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Digital electronics: a practical approach with VHDL PDF

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NINTH EDITION Digital Electronics A Practical Approach with VHDL William Kleitz State University of New York—Tompkins Cortland Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director:Vern Anthony Development Editor:Dan Trudden Editorial Assistant:Yvette Schlarman Director of Marketing:David Gesell Marketing Manager:Harper Coles Marketing Assistant:Crystal Gonzales Senior Managing Editor:JoEllen Gohr Senior Project Manager:Rex Davidson Senior Operations Supervisor:Pat Tonneman Art Director:Diane Ernsberger Creative Director:Andrea Nix Cover Designer:Candace Rowley Cover Art:Fotolia Editorial Media Project Manager:Michelle Churma Media Project Manager:Karen Bretz Full-Service Project Management:Kelly Ricci Composition:Aptara®, Inc. Printer/Binder:Quad Graphics Cover Printer:Lehigh-Phoenix Text Font:Times Roman Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Unless otherwise credited, photos are by William Kleitz. Quartus®II screen shots are reprinted courtesy of Altera Corporation. Altera is a trademark and service mark of Altera Corporation in the United States and other countries. Altera products are the intellectual property of Altera Corporation and are protected by copyright laws and one or more U.S. and foreign patents and patent applications. Multisim®is a trademark of National Instruments. Copyright ©2012, 2008, 2005, 2002, 1999 by Pearson Education, Inc.All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior toany prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Kleitz, William. Digital electronics: a practical approach with VHDL/William Kleitz.—9th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-254303-3 ISBN-10: 0-13-254303-6 1. Digital electronics. I. Title. TK7868.D5K55 2011 621.381—dc23 2011017472 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-254303-3 ISBN 10: 0-13-254303-6 Contents 1 2–2 Clock Waveform Timing 29 Chapter 2–3 Serial Representation 32 2–4 Parallel Representation 32 Number Systems and Codes 2 2–5 Switches in Electronic Circuits 37 2–6 A Relay as a Switch 38 Outline 2 2–7 A Diode as a Switch 42 Objectives 2 2–8 A Transistor as a Switch 45 Introduction 3 2–9 The TTL Integrated Circuit 49 1–1 Digital versus Analog 3 2–10 MultiSIM®Simulation of Switching 1–2 Digital Representations of Analog Circuits 51 Quantities 3 2–11 The CMOS Integrated Circuit 53 1–3 Decimal Numbering System (Base 10) 7 2–12 Surface-Mount Devices 55 1–4 Binary Numbering System (Base 2) 8 Summary 55 Glossary 56 1–5 Decimal-to-Binary Conversion 10 Problems 57 Schematic Interpretation 1–6 Octal Numbering System (Base 8) 12 Problems 60 MultiSIM®Exercises 60 1–7 Octal Conversions 12 Answers to Review Questions 61 1–8 Hexadecimal Numbering System (Base 16) 14 1–9 Hexadecimal Conversions 15 3 Chapter 1–10 Binary-Coded-Decimal System 17 1–11 Comparison of Numbering Systems 18 Basic Logic Gates 62 1–12 The ASCII Code 18 1–13 Applications of the Numbering Outline 62 Systems 20 Objectives 62 Summary 23 Glossary 23 Introduction 63 Problems 24 Schematic Interpretation 3–1 The AND Gate 63 Problems 26 MultiSIM®Exercises 26 Answers to Review Questions 27 3–2 The OR Gate 65 3–3 Timing Analysis 67 3–4 Enable and Disable Functions 70 2 Chapter 3–5 Using IC Logic Gates 73 3–6 Introduction to Troubleshooting Digital Electronic Signals and Techniques 74 Switches 28 3–7 The Inverter 79 3–8 The NAND Gate 80 Outline 28 3–9 The NOR Gate 83 Objectives 28 3–10 Logic Gate Waveform Introduction 29 Generation 86 2–1 Digital Signals 29 3–11 Using IC Logic Gates 92 iii 3–12 Summary of the Basic Logic Gates and 5–10 System Design Applications 211 IEEE/IEC Standard Logic Symbols 94 Summary 214 Glossary 214 Summary 96 Glossary 96 Problems 216 Schematic Interpretation Problems 97 Schematic Interpretation Problems 227 MultiSIM®Exercises 228 Problems 107 MultiSIM®Exercises 108 MultiSIM®Troubleshooting Exercises 230 MultiSIM®Troubleshooting Exercises 110 FPGA Problems 232 Answers to Review Answers to Review Questions 111 Questions 235 4 6 Chapter Chapter Programmable Logic Devices: CPLDs Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR and FPGAs with VHDL Design 112 Gates 236 Outline 112 Outline 236 Objectives 112 Objectives 236 Introduction 112 Introduction 236 4–1 PLD Design Flow 113 6–1 The Exclusive-OR Gate 237 4–2 PLD Architecture 116 6–2 The Exclusive-NOR Gate 238 4–3 Using PLDs to Solve Basic Logic 6–3 Parity Generator/Checker 241 Designs 122 6–4 System Design Applications 244 4–4 Tutorial for Using Altera’s Quartus®II 6–5 FPGA Design Applications with VHDL 247 Design and Simulation Software 126 Summary 252 Glossary 253 4–5 FPGA Applications 147 Problems 253 Schematic Interpretation Summary 150 Glossary 150 Problems 256 MultiSIM®Exercises 256 Problems 152 FPGA Problems 153 FPGA Problems 257 Answers to Review Questions 259 5 Chapter 7 Chapter Boolean Algebra and Reduction Arithmetic Operations and Techniques 156 Circuits 260 Outline 156 Outline 260 Objectives 156 Objectives 260 Introduction 157 Introduction 260 5–1 Combinational Logic 157 7–1 Binary Arithmetic 261 5–2 Boolean Algebra Laws and Rules 162 7–2 Two’s-Complement Representation 267 5–3 Simplification of Combinational Logic 7–3 Two’s-Complement Arithmetic 269 Circuits Using Boolean Algebra 167 5–4 Using Quartus®II to Determine Simplified 7–4 Hexadecimal Arithmetic 271 Equations 172 7–5 BCD Arithmetic 274 5–5 De Morgan’s Theorem 177 7–6 Arithmetic Circuits 275 5–6 Entering a Truth Table in VHDL Using a 7–7 Four-Bit Full-Adder ICs 281 Vector Signal 191 7–8 VHDL Adders Using Integer 5–7 The Universal Capability of NAND and Arithmetic 285 NOR Gates 196 7–9 System Design Applications 287 5–8 AND–OR–INVERT Gates for Implementing 7–10 Arithmetic/Logic Units 292 Sum-of-Products Expressions 201 7–11 FPGA Applications with VHDL 5–9 Karnaugh Mapping 205 and LPMs 295 iv CONTENTS Summary 301 Glossary 302 9–8 Interfacing Logic Families 413 Problems 304 Schematic Interpretation 9–9 FPGA Electrical Characteristics 420 Problems 308 MultiSIM®Exercises 308 Summary 421 Glossary 422 FPGA Problems 309 Answers to Review Problems 423 Schematic Interpretation Questions 310 Problems 427 MultiSIM®Exercises 428 FPGA Problems 428 Answers to Review 8 Questions 429 Chapter 10 Code Converters, Multiplexers, and Chapter Demultiplexers 312 Flip-Flops and Registers 430 Outline 312 Objectives 312 Outline 430 Introduction 312 Objectives 430 8–1 Comparators 313 Introduction 430 8–2 VHDL Comparator Using 10–1 S-RFlip-Flop 431 IF-THEN-ELSE 316 10–2 Gated S-RFlip-Flop 435 8–3 Decoding 318 10–3 Gated DFlip-Flop 436 8–4 Decoders Implemented in the VHDL 10–4 DLatch: 7475 IC; VHDL Description 437 Language 326 10–5 DFlip-Flop: 7474 IC; VHDL 8–5 Encoding 331 Description 441 8–6 Code Converters 339 10–6 Master–Slave J-KFlip-Flop 450 8–7 Multiplexers 346 10–7 Edge-Triggered J-KFlip-Flop with VHDL 8–8 Demultiplexers 354 Model 453 8–9 System Design Applications 359 10–8 Integrated-Circuit J-KFlip-Flop (7476, 8–10 FPGA Design Applications Using LPMs 365 74LS76) 457 Summary 369 Glossary 369 10–9 Using an Octal DFlip-Flop in a Problems 370 Schematic Interpretation Microcontroller Application 465 Problems 377 MultiSIM®Exercises 378 10–10 Using Altera’s LPM Flip-Flop 467 MultiSIM®Troubleshooting Exercises 380 Summary 469 Glossary 470 FPGA Problems 381 Answers to Review Problems 472 Schematic Interpretation Questions 383 Problems 478 MultiSIM®Exercises 479 FPGA Problems 480 Answers to Review 9 Questions 482 Chapter 11 Logic Families and Their Chapter Characteristics 384 Practical Considerations for Outline 384 Digital Design 484 Objectives 384 Introduction 384 Outline 484 9–1 The TTL Family 385 Objectives 484 9–2 TTL Voltage and Current Ratings 388 Introduction 484 9–3 Other TTL Considerations 397 11–1 Flip-Flop Time Parameters 485 9–4 Improved TTL Series 403 11–2 Automatic Reset 502 9–5 The CMOS Family 405 11–3 Schmitt Trigger ICs 503 9–6 Emitter-Coupled Logic 410 11–4 Switch Debouncing 509 9–7 Comparing Logic Families 412 11–5 Sizing Pull-Up Resistors 513 CONTENTS v 11–6 Practical Input and Output 13–6 VHDL Description of Shift Registers 635 Considerations 514 13–7 Shift Register ICs 638 Summary 525 Glossary 526 13–8 System Design Applications for Shift Problems 527 Schematic Interpretation Registers 647 Problems 533 MultiSIM®Exercises 533 13–9 Driving a Stepper Motor with a Shift FPGA Problems 534 Answers to Review Register 651 Questions 534 13–10 Three-State Buffers, Latches, and Transceivers 655 12 13–11 Using the LPM Shift Register and 74194 Chapter Macrofunction 660 Counter Circuits and VHDL State 13–12 Using VHDL Components and Machines 536 Instantiations 662 Summary 666 Glossary 667 Problems 668 Schematic Interpretation Outline 536 Problems 674 MultiSIM®Exercises 675 Objectives 536 FPGA Problems 676 Answers to Review Introduction 536 Questions 678 12–1 Analysis of Sequential Circuits 538 12–2 Ripple Counters: JK FFs and VHDL 14 Description 541 Chapter 12–3 Design of Divide-by-NCounters 548 Multivibrators and the 555 Timer 680 12–4 Ripple Counter ICs 559 12–5 System Design Applications 564 Outline 680 12–6 Seven-Segment LED Display Decoders: The 7447 IC and VHDL Description 570 Objectives 680 12–7 Synchronous Counters 579 Introduction 680 12–8 Synchronous Up/Down-Counter ICs 583 14–1 Multivibrators 681 12–9 Applications of Synchronous 14–2 Capacitor Charge and Discharge Rates 681 Counter ICs 592 14–3 Astable Multivibrators 685 12–10 VHDL and LPM Counters 595 14–4 Monostable Multivibrators 687 12–11 Implementing State Machines in VHDL 600 14–5 Integrated-Circuit Monostable Summary 611 Glossary 612 Multivibrators 690 Problems 613 Schematic Interpretation 14–6 Retriggerable Monostable Problems 619 MultiSIM®Exercises 620 Multivibrators 695 FPGA Problems 621 Answers to Review 14–7 Astable Operation of the 555 IC Timer 698 Questions 624 14–8 Monostable Operation of the 555 IC Timer 704 13 14–9 Crystal Oscillators 707 Chapter Summary 709 Glossary 709 Shift Registers 626 Problems 710 Schematic Interpretation Problems 713 MultiSIM®Exercises 714 Answers to Review Questions 715 Outline 626 Objectives 626 15 Introduction 626 Chapter 13–1 Shift Register Basics 627 13–2 Parallel-to-Serial Conversion 629 Interfacing to the Analog World 716 13–3 Recirculating Register 629 13–4 Serial-to-Parallel Conversion 631 Outline 716 13–5 Ring Shift Counters and Johnson Shift Objectives 716 Counters 633 Introduction 716 vi CONTENTS 15–1 Digital and Analog Representations 717 17–2 Software Control of Microprocessor 15–2 Operational Amplifier Basics 718 Systems 798 15–3 Binary-Weighted D/A Converters 719 17–3 Internal Architecture of a Microprocessor 798 15–4 R/2RLadder D/A Converters 720 17–4 Instruction Execution within a 15–5 Integrated-Circuit D/A Converters 723 Microprocessor 800 15–6 Integrated-Circuit Data Converter 17–5 Hardware Requirements for Basic I/O Specifications 726 Programming 803 15–7 Parallel-Encoded A/D Converters 728 17–6 Writing Assembly Language and Machine 15–8 Counter-Ramp A/D Converters 729 Language Programs 805 15–9 Successive-Approximation A/D 17–7 Survey of Microprocessors and Conversion 730 Manufacturers 808 15–10 Integrated-Circuit A/D Converters 733 Summary of Instructions 809 15–11 Data Acquisition System Application 738 Summary 809 Glossary 810 15–12 Transducers and Signal Conditioning 741 Problems 812 Schematic Interpretation Summary 746 Glossary 747 Problems 814 MultiSIM®Exercises 814 Problems 748 Schematic Interpretation Answers to Review Questions 815 Problems 751 MultiSIM®Exercises 751 Answers to Review Questions 752 18 Chapter 16 The 8051 Microcontroller 816 Chapter Semiconductor, Magnetic, Outline 816 and Optical Memory 754 Objectives 816 Introduction 817 Outline 754 18–1 The 8051 Family of Microcontrollers 817 Objectives 754 18–2 8051 Architecture 817 Introduction 754 18–3 Interfacing to External Memory 823 16–1 Memory Concepts 755 18–4 The 8051 Instruction Set 825 16–2 Static RAMs 758 18–5 8051 Applications 831 16–3 Dynamic RAMs 765 18–6 Data Acquisition and Control System 16–4 Read-Only Memories 771 Application 835 16–5 Memory Expansion and Address Decoding 18–7 Conclusion 846 Applications 778 Summary 846 Glossary 847 16–6 Magnetic and Optical Storage 783 Problems 847 Schematic Interpretation Summary 787 Glossary 788 Problems 849 Problems 789 Schematic Interpretation APPENDIX A Web Sites 850 Problems 792 MultiSIM®Exercises 792 APPENDIX B Manufacturers’ Data Sheets 852 Answers to Review Questions 793 APPENDIX C Explanation of the IEEE/IEC Standard for Logic Symbols (Dependency 17 Notation) 888 Chapter APPENDIX D Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems 893 Microprocessor Fundamentals 794 APPENDIX E VHDL Language Reference 917 APPENDIX F Review of Basic Electricity Principles 924 Outline 794 APPENDIX G Schematic Diagrams for Chapter-End Objectives 794 Problems 933 Introduction 794 APPENDIX H 8051 Instruction Set Summary 942 17–1 Introduction to System Components and INDEX 947 Buses 795 SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX OF ICs 955 CONTENTS vii Preface This ninth edition of Digital Electronics: A Practical Approach with VHDL provides the fundamentals of digital circuitry to students in engineering and technology curric- ula. The digital circuits are introduced using fixed-function 7400 ICs and evolve into FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) programmed with VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language). (Note: Those schools not wishing to develop logic using VHDL and FPGAs can completely skip those sections of the textbook without affect- ing the continuity of the remainder of the text, which describes logic design and imple- mentationusing 7400-series ICs.) Coverage begins with the basic logic gates used to perform arithmetic operations and proceeds through sequential logic and memory circuits used to interface to mod- ern PCs. Professor Kleitz uses his vast experience of teaching electronics online and in class from his best-selling textbooks to know what it takes for an entry-level student to be brought up to speed in this emerging field. It was important to design this new text- book to present practical examples, be easy to read, and provide all of the information necessary for motivated students to teach themselves this new subject matter. This makes it ideal for learning in an online environment as well as from conventional in- class lectures. Digital electronic ICs (integrated circuits) and FPGAs are the “brains” behind common microprocessor-based systems such as those found in automobiles, personal computers, and automated factory control systems. The most exciting recent develop- ment in this field is that students now have the choice to design, simulate, and imple- ment their circuits using a programming language called VHDL instead of wiring individual gates and devices to achieve the required function. Each topic area in this text consistently follows a very specific sequence of steps, making the transition from problem definition, to practical example, to logic IC imple- mentation, to VHDL and FPGA implementation. To accomplish this, the text first in- troduces the theory of operation of the digital logic and then implements the design in integrated circuit form (see Figure P–1). Once the fixed-function IC logic is thoroughly explained, the next step is to implement the design as a graphic design file and then to implement it using the VHDL hardware descriptive language, all within the free version of the Altera Quartus® II development software. Several examples are used to bolster the student’s understanding of the subject before moving on to system-level design and troubleshooting applications of the logic. This step-by-step method has proven over the years to be the most effective method to build the fundamental understanding of digital electronics before proceeding to implement the logic design in VHDL. The Altera Quartus®II software is a free download that allows students to either graphically design their circuit by drawing the logic (using logic gates or 7400 macro- functions) or use VHDL to define their logic. The design can then be simulated on a PC before using the same software to download the logic to an FPGA on one of the commercially available FPGA programmer boards, such as the Altera DE2 illustrated in this text. viii A AB B X C B + C (a) 7404 7408 7402 7432 A 1 14 VCC 1 14 VCC 1 14 VCC 1 14 VCC 2 13 2 13 2 13 2 13 3 12 3 12 3 12 3 12 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 GND 7 8 GND 7 8 GND 7 8 GND 7 8 X B C (b) Figure P–1 Building digital circuits using fixed-function 7400-series ICs. Over 1,000 four-color illustrations are used to exemplify the operation of com- plex circuit operations. Most of the illustrations contain annotations describing the in- puts and outputs, and many have circuit operational notes. The VHDL program listings are enriched with many annotations, providing a means for students to teach them- selves the intricacies of the language (see Figure P–2). Each chapter begins with an outline, objectives, and introduction and concludes with review questions, summary, glossary, design and troubleshooting problems, schematic interpretation problems, MultiSIM®problems, and FPGA problems. Library Declare which VHDL Declaration library to use Entity declaration Entity name Architecture body Define the logic Architecture name Figure P–2 A sample annotated VHDL program used to define logic in an FPGA. PREFACE ix

Digital Electronics: A Practical Approach with VHDL, Ninth Edition, offers students an easy-to-learn-from resource that emphasizes practical application of circuit design, operation, and troubleshooting. Over 1,000 annotated color figures help explain circuit operation or emphasize critical componen
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