , form a closed convex set . The set has two kinds of faces, 1 1 a H S S induced and non-induced. An induced face, F, has the form F = Γ(F ), where V is a subspace of u V q , FV is the set of ρ 1 whose range is contained in V, and Γ is a partial transposition operator. H ∈ S [ Such F is a maximal face if and only if V is a hyperplane. We give a simple formula for the dimen- 2 sion of any induced maximal face. We also prove that the maximum dimension of induced maximal v faces is equal to d(d 2) where d is the dimension of . The equality DimΓ(F )= d(d 2) holds V 5 − H − if and only if V⊥ is spanned by a genuinely entangled vector. 4 7 0 0 Contents . 1 0 1 Introduction 1 5 1 : 2 Dimension formula 4 v i X 3 Action of Θ on induced maximal faces 7 r a 4 Some maximal faces in the bipartite case 9 4.1 Some 3 3 non-induced maximal faces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 × 4.2 Some 2 4 non-induced maximal faces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 × 5 Conclusion and discussion 12 1 Introduction Let = be the complex Hilbert space of a finite-dimensional n-partite quantum 1 2 n H H ⊗H ⊗···⊗H system. We denote by d the dimension of , and so d := d is the dimension of . We assume i i i H Q H that each d > 1. A vector x is normalized if x = 1. We denote by H the space of Hermitian i | i ∈ H k k 1 operators ρ on . Note that H is a real vector space of dimension d2. The mixed quantum states of this H system are represented by their density matrices, i.e., operators ρ H which are positive semidefinite ∈ (ρ 0) and have unit trace (Trρ = 1). For convenience, we often work with non-normalized states, i.e., ≥ Hermitian operators ρ such that ρ 0 and ρ = 0. It will be clear from the context whether we require ≥ 6 the states to be normalized. We denote by (ρ) the range of a linear operator ρ. R Weassumethatanorthonormalbasisisfixedineach andweusethestandardnotation 0 ,..., d i i H | i | − 1 for the corresponding basis vectors. We write EndV for the algebra of linear operators on a i complex vector space V. The operation of transposition applied only to the ith tensor factor of End = n End will be denoted by Γ . (The transposition is with respect to the basis fixed H ⊗i=1 Hi i above.) We denote by Θ the abelian group of order 2n generated by the Γ s. We refer to the elements of i Θ as the partial transposition operators. Thus if ρ is a state on , then Γ (ρ) is the ith partial transpose i H of ρ. We recall a definition from [5]: an operator ρ H is full if Γ(ρ) has rank d for all Γ Θ. ∈ ∈ Aproduct vectoris a nonzero vector of the form x = x x where x . We shall write 1 n i i | i | i⊗···⊗| i | i ∈ H this product vector also as x ,...,x . A pure product state is a state ρ of the form ρ = x x where 1 n | i | ih | x is a product vector. The product vectors i ,i ,...,i , 0 i < d , form an orthonormal (o.n.) 1 2 n k k | i | i ≤ l basis of . A quantum state ρ is separable if it is a sum of pure product states, i.e., ρ = z z , H Pk=1| kih k| where the z are product vectors. A non-separable state is also called an entangled state. Quantum k | i entanglement has been used to realize many tasks, such as quantum teleportation [3], cryptography [2] and dense coding, that surpass their classical counterparts both theoretically and experimentally. Deciding whether a given state is entangled turns out to be hard. This problem has been solved only for the Hilbert spaces of dimension 2 2 and 2 3 [17]. Thus it is important to understand the properties × × of the set of normalized separable states. In this paper, we will investigate the faces of . The full 1 1 S S separable states that lie on the boundary, ∂ , of are of special interest. 1 1 S S We denote by and the set of normalized and non-normalized states, respectively. Thus = 1 1 D D D ρ : Trρ = 1 is a compact convex subset of the affine hyperplane of H defined by the equation { ∈ D } ˜ Trρ = 1. The faces of are parametrized by vector subspaces V [1, section II]. The face F that 1 V D ⊆ H corresponds to V consists of all states ρ such that (ρ) V. The intersection 1 ∈ D R ⊆ F := F˜ = ρ : (ρ) V (1) V V 1 1 ∩S { ∈ S R ⊆ } is a face (possibly empty) of . We say that the face F is associated to V. The following basic fact 1 V S was proved recently [5, Theorem 15]. Theorem 1 For a subspace V , the associated face F of is maximal if and only if V is a V 1 ⊆ H S hyperplane of . H As in [5] we enlarge the collection of faces of type F by using the group Θ. V Definition 2 A face F of is induced if F = Γ(F ) for some vector subspace V and some partial 1 V S ⊆ H transposition Γ Θ. ∈ We warn the reader that our general definition above is different from the one adopted (for the bipartite case) by H.-S. Choi and S.-H, Kye [7]. The boundary of is the union of all maximal faces and in order to describe geometrically the set 1 S one needs the description of the maximal faces. The induced maximal faces have the form Γ(F ) 1 V S where V is a hyperplane of and Γ Θ. The non-induced faces are more elusive. It was shown in [5] H ∈ that there exist maximal faces of which are not induced. Explicit examples of non-induced maximal 1 S faces of are presently known in several systems, notably in 3 3 and 2 4 systems. A remarkable 1 S ⊗ ⊗ family of non-induced faces of in the case of two qutrits was constructed recently in [13]. Each of 1 S 2 these faces is a 9-dimensional simplex. Moreover, each of them is the intersection of two maximal faces [19]. For more details see section 4. It is certainly of interest to know the maximum dimension of maximal faces of . In this regard, 1 S we propose the following conjecture. Conjecture 3 For any finite dimensional quantum system we have max DimF = max DimF . (2) V F, maximal face V⊂H, hyperplane Since DimΓ(F ) = DimF for any Γ Θ and any vector subspace V , the rhs is equal to V V ∈ ⊆ H the maximum dimension taken over all induced maximal faces of . The lhs is obviously greater 1 S than or equal to the rhs. We shall prove that the rhs is equal to d(d 2) (see Corollary 7). The − number d(d 2) arises very naturally. Indeed, Dim∂ = d2 2 and induced maximal faces are 1 − S − parameterized by the complex projective space whose real dimension is 2(d 1). Therefore, the number − (d2 2) 2(d 1) = d(d 2) is expected. The genuinely entangled vectors are generic and the maximal − − − − faces induced by the hyperplanes orthogonal to such vectors indeed have the expected dimension. The lhs of (2) is known only when d 6, and in these cases the conjectured equality holds [5]. See ≤ section 4 for additional evidence in support of the conjecture. If α is a product vector and V = α ⊥ then we have shown in [5, Proposition 17] that | i ∈ H | i n DimF = d2 1 (2d 1). (3) V − −Y i − i=1 The main result of the paper, Theorem 6, generalizes this formula. It provides a method for com- puting the dimension of any induced maximal face in any multipartite quantum system. It turns out that DimF , V a hyperplane, depends only on the full tensor factorization of the vector α orthogonal V | i to V. Corollary 7 shows that the genuine entanglement [8] from quantum information is linked to the geometry of faces of . We say that α is genuinely entangled (g.e.) if it is entangled for all bipartitions 1 S | i of . This corollary states that α is g.e. if and only if DimF = d(d 2). For instance, when α is V H | i − | i the three-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state (which is g.e. [11]) then DimF = 48. Note V that, according to the above definition, in the case n = 1 each nonzero vector is g.e. by default since the system admits no bipartitions. (This makes sense only mathematically, as entanglement physically exists only when n > 1.) Fromtheviewpoint ofexperiments, thegenuineentanglement iseasier todetect thanthenon-genuine one [16]. Most extensively studied quantum states are g.e. such as the multiqubit GHZ, W and Dicke states, and the 4-qubit L and M states [9]. They indeed play essential role in the implementation of many quantum-information tasks. In particular, entanglement witnesses detecting genuine multiqubit entanglement have been realized recently in experiments [21]. Many g.e. states can be constructed by using combinatorial designs [10]. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2 we prove our main result, Theorem 6, and derive two important corollaries 7 and 8. In Sec. 3, we study the action of Θ on induced maximal faces. The main technical result is Theorem 11. The two corollaries 12 and 13 describe the action of Θ in more details. In particular, it is shown that if V := α ⊥ then the face F and the state α α have the same V | i | ih | stabilizer in Θ. In section 4 we examine two known infinite families of non-induced maximal faces (in 3 3 and 2 4) and show that their dimensions are less than d(d 2). We conclude in Sec. 5. ⊗ ⊗ − 3 2 Dimension formula We shall compute the dimension of the maximal face F where V is any hyperplane. We shall V ⊆ H need the following elementary lemma and its corollary. Lemma 4 Let n f g∗ = 0 where the f and the g are polynomials in independent complex variables Pi=1 i i i i z ,...,z . If the f are linearly independent, then all g = 0. 1 m i i Proof. We use induction on n. The case n = 1 is trivial. Assume that n > 1. Let µ be a monomial in z ,...,z which occurs in f . Choose c C such that µ does not occur in f cf . We can replace 1 m 1 2 1 f with f cf and g with g +c∗g whil∈e preserving the equality n f g∗ =−0. Therefore we may 2 2 − 1 1 1 2 Pi=1 i i assume that µ does not occur in f . Similarly, we may assume that it does not occur in any other f . 2 i By [5, Lemma 7] we must have g = 0. By the induction hypothesis, all other g = 0. 1 i ⊔⊓ Corollary 5 Let f ,...,f and g ,...,g be polynomials in independent complex variables z ,...,z . 1 p 1 q 1 m If both f ,...,f and g ,...,g are linearly independent, then also the products f g∗ are linearly inde- 1 p 1 q i j pendent. ∗ Proof. Assume that c f g∗ = 0 for some c C. Thus f c∗ g = 0 and the lemma Pi,j ij i j ij ∈ Pi i(cid:16)Pj ij j(cid:17) implies that c∗ g = 0 for each i. As the g are linearly independent, all c = 0. Pj ij j j ij ⊔⊓ We recall another important fact which we use in our proofs. Let H be the real subspace of the algebra End consisting of all Hermitian operators. As usual we identify End with the space M of H H d d complex matrices. Let T be the real subspace of M consisting of all upper triangular matrices × with real diagonal elements. The map H T which sends a Hermitian matrix to its upper triangular → part is an isomorphism of real vector spaces. For any subspace L of H, we have DimL = DimL′ where L′ denotes the image of L by this isomorphism. It is immediate from our definition of genuinely entangled states that each nonzero vector α , | i ∈ H after a permutation of the parties, can be written as the tensor product α = α′ α′ α′ = α′,α′,...,α′ , (4) | i | 1i⊗| 2i⊗···⊗| mi | 1 2 mi where each α′ is g.e. The tensor factors α′ are unique up to scalar factors and a permutation, and | ii | ii we shall refer to them as the g.e. components of α . We also say that (4) is a g.e. decomposition of α . | i | i Using this terminology, we state our main theorem which generalizes our previous result [5, Proposition 17]. Theorem 6 Let V be any hyperplane and let α V⊥ be a nonzero vector. Let (4) be the g.e. ⊂ H | i ∈ decomposition of α with α′ ′ := and n = n + n + + n , | i | ii ∈ Hi Hn1+···+ni−1+1 ⊗ ··· ⊗ Hn1+···+ni 1 2 ··· m n 1. Then i ≥ m DimF = d2 1 (2d′ 1), (5) V − −Y i − i=1 where d′ = Dim ′. i Hi Proof. We can view also as a quantum system consisting of m parties ′, i = 1,...,m. In that H Hi case we shall denote it by ′ and its set of (normalized) separable states by ′. Note that ′, and H S1 S1 ⊆ S1 if m < n then the inclusion is proper. Thus, if F′ is the face of ′ associated to V, then (1) implies V S1 4 that F F′ and so DimF DimF′ . Since α is a product vector in ′, by applying the formula V ⊆ V V ≤ V | i H (3), we obtain that m DimF′ = d2 1 (2d′ 1). (6) V − −Y i − i=1 It remains to prove that DimF = DimF′ . We use the induction on m. The crucial case is m = 1, V V i.e., when α is genuinely entangled. In that case we know that DimF DimF′ = d(d 2). | i V ≤ V − Assume that DimF < d(d 2) and let V − d1−1d2−1 dn−1 α = a j ,j ,...,j . (7) | i X X ··· X j1,j2,...,jn| 1 2 ni j1=0j2=0 jn=0 Without any loss of generality we may assume that the coefficient a = 0. Let ζ := d1−1,d2−1,...,dn−1 6 | i ζ ,ζ ,...,ζ be any product vector with 1 2 n | i ∈ H di−1 ζ = z j , i = 1,...,n. (8) | ii X i,ji| ii ji=0 The inner product P := α ζ is a polynomial of degree n which is multilinear in the n sets of complex h | i variables z : j = 0,1,...,d 1 , i = 1,...,n. In order to write this polynomial explicitly (and for { i,ji i i− } later use) it is convenient to introduce the abbreviations f = z z z , 1 k n. (9) j1,j2,...,jk 1,j1 2,j2··· k,jk ≤ ≤ Then we have d1−1d2−1 dn−1 P = a∗ f . (10) X X ··· X j1,j2,...,jn j1,j2,...,jn j1=0j2=0 jn=0 Let L H be the real span of all pure product states ⊆ ζ ζ = f f∗ j ,j ,...,j k ,k ,...,k , (11) | ih | X X j1,j2,...,jn k1,k2,...,kn| 1 2 nih 1 2 n| (j1,j2,...,jn)(k1,k2,...,kn) where the complex varables z are subject only to the constraint P = 0 (which guarantees that i,ji ζ V). Let us denote by the hypersurface in defined by the equation P = 0. 1 2 n | i ∈ X H ×H ×···×H Here we consider H as the space of d d Hermitian matrices whose rows and columns are indexed × by the n-tuples (j ,j ,...,j ) with j 0,1,...,d 1 . These n-tuples are linearly ordered so that 1 2 n k k ∈ { − } (j ,j ,...,j ) < (k ,k ,...,k ) holds if and only if j = k for i < s and j < k for some index s. 1 2 n 1 2 n i i s s Since a = 0, the monomial f (when restricted to ) is a linear combi- d1−1,d2−1,...,dn−1 6 d1−1,d2−1,...,dn−1 X nation with constant coefficients of d2 1 other monomials. Thus, we can eliminate this monomial (and − its complex conjugate) from (11). Then this equation can be rewritten as ζ ζ = f f∗ ρ , (12) | ih | X j1,...,jn k1,...,kn j1,...,jn;k1,...,kn whereρ† = ρ andneither(j ,...,j )nor(k ,...,k )isequalto(d 1,...,d 1). j1,...,jn;k1,...,kn k1,...,kn;j1,...,jn 1 n 1 n 1− n− Thus this sum has (d 1)2 terms. Moreover, the (d 1)2 matrices ρ are linearly independent. − − j1,...,jn;k1,...,kn 5 The coefficient of ρ is real (and nonnegative) if (j ,...,j ) = (k ,...,k ) and the other j1,...,jn;k1,...,kn 1 n 1 n coefficients occur in complex conjugate pairs. As DimF < d(d 2), we have DimL < (d 1)2. We have P = P z +P , where V − − 0 n,dn−1 1 d1−1 dn−1−1 P := a∗ f , (13) 0 X ··· X j1,...,jn−1,dn−1 j1,...,jn−1 j1=0 jn−1=0 d1−1 dn−1−1dn−2 P := a∗ f . (14) 1 X ··· X X j1,...,jn−1,jn j1,...,jn−1,jn j1=0 jn−1=0jn=0 As in the previous paragraph, we know that L is spanned by the matrices (12) with the restriction on the indices j and k specified there. Let L′ be the subspace of L spanned by all matrices (12) with the i i additional constraint P = 0 on the variables z . Obviously, we have DimL′ DimL < (d 1)2. 0 6 i,ji ≤ − Assume that the polynomial P is irreducible. By multiplying (12) with P 2, we obtain the equation 0 | | P 2 ζ ζ = (P f )(P f )∗ρ . (15) | 0| ·| ih | X 0 j1,...,jn 0 k1,...,kn j1,...,jn;k1,...,kn The variablez canbe eliminated fromtherhsby using theequation P z = P . Forinstance, n,dn−1 0 n,dn−1 − 1 if j = d 1 we can replace P z with P . After this elimination, the coefficients of ρ n n − 0 n,jn − 1 j1,...,jn;k1,...,kn on the rhs will have the form gh∗, where g,h Φ := P f : k = d 1 ∈ { 0 k1,...,kn−1,kn n 6 n − }∪ P f : i < n, k < d 1 . (16) {− 1 k1,...,kn−1 ∃ i i − } We claim that the d 1 polynomials in Φ are linearly independent. Otherwise we have an identity − P Q = P Q where Q is a nonzero multilinear polynomial of degree n and the monomial f 0 1 1 0 1 d1−1,...dn−1−1 does not occur in Q . Since P is irreducible, P and P are relatively prime. Hence, we may assume 0 0 1 that P = Q . But this is impossible since f occurs in P . Thus, our claim is proved. 0 0 d1−1,...dn−1−1 0 ByCorollary 5, the(d 1)2 products gh∗ with g,h Φ arealso linearly independent. As thematrices − ∈ ρ are linearly independent, it follows from (15) that DimL′ = (d 1)2. This contradiction j1,...,jn;k1,...,kn − implies that P is reducible, i.e., it has a nontrivial factorization P = P′P′′, where P′ and P′′ are homogeneous polynomials of degree m and n m, respectively. Since P is multilinear, the same is true − for P′ and P′′. Hence, after permuting the , we may assume that P′ depends only on the variables i H z with i m, and P′′ depends only on the z with i > m. This means that α = α′ α′′ with i,ji ≤ i,ji | i | i⊗| i α′ and α′′ , i.e., α is not genuinely entangled. Thus, we have 1 m m+1 n | i ∈ H ⊗···⊗H | i ∈ H ⊗···⊗H | i finally reached a contradiction. Hence, we conclude that DimF = DimF′ = d(d 2) when m = 1. Now let m > 1. Let us introduce the quantum system ˆ = V′ V′ , wh−ich we consider as a H H1⊗···⊗Hm−1 subsystem of ′. We set αˆ = α′,...,α′ , Vˆ = αˆ ⊥ ˆ and V′ = α′ ⊥ ′. Denote the space H | i | 1 m−1i | i ⊂ H i | ii ⊂ Hi of Hermitian operators on ˆ and ′ by Hˆ and H′, respectively. By the induction hypothesis we have DimF = DimF′ and, byH(3), weHhaive DimF′ =i(d/d′ )2 1 m−1(2d′ 1). Vˆ Vˆ Vˆ m − −Qi=1 i − Let ζ be any product vector in V, and note that ζ ˆ V′ or ζ Vˆ ′ . Let L H be | i | i ∈ H ⊗ m | i ∈ ⊗Hm ⊆ the real span of all ζ ζ . Similarly, let Lˆ Hˆ be the real span of ξ ξ over all product vectors ξ Lˆ | ih | ⊂ | ih | | i ∈ orthogonal to αˆ . Finally, let L′ be the real span of η η over all product vectors η ′ orthogonal | i i | ih | | i ∈ Hi to α′ . Since we have already handled the case m = 1, we know that DimL′ = (d′ 1)2. | ii m m − sDpiamcTeLˆhLeˆ=|⊗ζDiRhiζmH|Fmw′ ′.it+hCo1|ζn=ise∈q(duH/eˆdn′t⊗l)y2V, mw′ esphmaan−v1e(t2hLde′=spaLˆ1c)e⊗, iRHtˆfH⊗olm′lRo+wLs′mHˆt,h⊗aantRdLt′mho.seSinwciethD|iζmi L∈′mVˆ=⊗(dH′mm′ −sp1a)2natnhde Vˆ m −Qi=1 i − 6 DimL = DimLˆ ⊗R Hm′ +DimHˆ ⊗R L′m −DimLˆ ⊗R L′m = (d′ )2DimLˆ +(d/d′ )2(d′ 1)2 (d′ 1)2DimLˆ m m m − − m − m = d2 (2d′ 1). (17) −Y i − i=1 This completes the proof of the induction step, and of the theorem. We remark that m (2d′ 1) 2d 1 and that equality holds only if m = 1. Thus we have th⊔⊓e Qi=1 i − ≥ − following corollary. Corollary 7 For any hyperplane V = α ⊥ we have DimF d(d 2) and equality holds if and V | i ⊂ H ≤ − only if α is genuinely entangled. | i Similarly one can prove the following corollary. Corollary 8 If we drop in Theorem 6 the hypothesis that each α′ is g.e., then | ii m DimF d2 1 (2d′ 1), (18) V ≤ − −Y i − i=1 and the equality holds if and only if each α′ is g.e. | ii Example 9 Let us consider the bipartite case d d (n = 2) and let V = α ⊥ where α is a 1 2 ⊗ | i | i ∈ H vector of Schmidt rank s > 0. If s > 1 then the pure state α is genuinely entangled and so m = 1 and | i d′ = d. Thus (18) gives that DimF = d(d 2). On the other hand, if s = 1 then m = 2, d′ = d and 1 V − 1 1 d′ = d and so DimF = d2 1 (2d 1)(2d 1). 2 2 V − − 1 − 2− In general, if m = n in Theorem 6 then the formula (5) reduces to (3). 3 Action of Θ on induced maximal faces For any subset S 1,2,...,n we set Γ = Γ . Moreover, for any Γ Θ there is a unique S such ⊆ { } S Qi∈S i ∈ that Γ = Γ . Note that if S = then Γ is the identity map, and if S = 1,2,...,n then Γ is the S S S ∅ { } transposition map on End . For any vector subspace V we denote by P the set of all product V H ⊆ H vectors in V. Let us introduce the general notion of partial conjugates. Definition 10 If ζ = ζ ,ζ ,...,ζ is a product vector and S 1,2,...,n , then its S-partial 1 2 n | i | i ∈ H ⊆ { } conjugate, ζ∗S , is the product vector | i ζ∗S = z ,z ,...,z , (19) 1 2 n | i | i where z = ζ∗ if i S and z = ζ otherwise. (Note that this conjugate is well defined only up to | ii | ii ∈ | ii | ii a phase factor.) 7 For any subset X of H we set (X) = (ρ) and we define the rank of X, r(X), to be the R Pρ∈X R dimension of (X). This rank can be used to distinguish the induced from the non-induced maximal R faces of . Indeed, if F is a maximal face of , it was shown in [5, Proposition 13] that r(F) d 1 1 1 S S ≥ − and that F is induced if and only if r(Γ(F)) = d 1 for some Γ Θ. In particular, for any hyperplane − ∈ V and any Γ Θ, the rank of Γ(F ) is either d or d 1. The two cases can be distinguished by V ⊂ H ∈ − the first corollary of the following theorem. Theorem 11 Let α be a nonzero vector, V = α ⊥, and let S = 1,2,...,k with 1 k < n. If α is not separable|foir∈thHe bipartition S S¯, then r(Γ |(Fi )) = d. { } ≤ S V | i | Proof. Let us define P∗S := ζ∗S : ζ P . It is easy to verify that P∗S (Γ (F )). Hence, in V {| i | i ∈ V} V ⊆ R S V order to prove the theorem it suffices to prove that P∗S spans . We shall prove it by contradiction. V H Assume that P∗S does not span . A product vector ζ = ζ ,ζ ,...,ζ belongs to V if and only if V H | i | 1 2 ni α ζ = 0. We shall write α as in (7) and the vectors ζ as in (8). We shall also use the abbreviations i h | i | i | i (9). The inner product P := α ζ is given explicitly by the formula (10). By our assumption, the set h | i P∗S is contained in some hyperplane of . Hence, there exist complex constants b (not all 0) V H j1,j2,...,jn such that d1−1d2−1 dn−1 b f∗ f = 0 (20) X X ··· X j1,j2,...,jn j1,j2,...,jk jk+1,...,jn j1=0j2=0 jn=0 holds whenever P = 0. Let us denote the lhs of the above equation by Q, it is a polynomial in the variables z∗ , i k, and the variables z , i > k. This means that P = 0 = Q = 0. Equivalently, i,ji ≤ i,ji ⇒ P 2 = 0 = Q 2 = 0. (21) | | ⇒ | | Let P = P P P and Q = Q Q Q be the factorizations into the product of irreducible 1 2 r 1 2 s ··· ··· polynomials. Then we have r s P 2 = 0 = Q 2 = 0. (22) Y| i| ⇒ Y| j| i=1 j=1 We view the polynomials P 2 and Q 2 as polynomials in the real and imaginary parts of the complex i j | | | | variables z . As such they have real coefficients and are irreducible over R. The factors P 2 are p,qp | i| pairwise non-proportional since they depend on different and disjoint sets of variables. Consequently, we must have r = s and we may assume that P 2 = Q 2 for each i. Moreover, we may also assume i i | | | | that Q = P or Q = P∗ for i = 1,...,r. i i i i Notethat P is a multilinear polynomial of degree n in the coordinates of thevectors ζ , i = 1,...,n, i | i and Q is a multilinear polynomial of degree n in the coordinates of the vectors ζ∗ , i k and ζ , | ii ≤ | ii i > k. If n is the degree of P , it follows that P is a multilinear polynomial in the coordinates of n i i i i of the vectors ζ ,..., ζ . Since α is not separable for the bipartition S S¯, at least one of the P , 1 n i | i | i | i | say P , depends on the coordinates of at least one ζ with p k and at least one ζ with q > k. 1 p q | i ≤ | i Consequently, Q depends on the vectors ζ∗ and ζ . Hence, Q is not a scalar multiple of P or P∗. 1 | pi | qi 1 1 1 Thus we have a contradiction. ⊔⊓ The following two corollaries describe the action of Θ on the set of induced maximal faces of . 1 S Corollary 12 For any induced maximal face F of the following are equivalent: 1 S (i) r(F) = d 1; − (ii) F = F for some hyperplane V ; V ⊂ H (iii) F = F . R(F) 8 Proof. As F is a maximal face, we have r(F) d 1. ≥ − (i) = (ii) Since F is an induced maximal face, we have F = Γ (F ) for some hyperplane V and S V ⇒ some S 1,2,...,n . Without any loss of generality, we may assume that S = 1,2,...,k for ⊆ { } { } some k. Let α be a nonzero vector orthogonal to V. By Theorem 11, we have α = β,γ with | i | i | i β 1 k and γ k+1 n. Then F = FV′ where V′ is the hyperplane orthogonal | i ∈ H ⊗···⊗H | i ∈ H ⊗···⊗H to β∗,γ . | i (ii) = (iii) By the definition of F we have (F) = (F ) V. As r(F) d 1, it follows that V V ⇒ R R ⊆ ≥ − (F) = V and so (iii) holds. R (iii) = (i) Since F = , we have (F) = . Hence, we must have r(F) = d 1. 1 ⇒ 6 S R 6 H − ⊔⊓ Corollary 13 Let (4) be the g.e. decomposition of a nonzero vector α , V = α ⊥, and let ′ = | i | i H ′ ′ ′ be the m-partite quantum system obtained from by splitting the n parties of H1 ⊗H2 ⊗···⊗Hm H H into m groups as in Theorem 6. Denote by Θ′ the group of partial transposition operators of the quantum system ′. For Γ Θ we have H ∈ (i) r(Γ(F )) = d 1 if and only if Γ Θ′; V − ∈ (ii) Γ fixes α α if and only if Γ Θ′ and α′ is real up to a phase factor whenever Γ acts on | ih | ∈ | ii End ′ non-trivially (i.e., as the transposition map). Hi (iii) Γ fixes α α if and only if it fixes F ; V | ih | Proof. As (i) and (ii) follow easily from the theorem, we shall prove only (iii). By (i) and (ii) we may assume that Γ Θ′. After permuting the ′, we may assume that Γ = Γ acts as the transposition ∈ Hi S operator on ′ ′ and as identity on ′ ′ for some k. H1 ⊗···⊗Hk Hk+1 ⊗···⊗Hm Suppose that Γ fixes α α . By (ii) r(Γ(FV)) = d 1. By Corollary 12, Γ(FV) = FV′ for some | ih | − hyperplane V′. Moreover, each α′ , i k, must be real up to a phase factor. Thus, α∗S is proportional | ii ≤ | i to α (see Definition 10). This implies that V′ = V and so Γ(FV) = FV′ = FV. | i For the converse, suppose that Γ fixes F . Then V must be orthogonal to α∗S . It follows that α∗S V | i | i is equal to α up to a phase factor. Hence, Γ( α α ) = α∗S α∗S = α α . | i | ih | | ih | | ih | ⊔⊓ If α is a product vector, then obviously the hyperplane α ⊥ has an orthogonal basis consisting | i ∈ H | i of product vectors. We shall prove the converse. Lemma 14 Let α be a nonzero vector and let V = α ⊥. If V has an orthogonal basis consisting | i ∈ H | i of product vectors, then α is a product vector. | i Proof. The case n = 1 is trivial. The bipartite case, n = 2, is well known. Assume that n > 2. By applying the assertion to the bipartition := , := with 1 k < n, 1 k k+1 n P H ⊗···⊗H Q H ⊗···⊗H ≤ we deduce that α = β γ with β and γ . Since this holds for each k, α is a product | i | i⊗| i | i ∈ P | i ∈ Q | i vector. ⊔⊓ 4 Some maximal faces in the bipartite case It is easy to see that there exist maximal faces of which are not induced provided that d > 6. Indeed, 1 S there exist full states ρ ∂ , and any maximal face which contains such ρ is non-induced. In this 1 ∈ S section we consider only bipartite systems and we set m = d and l = d . 1 2 Given a linear map Φ : End End , the so called Choi matrix, C End , of Φ is defined 1 2 Φ H → H ∈ H by m−1 C := i j Φ( i j ). (23) Φ X | ih |⊗ | ih | i,j=0 9 The map Φ is positive if Φ(ρ) 0 for all ρ 0. We denote by the closed convex cone in ≥ ≥ P Hom(End ,End ) consisting of all positive maps. We say that a point φ is exposed if it 1 2 H H ∈ P lies on an exposed ray of the cone . P Define the bilinear pairing , : End Hom(End ,End ) C by 1 2 h· ·i H× H H → ρ,Φ := Tr(ρTC ), (24) Φ h i where T is the transposition map. For any subset P , the set ⊆ P P′ = ρ : ρ,φ = 0, φ P (25) 1 { ∈ S h i ∀ ∈ } is a face of (which may be empty). If F is a face of then we say that F′ is the dual face of F. One 1 S P defines similarly the dual of a face of , which is a face of . 1 S P Let φ and φ = 0. To simplify notation, we shall denote the face φ ′ also by φ′. We denote ∈ P 6 { } by P the set of product vectors z = x,y such that z z ,φ = 0 or, equivalently, φ( x x ) y∗ = 0. φ | i | i h| ih | i | ih | | i This set is important because the extreme points of the face φ′ are exactly the pure product states z z | ih | with z P and z = 1. We say that φ has the spanning property if P spans . If φ is an exposed φ φ | i ∈ || || H point of then φ′ is a maximal face of (see [18, Proposition 5.3]). Moreover, it follows from Corollary 1 P S 12 that this maximal face is non-induced if and only if φ has the spanning property. Let L : be a nonzero linear map. Then the linear map φ : End End defined by 2 1 L 1 2 H → H H → H φ (X) = L†XL is a positive map. It has been proved recently [20] that φ is an exposed point of . L L P Hence, φ′ is a maximal face of . We shall prove below that it is also induced. L S1 Let us recall that there is a natural isomorphism, Ψ, of complex vector spaces = 1 2 H H ⊗ H → Hom( , ) which sends x y x y∗ for each x and y . While is already 2 1 1 2 H H | i ⊗ | i → | ih | | i ∈ H | i ∈ H H a Hilbert space, we make also Hom( , ) into a Hilbert space by using the standard inner product 2 1 H H (X Y) := Tr(X†Y). Then Ψ becomes an isometry. | Proposition 15 If L : is a nonzero linear map, then the maximal face φ′ of is induced. H2 → H1 L S1 More precisely, if α := Ψ−1(L) and V := α ⊥ then φ′ = F . | i | i L V Proof. A product vector z = x,y belongs to P if and only if φ ( x x ) y∗ = 0. This condition | i | i φL L | ih | | i is equivalent to x L y∗ = 0, and also to Tr(L† x y∗ ) = 0, i.e., to (L x y∗ ) = 0. By applying the h | | i | ih | | | ih | isometry Ψ−1, we conclude that x,y P if and only if α x,y = 0. Thus, P is the set of all | i ∈ φL h | i φL product vectors in the hyperplane V. Consequently, φ′ = F . L V ⊔⊓ 4.1 Some 3 3 non-induced maximal faces × K.-C. Ha and S.-H, Kye have constructed recently [13] concrete examples of non-induced maximal faces in 3 3. Let us mention first that they have constructed a 1-parameter family ∆ , b > 0, b = 1, of faces b ⊗ 6 of . Each ∆ is a 9-dimensional simplex, the convex hull of pure product states z z , i = 1,...,10. 1 b i i S | ih | The product vectors z are the normalizations of the six vectors listed in [13, Eq. 10] and the additional i | i four vectors listed in [13, Eq. 12]. They have shown that the face ∆ is the intersection of two faces b Φ(1/b)′ and (Φ(1/b) t)′ (see their paper for more details). Further, they have shown that ◦ (i) each interior point of ∆ is a full state; b (ii) (Φ(1/b) t)′ = Γ (Φ(1/b)′); 1 ◦ (iii) any product vector z for which z z Φ(1/b)′ has one of the four forms listed in [13, Eq. 13]. | i | ih | ∈ To simplify the notation we set F = Φ(1/b)′, and so by (ii) we have (Φ(1/b) t)′ = Γ (F ). It follows b 1 b ◦ from (i) that all three faces ∆ , F and Γ (F ) are non-induced. b b 1 b 10

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