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Dillon Avenue Townhomes and Apartments PDF

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CITY OF CAMPBELL Community Development Department DRAFT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION The Community Development Department has prepared an Infill Environmental Checklist in compliance with State CEQA Guideline Sec. 15183.3 for the purposes of determining whether the proposed infill project described below may have a significant effect on the environment not addressed in a previous Environmental Impact Report (EIR), not substantially mitigated by uniformly applicable development policies, or mitigated through project-specific measures. "Significant effect on the environment" means a substantial, or potentially substantial, adverse change in any of the physical conditions within the area affected by the project including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, ambient noise, and objects of historic or aesthetic significance. Project Title: Dillon Avenue Townhomes and Apartments File Number(s): PLN2013-340 (CEQA Review), PLN2013-337 (Planned Development Permit), PLN2013-339 (Vesting Subdivision Map), PLN2013-360 (Parking Modification Permit), and PLN2014-191 (Tree Removal Permit) Project Address: 230, 280, 282, and 290 (portion) Dillon Avenue; 466,472,482, and 488 Sam Cava Lane; and 186 Gilman Avenue Project Sponsor: Santa Clara Development / Robson Homes 2185 The Alameda Santa Jose, CA 95126 Zoning District: P-D (Planned Development) General Plan: Commercial/Med.-High Density Residential (14-27 units/gr. acre) and High Density Residential (21-27 units/gr. acre) Lead Agency: City of Campbell, Community Development Department 70 N. First Street, Campbell, CA 95008 Contact Person: Daniel Fama, Associate Planner (408) 866-2193 | [email protected] Date Posted: August 29, 2014 Surrounding Land Uses / General Plan / Zoning: North: Townhome Residential / Commercial/Med.-High Residential / P-D (Planned Development) South: Maintenance Yard / High-Density Residential / P-D (Planned Development) East: Los Gatos Creek Trail / Open Space / P-F/OS (Public Facilities/Open Space) West: Industrial / Commercial/Med.-High Residential / P-D (Planned Development) 70 North First Street • Campbell, CA 95008-1423 • TEL (408) 866-2140 • FAX (408) 866-5140 • E-MAIL [email protected] Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration ~ Dillon Avenue Townhomes and Apartments Page 2 Prior Environmental Document(s): On November 6, 2001, the City of Campbell adopted the Campbell General Plan and certified the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (State Clearing House # 2001042063) for the project. The adopting City Council Resolution (CC Resolution No. 9940) for the EIR, summarized the potentially significant environmental impacts that would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the identified mitigation measures as well as those environmental impacts determined to be significant and unavoidable. Location of Prior Environmental Document(s): City of Campbell City Hall, Community Development Department, 70 N. First Street, Campbell, CA 95008. Project Description: The proposed project is an infill residential development consisting of 81 townhome units (fee title ownership) and 19 apartment (rental) units. Finding: On the basis of the Infill Environmental Checklist, Community Development Department staff has determined that, based upon substantial evidence, the project will not have a significant effect on the environment due to mitigation measures adopted in a previous Environmental Impact Report (EIR), application of uniformly applicable development policies, and incorporation of the following project-specific mitigation measures agreed to by the project proponent. Mitigation Measures Included in the Project to Reduce Potentially Significant Environmental Effects to a Less Than Significant Level: Mitigation Measure AIR-1: The project applicant shall ensure that construction plans include the BAAQMD Best Management Practices for fugitive dust control. The following will be required for all construction activities within the project area. These measures will reduce fugitive dust emissions primarily during soil movement, grading and demolition activities, but also during vehicle and equipment movement on unpaved project sites: a. All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access roads) shall be watered two times per day. b. All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material off-site shall be covered. c. All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day. The use of dry power sweeping is prohibited. d. All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to 15 mph. e. All streets, driveways, and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible. Building pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used. f. Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when not in use or reducing the maximum idling time to 5 minutes (as required by the California airborne tox.ics control measure Title 13, Section 2485 of CCR). Clear signage shall be provided for construction workers at all access points. g. All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a certified mechanic and determined to be running in proper condition prior to operation. h. A publicly visible sign shall be posted with the telephone number and person to contact at the Lead Agency regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within 48 hours. BAAQMD's phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration ~ Dillon Avenue Townhomes and Apartments Page 3 Mitigation Measure AIR-2: The project applicant shall ensure that construction contract specifications include a requirement that all off-road diesel-powered construction equipment used for project improvements be equipped with a Level3 Verified Diesel Emissions Control (VDEC). Mitigation Measure BIO-1: Project-related activities that occur during the breeding season could be constrained in the vicinity of any active nests. If tree removal or ground disturbance activities are scheduled to commence during the breeding season (February 1st through August 31st), pre- construction nesting bird surveys should be conducted by a qualified biologist to identify possible nesting activity within 15 days prior to such activities. A construction-free buffer of suitable dimensions must be established around any active raptor and migratory bird nest (up to 250 feet, depending on the location and species) for the duration of the project, or until it has been determined that the chicks have fledged and are foraging independently from their parents. Mitigation Measure BIO-2: The following mitigation measures will be implemented to ensure that no bats are harmed or killed as a result of the project. a. Within 30 days prior to the demolition of the four homes along Sam Cava Lane, and their associated outbuildings, a pre-construction survey will be conducted to confirm that the existing conditions of the homes have not changed. If existing conditions have not changed, no further surveys will be required. b. If existing conditions have changed and the biologist observes that one or more structures have openings that could provide entry for bats, then a more detailed bat survey will be conducted by a qualified biologist within all structures that provide potential openings for bats to enter. If no bats are found, then no further mitigations will be required. If roosting bats are found to be present, the following additional measures will be required: c. If a non-breeding bat colony is found within any of the structures, the individuals will be humanely evicted via the partial dismantlement of the buildings prior to demolition under the direction of a qualified bat specialist to ensure that no harm or “take” would occur to any bats as a result of demolition activities. d. If a maternity colony is detected in the structures, then a construction-free buffer should be established around the structure as determined by the biologist and remain in place until it has been determined that the nursery is no longer active. Demolition should preferably be done between March 1st and April 15th or August 15th and October 15th to avoid interfering with an active nursery. Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration ~ Dillon Avenue Townhomes and Apartments Page 4 PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD Any person may file a written protest of the draft Mitigated Negative Declaration before 5:00 p.m. on September 23, 2014. Such protest must be filed at the Community Development Department, City Hall, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. The written protest should make a "fair argument" that the project will have one or more significant effects on the environment based on substantial evidence. However, please note that certain determinations made pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sec. 15183.3 are questions of fact to be resolved by the lead agency. August 29, 2014 Signature Date Daniel Fama, Associate Planner City of Campbell Printed Name Agency Encl: Infill Environmental Checklist Form CITY OF CAMPBELL Community Development Department Infill Environmental Checklist Form Project Title: Dillon Avenue Townhomes and Apartments File Number(s): PLN2013-340 (CEQA Review), PLN2013-337 (Planned Development Permit), PLN2013-339 (Vesting Subdivision Map), PLN2013-360 (Parking Modification Permit), and PLN2014-191 (Tree Removal Permit) Project Address: 230, 280, 282, and 290 (portion) Dillon Avenue; 466,472,482, and 488 Sam Cava Lane; and 186 Gilman Avenue Project Sponsor: Santa Clara Development / Robson Homes 2185 The Alameda Santa Jose, CA 95126 Zoning District: P-D (Planned Development) General Plan Commercial/Med.-High Density Residential (14-27 units/gr. acre) and High Density Residential (21-27 units/gr. acre) Lead Agency: City of Campbell, Community Development Department 70 N. First Street, Campbell, CA 95008 Contact Person: Daniel Fama, Associate Planner (408) 866-2193 | [email protected] Date Posted: August 29, 2014 Project Setting and Surrounding Land Use: The project site is an assemblage of ten privately owned parcels totaling 4.34 acres and a small portion of the City Public Works Maintenance Corporation Yard. The site is located on the east side of Dillon Avenue, wrapping around over to Sam Cava Lane (reference Page 5, Location Map). The project site consists of three properties associated with the former Biddle Roofing company, two properties encompassing the Haig Precision machining company, four single-family residential properties, and one property developed with multi-tenant industrial building. Much of the site lies within the boundaries of the South of Campbell Avenue Area (SOCA), except for the primary parcel (280 Dillon Ave.) of the former Biddle Roofing company site. The majority of the project site perimeter (80%) is adjacent to existing commercial, industrial, and/or residential uses. The easterly perimeter is adjacent to the Los Gatos Creek Trail. 70 North First Street • Campbell, CA 95008-1423 • TEL (408) 866-2140 • FAX (408) 866-5140 • E-MAIL [email protected] Project Information Page No. 2 Project Description: The proposed project is an infill residential development consisting of 81 townhome units (fee title ownership) and 19 apartment (rental) units. The townhomes are proposed in 13 buildings, each containing between three to ten individual townhomes. The apartment units are proposed in three buildings containing three, four, and twelve apartments units, respectively. Although the project is largely oriented to the interior, it will include an outward-facing presence along the adjacent public streets; a row of six townhomes and the 12-unit apartment building will front Sam Cava Lane, and Dillon Avenue, respectively. These buildings will be situated with a minimal setback close to the sidewalk to provide an urban presence. A private roadway system in a "branching" configuration—where a primary road intersects with a series of short connecting roads—will provide vehicular access within the development. The private roadway will interface with the public street at the terminus of Dillon Avenue to the south (adjacent to the City's corporation yard) and at Sam Cava Lane to the north. Pedestrian access within the community is planned through an interconnected walkway system. Pedestrians will be able to access the public sidewalk at several points along Dillon Avenue and Sam Cava Lane allowing convenient access to the Downtown, light-rail, and Campbell Park. The project presents two distinct architectural concepts. The townhomes, which make up much of the interior of the site, as well as the units along Sam Cava Lane, are depicted in a traditional design that takes cues from a "small-town" style exhibited by such projects as the Gilman Cottages across the street. These three-story townhomes (38 ½ feet tall) are characterized by use of simple hipped and gabled roof forms, composition roofing, varied wall planes and insets, recessed windows, and smooth stucco walls The potential color pallets are all earth-tone combinations with an emphasis on tan-to-white body colors with contrasting brown trim. The townhomes will be contrasted with the apartment buildings that are depicted in a contemporary design evocative of the neighborhood's current industrial makeup incorporating standing seam metal roofing, asymmetric vertical massing, and varying articulation. The smaller of the two apartment buildings that will face Dillon Avenue is three stories at a height of 30-feet, while the other larger (and longer building) will be four stories at 39 feet tall. In keeping with the industrial flair, the color concept provided for these buildings emphasizes a vibrant rust color accented with industrial grays. Since the project is located within ¼ mile of the Downtown Light Rail Station, it is considered a transit- oriented development (TOD), subject to the parking standard that requires 1 ½ spaces per unit for a studio/1-bedroom unit and 2 spaces for each unit with 2 or more bedrooms, as well as ½ space per unit as guest parking. Pursuant to this standard, the project is required to provide 195 parking spaces as well as 50 guest parking spaces, for an aggregate total of 245 parking spaces. The project proposes a total of 243 spaces, with resulting deficiency of three spaces, requiring approval of a Parking Modification Permit. The project site exhibits a steep grading differential between the current Biddle Roofing properties and the additional parcel assemblage to the north. This differential, of approximately 12 feet, is evidenced by an existing retaining wall between the properties. The project's grading plan proposes to smooth the differential such that the project site will gradually slope up from south to north to create a visually level surface. However, interface with some adjacent properties will require use of retaining walls due to existing grade differentials. This will be most evident around the properties to the west, which sit up at street level (Dillon Ave.), approximately 8 feet higher from the finished grade of the project site. As a result, 7-ft to 8-ft tall retaining walls will surround this edge. Project Information Page No. 3 The Los Gatos Creek Trail runs parallel with the project site's eastern property line. Along this edge, the development's walkway, placed within a landscaped corridor, will create a park-like environment complimentary of the trail. Landscape plantings would be compliant with the State-mandated water efficiency standards (more drought tolerant vegetation) as well as regional guidelines for landscaping near riparian corridors (no invasive plant species). Directly behind the walkway, townhomes will face forward with their entries looking towards the creek trail. Interface with the trail will take two primary forms due to variations in embankment grade. Starting at the north side of the project site, and for about three quarters of the distance, a CMU (concrete masonry unit) retaining wall with a stucco finish, topped with a 3 ½ foot tall wrought-iron fencing, as shown on the following section and detail drawings, will meander alongside the property line. The barrier will then transition to a stacked stone base wall topped with 3 ½ foot tall wrought-iron fencing. Both wall designs will provide transparency at the project's grade level that will maintain visibility onto the creek. No direct public or private access to the creek trail is proposed. Project Data Net Lot Area: 4.51 acres (including 0.22 of City property) Gross Lot Area: 4.83 acres (approximate) Zoning: P-D (Planned Development) / South of Campbell Avenue Area (portion) General Plan: Commercial/Med.-High Density Residential (14-27 units/gr. acre) and High Density Residential (21-27 units/gr. acre) Proposed Units: 100 units (81 townhomes and 19 apartments) Allowable (Max) Units: 130 units Proposed Density: 20.7 units/gr. acre (100 units / 4.83 gross acres) Allowable (Max) Density: 27 units/gr. acre Unit Sizes Townhomes: 1,902 sq. ft. to 2,745 sq. ft. Apartments: 610 sq. ft. to 1,444 sq. ft. Building Coverage: 40% (78,162 square-foot building "footprint") Floor Area Ratio (FAR): 1.10 (216,968 square feet of total building area) Building Height Townhome Rows: 38 feet, 6 inches (from finished grade) Apartment Building 30 feet (from street level) 39 feet (from finished grade) Maximum Height Allowed: 75 Feet (Maximum Allowable within City) Parking Required: Provided Minimum Required Garage Spaces: 195 spaces 195 spaces (1 ½ - 2 spaces per unit) Surface (guest) Spaces: 47 spaces 50 (½ space per unit) Project Information Page No. 4 Project Entitlements: Required land use entitlements for the proposed project include a Planned Development Permit (approval of site configuration and architectural design), Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map (to create individual townhome lots and commonly owned lots), Tree Removal Permit (to allow removal of "protected trees"), and a Parking Modification Permit (to allow a minor reduction in parking). Prior Environmental Document(s): On November 6, 2001, the City of Campbell adopted the Campbell General Plan and certified the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (State Clearing House # 2001042063) for the project. The adopting City Council Resolution (reference Attachment 1 – CC Resolution No. 9940) for the EIR, summarizes the potentially significant environmental impacts that would be mitigated to a level less than significant with the identified mitigation measures as well as those environmental impacts determined to be significant and unavoidable. Location of Prior Environmental Document(s): City of Campbell City Hall, Community Development Department, 70 N. First Street, Campbell, CA 95008. Other public agencies whose approval is required: None

Code provisions regarding engineering and geotechnical analysis. This project will and California Native Plant Society (CNPS 2014), and manuals and references related to plants Fite, Kelby, and Edgar Thomas Smiley.
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