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Preview Digital computer applications to process control : proceedings of the 7th IFAC/IFIP/IMACS Conference, Vienna, Austria, 17-20 September 1985

IFAC PROCEEDINGSS ERIES Editor-in-Chief JANOS GERTLER,D epartmeonftC omputearn dE lectriEcnagli neering, GeorgMea sonU niversiFtayi,r faVxi,r ginUiSaA, GERTLER KEVICZKY( GeneErdailt oAr sB)ri:d gBee tweeCno ntroSlc ienceT echnology & & (NinTtrhi enWnoirallCd o ngreisns v,o lumes) 6 Analysainsd S ynthesoifCs o ntroSly stems (198N5o,./ ) IdentificatAidoanp,t iavned S tochasCtoinct rol (198N5o,.2 ) Large-scSaylset emDse,c ision-maMkaitnhge,m atiocfCs o ntrol (198N5o,.3 ) ProceIsnsd ustriPeosw,e rS ystems (198N5o,.4 ) ManufacturMianng-,M achine Systems, Computers, ComCpoonnternotls,, Traffic SpaceA pplicatio(ns1 98N5o,.5 ) BiomedicAaplp licatiWoantse,rR esources, EnvirEonnemregnSyty ,s temDse,v elopmeSnotc,i al EffectSsW,I ISE,d ucation( 198N5o,.6 ) BARKER YOUNG: IdentificaantdiS oyns tePma rametEesrt imat(io1n9 85()1 98N5o,.7 ) & NORRIE TURNER:A utomatifoonr M ineraRle sourcDee velopment( 198N6o,.1 ) & CHRETIEN:A utomatCiocn troilnS pace (198N6o,.2 ) DA CUNHA: Plannianngd O peratioofnE lectrEince rgSyy stems (198N6o,.3 ) VA LADAREST AVARES EVARISTOD A SILVA:S ystemAsn alysAipsp lietdo W atera ndR elated & LandR esources( 198N6o,.4 ) LARSEN HANSEN:C omputeAri dedD esiginn C ontroaln dE ngineerSiynsgt ems No. (1986,5 ) & PAUL:D igitCaolm puteArp plicatioPnrso ceCsosn trol (198N6o,.6 ) to YANG JIACHIC:o ntroSlc ienceT echnolofgoyr D evelopment( 198N6o,.7 ) & MANCINI,J OHANNSEN MARTENSSON:A nalysDiess,i gann dE valuatoifoM na n-Machine & Systems (198N6o,.8 ) GELLIEF,E RRATE BASANEZ:R obotC ontro"lS yroc'o8 5"( 198N6o,.9 ) & JOHNSON:M odellianngd C ontroolf B iotechnoloPgrioccaels ses( 198N6o,.1 0) NOTICE TO READERS Ify ourl ibrairsyn ota lreaday s tanding/contionrudaetric ouns tomeorr subscritboet rh isse riemsa,y we recommendt haty oup lacae standing/contionrus autbisocnr ipotridoentr o r eceiivren n1ediuaptoenlp yu blicatailnolen w v olumeSsh.o ulydo uf intdh atth esveo lumenso l onger servyeo urn eedyso uro rdecra nb ec ancellaetad n yt ime\ Vithnooutti ce. Copieosf a lplr evioupsulbyl ishveodl umeasr ea vailaAb lfeu.l ldye scripctaitvael ogwuielb le g ladlsye notn request. ROBERT MAXWELL Publisher IFAC RelaTt1etd/ es BROADBENT MASUBUCHI:M ultilinGgluoasls aorfyA utomatCiocn troTle chnology & EYKHOFF:T rendasn dP rogreisnsS ysteImd entifica1ion ISERMAN/\::S ysteImd entificTauttioorni (aAlust onwtSiprear ia/ Issue) DIGIATL COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TO PROCESSC ONTROL Proceedionftg hs7e t hI FACIIFIPIIMACS ConferenVciee,n nAau,s tr1i7a-,2 0S eptemb1e9r8 5 Edeidtb y M. PAUL TechniUsn cihvee rWsiietnAa,ut s tria Publishedt he for INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL by PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD· NEW YORK· BEIJINGF RANKFURT SAO PAULO· SYDENY · TOKYO·· TORONTO U.K. PergamoPnr essH,e adingtHoinl Hl allO,x fordO X3 OBW, England U.S.A. PergamoPnr essM,a xwelHlo useF,a irviPeawr kE,l msforNde,w York1 0523U,. S.A. PEOPLE'SR EPUBLIC PergamoPnr essQ,ia nmenH otelB,e ijinPge,o pleR'esp ubloifcC hina OF CHINA FEDERAL REPUBLIC PergamoPnr essH,a mmerweg6 ,D -G242K ronberFge,d eraRle publiocfG ermany OF GERMANY BRAZIL PergamoEnd itorRau,a E�ad e Queiro3s4,6 ,C EP 04011S,a oP auloB,r azil AUSTRALIA PergamoPnr esAsu stralPi.aO,.B ox 544,P ottPso intN,. S.W2.0 11A,u stralia JAPAN PergamoPnr ess8,t hF loorM,a tsuokCae ntraBlu ildin1g-,7 -N1i shishinjSuhkiun,j uku-ku, Tokyo1 60,J apan CANADA PergamoPnr esCsa nadaS,u it1eC l14,5 0C onsumerRso adW,i llowdaOlnet,a riMo2 .JP 9,C anada I Copyright1©9 86I FAC AlRli ghRtess ervNeodp .a rotft hipsu blicamtaiybo enr eproduscteodr,ie nad r etri.e1vya.lo1 rtt erma nsmiitnt ed anyf oromr f rya nym eansel:e ctrdoencitcr,o smtaagtniert,ti arp rnee,r hanijcJallw,t ororpeycionrgd,oi ron tgh er­ wisew,i thopuetr mi1siinow nri tinfgr omt hec ojiyrhioglhdle rs. Firsetd iti1o9n8 6 BritLiisbhr Caartya logiunPi unbgl icDaattiao n Digitcaolm putearp plicatiopnrso rccsosn trol Proceedionfgt sh e7 thI FAC/to IFIP/IMACS conferenVciee,n naA,u stri1a7,- 2S0e ptember 1985.-(IFpArCo ceedisnegrsi e1s9;8 6n,o .6 ) l.P ro<.:ccsosn trol-Dpartoac essing I.P aulM,. III.n ternatioFneadle ratioofn AutomatCiocn trolI llS.e ries 670.42'7T S1 56.8 ISBN0 -08-032554-8 Thesfei roceewdeirnrege sp roducmeeda nbyos f t hep lwto-opjrjosceeuts. s1 itnhgem o rwsrrsiupptpsl liryet dh e authoorfts h deifTe ren/pa perTsh.em anuscrhiafvibele se tny /Jweidn gd if(erentty jJewraintdtye /rJse jaTchees . lay-out.faingdtu arbefsor fss o m/eJ apdeirdns o /a grac mnpleltle•ltiyht seht andarredq uiremreonmtesq:u ently three producdtoienoson td isplcao)m'p luentief ormTiotye .m urrea pipdu blicatthiido.in1s crejrHnlurlln<do) /b' e changendo:rc oultdh Een glibserh h erked completeltyh.re e aTdheeanrr eeaj siknetedoe, x cuasneyd eficiencies oft hiJsn Lhlirwahtiiromhna yb fd uel o! hfa bmimee ntionrnela som. TheE ditors PrintiendG reaBtr itabyi nA . Wheaton Co.L td.E,x eter & 7th IFAC/IFIP/IMCAOCNSF ERENCEO N DIGITALC OMPUTER APPLICATIONTSO PROCESSC ONTROL Organbiyz ed AustriCaenn trfeo rP roductiavnidtE yf ficien(cOyP WZ) Sponsboyr ed IFA C Committeoen Applications IFA C Committeoen Computers Co-spobnys ored IFA C Committeoen Education IFA C Economiacn dM anagemenSty stemCso mmittee IFIPI nternatiFoendaelr atifoorn I nformatioPnr ocessing IMACS InternatiAosnsaolc iatfoiro Mna thematiacnsdC omputerisnS imulation InternPartoigornaCamolmm em ittee A.W einmannA,u str(iCah airman) P.K opacekA,u stria K.J .A stromS,w eden M. MansourS,w itzerland D.R .B ristUoSlA, M. PaulA,u stria A.v anC auwenberghe, Belgium I.P landeCrz,e choslovakia A.A .C oncheiro, Mexico I.V .P rangishvUiSlSiR, G.D avousFtr,a nce K.R einiscGhD,R G.D oolittUlSeA, G.S chmidFtR,G K.H .F asoFlR,G V.S trejCcz,e choslovakia D.F ischeAru,s tria T.T akamatsJua,p an C.F oularFdr,a nce ].D .V anW yk,S outhA frica ].G ertleHru,n gary E.W elfondeFrR,G R.I sermanFnR,G J.H .W estcotUtK, NatiOorngaaln iCzoimnmigt tee P.K opace(kC hairman) M. Paul ].H ahne!( Secretary) A.W einmann W. Karner PREFACE TheI FA/CIFI/IPMACCSo nfereonnc" eD igitCaolm putAeprp licatitoonP sr oceCsosn troiln"V iennrae sumeas seriewsh icbhe gainn S tockhoilnm1 964a ndw asc ontinuiendM ento(n1 96)7, Helsin(k1i9 7)1, Zuric(h1 97)4, theH agu(e1 97)7 andD iisseldo(1r9f8 )0. Thea imo ft hisc onfereinsc,ea so ft hep revioounse st,o p resent, discusasn ds ummarizree cenatd vancienst hea pplicatoifod ni gitaclo mputetroso peratiaonnds upervision ofi ndustrpiraolc essEemsp.h asiissb aseodn t her ealizatoifom no dercno ntroplr incipliensc,l uding advancmeodn itorainndgo ptimization. Lookinagt p revioCuosn ferenocneesc ano bservteh att heraer eg reateerf fortisnt hea reao fp rocess identificaatnidom no delliAndga.p tiavned d istribuctoendt rohla veb ecomaen e ssentipaalr to fm odern controplr inciplSeosf.t warreo,b otiacnsd d atan etworbkesc ommeo rea ndm orei mportaRnetd.u ctioofna ir andw atepro lluticoanu sebdy i ndustrpiraolc essaensda tt hes amet imei mprovemoefnp tr oductqiuoanl ity requirmeo rea ndm orea ttention. Thep aperosf t heC onfereanrceed ivideidn tof ourg roups: code type no.o fc ontributions survepya pers 6 Ts tutoripaalp ers 3 A applicatoiroine ntpeadp ers 3S G paperosf g eneraals pects 40 Thes ixs urvepya perssu mmaritzheet rendsd,e velopmeanntdss t ate-of-thoef a adratp ticvoen trodli,s ­ tributed control instyesrtnemamolsd ,e clo ntroaln dp rocesfsa uldti agnosTihsr.e teu torial papers givea ni ntroductiinotnos tatsep acceo ntroalsw ella sd igitaclo ntroaln di ntod igitasli mulation methods. The7 St echnicpaalp erasr ea ssignteod1 7t echnicsaels sions: code session no.o fc ontributions APPLICATION Al Chemicaanld O ilI ndursitesI 6 A2 WateTru rbines 4 A3 Chemicaanld O ilI ndustrIieIs s Al> Energayn dP owerS ystemIs 6 AS Energayn dP oweSry stemIsI 3 A6 Robotiacnsd M anufacturing 3 A7 CementM,e tallurgPircoacle sses andT raffic s A8 Heatinagn dC limatSey stems 3 3S GENERAALS PECTS Gl AdaptiSvyes temIs 7 G2 AdaptiSvyes temIsI G3 ControAls pects 4L, G4 MultivariSaybsltee ms s GS OptimizatainodRn e liability 3 G6 ModellianngdI dentificaIt ion s G7 Modellianngd I dentificaItIi on 2 G8 RealT imeS oftwaarned L anguages 5 G9 DistribuStyesdt emasn dD ata Networks 5 40 Vil Vlll Preface Thep apersst emf roms pecialifsrtosm differecnotu ntriIetsi .s h opetdh att heipra perwsi llb ea good basifso rt heC onfereanncdet hatt he2i1ar c hievememnatyps r omote further anrded seevaerlcohp miennt th e fielodf d igitaclo mpu.ctoenrt rol. Iti sa pleasutroet hantkh em emberosft heI nternatiPornoaglr aCmo mmittfeoert heicro ntributiino ns selectitnhgep aperasn df ort heisru ggestiaosnw se lla st hem emberosft heN ationOarlg anizCionmgm ittee fort heierf fortisno rganiztihnegC onferenFcuer.t hermmoarneyt hanktso t heO sterrP.r oduktivituantd s- Wirtschaftlichkeitfso-rZt ehnetirsruu mp poritnp reparatoifot nh eC onfereanscwe e lla st hep ublisher Pergamon Pirenps rse paritnhgi sb ook. Sept1.9 85 Thee ditor Copyrig©h tIFACD igitCaolm puter ApplicattiooP nrso ceCsosn troVli,e nna, Austria, 1985 THEORYA NDA PPLICATIOOFNA DAPTIVE CONTROL H.U n behauen RuhUrn ivseirBty ochuDmep,a mrtenot/E lectnEcnaglei enrgi,Pn O 102118, D-16B3o0 ch1w,nF RG AbrsctatS.y stwehmisac tuho tmaicya aldlujts theciorn troplalrearm ettoce ormsp ensate for chiantn hgceeo sn tlreopdlr ocoersi st s envirorneemfredrn teto a sa rea daptive contsryoslmt seT.h issu rvoefay d aptciovnet trhoelo arnydi t aspp licatrieovnitseh wes progrdeusrgsi t nhyee ars till Difrfeenbta ssitcur ctuorfea sd aptciovnet rol sysste,im nlcudimnogd re1el9f8 0e rae1dn94a8c.p etc iovnet sreo-litf unrienggu laatnodr sp arame­ tesrc heducloinntgr odli cssuasre.eId ti ss hotwhn acta refduelsliyga ndeadp tciovne­ trosly stheamvsbe e euns esdcu cessfiunal b lryo vaadr ietyp liofc aataripeoans . KeywoArddasp.t ciovnet sryoslmt sed;e isgsnt rtuucraensd prinrceicpiulvrepessr ;o cess identifimcoadtreielorf nee;na cdea ptciovrneot ls;e -ltfuncionrngot llearppsla;it cions. INTRODUCTION BAISCS TRUCTOUFAR DEASP TCIOVNET ROL SYSTEMS In adacpotnitvtreho celo rnotllseert tianrgaesu ­ toamtciayl aldujstiendo rdteora chigeovoed proT­hrmeaei bna sciocn tsrysotle smt urctuarreteso ­ cesosp eraotvieoarnw ide roafcn ogned itTihoen sd.a rye vlaenttot hdee isgonf a daptciovnet sryso­l contraodlalpetiris no encs easreyi thfeorpr o orly tem(se .Ugn.bu eeh,na undsetropordo sceeossr t oc mopensfaoturean nitc­i 1985) - mdoelf erreeandcaep tciovnet (rMoRl,A C) patpeadr amcehtaenrog fet sh per ocdeustes o e nvi­ -sel-futnirnegg ula(tTSoR,r) s ronmecnotnadli toiruo nnpsir cedtaobpleer ating -paramsehcteedru lcionngt (rSoPCl.) poicnhtga ensT.h uasd aptciovnet prroolv ipdosess:io ­ bitliietsoc ontprroolsc eewssi tuhn certaintiAelstl,h rseceh emesi nch moamvoaenb asfiece dback ase .gn.on lineaarntidit miee-sv apraymrieantsge. r contlrooolwp i tahp rocaensads c ontrowliltehr adjutsabplaer amse.At letlrh teh raedea ptsitvreu � Althoaudgahp tciovnet srtoarlt eghiaevsbe e edni­ s turesc haarrea ctbeyra uitzoemdaa dtjitucms eonft csusebdr oaddulrygi tnhlea ts 30 yeairts oinsl y thceo ntroplamlreeart etroas c mcoodacthea nges in in tlhaesf te ywe atrhsa atd aptciovnet hraosl thper osco ers ietnsvn imreon(etse F i.g fourneda iln dtursiaappll itciaonTsh.is si tuation 1). isb asoend theh anoodnnt e h per ogsri ens tdhee­ Thaed aptsihcveem oefsM RAaCn SdT aRr aepp liteod veplmoeonftp owfeurald aptive agcloornhitmtrso l thactal sosf p roblwehmesr e pacrhaamne.gtfee.sr whihcahv ree adc thoedaa mya tusratet. e tOhne oft hper ocaerses unaknncdoa wnnn odti rbeec tly othhearn mdo,d emrinc roelecotfrfoecnrhisec asp obtaifnreopdmr ocmeesass unrt.esT mheMeR AC-tech­ hardwwahrieac lhol wasn e asrye iaslatoifoa nd ap­ niquues etsh ree rfeeenm codteols peicftyh dee ­ tivceo ntsrtorla iteeslg,e adailnargde tyo c ommer­siroeudt pbueth avyi oofut rh per ocweistrshe spect ciayl vliabsloleu tions. tot hrefe eresnicgen wa.Al s t hree efrenmcoed el isa p arotft haed aptciovnet rol sycsotne­m, two Thipsa piesri ntenbdoettdho i ntroduncoen ­thet rollo ohpasv teob e deed.fW ihnitlheie n nleoro p speicailsbtr fiyle to tfhiede olfa daptciovnet rolr eprestehnbeta ss ciocn tsryoslt ceomin sstionfg antdo e valutahtaeec tusatla toufts h ifsi de flor thper osca enscdo nltelrr,ot hpea rameotfte hriss the msopericeai lsecdo nternogli .nT eherereofer, controalrlaeed rjt uesbdy t hoeu ter llooonpg so * thpea pierso rgadn aiszf eoolwlsF.i tr ssah ort unttihlme o del eer=ryM-ob yre cosmmaels.l T hus calssificaatndideo snc riopfta idoanp tciovnet rolt hbea si(ncin e)cr leodsl oospy stweimla lc hieve princiipsgl ievs.eT nheinti ss hotwhn amto st thsep cefiiemdo dpeelfr orcmean. adaptsicvhee hmaevsne e artlhyse a mset rturuce. Thfeu rtsheecrt iaorndese vottoead r evwi oefr e­ Thes ecosntudrc rteut,h SeT -Rtehcniq,u iesa los cendte velopomfae dnatpstc iovnet srcohle amneds basoenda ni nncealrs siccoanlt lrooolwp h,e reby ofp ractaippclailc atTihoirnses v.i deowen so itn thpea rameotfte hrceso ntroolfl etlrho ioaspr e anwya cya litmo b ec opmle,tb euti etosrn ltyod is­adujstbeydt he oluotoewprh, i icshc moposoefad n custsh meo sitn teesrtidneglv oepmepnutbshl eids identifibclaot(csikuuo lanl ayr ercisuvees timator) duritnhgle a ts fouyre arTsh.ut sh ipsa peirs actionnag d eicisobnl oacnkfd u trheorna m oidif­ direcctolnyn etcot etdph ree viroeupso rttsh eo f cation rebpleronectksi tnhgae c tuaadla ptaotfi on auth(oUrn behaSucemnhi, d andP arektsa l, thceo ntroplalretarems re.I nt hsee colnodot ph e 1180; effecotfc ontromldoliecfrai tiiosfn e db actko 1981). thdee icsiporno ctehsrso tuhgbeha sciocn tlrooolp Three alizoafmt oidoenar dna ptciovnet srcohle mesa ntdh ied entifpircoacteiTsohsnua. sn a daptive incluad leosot f o n-lcionmep tuitoanoaplet riaons.e rrfororc etsh aed aptationt oa pcrhoiceevses the Thefrroeea,d aptciovnet arloglto hrmiasr ues uallyc hosceirnt er(idaoanp tsievpteo in. t) implemoennd tiegdip traolc ceosumstp eorrsm icro­ prcoessrosT.h uass,w ilbled icssuselda t,em rost Inm ancyo ntprroolb ltehmpesr oscc ehsancgaebnse apoprachaersbe a soenda d icsrestyes treemp erne­s antiipcatoerid n ferfrreopdmr oscm eesuaersments. tat.i on Iti st hepno ssitboal dej tut shceo ntroplalrear­ meteirnas p redetemramninnaeesprd r oscc eosndi- H.U nbehauen 2 prcoespsa rameatreeer xsp liceistteilmyaa nttdeh de adaptciovrneto lliesdr eisgniendd ireocntt hley basoifs tehtsei matperdo cpeasrsa emre.stU sually chaonfg es a discremtodee ils u sefdo trh ree curestisivmea ­ tioonf t hep roecspsa ramres.tT ehereftohrec ea l­ culatfiootrnh dee gsnio ft hicso notlrlhearts o _w_....._{ 1-c-ionItlreor �----+--! ber epeaattee da csha mpliinntge lr,vw aheretbhye set poin identifiacnadct oinotlnrel ora daptaatriteow no controller y differepnrto creed.suW ihtoudti crteliyd entifying parameters thper coespsa rameittei rsos f tepno ssitboil dee n­ � r-as-:t-dm.,--_j-,eu _-n_t tifyt hec ontlrloepra ramedtierresc. St ulcyh an adaptciovnet riosbl a soenda ni mplipcrcioets s '----l modealn di st,h erefroefreer,rt eoad s a d ierct (oirm pilciatd)a ptciovneot lrl.eT rhiuss uya ll leatdosa sginicfainstmi plicfaitioofnt hea dap­ tatiaoglno ri.t hm Accoirndtgo t hea bovdee nfiititohneMs R AsCh own inF i.g lar epresae dnitrse (cotir pm licaidta)p ­ tivceo nrtollsenirc ei tpsa rameatnedir tscs o ntrol lawa red irecutpldya tferdot mh es ginaul asn dy . TheS TCs howinnF i.gl b tihsu, sh owveerd,e fined asa ni ndir(eocertx pliacdiatp)t ciovnetl rloe. r AlthotuhgeSh T Cw aso rigindaelvlleoyp efdo trh e stocshtaimcin imuvma riacnocnet rporlol bem(s Atr6m andW itten,m 19a37r)km andyi ffereenxtt ensions havseni ceb eemna d.eT hes efl-tunpirnign chiapdl e aslob eesnuc cesuslyfl appltioea dd aptciovneot lr­ lers uospitnilmgq au adractoisfctu tnico,np sole­ controldleesri gn placemteencth niaqnudpe hsa sanead m plitude mar­ (b) gin.Ts hutsh eS TC-gdne-spirinccoinipsslteos fa comibnatiofoo nr .oeft hea bovmee ntiocnoendt rol­ letry peasn da recurspairvaem eitdeerfn tiaiction control>-l--e·-+-r--t I sche.m e I £ �aIc tion II mTihend ieimsgionzfo aM fRtt CAhi-meoso neyd mseesitlr s ru oseru*a a slsb hlaoyswi oennFnd t i h.ge I l.aT hed egsnip roblfeomMrR CA-seymssit st hutso I determtihens et ructouftr heae d justmmeecnhta nism fixed I mapping I sucthh atth meo deelr roer*g oetsoz eraos t +o-o. _______ Thipsr oblheamdb eesno lvoerdi ginbaytl hlegy r a­ J © diemnetth o.dH owvee,rt hiasp prodaocehns o ti ng e­ nergaula ranstteaeib ti.ylT herefmoodriefd,i aed­ Fi.g 1.B asci schemofea sd aptciovnet rolM RA;(C a) jsutmepnrto cedhuarvebese epnr ospeouds instga bi­ (bS)T ;R (c) PSC liyt theo.rI ynt hese apptrhoeaa dcjhuesst ment mechanhiastsmo b ed etermsiuncethdh atth eo ver­ tiovnasr .y Tdheec ispircooens tsh uiss r educteod all sysgtleomlb lasyits ba l,ei .ea.lls g ianlrse ­ a fxiemda ppionftg h per coespsa ramettoet rhse maibno undaetad n ytm ie.T hep robloefpm r oving conotlrlpearr ametwehresr,etb hyeo rigidneacli ­ golbaslt abyi ilniM tRA-Csystheamdbs e en solved sino proscsei sa rleadrye iazleidnt hde esigpnh ase onlay f eywe arasg io dnependebnyst elvye ral authors oft haed aptciovnet rsoyls t,ee m.gb.ya "talbe loo-ukp"a pprodaicffhe resnetto sfc ontroplalrear­ (e.Ggo.o dweitan l 1,9 78; Egadrt,19 79S; chmid, metearrses t orfeoddr ifferte onperatpionigno tfs 1979; NarenadnrdLa i n1,97 9; Mors,e1 980). thpe lanTth.is st ratheagbsye eonr iginaappllldiy e Thed eisgpnr incimpelnetsi ohneerwdei lbled e­ tot hea daptaotfic oonno tlrlgeari fna ctoanrds scribed brtiheeff ollloyw i.iAn nsga datpivceo n­ thuhsa s breefeenr rteoda s " gasicnh edu.lH ionwg­" troils b asoends imultapnreoeocsuissd entification everi,no rdetrob em orgee naelrt,h iasp proach andc onotl,rt hper obloefmo sn -lpianrea meettseir­ shoubledd eifnetdoa s" paamreters chedulcionng­ matimounsb te d eawlitt phr iamri.lT yhper coess trol"( Thitsy poef a daptciovnet rsotlr uc­ ideiniftactiaonn d atdhaep tamteicohna nairsem s turiePs wS iC)ds.ep reaanddi nv ogutedo ays,ni cei t usuallyr ebaiolzdte bhy d igiptracole scso mpu.t ers allowosnt eot unae w idrea ngoefc onotlrrlseu sing Thererfeot,h ec orresposnydsitnaegrm dese scribed am anifoofpl odp uloanr- lpirnoec eisdse ntification ind iscretef-otrimm.e metdhs.oT og uaranat feaeu lstson peeratoifso yns ­ temwsi tthh eP S-Csrtucteu,ar gookdn olwedgoef Recurpsriovscese i dentaitfiiocn theac tuparlco esdsy namiiscr se qui.rT ehde PSC­ stratreegpyr esaenon ptesn -laodoapp taotfit ohne Mosatd aptciovnet raollg oriatrhbem ass oenda conotlrlpearr ameotfte h>Sbe asiincn elro ocpo ntrol linearpirczoeedsm so dle,w hicfho,ar t ypiscianlg le­ systbeemc,a tuhsere e suolftt sh ea daptaotfit ohne inpustni/gloeu-tp(uStO I)Ss ystiesgm i vbeynt he contlrelorp arameatreenro stf edb actko t hea dap­ linedaifrfe reenqcuea tion tatiuonni atn dt hucsa nnboetc orre.c ted n n Princiopfdl eeissg n yM(k=) - vl=1a v yM(-kv)+ v =lo bv u k(-v. ) (1) Fora relaistdiecrs icptiooftn h per coesmso dle it MRACa-ndS TC-scahrebemo etsbh a soends miultaneous isn ecsaesryt oi nclaunda ed ditidointsuarlnb cae prcoesisd enctaitfiiaonndc onotl.rT heo peration of botthh seea dapttievceh nicqaunbe esc lassiefdii n­ modealsi nF i.g2 ,w herrse( ki)s a stocshtaic nosies gianlw,h iccha bne t hougohftt o b eg enera­ tot wo gegnreoprusa:l tedf roam w hitnoei ssei gna(lw intohr mdails tri­ -dierct( oirpm licaidta)p tsicvhee amneds butiaonnd zmeera)obn yt henE o ifsiel tterras nefr -indir(eroc etx piltia)cd aptsicvheee sm. function Ina ni ndiraedcatp tciovnet rsoyls ttehmeu nknown Gr ( z) Gr*( z.) (2) TheoarnyAd pplicoaftA idoanp tCiovnet rol 3 weighftaicntgto otr h mea trPik(x+l )wh iccahbn e E(Z) obtadi bnyme ultiptlhyreigi nhght a nsdi odfEeq. ( 13) byt hfea tco1rp/ (Buae,r1 977.) vAe ruys uaanld effecptriodvcueer ies cthoo oasc eo nasntwte ight­ U(z) infga ocrto f0 9,5 09,9,hweerbryc eenmte ­ asumreenatrswe e ::i:_pgd_ ::h m :_to_e rteh aonl rd oene.Os ne drabwa cokft hien troduocft itwohenei ghftaicn­g tomra cyo inssitn t hpeh enomoefn" osentm iator Fi.g2 .C omlpetmeo dsetl rucotfut rhepe r ocess winpd".uI ft hper ociesso sp erastaitnigs ofriyalc,t theexc tiatiooftn h per ociesss sam llw,h imceha ns Itf ollowuss izn-gt rfaonrsmaftriooFmni. g t2h at for etxhcpeet ation Yz()= (z+)G (zE)()Z. (3) yM r (51) Byi nser,tE iq.ns g1()a nd(2 )i ntEoq. 3)(a nd ­mul tiplybiyAn (g-z )1w eo btain Thuasc cortdoiE nq.g ( 21)q (+lk)o a=nfdr otmh e mdoifdi (eweighEtqe(.d 1))f3 ollowtsh at -1 -1 A(z)Yz-()B(z)(uz=)G r *( zE)()Z= Vz(') (4) P-k(+l)= p.!:._ - Pk() (1 6) wheVre( zi)sd efdi naegse rnaemlo deerlr or and groewxsop nnetailyl,w hiccahu stehsee s timtaot or -1 -1 -n becoumnes taIbfl e.th haipsp ienns a adna ptive Az( ) +a 1z + ..+.a n z (5) system, mionmsbetinaltyia otrfty h ceol sde-loop -1 -1 -n ssytemma yo cc.uB rutth eexc iattiloena adgsa in B(z) b +b 1z + ..+.b n z (6) toa ni mprdo evsetimaftoliloownbe ydi mprdoc voen­ 0 torl. Eq. ()4d feisn ean AoRdMe.ADl Xpe-emndoinnt gh e secliteoonf G ;(za)l uls umaold eslt ructaurree s Frotmh ibsr ideifs ciuosinst f olwlsot,h afto ar descdrb iybt ehiesqa uti(onnUb euhean1,89 2,1 958.) parcticcoamlp urteearl izoafti idntoeincf aition E.gt.hse e lecotfiG o;(nz= l) letaotd hsle e ast algiohtrmis na daptciovnet sryotsle mtsh ues er squar(SeL)st echniwqhuiewc,ih l lu sdbe feo sri m­ shouhladva e l ot oopfet riaoneapxle riefnocirem ­ pliycb iutwti thout glneoeslrsaiy t iontf h feo l­ provemoercn otmsmp irsose. low.i ng Introdtuhcdeia ntvage ctor DSEING OFS ELF-TCUONTNIORNLGL E(RSCST) T �(k= )[- y(-k1.).- y(.-kn i)u k(-1.).u k(.- ]n,) (7) Thoer igiSnCTa lppro ods eAstmr ai:inWdi etntmark antdh pea amreterv ector (9137)i sb ads oent hseb tyo cha"smtiminucimv ariance" (M-Vc)ornotlrl.Te hdee siogftn h MeV- conltlrre ios T bads oena p rocmeosdsae sls hoiwnnF i.g w2i tthh e -p =[ 1a. .an 1i. 1b • ..b n ] ()8 trafnres functions -1 unrd tehaes msputibo=n0( whiucshu ailslf yu lfil­ led pfyhosri csaylsm0 ts)et hoeu tpsuitg niasol b - � -1z - d - (1 a7) A(z) taniedd icrtelfyr oEmq. ()4a s -1 C(z) -d G (z) z (l7 )b (9) r --_-1- A(z) where Thep arameestteirm aptrioomb nil set of inadne sti­ matioonf£ u sitnhgke n odwant vae ct�o(rks )u ch -n thatth leo 12.s fsu nctioNnm eafsomurer nets cn z (1 7c) n+N 2 1 T Theo bjceitvoef t hMeV c-ontroilstl oem ri nimize I= I £() 2 k=nI'l+ lE (k= )2 £( N£)N()=! M m. (1 )0 thvea riaonftc heoe u tpsuitg nuanlrd tehaess ump­ tiotnh atth ree rfeenvcael wu=e:O bceommeisn imTahels .o lutoifto hnim si nimization I promb claebne o btaidniecrdtey l byi nrsteiEnqg. 2 2 (9)i ntEoq. (1)b0 yc olclitenNgp aiorfsm easure­E{}y= Ee{}� M i.n (1)8 menatnsbd a tch-dwaitpsare os csegi.nI n adaptive SubsuttiitEnqg.s (71,abi)no tE q(. 3f)ol lows sysmtste hrece usrivseo lutoifto hni psr oblheomw,­ ever, pirse rfdee. -1 -d C( -z)l Yz()= � -1Z Uz()+ - ---1-E()Z Az( ) Az( ) Ther ecuressitviem aotfti hoLenS -moidse lg biyve n or thfeo llowienqagut nis:o -1 .E_(+lk) .E_(k+)'.l (+lkE')( + kl) (1 1) -AB-_ (-(!-z) U z( )z+ -)A C- zz((-_ 11-) -Z )dE ()Z. (1 9) T -1 Usitnhgie d entity '.l(+lk) �(k)+l)�[! (+�k (+kl�)(k)+l�)(]k( 1 2) -1 -1 T Cz( ) -1 -dK (z) !'._(+lk) !'._(k-)'.l (+lk�)(+kl�)(k) (31) --_--=!F (z)+ z --_-1- (02) Az( ) A(z) T E'(+lk)y k(+l-)�(+kl)(.E_k.) (1) 4 where -+dl Fotrh aepp liicoaontf t hiess timaatligoohnrma i t F(-1z) + ..+.fd -zl (21a) suitacbhloeio cfe tihnei tviaallu.E_ e(sOa )n �d (O) -1 -+nl musbtem adWehi.l teh ceh oiocf.E_e ( Oi)sn octr ii­t K(z) + ..+.k n -zl (12b) ca,lP O()s houblesd le cetde asa d iagomnaatlr ix witlha rgeelm enet,se .g1.40t o1 50,w hiwcihl l aruen iqpuoel myainlo,sw eo btafirnoE mq. (91) caursaep cihda nogfe.E_ s( ka)tt hbee gin.nD iunrginga tfre sommea nipulation tahrrceeea dlduc scuoeltt ahhtapveita( o lkcsnu)oh e fat nhogdenei lssay lgw oole.nylmT aeehilns t s zdY()z= K z(--)11Y z()F (-z)1� zi- )1 ( z+F)(-z)1dE z (z.) mayla edt oc onverogfep nacrea rmseot.ne t hoet rh e C(z) Cz( ) (22) hanfdo srl wolvya rypirnogc peasrsa meatnefdr osr ApplyiEnqg(. 1)t8 ot hpere ditcivfeo romfE q.( 22) larvgael uoefks t hael gtohrmmia byc eomsel guighs. leatdos Thisc an cbierm cvuentege.d.b yi ntrodau cing H. 4 Unbehauen tor emotvheae b omveen tidoindsevada ntoafg est he calssiScTaCil st oi ntreo,dau sic n .F ig3 etxh­e tendperdeo csosu tpsuitg nal wheyr*e+ (dklkrle prestehnoetp stl ip mraediction onofybt k(+e id) nal fnuyde( n+bdckyletl dkah pa erc uetadtiiscenitrggir .nouoA an(rsly kt c)ha en ­Yh(z=)P z(- )1 Y(+Qz()z)- -zUd1 ( zR)(--z)1 zW z-(d)( 33) mimnuimo fE q.( 23is)o btaifnoerd -1 -1 -l whePre( z),Q (z)a nRd (z)r epressteanbtl e -1 -1 -1 y*+(dkllk= �-l{ �- 1Y()z+ F (z) Bz1( U)( }z= o). Efq.i (l7t2t)earr c a onnsftfulrenaorcwnwl tis. it tohphC sloeaem mtsaeetn lrayul cocttgauoonr u es Cz() Cz(-) (42) bed eriavse d Undtehri cso nditthiceoo nn tlraoowlf t hMeV c-on­ troldlierre cftollwylsa w s uk()= - � �(k�)(k,) (43) -l h Kz( ) ho Uz() (25) inw hitchhee x ten�d aendmd conttahiienn for­ matiaobno tuhtae d ditifoi1'ntaetlrr ansffuenrc - whetrheue n kncoowen fifeincotfst hpeo lyanlosmi F(-z)1a nKdz( -)1a roeb taifnreoEdmq. (2)0a fter tioannstd h ree efrenscieg nwa.l multipliwciatAthz(-i )1oa nn bdy c omrpiancgo effi­ cinetosf e qupaolw eirnzs- .1 ThMeV c-ontrodlilsecrua sbsoecvdae bn e e aisyl ex­ pandteobd e mceoa sefl-tuncionrngotl le(r SCT.) Foerx palmet,h per eocspsa ramectoeurlsde sbtei ­ matoend- laitne ev esraypm lgi inntaelra,vn d can beu setdoc alcutlhapeta er ameotfte hrceso ntrol­ le.rT hiwso ulleda tdoa n pelxicSiTtC -s.cH hoewm­e eve,ir ti sa lspoo ssitboel tsei madtier ectthley controplalrearm estuectrhhs a atni pmlicoirdt i ­ recStT C-schiesmoe b ta.iT nheids iasd vvaenrtya ­ geobuesc atuhsaeeb omveen ticoonmerpdia soofn co­ efificenctasbn e a voi.d ed Sel-ft uning Itnroducing algorithm -1 -1 -1 -1 -m+-ld Fi.g3 .S TC-scuhseimfnelig t erseidg nals F(z) B()z H(z) h0+h z+. .+hm.+ dlz- (62) Se-ltfuncionngt roalsld eersiscb readb ovieng, e ne­ racla bne f ormulbaytt weloda :w s whehr0e b0,i ntEoq. (2,5w )eo btatihnce o ntrol law a)c onotrl law uk() -0� v (k��)v (k,) (27) uk()= -£!k()� (k), (53) usitnhgee s mtait�e oft hceo ntroplalrearm eter wheEr(_ek r)e prestehneetts si mavteecdt oofr vector controplalrearm eatnetdrh sme e asurveemcetnotr b �(kc)o ntains alla biontufhtose ri mgantailosn 0 �v b (28) int hceo ntlrooo.lp 0 thsei gnvaelc tor b)a daptatliaown T �v [y( k.).y k .-(+n l:) (-uk 1.).u ( .-k m+-ld]) (29) p (k= )p (-kl+P) k-(1�) ( )ksc( k) (63) I =--s =-s --s -s and whe�r(ek i)s a r egresvseicotonob rt aifnreodm b b 0. (03) sensseidg nwailtsh tihnce o ntlrooolap n Eds (k) 0> 0> ist hper edicetrir.ooF nro r rtehceu rLsSi­ve esmtaitboort thh evsaer iaabnlde smt ahter ix Thaed aptaltaifwoo ntr h ceo ntroplalrearm eitse rs directly obtthareie nceudr esfsimrtvaoietm i on !'.s.(k)c abne o btaidnierde cftrloEymq . s (1t1o) (41.) schesmiem itloaE rq. s (1t1o)( 4 1) �v(+kl)= �v(k)+ S! _(+klv)k(+l) (3 1) bDeuerintn higmlen at a dhsfteeteh ywree eoatcriostcn raselia dtepomrrfeSrao nTebgt-lsh cesao sn ­ torlleerssp:e cialelfoyfr tmhsaa bndey e n tmoa de usitnhgpe r edicetriroonr solves tatbhilei atnycd o nvergepnrcoeb .lI etm sis T possitbofl iens du ffnitcc ioenditfioosrnt sa bilit� vk(+l)= y k(+l)- �v(k�)(k-dl+)- b0uk(-+dl)(2 3) hovwee,rn ecesasnadr ys ufficieanrtse o c onditions far anvoati lfaobSrlT e.CC onverogfet nhcpeea ra­ wherS!_e(i+lkn) a n!:_d( ka)r ied enatlti ocE q.s (21) and(3 1,)a n�dk( )i sr eplabcy�e (dk .) metveerc tEso mre atnhsa tth pea ramectoenrvse rge tot hvea lutehsaw to ubledo btaiinfte hdae c tual process paraemxeatcebtrelks yn ow.woA nusal ld­ In tdheissio gftn h cea lssiScTa,Clc u rreesntti ­ readdiys cuasbsoetvdhe e arrese e veproasls ibili­ matoefst hpea ramveetcetro rb eheaancv cee pted tietsoi mprcoovnev erwgietnhctiehnp e a rameter ignortihnegui nrc eritea.siT nhtipsr oceidsu re estimaatcicoognr t doiE nq. (3)6.O thtehrre eotical usually adse f"iacnieyenrd-tt equivparliennc"ti. p lperoblaermresle atteodt hreo butsnesosf S T,Ci .e. Thutsh oev eraagllolr himct abne c onsidesriamb­ly thse ituatwihoenrt,eh iaens mseupdr ocmeosdse l plif.iT ehdcea lssiScTadCle scribehda asa bove strucitsui rnec ororre ctpthr eo ccehsasn igtess numboefdr i dsvaagnetase,. gt.hce o ntroplrloe­r operatcioonndail.t T ihotenh seeotricraels uolft s ducreesal tivlealrymg aeg nitouftd heceso ntrol robustanneaslsyo sfSi Ts,Ca vailtaobdl,aae yr e variaub.Fl uer thetrhmiocsro en troilsnl oedtri ­ stinlolst a tfiasct.o ry rectalplypi cabbolteth on on-immiupnmh assyes t,e ms i.eth.ce a sweh eBnz(- )1 hazse roaou tstihdee DSEINGO FM OLDE-REFEARDEANPCTECI OVNE­ unicti r,ca lnetdo s ercvoon tprroolb .l ems TROLL(EMRARC)S There awraey ismnw a hniyc ShT cCaa bne d esigned Asa rleamdeyn tiaobnoetvdhe ke e yp robolneM mR AC- basoendt hMeY -ipcnrip.l evAe rgye nearpaplr oach

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