Dimension, depth and zero-divisors of the algebra of basic k-covers of a graph. Bruno Benedetti Alex Constantinescu‡‡ Matteo Varbaro§ ∗ Inst.Mathematics,MA6-2 DipartimentodiMatematica DipartimentodiMatematica 9 0 TUBerlin Universita´diGenova Universita´diGenova 0 D-10623Berlin,Germany I-16146Genoa,Italy I-16146Genoa,Italy 2 n [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] a J January25,2009 5 2 ] C Abstract A . Westudythebasick-coversofabipartitegraphG;thealgebraA¯(G)theyspan,firststudied h t byHerzog,isthefiberconeoftheAlexanderdualoftheedgeideal. Wecharacterize when a m A¯(G) is a domain in terms of the combinatorics of G; if follows from a result of Hochster that when A¯(G) is a domain, it is also Cohen-Macaulay. We then study the dimension of [ A¯(G) by introducing a geometric invariant of bipartite graphs, the “graphical dimension”. 1 WeshowthatthegraphicaldimensionofGisnotlargerthandim(A¯(G)),andequalityholds v 5 in many cases (e.g. when G is a tree, or a cycle). Finally, we discuss applications of this 9 theorytothearithmetical rank. 8 3 . 1 Introduction 0 9 0 To each homogenous ideal I of a standard graded K algebra S, we can associate a second : v standardgraded K-algebra, theso-called fiberconeofI,defined as i X r Fm(I):= Ik/mIk, a Mk 0 ≥ wherem= S isthemaximalirrelevantideal ofS. k>0 k ⊕ Fiber cones have been introduced by Northcott and Rees [15] and extensively studied in literatureeversince. Some typical questions(in general hard to solve)are the following: given an idealI, ⊲ is F (I)adomain? is itCohen-Macaulay? m ⊲ what is theKrull dimensionof F (I)? (This invariant is knownas the“analytic spread m ofI”.) SupportedbyDFGviatheBerlinMathematicalSchool;partiallysupportedbyPRAGMATIC08. ∗ ‡‡SupportedbyPhdofUniversita´diGenova;partiallysupportedbyPRAGMATIC08. §SupportedbyPhdofUniversita´diGenova;partiallysupportedbyPRAGMATIC08. 1 At the summer school “Pragmatic 2008”, with Herzog and Welker as teachers, we studied the special case where S is the polynomial ring in n variables, and I is a monomial ideal asso- ciated to a bipartite graph G (more precisely, I is the Alexander dual of the edge ideal of G). Wewilldenoteby A¯(G)thefiber coneofthisideal I. Consistentlywiththegeneral picture, we focusedon thefollowingquestions: ⊲ When isA¯(G)a domain? When is itCohen-Macaulay? ⊲ What isthedimensionofA¯(G)? Hereis asummaryofsomeoftheresultscontained inthepresentpaper. We give a simple, purely combinatorial characterization of those bipartite graphs G for which A¯(G) is a domain (Theorem 1.8). Namely, for every non-isolated vertex i of G there mustbean edge i, j in G suchthat { } If i,i isan edgeofG and j, j is an edgeofG,then i, j is alsoan edgeofG. ′ ′ ′ ′ { } { } { } In case G satisfies this condition, we show via a theorem of Hochster that A¯(G) is actually a Cohen-Macaulay normal domain (Proposition 1.1). Moreover we prove in Theorem 3.3 that A¯(G) is an Hibi ring provided that G is unmixed (in this case one can easily see that A¯(G) is a domain). This has some interesting consequences: for example it allows us to characterize all Cohen-Macaulay bipartitegraphsforwhich A¯(G) isGorenstein(Corollary3.6). WhenA¯(G)isnotadomain,itmaybenon-Cohen-Macaulayaswell. However,weshowthat depth(A¯(G)) 2 for all bipartite graphs G: see Theorem 1.14. This fact has some interesting consequences≥,amongwhichincludethattheprojectiveschemeProj(A¯(G))isalwaysconnected. Anyway we show an example of a bipartite graph G for which A¯(G) is not equidimensional, andthusnot Cohen-Macaulay (Example2.15). Furthermore: we prove that the dimension of A¯(G) is n when G is a cycle (Proposition 2 2.12), and n +1 when G is a path (Corollary 2.8) or a Cohen Macaulay graph (Corollary ⌊2⌋ 2.9). Theseresultsare nottrivial,asthe“obvious”approachtotheproblem– thatis,toasymp- totically count basic k-covers1 – leads to long, nasty calculations. We followed in fact another road, introducing a numerical invariant – the “graphical dimension gdim(G)” – for each bipar- titegraph G. Foragenericbipartitegraph G,we showthat gdim(G) dimA¯(G) (Theorem 2.7). ≤ Indeed, fortrees andcycles, onehas equality: gdim(G)=dimA¯(G) (Theorem 2.22and Proposition2.12). Wedo notknowwhetherequalityholdstrueingeneral, ornot. Finally,inthelastsection,wediscuss: the dimension issue in a more general setting (that considers hypergraphs instead of bi- • partitegraphs); unmixedgraphsand Hibirings; • applicationstothearithmeticalrank oftheAlexanderdualoftheedgeidealofG. • 1Seethenextparagraphforthedefinition. 2 0.1 Definitions and notation 0.1.1 Bipartitegraphs andvertex covers Let G be a simple graph on n vertices, labeled by 1, ...,n. A vector a=(a ,...,a ) a k-cover 1 n ofGif: k and all a’s arenonnegativeintegers; i • notalla ’sare zero; i • foreveryedge i, j ofG onehas a +a k. i j • { } ≥ This concept generalizes the graph theoretical notion of vertex cover, which is a subset of [n] that has non-empty intersection with all the edges of G. Vertex covers in our language are just1-coverswhoseentriesare either0or1. Two covers can be “summed” vertex-wise: a k-cover plus a k -cover gives a (k+k )-cover. ′ ′ A k-cover a is said to be decomposable if a = b+c, for a suitable h-cover b and a suitable (k h)-cover c. A k-cover a is said to be non-basic if it can be decomposed into a k-cover a, ′ − and a 0-cover a . Indecomposable (resp. basic) is of course contrary to decomposable (resp. ′′ non-basic). We also say that a k-cover a can be “lopped at i” if replacing a with a 1 in the i i − vectora, givesagainak-cover. Example0.1. LetGbeahexagon,withtheverticeslabelledclockwise. Then,a=(1,0,1,1,0,1) is a basic 1-cover; a = (1,1,0,1,1,0) is also a basic 1-cover; yet their sum c = a+b = (2,1,1,2,1,1) is a 2-cover that is not basic (c can be lopped at 1). This shows that A¯(G) is notadomainwhen Gis ahexagon: a and bare bothzero-divisors. The algebra has however depth at least 2, since we will see that d = (1,0,1,0,1,0) and e = (0,1,0,1,0,1) are non-zero-divisors and form a regular sequence. As a consequence of Theorem2.12we willsee thatthedimensionofA¯(G) is3. Recall that a graph G is bipartite if its vertex set [n] := 1,...,n can be partitioned into { } subsetsA,BsuchthatalltheedgesofGlinkonevertexinAwithonevertexinB. Incaseevery vertex in A is adjacent to every vertex of B, we say that G is bipartite complete, and we write G=K ,wherea= A andb= B . AgraphGisbipartiteifandonlyifGdoesnotcontainan a,b | | | | oddcycle. Moreover,thedisjointunionofk graphsG ,...,G isbipartiteifandonlyifeachG 1 k i is bipartite. Finally, it was established in [8, Theorem 5.1]) that, providing the graph G has at leastoneedge: 1. Ifa isak-coverwithk 3, ais decomposable; ≥ 2. thegraph G isbipartiteifand onlyifG has no indecomposable2-covers. Notice that a bipartite graph might admit a basic k-cover even when k 2: for example, if G ≥ consists in two vertices and a single edge, and a is the vector (0,k), clearly a is decomposable as a=(0,1)+(0,k 1),buta isbasic. − 0.1.2 The Alexanderdual ofthe edge idealofa graphand itsfiber cone Let S=K[x ,...,x ] be the polynomial ring on n variables over a field K, and let t be an extra 1 n indeterminate. Let G beagraph onn vertices. Denoteby A(G) S[t] k ⊆ theinfinitedimensionalK-vectorspacegenerated bythe xa1 xantk such thata isak-coverofG . { 1 ··· n } 3 Thegraded S-algebra A(G)= A(G) k Mk 0 ≥ iscalled thevertex cover algebraofG. If G is bipartite and has at least one edge, it admits no indecomposable k-covers for k 2; ≥ thusA(G)isastandard graded S-algebra[8]. In particular, thequotient A¯(G)=A(G)/mA(G) isastandard graded K-algebra. It iseasy to check that: A(G) is generated as a S-algebra by the monomials xa1 xant such that a=(a ,...,a ) • 1 ··· n 1 n isan indecomposable1-cover; A¯(G) is generated as a K-algebra by the monomials xa1 xant such that a=(a ,...,a ) • 1 ··· n 1 n isan indecomposable1-cover; a basis of A¯ (G) as a K-vector space is given by the monomials xa1 xantk such that • k 1 ··· n a=(a ,...,a )is abasick-cover; 1 n in particular, the Hilbert function HFA¯(G)(k) = dimKA¯(G)k counts the number of basic • k-coversofG. RecallthatforahomogeneousidealI SthedimensionofitsfiberconeF (I)iscalledthe m ⊆ analytic spread of I. When K is an infinite field, the analytic spread is the minimal number of generators ofany idealJ satisfying – J iscontained inI; – thereexistsapositiveintegers suchthat Js I =Is+1; · – J isminimalamong theideals thatsatisfytheprevioustwoproperties. In particular,theanalyticspread islarger orequalthan thearithmeticalrank, defined as ara(I):=min numberofgenerators ofJ s.t. √J =√I . { } Now,letG beabipartitegraph withat leastoneedge; theideal I = x, x ; i j i,j ed\geofG(cid:0) (cid:1) { } is a squarefree monomial ideal, whose fiber cone coincides with A¯(G). In other words, A¯(G) is the fiber cone of the Alexander dual of the edge ideal of G, and dim(A¯(G)) is its analytic spread. (Also, A(G)correspondstotheRees algebraS[It].) Notes. 1. If G is not bipartite, it is still possible to define A¯(G) as the symbolic fiber cone of I, provided G has at least one edge; see the last section for a broader approach involving hypergraphs. 2. If G is the disjoint union of n points, G is bipartite but A¯(G) is not finitely generated as K-algebra. The basic k-covers of G are those that assign 1 to a single vertex and 0 to all othervertices;twicesuchabasiccoveris notabasiccoveranymore. 3. Throughout thispaper wealwaysassumethat Ghas atleastone edge. 4 ¯ 1 When is A(G) a domain? In thisparagraph, weanswerthefollowingquestions: When doesA¯(G)contain – zero-divisors? – non-zero-divisors? – nilpotentelements? The idea, as in Herzog–Hibi–Trung[8], is to use vertex covers as a “bridge” between com- mutativealgebraand combinatorics: first we characterize the algebraic properties above with statements in the language of • vertexcovers; then we translate the vertex covers statements into combinatorial properties of the given • graphG. ThiswayweestablishthatA¯(G)isadomainifandonlyifthegraphGhasatleastoneedgeand satisfiesthefollowing,purely combinatorialcondition. Definition 1.1. A bipartite graph G satisfies the weak square condition (shortly, WSC) if for every non-isolated vertex i of G there exists an edge i, j of G such that the following holds { } true: If i,i isan edgeofG and j, j is an edgeofG,then i, j is alsoan edgeofG. ′ ′ ′ ′ { } { } { } It is easy to check that any complete bipartite graph satisfies WSC; furthermore, if two graphssatisfyWSC, theirdisjointunionsatisfies WSCas well. Wewillalso provethefollowingprospect: A¯(G)has anon-zero divisor ifandonlyif G has atleast oneedge; A¯(G)has azero-divisor ifandonlyif G doesnot satisyWSC; A¯(G)has anilpotentelement ifandonlyif G has noedges. Thesecondansweris particularlyinterestingin connectionwiththefollowingresult. Proposition1.1. SupposethatA¯(G)isadomain. ThenA¯(G)isanormaldomainandaCohen- Macaulayalgebra,too. Proof. If A¯(G) is a domain then it is a semigroup ring. More precisely A¯(G) = K[C] where ∼ C Zn+1 is thesemigroup ⊆ C= (a ,...,a ,k): k 1, (a ,...,a ) isabasick-cover . 1 n 1 n { ≥ } By aresultofHochster([12, Theorem1]), itsuffices to showthatC isa normalsemigroup. Choosean a Z C such thatm a C forsomem N. Write ∈ · · ∈ ∈ p p p a=((cid:229) m ai, ..., (cid:229) mai, (cid:229) mk ) i 1 i n i i i=1 i=1 i=1 wherem Z and ai =(ai,...,ai,k) C forevery i=1,...,p. Foreveryedge i, j ofG i ∈ 1 n i ∈ { } m ((cid:229) p m (ah+ah)) m ((cid:229) p m k ) 1 = (cid:229) p m (ah+ah) (cid:229) p m k 1, · h=1 k i j ≥ · h=1 h h ≥ ⇒ h=1 h i j ≥ h=1 h h ≥ andequalityonthelefthandsideimpliesequalityontherightandside. Som a C = a C, · ∈ ⇒ ∈ thenC isanormalsemigroup. 5 Let usstart withsomeeasy lemmas. Lemma 1.2. Let G bea bipartitegraph. Then A¯(G)is notadomainifandonlyifthereexistm basic1-covers thataddup toa non-basicm-cover, forsomem 2. ≥ Proof. Theif-partiseasy. Conversely, choose two non-zero elements f,g A¯(G) such that f g=0; or, in other words, ∈ · choose two elements F,G A(G) mA(G) such that F G= H with H mA(G). Consider a ∈ \ · ∈ term order on S[t]. We can assume that the leading term of F, LT (F), does not belong in mA(G): oth≺erwise, replace F with F =F a LT F for a suitable a≺ K. Similarly, we can ′ also assume LT (G) / mA(G). On the othe−r ha·nd≺mA(G) is generated∈as a K-vector space by ≺ ∈ monomials,so LT (H) mA(G). ≺ ∈ ThenwemusthaveLT (F) LT (G)=LT (H),so ≺ · ≺ ≺ (xa1 xan tk) (xb1 xbn th)=xc1 xcn tm, 1 ··· n · · 1 ··· n · 1 ··· n · wherea isa basick-cover, bis a basich-cover,c is anon basicm-cover, and m=k+h. Find k basic 1-covers that add up to a, and h basic 1-covers that add up to b. In total we have m basic 1-coversaddingupto somenon-basicm-coverc. Lemma 1.3. If bisa basick-cover ofa graphG on [n],b k foralli 1,...,n . i ≤ ∈{ } Proof. Wheneverb k+1,bcan beloppedat i. i ≥ Proposition1.4. Let Gbea bipartitegraph. Then, A¯(G) hasnonilpotentelement. Proof. Ifa isabasick-coverofG andt is anynaturalnumber, thent ais abasic(tk)-coverof G (by our assumption G has at least one edge). In particular, A¯(G) h·as no nilpotent generator. Nowarguingas in Lemma1.2wededucethat thereareno nilpotentelementsinA¯(G). Remark 1.5. Let G be a bipartite graph. Suppose G has isolated vertices. Any basic cover of G assigns 0 to all the isolated vertices; therefore, A¯(G) is isomorphic as a graded K-algebra to A¯(G) - where G is the graph obtained deleting from G all the isolated vertices. In particular ′ ′ A¯(G)isadomainifandonly ifA¯(G) isa domain. ′ Theorem 1.6. Let G be a bipartite graph. Then, A¯(G) is a domain if and only if for every non-isolatedvertexiofGthereexistsanedge i, j ofGsuchthatforeverybasic1-covercone { } hasc +c =1. i j Proof. “ ”. By contradiction,ifA¯(G) is not adomain, thereexistm basic1-coversa1, ..., am ⇐ thatadduptoanon-basicm-cover(becauseofLemma1.2). FixavertexiofG;bytheassump- tion, there is an edge i, j such that ah+ah =1, for all h 1,...,m . But then the m-cover i j { } ∈{ } a := a1+...+am cannot be lopped at i. Repeat this reasoning for all i to conclude that a is basic,acontradiction. “ ”. WecanassumebythepreviousremarkthatGhasnoisolatedpoints. Bycontradiction, ⇒ thereisa vertexisuch thatforeach vertex j adjacent to i,thereis somebasic1-coverb=b(j) such that b(j) +b(j) =2. (Notice that b(j) +b(j) cannot be 3 or more, because of Lemma i j i j 1.3.) Nowdefine (cid:229) b:= b(j). j adjacent toi 6 Clearly b is a d-cover, where d >0 is the degree of the vertex i in the graph G. It is also the sumofd basic1-covers. Itisstraightforwardtocheck that bcan beloppedat i,whichendsthe proof. Lemma 1.7. Let i, j bean edgeofa bipartitegraphG. Thefollowingareequivalent: { } (I). a +a =1 foreverybasic1-cover aof G; i j (II). if i,i is anedgeand j, j isan edge, then i, j isanedge. ′ ′ ′ ′ { } { } { } Proof. (I) (II): By contradiction, suppose i,i , i, j , j, j are edges of G, while i, j ′ ′ ′ ′ ⇒ { } { } { } { } isnotan edge. Wecan define a1-coverbas 0 ifh i, j , bh :=(cid:26) 1 othe∈rw{is′e.′} In general b is not basic; however, we can lop it at vertices not in the set i, j,i, j , until we ′ ′ { } obtainabasic1-coverasuch thata +a =2; acontradictionwith(I). i j (II) (I): Bytheassumption,thereisanedge i, j suchthatforalli adjacenttoi,andfor ′ ⇒ { } all j adjacent to j, i, j is also an edge of G. By contradiction, suppose there exists a basic ′ ′ ′ { } 1-coverc of G such that c =c =1. Since c is basic, c cannot be lopped at i, so there must be i j somevertex i adjacent to i such that c =0. Similarly, c cannot be lopped at j, so there is a j ′ i ′ ′ adjacentto jsuchthatc =0. But i, j isanedgeofG,andc =c =0: acontradiction. j ′ ′ i j ′ { } ′ ′ Theorem 1.8. Let G bea bipartitegraph. Then thefollowingareequivalent: 1. GsatisfiesWSC; 2. for every non-isolated vertex i of G there exists an edge i, j of G, such that for every { } basic1-cover conehasc +c =1; i j 3. A¯(G) isa domain. Proof. By Remark 1.5, it is sufficient to show the equivalence for graphs G without isolated vertices. The equivalence of 2 and 3 is given by Theorem 1.6; the equivalence of 1 and 2 followsdirectlyby Lemma1.7and thedefinitionofWSC. Corollary1.9. If GsatisfiesWSC, A¯(G)isa normalCohen-Macaulaydomain. Examples 1.10. LetGbeasquare. Then,A¯(G)isadomain. IfGisa2k-cycle,andk 3, • ≥ Gis notadomain. Let G be (the 1-skeleton of) a cube. Then, A¯(G) is not a domain. However, if G˜ is the • cubetogetherwithitsthreemaindiagonals,A¯(G˜) isadomain. IfG isa pathof3 consecutivesegments(i.e. asquareminusan edge), A¯(G)isa domain; • if G is a path of 4 consecutive segments (i.e. a pentagon minus an edge), A¯(G) is not a domain. Recall that G is unmixed if all the basic 1-covers of G have the same number of ones. It followsfrom the definition that when G is unmixed, m basic 1-covers add up always to a basic m-cover: so unmixedimpliesdomainby Lemma1.2. Theconversedoes nothold: thealgebras ofcompletebipartitegraphsare alldomains,whileK is unmixedifandonlyifa=b. a,b Proposition1.11. Let T bea treeon nvertices. T is a domainif andonlyif everyvertexof T iseithera leaf,or adjacenttoa leaf. • 7 T isunmixedifandonlyifniseven,andT isobtainedfromsometreeU on n verticesby • 2 attachingoneleafto eachvertex ofU. The second part of Proposition 1.11 is known: for example, it follows from the result of Herzog–Hibi[7, Theorem 3.4]and fromthemain theoremby Herzog–Hibi–Zheng[9]. Below, however,wegiveapurelycombinatorialproof: Proof. The first item follows applying the WSC property to paths: fix a vertex i and consider anyedge i, j . Unless i is aleaf (or j is a leaf), wecan find edges i,i and j, j : and since ′ ′ { } { } { } atreeisacyclic, i, j is notan edge. ′ ′ { } Suppose T is unmixed. Then, the bipartition of the vertices of B gives rise to two basic 1-covers with the same number of ones: so n is even and A = B = n. Moreover, let c be the | | | | 2 1-cover obtained assigning 0 to all leaves and 1 to all other vertices. A priori c might be not basic;however,sinceunmixedimpliesdomain,by thepreviousitemeveryvertexofT iseither a leaf or adjacent to a leaf; this implies that c is basic. Let C be the set of elements that are adjacent to at least one leaf. Clearly c is identically 1 onC. So the number of elements ofC is n (by definition of unmixed). Now we notice that every leaf is adjacent to exactly one element 2 inC, while an element v inC is adjacent to d leaves; but since C = n =n # leaves , by v | | 2 − { } thepidgeon-holeprincipleweget thatd =1 forallv’s. v Conversely, let T be a tree obtained from U as described above, and let b be any basic 1-cover of U. b can be extended in an unique way to a basic 1-cover b of T - and all basic ′ 1-covers of T are obtained this way. The extension consists in assigning 0 to a leaf that starts at a point that has been given 1, and the other way around. This means that the obtained basic 1-coverofT willhaveexactly n ones. 2 Example1.12. LetT bethetreeon sixverticesand thefollowingfiveedges: 1,2 , 1,3 , 1,4 , 4,5 , 4,6 . { } { } { } { } { } Then,T is notunmixed,albeitT isadomain. Notice that in this case I = (x,x ) = (x x , x x x , x x x , x x x x ). So I is not i,j i j 1 4 1 5 6 2 3 4 2 3 5 6 generated inonlyonegraden∩ei{the}racompleteintersection,albeititsfiber coneisadomain. We finally give a criterion to determine whether a basic k-cover is a zero-divisor in the algebraornot. Lemma 1.13. Let G be a bipartite graph, and b a basic k-cover. If b +b =k for each edge i j i, j ofG, thenthesumof bandother basiccovers givesalways a basiccover. { } Proof. Let a=b+c be the sum of the basick-cover b aboveand an arbitrary basic k -coverc. ′ aisa(k+k )-cover;weclaimthata cannotbeloppedatanyvertex. By contradiction,suppose ′ a can be lopped at i: then, the inequality a +a k+k was strict for all j’s adjacent to i. j i ′ ≥ Besides,b +b =k forall j’sadjacent toi. So,c +c k mustbestrictforall j’sadjacent to i j j i ′ ≥ i-which meansthat ccan beloppedat i,acontradiction. Proposition1.14. Let G bea bipartitegraphwith atleast oneedge. Then depth A¯(G) 2. ≥ (cid:0) (cid:1) 8 Proof. By Remark 1.5 we can assume that G has no isolated vertices. Under this assumption, thevectorsa and bdefined by 1 ifh A, ah :=(cid:26) 0 ifh∈B ∈ 0 ifh A, bh :=(cid:26) 1 ifh∈B ∈ arebothbasick-covers,where[n]=A Bis thebipartitionofthevertexset ofG. ∪ We claim that xat =xa1 xant and xbt =xb1 xbnt form a regular sequence in the algebra A¯(G). 1 ··· n 1 ··· n In fact, by Lemma 1.13, the sum of a and other basic covers gives always a basic cover, so xat is a non-zero divisor arguing like in the proof of Lemma 1.2. To prove that xbt is not a zero-divisor of A¯(G)/xat A¯(G) we assume xbt f (x ,...,x ,xat)A¯(G) and we show f 1 n (x ,...,x ,xat)A¯(G) (here f· A(G) and the opera·tion∈s are in S). Again, arguing as in Lemm∈a 1 n 1.2 we can assume that f =∈xc1 xcntk where c = (c ,...,c ) is a basic k-cover. Moreover, 1 ··· n 1 n since xbt is not a zero-divisor(again by Lemma 1.13) we have that there exists a basic k-cover d such that a+d=b+c. Now it is easy to see that, by the choice of a and b, this implies that c=a+c fora suitablebasic(k 1)-coverc, and thisallowsus toconclude. ′ ′ − Corollary 1.15. Let G be a bipartite graph. Then the projective scheme Proj(A¯(G)) is con- nected. Proof. From a result of Hartshorne (see [6, Proposition 2.1]) one has that for any projective schemeX =Proj(R)thefollowingfact holds: depth(R) 2 = X connected. ≥ ⇒ Theorem 1.16 (Characterization of non-zero-divisors.). Let G be a bipartite graph, and b a basick-cover. Thefollowingareequivalent: 1. thesum ofband otherbasiccovers gives alwaysa basiccover; 2. for each edge i, j of G such that b +b > k, there exist an i adjacent to i and a j i j ′ ′ { } adjacentto j suchthatforeach basic1-cover a, onehas a +a =1=a +a ; i i j j ′ ′ 3. for each edge i, j of G such that b +b > k, there exist an i adjacent to i and a j i j ′ ′ { } adjacentto j suchthat: – if v,i is anedgeand v,i isan edge, then v,v is alsoanedge; ′ ′ ′ { } { } { } – if w, j isan edgeand w, j is anedge, then w,w isalsoan edge. ′ ′ ′ { } { } { } Proof. Theequivalenceof2 and 3is easilyshownviaLemma1.7. 1 2: By contradiction, let i, j be an edge with b +b >k, and suppose that for all i i j ′ ⇒ { } adjacent to i and j adjacent to j, onecan find eithera basic1-coverc=c(i) (dependingon i) ′ ′ ′ suchthat c +c =2,orabasic1-coverd=d(j ) (dependingon j )such thatd +d =2. i i ′ ′ j j ′ ′ Consider (cid:229) (cid:229) a:= c(i ) + d(j ). ′ ′ i adjacent toi j adjacent to j ′ ′ Thisa isa h-cover,where h is thesumof thedegrees ofi and j inthegraph G. It iseasy to seethata can beloppedeitherat iorat j. 2 1: Bycontradiction,letcbeabasick -coversuchthata=b+cisnotbasic. Reasoning ′ ⇒ as in Lemma 1.13, it is easy to see that c could be lopped only at those vertices i such that b +b > k for some j adjacent to i. So, fix such an edge i, j with b +b > k, so that c i j i j { } 9 can be lopped at i. Clearly c is a sum of k indecomposable1-covers; by the assumption, then, ′ c +c =k =c +c ,forsomei adjacenttoi,andsome j adjacentto j. Butifccanbelopped i i ′ j j ′ ′ ′ ′ ati, theinequalityc +c k shouldbestrict: acontradiction. i i ′ ′ ≥ ¯ 2 The dimension of A(G) In thisparagraph westudythedimensionofA¯(G),whichis theanalyticspread oftheideal I = (x,x ) S=K[x ,...,x ]. i j 1 n ⊆ i,j ed\geofG { } As wehavealready said theHilbertfunctionofA¯(G) HFA¯(G)(k)=dimKA¯(G)k counts the number of basic k-covers of G. For k large, the Hilbert function grows as C kd, where d =dimA¯(G) 1 andC d!=e(A¯(G)), the multiplicity of A¯(G). Hence the main·tool − · for computing the dimension will be approximating the number of basic k-cover of the graph fork large. We introduceherein the“graphical dimension”,an integerthat depends only on thecombi- natoricsofG. Thisinvariantcaptured ourinterestforthefollowingreasons: ⊲ gdim(G) dimA¯(G)(Theorem 2.7); ≤ ⊲ gdimcan becomputedorestimatedfrombelow;2 ⊲ gdim(C )=dimA¯(C )=aforeach (2a)-gon(see Proposition2.12); 2a 2a ⊲ gdim(G) = dimA¯(G) = n +1 if G is a path on n vertices, or if G has a Cohen- ⌊2⌋ Macaulay edgeideal(see Corollaries2.8 and 2.9); ⊲ gdim(T)=dimA¯(T)foreach treeT (Theorem 2.22). Notice that by Remark 1.5, we may assume that G has no isolated points. We can even reduce tothecasewhereG is connectedby meansofthefollowingLemma: Lemma 2.1. If G isthedisjointunionof two graphsG andG , 1 2 dim(A¯(G))=dim(A¯(G ))+dim(A¯(G )) 1. 1 2 − Proof. Every basic k-cover of G, restricted to G , gives a basic k-cover of G ; and all basic i i k-coversofGarisethisway. Thismeansthat HF (k) = HF (k) HF (k), A¯(G) A¯(G1) · A¯(G2) whenceforlargek weobtainthat dim(A¯(G)) 1 = dim(A¯(G )) 1 + dim(A¯(G )) 1. 1 2 − − − 2Computinggdimtakes“toolong”ifGhasmanyedges. However,anydrawingthatrepresentsGasbipartite graphbasicallygivesalowerboundforgdim(G),andthusfordimA¯(G): SeeDefinition2.1. 10